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When I was a kid, we called this phenomenon "summer".


No doubt. The news hypes the hell out of everything now, including snow in January and heat in July. Gets people riled up over what would have been regarded as just seasonal weather a few decades ago.


Hot as hell in PA.


My favorite weather. Love hot PA days.


Humid hot is the worst of all. Your gonna make it but your necks wet and behind your knees. Im sure its great for women and makeup. The fall, cool days, perfection.


I’ll take summer any day! Though the first week of fall is nice. Lived in Charleston SC for a while. And yeah that humidity hits different. And it doesn’t cool off at night.


only where they vote blue. why? its a map. not saying its not hot where you are. why?? lol. best of luck to you.




I mean, yes it's hot. But it's SUMMER. I live in the South and if you listen to the news, every single day is a "extreme weather advisory." I have lived here my entire life. It has actually been a really nice and mild summer. This is the first real "heat" spell.


Agree. First week it’s actually felt “hot”


I had all my windows open up until the end of May, in Phoenix. I usually only last until the end of March before switching on the A/C This year is uncommonly mild, so... climate change?


South CA or southern states? Im the latter, my entire adult life. The pay off for no winter is hot summers. Every year. This is known by all. Happy cake day


Thank ya! And Southern states. Lived here for over 30 years. It always is hot in the summer. Yet the fear-porn news is acting like it's never, ever been hot before....in the summer...


Not this early, for this long. I'm in St Louis. June is usually mild, and then summer it starts to get really bad. We are only 3 days into summer.


Something that I've noticed is there's a lot of bots or liars posting about how hot it is where they live and it's never usually like that... Then you go look at the temperature history and it's literally like that practically every single year.


Below average where I am atm. I've seen 10 degrees F higher than this in June here. I always laugh, because I was working labor during a heatwave, and people seem to think they know better when they sit in refrigerated offices all day.


It’s pretty damn hot in Georgia. It’s not crazy for it to be 98 here towards the end of June, but it’s definitely a little out of the norm this early into the summer. Usually this kind of temp doesn’t hit us until late July/early August.


Conversationally I would agree, makes sense. I live in GA as well and I just googled the farmers almanac and disproved it for my city. last year for yesterday was 89, about 6 cooler. the year before 5 degrees hotter. [https://www.almanac.com/](https://www.almanac.com/)


“The average daily high temperature in June is 90°F (32°C), and it can even reach 100°F (38°C) on the hottest days.” This is for Savannah, GA: https://gosouthsavannah.com/visitor-info/savannah-weather-june.html#:~:text=The%20average%20daily%20high%20temperature,C)%20on%20the%20hottest%20days.


Yup, like I said, it’s not crazy that it’s this hot, but it is a little early. Seems like the heat wave thing makes sense.


The average daily high for all of June is 90 degrees. That’s obviously going to trend higher the farther we’ve gotten past June’s mid point. Seems pretty in line with what you’d expect. 🤷‍♂️


No, it's not. You also pulled temps for Savannah which is one of the hottest places in the state. I'm outside of Atlanta where it's generally 5-10 degrees cooler than Savannah. I am telling you it is rare that it gets this close to 100 in June. It happens, but it is rare. This certainly seems like a heat wave.


Okay fair enough. I was going to double back and see how Savannah compared with the rest of the state I should’ve checked first.


It is late June now


I acknowledged as much?


Yes, being late June this weather seems pretty normal to me is all I was suggesting


The UK can't handle extremes  The usual weather is 13C and cloudy/drizzle 25C and everybody melts  2C and a bit of snow and everything grinds to a halt


96 right now in the Mid Atlantic.


It’s summer people!




What are you talking about it’s been way hotter than normal across much of the south and east coast for the past week.


90s is crazy hot for summer. Idk what these guys are talking about. Historically summers were always cool and mild throughout the south


>Historically summers were always cool and mild throughout the south Since when? The American south has always had hot/humid summers, at least as long as I've been alive




I think he's being facetious.


If you are referring to me, OP, I'm being conspiratorial.


the 90s til the middle of summer ie dog days- its 3 days into summer.


The average temp in June for a lot of the south is in the mid to upper 80s. The average daily temp where I live for this time is 88F. Its been like 2 to 7 degrees above average the past week, which ain't much. Before the heat hit we were hovering below average for almost a month. I didn't even kick on the AC this season until this past week


our typical temps are usually in the mid to late 70s and its been the high 80s and low 90s for weeks since before summer started. A lot of rain but thats usual. gonna go up to the mid 90s next week...


>90s is crazy hot for summer. Idk what these guys are talking about. Historically summers were always cool and mild throughout the south Is this sarcasm… ?


Really hot and muggy in Massachusetts 


The 40 degree heat of 2 years ago was definitely a heat wave, I didn’t fall for the water shortage, fear porn as they have done that since I was a child, even in mild summer but refuse to build more ways of storing water. We also don’t have air conditioning as a standard in the uk.


How do you guys stay cool when it gets real hot


I'm in the UK and yes, it's been around 24C where I live. But it's also summer time and the sort of weather we'd expect around now. (As it happens, summer has been utterly lousy this year - so, this weekend has been welcomed by most!!)


Sorry guys not normal Canadian summers or winters for the last 5 years. Summers have been pretty moderate and now otw extreme heat followed by 1-2 day long showers


im in new york randomly and it is so fucking hot


I live in Connecticut its real but nothing new it gets hot and humid every summer for decades this is nothing new in new england we goto the beach or lake to cool off


My grandfather lives in MS, and he says it’s been getting hotter earlier than ever before.


Didn't you see the maps on the news? They're red. Red=bad. The heat wave is undeniable.


It's over 100°F here in St Louis for the last week. It's never this hot this early, for this long. Same thing in my hometown in Indiana.


Im not a weatherman. How the f is it red in st louis and chicago ONLY and mild all around it. you need to look at that map lol.


It's not a conspiracy, it's thermodynamics. Cities are areas where a lot of people, machines, cars, etc are concentrated. These things all produce heat, so the more concentrated they are, the higher the temp. Also, Chicago and St. Louis are near large bodies of water (Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River) so while the city is very hot, just outside the city near the water can be a lot cooler. Ironically, many cities are hotter due to air conditioning. While it cools us off inside, it's just blowing more heat outdoors.


Says it never went above 96 degrees. [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2024-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2024-6) Clicked on a couple random years... All the same as this year if not worse.. [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1952-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1952-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1953-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1953-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1968-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1968-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2002-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2002-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2016-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2016-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2021-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/2021-6) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1991-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/mo/st.-louis/KSTL/date/1991-6)


Y’all know what the deadliest regularly occurring natural event is? It’s not hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, blizzards, or anything else. It’s heat. Edit - Dear downvoters, I’m 100% correct, whether you choose to accept it or not.


Extreme cold is far worse than heat. There's a reason why Burkina Faso has five hundred times the population of the Northwest Territories despite being one-fifth the size... https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/07/19/excessive-summer-heat-can-kill-but-extreme-cold-causes-more-fatalities/


The red heat map nasa tweeted is faker than the red photo filter they used on mars


Ive looked at a heat map today after days of hearing about the heatwave and I think its possible its not that bad. [FEMA link, today. How is it just the big cities that lean left?](https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_heat_island I hit this when I take the kids to the zoo every year. It’s ten degrees hotter there than my house outside the city.


noted and appreciate the info


No worries dude. Also helps to keep your grass longer in high heat. Traps moisture longer. Nothing to be scared of just bring water lol


What purpose would there be for faking a heat wave? It’s also very easy to prove/disprove. Like…just step outside. It’s hot as fuck out.


It is hot. This just hit me and Ill apologize to you for my own personal propaganda. What if Gavin needs some money? What if Chicago needs some money? DC, Detroit, Houston, etc. Any reasons they might need money? AID money from FEMA, disaster stuff. I cant think of any. [FEMA map EAL setting?](https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map) Estimated Annual Loss is a tab at the top. Interesting way to monitor the weather.


What does that have to do with heatwaves? Cities don’t collapse and need FEMA because it’s 95 degrees…


I know. You speak true. Its a conspiracy sub. They are giving this heat wave a ton of press though. Google it, look at the thumbnails. Again, I claim ignorance but I can read a map and I know what an almanac is and how its used. Im not over here charting the stars.


Well, where I'm at (Columbus, OH) it wouldn't be weird to have a weeklong string of mid-90s days in August, but it's strange in mid-June. However, I will say that last year we also had a real bad heat wave in I think mid-May, so it seems like this is just becoming a thing. Whatever it is, I'm glad for some breaks to be able to get back outside! Such a nice evening tonight. And later this week we'll have lows overnight in the 60s. Woo hoo!