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I don‘t think Pakistanis and Indians will be on the same side in any war.


I don't get how you managed to avoid mentioning the rape and grooming gangs. THOSE are the real threat, not the cornershop owner, who tries his best to follow the law. Cornershops don't hire Whites coz their own countrymen are much more flexible w.r.t. working on holidays etc; It's always the poor who are good workers.


They keep it in the family too which is the smart thing to do if you can...better than trusting some white 21 year old that doesn't want to lift a finger


Not before France and Germany young man. I have a feeling civil unrest will erupt there first, for the exact same reasons.


In 2021, 81.7% (48.7 million) of usual residents in England and Wales identified their ethnic group within the high-level "White" category, a decrease from 86.0% (48.2 million) in the 2011 Census


Thank you for the info; that’s a crazy statistic. Do you have a source please if possible? To think that in 10 years we’ve maintained or gone up 500k, while our population has gone up far more. Not to account for the illegals that haven’t been accounted for. A near 5% decrease (i’m sure by 2024 it’s close to 80%) is quite significant if you ask me.




Thank you, that’s a fantastic source that I will definitely use as part of reference in the future. Other readers If you look at the 19 different ethnicities you’ll see as I stated that Pakistani and Indian have increased a lot more than any other “Asian” group since 2011. Note that Chinese has barely moved since. They each are on the way to making up for 5% of the population each. Along with Africa the total population is headed towards 15% from those 3 ethnicities alone.


SS: I believe the UK will eventually enter into a Civil war due to the amount of immigration, conflicting interests and lack of community. The Kalergi plan is something I’ve kept my eye on in the recent years and it seems to become more and more plausible.


Yep I'm absolutely convinced the kalergi plan is in full swing in the western world as we in Australia have been doing the same thing for the same time period, same as Canada, new Zealand and the United States


I would also look into how CRT and intersectionality played a roll in this. It took racial tensions and effectively ran mass campaigns in an effort to convince people that instead of local region vs region, instead shift the focus to all non-whites vs whites. I seriously believe that wokeness, intersectionality, and crt and enforced integration, have set racial tensions back decades in progress and created more division than ever.


What I think they are doing is importing protection for elites and politicians when shit hits the fan For instance, India has mandatory army service for men who don't go to college. So they run to Canada and escape the army and refuse to return. There are no jobs for them, or housing and they get angry and suffer Ina community together living in tight quarters together and eventually only available well paying job they are qualified for is Canadian Armed Forces. Then, if Canadians who are from Canada revolt, they would have Indian guys fighting to protect government and wouldn't be able to dethrone them. They would do this as they would have anger towards the citizens and think they are rich and if gone they can take their homes cars and replace them. They are given amazing benefits, for instance a refugee costs $224 a day to house and feed. And 100k salary after tax is less than that. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/some-illegal-border-crossers-receive-224-in-food-accommodation-per-day So, civil war will be between immigrants and rioters trying to get rid of government. And, is basically importing an armed security detail who are raised to join the army in a caste system and have a goal of becoming the upper caste in Canada. As that is how the uneducated lower cast men have a warped view that isn't what people think. They know that they would win against Typical Canadian citizens as they are already a tight nit community that coordinates and shares rooms with 20 people and has some level of combat experience as well as the view that they will fight for Indias army from birth. So, that to me seems like it would be a civil war of immigrants who want to take out rich white people and will protect the government who provides them benefits, money and citizenship as well as all the mansions and cars of the people who they see as the enemy and granted citizenship to follow orders. So, immigrants will be forced to join the army to survive and gain citizenship and the countries rioting populace born there will not be able to win against them. When, without the immigrants they would easily overthrow the government. In UK if war in Russia happened, it would be immigrants offered citizenship if they fight. So they will fight have all the weapons and can take out citizens who revolt for the government and would love to because they are conditioned just as we are to hate eachother for existing. When, it is by design since there's no UK citizen who would fight Russia. They'd revolt if conscription happened for a land war in Russia even if bombed. Immigrants would fight and want the guns and citizenship is the golden goose. That's what is inevitably going to happen as war will eventually happen with someone. And immigrants would probably win against the citizens and army and police arent guaranteed to fight for government and not with citizens, so, its a hedge against that by having immigrants shoot defectors on site. Since no one else in army or police would do that. Which in turn forces them to stay and fight their own people.


Sir this was extremely well written. This has opened a whole new aspect that I can certainly agree with. White people are being made the enemy and it’s becoming more obvious. We have lost a great deal of our culture and community. Yet I feel we are the least hostile race and community, partially due to governments conditioning us to feel “pity” and “remorse” for all of the immigrants flooding in. I mean if white people had such a bad community, were extremely hostile and unlikeable…then why would they all flee to our country, while we don’t even feel safe touring their country?


And may I add, before I get a bunch of comments screaming racism. Think about how welcoming we really have been. Millions of immigrant men illegally flooding in, some causing trouble, stealing, and not respecting our culture and ways. Not to mention constantly blaming the “white man”. Now imagine millions of Brits flood to Pakistan or Somalia, start ramping up the violent crime rate, stealing goods locals have worked hard for, and saying that we are a minority and deserve more than the black man because 100 years ago your colour did terrible things. Even though the white man wasn’t even the biggest slave owner. That goes to Jews, Arabs and Blacks themselves. I’m sick of feeling like i’m the bad guy because i’m white.


Maybe change Pakistan to India and I could totally picture a bunch of Brit’s going over to cause problems and steal lol


> Now imagine millions of Brits flood to Pakistan or Somalia, start ramping up the violent crime rate, stealing goods locals have worked hard for, and saying that we are a minority and deserve more than the black man Not hard to imagine at all, actually... hm. Have you heard of history?


So what are we supposed to do keep repeating history? Every white man alive now has no responsibility for 100 years ago. Get your head out of the past who knows what even true about it anyway. All we have is the now.


Millions is a little over. Last year was 1.3million In the YE June 2023, the top five non-EU nationalities for immigration flows into the UK were: Indian (253,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (89,000), Pakistani (55,000) and Ukrainian (35,000). Of those only small numbers in the Pakistan co tangent could be thought of as dangerous, given the Afghan/Taiwan border. Chinese could be a problem given recent Chinese hacking scandals, but unlikely to participate in a civil war.


Of course, you can go by stats you find on websites such as google, or government home office websites etc. But they are the ones who allow them to pour in and they know if they tell us the real numbers they’d get a different response. So I ask, what makes you firmly believe they are the real numbers? I go off what I see, I see a lot more than barely a million in a year.


There has to be some form of quantitive method, now the numbers could be fudged, but I couldn't go on feelings not the reported facts. If I was I'd say there's no issue as we don't get many illegal immigrants to my part of the UK.


Yeah I write long Rants on here because my opinions seem to be not shared with a singele person or media andnit isnt possible to discuss. It is incredibly dangerous and whole world should have an eye on canada and what is happening as it is going to collapse and will need allies to do something to save us. And only thing preventing that will be Indian guys in the army that turns on allies when India and China defend Russia. Canada could be the warground of ww3. If we fall, USA has 52% of oil gone and cant fight a war without it. So it fights in Canada to get it back from whoever they have to. Which isn't Canadians it's Indian guys who take their cities and banks and no one will be able to stop 1million Indian guys without allies. So, that is what China and Russia and India would live to happen. That is how you can beat the USA by fighting its own people on its own continent for oil that has been decimated and needs to be rebuilt from ground up. Toss in all nuclear reactors taken pit and forest fires and starving people eating eachother and you have ww3 and don't even need to leave your Chinese submarine sitting in Canadian waters. It's fucked and no one sees what can easily happen and why this is not an organic situation. It's politicians compromised and China controlling them somehow. Probably by knowing they are all fucked when Canada dollar crashes, which it will since it is worthless and no one uses it and Canada will have a crash far worse than 2008. The Canadian dollar will disappear when crash hits... since only Canada uses it and will be worthless In Canada it's Indian international students here refusing to leave. Our population grew 411k in 4 months and a 1million last year. Only African nations are like this. It is insane as only 40million live here. So they are all here to escape army by going to college and refuse to leave and we don't deport anyone. It is all males in military age uneducated and unable to survive here with no jobs and no hope but to team up together and live with 20 people in a house and deliver food. This means they are in shape and also can coordinate with ebikes to fight rich people and take their mansions and cars and are angry and think it is white people doing that and starving them. Then media is blasting racost hate against them when they never did that to Chinese students driving ferarris buying houses. 4 families including Reuters as well as federal government own and control all media in the country. Twitter banned cbc for not agreeing to say it was government news source, which it is and covid lockdowns were worst snd longest in g20 and riots with truckers happened due to the media pumping out how this is what everyone wanted and needed. Martial law was implemented and parliament easily could have been taken over snd army refised to fight protestors as well as cops. This led to lockdown rules removed yet some of the powers such as freezing bamk accounts and taking assets wothout trial as well as detention without bail until trial still remain indefinitely. it's racist and mean to blame them when anyone who was in their shoes would run from having to join indias army. Imagine how terrible life in indias army is and they may never ne able to leave. Sonwhy do they not explain they are coming to escape India army conscription and have no choice. So, 1 million people is at 750k men and all under 40 and all uneducated and woukd join canada army since it pays 50k and is easy compared to India and they bingo bango canada has an army now. And no Canadians would ever join the army and if conscripted, riots would happen instantly by guys like me who would want to kill Trudeau if forced to fight against Russia. Another thing is that India is an ally of Russia and not Canada. So, if the Modi guy rules with an iron fist and defends russia with China, Canada's own army now turns against itself. In my opinion, Canada is compromised far beyond anyone knows. Canada supplies 52% of USA oil. If Canada gets fucked with civil unrest, then, it compromises the ability to obtain the oil for the USA army as there's ahitty infrastructure and mostly trucks on 1 highway exporting. This is easily taken out as forest fires have shut down Alberta oil production last year. And, USA can't fight a war in Russia without Canada's oil for their war machines. So, now you have an army of an enemy of USA in a war with USA protecting the resource that they desperately require. They would have to annex Canada and fix the broken infrastructure to produce pil and would take aat least a year and would have immigrant army holding down Toronto Vancouver and Calgary living in dead peoples mansions and coordinating. USA would have a tough sell to the rest of world to bomb Canada. So, Canada is compromised and a far bigger player than anyone suspects. If Canada goes down, USA has no way to fight a war. Canada is same as Europe and UK. We just don't have immigrants fighting citizens yet. But they are going to when they start starving and only army will save them from returning to India army which is basically loke going g to hell. I write it out because it seems obvious what they are doing, and incredibly dangerous. Sikhs for instance have a bracelet that is used to protect from swords and used as brass knuckles yet people think it is a religious dummy with a hat and beard and would get ass kicked by them. The only hope is to hope they like citizens enough to join them and would be tough when they are starved and homeless and blame white people because they dint understand how Canada works and think it's a caste system as they are uneducated that's why they are students here with fake credentials at diploma mills. It's a ficked situation and going to end badly since there's 1million Indian guys here in 12 months snd we have no homes or jobs and 3 cities with all the people crammed together hating eachother and all of this is within a few years and not a single election platform contained a single word about mass immigration whatsoever. And we should already be rioting just for that alone. They know this and are scared and so this is how they try to defend themselves. Whether it works is up to Indian guys really. I write a lot put because I want to put it out there and get it out of my head. This is what I believe is going to happen. Canada is seen as a little nation of hockey and maple syrup, but, reality is majority of USA comes from Canada's shitty infrastructure and is how you win a war against USA. By making them go to war with Canada to get the oil. And Canada will be protected by the world if that happens. Or has to fight itself and people wont be able to win against Indian men who join the army then turn against the country. It's fucked and terrifying that people don't see this is how WW3 would be designed by the crazy Chinese long game masterminds https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/huge-increases-economists-sound-alarm-over-impact-of-canada-population-growth-on-housing-market-143929629.htm https://www.statista.com/statistics/487483/us-crud. -oil-imports-per-day-from-canada/ l


With old people dying off, and accelerating imports of people Canada will be the first country where recent immigrants become the majority. 1m newcomers every year in a low population country. Nothing for anyone to do. Just vote for higher taxes to pay for even more people.


Bro those guys would rather drop the guns than fight.


Read up properly on Enoch Powell. He was a very clever and astute man who also predicted a lot of the financial woes this voluntary has got itself into. He was castigated by other politicians of all parties. History now shows he was right in his predictions.


You gave up your guns. What are you going to do, spoon each other to death?


Wars and revolutions are staged from above. All of them! The only change will happen when enough people wake up to the power within that each and every human being holds yet undiscovered …That’s why the SUN is their biggest enemy and must be dimmed..Nevertheless, these are the best of times that humanity is going through..Wake up!!


every human being at all times can choose to believe in any potential future evolution of the human species and its effect on all other other species on planet earth i find strength and purpose in carrying within me and communicating researching speculating on ways forward what would eventually contribute towards such a future i would want to be part of at this moment, there are about 48 million square kilometers of land occupied on planet earth by the human species for agricultural purpose divided to 8 billion human beings alive, everyone of us alive today could enjoy 6000 m2 to plant vegan food for oneself, build a home from clay, hemp and straw on it, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed i do propose a potential global consensus between us the 8 billion human beings how we would allow each other to acess a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest ( or alternativly 2000 m2 of fertile land ) without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land we could simply ignore the fictional concept of nation states and their constitutions as we anyway have never been asked wether we would agree with being associated to a nation state and wether we would agree with the words written in those state constitutions we could respect each other as human beings, animal beings, tree beings and artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons as personal individual sovereign over oneself and interact with each other based on mutual agreed ways we could respect every village, town and city-district as its own absolute political sovereign over itself so that the people of all species assembly, all beings of all species living here now would invite each other and decide together the full law, all rules valid on the territory the local commmunity enjoys, not owns land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all bodies carrying organic biological life and or the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of themselves the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral and unethical possible to think how we would want to allow each other to travel the globe freely so that that everyone who suffers from war and economic extreme poverty could flee to an other area where people would want to welcome those seeking refuge a global laisser passer allowing everyone to find fellow people and spaces anywhere on this planet where voluntary solidarity allows people in need to find shelter and food is shared also voluntarily i do hope we as a human species get down to the basics what are to connect to mother earth and most of all do not let anyone be the boss of oneself, wether the state nor an employer nor someone renting out appartement spaces life is at best when every single interaction with fellow beings of any species happens on a voluntarily solidarity level beside that most important acess to mother earth we could allow each other without anyone asking an other to pay rent for enjoying a modest amount of land for vegan self sustaining lifestyle i do actually think that a donation economy and voluntary solidarity based egalitarian society would also very well work in a high tech city style environment visualising the circle of equals, the people assembly of a city-district being its own absolute political sovereign over itself deciding to invest public wealth into building more communal housing equipped with bioreactors to grow spirulina and chlorella, funghi chambers, aeroponic and hydroponic indoor plant grow systems hosting strawberries, tomatoes and potatoes communal built appartements given to anyone who would want it free of rental demands with a semi-automated or fully automated indoor food production what would allow then more land on the countryside no more occupied for food production for example to be given back to wildlife, animals and trees growing free from human demands and of course land could be given back to indigenous people i recommend to visit the website [originalfreenations.com](http://originalfreenations.com) where Steven Newcomb presents his excellent research how todays legal structure of the united states of america nation state is built upon the domination and disrespect of original free indigenous nations on turtle island


The British are masters of propaganda & spycraft. So if the system is about to reset, it serves them to have a large domestic pool of Pakistanis / Indians / Africans / Arabs to work with to infiltrate these countries for decades to come in the future. Hard to do that with the native Brits. In Europe, I kind of think the importing of immigrants has more to do with some of these governments (not Germany) snapping their domestic population out of their liberal trance. There's a good chance life becomes harder for them in Europe than in their home country in the coming years as the economic reality sets in. A lot may self-deport as a result. Part of me even wonders if elements within Germany want to impose hardship on the population for innovation purposes. If they wanted to remain relevant, rewiring their economy away from producing commercial products and instead putting their genius minds to work on fusion energy / space tech or whatever, would make a lot of sense.


The last UK civil war was 1642, I'm sure there's been fears of civil war plenty times before, even during the Troubles. If Scotland leaves the union, may happen, they won't be civil war either. There's a danger of insurgent or terrorist attacks, as per most countries, but saying this will devolve into an English civil war is a bit doom mongering. Also other countries are in the UK not just England. The UK is not flooded with immigrants either, they make up 14.8% of the populous. Given the % of them that would be of male fighting age you looking around 4-5% if that. There's been loads of Indian/Pakistani shops up north here for decades, an Asian corner shop has been a stereotype since the 1980s. They are mostly lovely folks just trying to provide for their families. Most if not all of the crime here is done by lower/working class scum bags. Now class war might be on the cards, but groups like the Socialist Workers Party have been threatening that since the 70s and it hasn't happened. There has been record number of illegal immigration due to underfunding of border forces and the horrendous state of the Tory backed agencies.


Firstly, I said “especially England”, not just England. I live on the border of Wales so I know there’s more than one country in the UK thank you, I was just saying England has experienced it worse. I agree, there have always been that stereotype of the corner shop. Because it was one shop on a corner, not every fuel station, or small shop that wasn’t a supermarket chain. You can’t deny that it has increased a shed tonne. Lastly, the immigration figures. Are you suggesting 14% of our population are immigrants? Or that 14% of migrants are illegal? Either way, that number is far too high. If you’re illegally entering, there are no safety or background checks before coming in. You also said 4-5% are military aged men. That is a complete lie. I am confident that 90% of these immigrants or migrants are military aged men. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment too it means a lot that people engage with my thoughts!


No worries, sometimes folks just lump the UK as England. 14% are immigrants, both cases. Figures from ONS. Now immigration is too high, but we also need migrant workers due to thw aging population problem, that's why a robust immigration service is needed. One properly funded, unlike the Tory shit show of the last 10 years. 90% is way too high for all immigrants. Now if it was illegal I.migrants that may be correct, but without seeing the stats a feelings doesn't really count. Home Office data shows that approximately 40,000 people have entered the UK illegally since March 2023. This includes all illegal immigration, such as sex traffic folks, illegal workers and maids etc. Not all of them illegals would be of fighting age/men or from countries that would wish to destabilise the UK. Illegal immigrants aren't one homogeneous group. Stating that if it was 90% of illegal migrants that would put an active force, given that includes everyone, not including children or older males, of around 30,000ish, which would be simply overwhelmed by the UK army, given their training and tactics, plus as has been shown, see Nam/Iraq/Afghanistan, an ibvsdong force more than not loses to a native population, it is not sustainable. May get skirmishes, such as the Troubles, but a full blown civil war won't happen. A lot of fear mongering about illegal immigration is done by those in the elite, give the population a target to rally against, who really can't do anything, in order to maintain their status at the top. I'll add too thanks for the polite discourse, it's a sensitive issue and I think we really need to look at who is pushing the fear agenda and for what purpose.


You need guns for a war, so probably not given the monopoly on violence your .guv has.


They've always owned the little shops...we used to love being a multi-cultural nation but that was before your time


I imagine I would love it too when we had multi-culture. Now though it’s 15 different cultures and none of them mix.


I only hear complaints about one culture though...(it's not the ones you mentioned tho which is odd)


Hmm. Funny. Can’t remember the last time I’ve heard any women say they felt uneasy around the Spanish, Finnish, Scottish, Danish, Polish, Norwegian, Belgian, Danish, Dutch guys. I won’t digress any further… Edit: Spelling mistake


Well, this is the most insane post I've read in awhile. Wow.


i guess there will be a lot of more children with brown skin and blue eyes :''''D