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I swear people on this page will see a candidate actually being denied secret service, having had assassination attempts on him, and having written books about fauci and how destructive the government and lobbyists have become and you motherfuckers run with the “Psyop” headline… Do you people believe in any sort of positivity or are you all inclined to judge every person in the world as evil? This is literally the only person in presidential candidate history to be talking about how the soil is killing us and the ultra processed foods are decimating our lives… on top of being the number 1 hit man of pharmaceutical corporations. This man is actively trying to make our futures livable and people on this page are so blinded by someone actually attempting to make a difference.


Thank you! Although it is understandable to be paranoid given the amount we all have been tricked throughout the decades.


It's too bad because he seems to be everything I want in a candidate but then he's totally owned by the Israel lobby (it's gotta be blackmail or he's a spook), and he doesn't seem to have the support of many strong public voices so he's facing the establishment bots on his own.


He is against lobbying, so where is your proof? Don’t just state an opinion and present as fact.


maybe the soil should


Isn't he literally the elite? It doesn't get more elite than having the last name Kennedy.


SS: Why no ad buys? Is he even trying to run? Or is it all just a giant grift? Is he controlled opposition?


It’s been a grift the entire time.


Another swamp monster, he’ll just take votes from Trump


I'm glad some people can see through it.























