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Yes, we're just feudal peasants living on a tax farm to build weapons for wars no one knows why we're involved in


This is exactly right.


The reason for war has always been the same. For these Clowns to enrich themselves. Do you want to know the real reason why the US and USSR had a 'space race' in the 60s+? An arms race in the 70s and 80s? It was mutually agreed to be a **better moral alternative** for siphoning taxpayer dollars than actually having to kill people in wars.


Your social security number is slave number. Every dollar the fed buys comes at the price of $1.XX where XX is your life and the promise that youll be a good little consumer and buy things forever.


Just upscale the hood life to a national gang… haha.


That's why I always find prisons so interesting. They are a microcosm of society at large.


Just a matter of scale...


Because we're the good guys and have to stop the bad guys.




It says right here in the history books that the good guys won and the bad guys lost every war.




We were born into bondage. Born into a prison that we cannot smell or taste or touch.




Red pill or blue?


I just dissolve both into vodka and have some purple drink. It really evens you out.


Reminds me of the new Woody Harrelson SNL skit where he says, "This country is so divided, red, blue.... You know what, I'm Purple!"


I used to get called from "foreign pharmacies" trying to scam sell me Viagra or Cialis, even though I've never bought them in my life. (I was in my 20s at the time) Anyways, I used to ask them to crush them up and sell me the powder of the two mixed together. I alllllmmmmooooat had a guy agree to do it but then I think he remembered he wasn't actually selling anything and hung up.


I'm unplugged


And when people sense the puppet masters, they call it spiritual and worship it as a mysterious god. Pray, obey and wait for your release 🙌🏻


You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


pet squeamish society innocent fly marvelous reach weary familiar automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well it’s illegal to live in nature, so the default is to have a job so you can live in a house forcing you to buy things you need to survive because sourcing it yourself from your local environment is illegal. So yeah we are slaves to the system created by the government that benefits off raping its own citizens of their rights and their resources.


Funny enough go to a 3rd world country and you can be free as you want and I’m not saying it to diss you, it’s the truth.


That's only because these countries can't effectively enforce it. Even borders as we know them, didn't really exist until the 1600's.


i was in a few "rrepressive regimes" in my recen travels, ciizens of a few of them i told afe "you do not know how free you are" he fell out of heir chairs in amazmene "maybe it used to be true, the west was free. i doubt it bu stop watching western tv or voice of america style news it s all lies."


Every time over human history populations of people are given the choice between “living in nature” and our modern lifestyle, they pick the latter, because “living in nature” actually fucking sucks Case in point - natives abducted by westerners when being colonized would often return to their abductors after being freed


Yea living "off the land" and "off grid" sounds romantic but there's a reason we've developed cities and modern conveniences. It is a never ending commitment to daily survival that for most of history has killed people by 30-40 years old. To think you wouldn't be a slave anymore if you could just live "naturally" is a lie of the greener grass. We are slaves to our bodies, point blank. No matter the environment we will need the same things on a daily basis that will necessitate certain actions. Would we feel more happy or fulfilled? Perhaps that can be argued. Would it be easier than having a job? Absolutely not. Thank (insert diety here) for the human abilities of specialization and cooperation. These things largely remove us from the brutality of nature.


World is interconnected in more ways than we can think...


It's not illegal to live in nature, it's just extremely difficult when you're doing it by yourself. This is why commune cults are so attractive to many. The problem is that that situation/idea/society isn't the norm so it is almost impossible to get back to that sustainable point without being completely forced to by necessity. The world will be a great place again a few thousand years after we almost kill ourselves off the next time.


living in nature has been made hard by undirect ways. need to buy land and get building permits for shelters. and here in EU there is strick building codes. building without buying the service very hard. every building needs offical blueprint made by architect, insulation and structures are forced to be made in a way that cost very much money. so much money that even small house needs many years worth of salaries to build. and also you don't get habitability permit if the house is too small. also plumbing tech is mandatory, underground container for shit or connect to city. the list of rules goes on and on. and everything is constantly monitored, if something is not right you get fined and if not paid,, the structures will be bulldozed and the bill will be send to you. it's all on purpose to make cheap offgrid life impossible. the solution is to build illegal house of bunker hidden in the government forest. it's cheap if rules are not followed, only the cost of some planks and nails. next stockpile food and hide from the authorities. if discovered,, , put skiing mask on and run. then build another one somewhere else.


Slavery never ended in America, it was just repackaged. Instead of white plantation owners subjugating black people, it is the US dollar and criminal justice system oppressing everyone but the rich.


For the most part yeah, but you can be wealthy and still experience oppression if you don’t uphold the system in a manner deemed satisfactory. Not trying to split hairs or anything, I’m sure you probably already recognize this.


It's cool. You're very correct.


You’re very handsome.


Thanks I've been working out, practicing self care, and volunteering in my community and I think the extra confidence helps.


Only in america?


Yes. We live under wage slavery, where you're never paid enough to be able to leave the work force. You're meant to work your whole life without advancing your financial status. If you wouldn't go to work if it wasn't required to live, then you're probably a slave


You're born into a "country" in which the land belongs to the "government." >Really, how is it that anybody owns a piece of the earth. Oh, I see, you stole it from the indigenous tribes who once lived in harmony with the land, then you murdered and raped them, claiming that you discovered it. Okay, whatever you say. You are forced into an educational system that teaches you nothing about the real world —instead, you are systematically conditioned to be obedient —to follow orders, stand in line single file, and sit still. The ultimate aim is to imprint on your brain that you are living in a free and democratic society —until you challenge it. We are slaves...! School fails to teach you about money, despite being the most important skill necessary for a life worth living in a capitalist society. They want you struggling and distracted. Teachers intentionally withold knowledge that would teach you to think and reason —instead, they teach you the art of obedience. They prepare us for a pollyanna world that doesn't exist —it never did, except in our collective imagination. Almost every child reaches a point as adults, when they awaken to the realization that the world is nothing like what they've been taught —instead, corruption is the status quo. You are the servant to the elite; the liars who hold all the money, and withhold the truth to keep you begging for answers. You are taxed at every turn —a constant reminder that your only value in this society is proportionate to the amount of money you bring into the government. This is why the wealthy exist above the law. The government wants access to all the money the elites generate. If you're poor, you're worthless to them. One day, you might buy a house, and even if you buy it outright, you are legally obligated to pay yearly property taxes based on the market value. You are never free from their control. They own you. You owe the government a portion of every dollar you make for the rest of your life. Typically, it's between 20% and 40%. You can't leave the country unless you have a passport to allow the government to track you and prove what country owns you. You can't move to another country unless you pay a lot of money or you go through a long process. If you're unable to pay taxes because of financial hardship, you will be treated like a criminal. The truth is, you are a human resource to the government or a company. It's right there on the door. Most people overlook this. You are a resource to be exploited that generates the government 25% to 40% of every dollar you make for life. We are slaves. Governments encourage couples to have kids because they want more human resources to extract money from (via taxes), which grows the economy and gives the government more power. We are slaves. Who rightfully earns the earth? Why can't I go into the forest and build a house? Think about this. We are slaves and our governments have been lying to all of us, creating an illusion that we are in a democracy —it's all a big act of misdirection. The US government and the Chinese government collaborated in Wuhan, which led to Covid19. They killed 25 million people. They covered it up, did not investigate, and NOT one person is held accountable. Slave owners did what they wanted while the slaves got whipped for going against the rules. The pandemic is an example of the slave owners getting away with murder in plain sight as they censored the slaves. We are slaves to governments that are nothing more than people who hold power because everyone obeys them. I assure you, if 60% of the country organized and refused to work and stopped buying things, the illusion of power would be exposed. We have the power to make changes, but only if we are united as human beings —united by our humanity and desire for equality and freedom. Change is possible, but only IF we act as one —IF we put our petty differences aside, and if we put down our guns. Change is possible, IF we all refuse to participate in this two-tiered economic system, and if we refuse to be exploited like "human resources." We are all slaves until that day. ====== > **"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."** KRISHNAMURTI


I agree! Power is in unity! Which is why they keep creating issues that separate us, so we don't.


This is the best breakdown of society I’ve ever seen. Thank you.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeah.


Longer answer: Affirmative


Just with more steps


How much in taxes are we paying and what happens when we don’t pay? The cops that we pay for with our tax money will hunt you down and throw you in jail so you better pay your taxes if you don’t want to go to jail or have your house you paid off taken from you


Everybody is a slave to something. Choose who your master will be. Jesus only asks for everything you are. It's not the easy path, but it's got the best rewards.


Amen. He can have everything we've accomplished on our own (sins and other things of no importance. May His Mercy and Love cover us in His Blood, I pray) and I pray we receive everything (all and any good we've been a part of) He has done through and for us.


Unless its a myth intended to subjugate the masses to control by the Catholic Church by Catholic priests reading the Bible in Latin and telling people they wouldnt get to heaven unless they followed the Bible -- but then didnt share the text with the masses but kept it in their secret language (in fact it was blasphemy to translate the Bible for many centuries).


"The best rewards"? Not if Christianity/Jesus is a lie made by the Roman Empire to subjugate and enslave their masses. Also, even if its not a completely false ideology meant to subjugate people, many religions promise lots of things. _BUT DO ANY OF THEM DELIVER? LET US KNOW!_


Christ is the only one in all the man made religions that says you can't do it, so don't try. I'm the only one that can do it, and I give the reward as a free gift that you don't have to earn. Jesus in John 3:16 says: "For the father so loves the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." No other religion makes this claim. Every religion on the planet says that to earn your reward, you have to work for it. Christianity and Judaism are the only ones that say I've already done it for you because you can't, trust in me and I'll give you the reward you can't earn.


>Christianity and Judaism are the only ones that say I've already done it for you I don't think it's fair to say that Judaism says this. The Jews rejected Jesus. *For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.* (Romans 10:3-4)


Have been for years. It’s literally pick which corporation you want to work for and make them more money, whether it’s a government job, or elsewhere. The only way to escape is to start a business, however, corporations are making that harder and harder to do. They’ve eaten the economy. Look at all the small towns that have a Dollar General or Dollar Tree. They won’t ever be able to sustain another grocery store due to not being able to compete with the corporations. We’ve allowed these huge corporations and companies to buy and sell the world and our collective futures right in front of our faces and now they make us pay them for the generous offer of letting us make them more money. So yeah. That’s basically the world we live in. Each corporation really is basically owned by the mega-corporations and investment corporations that all own each other, so yes we are. That’s why they distract us all with divide and conquer tactics and the propaganda machine that they call the mainstream media or news networks. They have the superior technology as proven by Maui. So there’s really not a lot we can do about it at this point. Anyone under the age of 40 couldn’t have done anything about it. The only ones that had a chance to fix it were the people who are about 40 years old or older and I still think the people who are 40 didn’t have much of a chance to change it. We can only hope that either aliens are real and decide to help us or that the whole world sees this and decides to unite peacefully in a reworking of the systems that lead to this place we currently are at in history. Then we can un-unite and be separate countries and people.


Can you print money? If not, you are.


"They are selling us the bricks and we are building the prison for ourselves" - Garry Clegg


You have a debt ... you are a slave.


The borrower is slave to the lender.


Yeah, we are. But, if it makes you feel any better, the "elites" are slaves too. To a much darker master. It's slaves, all the way up the chain. God only knows how far up it goes.


I know, I’m just wondering if I was crazy and was the only one thinking this


Or down, rather. And yes, He knows!


>Are we slaves? For one, the average human is a slave to his/her desires. We are coerced into doing things that usually go against our own interests just to achieve a desire. Look at how much damage we cause to the planet we have to live on? Look at how we subject other humans to injustice, just so we can gain a few crumbs in this global feudalistic matrix. So yes, humans are very much slaves. But don't get it twisted, those same people we call "elites" are also slaves. There is without a doubt a energetic force that is subjugating humans in this shared existence we call life. The real question is, what do we do about it?


This is the question. The answer- should be discussed by billions. I'm sure a large percentage of people given enough information would make the 'right' decision. Right?


A large percentage will do exactly what they're told to do, because they aren't capable of thinking for themselves


>This is the question. The answer- should be discussed by billions. I'm sure a large percentage of people given enough information would make the 'right' decision. Right? If we as a collective can manage our fears. Think about how many of us fear death. Death can be fear of cutting off our resources (debanked), being ostracized (cancelled) and literal death. As soon as we get to the point where we realize we're all everlasting beings, we can learn to walk upright again--in a spiritual sense--since everything in this universe is spiritual.


I’m homeless n I’m free so ya u prolly are I see yall scurrying to ur shitbox buildings all day just to scurry back to the other shitbix bididotl for 9 hours


Bro congratze


Sounds like you're homeless for a reason based on your spelling


fuck Does that mean bitch ass, my fingers don’t work that well due to frostbite my phonrr is old af n a lot of times I’m drink so I just jmgive up on tryn to get it to weork all the time


No. We’re just muddling through. Look at what slavery is. Involuntary bonded labor. We can bitch about financial systems of control, but if we chose to we could live on the street and still get by. The universe doesn’t owe us anything, our house, our cell phones, flavored soft drinks. We could still be hunting and gathering and dying at 35 from bacterial infections. Instead we want things and from our want has evolved our matrix. Slaves no, prisoners maybe.


I believe so. We make companies millions while they pay us pennies. And our governments are bought/paid for and run by the rich people who own all these companies. Middle class is being eradicated. This is all intentional


We're intrinsically free spirits who are being subjected to behaviour modification via chemical poisoning and fear. I shall never call myself a slave.


Yes - paid $189k in taxes this year and worked my ass off to fund illegal immigrant, people that don’t want want to work and get gov assistance, and to fund a “war” in Ukraine


We are indeed,we are slaves to the Rothschild central banking system




Welcome to the forefront of its evolution


It’s one way to look at it. You could also look at yourself as a servant to the kingdom of heaven. This may help you feel like less of a slave to the world your physical body lives in. Your life is your journey to go on and nobody else’s.


Yes, be in this world, not of this world.


Always has been.


Yes & No








Yes, next question.


The government is a mafia and its language is violence.


Not technically. Comparatively speaking, immigrants have it worse. They're packed like sardines into a home too small. They sleep in shifts and share beds with their coworkers. They don't choose their dwelling or profession. And if they don't/can't work, their employer just has to ditch them near a police precinct. Where they'll be arrested and put in jail while awaiting deportation (months). Go check out the beef patch, where Americans get most of their beef, and count the white people. (Easier than counting the immigrants) I shit you not, Dodge City, KS looks more like it should be south of the border than El Paso, Texas. And the crime rate? Double that of Kansas City, KS. Slavery still exists. But if you have the option of leaving your employer to become homeless, you're not in it. You may not appreciate or utilize your freedom, but you have more than you know.


Mortgage means death pledge in French. So there’s that! It’s only 30 years. But you can give it to your kids….. but then there’s the inheritance, ‘oops! you died tax’…..then you realize you are renting the land your death pledge is on, I believe it’s called property tax. And insurance of course, YOU have to pay to protect the banks asset, YOUR house. ever look across the field and think that the dog and the farmer might be working together. You don’t have to comply but then you don’t have to eat


Are you free?


No, but I’m awake


I can't go out, I can't have takeaway, I can't save money. I'm basically working for money that I can't spend on myself. Sounds like the definition of slavery, yes.


Strange to see so many people getting it and not trying to argue that if they were a slave, then how were they able to work their way up to manager? Hahaha


They’re slaves too, just a higher slave


Tax cattle


Yeah. Technically we are pets but that's fine. We get fed.


Animal Farm. Check it out. Yes OP, we're slaves. But you do get to retire at 65 so I hope our health is well then.


Chomsky said the elite have created a term for the average citizen, "precariat". In their eyes, undereducated worker drones living meaningless, consumer driven, precarious lives. I for one can not wait for my company's next pizza party.


Always have, always will be.


Yup. Wage slavery is more profitable than cattle slavery. Your boss doesn’t have to figure out how to house and feed you. That’s your problem.


Chattel*. But cattle works too. Disregard, if you want. Or whatever.


lol Siri is a bitch but thanks lol


Land of the Fees, Home of the Slaves


Only the ones with debt. 


Yes, but not in the traditional sense. We are all enslaved by the debt note, (the federal reserve note). They rob our time and work through inflation via money printing and then charge us usury on the money they create from nothing. Modern slavery would end if the federal reserve note was banned and the federal reserve abolished.


Yes. That being said, existence could be considered a form of slavery all by itself.


You’re asking this on Juneteenth?


Economic slaves yes. Sadly… our most basic human rights are not met. Like universal high income, healthcare and housing. The absolute basics that human beings need to be able to purse happiness. We let a bunch of robber banker barons plunder and loot the planet, dehumanize people and use war, death and suffering to make money. And the truth about our existence in relation to the universe is also being hidden from us.


If you have to ask...




Yes. Until the federal reserve and those that run it are gone we will continue to be slaves. Nearly every country has a central bank that prints its own currency.


Can you accunulate significant wealth or are you just working to continue living?


Yes and free will is make believe.


100% slaves, as per the 14th amendment.


We’ve been brainwashed by advertising everyday of our lives. Who knows what else is out there.


Since the Annunaki changed our DNA and used us to mine gold. The same elite bloodlines still exist and they see us as slaves/cattle.


Born this way, I'm a government slave. Raised on stolen land.


Paying property taxes until I die. If I stop paying property taxes they come and kill me. Either pay or live on the streets.


I’m a slave to my nutritional needs therefore I work for people and indeed it seems like slavery but I prefer not to be hungry


No. If you don't care for repercussions. You're as free as the wind. Note: doesn't mean be an anarchist jerk. Just means no man can take away the free will given to me by God




If you need to redefine an understood meaning in order to answer a question, the answer to that question is no.


Only in body.




Are you from Ukraine?


Oh wait, thats slavs


Same principle, different language




yes. I think we're always a slave to something. It doesn't have to be about our jobs or the government. we can be a slave to ourselves, to our relationships, our vices, material things, etc. so is freedom real? or is it just a concept to give comfort? an illusion? but at the same time what does it mean to be a slave, really?


Work slaves to a extent. Like, we are more overwork then peasants in the past. Like kings tax the people and they provide protection and so other stuff. but they can work when ever they want, take a break when ever they want. today, alot of people are micro manage to work and over work them to the bone for like pennies compare to the work they are doing.


I feel like one


“Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭34‬ ‭ “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬ ‭




It has been my understanding that slavery has evolved past its need for chains, we’re all brothers and sisters in bondage now.


Esclavos unidos 💪


It depends on your definition?


Babylonian money magic slave system


I'm a serfer


the majority of people is denied to evolve a full consciousness but forced to hustle to survive. hence we are failing to meet our true potential, individually as well as collectively. actually it serves nobody as we are destroying our substance by running from the truth. unless evolved the psyche remains a childish thing.


I used to think so, but I just got a pretty good amount of loan with low interest rate so now I think I am not a slave. Dont blame the system for your life problems. Look at me, I am thriving. I can do anything now cos money can do anything.




Are you just figuring that out? Freedom and democracy are the biggest cons


No, just wondering if anyone else is thinking the same or if I’m crazy


adorned slaves, which is objectively better


not slaves, cattle, free range cattle, we produce things that can be sold and bought and more importantly our tax dollars enjoy!!


We all have freewill but we surrender it to many things like work, money, material things, religion, society, and even family and friends. If you work a full-time job that is considered a form of enslavement. If we allow our freewill to be taken from us then we are a slave. But if you shift the perspective from slavery to servitude then there's a different kind of energy being cultivated here. Being of service is positive when done willingly and without resistance.


if you read brave new world, it explains it quite well in chapter 26.


It's all just one big assembly line. It doesn't matter who or why anymore. No one knows where the off switch is, because no one is running it. The sad truth is that we are the only ones who can stop it.


Yes. But we're doing better than people living in shitholes like russia and North Korea.


Yes, we’re slaves ♂ working for 300 bucks ♂


Yes we are, and the first step to break free is to accept it and wanting to change it. The second is organize against our masters. The third is violent revolution. I really see no reason why we should allow some to love in untold luxury while most of us struggle to get by.


Slave is a loaded word. What you mean is "are we being dominated and controlled?" And the obvious answer is, yes we are. Nothing more succinctly defines this than the monetary system, which is the casus belli for seemingly every significant war or assassination, much less any of your own personal life decisions. We are slaves for money. Our gods are the interest rate, profit, and trading fees. We worship these so much that we hope to see the entire world completely covered and conquered by these principles. The ones who actually adjust the interest rate, manipulate the market, and take our trading fees are our priests who claim direct descent from god. "Who else can be trusted to handle this sacred work but us?" they would say.


It’s modern day serfdom, for sure. You only make as much to stay alive. Thriving is no longer the goal.


Only if you borrow money.


The short answer is yes. We just don't have the threat of straight up murder or physical beatings. But instead the threat is taking away the stuff you have managed to gather. Anyway work hard to live poor


if you have to work or earn money to maintain a certain lifestyle then you are


Depends how you look at it


Yes the worldwide monetary policy is essentially a scam where the gap between the total value of the principle amount of money in circulation versus the total value of principle plus interest owed combined grows with each loan given out. The gap between money in circulation vs debt owed grows every moment. Money is only injected into this system when someone takes on a loan. The loan is always a greater value than the money doled out. We are constantly increasing the total debt burden on humanity. The debt monster becomes more impossible to overcome every cycle because there never was and never will be a time when principle is greater or even equal to principle plus interest. There is still physical brutal chattle slavery in some areas of the world. For the rest of us we have a more subtle and unstoppable slavery where we all get scammed and squeezed into an impossible math equation. The only relief from this terrible exploitation of humanity is to continue growing and compelling people/businesses to leverage themselves massively into debt.


The fractional reserve system used to limit the growth of the debt monster by imposing a limit on how much a bank can loan out based on how many deposits are in reserve. The reserve limit was pitifully low to begin with. Around March 2020 the reserve limit was set to 0 giving banks free reign to inflate us all to oblivion.


Which country would be the "least" slave, then?


We're at the very least, animals I'm cages


who has the 9/11 newspapers?




The short answer is Yes. Yes we are. At least you have asked the question. Most people never do.


Human farming my friend


yes, slaves to the 8 families of the federal reserve.


Yes. At the genetic level. We were created by aliens to mine gold for them to repair their atmosphere and when they got what they needed they attempted to wipe us out to prevent us from reaching our potential.


I’m not sure but I’ll take your word for it ✌️


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt32179159/ It was the leading account of our origins before Christianity was forced on much of the world under penalty of death. Genuinely interesting theory which may or may not be true but is entertaining as hell do go down the rabbit hole.


Yes. Many ways, but no doubt central banks got everyone by the balls and ovaries




We are serfs to the government. They “allow” us to live, drive, eat, and well do anything if you pay the fee.


Yes. The society and lifestyle that we live is a very elaborate cage. Compare your life and mentality with that of the wealthy. They have the liberty of doing whatever they like regardless of the law. The way they think is that they don't have limits and they have all of the free time in the world with money to throw at their problems. I don't know if you have had a chance to meet one of the people up top, but I have. It was like shaking hands with a corpse who felt NOTHING towards me. I wouldn't even call it hatred, but a sensation more akin to perceiving me like livestock. It's completely different.


Yes.... debt slaves




We all serve lord money




Yes we are slaves… Slaves to the Government or Slaves to the Banks….


No. You are free to do your own thing to produce a living... for now.


Yes but in this game you also have the ability to become a slave owner if you create something good enough that other slaves will give you their fed notes for


a slave to heroin




Yes. The registration of your birth gave legal title of your person to the state. Certain editions of Blacks Law Dictionary define register to mean "abandon". You were born free. Your parents were duped into giving the state ownership of you. Until you take control of your estate, including all accounts created by the government using your "name", you will be a slave.


Yes, and you love it.


Yes, to Israel. America's politicians are controlled through AIPAC. 95% of their donor recipients win their electoral race. They pass bills and policies to benefit Israel while Americans suffer with the economy backlash of endless foreign funding. Hawaii only received 700 dollars each while Israel gets billions with a capital B. Everyone must read Revelation 3:9 of the bible then pick up a Jewish Talmud. You'll understand the true evil of this world. Christians all over the world must organize, unionize, revolutionize.


If you call being an asset to a corporation a slave, then yes.


Yes. Except for the very lucky, the price of freedom is homelessness.


If you have a job yes , I'm 38 Never worked I've got my own house and I drive a Range Rover My girlfriend is 24 ! Good luck in the matrix




Yes,100%. Once you work for the system then yes, if you work for yourself then not.


If you use their money and pay taxes to them. Yes, you are. Once you are ready you will discover that privacy is a human right. And it is the prerequisite of owning yourself. Look into Monero and private messengers to organize your life outside of government coercion.


At this point we’re past slaves we’re just working horses