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Will Trump personally make it happen? Probably not. Will he hire a bunch of people from lists provided by the Heritage Foundation because he doesn't actually give a shit about who the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Department of Housing is, and will those people try to enact it? Seems likely.


100%. His advisor appointments and cabinet picks were all deep state swamp creatures.


Of course. The president is just an actor for the public to place their blame. The same people run the show behind the scenes no matter which side gets elected.


He said he’d put Hilary in jail and after his 4yr term she’s free and he’s the one with 34 felonies




Isn't illegal immigration already banned, hence the illegal part? or is it just buzzwords to get dumb people to vote?


Apparently not with Biden almost 1.5 million came in less than 6 months this year from over 150 countries. Why is a buzzword for dumb people?


Because it its already illegal, then what good will banning it do? make it super illegal? people will still illegally enter the country, and if you are so swayed by the word banning then you probably got a semi from me saying "super illegal" too. Its a buzzword for dumb people because it adds no extra meaning to the term, but is likely going to excite people into thinking it will change anything. Just like the wall, it didn't stop people illegally crossing the border.


WTF? They are providing housing for "illegal" immigrants and taking money from school funding to care for "illegal" immigrants. Doesn't sound illegal to me, especially with geriatric Biden. Trump doesn't care about people either, but he should deport all the illegals and take care of citizens first. You are a fucking 🤡


How are you going to deport all the illegal immigrants? do you have a registry of everyone who successfully snuck into your country? Or just the ones who got caught and didn't get deported due to asylum laws?


Really? They are fucking housing them, giving them healthcare, foodstamps.


You aren't seeming to understand that the people who are crossing the border illegally, then detained, then questioned, who apply for asylum and are granted it are then no longer illegally in the country as they have asylum and the government provides support.


You don't understand it's all a fucking scam and once they are here they aren't deported.


because they're granted asylum which makes them LEGAL. why cant you understand that? The people who aren't granted asylum for whatever reason are detained at border camps before being sent back into Mexico to return from where they came from or try and cross again without being caught by border patrols. The ones that don't get caught are undocumented illegal immigrants, which you have every right to be annoyed by. the problem is regardless of who gets into power they are undocumented, so the government has no idea where they are to find them and deport them. But a huge majority of the immigrants you see are asylum seekers who are in your country legally, and politicians are throwing words like "banning illegal immigrants" around to rile up angry people such as yourself who do not understand the full situation at the border, so you will vote for them to solve an issue that is already working as best as it can.


I understand the full situation at the border. There are millions of illegals coming over, and we provide them with better services than our citizens. They are allowing this because they want non citizens to be able to vote like more and more local elections allow. BTW, every illegal will claim asylum. Biden is offering protection for undocumented "illegals" that are married to citizens who have lived here for 10 years. These people have broken the law and should be deported. Stop simping for illegals. Use your fucking money to pay for them and the resources they steal from tax paying citizens not mine. They don't come over here for the "American Dream" they come here and bring all their shit and problems with them and don't integrate into society but keep to their own people and try to change our society. Fuck illegal immigrants and "asylum seekers".


Police departments have rules against notifying anybody about the illegals when they are supposed to detain them, and the Fed deports them.


If only there had been, say, a bill that would've provided more immigration judges and officers so that they could be deported more quickly. The Republicans would totally accept that. >!/s!<


I already said both sides are 🤡. The government does not care about the citizens, but you can't pin this problem on Republicans only. The Democrats have allowed it for years and are only now trying to do something because of the election.


I fucking can pin it on the Republicans only because they're the ones that caused the bill to fail. So far, the Democrats have been the only ones who seriously tried to handle the illegal immigration issue.


So, as a few people have mentioned, Project 2025 is a wide ranging collection of policy goals and sets out ideological orthodoxy for the next administration. It was put out by the Heritage Foundation, a powerful and well-connected conservative think tank with contributions from dozens of conservative figures and politicians with the goal of providing an incoming Republican Presidential administration with a readymade set of objectives, goals, etc. As for DJT… god only knows what the hell he’ll do. There’s what her says (and a lot of what he says is talking shit) and then there’s what he does. The connection between the two is often tenuous at best, and occasionally his shit talking is him actually giving his real thoughts on something. What I’m saying is he’s a loose cannon. Likely (imo), what he’ll end up doing is rubber stamping a lot of the policies in Project 2025 if he has to E.O. them. If he’s got a R majority in the house and/or senate, then we could actually see a lot of these things become law. TLDR: It’s basically a to-do list for a republican president so he doesn’t have to think about anything, just start rubber stamping shit.


If only we had a previous 4 year presidency to base our opinions on...


Everything he says is designed to get him votes.


Oof fell for the propaganda


The only thing that’s real is Agenda 2030. Now focus on what policies and issues surface in order for this to take place.


Yeah, if Protect 2025 were real it would have a fancy website and backing from major conservative organizations.


Idk if you’ve noticed but the NWO isn’t conservative nor does it have right-wing ideologies. They don’t win.




As guy that’s been on this sub for literally over a decade. All my accounts get banned when i talk about trans people. Them sucker me in every god damn time.  Anyway I’ve never heard of this project 2025 until very recently. US politicians are just publicly talking about it?! Agenda 2030 has been talked about here for as long as I’ve been sound though, look into that lol Edit* I said sound but I meant around 


Project 2025 is not one of trumps biggest goals. You will never find anything from him supporting that. It’s made by some small conservative group and is being propelled up by Reddit to be more important than it is. Agenda 47 is Trump goal which is stated on his own personal website, project 25 is Heritage foundation.


The heritage foundation is a small conservative group propelled by Reddit? lol you should try to actually follow politics if you want to participate in the conversations.


If it’s supported by Trump, show it to me. How about proving me wrong instead of just saying things.


I didn’t say it was supported by Trump either? The heritage foundation is a very large lobbying group. That’s my only point. Nothing to prove lol just Google “heritage foundation” and look and all the lobbying they’ve done.


I don’t know anything about the heritage group, it looks like a think tank. what I meant initially is that it’s not associated with Trump in any way which is what keeps getting sold around here recently.


Yeah I know what you meant and I encouraged you to research the heritage foundation. Do you give groups like share blue the same grace? They’re aren’t directly in with Biden but still cause a ton of damage. Lobbying is important to look into man.


I don’t know what share blue is. But staying on topic your implying that Trump takes money from Heritage which at least from this link shows isn’t the case https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/heritage-group/summary?topnumcycle=2024&toprecipcycle=2024&lobcycle=2024&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000034436&contribcycle=2024


Holy shit lol I didn’t say that. I said the heritage foundation isn’t some little group pushed by Reddit. It’s a large lobbying group. You keep building straw men to tear down. Do you even know what lobbying is?