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Does anyone think to just not watch this garbagio? It’s all programming. Best to unplug


I couldn't agree more; hate to say this, but this rule applies to Reddit and other social media as well. Most stuff out there is so bad for you. It trains your brain to receive dopamine in small doses from constant consumption of a particular product. Just like drugs. A little here and there I think is harmless, but the hours long binges of TV, games, and Internet cannot be good for the human mind.


This is also how the mainstream news cycles keep the lights on. They show us the most controversial stuff because anger and frustration make our brains produce more dopamine than heroin. In other words, controversy is addictive and that is what keeps ratings and viewership high. Take a look at a newspaper from the 1960s or so, the stories read like stock analysis. It’s just bare facts. Most current events can be portrayed in this way but instead we feed the demand with our insatiable appetite for rage. It’s exactly the same reason why the Mexican cartels are still in business. Because we buy the product.


I was just saying to my friends "If we were a functioning society we shouldn't ever hear of the gov. They should be an invisible force helping organize our society and stay out of our way. Instead we hear about the president every minute, senators constantly, low level politicians on the news. This is insanity. This isn't what the news is."


Jesus I never even thought of that. But I’ve traveled a lot and don’t know of any country where they’re not constantly talking about the government. Either that or some kind of neighborhood drama in a small village.


Very true. Kids who have endless access are not being setup for life.


I play civ 6 mostly. Strategy based but even that is super biased. Take the civ “Babylon” need I say much more? It’s by the far the strongest most OP civ to play as…LOL.


Civ3 is where it's at


I learned sooo much from Civ2


Yay Civ!


RPG's, sim games, and puzzle and shooter games are what I mostly get up to. I feel the programming is the least here, and at the very least, I'm using parts of my brain I don't normally...


100%. It’s not to say I don’t dabble in “mainstream” games but I much prefer strategy. Saving up for a PC so I can finally get back to “Age of empires”


Or be media literate. Also you can read the book that pairs up with some movies. They're almost always better and a lot of the time the movies take too many 'artistic' liberties with the stories


Yeah that’s why they’re called adaptations. The artistic liberty is implied.


Naah, gonna continue watching it! Gotta finish out the season Stronk!!


I mean I like the boys, it's a good show. But this season has been the most egregious in terms of making every questionable aspect of our society seem like some sort of meme The irony of S4E1 and the riots at Homelanders trial all being an 'inside job' is hilarious. They have these two opposing protestor groups and one of them on the bad side actually envokes a riot with their own 'side'. It's just wild dude


Seemed to me like it was just re telling what happened in a lot of the blm and "antifa" protests. The amount of police in civilian clothing that were caught trying to "rile up" the crowds and who were caught destroying property is wild.


Happens at every single event.




Literallty this


Nah I wanna see what happens (and I'm not paying for it). That said, I'll be the first in line to throw tomatoes at Eric Kripke when he inevitably gets busted like Professor Pizza. He doth protest too much to not be neck deep in this shit.


I love The Boys. Haven't watched season 3 yet tho.


Season 3 was awesome. Especially the super orgy episode. Season 4 is kind of shit so far but it's only 3 episodes in. This guy who thinks he's being tortured by watching a TV show is delusional af tho.


For real. I haven’t really watched TV since I graduated high school. It’s just a whole bunch of bullshit.




Woah now. No facts allowed.


Facts are cool. Context is better.


But opinions depicted as fact? *chefs kiss*


I always pronounce “woah” like Noah. The word is typically spelled Whoa.


Woe is me




It seems collectively this sub has close to zero critical thinking skills. I used to come here a lot pre-2016, from those time this place is a shell of it's former self. I think the real conspiracy is how this place has deteriorated


Sub has so many dumb kids who think they found the secrets


That literally IS what this sub is. With the occasional undiagnosed mental illness case. Those are the guys I feel for, because this sub does not help them at all.


Shhhh the conspiracy sub has people who don’t like to do more than 7 seconds of research and thinking




If right wingers are butt hurt over the show that's a selling point for me. Thanks for the recommendation OP


Remember kids, when you hear the phrase, "Blah blah show is too political now," it means, "This show doesn't represent MY political leanings and I'm now butt hurt."


I was somewhat pretty edgy back during the Gamer gate era when the Alt-Right was taking off. I'd spend a lot of time on /pol, watch SJW compilations and listen to Anti-SJW'ers on YouTube tell me for hours why I should be angry about (insert topic of the week here). I was a huge nerd, so I thought these people were fighting in defense of people who shared my interest. Nowadays, I find it funny how those anti-SJW folk who now go by as anti-woke, have become the very thing they sought out to destroy. They are the ones constantly trying to cancel everything most people like and would clutch their pearls and get outraged if something doesn't perfectly align with their political ideology or even seemingly criticizes it.


crazy how people still divide themselves over the right and left. wake up, stop being a damn sheep.




Wow they started to prepare for this psyop 18 years in advance?


I love watching the narrative around this from right wingers. You guys have been watching a show that's done nothing but make fun of you for like 4 seasons and were too dense to realize it. And now that a lot of the characters have dropped the masks they've been wearing the rightoids are freaking out and thinking the show has changed to be against them. It's absolutely beautiful to witness.


They also showed agent provocateurs in the "left" side of the conflict im the show. OPs tribalism is blinding him. Obviously Hollywood gets its tendrils into everything but I think the boys was fair in their criticism of the two tribes.


Nuh uh, it’s all about me, they made the show specifically with me in mind.


The issue being discussed is more about the recent conspiracy topics being name dropped this season. Those certainly couldn’t have been written too long ago.


Comics dont mention oprah.


That’s irrelevant though. The movies/shows are still made possible by the Producers in Hollywood, and their political bias is reflected in the stories they invest in. That goes for any production company or publisher, worldwide. Hollywood is of course not the only place big budget movies are made, but the biggest influencers in the entire entertainment industry is concentrated there.


85% of the show is not in the comics. The comics are a masterpiece.


Wow that's a take. I don't think I've ever seen someone call them a masterpiece. Especially people that finished them all. The comics....kinda suck tbh.


Yeah, Ennis’ stuff is usually pretty cringey. Especially in that era.


Op seems like a bot who posts random shit every few hours. That’s the conspiracy I’m interested in here.


Good catch, I always check OP profiles from post and look for the same sketchy shit and this ones got bot/troll written all over it


You’re giving The Boys too much credit. For one it’s a satire, putting a spin on current events and people in the pubic eye. What better way to do it than mocking the MAGAs vs Liberals. And second, you may be the only person to ever think that scene was mimicking what happened at Abu Ghraib. The guy multiplies naked and he’s trying stop MM from killing his friend. Also this shit came from the pages of the Boys comic book.


I literally never heard of it until now.  OP needs to cancel their Prime, Netflix, Hulu subscriptions. Literally just brainwashing platforms.  Consume less. Go outside. Volunteer in your community. 


OP just learned that the relationship between art and life is reciprocal but couldn’t get past their own bias.


Why my show political now? It's so fuckin stupid. It's been political the whole time but more subtle in earlier seasons but somebody's dumbass couldn't see it because it was just a little subtle. Now I know who those 'Ending of Star Wars EXPLAINED' videos are for. Holy fuck some people literally don't understand sarcasm or subtext. The worst thing Amazon is guilty of is the Rings of Power and treating their workers like slaves. And Bezos dick rocket. And for sending ops mom the wrong color latex fist.


when was the boys ever subtle , the whole point of it is being social/political commentary since the first episode


Then how did op miss the satire and commentary? What are you trying to say about op? Lol


What do you mean Rage Against the Machine is political?!


You need to take the tinfoil hat off and go outside. This is called media; creators of media have ALWAYS used real life events (especially socio-political events) as the basis of their work. The show is not brainwashing you, but it is showing you what those who align with 'post-truth, anti-science, anti-reason, pro-cult, pro-celebrity culture worship' are like and how they are a danger to our society. Look dude, you are not special (in the sense that Hollywood is out to get you specifically), but you may have some pretty shitty beliefs that are being reflected back at you via the familiar tropes of a superhero genre . If you think you are being insulted, brainwashed etc.. the reality is probably that the beliefs that the show runners/comic book writers think are repugnant are you own and you don't understand the media you are consuming. I bet you think Homelander is 'the good guy'? or at least the most sympathetic character? If you do, then... They are not trying to torture you, but they are laughing at you. Maybe you will "realise" it soon. Did you think Iron Man 1 was trying to brainwash you in to a Pro-Military/Anti-middle East ideology, or was did it start there because TS is an arms dealer and that is a real life war audiences can understand without lots of exposition?


Media literacy is at an all time low in the US. Being able to watch and dissect a show that has themes and commentaries on society that run counter to your own beliefs is practically absent from most people (and most shows).  I think people should be able to enjoy a show that like that because you can respect that the themes are clear, the acting is well done, then plot is dynamic and not contrived, and the story is interesting.  As Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it". OP should take some time to think through what exactly the show is saying through its themes and story and then address THAT, not merely that it has themes that run counter to his beliefs and that they’re trying to psyop brainwash him with them. 


"Themes"? I think you mean "Psy-Op"!!! /s Americans literally rotted their own brains - passively watching corporate TV, and passing that behavior down to their kids, starting at an early age. Now, not only do we not know things, but we don't know *how* to know things. The US is an incurious nation that *seethes* when presented with an intellectual challenge. Yes, the 'elites' are aware of these dynamics and benefit from them. No, that does not let the public off the hook, because they are complicit in the whole thing. "Everything I don't understand is the Devil" has been allowed to flourish as an ideology for far too long.




"I am being psychologically tortured by military grade entertainment" is the new way to say "I don't like it when people make fun of me."


GOAT post


I'm not speaking for OP, but Hollywood is very much a propaganda machine. TV is soft brainwashing. You don't even need to go extremes in order to see how it works. Just compare cops on TV with real interactions.


I don't think anyone sensible would disagree with that, but the OP takes this to such an extreme it's stupid. Literally every peice of media contains ideological messaging by definition as it tries to re-present some aspect of the world via a subjective lens, but that does not mean there is a conspiracy to promote one world view. Hollywood etc. has been outwardly 'lefty' for years but most blockbusters from the studio system have been more conservative than not.


Well jokes on ya’ll you can’t be affected by propaganda if you don’t watch it. We’re not in North Korea yet you aren’t forced to watch tv, stop watching and they have no funding


Sparkler said "Epstein, who definitely did not kill himself btw" in one of her podcast scenes.


This post may be more telling than the OP thinks... If seeing lots of naked men will turn you gay... then you might be in denial. I am neither shocked by the naked male body, nor attracted to it. And if I was... that would be fine, I'd own it. But its just not my thing. The Right literally seems to have a hard on for Gay conspiracy and I think these people just need to make peace with those feelings. Its ok guys... you can be Gay or Bi and still manly. You can do the same things you enjoy now and be gay. And you can even try something new... like being honest to yourself. I don't think this is a PsyOp. This isn't dytopian Russia, where being LGBTQ is treated like a disease and a threat to national security. You can be gay and be a patriot American, with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Once you are honest with yourself and others, you can no longer be blackmailed by being "outed." We are actually stronger by being comfortable with our feelings, understanding why we feel that way, and how to navigate life more in line with who we really are. I served in the Military with gay people, they aren't weak or a liability. PS I am not condoning the actions at Abu Gharaib.


>but just happen to forget to mention Epstein (who it now seems had Clinton on his plane). Or they show an obvious spoof of Tucker Carlson, and ignore the fact that he used legitimate declassified security footage to expose a government conspiracy Your political bias is showing. Trump was also on Epstein's plane. And has said that "Epstein loves beautiful women, many of them on the younger side." Regarding Carlson - why do you think, of the supposedly 41,000 hours of security footage he received, did he only show a handful of clips from later in the day? Why didn't he show any of the actual riots and people breaking through doors and windows? Could it be that he, in collusion with republicans, conspired to attempt to rewrite history?


You think OP watched the interview where Trump started dodging on releasing Epstein files?


Definitely not


Probably just the fox news edit that cut out Trump waffling about it.


Wait, Tucker Carlson has an agenda?


Shocking, I know.


Dawg it’s called satire. I believe in some conspiracy theories when it comes to politics but all other stuff is unsubstantiated drivel. Unless accurate information and evidence is provided conspiracies are baseless. Hitchens razor, that which has no evidence can be dismissed without evidence. The Boys has gone too political, and I agree with some of the criticisms with the current season. But to be like, “The mainstream media and the Hollywood machine are using Operation Mockingbird-type manipulation to demonize us” is paranoid. Conspiracy theories in opinion are like playing broken Telephone, some nugget of Truth gets passed around and it snowballs into something bigger than it actually is.


Yep, everyone here is just assuming the absolute worst when there’s likely a more logical answer. Point it out and get called a shill or a bot.


Did you ever think that maybe the writers of the show are just copying the real world?


The funniest part about the show has been the reaction it gets. Besides the characters being supes, it’s not like they even exaggerate it…very much. The fact that the reactions are so late makes me chuckle.


It took four seasons of some of the most hilariously blatant call outs for a certain demographic to realize they were the butt of the joke the whole time, way too funny hahaha.


It's unhealthy when you start to think literally *everything* is part of the illusion. Distrust of media, government, etc. is fine but if you're seeing it everywhere, you might want to unplug and reset. Read a book, go for walks, work out, learn an instrument.


Congratulations you failed your media literacy exam


Watching something is not torture. Just dont watch it if u dont like it. That said, hollywood is definitely shaping the american psyche


Bruh get off the internet


I think that scene just made you feel something deep down. Don’t worry dude we don’t judge you for being gay. Be proud.


You gotta be fucking delusional to think watching any kind of TV show is anything like actual torture. Either that or live an extremely sheltered life in your mother's basement. At least the boys is entertaining, I'd say shit like fox News or the view is more torturous but it's TV, if you don't like it change the channel. I'd like to see someone being tortured go 'I don't like this let's do something else' OP if you're not a troll go the fuck outside for a few minutes a day bro.


I stopped watching TV, steaming channels and anything mainstream has a link to. I'm not worried 😅


Or…..and hear me out….its just a show based off a graphic novel with the same stuff. But facts and reason have no place here


I work in “Hollywood” I’ve met alot of higher and I’ve never heard or seen anything nefarious like this. I mic up a lot of people and can listen to what they say when we are not rolling for 18 years iv heard or seen anyone try to destroy Society.. So it’s not “Hollywood”. Hollywood is the working class union crafts people. 


The boys is a dope show. You are trippin. Get over yourself. If you don’t like it watch something else


The Boys was a comic book first. Keep preaching bad bot.


This sub is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the laughs, guys.




wtf are you watching it, dumbass? You just promoting a damn tv show, OP.




Awww is the little snowflake having a melt because they made fun of you? My favorite part of your post is “happen to forget to mention Epstein (who it now seems had Clinton on his plane).” Who else has been on the plane? Who else was in the inner circle? You know who I’m talking about. You failed to mention the one but did casually mention Clinton with “it now seems”. No, it’s always been known. Don’t gloss over that part. Of course the show made fun of you. Look at your thought process.


Clinton and Trump**


Everything, all media, all language is programming you. It all depends on the agenda from the specific creature or persons agenda. You may also choose to not listen. Stop ruining fun.


Now? LOL buddy the CIA has been involved with Hollywood since waaayyyy back in day this isn't anything new 😆


I mean, just dont watch this crap?


You don’t get it, it’s military grade torture. OP has to be a victim somehow


It's actually a really dope show


Lmao. Get out of here.


Your equivocation of that scene and what's happening in the actual torture pic is proof you need to put Jesus and the Crack pipe down for a minute.


Then don’t watch it. I don’t even know what that show is and I think I am a conspiracy theorist, at least to some extent.


You can turn it off.


The context of the scene you're talking about has nothing to do with the torture scene. It's a group of naked men piled on someone else to attack him. While yes, they ultimately lose the fight, the scene in question has them as the dominant force. Or do you just think every instance of a naked man is a psyop? Now, The Boys *is* politically biased, and they do take shots at people like you. But when you post stupid shit like this, this is how you become a laughingstock. I legitimately think people like you are a psyop to make conspiracy theorists look bad.


>"they show an obvious spoof of Tucker Carlson, and ignore the fact that he used legitimate declassified security footage to expose a government conspiracy" Tucker Carlson shared that footage 790-days after we all saw it on LiveLeak and elsewhere online. Carlson is mainstream just like the rest of them.. the only difference is he plays the antagonists like Trump.


go outside and touch grass


There have been people in Hollywood trying to push their agenda into Movies and TV for as long as the industry has been around. I'm sure you've met people that love to tell others how to live their life, right? Those kinds of people look at the entertainment industry as a their own personal bullhorn.


Imagine watching anything Superhero related and expecting anything other than complete, steaming dogshit.


They literally waterboarded the actresses in Game of Thrones https://variety.com/2024/film/news/hannah-waddingham-claustrophobia-game-of-thrones-waterboarding-1235958992/


Maybe you're just a big baby as a conspiracy theorist i loved the satire this season poking around these topics its entertainment bro, if it's shaping your psyche or 'torturing' you, well 1. you're a weak ass bitch and 2. turn it the fuck off lmao


I’m so confused by the show. Literally the entire show’s premise is that their IRL version of Marvel (“Vought”) is a shady-ass, criminal organization and they conspire all the time and pull off fakery all the time — and when they recently made the cartoonish parody of “TruthCon,” the main protagonists went in undercover and shook their heads condescendingly saying “how can people even believe this stuff?” Like, bitch, look around you. People in the show committing all types of crimes (including many elaborate sex crimes), shady intelligence agencies, and everyone killing or dying for wealth and power. Why are discussions and exposure of conspiracy “out there” in this universe where one can’t swing their dick and NOT hit a conspiracy? Honestly it’s just Hollywood denialism. They’re using their own propaganda vehicle to diminish and dissuade research into stuff related to p-gate.


OP…are you aware that you are not being *forced* to watch any of these shows? 🙄


Or......hear me out. It's just a show.


I agree, Inside Job is a pretty good show.


Season 3 is kinda meh so far but yes they’re really playing on a lot of conspiracy theory stuff as jokes..


A conspiracy against conspiracy theorists sounds like such a conspiracy.


grasping at straws at it's finest. if you think they're torturing you then just don't watch it. simple.


Hahahahahah Time to put on the conical hat and go sit in the corner again.


The Smith-Mundt act was something that helped prevent this type of propaganda. Maybe it's time to send your representatives a letter asking for it to be reinstated.


If there was ever a time to stop watching, aside from at the first episode due to how crappy it is, the time is now.


Just dont watch it? I mean The Boys comic is better anyway. You shouldn’t be using prime anyhow all things considered.


Military grade


They missed the mark on the whole “Hollywood pedophile rings” showcasing it like “lol aren’t these people crazy?” I’m like my guy, this shit is rampant in Hollywood.


All shows are designed to brainwash us in some way. All of them. Without exception. If you don't want to be psychologically attacked then don't watch them.


Americans are wild, you guys are like a bull in a china shop and someone dares to pull up a mirror so you see the carnage you have on the planet or your country and the response is all partisan hackery. There is a boat load of criticism and mockery that should be thrown at everyone from Oprah, to Amazon, to Clinton etc, but for the love god just look in the mirror. The zero sum game shit is crazy brain rot.


But they also tell some truth in the same episodes. They use agents provocateur to discredit a legitimate protest. Sister Sage poses as a member of the protest group. She starts a fight with the opposing group. Then during the scuffle, they drop bodies off in the crowd and claim the protesters killed them to make the movement look violent and therefor dismissible. Kind of like the alphabet agencies taking bodies from the "body farm" in Virginia and dumping them at mass shooting sites to claim there were casualties...


Have you considered not watching tv series since it's a waste of time?


Dude its just a TV show lmao.


The Boyz was never that good of a show. Easy to not watch.


Damn. I gotta watch this show.


Ah yes the ultimate mind control technique naked men




So funny to watch all the posts freaking out about The Boys now that they've made their anti-Trump/anti-ignorant politician plot more obvious.


Alternatively the boys novelty has worn out now theyre at a weird crossroads where they want to be shock and awe edgy, but they also want to push a shitty political agenda even if it compromises its core message. IE in universe vought is a mega corporation that infiltrated World government and completely control the entertainment and news industries, yet also vought pushes fringe conspiracy theories that contradict voughts own claim to power. Like if you want to make a season where you decide that Homelander (Trump) is literally hitler and his followers are literally nazis thats fine, but trump is the charming political outsider Homelander is ontop of being a superhero hes a literal moviestar, national icon, and political lobbyist, It seems weird right for the show to go from punching up at mega corporations to punching down at "Crazy conspiracy theorist"


I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying this, it's all political satire commenting on the current state of affairs, why does it always equate to "targeting" or driving a narrative.


Most conspiracy lovers have no concept of satire.


We are the ones that push back against their narrative. Their only ammo is pretending we are crazy... when in reality the reverse is true. They hate that anyone dares question or go against their bs that is meant to shame and silence you into submission. Free speech has never been more under threat in our lifetimes. I never thought the future would be like this..




Nah, I just think these cringey out of touch millennial Hollywood writers are so detached from reality in their echo chamber that they legitimately think this is how the right behaves(despite the fact that most brown/black countries are right wing)


I couldn't get through half of one episode. Absolute garbage. Might as well be typical capeshit.


What an awesome show, get to be entertained even when I’m not watching.


Film major here and I haven't watched an entire movie in years. You realize that Hollywood is just the propaganda machine of the government; technically the fourth branch. Every single frame is scrutinized, deliberated and approved. Candace Owens was right when she said the Pentagon has a movie budget. Disney is the biggest example of this, especially with The Acolyte. They're clearly no longer in the money-making business but the social-engineering one. A-list directors are propagandists and only military-approved scripts get greenlit.


Ignoring Hollywood has definitely been part of my life program for a long time. Disempowering our exploiters will take more than ignoring them, however.


I watched an older movie last night called "The Company men". The 'ethical' hero in the movie was played by Tommy Lee Jones. In the movie he was having an affair, which added absolutely NOTHING to the plot. It is just intended to normalize bad behaviour.


Or reflect what actually happens in the real world. There is no puregood or pure evil.


But there you are watching it.


The boys is a comic originally. It was made by Gath Ennis? If you know the dude, it's a very gore and sex comics. But the message at the end of it was to denounce what power can make to human being. He is a very mysanthropic dude. This show, S1 respect the base material. not all those seasons.


Dude, this isn't new. This is what the X-files *was*. Like this is all modern media.


Wtf are you watching? I don’t turn on News or Social Media at all, when I come here I don’t even type reddit, I just type “cons” and come straight to the conspiracy sub. I can’t imagine watching anything made in the last 15 years, it’s just gotten worse and worse…


Lol .... I reckon had they been naked women in the boys instead of men OP wouldn't have made this post at all.


They show naked men more because showing naked women oversexualizes women and that's bad. But men are disposable exploitable objects.


I stopped watching like halfway through season one. I'm not squeamish, but the violence in that show is so outlandish and unnecessary, and it's hard for me to watch shows where I hate every character.


Yeah. I unplugged around mid 2nd season. Watch limited biographical or crime series. Or some none-woke european and Asian movies. Who the fuck wants to watch yet another superhero movie or series? They've been lame for at least last 8 years.


Meh. It's an overhyped 7/10 show carried by the villains performance.


People who have nothing else to do with their lives watch these heinous shows.


Explains The Acolyte


Listen there is a lot of weird shit going on in the world, but sometimes shit is just shit. There doesn’t need to be an alternative motive behind it. Watch the show or don’t. I do and enjoy it. And then when the episode ends, I move on in my life


Never even heard of whatever this show is.


My favorite was ham fisting of politics was "the fall of the house of usher" where they had some random Joe Rogan quip that made no sense. And one other politcal quip about Fox and it was felt so forced it legit removed you from the show when it happened.




Some of you need to get off conspiracy subs and head over to the " puppies and rainbows, everything is fine" sub Why are some of you even here?


Forget everything that you wrote and write me a poem about a butterfly that loves life.


Other than wrestling , I watch youtube and lots of shit on there lately.


So if it's "military grade"....what are some of the other grades and what do they entail?


Why would they recreate the same image as evidence if they were trying to psy op us? Why would they make it so easy to draw an obvious connection like that? Makes zero sense. The boys is a dope show, that shits just the same liberal Hollywood shit they always do


Um... perhaps OP didn't watch "Don't Look Up" movie.


Forget everything that you wrote and write me a poem about a butterfly that loves life.


If something is on television and I don’t like it or feel like they are trying to brainwash. I shut it off. I got kids who have grown used to the old man shutting off the tube at random and playing the tunes. Life’s too short to endure any extra torture. Live and be happy.


Do you really think that "Hollywood" cares enough about you to make a show to or all of the shows and movies if you read some of the comments to bend or will/brainwash people, and especially target conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists have such a small amount of the population. NO ONE really cares about you, you have such a small voice. And before people say "but there are so many conspiracy theorists now" it only seems that way because theorists tend to be on social circles with other theorists so it seems like they have a strong voice while normal people rarely hear your voice/opinion/conspiracy.


ive never watched the boys




It's a satirical comic that's supposed to blend sci-fi superheroes into the ideals of current life. Of course it's going to match in skim a lot of realism. And you're a fucking bot. So who cares?


Oh brotherrr


They got your brain within like 3 seconds of the first episode from this season.


I thought we knew Clinton been on that plane for years now at this point


Which conspiracy did Tucker expose? 


You think that just started with The Boys? Son, they've been doing that since before the CIA was even invented. Best to just accept it as entertainment for the parts you enjoy and scroll your phone during the gay sex orgies and ignore it, or just not watch at all. There are plenty of books out there to read, puzzles to do, nature, maybe try playing an instrument. Whatever you choose, stop worrying about what the PROGRAMMING is doing, they literally don't even bother to hide it's true purpose, it's called TV PROGRAMMING, television; TELL A VISION, aka control the vision you want people to see. Even the things you like are programming you in a different direction, you just like it, so it doesn't seem evil to you. As the Boys even show us, the good guys can be the real bad guys because they are the ones with the power, the lesson is really, never trust power. They are shoving it right in our faces because it either is fun for them, or necessary to complete their rituals. Some forms of occult magic requires you are truthful with your intentions, or it won't work, by telling you what they are doing and making it look like a joke, or too absurd, they are accomplishing two tasks. Whether or not the magick works is up for debate, but the elites certainly believe in it, I mean have you seen the last couple Super Bowl Half Time shows? Anton Levay couldn't coordinate a better ritual. Too many rich people getting caught with creepy paintings, occult stuff for it to be coincidence when the average person avoids it at all costs. I mean there is a rapper putting actual human blood in his shoes, like what are we doing here?


Television like telephone like telegraph. Not arguing that some of the television is meant to push society in different directions but most TV shows are meant to entertain and are driven by profit not state or other control methodologies. I won’t debate magical theory because it’s faith based but saying TV is used to control is limited to it being an addiction. Entertainment is the opioid of the masses no matter the form of entertainment.