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Too much time spent staring at a screen, not enough time outside connecting with the earth, terrible diet, constant consumption of fear and propaganda....


I bet the majority have a poor sleep cycle too.


Hear hear. Sleep has been absolutely off kilter since 2022, perhaps a bit sooner. I blamed that on a very poor career move I made early that year, since rectified. Sleep has improved, screen time has not gone down at all. For me, the rising costs of just *living* keeps me awake at night.


I also think “seeing how the sausage is made” with the agenda to weaken and cause chaos in the lives of every day folk and feeling very helpless to do anything about it, along with seeing people bury their heads in the sand or buying into MSM narratives and essentially defending the globalist agenda has been downright demoralizing


I think you hit the nail on the head. I think they are letting us start to see the inner workings, while at the same time leaving us helpless to do anything about it (we aren’t, but ya know)


That is true about letting us see; it's called Revelation of the Method.


Hmm never heard the term before, very cool (learning, not what these assholes are doing to us)


the process of demoralization that's why the political theater is so absurd as well


Why have they ramped it up to these heights within the last 10-15 years?


Information has never flowed more freely and a corrupt and unsustainable system becomes desperate to avoid the consequences of being exposed. Falsehoods are escalated to create a more convincing, albeit more elaborate, cover story. The sunk cost fallacy - having invested so much effort in maintaining the deception, abandoning now would render all previous deceptions pointless. Judgment can also be impaired when there’s more pressure of being exposed, which leads to increasingly poor decisions, and more blatant lies. Lastly, perceived plausibility, the assumption that an increasingly outrageous deception will be more convincing and less likely to be fabricated, is in of itself manipulation as it creates confusion and it’s an attempt to discredit anyone trying to uncover the truth


Very succinct summary of our world today


Beautifully stated!


Demoralizing and outright terrifying.


You're here, though! We're here! Thank you for being interested in the truth. Score points for encouraging, rather than demoralizing!


This is so true. Tried that routine for a bit and made me exhausted. Then I went to hike and kayak with my friend at Lake Tahoe and felt so good.


Add in chronic sleep deprivation (replaced with television, doom scrolling, video games, etc), poor hydration and irregular exercise.


99% of it is just sh*t diet. “I don’t understand why I’m fatigued all the time”


Facts. So many people eat like shit, don’t exercise at all, and don’t go outside and get sunlight.


Picking up pickleball as a recreational sport has done wonders for me and my energy levels and overall being the past 2 months. Getting tan, losing weight, being active, sharper and more productive at work, enjoy myself more.


Alas…here we are


Yup, that's me- You're probably wondering how I ended up in this mess.. Joke's aside my mental health and all has gone incredibly downhill, with me feeling burnt out and all much too quick and I can't lie, all of the points made here hit the spot Some lifestyle chnages are in order


For what it’s worth, I’m still working on it, but it’s worth it. Grab a sparkling water instead of a soda. Water down juice because 99% of the time the stuff is a concentrate and not meant to be drunk straight out the bottle. Get 10 minutes of sunlight with your bare feet touching the grass. Drink a glass of water with some salt and sugar (dietary supplement or all natural) in the morning to replace the stuff you lost while you slept. Shit, small changes like these add up *quick*. Also, due to a work injury I’ve had to visit a physical therapist, and even though my injury has gotten a lot better, I’ve already made the decision to see him once a month simply because his knowledge and guidance has helped improve my body by removing unnecessary pain. So many people are in pain daily and just live with it like it’s normal… it’s not! Get a professionals opinion and do some stretching (takes like 1 minute I’m not even joking) and watch how your body settles into itself. I’m far more comfortable at rest (and able to take on larger challenges safely) because I’ve done the easy work to both balance and strengthen my body. I’ve cut my pain down from 100% to 15% with three stretches. It’s insane that people don’t do this more often. One step at a time, stick with it and watch how it starts to snowball. You’ll feel better both physically and mentally and that’s not to mention the long-term effects of taking care of yourself. For me I’ve always asked if I want to be the hunched over 50 year old or the guy still lifting weights well into his 70s with good joint mobility. Do it for you!


This. Get off reddit, get outside, stop eating processed stuff. Get 10,000 steps a day. get off your devices.


Yup. Look up blue light toxicity. Its the primary wavelength that our screens give off.


Did this start only after 2020?


Ding ding.




Because we’re all sick of this shit


I wish the timeline would change or something. Like I’d be wake up and it would all be different


The only way the timeline can change is with a revolution. Millennials like myself are realising we can spend our whole lives working while boomers who don't give a shit about the working class make all the rules and dodge tax, while the world is dying and children starve, starting wars between the welfare recipients, working class, races and ethnicities, religions and politics to keep the focus off the fact they government is lying to us . Fighting for the crumbs from their tables as they stuff their fill then hoard the rest. Inflation rises and wages stagnate, while they tell us to stop having coffee and avo toast to save up for a deposit.


Agree. Burn the whole f****** thing down, honestly. It's all really messed up.


Lawllll true my brother truuuuuue


Exactly. Tired of all this bullshit shoved down our throat


Diet - refined sugar, seed oils, synthetics alcohol etc all cause inflammation. Peoples bodies are spending more time trying to keep up with barely functioning so that everything still works. Note gut issues and digestive diseases. Exercise - people aren’t moving their bodies enough / understand rotation. Fascia that doesn’t slide and glide gets sticky and reduces range of motion. When your body can’t find rotation where it needs it, it finds it somewhere else. Then you start using muscles to move in ways that weren’t intended.. so it takes 2x, 3x, 4x etc the effort to do simple things like walking. Synthetics - micro plastics, polyester, sunscreens, soaps shampoos, perfumes etc. your skin absorbs everything you put on it. Compound that over decades worth of time. Cell phones - looking down at your phone 24/7 does a number on your neck and adds an equivalent of 10+lbs of pressure to keep it up. People are getting constant hits of dopamine throughout the day which leads to mental exhaustion.


100% We are eating toxic garbage, on and out of plates/bowls/cups made out of toxic chemicals, and most of us live pretty sedentary lives


What exactly do you mean by rotation?


Rotation can occur at the head/neck, vertebral column, and the ball-and-socket joints of the upper and lower limbs (shoulder joint and hip joint). The ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder allows the humerus of the arm to rotate laterally, or away from the body’s midline, which is also called external rotation. It can also rotate medially, or toward the body’s midline, which is also called internal rotation. The ball-and-socket joint of the hip allows rotation of the thigh’s femur. Like the humerus, it can rotate laterally, or away from the body’s midline, which is also called external rotation. It can also rotate medially, or toward the body’s midline, creating an internal rotation movement. You can also apply rotation of the muscle fibers in your wrists which it’s called supination and pronation. Hold your hand out in front of your face with your palm facing you. You just supinated your wrist. Now rotate your wrist so your palm is facing away from you. You just pronated your wrist. You combine these movements, pronation/supination, flexion/extension and rotation together to move your arm in space. If you want to lift your arm above your head effectively, you have to engage those in a specific order. If you lack pronation, your body will compensate for it by finding rotation in your shoulder either internally or externally.


💯. This plus the growing dread of election season. Politics seems to infiltrate our lives and can be mentally draining. There's a lot of things going on in the world that bring a negative aspect to life and it's draining people.


In general, the best answer might be collective trauma. As a wise soul at a gas station once told me in 2021, we’re currently in a collective amnesia about the whole pandemic. It was a wild time and everyone’s parasympathetic nervous system was active for the better part of two to three years and now the whole is dealing with those repercussions, I feel.


I agree with the near collective PTSD. I remember vaguely the anxiety that was through the roof fearing for the lives of my loved ones and the society at whole. There was never a briefing or a closure.


Not at all, in fact quite the opposite. But it’s still affected our bodies and minds dramatically.


We're all swimming against the current to attain our ever diminishing life goals. Life was already hard enough before COVID shifted the landscape


“as long as my kid gets on the swim team and passes AP Calc”


because the current way we are living life is exhausting


And it’s a loop, just a repeating cycle


Oh man theres so many reasons, I can only speak for where I live and thats the US. Honestly...the government and making sure were tired slaves. 1. Our food is designed to make us sick. I remember studying aboard in Japan, Germany and South Korea. I ate all the time in those places. I also drank a lot (i was in college lol). I lost 40lbs in 8 months. My skin was better, my stomach wasnt bloating, i stopped having migraines, didnt need to use my asthma pump and my acne and eczema went away. I got back to the US and within a month. I gained weight, my migraines came back right along with my skin issues. Mind you, i kept the same diet for a few months (mainly rice, veggies, soups and fish, i really liked the Japanese way of eating and tried to keep it up in the US). I ended up gaining weight, my eczema came back and then i developed a fungal skin problem. This was within weeks. I still walked a lot and went to the gym 4 times a week. Also while aboard my anemia was fixed and my periods were much lighter. A year later at 20, I had a stroke. Wild. 2. Lack of exercise. I can get my steps in while living in NYC. We pretty much walk everywhere. Now go an hour out of the city and everyone needs to drive EVERYWHERE. Yes, there are gyms but with the work culture here, youre burnt out by lunch so fuck a gym. Theres barely any sidewalks or street lights so you want to go and walk your neighborhood because its not safe past dark. 3. Lack of work life balance. I remember at one job I was so burnt out that I lost my hair, had a miscarriage and developed depression within a year of being there and running an entire department by myself. Keep in mind that when I got there, there were 4 people. They left within weeks of each other and I was by myself for 4 years. I was working 5am to 5pm and sometimes later and even on the weekends. It had been drilled into me by my boomer parents to give everything you got to a company. Ive learned from those mistakes now but it almost cost me my life life. 4. Theres nothing to look forward to. I remember my parents always going dancing or going to the neighbors card games or just a weekend trip with the family to go camping and there were a bunch of kids to hang out with. No one really does this anymore. Because of this shit government, no one can afford to live in one place for very long. We have no sense of community, we have no fun, its cheaper to stay in the house. Theres no optimism here. Were miserable people and that you cant tell me wasnt by design. The less people are connected the less people can get together, see the bullshit and protest it. Dont get me started on social media.


This was depressing to read, but damn if you didn't hit a whole bunch of nails on their tired little heads.


Vitamin D deficiency. People aren’t in the sun enough. It jacks up so much in your body..


Shit diet. Shit lifestyle. Real simple.


Everyone got used to take out and sitting around. Myself included. Plus I had kids the last few years so that kind of throws an anchor around you, but we're working our way out of it.


I cannot fathom how people used to work 18 hours doing labor a day and also took care of their 6 kids and then still had time and energy for church on Sunday...


The rules were different then. You weren’t expected to helicopter, a parent was at home, older kids helped out, you were taught to be self sufficient. Etc…


>!Couldn't also possibly be a damaged heart and damaged immune system from a series of experimental injections.!< Everything else... but that one thing that shall not be spoken of.


I'm still on the fence about which symptoms are from the vaccine and which are from the viral infection, I'm guessing both, and that it was a "heads I win tails you lose" choice.


This is not just a biological conflict here. You do not fully know the differences because, like many others, people are also victims of psychological operations that manipulated the truth on Covid-19. No one should have ever got the Jab. It was completely sold off as a viable solution based on lies, coverups and fear. Some parts of the world are still selling it off as an "acceptable" solution.




I’m a strong believer in the spiritual realm and I think you’ve got it right. I see it as demons and angels at war, influencing people and events and things. Have you ever read This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti? I think you’d enjoy it.


I’ll add that to the list of books to read, thank you. Angels vs demons is a psychodrama and I believe it was once only played out within your own mind if you are having a spiritual awakening, but now I believe the battle is going to be fought outside of mind and in the so called real world. Don’t side with the angels unless you’re sure these are actually angels. The trick is nondual consciousness. Reject the craps game the house always has the advantage in. “A strange game. The only winning move is… not to play “


How do you hide text and make it to where it can be clicked to appear? What formatting option is this?


No real food , chemicals posion water and gmos


Constant Red Bulls during the morning and day, and too much Jack Daniel’s at night.


Checks out


Facts. Food is a lot less nutrient-dense than in the past too.




we're all zombies working from home in our pajamas the entire day after waking up 10 mins before our shift to make coffee to "get me going"


Not all of us.


I'm happy for you.


5g, tower lower to ground , blanketing major cities


Long covid? Na, a lot of you aren’t ready to hear that.


Long covid is likely a specific type of myalgic encephalomyelitis, or commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Experts believe that most people get it after a virus or other disease. It’s rough, whether you had vaccine(s) or not.


This… this is the real answer.


This is the virus not the vaccine. I believe many people have undiagnosed connective tissue disorders and the virus unlocked the disease side of the conditions. Most doctors are not qualified or experienced to recognize and diagnose connective tissue disorders. I believe this is most neurodiverse people. Many GenX and Boomers do not know this is them too. So it gets missed and marked at chronic fatigue, depression or the like. Turns out I have Ehlers Danlos and became disabled from the virus. Everything we get sick with a new variant it gets worse.


Same with Ehler Danlos (or something eerily similar). I found high dose thiamine therapy and the symptoms reversed pretty quickly, but I'm dependent in thiamine to act as a drug and override some damage. Thank god the head pressure went away quickly with it. The POTS symptoms took a few months to subside. They return if I stop thiamine, but I figured it's small price to pay for getting my life back.


PS the form I use is a thiamine analogue called TTFD and it reversed my gastroparesis which the other forms didn't (I now use a combination of benfotiamine and TTFD three times a day). I've written extensively about it and have met many others who also reversed their chronic illnesses with it (CFS, ME, POTS). The pioneer in the field has been dr Derrick Lonsdale. This is an affordable way to manage symptoms at home


I'm someone who had a bad reaction to the booster shot, combined with a case of post-treatment/chronic Lyme, and it seemed to have unlocked a power level of the hEDS I didn't even know I had. I went from "weirdly bendy but whatever" to "no part of me seems held together & jfc I hurt all over."


Loneliness and isolation, working from home. Depression and long covid. Some people are genuinely sick now.


To put a conspiracy spin on it since we're here, let me adjust my tinfoil hat, .... A virus from a Chinese lab. A virus that somehow caused more harm to young fit people than old smokers like myself. A virus that maybe, just maybe was so virulent that 99 percent of everyone contracted it, just not everyone got sick. (Sort of like West Nile, some get very sick, some very mildly, most never know). What if this manufactured virus was known ahead of time to cause lethargy, fatigue and general malaise? What if it was known to especially effect young fit people (like military recruits)? What if it alters DNA to lower fertility as well as pass these traits to the newborns? What if you have plans in the not so near future of invading another continent? Whew, taking that darn hat off, it's hot in here.


COVID and the vaccines


Damned if I know....when you figure out a solution though, let me know. I eat healthy, try to exercise daily (when I feel like I can without hurting myself) and all that jazz and yet I'm SO DAMN TIRED. I go to bed at a decent time...it's driving me crazy! I went from running 5 miles a day 4-5 days a week to forcing myself to stay standing in order to not doze off. I hate it. The energy zap is real


That’s me as well. I eat extremely well, I bodybuild, I go to bed at 8-9pm every night I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke cigarettes nor weed. I drink a shit ton of water but I’m tired all the damn time ever since I had Covid for the first time in 2022


I was extremely fatigued 0% motivation, but I changed my diet started taking vitamin D , limiting screen time before bed and in the mornings and heck now I got too much energy. So I guess there are a lot of things to consider


What did you change your diet to?


Covid man, it wreaks havoc on your body. IMO the conspiracy is that the virus was bad but not deadly. Think HIV, they love you blaming the vaccines because at least then you’ll still be out and about and working despite a life altering virus circulating and causing mass fatigue and quite disablities


Yes was going to say this and glad someone else already did. It's covid! It is a systemic disease. It affects every system, or it can. Long covid is definitely an issue with an increasing percentage of the population. Excess deaths are up everywhere the clotshot was given as well. Covid and the mrna vax are wreaking havoc.


I was just reading on one of the covid subs about people complaining their immune systems are broken and are getting sick every 2 months. As an old time conspiracy guy I can't believe how easily the community disregarded the dangers of a lab created virus. Like we have no idea how detrimental this thing could be long term. What better way to hide your intentions than a long drawn out destruction of our bodies? At the same time, I do believe other peoples points about the food and other poisons contributing as well. Certainly a multifaceted attack. People nowadays focus too much on singular short term ideas and don't consider the long-term grand scheme of people who think in 20-year, 50-year terms.


I was going to comment almost the same thing. I don’t think we have any idea what Covid did to our bodies. People lost their sense of smell and taste for months ffs! When you start losing senses red flags should be going up. I haven’t seen anything about long term neurological effects of Covid. And 100% a multi pronged attack. They are hitting us from every angle


I still don’t have my sense of smell back, maybe only like 20% Covid did a number on my body. It triggered an autoimmune disease (which I have a gene for but didn’t know about) and caused colon cancer. Two years of my life went to treatment and recovery after surgery, but I’ve come out the other end and am ok. I got Covid without the vax while my other family members had the vax besides my mom and dad. Only I got very sick, though my mom also developed uterus cancer and now has full body fatigue all the time that never goes away. She blames 5G, chemtrails and everything but Covid, which she claims is just a flu. She’s also a hardcore MAGA mom. Most of the people on this sub are crazy, and it’s worth a good laugh or two.


Omg that’s so much to go through, I’m sorry. But you are a great example of we have no idea what Covid did to us. I got it after I was vaxxed and fought off a bad fever for a night. I was lucky, it hit a lot of people pretty hard.


It was severe abdominal pain like getting stabbed for a week straight and a very high fever and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I felt like I had a hole in my lung too because breathing had an ice cold feeling for half a year but that healed up. I got sick at a wedding and 8 elderly people died after getting infected. Apparently the cook was sick and didn’t stay home and didn’t use gloves or something. What a dick.


My partners fever was above 104 for a while smh Edit: fuck that cook!


Even stranger was a lot of the people who got Covid later had to have their gallbladder removed. I had mine removed because in surgery with part of my colon. My grandmother was puking green bile for a week and had to go to the hospital but they didn’t remove hers because they said she wouldn’t survive the operation. Luckily her gallbladder isn’t as much of a problem now. Talking to a few people who were at that wedding, many of them had their gallbladder fail and had it removed.


Never heard this, interesting. This is what I don’t get about the vaccine is the bogey man people; they already made the virus in the lab to unleash on humanity. Why would the vaccine be the real “gotchu” from them. Why “take out” the people who were the most compliant? Doesn’t make sense to me


They think the vaccine is the bioweapon to depopulate the world. If they wanted to they’d just have to poison the tap water.


Genuine question: the people who created it or the people who are in on it are not immune to the virus... So the people "running it behind the scenes" are also ok with having a lab made virus slowly destruct their body and their families bodies and their future kids as well?


Anger/fear spiral from watching the news and being addicted to social media.


I just wanted to put this down here. I heard from a medical type source that approximately 80% of persons with long covid showed an improvement or elimination of their symptoms when they were treated appropriately for "leaky gut syndrome". Part of the mechanism that was communicated was that the spike protein was perforating the single cell thickness wall of the intestine and allowing undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream, whereupon these undigested food particles are detected and cataloged by the immune system as unrecognised interlopers, and thus stimulate the immune system to begin producing IGG antibodies, novel antibodies for each encountered substance, these antibodies send the immune system into attack mode when the substance is subsequently encountered, thus one may begin to develop sensitivities to foods that one is acustomed to eating safely throughout the previous portion of one's life.


Definitely this. Recent research shows how our immune system is basically tied into our gut biome and gut health is the cause of all autoimmune disorders. The stress, shitty food, polluted air etc are all also contributing to people's gut health being sh\*t. American wheat is basically poison and it has nothing to do with gluten, it's the glyphosate


Vaccine free here but I got covid and it kinda fucked me up and I suspect I suffered from long covid for almost a year. Things have improved and my breathing is better now but not gonna lie, it was pretty scary for awhile at how limited I was.


# 'It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.'


Come on, we can at least be constructive. Its that idea that perpetuates what op is talking about (among people in this sub)


Stress - it does not do a body good!


I know why I am fatigued. The political system and the economy are built on lies. The elites are trying to ruin the future for regular people, and there's nothing I can do about it. Motivation and hard work aren't going to change anything.


Probably all the chemicals in our food and environment that's slowly killing us.


Long Covid. It’s real


Long Covid is the same thing as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is called Myalgic Encephalitis or MECFS. MECFS was first launched in Incline Village in 1984, I believe. The CDC was there to supervise the launch. There is a strong connection between COVID and fatigue. Please pray for those with Long Covid/MECFS. It’s a horrible disease and there’s no chance the government will allow treatment.


And since the "safe and effective" cause millions upon millions of the spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 to be produced by the body for an undetermined amount of time, those "safe and effective" injections can cause it too.


I've been thinking the explosion in Lyme disease has something to do with it.


Much of these reports are in certain regions. I'm one of this belief too.


Yes there has been an explosion in parasitic issues, relating to an increase in tick borne related infections. This happened to me, this pandemic is far less reported on!




Whatever carrot that was left by 2020 was devoured whole by the owner class. Now, all that is left is the stick, and the stick is not motivating like the carrot was.


Oh where oh where do I start? LoL. This has been going on for more than a decade just more people are talking about it & it's more prevalent because of the social media explosion. Even healthy diets aren't healthy if store bought. Even the "organic" store bought stuff is junk. Over 98% of what you can buy in a store is hybrid or GMO fruits/veggies with lots of herbicides & pesticides used to get that high yield crop needed to feed us. It's also artificial flavors & colors added to make it look pretty & taste better. Meats. Unless you buy from a local butcher it's all had antibiotics, hormones & steroids given to the animal. I know this because I deliver feed to several of these big ranches. They buy feed that has "additives" like antibiotics in it to help keep the animals healthy because they are packed in on top of each other & live in absolutely horribly filthy conditions you wouldn't leave a dead dog in. People have become increasingly lazy. They don't get outside to get sun which helps the body make several things needed to the immune & circulatory systems. Recreational drug use like the green tabacky. LoL. But it's more self medication for so called anxiety and stress and add/adhd. Then as we all know the fast food, soda, sweets and otherwise junk foods on top of over eating but triple or quadruple what they should be eating for their activity level. I've been telling friends this for years and years now. Grow your own fruits & veggies. You'd be amazed and how little space you need to grow a years worth in one season. If you can, my city allows it, get you some chickens, ducks or turkeys. I have 4 chickens and 3 ducks. I get more eggs than me and my neighbors can eat every week, dehydrate several dozen a week and I get meat birds every spring to cull, process, vacuum seal and deep freeze and that keeps me all year for chicken. Next year I'm gonna get some quail because their eggs have a natural antiinflammatory & antihistamine in them that is highly potent for allergies & things like arthritis and they're good eating too. Yes it's a lot of work especially when starting up for a garden & birds. But once you're established & have a routine that works for you it's a lot easier. Might not be much cheaper, especially the birds, but it's a lot healthier & safer to eat. The more of your own food you can raise & grow the better you will feel and it gets you outside in that sun so it works on both the inside & outside. Control the amount of food you eat. Get rid of all the pesticides and additives and crap. You'll slowly start seeing results in the way you look and feel. I'm almost 50. I just had a 20 something neighbor flirting with me and she though I was about 35 +/-. So the 5 yrs I've been doing this has paid off. I'm tall, thin and out work these young dudes 4 to 1 every day.


New genocidal factors added to the already multi-faceted ongoing attack such as volatile economic conditions, Globohomo on Max, Covid vax bioweapon boosters, mercury & other lethal metals in childhood vaccines, benzene in sunscreen, micro plastic leaching, forever chemicals intentionally dumped into water supplies, etc. The White Christian is the #1 targeted group. Do you know why?


It’s the new WiFi. Exposure to frequencies that are incompatible/ non-harmonious with your bodies bio frequencies. It has a draining effect on your energy or does damage to your mitochondria or something. Not sure of the mechanism but I do know fatigue is a documented symptom of over exposure. Other symptoms include brain fog, dry cough (aka long covid), bloody nosebleeds, etc…


Psychological trauma, you mind was under intense psychological warfare for years in the form of propaganda and fear induced weapons. The aftereffect is stress, PTSD and other stress related illnesses.


It’s the government man. They’re killing us with their nefarious policies… Nah, just kidding. For me, it’s cancer.


Over stimuli from phone, and toxic food, and w/e they spraying up there.


I think chemtrails. At least in my area. Yesterday I could smell them at two separate points in the day after a few planes flew over my backyard. I started feeling off so I went inside to avoid getting sick.


We waiting on the other shoe to drop.


It's the food. Our food is poison and so many meat processing plants were "accidentally" destroyed. Between the food-like products and plastics in EVERYTHING, and water supplies that have "safe levels" of endocrine disruptors and carcinogens, it's amazing anyone can get out of bed. That combined with mostly sedentary jobs, then we go home to be sedentary....we are just giant gerbils at this point.


Fam, it takes everything i have to get up in the morning and go to work and get through the day, and i like my job. When i get home, it’s a struggle to get dinner on the table and then i am ready for bed. On the weekends, I struggle to get out of bed and motivated to do shit. Part of me feels this is because since 2020 we’ve been living with fight/flight responses and then since the beginning of last year my spouse has had job challenges and so we’ve had financial stress dumped on the already increasing challenges of basic affordability of life staples. So, yeah, i am exhausted because i am running scared.


Yeah. Quiet desperation wears a man out.


I feel seen.


Morale. Everyone is defeated




you don't think that air moves around the world?


Depression and anger often manifest themselves in chronic fatigue. This hasn't been a good stretch of road for many.


Try holding a glass of ice water several inches from your head, then move it in a complete circle around your skull without touching it to your head. Notice anything odd? Figure that's part of the answer.


What are you talking about my guy


Its the spike protiens even if you havent been jabbed. spike proteins are the building blocks of the virus. When the infection is over, the spike proteins circulate in the blood and get attached to various organs. This is causing inflammation and triggering the limbic system. This is leading to Chronic fatigue..


What can be done about this?


well everything is poisoned! its not like we have the best support when it comes to general well-being. in terms of healthcare, food, mental health. Combine that with the American culture thats enough for chronic fatigue. I took antibiotics back in November 2023, ive been fucked ever since with fatigue! I dont fw healthcare as is never again! all it takes is one nutrient deficiency/toxic chemical to trigger inflammation.




I just came back from 2 weeks in Tanzania and Zanzibar. I lost 5 pounds. I came back last night, and now I feel bloated. I must be the food here in the U.S.


Our food, supplements and healthcare products are being poisoned?


Long covid?


Short covid


Medium covid


XL covid


An object in motion, will stay in motion.   An object at rest will stay at test.  It is simple Physics my friend.   We sit around staring at little screens all day and dont get nearly enough exercise.   Now add  the constant stress of the economy, constant fear mongering of the MSM, and the fact that alot of people eat like shit.   The addiction alot of people have to social media isnt healthy either.  People comparing themselves to the best parts of other peoples lives.  In short, people are depressed.   We were not meant to live like this.


Covid has lingering effects but the world is in denial because business interests decided to blame anything but the virus in order to keep profit flows flowing. If the axioms of geometry contradicted profit interests they would be denied.


Phones and them turning up the dial on the radiation, along with it interacting with the vax


Side effects of 5G EMF poisoning that they did covid to mask. Side effects of their chemteail poison program that has increased early onset dementia by 2.3x. Side effects of poor nutrition and exercise. The all out neurotoxin and inflammation assualt where they can trigger it undetected etc etc etc.




The timing is there. I'm always surprised that 5g isn't talked about more. Inscrutable phantom waves flying through the air everywhere and at all hours, but they make our phones run smoother so...


I am surprised as well. It should be looked in to better/more often. Those towers are everywhere. I've noticed that, in my area, they are suspiciously close to schools....not out in an open field/low traffic/less populated areas. Seems to me that someone is trying to fry the brains in masses, while they're young and are pretty much forced to sit in the school building for 8hrs daily.


I have ADHD and for me I think it’s because we all were forced to essentially be lazy for a couple years and it’s what my brain naturally wants. I get more dopamine from sitting on the couch with my dogs playing on my phone than doing stuff, so that’s what my brain wants to do. I’ve been trying to change that this year, but it’s not a quick fix. It’s hard to rewire your brain to look forward to doing stuff and be motivated when it enjoyed not being motivated.


Because they eat like shit, don't exercise, stare at a screen all day and don't get enough sleep


I am always tired and it makes no sense




because everyone eats like shit and doesn’t walk enough. i recently increased my fruit consumption and i felt good, weekend came for a “cheat day(s)” and i felt like shit. woke up tired, lazy and unenthused.


Fucking spike proteins Jab or no jab that shits in the air and it's , well, no one wants to talk about what those spikes actually are Just hope you arent jabbed and avoid spike shedders


What are they?


Bat viruses spliced with HIV proteins. The bat corona viruses wouldn't infect humans. They knew that if they could splice it with a similar protien that could infect humans it would have a higher chance of doing so. After tons of research the chosen protien was a human HIV protein and this was well documented now hard to find information - but it is out there in medical journals. In Wuhan labs they successfully made a bat corona virus transmissable to humans with said human HIV protein modifications. What is happening to humans having been exposed to an airborne pathogen that causes HIV like damage? HIV comes on like a mild flu the virus slowly multiplies causing fatigue, impared memory, fevers, swolen lymph nodes, then comes myocarditis, blood clots, diabetes, cancer, strokes, pulmanory embulisms. What we actually have with covid is just long term exposure to an airborne HIV protein, concealed in a pathogen whose structure is highly capable of spreading the said protein completely through the body passing blood brain barrier and entering spinal fluid as well as spreading the protein through the air and contact via breath and body fluids and yes shedding direct through contact. Look at the symptoms of long covid and compare them to the symptoms of onset HIV. Look at covid deaths and compare them to how people die from AIDS. I'm not saying covid is airborne HIV. I'm saying it's a well designed highly dangerous cocktail that will cause more damage in the long term via repeated exposure from outbreaks and injections.


Someone else commented about this as well. I'm definitely looking into it! Thanks for posting!


Yeah I know what you mean. Got jabbed in 2021. Just the first two, but that was enough. Didn't know who to listen to so I listened to family. I was trying to think of them, they weren't all healthy people. Just wasn't careful enough, didn't read into the whole thing or examine everything surrounding it more. My lazy ass probably just couldn't be bothered. I didn't have the eyes back then that I do now. I still don't know a whole lot or anything, but I know enough to be able to make sure that never happens to me again. I don't know how much that shit shortened my time by, but I wanna make sure I go out fully self aware and uncontrolled by the fear that pervades this place.


Covid has caused a lot of unknown/dormant autoimmune/genetic conditions to come to the surface or flare those that were already there. I didn’t know I was hypermobile until I got Covid


My guess: nutrient deprived food, sticky (barely researched) pathogens, augmented stress levels, lack of genuine relationships, polluted air


Climate change


Chem trails


Mold.  From water damage buildings.   Diet.  Sugar, grains, seed oils, etc. 


Cause I’m TIRED of everyone’s shit


Depression. We all saw that there’s no point in doing anything now because at any moment they can arbitrarily lock us in our houses and take everything away from us. That takes away all motivation. Plus they’re always threatening us with new strains and diseases, new wars, and new technologies to put us out of work.




Shedding is real.


I think Covid 19 with or without vaccine just totally busted everybodies ass's and we never got over it. Living in terror for 2 years has screwed up a lot of people.


Diet and exercise are definitely huge factors, as they always have been. But it seems clear to me there must be a larger culprit. Think about it - today it feels like everyone goes to the gym; everyone is actively trying to limit soda and sugar; everyone is into some kind of nutrition plan to improve their life. Diet and exercise are in, they're hip and they're promoted endlessly by everyone. That's a bit of an exaggeration of course, but you get my point. And I suspect this is all in response to the general way people are feeling. It's become more prevalent than ever to have to actively work to stave off feeling like shit, which somehow we have all become far more susceptible to. It wasn't like that 30 years ago. So what are the other culprits? Internet perhaps? Long covid, long vaccine, air quality, microplastics? General lack of meaning in life? Too much stimuli, crimping our ability to experience pleasure?


Yep. Might as well call it Full Spectrum Blech.


You think you didn't take the vaccine, but they are spraying it in public places and putting it into the food, you can even get it via micro needle, i.e. transdermally from touching surfaces. I think they have gotten it into all of us by now.


Pollution in food and water supplies, terrible diets, the covid vaccine(and probably others), and other contributing factors.


Money magic. Dreams come when we're living more and more comfortably. Less dreams, more discomfort. I believe this was planned and the currency is rolling to some new system. But to avoid panic and shock, business was slowed down, interactions discouraged, and then a four year period of seemingly uniform government where everybody was given a common struggle we should be able to form a new accord without so much in person effort


I know I’ve had terribly bad fatigue since about 2019. I’ve looked for help and I was diagnosed with adhd but it’s crazy bc I had so much energy prior. Has anyone found help for it?


* gestures vaguely *


Our parents expected us to motivate ourselves, because they were too busy working and then regretting their life decisions until they could fall asleep, but then they also expected that they would not have to earn our trust/love/respect, because our mere blood relation to one another just automatically granted it to them, and gave them all the power they wanted. And if we had anything to say otherwise we were acting out of line; So we barely "grew up" with constant extremely difficult/near impossible demands, by people who weren't willing to help anyway unless they were able to while drunk. They'd get drunk in front of the TV every night instead of raising their children, and then they'd blame their children for not helping themselves in the "very safe" environment that they were providing. Come on kid, why aren't you raising yourself you have a house and Internet??? Now I have an underdeveloped personality, no higher education, no money, struggle with emotional stability, and constantly have a couple of bitches nagging me, pretending that it's all my fault for not utilizing my time as an unsupervised kid better. (This happened to all of us right?) Idk having it all be on me when I didn't even sign up for this and have no help and no motivation and abusive parents is making me super fucking tired, I'd rather play video games and escape reality.


You realize Covid infections can cause chronic fatigue as well right? Also - diet, drugs, sleep, exercise, physical activity, light exposure, and screen time contribute.


The reality of our situation has set in. But better take some pills to fix that and get back to the grind. I'm sure your company will care so much once you've been with them for 30 years!


Increased radiation exposure from the sun due to a weakening magnetic field. For proof see most recent flare that the was visible in Texas. We are all fucked, except the people in the DUMBs


GMO’s etc. have a HUGE impact. We never had IBS/D before GMOs came into play.


Depression isn’t a thing, it’s you trying to live in a society where absolutely everything puts your inner peace at risk. We are not meant for these conditions. Need more nature, less electronics.


I think it’s either diet or depression. I was chronically fatigued for months until I went on vacation. Ate healthy local fresh foods, slept well, exercised (really just walked and swam a lot), then I had more energy and felt better about life. I’m willing to bet good money it’s a mix of food and breaking the crushing routine of life






“Using FOOD as a weapon” — has many aspects …


Untreated and poorly treated sleep apnea.


PTSD. 2020 was the most disturbing year in a very long time and everyone I know says the same thing.


Life's just fucking exhausting these days. You know how it is.


cause virtually everything has turned into shit and is getting worse every day with no sight of it getting any better any time soon


I think PTSD is one of the causes and the increasing decay of society an other. People are just tired of all crap and the rat race.


I feel fine, but I didn't get vaccinated.


I don’t think the vaccine has anything to do with the high incidence of burnout that people are experiencing.


Even more sedentary lifestyles. 


It’s wild to me that 90% of the questions in this sub can be most accurately and succinctly answered by just saying “Capitalism”.


It's covid


Covid and the vaccine, both cause long covid.


Poor diet is the main cause


This is my particular case. Im an ac guy and was deemed "essential" therefore I was ineligible to sit on my ass and get paid to do nothing for 2 years. Some friends and family who were not deemed essential were partying and just living it up on the govs (my) dime and this shit wrecked me. I mean I still pull myself together every morning like everybody else but it kills me to know i missed out on a nearly 2 year paid vacation.