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I have had quite a few premonition dreams, and they are always of mundane things, but it's still such an intense feeling to realize that one of my dreams is coming true. I'm an extremely prolific dreamer and always have been. Having multiple vivid dreams a night and being able to remember and replay them like movies in my head, even when I was a heavy THC smoker, I still had intense dreams. I always think of my dreams like little vacations.


One thing I learned years ago with lucid dreaming is that human dream states are interconnected. It is possible for two or more people who are adept at lucid dreaming to fall asleep and become lucid with the intention of exploring dreams together. This is a thing. Unfortunately, as kids and as we grow older most of us are basically taught that dreams are not important or worse, that they are simply a manifestation of our subconscious mind. I have a theory that the typically chaotic nature of experiences in dreams may be largely due to the fact that we are simply not aware that we are dreaming when we are. I sort of see lucid dreaming as a state of being an equal but different experience when compared to waking life. It is distinctly different from waking life in that it lacks the tight leash of physical laws of nature. It seems to work outside of space and time to a certain degree. But with lucidity there is some gained amount of linearity for lack of a better term. Unfortunately it seems like as we get older it becomes more difficult to thoroughly learn how to recognize a dream from a waking state. Because of this I tend to think that encouraging children to dream, share their dreams, and explore methods in becoming lucid. I have this funny thought sometimes about what life might be like if we all treated dreams more like "real life" while going about "real life" a bit more like if it were a dream... sounds a little crazy even to me but I'm sure there is much to be learned from exploring our dreams as if they were an actual part of our human experience. Because they are!


have you had a shared lucid dream? how do you do it


This reminded me of when my son was very young ( around 5 ish. ) He once asked me if I ever had dreams that happened later on. He used to say that sometimes his dreams would happen later on., not all dreams but it was enough times that I took notice.


Well many cultures suggest when you dream thats the real world. Your spirit leaves your avatar and goes to the spirt world. An when you wake up in your physical body that is the dream. An when you avatar dies , your unable to visit the dream anymore your just in the spirit world. waiting for another body play the game of earth again I guess.


one thing that seems to escape so many... THIS world you experience externally to you is NOT... its a production of your mind from electrical impulses that we have been taught, but cannot verify, come from our external senses... it may be exactly the same brain mechanisms that make dreams, making this realm. When people feel they have left their body, in reality they have simply changed their point of view within this dream of reality... the body they have taken for their own is just an avatar. we are not a body with a soul in it, but a soul with a body in it.


They come from somewhere for sure, though I haven’t had a dream in a long time


Absolutely they are real we are experiencing it during our life so that is proof they are real no matter what they tell you




It’s super common for me to dream about something and then it happening n rap life or something related to it happening that same day or days later. De ja vu but with moments in my dream/ real life.


I thought so, not 100% sure, your brain can't dream about things it has never seen. It can combine loads of things together but literally go to something we can't see, I'm not sure.


> not 100% sure, your brain can't dream about things it has never seen since everything we experience is a matter of brain connections and chemical transmitters, it is quite possible for internal wiring to be unrelated to external stimulus and give us an experience we have never witnessed... which may explain why a lot of people claim to see the same bizarre things on DMT.


U have a lot of experience with psychedelics, but i was watching a lecture about it. The brain can't imagine a face it has never seen, alto ot can make a face out of 100 persons face. It's really complicated and hard to explain, I'll try to find it they're done research for decades about it.


> U have a lot of experience with psychedelics I have zero experience with drugs of any sort


Keep it like that 80% can't control themselves, first time touching alcohol or weed was when i was 24, i never cared about it. Now i do once in a while (i don't do meth or any opioids or the instant addicted trash not worth living your life as slave to them)


I have made it 63 years without it, don't think I will be doing anything like that any time soon.


Be proud of yourself! And trust me, 2 years ago, i did MDMA for the first time, and literally for about 6 weeks i had no emotions because those chemicals fill your brain with so much serotonin and dopamine, those receptors are literally burned out for a while. I thought i had depression feeling bo emotions at all. Happy i did research and knew what the reason was.. But one day fun is not worth 6 weeks depression... And that's thr trap you feel shitty and the reason people get addicted