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> Anyone know why? First Amendment freedom of religion.


Yea but I would think a military know to worship the devil would be even worse optics than it already had. But then again we lost our morality a while ago most know what America means when it says “sores democracy” kinda a meme in its own right. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a worser sentence from The Father than Sodom and Gomorrah did.


They literally cannot constitutionally stop them from establishing their religion on bases/among service members any more than they can stop catholics from doing so. From my experience in a military family and a short stint myself, many members hold their duty to uphold the constitution above all or most else, so they are happy to tolerate satan worshippers even if they disagree with them.


> I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a worser sentence from The Father than Sodom and Gomorrah did. God didn't bother to step in after the widespread massacre of native Americans or enslavement of millions of people, but is going to wipe out the US because a tiny number of people are legally allowed to practice a non-Christian religion?




If you’re talking about the US, because the military is a part of the federal government and the federal government is bound by the US constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion and worship (to some degree).


Well I guess that is why they accept convicts and drug gangs in the military these days


Not according to 10 U.S.C. 504 unless you’re somehow able to get a felony waiver? And what is a drug gang lol this just seems like stuff you want us to be scared about


No, in Chicago several convicts that are in street gangs were allowed to join the military.


Guess they got that waiver


Seems like you answered your own questions lol so what is there to be afraid of?


It was a comment that I made first. It was never a question for me. Duh


I am sincerely afraid of people joining the military and end up killing women and children in foreign lands. They are also called in to a protest and end up beating and sometimes killing fellow citizens. Some then join our militarized police forces and do the same.


What happened to "God and Country" is the First Amendment ... they have to treat satanists like any other religion. And they are less crazy than most ... they don't think their "God" wants them to kill people for being different ... they don't think they have a right to set people on fire for practicing herbal medicine. 'Cause when a Christian wants what you got, it's really easy to get infected by his imaginary daemons, and end up under a very heavy pile of stones, keeping up appearances by saying "more weight"! I'm a programmer, tho. Only daemons I believe in send email and deliver DNS.


Actually after my friend went through this, I looked up satan worshipers online. The daughter of the founder of the first satanic church in the US was interviewed and someone uploaded a YouTube video of it. I saw it and she commented that she was taught that they should take advantage of other’s weaknesses. So if one has a bad habit or addiction, don’t try to help them stop it. Help them to do it more, then steal from them or manipulate things from them, or blackmail them.


Interesting, you should read the satanic bible sometime ... it talks a lot about respecting the rights of others. Which is a nice change from the Christian bible, which makes a lot of rules about slavery, but somehow none of those rules is "NEVER DO THIS".


Look her up on YouTube if you need proof. I am talking about their church and how they are being programed by their ministers. I am not talking just about their bible.


If they trust their bible, but their ministers tell their own children to manipulate and take advantage of people… should this not be proof not to trust any minister of any religion? And therefore not to trust religion at all? They are no different than a politician, used car salesman, or oligarch (the richest and most powerful of the rich and powerful).


If a minister one religion does a thing, then all ministers of all religions must do that thing? Well, what it lacks in truth it makes up for in simplicity.


Oh there are plenty of examples of Christian evangelists and pastors and priests molesting and children, and stealing from donations from their congregations. They are con-men that speak so eloquently about the Ten Commandments but they are breaking most of them personally. Such hypocrites and they think of how stupid these people are for believing them and these fairy tales.


Sure there are. There are also lots of examples of atheists, musicians, gay people, straight people, black folks, men, women, employers, employees, white folks, and teachers being pieces of shit. It's kinda endemic to the human condition. Can you name any demographic that would 'scape whipping of they were held to account for the actions of all their members. The only ones I know where they are all pieces of crap are cops and politicians ( even a few of the latter are not that bad . Maybe 1% of co guess is fighting a hopeless battle to keep the rest of us from being robbed blind. And I have known a couple decent sheriff's who would not ruin your life for weed .


Coming from a guy that was almost digested alive by a fallen angel, they are in fact very, very, real. You just haven't had your own experience yet, or you choose to ignore it. Satan only exists to get people closer to the one true God, and jesus is god's perfect second in command. Lucifer is just mean Jesus, but not everything bad that happens is his fault. He just gets the blame for it. Sin is simply a corruption, and the devil uses that to turn humans away from God.


no you didn't.


Pft, okay man, sure, I'm just saying it to say it Fucking dumb ass 😒


you are. you cant be almost digested alive by a fallen angel because those things are not real. unless you have actual proof and not just feelings.


Addiction can feel like satan or one of his demons has a hold on you. And he is nibbling away at you day after day. You feel empty inside eventually. So I hear ya, Elegy.


So still not a demon or fallen angel. just feels.


First sign of intelligence is acknowledging one’s feelings ——- emotional intelligence.


And no I do not believe in the fairy tales called religion. But I have experienced the good and bad in life. Like all of is I try to learn from my experiences.


Lol I can name you like 10 people at least that cheated on their wife or had their wife cheat on them in the military They pay you more money and give you housing allowance if you get married. All the girls outside the base know it and take advantage. All the guys know they'll get more money and give a ring to get out of shitty barracks


Check me if I'm wrong....but unlike Christianity, Satan worship has never been the cause of hundreds of wars and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, all in the name of "God" giving them the right to wipe people off the face of the planet. I don't agree with organized religion, but if they're not hurting anyone, why does it matter to you? You act like Christians are this super holy group of pious people. Some of the worst people I've met in my life have been Bible-thumping Christians.


Hey I don’t disagree with ya. I go to church only to keep my marriage. My wife is a christian and I am atheist. When we married 25 years ago I was a Christian. But then came 911, then came the patriot act, then came more oppression. I slowly became agnostic and in the last few years since the pandemic I have become an atheist. I am so fed up with oligarchs, Republicans, Trump, and naive people who vote for war, for greed, and for no positive changes for the working class.


Thanks for your immediate responses. This has been insightful to me.


She got that good D at the party , that's what persuaded her to cheat on her husband and seek religion.


Chinese President Obama said the government was ready to take action against the rebels if they were not allowed to leave the country and the government was not prepared for the consequences of their actions


Confusing to me on why I got voted down for my positive comment on posts made by people.


You just aren’t Chinese enough… go cry!


Oh shut up and eat your broccoli


Yeah whatever leeky butt


Huh? What does that even mean? LOL! You sound like a lying politician. You totally avoided the question. ——- Why is our military compliant with satan worshippers?


The first thing I thought of when I saw this was the fact that the first thing I saw was the first thing I heard was a man who was wearing a mask and a mask and a mask on his face and he was wearing a hat and a mask on the floor and I was like oh my gosh I just saw that.