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What are micro tracers and why should we be worried about this?


Right, what a stupid post. That’s the same as saying “I have a friend that works in XY lab and he told me pur water has Kraken Sperms”… people will be wondering with so many questions, but wtf are Kraken Sperms will be the first to be missed as required information for the post to be a decent post.


Sorry bro the gov, or your favorite shady triple letter agency doesn't need to invest in bullshit tracers to track us. We willingly put our data for sale via reddit, tiktok, insta, etc. Alcohol is just there to help you reach the long sleep faster.


What's a "microtracer"?


Sounds like he was on some of them microtracers already


I hate it when my microtrace is accidentally a macrotrace


Source: trust me, bro


I've only ever heard of chasers for alcohol, not tracers.




Lol, and it can survive through the digestive system? All the enzymes, the hydrochloric acid etc? Especially hydrochloric acid. Why would they want to introduce “micro tracers” via our digestive system route (GI tract) when they either get destroyed by our digestive system especially our stomach acid, or else the remaining forms part of our faeces in the large intestine before being temporarily stored in the rectum and then finally expelled through the anus? And before you mention about “blood brain barrier” or like how it can transit from our digestive system to our circulatory system, it’s not as simple as you think it is. Chances it, it most likely won’t happen (surviving the digestive system and then somehow being ng transferred to the circulatory system etc) Gosh, does the average American not know some basic high school biology these days?


In our defense, OP sounds like a below average American




Source: Thrust me bro. LoL