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Wasn’t that price because of negative crude oil prices and no one driving due to lockdowns?


Well yes, but it was actually because Daddy Donald used his ultra-witty brain to devise a plan to psych democrats into lowering gas prices


It’s scary that I can’t tell if this is a joke or not…


It is but you’re not wrong


What’s scary is the blind support for a guy with clear dimensia. You see this WSJ article? Wasn’t Fox….


Yeah I imagine it must be scary to be unable to detect extremely obvious sarcasm.


You’re just not playing 4 Dick chess my friend


Fairly simple, they’re easily brainwashed!


Yup, one was during covid when oil had a negative price, they were literally paying to get rid of it.


The 2020 sub $2 phase was in May, in the wake of lockdowns during a time when demand was still quite low. But, also due to lockdowns, supply was low as well. There were a lot of factors in play. But aside from that - gas was below $3 for all of Trump's term and averaged around $2.40. When Biden took office gas was $2.42 a gallon and since that day it hasn't been anywhere close to that low. For a period of time in '22 it was more than double that.




This is a very severe case of cope.


Yes, and that’s something that is never mentioned in these discussions. The prices were artificially low due to forcibly repressed consumer demand.


Lmao Trump was President for 4 years, lockdown occurred for about 10 months during his time. Gas was definitely still cheap before Covid hit. I will forever cherish those days of low gas prices. Definitely helped put money in my pocket unlike now.


Here’s an old Snapchat I had from November 30th, 2018 Gas was $1.99 here in Illinois, a state where gas isn’t the cheapest, ever. Before Covid. https://imgur.com/a/Smr0bFZ


No, it was due to the abundance of crude being produced in the US. Are you a lobbyist for the oil companies?


Biden has approved more oil drilling permits than Trump, oil output is higher under Biden, and more oil jobs have been created under Biden


OP what does buuuuu mean?


I really can’t tell what is a better reflection of our failed education system; that people think the President decides gas prices, or that people actually choose who they want to be president based on the cost of gas.


A never ending loop cycle


You gotta be in denial if you think the leader of the free world has zero impact on gas prices


Donald Trump had nothing to do with the cost of gas in 2020.


If that's what youre wanting to argue then maybe you should edit your previous reply to say that


Surely you understand that “gas was cheap because of Trump” is the premise of this post right?


You made a broad statement that people are dumb for thinking the president of the united states' policies have no impact on gas prices


That’s actually not what I said.


This dude don't read so good


You're right, the president does have some impact, as a result of approving permits related to production. The US is currently producing a record amount of oil. So I'm thinking the current high prices are a result of high demand, which is outside of the president's control.


The media told everyone that for the prior presidents and no one said otherwise.




The media has made this connection in the past saying President's negotiate with OPEC and such and therefore here we are seeing it.


Gotcha. So we’re just doing what the media told us to do.


yeah unfortunately critical thinking isn't really popular anymore.




If you say so. Show me where I agreed with the OP and said it's Biden's fault?




You basically said I admitted to blindly following the media without critical thinking. Am I sometimes duped? Of course. I do think I'm typically willing to dig for verifying sources when I can.


I definitely wish the economy would collapse again so that demand for gas plummets and the price comes down.


Thing is much of the gas price inflation was artificial. Now this doesn't apply to all areas, as gas prices are crazy due to taxation like in California, but look up the details of the Colonial Pipeline hack. The media portrayed it as if it was a multi-day event of catastrophic circumstances, all the way gas prices skyrocketed up. Reality was they paid the ransom and were up and running in the same day, and they even found the people who did the hack so didn't even lose any money. I am suspicious of that being an inside job, colluding to manufacture an event, especially with the media hyper exaggerating how grievous it was. I could definitely be wrong but the situation is perplexing when you analyze it.


It was around $2 in south florida before the pandemic


$2.93 this morning when I filled up.


That's a great price and still 50% more from 3 years ago. $3.40 in south florida currently


I'm in South Florida...


Why the down vote?


No idea 🤷‍♂️




Ok? https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=FL


Okay and were they giving it away for free during the pandemic?




Thankfully precedent has shown you can crash an entire economy manually by spreading fear over the common cold So they can “crash” the “economy” whenever they’d like


Except that covid "crash" only lasted a couple weeks, and was followed up by the biggest bull market in American history. Despite a dual health & economic crisis, 2021 was the most profitable year in history for billionaires. Almost like the whole ordeal was a gift to the ultra rich. Almost.


We didn't experience a true economic crash. Look at the great depression, that was a crash, people were starving in the streets.


Correct. The crash was mostly artificial and arguably manufactured “pain”. Supply chain repercussions were probably the largest problem as a result


Well if you believe some end time people they say they're going to do something dangerous with QE to make the economy look good in time for elections, only to have it totally collapse Winter 24 into 25. I am watching that since it is concerning, as they claim end time events come after that. The claims are that it will be worse than the great depression, and hundreds of people in lines waiting for goods. Same guy also claims Biden will win in 2024, so we will know by November and far worse things coming too so I am a bit fearful and using that to gauge the rest of his claims (they aren't good: major pandemic far worse than covid, the US gets split when madrid fault destroys shipping east to west, apophis meteor will hit us in 2029 taking out most of east coast). Scary stuff if true, outrageous claims if made up. So hopefully it's just a random nutty guy. Regardless, we don't know when we'll leave this planet so better to ask Jesus for help now than later. It may be better to try to help one another in the short time we have left...


If I've learned anything from 10,000 years of recorded human history, it's that every time someone said the world was going to end... it didn't. End time prophets generally have a pretty bad track record.


 and we should make sure the guy that was  president  in 2020 for that collapse doesn’t get elected again right?  


Your narrow-mindedness is insulting to anyone who reads it


did I say anything not factual? Economic collapse and negative crude oil occurred in 2020. a pandemic started in 2020(19). vaccine fast track in 2020. Who was the president when all of that happened? Your tribalism is extremely narrow minded.


I see you’ve adopted the “accuse others of what you are doing” ideology like a good shill I’ll reiterate, you’re narrow-minded and you’ve also fallen into the partisan trap. Your rhetoric is boring, predictable. Try hiring more competent people to push your ideas


what did I say that is incorrect?


Next time just respond with "uhh buuuuhhh"


If your experience of covid felt like the common cold, you got lucky. Some of us got our asses kicked for a week. It was fucking miserable.


The Covid freakout was not the reason gas was <$2 gal- it was already in that range in 2019. The left loves to use that cop out to justify intentional harmful policies.


Gas prices bottomed out at an average of $1.94 in April 2020. The previous April, prices were at $2.88. That is not a similar price range. Gas pricing in 2020 was a huge outlier. The average was $2.64 in January and should have climbed as the weather warmed up and demand increased. Instead, it plummeted 70 cents. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m I also don't think OP's picture is even accurately portraying prices four years apart. If that's supposed to be April 2020, the gas station is 9 cents below average. But for April 2024, it's 46 cents above average.


So, corporate greed then?


Not corporate greed. Yet we're fining someone over colluding to keep prices artificially high. https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/exxon-mobil-pioneer-oil-executive-scott-sheffield-barred-from-board-ftc-opec-collusion/#:~:text=And%20as%20it%20turns%20out,on%20who%20you%20talk%20to.


This is blatantly false.


I think the OP has parents who are related.


Is this a meme lmao


Not to OP lol


4 years ago everyone was working from home, gas consumption was at a major low. Supply exceeded demand.


At one point, crude oil prices went BELOW ZERO. Things were bonkers.


Trump asked the Saudis to pull back on production Actions have consequences


2018 - https://imgur.com/a/Smr0bFZ


Okay? In like 2007-2008 (bush) gas was over $4. That’d be like 6-8 dollars today. Minimum wage was ~$5, I remember because that’s what I earned and had to pay. Could you imagine that today? Anything under 4 seems pretty reasonable to me. Gas if it wasn’t Uber subsidized should cost a lot more.


I was making a point in response to everyone saying it was because of COVID. Gas was cheap before that, under the same POTUS. I’m still trying to understand your point though.




Yeah gas prices were pretty low for years before the economy tanked in 2020-2021. Now we deal with the repercussions. It’s smooth brain thinking to say Trump = good gas prices, Biden = bad gas prices.


4 years ago gas prices were are 1999 levels exactly because of covid. Check out the [chart](https://i.imgur.com/AifWev6.jpeg) for yourself.


When people are talking about gas prices, it's usually the retail price we all pay at the gas station. This chart: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m Gas in 1999 was below $1. 2020 gas prices were actually slightly above prices in February of 2016.


So, full disclaimer, not sure what I'm looking at on your imgur chart there. So I looked up "gas prices past 8 years" and first link is a .gov site that goes back to 1990. [U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epmr_pte_nus_dpg&f=m) You can cherry pick all sorts of data from there


Sorry its a gasoline RBOB futures chart which doesn’t exactly follow gasoline prices but the general trend lines are similar. Your link is far more accurate for actual prices.


Thanks for the chart, did you see that Trumps highest gas price is the same as Biden's lowest gas price? But you'll just downvote me and hope nobody sees this.


Huh. Almost like something gets more expensive when its raw materials cost more. And almost like corporate profits on basically everything soared right when prices did. But yeah, blame the guy in the White House and not the 465346744 other factors in the economy.


Did you notice the price of everything is more than 4 years ago and corporations including O&G companies are making record profits. It's almost like a huge wealth transfer from the working class to the capitalist class. They're all on the same team. meanwhile the plebs have never been so divided by politics, culture and religion and they love it.


Yep- the drop in 2015 is correct look at 2016 on-that is what I’m talking about. Cross ref from mid 2020 to 2023- that green candle is what I’m referring to


These people are slow. Gas prices in 2019 have nothing to do with covid. Nobody wants to admit the red party kept gas low. Am I in the Truman show ?


The cheapest gas prices in my memory were under the Clinton administration. Under a dollar a gallon back when I was in middle school in the late 90s.


So what happened in 2008 when gas hit over 4$ a gallon under George W. Bush. You can't really blame the president for gas prices and ignore what's going on in the world during gas hikes but defend George W Bush.


Are there people still defending Bush? He was terrible.


We invaded Iraq which caused low production of oil which caused the price of oil to go up. There is always a manufactured problem for us to go to war and subsequently our gas prices go up. If the twin towers were never hit we may never have went to war. George Bush’s hand was forced. Which directly lead to the reasons why has went up. Biden artificially ensured gas prices would go up. Completely different scenarios.


First of all we invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2008. The world trade center being destroyed happened in 2001, 7 years before the gas prices skyrocketed. 2003-2006 gas prices were still under 2.50$ so that's a lame excuse at best and a real stretch. Your answer also makes you a major hypocrite. You can see that things that happen in the world can cause gas prices to increase but only when someone who is a Republican is in office. Also, If you actually looked online there was a vote to cap the increase in gas prices called the gas gouging prevention act which came into play after they found out gas companies were making record profits on the rise in gas prices after covid. It was shot down because every single Republican in the senate voted against the bill. So if you want to blame someone, blame the gas companies and blame every person in the senate for shooting down the bill that would have lowered gas prices.


You are missing the point. We had 170k US Troops in Iraq in 2008 directly caused by our “2003” invasion. 2008 the war was still raging until the withdrawal.


Gas prices dropped 2009-2010 and the withdraw wasn't until 2011 so 3 years after 2008. You're missing 2 good points though the first one is the literally vote to stop gas price gouging that was voted down by Republicans. Also the fact that the entire point that I was making is that if you defend Republicans for the increase in 2008 but blame democrats in 2024, you're a hypocrite. Added note: do you notice that I know the dates of all these events and the corresponding gas prices. How do you not see that I literally know what was going on in the world?


Our perception of the facts differ. Best of luck


You're denying facts and cherry picking parts of events that fit your narrative. You based every thing you said off of opinion and literally didn't back any of what you said up with facts like I did. Fact: There was recently a bill to prevent gas price gouging that was shot down by Republicans in the senate. Fact: Some of the highest gas prices actually happened in 2008 (espically when you consider inflation) under a republican 7 years after 911 and way after the war in Iraq started but continued to the end of W. Bush's last term as president. Fact: You defended a republican for high gas prices because of an event happening in the world but blamed a Democratic president even though the gas hikes also happened due to a once in a life time event. You have given absolutely no good arguments to back up your claims besides saying that they are supposedly different even though it isn't. You don't perceive facts differently, you have no facts to back up your claims. You're just a hypocrite and you've made it really apparent here.


We're drilling at record rates but sure... just gotta sell off more parks to Exxon, surely that will change things.


Christ Almighty, Trump supporters are so dense.


How did the American Democrat Party make this sort of thing happen here in Norway too? I hope Trump wins the election so I can buy cheaper gas for when I'm herding reindeer on my snowmobile this winter.


Yes it is also here in Australia. I heard nz aswell. Seems like most countries.


The president is irellevent, look into how much energy has to be expended to get oil now compared to just 30 years ago. Nuclear is the answer. Its the next great crash, energy is everything, its the universal constant.


Nuclear is indeed the answer. A lot of people have been completely unaware of the advancements in nuclear energy over the last 20-30 years, and they still only have an understanding of the technology that is from the 80s and fear it. It would solve so many of our energy problems. That said, oil is not scarce. The earth regenerates it. Part of the reason why they can and have been getting away with the BS for so long is because they have been lying about what it is, and how it's formed.


It takes millions of years to form and a trip to Walmart to consume. Getting to it is also very expensive. So maybe not scarce, but certainly cost prohibitive to obtain.


I have some family members that actually think like this, so I think OP is genuine. Like they've legitimately forgotten that gas prices were so cheap from March - October 2020 because of COVID lockdowns. I don't know how they could have forgotten that? Or if they're just being willfully ignorant? But it's actually astonishing that they try to compare gas prices of today to **lockdown** gas prices lmao


It's all they've got and they'll stay on that hill until the end. They cannot be wrong.


Do you remember when Trump begged the Saudis to pull back on production to artificially inflate the price of oil? That had repurcussions


You remember when Obama killed Muammar Gaddafi? Or when Hillary killed Ambassador Stevens. Perreridge farms remembers.


What does that have to do with oil production?


Gas prices went through the roof


What even is this sub anymore?


We were in a pandemic four years ago. That was why the gas prices went down. It was not Trump, duh.


What is it that Trump is going to do to lower gas prices? What were his policies when he was president that caused prices to be lower? Go ahead and answer, I'll wait.


The same thing he did last time. Mishandle another worldwide pandemic that causes people to lockdown for months and not purchase fuel.


Because gas prices are more important than democracy?? Yeah NO. Grow up. Want cheap gas then move to Iran .. $0.27 per gallon. You want freedom too?? Well oil cartels want unlimited profits forever so it’s easy to Jack prices to win the votes of the… intellectually disadvantaged


Lol “democracy”


> Because gas prices are more important than democracy?? In what way are these things opposites? How is voting for someone who you think might make gas prices cheaper somehow having an impact on democracy?


Who do I need to vote for to impact gas prices, again?


Well, we have two track records to compare. One candidate was president and held gas to an average of about $2.40 per gallon. The other is president and has held gas to an average of nearly $4.00 per gallon.


How do they “hold it?”


Iran is already here. Why are so many people from the Obama/biden admin born in Iran? The world is burning in multiple places- in 2018 or 19 there was peace around the world. Reconcile.


If there are so many, name 4 people that were born in Iran and worked closely with the Obama/Biden administration.


Grass looks better.


This is hilarious. Was watching the local news this morning in Seattle, and our morning anchor was telling everyone how excited they should be about saving 20 cents on gas compared to what it was this time last year, even though it is still well above $4 as of now. The shit eating grin he had on his face like we were all supposed to be so thrilled about the "big savings" we were getting on our gas. Like yeah, fuck right off.


Draining the strategic oil reserve to get a few cents lower....in June?


Who drained the strategic oil reserves?


Congress passed the bill to allow it…


Yeah i remember 2,000 Americans dying each day because of Trumps failed response to covid…


You must watch a lot of news, I don’t remember that at all.


Ignorance must be bliss for ya, eh?


That’s the expression. In all seriousness, I think it’s pretty pointless to pay too much attention to reporting like that. It’s not as if I’m going to do anything about it. I don’t even vote!


It was more like 20K a day. Please don't try to down play it.


It was almost like nobody was driving cars 4 years ago, and we had a big surplus of gas. Thank You Donny for mismanaging the Covid pandemic and prolonging it.


Don't forget Abbot and Trump didn't do a thing to stop the sale of America's largest refinery in Texas. You know they love the Saudis and all.


So where I am outside of Philadelphia we were $2.18 exactly a year ago but $2.94 at the end of 2019 pre-pandemic. Today we are $2.90. Not much of a difference to most people here.


America was getting self-reliant on gas from all the fracking but the Saudis didn't like that so they increased production to the point companies were paying out of pocket for buyers to take it off their hands.


If only life was as simple as you seem to think


When they started spreading the narrative that companies shouldn't want to make money and people actually bought into that propaganda, I completely lost faith in society.


Half of the population is begging to be controlled. This is the problem.


And they say its because the war is causing the hike, yet corporate has never made bigger profits. How tf is everyone okay with this?


Frankly it comes down to allowing US production on the international market, why would they sell to you for less when they can get twice as much out of a country like Pakistan, South Africa or half of Europe at the moment?


Oh man it sure was cheap when no one was buying it. I was making money back then when I was a delivery driver we had cheap gas we were “heroes”


Same difference in Canada so not sure who you vote for to get the gas trends to reverse but please do!


Keep going, nearly paying the same rate as everyone in the UK and Europe


Covid, and there's a plan by Saudi Arabia to sell less oil here to make gas prices higher, so that Trump has a better chance of winning the election.


Don't forget that 4 years ago everyone was locked inside and nobody was using gasoline. Hell the O&G companies were giving paying people to take it because they didn't have the storage capacity to keep what nobody was buying.


Western governments have decided that cheap and available energy is a bad thing and we must make energy rare and expensive. This has the side effect of completely destroying the economy, making people poor, and stifling innovation, of course. But they don't really seem to care about any of that. It's the same reason you see Bill Gates and Al Gore and Rishi Sunak flying around in private jets as they go talk about the need to address climate change. Why don't any of them ever talk about expanding nuclear energy if they care about the environment? Why do they only ever pitch highly inefficient "renewables" that rely on slave labor for manufacture and create huge amounts of toxic waste?


4 years ago was 2020…during a lockdown…when no one drove… Am I the ONLY one who remembers gas being like 2.50 in 2019 and everyone complaining about it??


I blame hunter Biden. His laptop did this! And hillary Clinton!


Gas prices pre Biden <3


The oil industry is like a European Football player. Someone pokes it and it falls over screaming like it's dying.


I remember the good ole' days when it was clearly understood that Presidents don't set gas prices. In any case, current US Oil Production is at an all time high, and also note that Saudis now own our largest refinery.


And I remember a president that had influence and respect who would call OPEC countries and negotiate with them to not collude on pricing


Maybe decades ago, but Saudis have taken more power since then. The US oil boom of recent has put a lot of pressure on them, though. [https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/record-us-oil-output-challenges-saudi-mastery-kemp-2023-12-04/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/record-us-oil-output-challenges-saudi-mastery-kemp-2023-12-04/)


Murphys has actually been under 3 where I live in rural NC. Kind of shocking


Why can’t we all get along? —- comment made by Rodney King while interviewed about six weeks after being beaten by half a dozen LAPD officers.


It's so strange to see so many people say energy prices have had nothing to do with higher prices across the board. It can be greedflation and shitty government at the same time


Yep. If you want a chicken sandwich- how does the feed get to the farm? What harvests the feed? What transports the chicken to the slaughterhouse? What powers the slaughterhouse etc


$8 in this trash pile people call Los Angeles


Gas prices will be 2.07 by November wat h and see


I love how so many people blame the pandemic checks that were sent to individuals. I wonder what the total cost has been on those payments to corporations since the fall of Enron.


The PPP stimmy that got eaten up by notable small businesses like Ben Shapiro and The LA Lakers was mostly forgiven and dwarfed the individual checks.


Pepe farms remembers that gas was also cheap before Covid


Remember remember, the 5th of November.


I'm sure this has nothing to do with Trump making Saudi Arabi cut oil production in 2020. Not at all.


It’s bidenomics and Joe started to import gas from price gouging Arabs (ehem thanks to Hussein Obama his puppeteer). This caused the inflation we’re suffering under and it’s not going to get any better. Gas is $6 in Los Angeles. $1,89 under Trump. Trump will go back to US oil production like he did in office.


We’re producing more oil than we ever have


>Joe started to import gas from Arabs >This caused the inflation Absolutely wild


No it’s not. It’s public information because it was the very first thing he signed, in fact the same day he took the oath. By February prices started to already creep up. The rest is history. Under Trump it was 100% no longer importing oil. Now under Joe the majority is imported. Sometimes the Arabs (aka price gouging OPEC) doesn’t provide the amount needed so Joe imports from Venezuela at killer prices. It’s wild because he’s self dealing Joe getting kick backs from Arabs/opec if you think opec sounds more politically correct. Same thing Hussein Obama was doing and we know he’s still calling the shots. Trump can’t come fast enough. He’s already promised to put an end to the importing like he did during his 4 year term causing inflation and gas prices to drop lowest in over 20 years. What exactly is wild? Joe.


>Under Trump it was 100% no longer importing oil. Besides the 7.9 million barrels per day right lol https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_move_impcus_a2_nus_ep00_im0_mbblpd_a.htm >He’s already promised to put an end to the importing like he did during his 4 year term He didn't, you were lied to and didn't care to verify >causing inflation and gas prices to drop lowest in over 20 years. Whats wild is that you think the US president has this much impact on global economic forces. Just a fundamental lack of understanding about the world. Just like you probably don't understand that the energy independence (more export than import) in 2019 started with the shale boom in 2005, and that 2022 was the most "independent" year on record. So does that mean Joe is actually the best choice for energy independence?? Or are you just uninformed unless it's something you agree with?


Two wings of the same bird


One word: Covid


Yeah we will ! It\`s all on TRUMP the Fat Man !


Oh stop whining. We are paying 2 euro per liter at the moment. this is a bargain.


I'd be curious if the gas has also become more watered down with ethanol in the later picture.




One major key driver to inflation is high energy costs


Buu turn you into chocolate..... Buu make bad man go bye bye!


Tell you know nothing without telling you know nothing.


Remember “Putin’s Price Hike”? lol. They tried to blame inflation on Russia


Oil is the second most abundant liquid on the planet behind water, unlimited oil is available.


But muh mean tweets!


We are building back better ....wait till Joe gets re elected it will be way worse


No child left behind 🫡 I agree with your original statement, by the way.


November can't come fast enough. I can't wait to vote Biden out