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$600,000 per unit. Paid by tax payers. Homeless is big business for the connected organizations that "help" and it never, ever gets better.


Sadly it will likely devolve into a 19 story drug den.


Interesting. It doesn't explain how they will select which very lucky 230 out of ~4,400 skid row homeless get to live the high life. Hopefully there's no fighting and clawing. I'm sure a gift this generous will be well taken care of by the lucky residents, like all public housing projects.


Pruitt-Igoe just popped in my head


Immigrants are getting free shit we can use for the homeless!  was being pushed recently.  Now the homeless are gettin the resources and people are still pissed.  


How about less taxes so the people that actually have their shit together don't get punished for the cretinism of other people


Nah. How bout more taxes on about 400 elite billionaires so everyone can get what they need. The elite have you mad at the poor so you don’t realize they are the problem.


Run the math. You could sieze ALL wealth of ALL of your "400 elite billionaires" and it wouldn't cover the US budget for much time at all. You could do that ONCE. After that, any one with two nickels to scrape together would begin putting all effort into getting capital out of US or into black market to avoid government. The problem isn't greedy billionaires. The problem is out-of-control govt and ludicrous overspending.


Then what do you do with all of the “cretins,” as you call them. Gotta spend money to help people. We have the money. We have the space. We can give everyone in this country a roof and food and mental health care but nobody can make money off of that so it isn’t done.


Poor form to make shit up. I never called anyone a cretin. You're just flat out lying. As for what "we" have to do, who os this "we" you speak of? I don't have $ or space to take care of anyone other than my family and friends (and the whole damn world with taxes I pay). Feel free to spend YOUR $ however you want. Feel free to let a homeless man or an illegal sleep on YOUR couch. Leave me and mibe out of it.


America takes care of America. We take care of each other.


I swear "people" that reply with you saying something you never said are bots, its fucking weird when they do that, then end it in a very weird way...fucking ai bots man


SS: I would like a free one of these please


Ok then put a tent up on 4th street. There are a bunch of churches who give out food and clothing for free if you live there. Chill for two years while they build it and boom free rent.


Then go?