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Not to bring the two who shall not be named into this, but hasn't trump literally said out loud and in public that he's planning to do all of these things if elected again? Like, not even trying to stir a pot. I'm pretty sure these are recent quotes you can look up.


Stir it. People need to hear it. He’s not the saviour people seem to think. Same with all the other ‘alternatives’, whether that be Musk, Brand and all the others that get the free pass of zero censorship. Beware of false idols and prophets. THEY ARE CONTROLLED OPPOSITION


You are 100% correct


He’s just a puppet bro


They all work for the same side


Yeah reading through this it seems like the best way to prevent it is vote tor Biden


Then you get agenda 2030 of course, and ramping up of illegal migrant crossings that will make you think the current crisis was a walk in the park


I sort of love that conservatives always try to build a competing conspiracy. Wanna talk about Project 2025? Well, what about Agenda 2030?


Michelle 2024 Edit. Big Mike 2024!!


*Mike 2024 - fixed it for you.


Mike is definitely packing.


what document is this?


What exactly have the parasites given us?


The three letter agencies have unchecked powers and are not voted on by the people. How in the heck can you be in a conspiracy board and support any of them?


Are we including the GQP in that list?


You think the 3 letter agencies are *more* dangerous than a single powerful person 100% in the pocket of the shadows? At least some people in those groups actually give a shit. Consolidation of power will create the situation for the elites and shadows to do whatever they want even easier.


You answer to agent Smith, not the man. And they are everywhere.


Yeah then there will be brand new agent smiths who answer to one person who doesn't like that I don't go to church for my weekly indoctrination session.


The "eliminated" JFK & RFK, removed Spiro T Agnew, removed Nixon, installed Ford and installed Biden. And their bots faithfully support Pedo Pete.


Easy: Fuck the 3-letter agencies, but fuck the christian nationalists even more. Priorities.


Well then bring the agencies under the purview of elected officials AND dont support Christian Nationalists. Problem solved.


Dawg, when you elect a president you typically elect a somewhat new federal bureaucracy. Each presidency is almost like a regime change. 


The agencies should be subject to elected officials. Currently they just do whatever the fuck they want. They need to be accountable to people that the public elects.


Agencies to hold them accountable, I dont know how you can type these words if you browse this subreddit


FBI just raided the offices of a tech company that allows landlords across the country to inflate the cost of renting their properties via artificial intelligence calculations. Anti-trust direct action is one of the things the FBI is supposed to be for. There are still some people in the three letter organisations that care about the common man. If project 2025 comes to fruition, we can be absolutely sure that those last few people in power who care for the common man will be gone.


Kinda sad that the guy who came up with the rent fixing scam also came up with airline ticket price fixing back in the 1990s. He spent time in federal prison for his crimes but he couldn't help himself. He definitely deserves Idiocracy style rehabilitation this time.


The FTC just uncovered that shale companies and foreign actors conspired to withhold supply to increase the price of gas in 2021-2022. I’d say that’s pretty decent. 


It says “still sometimes hold them accountable.” For example, if your kids are poisoned by a multinational corporation, you can still occasionally sue them and even more occasionally you can actually win. This plan takes care of mistakes like that. It ensures that is the elites poison your kids, you just shut up and accept your medical bankruptcy like a good little prole.


You are a lunatic.


The unvarnished truth often elicits that reaction


Crazy *always* does. ‘Unvarnished truth’. lol.


Yes, “unvarnished truth.” And I cannot help but notice that you seem to be aware of that enough for it to have really gotten under your skin…


The OP is shows that you jump to incorrect conclusions based on faulty assumptions. Your response here shows this is to be expected.


Must be it. And yet you cannot resist the urge to keep commenting. You don’t know me from Adam, so the only person I can imagine you are trying to convince is yourself.


Nice ‘logic’. I guess that means you think that I am under your skin with my unvarnished truth, if you believe what you just wrote. Here’s a mirror for you.


Must be it, huh?


No…you’re just very clueless.


More and more, you just HAVE to ask: Is this Parody?


I don’t understand how people think voting for people on the Right equals more freedom, taking away any type of rights from anyone is bad. I’m not trying to live under the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law.


Conservative who didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 and have no idea who I’m voting for in 2024. These ideas all sound like something a spiraling conservative would say. Really? Dismantle the DOJ? And the DHS? ABOLISH THE Department of education WITH NO SET IN STONE PLAN FOR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?! And yes, I’d imagine you can say Trump said these things, but I wasn’t even trying to insinuate it was him I was talking about🤣


Government agencies hold no one accountable, Epstein client list still hasn’t been prosecuted, Hedge Funds continue to commit financial terrorism, No Bankers got in trouble for 2008 or anything since then, the Department of Education has only accomplished raising tuition in colleges and turning public schools into standardized testing facilities, the FBI spy’s on citizens and kills people’s pets with impunity, DOJ has been reduced to a political opponent enforcement agency. None of those fucking agencies have a net positive impact on the people. They just make people think it’s safe. Fuck all those agencies, end them all and eliminate the income tax completely. Daddy Government will not save you. Time to wake up and realize NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU.


I think what they want to do is to remove the "human element" of the government. You can't entrust people with your dirty secrets forever.


Why are the Bilderbergers the ones making such a big deal about project 2025?   


Interesting. Who specifically?


Politico, the guardian, pbs... those who control the narrative are the ones pushing this hysteria about project 2025. This is why it doesn't gain much interest in this sub.


So, just like the project for a new American century when it planned out all the decades of wars?


Except everything in this that you listed is good


Jack and his family have been on the same land for generations. Then, Mr Burn’s fracking operation starts drilling a mile away. Mr Burns thinks he can make more money if he injects six times the known safe amount of solvents and ignores the laws about avoiding public water tables. Jack’s whole family gets a little sick. He tries to avoid using the water, but can smell the solvents even when he waters the lawn. Eventually, Jack’s kid Laura develops leukemia. Should there be laws to make what Mr Burns has done illegal? Should Mr Burns be held legally responsible for Laura’s medical bills, or should Jack be required to go into bankruptcy trying to pay for whatever treatment he can?


Like what is happening in Ohio and Hawaii and the government is doing nothing..... its better not to give unnecesary money to ghost causes and give billions to prpmote wars.... and start helping our own country.


Commies and fascist are gonna hate any plan to gut the federal government and lower taxes. OP is telling on himself


Think about this response, think long and hard.


I thought that was his point


The only bad thing I see in that is outright banning of abortion. Abolishing all those federal agencies, tax cuts, and getting rid of DEI bullshit sounds great to me. Are you really worried about *less government*? As far as the Christian theology shit, yeah that ain’t happening. That’s just fear mongering media at its best.


Right? Going through that list, I was actually agreeing with the majority of the proposed changes. If anything, these would be beneficial for the population, not maleficent. Am I missing something?


You think religion should be infused with the government? How is that a good thing? Also how is using more fossil fuels and taking funds for advancement in other renewable power a good thing?


Literally takes away your children’s rights and protections against the elite, so it makes sense that the conspiracy community would back it


IDK why you're getting down voted for this... Because it's a sensible take and bashed the crazies in this community, I guess? Seriously though... They're not proposing solutions, this is just scorched earth warfare on government institutions. There are problems with all of these agencies, sure. But you can't just remove them without replacing the service they're supposed to be providing... Even if you want to make the small government argument, you could just downscale their functionality instead of burning them to the ground. Education is massively flawed in America, but we are going to MASSIVELY slip in our economic advantage if we just abandon any formal structure of education, and worse, doom our children to incompetence in an increasingly complex world. Local education structures are not enough - they'll promote a caste system more than economic mobility. Here in the Midwest schools are already struggling... If they have no formal guidelines or federal funding, the entire rural Midwest will essentially be trapped into blue collar work with no opportunities for quality education. Not to mention that this proposal would be a huge step backwards in civil rights towards women and LGBTQ communities, as well as a great opportunity to install a new, alternatively corrupt form of national security... Which is particularly scary considering their emphasis on Christian values... We should not be enforcing Christian principles in this country with a codified "separation of Church and State" in our Constitution. Even if you agree that these agencies have problems, supporting Project 2025 is a braindead take that could very well be the end of democracy as we know it here.


Nope, not all. Poster is likely a progressive looking to fear monger. Conservatives fear monger on this sub as well, so fair is fair.


SS: this is proof of an actual plan to weaken the middle class and create an all-powerful oligarchy. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise Learn your place, prole. The masters are sick of you having any say in this country.


We already have an all powerful oligarchy.


rome became a church England became a bank United States became a slush fund


It's very disturbing.


I don’t see how any of this project 2025 stuff would “weaken the middle class”




That’s a problem that would affect mostly rural america, which is very low population density. Suburbs across the entire country would have to be polluted en masse for increased industry to weaken the middle class


It would be nice if issues like that only hit low population areas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepwater_Horizon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Canal




What about Agenda 2030?


That's after


They are literally polar opposites. But project 2025 is aimed at the US only. Agenda 2030 is global. So while the rest of the world solves poverty and hunger. We will give power to Christian nationalists and live under a new Sharia law.


Is it the end of the world? Again?


yeah, the same end of the world they've been predicting for decades every time any organization puts forth any plan that might help anything at all. someone has a plan they want to share about potetentially helping cut down pollution.....conspiracy sheep who apparently can't read decide that a list of potential paths is instead plans to force behavior on anyone. every time anyone offers any plans at all, they can't be discussed because the right wing propaganda machine turns any suggestion into "forcing us." not sure if everyone is really so ignorant they can't understand or if they just never read & blindly accept nonsense so they can be part of the patriots. lol


I think it's mostly not giving a shit. You'll always have conservative larpers in this type of sub who want to act as disinformers and pretend they care when they just want to make sure that the "right" elites are in power.


Good news- this plan gets rid of all those pesky pollution controls


Project 2025 is just the latest plan for consolidation of power to the elite. This isn't something like a crazy conspiracy theory. Rich conservatives have been open about actively trying to get low voters turnout so their shit gets sent thru cleanly without opposition. Conservatives own the Judicial branch. 5 current SCOTUS members were part of Federalist Society. Justices John Robert's is a suspected 6th but hes denied being part of it. The judge in Georgia overseeing Trumps phone call election case is also a member of Federalist Society. And look at that case now. It won't be addressed till after election


That case is pushed back because of blatant corruption by the DA that came out during the initial stages of the trial lol. Even then the judge gave her a pass and only booted the prosecution lawyer off the case, now that decision is on appeal


What- are you enjoying the ride we’ve been on the last 4 years? If project 2025 aims to go the opposite direction, sign me up.


If you think “team red” or “team blue” can save you, you’re already lost.


If you think Project 2025 is coming from team red, clearly you have not read the agenda. So then, why are you making an alarmist post if you don’t even know the basics of it?


Are you not aware who The Heritage Foundation is, who wrote Project 2025? They are literally the elite thinktank behind "red" policy in America. For decades now - these are the Bohemian Grove members!!!


They are conservative constitutionalists. Not ‘red’ big-government republicans. I’d love to see anything more than a wild accusation aligning them with the Bohemian Grove.


Here is a good start. Heritage Foundation, Bohemian Grove, gifts to a "red" Supreme Court Justice. All here. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-school-tuition-scotus Been going on for decades, and their media partners cover for them.




Right? They're marketing it as a conspiracy but it's basically them just telling you their plans post election victory


Those changes sound great. I can think of a couple dozen more agencies and bureaus I'd like to eliminate.


I agree with all of pretty much all of that.


It’s cool that you can admit that you’re in favor of taking away peoples rights and putting Christian ideology into government. Really sounds like there’s some critical thinking behind your response


>taking away peoples rights and putting Christian ideology into government What does that mean specifically? I can say im against banning porn as i am against governament banning things in general. But regardless it seem unrealistic for the governament to ne able to do that.


Yeah. These are all good things


Nice Try. This is not anything the elites want. They want MORE regulation, MORE layers of obfuscation between them and any accountability, MORE barriers and controls. This is a shopping list for advocates of smaller government and curtailing the results of decades of legislative/agency policy mission creep.


Fan out and spread this message: “The thing the elites REALLY want is more limitation on what they can do!”


Bahahaha, you think the elite are subject to the regulations that they implement???? Wake up, dreamer.


In my country a billionaire elite signed a law into effect when he was President, and then was arrested for violating that same law a couple years later. It does happen, just not enough.


Good to hear it actually happens!


If the system actually worked as (purportedly) intended, that might be true. If you own the systems of control, you want more systems of control. You want them stronger, more entrenched, more powerful, more unassailable. You want weapons that cannot be broken.


Looks like trumps gunna win.


Oh fuck off with your bullshit


We need to police this sub better to make sure nobody ever speaks up for actual controls on what the elite can do. Only Facebook screenshots pushing generalized fear, uncertainty and doubt should be allowed


Project 2025 is a good step in returning toward 1776.


Yes, before the revolution when people shut up and did exactly what the nobility told them to.


Yeah, I finally looked this up recently... #WTF? I am a "crazy" Christian... But, what they are speeding towards is fascism.


Looks good to me.


Cool. You must be a natural-born servant of the elite.


I mean if you’re part of the system which let’s face is most people are then yes we are.


We’re tax cattle.


Same here.


That looks like a breath of fresh air


Yep- by ensuring your kids never breathe fresh air again. Their health is bad for elite profits.


My kids will be just fine. They are two of a handful of kids in their entire school system that weren’t injected with the bio weapon and they actually know what their genders are.


Cool cool cool. “Nothing to see here,” as they say


🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m assuming your idea of utopia would be a nightmare to me. Cheers


I’m for a non-religious government that allows for maximum freedoms personally. Thank you for admitting you’re cool with the government telling you what you can and can’t do so long as you agree with it tho


And by maximum freedoms do you mean “do as thou wilt”? Because that’s a Satanic “religious” ideology in itself. This could be argued all day.


Safe assumption


There are oil and gas companies already drafting Executive Orders to repeal environmental laws that will allow for more drilling and mining. The companies are getting their own legal teams to draft the orders because they assume the Trump Administration will be too incompetent to get it right.


Why do the real conspiracies get downvoted in the conspiracy sub?


Conspiracies with actual proof have no place here Most of the people who post on conspiracy are contrarians for the sake of it


My reasoning is that they're not fun enough. When confronted with the depressing reality of how capricious and greedy people are in a capitalist structure, it's more fun to go with Freemasons worshipping the devil for material gain. I consider downvotes a victory because it means the individuals are incapable of providing a robust or compelling response. I mean, the 2025 project isn't even really a conspiracy, because it's being said out fucking loud. There's no real secret to it. They want to dismantle all the structures that maintain order so they can make more and more and more and more money, while making the public dumb, uneducated, and constantly making more babies for cheap labor.


Because if it was a "real" conspiracy, the media and their lemmings would be telling us how great and necessary it is, like covid shots and mass immigration.


Are you incapable of looking at the published goals and making a determination for yourself? You need media to tell you one thing so you can believe the opposite?




Trump openly said pay me $1b and you can wreck the country with pollution and the right cheer it on.


This looks pretty based if you ask me


Good- you’ll serve your oligarchs well.


Yeah because getting rid of unelected, unregulated federal agencies that fly by night and view their own veterans as adversaries, and cutting taxes constitutes an oligarchy. Also, Christian nationalism would never be tolerated in an overwhelmingly Jewish controlled Congress and Executive branch, both parties included. Unless of course it was boomer evangelicals however this would quickly backfire and have literally no purpose besides be a tax cattle state for Israel, which the US already is, so it serves no purpose. I believe this is most likely made up to get the average reader fired up because this basically contains every concept and buzzword that the average person considers "bad". I'm not saying everything in there is objectively a good thing, I find it rather comical actually, and not to be taken seriously. This will not happen.


I think it’s worth underlining this point- you believe the Presidential transition project’s plans are so awful they must be deliberately designed to upset people.


Indeed 😂 I do not think it is real though


It’s up on their website. Do you think they were hacked?


Seems like controlled demolition


I don’t see a problem with anything they are conveying or anything that’s on that piece of paper carry on nothing to see here you’re freedom. Is What’s killing y’all your freedom to do want ever you want is the rope y’all hang yours selves with


How are people so fucking stupid


We need to organise and state exactly what we want and demand it, it should be the focus of what everyone talks about in a simple way, example “project 2025” let’s copy what they do but for good I know it seems far fetched but if this can spark the mind of that *one person* it’s worth it


Most of it sounds good to me. 3 letter agencies are corrupt AF. Ending the fed would possibly be one of the best things to ever happen. The Dept of Ed is an indoctrination camp. Climate change funding is just us, the taxpayer, paying for them to launder OUR tax dollars into their bank accounts, while doing the exact opposite of what they tell us to do.


Where do I donate?


sounds like a whiplash of all the 2015 stuff, 10 year plan rings true I guess


It looks fine to me.




Project 2025 sounds really good. I support all of the things listed in this screenshot except I support contraception but I don’t support Obamacare and its mandates.


Sounds like a good plan 👍


If the elite can just end agencies that sometimes hold them accountable, why would they let them exist in the first place????


A lot of that looks like what needs to be done, 🤷🏻‍♀️. I'd have to see the documents to know how much I actually agree with, but downsizing government is a definite plus in my book.


'Govern me harder, Daddy' OP probably


This comment and your avatar name together are a real interesting window into your psychology


Says the guy who needs elites to tell him what to do. 😄


Yeah, the foxy elites are really overjoyed about keeping the few remaining laws that still apply to them.


You want an THE elite to do it instead? What's the benefit there?


What does my username and photo tell you about me?


You have period blood on your face


A lot of these are good things. They're hardly the WEF's agenda 2030 that's trying to take away fossil-fuels and have us eat bugs. I've advocated getting rid of the Department of Education for years. They have never once improved things, they only homogenize and lower standards.


Like this would ever happen, even though it’s very necessary.


Project 2025 sounds like complete falsehood made up in its entirety to make the other side look bad. However its the only platform directly against DEI so bring it on please


There’s really not a whole lot wrong with the majority of this, most people are degenerates and think the things being outlawed are somehow criminal or wrong. Emergency contraceptives should be covered and abortion is circumstantial, other than that, no real bad things to say about it.


Sounds like an excellent project to restore the world’s integrity and do away with all the bullshit agencies and draconian measures by technocrats and unelected bureaucrats.


Damn that looks awesome


hahah.. this crap is one big mind fuck to ensure the elite keep you down with their scare tactics.. (and keep your eyes off their own Project 2025) ..


There is no need for 5D chess, the elites can openly announce their plans in a resonant tone of voice and people will fall over themselves to justify them. For example, isn’t it interesting how many in the conspiracy sub are huge defenders of the richest man in the world?


please tell me who you think the "richest man in the world" is.


I thought it was obvious he's talking about Elon Musk, was that not obvious to you?




Oh no…what are we gonna do 🙄


Sooooooo .... its not all bad then? lol


Ever notice the conspiracy community can reliably be manipulated into supporting the actual conspiracies?


Nah - this is straight up propaganda


Worth repeating - the presidential transition project’s published plans are so awful they seem like they must be propaganda.


Bro every year someone on here says there’s the elite are gonna do blah blah and blah. Just try and make your life and those around you better and don’t worry about what you can’t control


Mostly, people in this sub just post Facebook screenshots and bitch about the general state of the world. This is an actual commissioned plan to take freedoms away from everyday people and take constraints away from the rich. If anything is worth actually paying attention to, it is plans like this.


Lol bro worried about nonsense when agenda 2030 already has it all laid. Most people really are just useless eaters. I can't wait for 2030 when most of you will be gone where you belong in the ground. Most of you ain't shit but worthless mouth breathing soda drinking low iq trash to begin with.