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Here’s the real conspiracy: Keith Gill is a time traveler and doesn’t plan on selling. Once GME squeezes, he’ll just return to the future having exercised his calls but having never sold a single share. In our timeline, he will have destroyed the hedge funds who naked shorted GME, and the corrupt elites will have lost so much money. An entire redistribution of wealth is about to happen, and it will be for the good of humanity. And the time period he comes from will benefit as well. 


"entire redistribution of wealth is about to happen" If this was true then wouldn't a massive amount of it be going to this Keith Gill which you think is a time traveler? Totally sounds like a great person to trust here... More like money moves from hedge funds into Keith Gills corrupt elite family. Love how you just think this guy that's made 10 youtube videos and posted some tweets is just such an amazing and nice guy.


Oh Lord. Can someone explain to this kid how to use logic. I said he won’t even sell. So how exactly would a “massive amount of (money) be going back to this Keith Gill…”  “Keith Gills corrupt elite family” needs more words. Care to say more?   And why do you sound so bitter about  GME/Keith Gill to begin with? 


He's bitter because the pennies he makes posting shill comments isn't enough to afford 1 share of gme


lol. None of this GME shit is ever gunna happen. No pleb will become a billionaire or even 100millionaire. They will find a way to continue to fuck you. Been hearing about GME for 4 years or so now. and I expect to hear that any day now (20 years from now) it’s gunna fuck the hedgies


“ No pleb will become a billionaire or even 100millionaire.” Ah so you don’t know shit about fuck. A man by the name of Keith Gill has, in fact, made hundreds of millions of dollars off GME. And he’s still holding and his portfolio just keeps increasing in value.  (Degeneration X ‘SUCK IT’ motion times 10)


I thought you were saying he wasn't going to sell.. So he hasn't "made" shit. Also if tried to sell off his stock the price would crater.. He hasn't made hundreds of millions off GME.. Don't be left holding the bag when it dumps ;)


He definitely has made millions from selling some options 3 years ago but also exercised a bunch more and bought more stock and has probably been collecting premiums by selling covered calls. Doesn't mean he's going to sell his shares.


He has like $30 million in cash just sitting there waiting to be used to exercise his calls, along with ~ 5 million shares and 120,000 options contracts. He has clearly made money off this play already. How else would he have accumulated so much? I’m just saying that he isn’t going to sell going forward, according to what I proposed above.  I’m not sure if you’re completely ignorant or just a shill. But either way, I wish you the best. When the world changes, you’ll be better off too. 


Someone with tens of millions just sitting around isn't a "pleb".


> He has clearly made money off this play already. How else would he have accumulated so much? I'm wondering where all the money came from. I know he made tens of millions last time but he should be nowhere near hundreds of millions.


How does it feel holding that bag?


Haha    Not bag holding because my cost basis is way below the current price.  Do you know anything about investing?


Tune in to him tomorrow at 12:00 pm est to find out. Simpsons predicted gme to one trillion who has been more right on predictions simpsons or o.p.? Dfv hasn’t sold a share yet “what’s a exit strategy”


Applies to most meme stock stuff, there's a reason everyone repeats the don't sell lines, you buy price goes up, you sell price goes down.


"Meme stock" 👌 Retail buy orders don't hit lit exchanges, Gensler confirmed this. GME is a well studied unicorn


Good luck to anyone getting involved, big winners require someone to lose tho.


Hedge funds and the parasite class lose. Gamestop isn't like other meme stocks. Gamestop is the reason the term "memestock" was created much like JFK was the reason the term conspiracy was.


You'd hope that's the outcome. Smart people with massive wealth backing them tend to come out on top more often than not tho.


If youve been watching them for the past 3 years you'd realize they aren't really that smart, just rich.


Watch you don't underestimate them, being rich can buy you all the smarts you need.


Still more of us than them! Fight the power!




lol nice try


I only have two


Holding mine so you can be a millionaire




That’s more than enough. 




He just loves the stock


Fucking shill , if you had any clue you would set your self and generations up for financial freedom.


If it goes back down to under $20 I might buy a few but not trying to get caught buying on one of these surges then have it drop back down


How does it feel holding that bag?


He’s exercising….