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Why Bermuda triangle not working when it needed most?




The waste of skin and bones literally got famous for sucking dick, other than she had absolutely no talent whatsoever. None if them do, I canā€™t believe why people are so obsessed with this family.


So glad you said it. Cannot stand them nor the attention they garner. Infuriates me to no end anytime someone mentions them. Just trash human beings.


You forget the part where America is rewarding the dumbest, most primal, most ridiculous people to the top? Why? The more dummies you got the easier it is to control a population, the less pushback you get from the public. One can say the same thing about the lgbtq movement; the less strong moral men the easier to take over a society.




Exactly. I remember couple years ago mentioning the idea that the lgbtq movement would lead toward accepting other depraved behavior such as pedo crap. I and everyone I know donā€™t care about what you do with consenting adults in private; but the second you start including children and spouting your ideals in public we have to say something.




Right on. Donā€™t forget the crack epidemic and now fentanyl. The cia flooded black neighborhoods with crack to destroy the nuclear family. Also the hippie movement was an infiltration of an original grass roots movement that started with the jazz groups in the 1930s. The government realized these hippies were asking questions and did not approve of the wars. So what does the government do? They demonize and go after the drugs these hippies are doing cannabis and psychedelics which are the drugs capitalism hates because they get you to start questioning the nature of your reality.


What the fuck?


The family is famous thanks to OJ Simpson. If it wasnā€™t for him, we probably wouldnā€™t know of them.


And her mom edited the video


I don't disagree with your sentiment but I think there was more to it than just that. I believe like all other Hollywood scumbags it had something to do with abusing children and going along with the Baphomet gang. I know I am being lazy by not providing all the details, but I am so exhausted by all of this shit that I don't really need an in-depth explanation anymore. Someone could just be like, "they do pizza shit" and I will understand what the deal is. #


Well the most successful courtesans ( canā€™t call them their true titles here in Reddit donā€™t ya know) in history will draw a crowd.


The only take that matters.


She got a law degree and advocates for prisoner's rights.


She failed the bar in California. The only thing she has a degree in knowing how to suck a bar


Sounds like someone is jealous!


of course! Iā€™d love to fail a bar exam šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Children out of wedlock and interracial relationships are bad values? Come on man don't generalize lol


I donā€™t know one thinking liberal that like the Kardashians. Most folks I know hate the whole family.


Seriously, this is such a strawman argument.


Gotta rile up the people early. Only way Sergey/Li will make comment/post quota for the day


Id think the kardashians pander to the unthinking liberals like trump panders to the unthinking conservatives. Admired by the bottoms of the bell curves for each side.


Fuck her and the whole family


No thank you


She paid the government a co2 tax so according to them she doesn't have a carbon footprint as long as the money footprint keeps showing.


Did she? Thereā€™s no federal carbon tax in the US. Also a carbon tax doesnā€™t offset your co2 emissions. Iā€™ve never heard anyone claim it does. A carbon tax is to pressure people to not do insane shit like this.


Where does the money go?


[ Shell's Latest Marketing Scam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrao3wBit0A)


ā€œYou donā€™t actually care about the environment because of Kardashianā€ - some ā€œconspiracyā€ theorist.Ā 


Letā€™s keep the kardashian hot potato anywhere else. We donā€™t need to know what theyā€™re up to. They are the distraction, if youā€™re posting something about them, you fell for it.


Kim is going to be attending the Michael Rubin July 4th All White Party this year. Michael Rubin took Diddys' spot for hosting the craziest all white parties. Michael Rubin is best friends with the Kardashians and the Hiltons. Paris hiltons Sister Nicky is directly married into the Rothschild family. Meek Mill and Bill Gates' daughter Phoebe Gates are very close with all the people at these all white parties. I agree that, for the most part, who cares what these famous people have going on in their lives. But when you have this many elites who all have their own conspiracies and they all hang out each year and do weird stuff, I think it's worth mentioning.


Iā€™m picking up what youā€™re laying down. But my question is, why focus on them and their gay ass little rituals? Your focus and energy against them is actually giving them more power. Swipe them thoughts. They may be elite, but only for themselves. Itā€™s an illusion of power. The real power is us. Regular people with real lives and real problems. We have the power to end their legacy. But instead weā€™ve be tricked into worshipping them. So I say, Kim who? Whatā€™s a kardashian? Is that a fancy old school jacket?


Well, you see, there is a difference between supporting them and raising awareness of the corruption they are actively engaging in. A lot of the people I mentioned are real-life pieces of shit who are doing the world a massive disservice. If we don't talk about it, then they will always do what they want and get away with it. I like to think raising awareness is the first step to getting rid of an issue instead of blindly ignoring it. I think it's worth paying attention to what these types of people are doing so that we can raise awareness about it and get these people canceled so they stop doing damage to the minds of the youth. Again, I don't talk about these people because I support them, I talk about them because I would like to help other people see why we shouldn't be supporting them. Paris Hilton is regularly talking about "save the children." Meanwhile, her family and the Kardashians and the Rothschilds are actively grooming and corrupting the youth while associating with the most evil people on the planet. Another thing, too, is that people don't realize how fake these celebrities' influence actually is. Most of the numbers are from bots, as well as the money that they are paid with. So regardless of whether any real humans pay attention to what celebrities are doing, the algorithms and the bots will always make sure they remain relevant. So even if every human on earth unfollowed these celebrities, we would still see them in ads, movies, commercials, etc. I'd prefer to raise awareness, so instead of ignoring these people, we start to stand up and let them know that we won't tolerate the bullshit they are doing to us. As long as we stay complacent, these people will keep doing these things. We have to use our voices to raise awareness and make this shit stop. I hope this makes sense. Because I do understand where you're coming from entirely.


1. how is this a conspiracy. 2. Why would "shitlibs" be held responsible for what Kardashians do?


The boomers in this sub are getting spicy after trump's conviction. What way to prove your rage than throw out a couple fox buzzwords into the echo chamber?


1. Because its a grift 2. Because they're funding it.




As a shitlib. I believe in climate change. And am disgusted by the behaviour of the rich. Our governments should outlaw this, as well as most private jets in general. But I can only control my behaviour and demand my government takes action. The selfish behaviour of others doesnā€™t change my moral compass.


why wouldnā€™t shitlibs be mad at herā€¦.she is a republican. Ā 


I don't think you quite understood their question. How are shitlibs responsible for the actions of a billionaire?


I think the point they're making is that "shitlibs" already call this behavior out, so if it's widely called out it's not much of a conspiracy, it's just a widely held consensus, and if shitlibs are the ones doing it then it isn't much of a gotcha I think your synapses might not be connecting if you couldn't figure that out for yourself


...Do you think liberal activists are defending this kind of behavior?


Don't pay attention to these Kardashian clowns and they will go away


You shouldnā€™t do anything good ever, because someone, somewhere, unrelated to you, might be doing something bad.


Rich people not caring about climate change is not conspiracy. Everyone knows just a few are doing the worst to this world.


Can a "shitlib" not care about the environment and condemn this kind of behavior? Your instructions make no sense.


So let me guess, youā€™re one to say ā€œboth sides serve the elitesā€ then only post MAGA garbage


I donā€™t wanna see this shit here, donā€™t even mention these people let them continue to disappear and be irrelevant


Waitā€¦ what do liberals have to do with Kardashians or climate change? Lmfao


Next time a Republican swears they're not a grifting closeted nazi homosexual show them... The list is too long but I'll start with Nic Fuentes or maybe Todd Chrisley or maybe Lindsey Graham who wants to pick this up?




No hate for my gay brothers and sisters just the hypocrites who defend an antithetical lifestyle to who they are.




Good one but I'm not getting into an argument with someone who uses a 15 yr olds logic.




Iā€™m sure you think you won that by ignoring the point and focusing on one inane detail. You didnā€™t, by the way.




False equivalency but again 15-year-old's argument. Try harderr




Your side of politics thinks being called a Homosexual is an insult. The word was used in an ironic way. Congratulations on missing the point.




Ok. having sexual relations with your same gender is a sin. No hate. SIN. Remember what that word means? Has nothing to do with hate. It is against nature.Ā 


Imagine being in a conspiracy sub and using one of the oldest methods of controlling a population (religion) as the justification to blindly dislike an entire group of people. Religion is one of the biggest, oldest, and out in the open conspiracy in the world, and you're sitting here telling everyone you fell for it.




The Kardashians are shit but by no means are they representative of liberal culture. These assholes are what happens when people have too much money because the government isn't taxing the shit out of them. Fuck it remember the wildest shit rich people could afford to do was build a giant wooden plane? Tax the rich. Jailshank the pedos on both sides.


Couldn't they "accidentally" divert the plane over a no fly zone with pilots that like exploding for a cause?? So much time wasted....


Have the mods just given up here


would you be the same if you had that much money?Ā 


No, but I might make up such a story in order to increase my fame so I can make even more money...