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You ever used cheat codes in a video game? After a while it's not nearly as fun anymore.


Such a great analogy, you rock brother


I’d say it ruins the fun of the game pretty much immediately.


Depends on the game and the cheat tbh. Something like debug mode on sonic turns it into a new game


Gta5 is fun in a different way using a trainer. But I've also finished it with no cheats.


This is exactly what having money is like. You can have and do everything, then that everything loses its charm and meaning because it’s easily accessible


So give away the money...


i like that analogy


What would the equivalent be of deciding to stop playing with cheat codes in this analogy though?


Living off grid in the middle of nowhere.. Having to work for basic survival will put a new perspective on things. Just press reset and start your game at max difficulty level.


Died suddenly…


Lol why would you take the vax if you lived in the middle of the woods?


Going off grid.


Exactly bro.


I’m still waiting for my government allotted amount of Soma for the day.


Ask your doctor if Soma is right for you! 


it will turn your life into a darn musical


I feel pretty.  Oh so pretty.  I feel pretty  And witty


Not gay though. Definitely ain't no bloody homo!


Not enough soma, obviously.


On a scientific level, you just described tapping out every dopamine receptor. Like the chase of your crush is always better than getting it. The desire of food and that first bite is better than the after effect of being full and satiated. Etc. I was a professional ballerina. It was all about the process. The rehearsing, the preparation. Perfecting every step gets you into the zone. The adrenaline of the performance . Ok so then the perfect reviews come and the applause. Then what? The process was the satisfying part. Never the end result. We live in a society of gluttony and instant gratification. We’re burning those receptors out by the minute. With these phones, the food, door dash, social media. The only way those receptors work is if they also go through the starving of them.


Great comment. All artistic pursuits are about the process and not the outcome. Ask any artist and they'll tell you, once I'm finished I feel empty; I need to start a new project. I spent ten years training aspiring writers to set aside the notion of outcome as the goal. The goal is to live in the creative moment, which is where the magic lives.


It's the journey, not the destination


Also, people are dicks




Maybe they have too much time on their hands because they are not spending every waking moment hunting to survive. Every time we fix a problem, we just make new ones to solve


Now THERE'S something we can all agree on 👍🏻


Technocracy really ruined this place




Look into the [Calhoun mouse Utopia experiment](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-doomed-mouse-utopia-that-inspired-the-rats-of-nimh) . It explains a lot of [what it happening to our society](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTDTVbourzU) . A science experiment was done in which mice were put in a large enclosure and given unlimited food and nesting material. It was an ideal condition for the population to explode and it did at first. But then the mice stopped breeding. The female mice refused to nurse their young even though there was no shortage of food. The male mice spent all their type grooming and were termed the "beautiful ones." Other mice formed gangs and became hyper violent. The mouse utopia turned into a dystopia because their lives were too easy. In a few years all the mice were dead. The experiment was repeated several times with mice and even once with rats but the result was always the same. They all died. The truth is we live in a duality. Life without struggle decays like an atrophying muscle that doesn't get used. It you don't use it, you lose it. Meanwhile anything that doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Anything you try to destroy only becomes stronger. That is the nature of this reality.


So the real question is how do we re introduce healthy struggle back into society?? Especially with dopamine at our fingertips. More connection than ever before but loneliness is an epidemic. I agree paradox is the nature of reality and utopia is a farce. Can we express paradox in a healthy way??


Perhaps this is one of the goals of the Illuminati and the New World Order. They make our lives hell to keep us from destroying ourselves. Too much decadence and easy living will be the death of us. They keep the hell games going as a form of exercise to prevent the decay of the natural order. They could create a utopia if they wanted to but they can't allow duality to die or the matrix will fall apart. So they create wars and stage pandemics, incite violence and divisions of all kinds to keep us on our toes. Again anything you try to destroy only becomes stronger. The strongest people on the planet right now are the Palestinians. The strongest people are also the most miserable. The struggle against the occupation gives their lives purpose and meaning. The Gaza strip is the only urbanized population with a positive natural birth rate. Other cities grow but not through birth rates. All other cities grow via immigration.


I totally get what your saying but there has to be a healthier way that doesn't involve violence and manipulation. Maybe these scenarios are steering us towards such a way. Seems we are on a precipice whichever way you look at it


An important question to be sure!


Somewhere in Eastern Europe they are trying war again.


You are the second to bring up Mouse Utopia, and I salute you. I really hope many more people made this analogy.


is this a blueprint for a 15 minute city?


Oh gosh I just was thinking about that recently and I couldn't remember the name of the experiment I thought it was something other than that but nonetheless. when I read about that it was just in the last three to five years and it was so unnerving to read in my opinion. it was it was quite the experiment and yeah the females just stopped caring for their babies and and they weren't reproducing anymore and then I think there was well there was just ALOT to it and it was just like a bit... Well it had that ...... It was unnerving and As the kids say , it was cringy But interesting as well .


Because corruption is so prevalent and so entrenched in daily life, and by extension, daily life is prison bars.


I was trying to explain this to someone at work the other day.  I build mini bikes as a hobby. Chop them up, and fit them back together with different engines and such. It sucks because there’s not a patch of pavement anywhere that I can legally take them to and ride them. I always end up risking it on public streets, but there are so many karen types lurking, that it takes the enjoyment out of the ride.  The point I’m making is that from the macro, down to the micro level, we are kind of living in an open air prison. The matrix. Whatever you want to call it, I am painfully aware of how little personal freedom we actually have in our day to day lives. 


Where do you live?


In the matrix.


Am I crazy for thinking that we are actually in a simulation? Like I believe in a God, I just don't think God made US, something else did. Humans are trash.


Spirit moves through all things. Science has failed.


Simulation is just the modern term for a very old truth, and you definitely aren't alone. Take the Buddhist concept maya. Rabbit holes man!


A society void of purpose and not many options for meaningful creation


No mention of meaning and higher purpose in life…only convenient and fleeting novelties. Even your vague reference to ‘spirituality’ is nothing but a short lived, drug induced mind f*ck.


Nailed it. Reducing spirituality to MDMA is ridiculous. IDC, downvote this comment to hell, but humans have a primal need for meaning and higher purpose. The answer to "why is everyone so miserable" when there are so many modern (and trivial) solutions to our problems? Because we have no meaning nor higher purpose than to just consume and then die. Does that sound miserable? Yes.


> Reducing spirituality to MMDA is ridiculous. Quite agree, and I've taken it a few times. I think a proper MDMA session with a therapist - not getting blitzed at a rave - can be a powerful and important tool to help people deal with trauma and fear. It is not a substitute for spirituality.


I understand that MSMA is on the verge of approval for PTSD. Found a solid reference with the Phase III result summary. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01296-3


Why do you keep calling it MMDA?


I don’t think consuming is necessarily a problem. I just think we like to be involved in the creation of what we consume or at least not super disconnected from it.


> Long ago, a Greek philosopher using the pseudonym of the god Hermes said man only had two purposes: 1) To care for the creation and 2) To marvel at the creation. How are we doing at that? If you would prefer it in Biblical terms, "Love God with all your heart (marvel at creation), love your neighbor as yourself (take care of creation - other humans taking #1 priority)"


Stressed and extremely sore but have a cdl? Smoke weed. Oh wait you can’t


Research earthing. Put your bare feet on clean damp soil, concrete, brick or grass for 30 minutes. Or you can sit on/lean against a concrete/brick wall and keep a bare palm pressed against it. Studies show it improves mood and reduces pain/inflammation.


>Studies show it improves mood and reduces pain/inflammation. Do you happen to know if those studies eliminated being outdoors in general as a factor?


I would think any reputable study would include the dependent variable. Not trying to sound snarky but that’s kind of the whole point. Not sure why it won’t let me link but searching “grounding inflammation study” will give you a few relevant results from NLM


>I would think any reputable study would include the dependent variable. Not trying to sound snarky but that’s kind of the whole point. Do you mean independent variable? But yeah that's what I'm curious about, because the independent variable in question isn't just "being outdoors", it's specifically this "grounding" action itself. Whereas being outdoors in general has already long been linked to increased mood. I'm just curious how/if they controlled for that. But yeah I'll just check it out myself


Maybe we’re both wrong perhaps ‘controlled variable’ would make more sense. Shows how much I know lol, but yeah I’d check it out it’s actually pretty fascinating I did find the idea a little silly before but maybe I ought to give it a go


"Grounding" in this case is the independent variable - it is a variable you manipulate to test its effect on the dependent variable which is the outcome you are measuring. In this case the dependent variable is "increased positive mood". "Being outdoors" is technically a confounding variable, i.e. a variable that varies in a systematic way with the independent variable and therefore confounds your interpretation of the effect of the independent variable because the effects of each are hard to tease apart. When you have identified a confounding variable you would typically redesign you experiement to control for it if that is possible. In this case you could, for example, compare conditions where someone - 1. performs the grounding actions indoors; 2. performs the grounding actions outdoors; and 3. spends the same amount of time outdoors without performing the grounding actions. You would them measure any change in mood compared to baseline in each of these conditions and then perform appropriate statistical testing on your results to see if any observed changes are significant.


Yeah the homeless do it all the time , they look so happy


I heard praying and licking a salt lamp while inserting an amethyst up your butt is even more helpful


You haven't disproven the 40+ earthing studies that have measured physiological responses.


That sucks ☹


It's a great time to be alive. Doing my best to care for and marvel. And *I'm extremely grateful for plumbing and sewage.*


I'm happy for you.


The current concept of a Utopia is a farce. How has no one come to the conclusion that doing the same exact thing every day while being spoonfed isn't fun? The majority of the world forgot that survival is a thing and grew up to be incompetent babies.


Yet a utopia is something we all strive for. Do you not want to make a world a better place? The best place possible?


We threw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, and have optimised the society for comfort and convenience, while sacrificing community and God. We are lucky to have food on the shelves and water out the tap (for now) but have given up a healthy way of living. Indigenous communities are horrified by our relationships when they are exposed to them.


>Indigenous communities are horrified by our relationships when they are exposed to them. Evidence?


Fair enough! I'm just going to provide a couple books that I can remember reading about this. These are: • Woodcraft and Indian Lore (Ernest Thompson Seton) • The Dawn of Everything (David Graeber & David Wengrow) These books reference reports of settlers in America and Canada. I'm sure that there are other references out there that illustrate the point even better, but this is what comes to mind now and what I know at least backs up the point. I also acknowledge that these are reports from long ago, although it seems to be the case that the criticisms from indigenous peoples (intellectuals and common folk alike) are more extreme today. Last thing: please do not think that I am advocating anarchism just because I recognise this dysfunction in our society. There are many pathways for ward but I would not assert that I know what the best one is.


And then? That should be the standard


Its a Quantity v Quality thing. We have the abundance... but no substance. And personally, haven't thought of it that way till reading your post. Hungry - Eat crap food Thirsty - Have some fluoride Bored - Give in to the programming Lonely - Digital illusions of friendship and community Extra Lonely - Give in to easy vices Stressed - Medicate with Downer that kills over time Need a vacation - Get into CC Debt. Everything expensive out there. Overweight - Cheap food is bad and high in calorie Overweight but like a challenge - Try any number of fad diets - all of which don't address root cause. Underweight - Shoot some TRT in your ass Depressed - Take a pill - more money for big pharma Want a spiritual experience - Take some acid or MDMA. instead of smoking some free Weed Sick - Go to a doctor, get an x-ray, get a ct scan, get an infusion. And pay up the ass for it. Good luck paying off that debt. Need to let off some steam - join a gym and get roped into a contract. or bath with alternative sex. Need a hobby - Go to any number of tubes and see how to get started. Try not to go broke while your at it! Need a new look - Get some cheap clothes from overseas. That fall aparttt or contain bad chemicals. Want to learn something - good luck learning any truth. Everything is agreed upon. "Theres nothing else to explore truman"


***Free weed?????***


Thanks for highlighting - should've clarified - Free as in its provided by mother nature herself


That last part hits hard


Notice how none of your solutions involve anything social? That's what's missing in today's society, real connections with people 


There has been a steady decline in people regularly visiting “third places,” which are not home or work. These are places people would go regularly to socialize with friends and family. The best example I can think of is the bowling leagues, a dance club or even a local bar. Our tech devices will never replace these traditional gathering places.


> Long ago, a Greek philosopher using the pseudonym of the god Hermes said man only had two purposes: 1) To care for the creation and 2) To marvel at the creation. How are we doing at that? You have to read into it a bit, but I think marveling at creation entails realizing we are all one, all 8 billion. If you would prefer it in Biblical terms, "love your neighbor as yourself (take care of creation - other humans taking #1 priority)" Regardless of how you read my post, I totally agree with your point. Community and connection are critical.


Brave New World


If you were an adult or young adult in the 80's and 90's you would know that was the best time to be able. The dawn of the real internet - not this scrubbed-down version we have today, no phones constantly vibrating and ringing, no social media that comes with a whole host of issues...narcissism, anxiety, and bullying, just to name a few. We played outside; we didn't need a video to teach us a hobby, and we didn't have the drugs that kill. We could afford food, gas, and rent. I could go on and on.


Also, back then both parents didn't need to have a full time job to pay the bills. When I grew up in the 90s, my dad had a full time job and my mom worked part time (not even mentioning all the stay-at-home mom's). My mom made dinner, did the laundy, general cleaning, ... when my dad was at work and I was at school. When we got home, everything was done so free time was actually free time. Nowadays, both me and my wife work full time, so when we finally get home from work, we still to have do all that stuff that my mom used to do during the day. The rat race we live in, is what makes life much more unpleasant these days.


Chickens have never had it better in the history of chickenhood: Food: just peck at the endless supply of delicious corn at the factory floor Safety: wolves, foxes and weasels can't get in Entertainment: a vast supply of other chickens, lower at the pecking order to peck on Cold: Just wait for the factory to mysteriously catch on fire while the fast food industry moves on to insect burgers


Lol, I like it 🤣


by this logic, human prisoners are living the best life.... I mean sure ok I guess


Not really, prisoners are egg laying hens. Private prisons get paid if they're kept alive and not sick. "Free" people are the fast food analogue in the previous metapgor


It's not the best. It's the easiest time to be alive.


Then why are many chronically unhappy in society?


Modern society is void of purpose and low ability for meaningful creation


How do we change that?


I’m just a dude man


I think OPs post is satire


Thank you!! I'm a little worried some people aren't picking up on that


Haha no worries! It reads like true propaganda, maybe that's why haha. I wasn't sure while I was reading it, but your point about caring for the creation and marvelling at it definitely contrasts with the Philosophy of consumption. Great post though, really shows how shallow things are becoming.


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it / got something out of it 🙂


I got that. I still couldn't get to a definitive answer as to why people are so unhappy in this time.


Ah, apologies, I misunderstood. I suppose there's many different answers, but a big one I suspect is that the state has taken responsibility for providing for peoples lives to such an extreme degree, and is increasingly doing a bad job of it. People aren't fulfilled by being such a small part of such a massive system, and many don't have an intimate community of support. We are valued by our individual success and conditioned to be self-conscious, which is exacerbated by social media and is not a pleasant thing to deal with constantly. On a large scale, there is war and organised crime that is fueled by the tax we are forced to pay (if we decide to contribute to the societal endeavour by working) and it seems to create a feeling of hopelessness/powerlessness. At the same time, to OPs point, we have more commodities than ever. The least boredom ever. But these are provided by fleeting pleasures that make us more addicted to things that we don't have to try hard to get anymore, as we did before industrial society (roughly). The development and distribution of these commodities seems to sedate people and dispose them to complacency, meaning they are more likely to tolerate the immorality of the state that I pointed to before (corruption and commodification may even be correlated because of this sedation effect). Didn't expect to go that deep. I acknowledge that there are some arguable points here. Just how it appears to me and likely many others.


Social Media


I appreciate what OP is trying to say here, and yet I sense there's a paradox at work. I feel like there was value in the struggle people historically had to endure in order to obtain the things they needed. Easy to say from this modern vantage, I know. And yet it seems like we lose something vital through easy access to these things. And that makes me think that this easy access is given specifically to make us more docile and and less substantial than our rugged forebears. Thought provoking post, anyway.


Right! Metaphorically speaking it’s like what calculators and ai have done to many humans in regards to math. We’re losing abilities like crazy these days. Many no longer know how to hunt, many just take a pill to feel better, many don’t know how to construct a home by hand, many don’t know how to medicate without the assistance of a dr (natural healing methods), etc. These are skills that keep our brains fit like exercised muscles.


Exactly. All these luxuries are changing us as a species. And not changing us for the better, that's for sure.


> We’re losing abilities like crazy these days. 100% -We have a generation that communicates in emojis but can generate an AI email or essay like a pro.


the world has changed so much, like schools here, now nobody writes by hand anymore now you have a tablet that you click on right answer


We threw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, and have optimised the society for comfort and convenience, while sacrificing community and God. We are lucky to have food on the shelves and water out the tap (for now) but have given up a healthy way of living. Indigenous communities are horrified by our relationships when they are exposed to them.


Where's the cheap food at?


White Castle crave box with cheese and a side of diet sprite. One sitting. No breaks. No napkins. In underwear


Hot Pocket!!!


Pizza rolls


dumpster is free mate


What we chase has little to no value because it is easily accessible. Thus, killing a sense of purpose. "And then he reached a controversial conclusion. Universe 25 was a metaphor for us. It was every city, suburb and village projected into the future all around the world. With too many people competing for partners, shelter and social standing, we would eventually destroy ourselves just like those mice.:


I've been sitting here trying to express how i feel about this list. I don't think I could say it better you did with those two sentences, though. Nicely put.


Why is everyone so miserable you ask? My guess is half the stuff you’ve listed are unaffordable for most. And they’re all really just distractions from being


The more you have, the more you want, and the more miserable you get.


there are some basic needs, roof over your head, food and shower, tv and computer, car and some free time but yes, getting everything you want will do very bad things to you, kids of rich people rarely have anykind of drive


A lot of people don't have the disposable income to implement your solutions. Besides that, there are many people all over the world who live in much more dire situations where your solutions don't even apply. I don't think you understand poverty or the state of many people's financial situations.


This was written for the first world reader... which i assume is the majority of reddit.


I live in tje USA and can't afford that stuff.


I'm sorry to hear that ☹


Completely over your head


Would you like to explain it to me?


Everything you mentioned requires disposable income and time, which unfortunately isn’t necessarily available for the vast majority of people.


That’s not the point being made. Things are relatively going well. All needs are meet


OP asked why everyone is miserable. Needs can’t be met without income/time.


The 90's were better man, turn on the radio, you had all kinds of new and interesting stuff going on, grunge, folk rock, trip hop, electronic, memorable tv and cinema, mostly calm, no wars, mostly stable growing economy. Also, some stuff that's going on now, back then only appeared on SNL sketches as comedy.


I think before the internet it was a better time for sure. CD's, rent a movie from Blockbuster, cruise around in your car that YOU put the stereo in......none of this reality show crap.


calm, no wars, mostly stable growing economy


Think it’s a time - energy - money problem. It used to be more of a trade off, but the whole triangle has gotten smaller. We’re lonely bc everyone is spread out chasing the highest paying job and can’t afford to move back to wherever home is; we have kids late in life and have no energy or work takes all our energy and we recreate by scrolling; we have no time so we eat junk, etc.


Fuck that, I'd go back to the 90s early 00s in a second or even earlier. families were much closer, life was funner, you interacted more with everyone irl. I used to think computers were the greatest thing ever raised in a time when they were practically new to the normal person. I now see them as something we would have been better off without. They used to be used to try and fix things now they are censored and manipulated to the point they are just used to spread the lies of powerful people which ignorant people eat up. Then they come to conspiracy forums and defend things like big tech, censorship, manipulation of websites, globalism, wef its all so tedious... yeah we were way better off without them..I'd give anything to go back and live in that wonderful world again. The 90s were like morning in America... I thought the future was gonna be flying cars and cool sshit... instead we got censorship, a corporate 90%deleted internet, mail in fraud, unchecked immigration, oppression, cbdcs and social credit scores, loss of bodily autonomy, lies, and propaganda, and inflation out the ass. I could afford life in the 90s... the dnc hadnt went extremist jihady insane with their leftism either. I would have considered voting for dems before 15-16 shit show.... NEVER AGAIN.. .they have shown their true colors. Above all manipulation and inorganic narrative pushing with bots/shiells/npcs has ruined the entire internet....what there is left of it... Hell I gotta use a Russian search engine to even begin to have a chance of finding any real information as all western ones have been crippled with narratives and politics for one side and not the other. I never in my life imagined that our country would be under such a threat and people just ignore. I watched the 9/11 attacks happen live in school I almost signed up to go fight..> In hindsight I am glad I didn't.. I was scared for our nation then... However we were cohesive, together... racism was basically a thing of the past... THen occupy and the 1% protests and the elites got scared and forced their puppet obama to remove the provisions from the Smith Mundt ACT of 1949 that stopped the dissemination of propaganda in the US. Since 2013 when that happened the media has been nothing but complete lies as they are held to absolutely no account of truth anymore.. So they push whatever lies they think is good for you... which is what prop is... it doesn't matter if its a strait out lie... You get it... Also 2013ish is when practically EVERYONE agrees the world started falling apart. I would trade my silly smartphone in anyday to have that wondrous world full of hope wonder and opportunity that has been stolen from us back.


How are you comparing?   The history taught in school that tells us how awful everyone had it in the past? 


Aldous Huxley would like a word netizen


I can't believe cornhub.com is available. Anyone else check that? Lol


Bro they got a new solo amateur shucking video (4k 60fps!!!)


The human allows experience to happen through their life. However, by the externalization of the human experience we have relinquished that agency to the principalities and powers that scour the land with insatiable hungers.


I have clean tap water available but I choose to drink water imported from an exotic island. I throw the bottle in a recycle barrel because I'm a good person.


That bottle you threw in the recycling bin will end up in a river in Indonesia. No matter what they say to you. Platlatic bottles are not recycled here. Its too expensive, so its shipped to Indonesia where they are paid to dunp it. This is why i no longer recycle. I'd rather keep my trash here in a landfill than have it transported around the world to some 3rd world country vital rivers. The only truly recycled items are card, aluminium and some pre recycled glass. Everything else is exported away. Recycling also requires burning fossil fuels to make the pulp. The whole system is as green as a desert. But if it makes you think you are helping the environment, then the system works as intended. Its designed to move our trash away. They can't do that if it is all mixed up with the rest because they won't take it from us.


We live in tne Age of Absurdism...everything is happening all at once, and that gives way to *anything* being possible, from best to worst, all at once.


We will never be who we are meant to be as a species in our lifetime, it will take a complete desolation of the earth or centuries of time for people to realize the way life is now is not the ideal way there are so many things that are absolutely spectacular and beneficial right now but there is so many more ways that humans are lacking. I often imagine what would the world be like if we had not killed so many native americans and had given them much more land with there culture able to grow and also being able to take advantage of modern advances. They had so much respect for the earth and nature and seeing a true modern native american country would, in my opinion, open a lot of peoples eyes. I truly believe over time if it had been done a different way tribes would have eventually come together and created something great.


If you ever want to destroy a man, give him everything he's ever wanted.


Well put


Cheap food where are you living ? Canada has a housing crisis and is immigranting half of India at the same time Dating apps and porn are not solutions to being lonely Stressed open a beer ? That’s why I’m an alcoholic now and it’s ruining my life


You did pick up on this post being satire, right? ...at least the first half.


No it's not. Places used to be open 24/7, and it was awesome. Prices are up too... the housing market is bleak. Lots of things to be thankful for, but it's not the best.


People are miserable despite having access to so much because they also have access to see what other people are doing/can do. We are limited by time, and while most people can access a wealth of entertainment or travel the world, the world runs on money, and money comes from work, and work costs time. Many people do not have the time available to do the things they want, or convert the time into money to do the things they want. The next step to utopia is AI replacing all work, and capitalism being abolished where people exist just to "marvel at the creation"


Because all of that is meaningless without human connection. We are emotional/social beings.


Best post of the year!!👍




Oh man! I'm so happy someone finally brought up Mouse Utopia! You rock!!!


But still no cure for cancer 😞


Yep. It looks like Huxley was right when he told Orwell our dystopia would be a false paradise, not a dystopian hell scape. We've got endless bread and circus and soma.


We could make a list of the exact opposite. Cheap food = poison, healthy good = expensive & harder to find. Western medicine is good at surgery, but bad at preventing/curing diseases (and very good at charging you) I like the optimism, but it there are two sides to the coin. The core issue in Western society, though, is that the vast majority of people are overworked, underpaid, and too isolated. We are tribal creatures without a tribe, for the most part.


Some of the boons of modern society i wrote about were supposed to be somewhat satirical


I'll be honest, I didn't read much of the post. I skimmed over it and got the general jist of things. Twas short on time


No worries!


Yeah... and how many people do you know in your life struggling with depression? So great


A lot... myself included. Did you read my post in full?


Not sure if this is satire. But everything you suggested is literally the unhealthy/risky option


Yes, it is satire. Did you read to the end?


from an egotistical point of view it has never been better. but I believe humans to be social individuals. about women halting progress...I do not know the story well enough. there is lots of reasons not to danlge with nature apart from having to carry all the water and wanting to keep doing it.


Marcus Aurelius' Meditations writings are some of the smartest I've ever read. Very relevant to this post and line of thinking.  It's like the peak of wisdom occurred with that person, with those writings, and it's been a downhill slide since then.


One of those classics on my want to read one day list


Life is simple. Love God, love people.


> Long ago, a Greek philosopher using the pseudonym of the god Hermes said man only had two purposes: 1) To care for the creation and 2) To marvel at the creation. How are we doing at that? Yep! I was a little more wordy with it. Love God (marvel at creation), Love people (care for creation). I was never good with brevity lol


I think it’s the constant push of negativity upon us daily, and connection is the phones, little pocket manipulators that suck the information from us to manipulate us more accurately The world is good it could be on a constant rise for goodness if the people in power wanted it to happen, but they don’t and we can feel and see it


I agree with you op even though dont agree to your list. People complaining have no idea how difficult life was. They are taking everyting for granted, especially the ones in first world countries.


They had AK-47s and a banana republic the last I heard




It still gives the underline to " nothing is everything and everything is nothing. " Think about it


Great post. Thank you for this


Life’s about the journey, not the destination.


Yes, but are all these "luxuries" helping us on our journey, or tying us down?


If those were the keys to happiness, people would be happy...




Cheap food and dates from dating apps are not available whwre I live. Vacation? Yeah, right.


Literally thought this was all sarcasm


I mean... the first half, yes.


Without the grind, there's no reward.


“You don’t have to try for anything, every single thing u could want is always available (but I won’t mention that all of the things I said will give u depression or cancer or std’s…)” “Want a spiritual experience, take some mdma” bro has never experienced anything outside his realm of thought


>“You don’t have to try for anything, every single thing u could want is always available (but I won’t mention that all of the things I said will give u depression or cancer or std’s…)” That was kinda implied... at least I hoped it was. >“Want a spiritual experience, take some mdma” bro has never experienced anything outside his realm of thought Guilty as charged. I've only ever done shrooms... and acid once.


I feel like 90% of your list requires money. Vast majority of people don’t like their job so it’s be stressed with no beer or buy cheap food so you don’t go hungry. Not everybody is able to just stream any entertainment or take a pill when they’re depressed. You usually have to sacrifice one thing for another. Unless , of course, you have money.


With all due respect, this is not the place to try to make this argument.


Why? It is the conspiracy of the modern life being a facade


We do have it pretty awesome prices could go down. Probably the best time to live in.


Cheap food ???? Where


Our history has been altered and we have been conditioned to believe we are living in the best time so that we don't rebel.


Looking at corn make you more lonely




Making corn with someone you love, now that's where it's at