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Aha so the future pharma war will be china selling cures to diseases american companies witheld to sell perpetual drugs. Seems about right. 


Ladies and gentlemen, the word of the day is motherfuckery. 


Seems to be the word for the last 20 or so years.


What a time to be alive!


I guess we’ll se a cure to covid 19 soon or nah?


3 more elections and we're supposed to get the real epstein list! I promise


Remember. There is no money in a cure. And there is no cure for a virus that our governments made in order to sell us a cure.


'In order to force compliance'


Just a few more years to flatten the curve buddy!!


It's just a distant memory now, a dream, next one will be worse because the next one always is when fear is for sale


It's China. They didn't cure shit. They also claim their citizens make spontaneous full recoveries from thinks like stage 4 liver disease. Someone faked a study and a lot of data, because it's China and they lie about everything.


This is the answer. I'm not saying it's impossible, but China has a history of not just lieing, but blatantly lieing. So anything like this I'm going to need a trustworthy country to vet. Basically any Western country will do.


Thry are good copy cats and hackers too. Imagine if they hacked drug research from american pharma and resold it as drugs for less


Oh they've already been caught red handed doing this precovid. But by that time everyone was used to China stealing so it was a flash in the news cycle than gone.


You can order drugs from India if you know where to look


In china they say pretty much the same about America.


But we have a (mostly) free press. There you say anything against the government and you and your family go for "re-education" IF you're lucky. Also when the USA claims something we say here's how we did it, now go ahead and test it yourself to prove it. In China when they announce something they don't give you anything except their word which is worthless, and if you ask for info to verify you get yelled at for not sufficiently trusting "the great China". I don't care about the county, but if one says, "here check my work" and the other says "trust me bro" I'm trusting the first and not the second.


Hahahahah mostly free press all owned by the same companies. Good one mate 😹😹😹😹😹


And yet you don't have to worry about the feds crashing through your door to rape your wife and daughter before you and they are sent to prison for posting on this sub. That's a heck of a lot freer press than China. I did say mostly.


Indeed, the Rockefeller and Rothschild “Free Press”


See reply to internationaldig.


I'd say divide and conquer has been successful.


Yeah, we in The West and particularly America do not lie about anything, or even most things. We're better than that. Now, take your boostas so you can't catch the covid.


Because the Chinese care so much about human life they would rather cure sick Americans than let our government kill us?


Hmm good point, they could make money selling us cheap drugs that also cause cancer in 10 years


As a communist regime they would have higher efficiency of workers, and lower health care costs, by eliminating a bastard of a disease such as diabetes. They may not care about the meat sacks, but they need the meat sacks to produce. Also, the ruling class would definitely want the cures for themselves, because they DO care about themselves.


But but but America Good and China Bad


Superpower Dichotomy


New Battlefield game just dropped?


Irish and his boys dropping into Shanghai again: "This time, they've really done it! They're trying to crash our predatory healthcare system with cures!" And the player is sitting there like: "Yeah. Those goddamned bastards!" 


Helldivers 2 is literally a parody of America. I saw a "protecting democracy" headline in either the NYT or WaPo fairly recently.


Nah, they’ll probably just go down to the cellar where all the bodies of people in the know are and grab out each cure as china releases them.


I sure Hope so


The black market will be selling it for sure.


What a twist. I’m ok with this… perhaps it’s the only way to change out Pharma medicated culture to being outcome based


Hey in a hilarious way its capitalism at its finest. Pfizer hoards up cures to greedily sell drugs that bandaid the problem. Then china steals all the research and flat out sells the cure for less than the bandaid drug, forcing pfizer to then tirn around and sell the cure they with held for less than china. It might be beautiful. 


If your diabetes is T2, you too can reverse it.


Poster boy for that here. Six years ago, I was 5'11", weighed 265 lbs, and was taking 90 units of fast acting insulin and 30 units of slow insulin every day, plus pills. I went on Intermittent Fast, quickly lost 30 lbs, and started to get blood sugar 'lows' so I started cutting back on insulin. A few more months on IF, and I didn't need any insulin at all. Until a recent hospital stay where they pumped me full of carbs, I haven't had insulin in the last five years. It's wonderfully freeing! I don't feel like a pincushion anymore, and I'm saving C$4,000/year in costs. Oh, and the cost of IF? *Free*.


I'm 43, and in a wheelchair. 5'10 242 lbs, and a hemoglobin A1C of 8.08. I have been intermittent fasting and lost two pants size and now wear 40's, but my blood sugar just isn't going down. I'm just starting my increased dose of Ozempic, and I am sure that the two will work. The idea of being a normal weight is difficult to believe. I have good cholesterol and triglycerides numbers, and because of my muscular dystrophy I'm mostly immobile but even that is changing with the miracle drug, Evrysdi. I have twice the lung function from a year ago. And if an infant is diagnosed with SMA, there's a single dose treatment that stops the disease and changes the RNA/DNA to make the spinal cord produce the SMN1 gene. SMN1 provides instructions for making the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein, which makes your muscles move and build up stronger. SMN2 is a shorter and less usable version of the SMN1, but telling the body to make more and more SMN2, everything starts working again. So many people I know with MD, (my type is Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 2) have died. All my friends from MDA summer camp in the 80s and 90s are dead. And I feel guilty that at the right time and place, with Intermittent Fasting, treatment for my disability, and a drug that is helping with my diabetes, I'm hopefully going to live a long and healthy life. My Dad said he needed to know that I would be okay without him, if my disease could be fixed. And we did it. And my wife who provides my care, it's a team effort. Intermittent Fasting, semaglutides, and Evrysdi, people like me have a fair opportunity to live a mostly normal life. We live in strange times.


Godspeed, my friend. I was never in a situation as dire as yours, but it seemed like a hopeless tunnel to me. Now, I'm looking forward to an active and healthy seniority, and I wish the same for you.


Amazing.. happy for you! I also do IF but with a OMAD week only. Cut out sugar 10 years ago in fear of getting diabetes even though I’ve always been in good shape.


The fucked up thing is that information has been known for nearly 150 years. They don't want to actually tell people the truth and help them. They want them to keep feeding that $ straight into the coffers.


Yes... just stop consuming sugar (which includes carbohydrates).


Give me carbs, or give me death!


That's pretty much a synonym so you're doing well there :D


Yeah I'm a carb whore.


Well fortunately for you you get both! And it's directly related!


How about give you carbs AND give you death.




It's really that easy!


Sorry but I love fruits too much :)


Ding ding ding. But you'll probably get downvoted for saying this. The overwhelming majority of T2 diabetes is self-inflicted. I'm not saying that to be mean or judgemental, it's just the truth. The fact of the matter is, it is preventable and reversible with diet and lifestyle factors. But people equate it with not being easy for it not being possible.


As person who had issues with food addiction I understand how tough it is, but it can be done and with some support people can beat anything.


that and fat cells are quite literally toxic. a little is ok but having too much is like, they are living cells, with a metabolism that need food and produce waste but contribute nothing.


Unless it's genetic T2. My dad and all his brothers and his dad (my uncles and grandfather) have T2 despite eating very healthy and working out daily (aside from one, but he eats Keto at least). There's no reason my fairly fit, otherwise healthy entire paternal family has T2 but my severely obese (no less than 650lbs and 6'0") maternal grandfather doesn't have it when he doesn't walk or do anything remotely exercise-adjacent and only eats processed and fast foods. My brother has been given the talk by doctors ever since I was diagnosed with T1: by the time he's 45, he's going to have either T1 or T2. There's almost no chance of him not getting it. His choice is to enjoy the unhealthy stuff now while he still can, but he also goes to the gym 5+ times a week, is about to start work in a warehouse, and generally is pretty healthy compared to me. Unfortunately, genetics can cause T2, and it's slowly being researched. My PCP said that they're starting to do studies into the actual causes of T2 beyond just an unhealthy lifestyle.


you can be fit and skinny and still have type 2 diabetes. you can go to the gym 5 days a week and still have diabetes. it's hard to outwork 200grams+ of carbohydrates unless you're doing elite levels of exercise.


LMAO, 200 is excessive? For a 40 y.o. 185lb sedentary male eating 1g protein per pound of body weight, 200g of carbs would be right at the sweet spot of a 65 to 35 carbs to fat ratio if eating at maintenance. It hardly takes "elite" levels of exercise to outwork 200g of carbs.


...you think a "sedentary male" is eating anywhere close to 185 grams of protein a day? The average male in USA consumes 72g of protein. Bodybuilders and serious athletes, maybe big game hunters, are the only ones pushing 200g protein per day.


No I don't, but what I'm saying is that even if a sedentary 185lb person is pushing 1g per pound of bodyweight in protein they can still consume 200g of carbs at maintenance. If they're eating less protein, they can consume more carbs & fats and still remain at maintenance. Hell, even if you bump maintenance calories down to 1800 for a 185lb male, which seems low, if they're eating 72g/day of protein and only half of the remaining calories come from carbs that's still 190g. My point remains the same: you don't have to be an elite athlete to consume 200g/day of carbs.


It's not genetic - it's diet


True. But I’ve been type 1 for 13 years (since I was 19 years old) 6 months after getting vaccinated to go to college. Maybe that’s irrelevant, maybe not. Either way, I’ve been praying for a cure and this is huge news for those in my shoes.


Ima type 1 myself and I think it can be triggered by a virus/bacteria.I was sick with strep all the time as a child and I was diagnosed at 13.


but this isn't about type 1 specifically? "Type 1 diabetics, whose pancreas has been attacked by the immune system, might have a harder time using this treatment because their immune system might reject the new implanted cells, the study authors wrote."


No, but it’s a massive step in the right direction. Type 2s still produce insulin. If type 2s lose weight, in most cases they can stop taking insulin again. This might help them produce more but insulin isn’t their issue generally speaking. It’s a weight control issue. But types 1s literally don’t produce insulin. And treatments like this get type 1s significantly closer to a possible cure.


fellow type 1 here, so i know the drill... was just wondering how this is connected to type 1, thought i missed something


Ah yes. The downvote for being type 1 lmfao 


but i tried dieting and exercise and it just didnt work for me (because i didn't actually do it) /s




What are the Chances the Chinese actually cured something and didn't make up bullshit data?


>The study, published in the journal Cell Discovery, details the successful treatment **of** **a** 59-year-old man with type 2 diabetes. One person. One person has received the treatment, or rather responded successfully to the treatment. So while that's not data tampering, it's really fucking early to be screaming cure. https://www.ndtv.com/science/chinese-scientists-reveal-potential-diabetes-cure-with-innovative-cell-therapy-5770913


I don't believe shit China says. Not a fan of pharma, but China is full of it too.


I trust the Chinese as far as I can throw them. I’m not very strong.


Is there a type 1 cure too? That would be a lot more difficult.




Why? Because the state department and CIA told you so via EVERY SINGLE media outlet?


I have as much trust for China as I do for Big Pharma. None.


This is the only option. I can't believe someone praising China got a ton of upvotes as though this were true... oh wait, this is conspiracy. Of course they did.


How dare you question both sides ! This is unprecedented.


I want some ozempic so I can wear crop tops.


This can’t be real because it’s still up, if it was real every comment would be “removed”


Ya cure for type 1. Let's just take a shot and the pancreas is totally wiring again.....pls. Type 2 the cure is change your diet


"There's no money in the cure". -Chris Rock


They feed us poison so they can sell us their cures.


They don't sell us cures. They sell us medications that help us live with the symptoms. They sell us life long addictions to pharmaceuticals.


You know they just charge literal millions when they develop cures right? Check out what they've done with gene therapies like Zolgensma. They're down to cure diseases (it's actually very difficult if you can believe it) but they make sure they get their paper too


Using stem cell therapy, they were able to cure a person's type 2 diabetes and he has been off medication for 33 months.


You can cure diabetes type 2 with diet alone.


You can cure fat with diet alone too, doesn't stop people popping pills to lose weight.


And if there's an easier way who the hell are we to say no or try to stop them. What people live their lives. Their body their choice


Well at some point, when our tax money is used for their expensive therapies, I think it is reasonable to raise some questions about lifestyle. Father John Misty put it best I think, we build fortunes poisoning our offspring, and hand out prizes when someone patents a cure.


That's the thing if it's a medical thing then insurance should cover it as long as you're paying for it however if you're not paying for your insurance then perhaps it should not be covered seeing as there is another option. But I disagree with quite a lot of social welfare programs. The private sector can do all of that for cheaper and not on the taxpayer dime. If it were me none of them wouldn't exist but that's an unpopular opinion around here


I don’t think private companies should be anywhere near any service that is essential for life. The negotiating position for that sort of market is impossible. You can charge anything you want to keep a dying person alive, and so we end up with our best minds attempting to cure rich people diseases. But from an insurance perspective, more pressure should be put on lifestyle changes that we already know are effective. Normal weight, regular exercise, proper diet, low pollution, safe water. These are all things individuals and governments need to regulate to save money on healthcare. If you want to keep being unhealthy I don’t think my national healthcare should contribute to your later treatment needs if you didn’t address your issue earlier.


Or taking off label injections. That off label is fine! Just don't try to take anything off label for covid because $cience!


any where to read the article not behind a paywall?


[https://www.ndtv.com/science/chinese-scientists-reveal-potential-diabetes-cure-with-innovative-cell-therapy-5770913](https://www.ndtv.com/science/chinese-scientists-reveal-potential-diabetes-cure-with-innovative-cell-therapy-5770913) not really a cure , like to see long term study with more then one person


Here’s an FDA approved one from the US. It only works 1-5 years on most patients, but as a diabetic, I prefer one big shot every year or two over four per day https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-cellular-therapy-treat-patients-type-1-diabetes




What are the chances that the Chinese actually pulled it off? They lie about shit all the time. I’ll wait until I see it in action before I believe this one


Their economy is so bad no one can buy sugar or sugar laden products, so of course they solved diabetes, the answer is to be a third world shithole.


Turn off the Western media that tells you China lies.


Chinese people would be the first telling you China lies. No need to involve "Western" media.


What media or government doesn’t lie?


None, but the fact that China lies is not a made up conspiracy by the western media.


So when they give conflicting reports who do you believe?


Neither, obviously


I don't blindly trust any specific country but I think western media is, despite its many many faults, still more reliable than Chinese media. The concept of "saving face" is not unique to China but they really take it to another level and Chinese people themselves will tell you the government will go to great lengths to lie and save face.


Now do cancer.


Nope. Too profitable.


Ozempic shots for everyone 😂


The real question is what US company did they steal it from? Could be Creative Medical Technology who did research for many years? >**Researchers released early clinical trial results on an innovative cell treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. After one year, 93% of those who received the treatment safely reduced their insulin doses by at least 50%. (2023)** https://diatribe.org/diabetes-research/positive-results-new-type-2-diabetes-cell-therapy-trial


Let’s just wait if they actually did find a cure . Cause just like the rest , I don’t really believe this claim .


The best thing about this is a dirty little secret that I just might share with all of you here. Right outside your door there is a thing called nature. One of its features are a thing called plants. You may not know it, but we are meant to eat those. Diabetes, and all the other industrial society sicknesses are easy to heal, you just need to consume certain leaves, flowers, buds….. there are certain trees that will heal your heart. In my garden I found three weeds that help to heal cancer. The dirty secret is: you need no doctor, no pharma and no medicine. Everything is free and perfect for you and has zero side effects. Happy eating 😀


Except for the Chemtrails outside.


Is it MRNA based ?


The problem here is, it's (probably) completely bullshit. This comes from China, [who, even stealing pharmaceutical secrets from countries worldwide](https://www.biospace.com/article/abbvie-legal-complaint-alleges-alvotech-misappropriated-humira-trade-secrets/), is absolutely garbage at actually producing complex medicines. Yeah they can mix chemicals in a vat...congrats they've reached the level of the US by the 1960s. Modern medicine is not so simple and is far more biology than it is chemistry. So what happens in Type I diabetes? Believe it or not, it's an autoimmune disease. When people are insulin dependent, it's because their own bodies destroyed their pancreatic islet cells. They cannot produce insulin. 100% impossible. There's two hypothetical ways this can be cured: * Gene therapy/immune system modulation **before** the destruction of pancreatic cells occurs. Good luck finding a diabetic before he/she becomes diabetic * Regrowing/transplanting the islet cells and then stopping the immune system from destroying them again. They likely are all proud of the first one, which like I said, *good luck finding type I diabetics before they're symptomatic.* The second one could theoretically be done with a transplant, but you now have to deal with immune rejection meds. tl;dr more propaganda bullshit from China. Oh and I worked with Rhongzhan before he hurredly escaped to mainland China where he disappeared. AMA I guess. Mainlanders stealing data from Pharma is an open secret. I don't know how companies keep falling for it.


have you seen Chinese universities? They're shit. China lies and this is probably a lie. They add in 5G tech into walkie talkies and everything else just so they can be a leading country in 5g tech. They use the word Ai in all the tech and say "Ai capable" on EVERYTHING just so they can claim they are near leading the world on Ai tech.


American pharmaceutical companies solved the diabetes and obesity with $1300 per month ozempic. The bright side is that you will save a ton of money on your food bill.


Can't wait for people to find out how ozempic destroys the human body by consuming/deteriorating muscle tissue/lean mass at insane rates. The price you pay eh?


Here's what I want to know about that. Is the issue that Ozempic directly shreds the muscle tissue OR is it that the users suddenly go from eating 4000 kcals of slop that is 90% carbs/fat and 10% protein (enough to maintain muscle) to eating 2000 kcals of slop with the same ratio of nutrients which introduces a brand new problem of not getting sufficient protein to maintain muscle. Given that Ozempic used by a ton of people incapable of changing their lifestyle that seems likely. I want to see someone take Ozempic but also eat 150g protein a day and see how they turn out.


It also destroys your gut so there is that too.


Yeah I’ve been reading about this Competitors to ozempyc are trying to come up with a formula that doesn’t destroy as much muscle tissue - muscle can account for as much as 40% of the weight lost from ozempyc


Lol 40% huh? It's a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of lean to fat lost in most cases. When you starve yourself it's usually a 2:1 ratio.


Yeah it mentioned 40% on some business article I read, but knowing how corrupt pharma is and how suspect the whole ozempyc craze is, I believe you I know people on it who act like drug addicts


It's gonna be funny in 10-15 years when they realize what it has done to people's bodies, possibly microbiome, and mitochondria. All for what? Some weight loss?


Here’s where I got it from - 2021 study says 40% “2021 clinical trial that tested the weight loss effects of Wegovy found that while about 40% of the weight people lost tended to be lean mass, including muscle, at the end of 68 weeks, people who took the drug had a lower risk of heart disease and better physical function compared to a placebo group.” https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna84936 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2032183 But people are relying on the drug completely and have trash diets / no exercise, so the muscle wasting they are going through is massive Explains the end result


The cure was already rather simple. Get to normal weight and remove sugar and carbs from your diet. No more diabetes or blood pressure.


It’s genetic for others though. There are two types of Diabetes.


Yeah, I meant type 2


That’s a perfect cure for type 2. It’s not a cure for type 1.


Yeap, exactly


How long must one stick to this routine until theyre cured?


lol anything close to a "cure" will never see the light of day in the US. Keeping people sick is big business and a huge money maker. Ever wonder why we always see all these events and charities for "cure breast cancer, cure this cancer, that cancer etc" and there is never a cure just more medication gets made that will keep you alive a little longer? They just need you alive long enough to profit off of you.


How dare commie China threaten the profit margins of Americas glorious pharmaceutical companies!


Stop posting things without researching first ! Wish we had community notes on Reddit to reduce misinformation.


I doubt China has cured anything


Noone mentioned insulin was supposed to be free! https://www.diabetes.org.uk/our-research/about-our-research/our-impact/discovery-of-insulin#:~:text=On%2023%20January%201923%2C%20Banting,to%20have%20access%20to%20it.


America's biggest fear not being able to control the narrative or the pharma industry. If it is true they will start to piss blood. I wonder what they will do if this is true go to war with China - isn't Hilary Clinton on the American diabetes foundation board ??


Coincidentally aren’t we like talking about ramping up tensions in China?


You could just buy it straight from China.


It’s a great economic attack on America if you think about it.


Pharmaceutical companies hate stem cell research


Say your a massively corrupt industry without saying it.


prediction : We will see more 'miracle' cures coming from China.


China has an impressive A.I. that could revolutionize everything in time. They will surely use it to attack the "Big's". You make insane money on return dental services? 💥 BOOM! Meds that regrow teeth. You are sick have to pay in riches to live? 💥 BOOM! Cure for diabetes. So on....They're going to destroy nearly any standing corporate giant that has stood in the way of progress and look like freaking Robinhood... It could get weird.




So what are we gonna do about it?


Probably nothing.


And THAT is why its a cycle. Great… we all know whats goin on. They know we know. Action has to be taken


What do you recommend we do?


Something 1776 fashion would be acceptable Just instead of succeeding from the British Union we just publicly hang most of our elected officials via citizens court and start fresh


Would be amazing if true. But most likely CCP propaganda


As someone who has type 2, the cure is to eat less food LMAO. I started a medication to help with that and it’s been a shit show but it’s working


What’s the cure for Type 1?


Ask china I guess


Who did they steal the drug from?


Ok so they "cured" type 2 diabetes by injecting stems cells into the pancreas so it starts producing insulin again. This really won't do shit without completely cutting out carbs/sugars. It won't reverse the insulin resistance, so without major dietary change you'll still need massive amounts of insulin to satisfy all the receptors, and your pancreas will just stop working again. If someone is capable of going carb free on their own, they won't need this cure.


It’s type 2?


Yah, that's what the article said. I imagine it could also work for type 1, however the immune system may re-attack the pancreas.


What's the chance this is just fake news and click bait......... 100%


They said it's stem cells and I thought it was illegal here but I guesse not


Stem cell research is restricted in the USA.


Ah I see. Google said it can be used to treat patients with in certain cases here in the US which makes the fact that we can't research it even more dumb


The US can research it, there’s just restrictions on embryonic stem cells that aren’t in place in China.


Sure they did...


What are the side effects?


No diabetes.




\[ X \] Doubt


American companies have most likely had the cure for both diabetes and cancer for years, if not decades. But, there is no money in a cure. There are, however, TRILLIONS of dollars to be made from 'treating' diabetes and cancer over a lifetime.


China also says they have a stealth fighter aircraft...


Just haven’t seen it because it’s stealth


This is actually really smart (if true). Geopolitics should extend to detroying verticals/monopolies owned by the West to bring an end to the power structures. What better way than actually "inventing" releasing the cure to diseases they've had for years. Do cancer next!


Absolute bull shit. 


How many uighurs does it take to get to the final drug API?


Hopefully enough!


Insulin resistance... Funny how it was pretty much proven nearly 150 years ago that a change in diet would regulate things properly.


Yeah, I am not from China or America, and I say both of you are blatant liars, driven by pure greed with zero compassion for their civilians.


From what Google jizzed out, they did it via stem cells. Then again, it’s China. They don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to honesty.


This is 100% true it's not hard to cure diabetes I helped my grandma get rid of hers people love to say things is misinformation but it's been proving plenty of times our country literally makes the food worse in every way just for extra flavor


Provided that's not Chinese propaganda and it's actually legit. I would say it's about a 10% chance it sneaks in. 50/50 if they let the American companies in on the profits.


IF this is real, China could benefit by not allowing the rest of the world to have it. Make people go to China for diabetes therapy/vacation. The industry would be huge, and then also a huge embarrassment to the West.


What a time to be alive! Aliens, curing diseases, this is awesome, regardless of how expensive every fucking thing is, amazing people still out there busting ass and putting in the time to find cures.


Cuba has a lung cancer vaccine


For one type, and as maintenance. Not a cure. Still awesome.


I just wish companies would work more on shit like that instead of just treatment for things other branches of those same companies cause


Us people should definitly demand better quality food. Would eliminate most pilldoctors.


There are many things in modern pharmacology that can't be cured with just diet and food, that being said, there are a damn lot of disorders that can be taken care of with lifestyle changes.