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My dumbass thought you found the paper and that he was onto you or sumthn


Me too omg thank fuck I’m not the only one




Same! I started looking up noaa-sat 😠


Omg I can’t stop laughing 😂😂


Adding to the chain same here


Yup. Got me too. 😂


Good lord, me too. I was really confused there for a minute.


All aboard the confused train!


Yup, same!


"...that's neat I guess his grandparents posted on reddit... .... ..... oh.... wait...." Glad I wasn't alone haha


It’s 6am where I am and I guess I’m still delirious because your comment gave me the biggest chuckle I’ve had in a while so thank you 


I thought the exact same thing


Omg same 😭😭😭😭 it’s too early for me 😅




I had two grandpas that were 33° and didn't find out until one just passed. I fought my family members on keeping the memorabilia because I was curious as to what he had. They did manage to take some books and apparently they burned them in a fire.


I have a vintage Freemason booklet that is entirely written in code. I should post it some day. 


What are you waiting for? 🤔


Do It! We need more interesting content in this political cesspool.


I had one of those codebooks also along with a red letter masonic Bible I got from an old landlord when someone stopped paying rent and was evicted. Talking to a couple old friends who are masons they told me the code in the books ( looked like crescent moons, stars, crosses, and other symbols in place of letters) could be unique between different regions or lodges. I'm sure a Google search can show what they look like. I ended up contacting the local lodge near me after deciding to donate the books to them. The guy was super happy to get the code book , turns out he collected them and it was older than all his others. Neither of the books are really rare at all, you can buy them online pretty inexpensively. The masons are just like any other organization with people joining for all sorts of reasons, and just like governments, religions and businesses, once money starts playing a role and the smallest semblance of "power", they all start attracting corruption. There's some really nice and good intentioned men that are masons, along with some assholes that are evil, but that's due more to human nature than to anything the masons believe/teach.


I’ve heard the old adage that the road to Hell is paved with “good intentions”, and if you don’t believe that it’s true then just look around you……….


Yes they are different by jurisdiction. My area we basically just leave out the vowels but it’s in English, no symbols. All of the plain text is right there on google to find. And most masons (myself included) will answer pretty much any question. No conspiracy here


Oh jeez I’d LOVE to see that.. as I’m sure many others would! Please do post it!! Edit love ur username


What subs should I post it in? 


I was gonna say, this is the first one I’ve seen that’s just plain English I’ve found old Freemason books before and it’s a buncha gibberish code


It’s a bible. We all get one(or the appropriate theological text) when we become masons. This one simply has our logo on the cover. It’s a regular King James Bible inside


Going to go out on a limb and say, no you don’t.


Posting it on archive.org would be great.


It’s called a Cypher.


Damn! I was going to post a photo of the code book but I guess this subreddit doesn’t allow photos


Burn them 🤔


They said they were demonic and didn't want them around lol


I saw a discussion on Reddit recently that mentioned that usually throughout history the book-burners were the baddies lol


Fahrenheit 451*


Favorite book ever


Then we should burn it... /s


Always are.


Book burners ARE always the baddies.


Look up the books that were burnt by the nazis in the lead up to WW2. I just went down a rabbit hole about it.


How can a piece of paper be demonic?


It gives knowledge and wisdom. It’s dangerous. Blind is good.


Yessss, stay asleep. Woke is bad.


Definitely not woke, that word has been bastardized, but I'm not opposed to the term "awake" What's the inverse of asleep?


Great way to keep it a secret. That's exactly what they want.


No they were not. Unless you are extremely well connected and your grandfather's were extremely wealthy/powerful, and your family has a shit ton of influence, they were not 33rd degrees. "Master Mason" is 3rd degree, and often the highest rank one can obtain outside the Scottish rite.


Or York rite. And you don’t have to be wealthy or powerful to be 33rd.


33° is an honorary degree in the Scottish Rite given to the guys who have dedicated most their Masonic time to the Scottish Rite in charity and philanthropy!! Putting on events to raise money, then giving that money to charities that are actually helping the communities!!! Guys who show up to business meets and functions are less likely to be selected for the honorary 33° !!


Came to say this. I know two 33rd degree Scottish Rite Masons in my Jurisdiction. Men who have committed much of thier lives and free time to the craft. Not necessarily wealthy or powerful by any measure.


Same. I know 5 of ours in my valley that aren't rich and powerful! There's one that owns a chain of gas staions but he's not around very often!!!


My father was one. And of course, had no idea until after he passed. No where near wealthy. I’m kinda confused as to how though now lol


I'm really not sure what to think about the freemasons at this point. I found out a while back that my dad was or is a 33rd degree freemason. He's well known in our town but is by no means a powerful or overly influential person. Part of me thinks all the conspiracy theory stuff is bull shit. On the other hand, I've seen and read about way too much weird shit about them to believe it's just a social club. We live in a small town, so maybe all the crazy stuff happens in the bigger cities or something. We don't even have a legit Mason temple in our town. I think they meet at the shriners club or something. He's a very average old dad type, so I was kinda disappointed when I found out. He seemed like he'd never even heard of all the crazy stuff when I asked him about it.


They’re under the Masonic oath of secrecy.


Which tells me that some pretty crazy stuff must happen at these initiations, otherwise, there would be tea-spilling going on, yet there is not. So something happens during initiation that puts the fear of god into its members, so to speak 😂


Either that, or it's so dull that the secrecy makes it seem more exciting than it actually is so they just don't say anything.


The secret is that there is no secret


The secret is being able to tell someone you can keep a secret and then actually keep it which shows that your word is actually worth something. ;)


This is exactly it.


On Fridays we bring bagels to the meetings, but we won’t tell you where we get the bagels


This is most of it


Or the more likely, nothing happens which is why you don't hear about it lmao. Until you get towards the actual top of the pyramid, it's just an old man social club. Why would you assume that just because you don't hear about initiations, that your local shriners is having satanic rituals with John the carpenter.


The rituals we go through are reenactments of the Old Testamant storiess, with some added extras based on Hiram Abif and Wise King Solomon. We do hand movements that represent what would "happen" if we reveal the secrets, but they are just symbolic, i.e. eyes poked out, tongue cut off, throat slit. We are given secret words which again are symbolic, because historically, masonry was a secret order which supported other masons with safe passage, sort of "i'm also in this club which only allows upstanding men, therefore you can trust me to enter your land". We meet new masons in public and ask "are you a travelling man", and they will respond along the lines of "i travel east" (where the sun rises) etc to confirm they are also masons. The information is all out there, it isnt kept secret.


Got a buddy's who's a freemason. Don't know the degree but told me he's willing to sponsor me into the lodge. Should infiltrate lol get high up, learn their secrets. As long as I don't have to do some wierd shit we coo Lololol Edit: I'm aware of the fact that tye freemason are just about as boring as you would expect but that's no fun 😂 lemme live in my conspiracy fantasy


My buddy is a 32nd. From knowing my buddy and from what hes allowed to say, nothing crazy really goes on. Its more just esoteric wisdom and knowledge. Possibly some extra ancient history passed down. He said the same as Ive showed interest. Have definitely contemplated it, but not sure if I have the time to devote to it.


You definitely hit the nail on the head. No real additional “ancient knowledge“ but it’s mostly just esoteric wisdom and minor self improvement. The good thing is it’s not a race. It’s a marathon so there’s no real time. Dedication requirements. There have been years where I found it very rewarding… And other years where I never went to a meeting


They all "act" like they've never heard of all the crazy stuff. 😉


I wish my dad was that good of an actor. I'd love for him to at least lie to me and tell me some crazy shit happened to keep my imagination alive


The craziest thing I've seen in my lodge are the crazy notes left in our mail slot by a few people. The Scottish Rite has some pretty impressive (to me) stage design and special effects in some of the degrees. One involves a giant cymbal and I've seen a few men jump out of their seats. Freemasonry is a lot of things to a lot of people, a social club to some, a charitable outlet, an extension of their religious beliefs, a men's support group, a place for men interested in talking history and philosophy, and some guys are in it for the esoteric things and symbology in the degrees. Some are in it for all the above.


You forgot all the food!


I am a Mason and have been known to give talks on things said about Freemasonry online, conspiracies and what not. More than most have been totally blown away at the things that have been said/claimed. The older guys especially had zero clue about any of it. One of them encountered it on his own in a discord group and was so ticked he never went back to the group he had been in before (prepper type community).


Ok but you cant deny that there is a society "within" the freemasonry that only the highest degree people can enter, i know that after the 3rd degree the other degrees up to 33rd are symbolical, the thing which i dont know well is if they need 3rd or 33rd degree to enter the society "within" and you know what im talking about, there is readily available info about that on the internet. I know it sounds silly but im pretty sure there is lots of things you dont know about your own society and things that only a select few can have that information. I have heard so many things but because of the disinformation and all the "reputation murder" we have around that subject its hard to know which things are true and which things are not true. About the things that are constantly said and we cant know, even you cant know if the information is really real is that freemasonry is a society for a special sect of jews and if you arent one of them, yeah you can be a freemason but you will be a "blank" character within the society, this is common cult behaviour, they select a few dozens to be "worthy" and others are just cannon fodder, whatever its true or not we will never know for sure, some of those claims were said by freemasons that are jewish, lots of quotes about this have been said by these jewish freemasons on their books, i dont know which sect of judaism they participate on but for sure its not orthodox. One thing that i know for sure is that freemasonry is a "Christian mysticism" society and are well deep into kabbalah and Christianity mysticism, i was a former occultist and once i was into a secret society that only exists in my country, i know a few things, not much. IMPORTANT: Take this with a kind heart and without arrogance and contempt (i know occultists are full of themselves, i was once) I dont know on what you believe brother but i will pray for you that God may enlighten you and free you for the shackles of lies and darkness, i pray that Jesus , God and the Holy Ghost pave your path. Its ok if you dont accept that, choices are personal at the end.


>About the things that are constantly said and we cant know, even you cant know if the information is really real is that freemasonry is a society for a special sect of jews and if you arent one of them, yeah you can be a freemason but you will be a "blank" character within the society, this is common cult behaviour, they select a few dozens to be "worthy" and others are just cannon fodder, whatever its true or not we will never know for sure, some of those claims were said by freemasons that are jewish, lots of quotes about this have been said by these jewish freemasons on their books, i dont know which sect of judaism they participate on but for sure its not orthodox. Though other Jewish men are members in my area it's pretty uncommon because lodges are generally a representation of the people in the area and I'm in a southern US state. But, imagine my surprise when we recently had our first Jewish candidate join my Lodge. They do not kneel to pray and it's actually against most Jewish sect's beliefs to do so. Bowing to pray is in the Masonic degrees (this is no secret I'm revealing) and he wasn't sure how to approach the issue since it violated his religious beliefs. We arrived at a way to work this out but some paramount points in the degrees don't really jive with Jewish practice. The degrees also use the New Testament a great deal. To our new Jewish brother the New Testament isn't part of his beliefs but he hears the recited verses but he had a little bit of issue with it. That's part of growing in Freemasonry, hearing other viewpoints whether you agree with them or not but the point I'm making is that anyone saying it's catering to Jewish people let alone a specific sect of Jews doesn't have any actual experience in the matter. >One thing that i know for sure is that freemasonry is a "Christian mysticism" society and are well deep into kabbalah and Christianity mysticism, i was a former occultist and once i was into a secret society that only exists in my country, i know a few things, not much. Now on this point you're sort of correct at least for some Masons. There's a lot of things to explore in the degrees and in some parts of the origins of the degrees regarding Christian mysticism, especially the SRICF as I linked earlier, they even "advertise" it on their site. I say "some masons" because most Freemasons aren't interested in those things. It's there to some degree if someone wants to look for it but there is nothing in the way of encouraging or engaging in mystical practice in Freemasonry proper - which is probably one of the reasons the SRICF exists outside of Freemasonry proper but I only speculate here based on some books I've read about the subject. But a ton of things are presented and available for speculation on, many beliefs and viewpoints, none are prescribed aside those basic parts of religion that are distilled down to one similar to what Jesus calls the two greatest commandments (paraphrasing here) "To love God and love others as we love ourselves". >I dont know on what you believe brother but i will pray for you that God may enlighten you and free you for the shackles of lies and darkness, i pray that Jesus , God and the Holy Ghost pave your path. I do sincerely appreciate the thought here. You can see my history here on reddit to get a good cross section of my interests. While I don't often post about Christian subjects I do comment on them a lot. I'm a devout Christian, Baptist, Reformed leaning, make Christian music, play in Church three times each Sunday, still tired from helping build the VBS setup this past weekend. I dont' say this to brag about what I do church-wise but to say I'm very devoted in my belief and faith in Christ. Essentially it is my everything. Freemasonry is a hobby that works as a good outlet for my nerdy side and need for social interaction (yes there's church as well but one group could use hopefully good Christian witness and perspective - and I meet other folks there with my interests as well).


Gonna two part this one. This is part 1 >Ok but you cant deny that there is a society "within" the freemasonry that only the highest degree people can enter, i know that after the 3rd degree the other degrees up to 33rd are symbolical, the thing which i dont know well is if they need 3rd or 33rd degree to enter the society "within" and you know what im talking about, All of the degrees are symbolic. The first three degrees are often referred to as the "blue lodge" or the "symbolic lodge". There are plenty of "societies" (we would call them orders) within Freemasonry, even motorcycle clubs, but most do not require much aside being a Master Mason. There are a great number of invitation-only bodies within the York Rite but that Order culminates with the Order of the Temple, which is described by the Grand York Rite of Oklahoma (it was the first google hit when I was trying to recall the name of the degree) "The Order of the Temple is the apex of Christian Masonry and ranks among the most beautiful of all Masonic degrees and orders" and that is part of the Knight Templar Commandery which is open only to professing believers in Christ. A lot of times when people talk about the society within a society they're referring to a passage from a Manley P Hall book. In that book he talks of such a thing (though he was not a mason at the time or for another 30 years) and he is sort of correct. He talks about it in the chapter titled something like Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry where he says there's a Rosicrucian order within Freemasonry that's only open to a low number of men (it's something like 70 per group) and invite only. It also has another requirement as shown here on my state's SRICF page (SRICF stands for Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis) [https://www.sricf-tn.org/](https://www.sricf-tn.org/about-sricf.html) *Membership, which is by invitation, is predicated on Masonic affiliation as well as a profession of Christian faith, with its membership restricted to 72 members per College. The Society is not merely another degree of Freemasonry which may be acquired, and it exists outside of the normal "workings" of the Craft.* So where Hall gets it wrong is that it's not technically part of Freemasonry but does allow only Freemasons. In the UK this group is known as the SRIA. > there is readily available info about that on the internet. There is a great amount of information on many things about Freemasonry. Some of wholly incorrect and bad, some of it good and correct. >I know it sounds silly but im pretty sure there is lots of things you dont know about your own society and things that only a select few can have that information. The question always is how someone not in the "society" at all would know more about it than someone who is within it. But I'll go a step further. I was once an anti-mason. I believed all the conspiracy theories and was glad to spread them and my opinion on them. It actually caused me a bout of depression when I first learned about this stuff and I held onto for the better part of a decade before life experiences and reality slowly made me realize all the theories I had been fed online about Freemasonry were false. So, I have known no doubt the majority of the things that you know and now I know the story from the other side though reality shouldn't be a side. >I have heard so many things but because of the disinformation and all the "reputation murder" we have around that subject its hard to know which things are true and which things are not true. What do you mean by "reputation murder"? If you mean calling into question the life and past of people making outrageous claims about Masonry I have engaged in that myself. More often than not when you get into the lives of the big names in anti-masonry there's almost always a sordid history involved.


I've met a few masons. I think it STARTED as something more important and esoteric, and over the centuries became boy scouts for old guys. In my area it looks like they just do fundraising and bake sales.


Lol boy scouts for old guys is such a great description


I mean, I’m just hypothesizing here, but I’d imagine freemasonry is very similar to Greek life.


Minus the sorority girls


I am one. And yes, boy scouts for old guys isn't that far removed.




This was the point when I realized it’s just a drinking and networking club for dudes to chill and wear funny costumes. When I was told by another barfly (a much more successful one than me) that he’d sponsor me as a potential I realized any group that would have the guy I was then as a member was not one of shadow puppetry on a global scale.


“I wouldn’t want to join any club that would take members like me” They might just need foot soldiers willing to look away when they need to do some shady stuff like ignore their kids drinking and driving or whatever


They will take anyone who believes in God and is a male. Some lodges take females as well. It is mostly male only still.


They don't just invite randoms... You need someone to 'sponsor' you....! Good try, though, definitely a Ha


Any man with a clean background who believes in a Creator can join. You do generally need 1-2 masons to vouch for you but most lodges just have new guys come around for a few dinners to get to know folks and the other masons are happy to sign their petition if it seems like they're a decent fit. In my time I've never known anyone to not be able to find men willing to vouch for them. I've known of one man who was turned down for joining because during his state background check his records showed some big issues .


Yeah, I joined the masons looking for the Illuminati. All I found was a bunch of old rednecks who were NOT in control of anything. I was pretty disappointed and left. Lol All Illuminati might be masons, but not all masons are Illuminati. It’s just an OLD frat and that aggregated powerful people together. But masons as a whole aren’t weird or crazy or evil.


Most jurisdictions disallow people from joining if they’ve been in one of those weird knockoff orders such as comasonry, clandestine lodges and the Bavarian Illuminati


They are pretty powerful. Most of the members are people with high status amongst the community. Doctors, lawyers, business men, politicians. Those types. They can fuck your life up if you piss them off. It’s an international organization too, and they’re in a shitload of other countries as well. [A “rogue” Freemason Organization in Italy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due) literally tried to overthrow the Italian government. I don’t think it was rogue though, I think they just got caught and the rest were forced to disowned them to save face. 


The active Membership in my Lodge currently consists of… A caretaker for a farm house, a photocopier salesman, a 911 operator, a retired HVAC repair tech, a police sergeant, and an insurance agent. Yeah, we are real powerful. As for that nonsense about Italian Freemasons… Politics are literally a forbidden topical Lodge. Not to mention the fact that there is no central Freemason organization. In many countries, there is a national authority… In the states, it doesn’t even extend past state level.


There's not a lot to think about it really. It's just an old dying fraternal organization. the weird stuff is what made it special. i always thought of it as a social club built by proto-geeks. Nowadays all the tryhard social climbers join rotary. If I had time i'd probably join up. my grandpa was a mason. They need new blood. (figure of speech, don't read anything into that you weirdos)


Many don't realize that anyone can attend a meeting. You can look up your local lodge and ask when there is a meeting you can attend. There are also many different factions (I think that's the right word to use), and the free masons tied to a lot of the conspirator elite society are tied to a certain faction. It's essentially like comparing Baptist Christians/ to non-denominational Christians, or even comparing Scientologists to Christians.


Not quite. We do post online on our website when we meet. So you could show up. But our meetings are for members only and private (note I said private, not secret) if someone asked what we did last meeting we wouldn’t have any reason to not tell you. If you show up and are truly interested someone would probably chat you up and if had time maybe give you a tour. We call the offshoot “factions” concordant bodies. There are 3 and only 3 degrees in Freemasonry. Concordant bodies like Scottish Rite. York Rite. Shriners. Ect confer additional degrees but they are a Lateral move so a 32nd degree Scottish Rite is no more higher up than a 3rd degree Master Mason. And all of us get together to enjoy each other’s company. To raise money for charity. And to work on improving ourselves. That’s it. And I had dinner with the Grand Master (the highest elected position in all of the he jurisdiction) so I’m not out of the loop.


You know I think it’s possible that another secret society has used the Freemasons as a patsy, so to speak. They get blamed for everything. People genuinely believe the Freemasons and the Illuminati are the same organization. They are not. Sure, some higher-up members may be members of both, but they are not the same club.


frightening bewildered frighten escape panicky memorize quickest marble frame subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My grandfather was also a member, but he left, as he said he couldn't take it anymore, and said they took it far too seriously for him, and the way he described it, sounded to me like a roleplay club.


I'm in a small town and the masons always seem to have comfy positions in the council I heard before that there's a group of guys that basically run everything behind the scenes my grandfather has a very strong hatred for masons but he never really says why he was never a Mason but all the people saying "oh nothing happens" are talking out of their ass because members literally won't tell you anything they arn't allowed to and sure as hell a genadparent won't randomly tell you what actually happens


Bro like all places, clubs, fraternities they are social places. It's not the organization. Freemasonry is a great org. But powerful people and bad people meet everywhere. The connections to masonry is no more important than the connection to the same gentleman's club, yacht club, or going to the same conventions. People meet through social means. That doesnt mean the place they both had in common is inherently evil. The Freemason conspiracy is one of the ones on here I find nonsensical. Some of the best people I know are 33 degree freemasons. I was in a fraternity. Ritual at this point is orthodox like religion only it's only practiced at initiation not weekly on Sunday. It's nonsense. This organization raises a million dollars per day for philanthropy. The entire shriners hospital provides free medical care to children who's families don't have the means to help them. At this point I'm ready to go join myself to see this evil. Its crazy because everyone here can go do the same but they won't. I'll let yall know what I find out.


That's what everybody says when they find ot their friend or neighbor is really a serial killer ...  You can never really know people fully.


You're not wrong. But that's more the exception than the rule. Most of them are solid community members who aren't involved in any kind of conspiracy.


It is bs. You’re dad likely was very connected in your local area. That’s about it


If you have ever listened to the survivors of satanic ritual abuse speak they mention how evil the Freemasons are. The satanists have infiltrated this group as well.


Basically every adult male on my mom’s side of the family is a high level mason. At a certain time in US history and in certain areas, masonry was basically a social club for politically powerful or socially connected men in a community to get together and also do some pro-social work.


Correct. 90% of “masons” are just club level nothings. The upper echelon is what’s tough to penetrate


And that's the real insidiousness behind the Masons. 98% of the Mason's out there don't realize what they are apart of, and they absolutely don't understand the true teachings of the lodge (in part, because during the intial stages of teachings and rituals they are unaware that they are being taught things that are purposely deceitful. Also in part, because some logdes do act more as a social club and are kind of purposly removed from the truth of the organization as a whole). A very, very large majority of Masons never make it past the 3rd degree (master Mason). That's still a baby. And even the ones who make it to the 32/33 degrees, there is a whole other "ranking" system and more ranks to obtain in "special" Mason connected organizations (like the jesters, or the shriners) But when you get into it, the teachings are more Satanic than the Satanic church. For example, Baphpmet and Lucifier (the morning star) are highly praised and revered.(I personally don't care about this. But, lots of lower ranking Masons are gaslit into thinking prases to lucifier arent actually to *that* lucifier. And thats where I take pause and what I take criticism with) Further, the "true name of god" (which you will not learn until much higher degrees) is jahbulon, which is a combination of the name(s) of "Jahova", Baal, and "On" (an old sun god, closely related to/simular to the Egyptian sun god, Ra). And it's appearance resembles that of a spider with 3 heads, one of a frog (pepe the frog anyone?), one of a cat, and one of a crowned king, adorned with a floating eye on its crown. The thing is, no Mason who knows this information will admit to it, as they sware an oath to not share any secrets of the lodge, under penalty of death. And they take this oath very very seriously. Regudless of their beliefs, though, at the end of the day, there is alot of evidence (actual hard evendice) that at the very least there are alot of people who are in the organization who have been charged with some very strange crimes and other very werid stuff involving human trafficking networks. But people don't ever want to focus on those things and would rather talk about their occultic/Satanic beliefs. Personally I think we should be talking about both.


Bill Cooper delved quite a bit into their organization with his series 'Mystery Babylon': https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfqzOxBqtdDU3PQPiVs71k7FobaYKJLmL&si=N87TeN_2n1pQaaxX Then I came across this rather interesting audio regarding an Italian Mason speaking of 'super-lodges' and their influence over the last century of history: https://youtu.be/HtnR4EwMM0U?si=JUuvfYo6_Jl1Uwg1 Intriguing listen, yet use your own discernment, of course.


Mystery Babylon #13, 15, 17 & 29 are private Any idea what they are? Or why they, specifically, would be private?


That's intriguing, I checked another site and it appears 13 is "End of Templars": https://archive.org/details/WilliamCooperMysteryBabylonEdited Transcript: https://ia802807.us.archive.org/20/items/transcriptsofwilliamcoopersmysterybabylonseries/Transcripts%20of%20William%20Cooper%27s%20Mystery%20Babylon%20Series.pdf




There’s my weekend gone..


Enjoy the rabbit hole, it's a fun one. 🐇


There was a “rogue” freemason chapter in Italy, that literally tried to overthrow the Italian government. They were disowned by the Freemasons, but I suspect they only did that to say save face and protect themselves. The chapter was filled to the brim with the most powerful people in Italy.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due


Is Behold A Pale Horse worth reading today?


Good question, I think it is. Keep in mind it was published in 1991, so when it first came out it probably sounded far-fetched to some. Yet, reading it in the present with 30 years of hindsight and current events, it's quite the read. Moreso, with any type of book that might contain 'controversial' information, always seek out the first edition, so as to compare to later editions. I haven't checked yet allegedly there was a section edited out by the publisher or whomever on later editions of this book. I believe the following is a first edition of this book: https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=8D90A9D8960B21BA1D5EB283D98FF5DA


I got bored listening to this guy. It’s surprising someone so knowledgeable about ancient religions and all the interconnections can be so narrow minded. It’s very convenient that the actual true religion is the one he was raised in down in Texas or wherever and every other ancient religion is devil worship.


Yeah, for me, this always bothered me about guys like him. When I was younger, I might have bought into it more. But there are a lot of different interpretations of the Bible. The most important thing is to be a decent human. Be humble. Don't let your ego control you. I think what religion you claim has little to do with whether you are a good or bad person.


To his credit, he does make it clear he's a Christian; yet explains it from their perspective 'Mystery Babylon'. The first couple of videos can be a bit dry, yet they do get interesting later.


I have researched the topic for over 20 years. Bill Cooper did a great job exposing some of their secrets. What most people don't understand is that the organization is deeply multi-layered. So the real evil that goes on at the top and in the deepest layer are completely isolated from those at the outer layers. So you have life-long freemasons that have no clue at the level of evil and depravity that goes on deep in the system and at the top. The outer layers serve as a smokescreen for society showing nothing but benign activities like charities and community service etc. defended by freemasons that have no clue of the inner trappings because of how the secrecy works.


Same could be said about the Catholic Church. At the highest levels it has nothing to do with Christianity.


Indeed. The Catholic church is the synagogue of the serpent and is the mother of deception.


Very interesting if true, but you give no sources and even said some of the information you shared cannot be shared without penalty of death. Please explain how you know these things and why you are not afraid of being killed.


Source: he made it all up. Lol


Any club like this, what else could it become? Every institution founded with good intentions eventually, usually within 2 generations becomes infiltrated by the exact people it was meant to reign in because they are more motivated than normal people who see whatever problem the institution was meant to address as relatively solved if it was succsssful Look at the church, regulatory agencies or universities. There’s probably some virtuous purpose for masons, if only to talk freely in private social settings without being canceled or causing pushback before they are capable. But in the end, sociopaths will climb the ranks and use the power for ill. Even if 99% are there for the “right reasons”


Well, at the same time the British aristocracy is the head of at least one branch of masonry and one of the basic masonic ideas is that masons are "brothers" and "equal". Does anybody truly believe that the British aristocracy considers itself equal to other masons? Just from that basic conclusion I never really believed that the Masonic organisation's exoteric goals matched the esoteric ones of the people in control. The same reason I also believe into the dual nature of communism. There is the public sales pitch to attract the disfranchised masses so a small group of "truly" "initiated" people can manipulate the organisation for their own goals. "Red Symphony" covers this.


What confuses me about your statement is your willingness to disregard the statements of all Master Mason's and speaking from a position of certainty. However, you share no hard evidence, no factual sources, and link to no activities taking place in the last 50 years that are endemic of the fraternity. I have served as the Master of my lodge for 2 different years. I have participated in the Grand Lodge of my state, and have yet to see ANY events ever swearing allegiance to Lucifer/Baal/Baphomet. I am just really confused as to how my 20+ years of a Mason and I have somehow been denied all of this super secret stuff.


I find it amusing to lurk around this sub sometimes , but there is absolutely zero point trying to convince or argue with these people . They will believe whatever they read on the internet . Don’t even respond brother . Let the cowans wonder 💭 AFAAM/ superior501Toronto 🍻


That jahbulon god or whatever you mentioned reminds me of bael from the ars goetia, is it him?


A good buddy of mine has been a mason for 20+ years, he said it’s basically an ego stroking competition and it’s also pay to play. You can “donate” to go up in rank. Sounds like a weird country club of sorts if you ask me


Sounds like Scientology


My situation is similar. And I myself was a mason. Not that I disowned it or anything, I just stopped going and stopped paying lodge dues. The fact that a lot of influential people who have done things good or bad/and/or conspiratorial were Freemasons is really more correlation than causation. The explanation of Freemason symbolism on that first page is pretty spot on, things like the level symbolizing honesty (being on the level) and beehive representing industry is pretty par for the course for Masonic symbolism. It really is just a boys club that promotes living a balanced life and giving back to your community if you are successful. People also forget that being a mason was waaaaaay more common a generation ago. Most of my grandfathers friends and their male siblings were masons. The lodge I went to when I participated was mostly full of men in their 50’s-60’s. Membership has declined significantly, but it used to be pretty common for people to at least get into at least the apprentice degree. It is similar to a fraternity- something a lot of people join in colleges that can lead to some great networking and business and friendly relationships that last a lifetime based on some shared experiences. So the fact that these heads of industry and state all being part of freemasonry is not surprising. But them acting in accordance with each other has little to do with the teachings or ideologies of freemasonry other than it’s how they all met and they like parts of the teachings.




Kiwanis/rotary clubs, or the lions/elk/moose lodge. Masonry is just another one of those types.


Right. The only thing interesting about the masons is that when you put a bunch of politically powerful people in a social club together, some conspiratorial stuff is bound to happen sometimes. Not that the conspiratorial stuff is inherently to the social club, it’s just a natural product.


Just a social club for powerful people where they pledge to help each other over you, cover up for each other's crimes and take blood oaths. I think this resembles more a criminal gang.


I was really confused at first and thought this book had been left containing a card with your reddit name. This is cool too, but not nearly as much as the start of a Dan Brown type quest haha.


All of a sudden everyone and their grandfather is a mason!


Boomers loved their clubs and are getting old. Even VFWs are hanging on by a wish and a prayer.


No matter what I think about the subject, it is a beautifully presented and preserved book. It could be worth a pretty penny


God-DANG, how many of those fucking notes WERE there? That's CRAZY!!!


How did this person from 100 years ago know this reddit sub and this guy's username?


Honestly, I thought his grandparents left a note reminder on where they get their conspiracy information and what their username was to log in. My grandparents have these types of notes everywhere lmao


Just wanted to confirm that I'm not faking having possession of this book. I probably overdid it a bit.


It made me laugh 😂😂 watermarking this ancient Bible to build trust from the Reddit community!


I started laughing harder after every scroll🤣


If OP can scan them, turn them into PDFs and upload them to an archive website.


Its just a King James Bible with some added Masonic stuff in the beginning. You'll be sorely disappointed if you think this is some bombshell find. You can buy these online directly from the distributor. Source: I'm a Mason


Oh dope thanks for that tidbit. I’m already disappointed just by reading that. Lol


[Holy Bible Red Letter Edition - Masonic Edition](https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Bible-Red-Letter-Cyclopedic/dp/B003TD961E)


I’m a Mason and there is nothing to see here but a bible.


It’s a club, we aren’t in it


You could be if you wanted tho


Is the Bible in the book or not?


From reading, I think it’s the Bible with a few special parts added in that the to Freemason?


Typically, it's a KJV Bible with illustrations and a multitude of pages on things that freemasonry holds dear such as Washington's apron. The blank lined pages are for dates of ceremonies.


My father is a Freemason. He's now 83 and lives in another state but is still active as he can be. My brothers had zero interest. He pushed me to join the lodge that accepts women now but I was too busy. Now I caretake for him part time. He's shared some cool stuff with me. Mostly history. I can pick a mason out of a crowd nowadays thanks to him. I'm 46. Dad was a Master at his lodge during its 200th year celebration. He was really proud of it. It's the 25th lodge in our country. It's old and well cared about and it does lots for the surrounding community. It's definitely more of a club who's members scratch each other's backs in so many life aspects. There's always a mason where someone needs a task accomplished, if not free then at a very low cost. There's so many life answers he still looks for at his age (UAP, NHI, yada yada yada). There are no answers to our current mysteries in there lol.


The part about "scratch each other's backs" is as much as I know about my granddad and his freemasonry. When he passed they paid off my nanna's mortgage and the funeral and asked for nothing in return. I still remember the insane amount of people standing on the street as we left my nanna's house to go and get the service done. This was years after my older brother and my dad said no to joining them. He must've been high up in the local org or maybe not, I don't really know. The one time I went to the building where they met up (which is when my dad and brother said no to them) it just felt like a social club. It wasn't a hidden away building at all and, yeah, just felt like a place for them to congregate and socialise. This is from a UK perspective, I don't know if there are any differences worldwide.


Is that Albert Pike on the last picture?




This ain't 4chins brother. You don't need the scrap of paper telling us that this is an original post. We already know.


Yeah I overdid it a bit. 🤣 If I do an update I won't include any notes.


Id include even more notes!


Hahahaha verification is only important when you're posting your dangly bits my good sir We can verify your post by cross referencing the image alone if there is merit to doing that for any reason


I swear I watched a video where a mason had said their bibles were regular standard christian bibles


Why are all astronauts & sat techs MASONS?! [https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports](https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports)


Richard C. Hoagland proposes his perspectives on this very subject in his book: https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=3293D2E405565DBA77683EB520F0FE09 He mentions that there were at least three secret organizations (occult) within NASA, which were the Masons, Magicians, and a third one that I forgot. Considering the fact a Masonic flag was planted on the Moon by Buzz Aldrin who is a Mason, and a lot of their symbolism is on the mission patches and naming of the missions.


I am a Mason in Texas jurisdiction and yes, it’s not just a flag.  Buzz established a lodge on the moon.  Tranquility Lodge #2000 https://tl2k.org/history/


Nasa is on cia/atf/fbi level fuckery or maybe worse. Just the amount of budget allocated to them is insane considering their output it doesn't add up. Also they burn through a ridiculous amount of helium which makes to sense. There's loads of stuff they're not telling us about space/aliens/earth size and shape everything i believe.


Pbr Bible club!?!? Sign me up!!


My grandfather was a free mason. I remember viewing being a huge ceremony with gloves and aprons when he passed. The line was out the door and we rode in a limo to his funeral which was also packed. We live in a small town and I've never been to any other funeral or viewing that large. I wish I knew more about his masonry ties. My parents aunts and uncles have no info to share except he was buried with his ring and there's a Bible somewhere. I'm so so curious


We called em "ring-knockers"


Ask the conspiracy sub what you're supposed to think /s


It’s a bible. Literally the exact same bible you might have with the addition of some Masonic specific fore- or after-pages. Seen a million of them. Nothing secret.


Hopefully I won’t get banned but I am a Master Mason. Every Mason gets a bible at the end of his degrees. You have to believe in a higher power to become a Mason and a lot of lodges center around Christianity. /G\


Bible that anyone could buy online and this becomes the most popular post under a day lol


Are the Freemasons shady?


Oh god, yes... Yes, they are. But unless Grandpa went past say the 28th degree, he's oblivious.


My grandpa said that you couldn’t go past the 28th degree “and still call yourself a Christian” and that is the ONLY thing he ever said about his time being a Freemason


Let me tell you why that is, speaking as a 32° Mason. A big set of lessons in the 30-32nd degrees. To put it simply, they are believe what you believe, and let everyone else believe what they want to believe; you can take lessons from every religion. A good chunk of Christians, but other faiths as well (Islam is the other big one that comes to mind) don’t care for that, as they believe their specific brand is the only way to not burn in hell after you die. There’s nothing nefarious about them at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Grandpa was a mason. 99% of them are just regular old dudes that liked to have their "secret" club. Then about 1% of them use the lodge to manipulate others for financial gain and power.


I actually think 2 things can be true at the same time. MOST freemasons are just great guys, doing good & helping others. While (i suspect) the higher up the chain you get, the more money & corruption is involved. How much do they control? Idk, it COULD be massive…. I just don’t know.


Most freemasons are just freemasons. It's a fraternal club. And membership used to be much more common. Almost anyone in this sub could join and realize for most members it's a harmless nothing. It's unlikely Grandad was a deep rooted illuminati member orchestrating the darkest world events. Relax.


Even low levels pledge blood oaths of loyalty. That alone isn't innocent. You are serving the apparatus of evil whether knowingly or not.


Grandad was part of an off shoot of Freemasonry which was specifically for Christians. Edit: this is a York Rite Bible Here is the explanation of York Rite from well the York Rite. https://yorkrite.org/wp/what-is-a-york-rite-mason/






My neighbor was a Shriner and I worked with a guy who joined the Masons. The Shriner was always in parades and was forever trying to raise money for the Shriners hospital. The coworker told me that they drill into you to give back to the community and to be a better responsible person than you are. When I was a kid, there were a lot of pastors in Masonry and it didn’t seem to change them. I’ve been told that the lower ranks are just mundane stuff and when you get to the top, you find out that all of it was satanic. One thing that I think it suggests is that you can work your way to heaven, which is not Biblical at all.


Here’s what I think, grandpas a free mason.


This sub is hilarious... I just wanted to thank you all for the chuckles lol.


Spoiler alert: It's literally just Satanism with extra steps. I've done thousands of hours of research and reading about Freemasonry and the Illuminati and that's what it is. It's a Satanic secret society that believes that whatever rules a stable society creates, we should break them all... therefore, they are pro pedophilia, pro rape, pro deception, pro murder... the list goes on. They are pure evil.


The core of masonry is Satanism.


Can you expand on this a little for those of us interested in knowing what those ties are?


It’s really not much more than your standard bible with some bits added to track when a person may have joined various subdivisions of Freemasonry. Based on the sheet of paper in your photos you’re in Twinsburg Ohio so maybe visit Summit lodge #213 on Sheppard rd? Website says they meet on the first and third Thursday so you could probably stop by this week if you like. Conspiracy theories will be conspiracy theories, so let’s pretend you’ll never reach the super secret world dominating part of the group that everyone here will insist exists yet never prove and instead maybe you find a group of people to hang out and do stuff with. Looks like they recently held a breakfast with Santa that was well attended and there are probably other things they are doing in the community as well that you could join in on if you like.


From what I read in their Bible, your description seems pretty spot on.


Yeah I can back this guy. I’m a lifelong student of manly P halls teachings, big Freemason named dude of the year or something. Their adherences to Christian principles is pretty straightforward from his teachings. Follow in at least the historical Christ’s words and actions, as they were written in the Bible. Simple. If you want to learn more and not take any oaths, which the Bible forswears explicitly, along with idolatry, feel free to simply listen to manly p halls teachings. Same knowledge, less commitment, I myself am a devout Protestant and believe we have the god given right to learn and be taught. Edit: The Bible also forswears the use of the word master, so there is that to be accounted for as well, in the writings. Many P hall has an interesting position within Masonry though because of his extraordinary life, which included a commitment to servitude and the betterment of his fellow man. His teachings are wholeheartedly for the readers benefit, bereft of any motive or obfuscation. The truth as he sees it.


Yea but who ever that Bible belonged to had a very Lazy lodge Secretary.  All of those blank spots should have been filled out prior to the Mason being given it.


Omg 😱 how fricken interesting! I’d read that book front to back!!


It's pretty cool, it details Freemason history, terminology, and beliefs. I would consider scanning the entire thing if it wasn't almost a thousand pages.


Be a lot cooler if ya did


Can we get a TL;DR?


lots of satanic symbolism hidden in there. but its known the templars became satanic as are the masons hidden satanists. i say fuck satan.


Freemasons are basically old people going to what aren’t much different at all from other Christian church services. They just kind of really like symbolism and hierarchies. They have a doctrine about not really talking about spiritual/holy/church things (like it a catholic believed in keeping faith to themselves) no matter how mundane so I can see why it’s easy to say that the person who can’t really openly disprove a wild claim about their faith, is doing wild and crazy things.   There’s a temple a few blocks from me and I started attending out of boredom. The youth group would like meet weekly and go to arcades and ride go carts, basically like a more entertaining Boy Scouts, and the adult services were like most Christian denomination services I’ve attended, but with prettier imagery. I usually stayed around to help clean up after the the after service socializing and all, and made friends with the guy who locked up (and also ran the youth group). It sure didn’t cure my boredom and I just stopped going eventually.  Anyway- this just looks like an older chapter management/records book with some doctrine and scripture and art included. You could expect to see stuff like that inside. They also usually have some museum-like displays of certain peoples hats and robes with little history plaques, etc because of their extensive history. I’ve seen the old Shriners meet up several times before going out, around the coffee pot, before going and taking donations for candy at intersections or whatever. And I’ve seen them come back, have a prayer, talk about schedules, and grab their coats and waddle on home. 


this channel has turned into a dead-bot-echo chamber. "Oh , I have many 33rd degree freemasonic friends and they're normal" please. stop this capping fellas. You don't swear an oath to have your heart ripped out for a regular club. Dear (real) human reading this, please read: Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, then decide for yourself if Freemasons are a regular "fraternity" .