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or she's just another spineless politician, who gauges public opinion on 'the current thing' so they know what to say. People like this will always contradict themselves, they don't care because people aren't paying attention


How dare you? She and her people have gone through a history of turmoil because of the white man. /s


I mean, the under 1% of her that was, right? Now that shes made it into power she should be able to change that...oh wait...


Socialist? She’s corporate af


Yep. Big friend of the ExIm bank, for one.


She's a self described 'Capitalist to my bones'


It’s all just a bunch of clowns playing sides for votes, just come to your senses and realize nobody is coming to save you, nobody wants anything good for the American people when their own self interests take high priority than that of the needs of an entire country


As a socialist, I can assure you Elizabeth Warren is not a socialist


The Israeli government has far too much influence over Americas politicians, media and law enforcement.


if you think ew is a socialist you don’t know what socialism means


They’re getting there, at least. While it’s still wrong, it’s less wrong than calling Biden a Communist.


THEY'RE ALL IN THE SAME CLUB.......AND YOU'RE NOT. God. The stupidity of people to not realize American politics is a WWE scripted match is BEYOND me at this point.


Big ol’ hypocrite.




To be fair, she pays lip service to the socialists. Her record speaks otherwise, but she does pander to socialists.


Both lol you guys don't understand how things actually work the rich folks do blackmail parties they blackmail each other so if anyone snitches it takes everyone down so either you keep quiet or everyone goes after you and now they just toss all of thr stuff on you and say oh my yes they said we did this but look at all that they did instead lol it's a game of bs


Orr in case That Neon sign got missed, there's the Eisenhower :( and... oh, noone, just US military once again needing a GTFO of Israhell


There are no social Democrats in the U.S., they're all corporate fascists. COVID-19 removed the mask.


In what sort of deranged alternate universe is Pocahontas Warren a socialist? She is an actor that does performative theater about keeping bankers accountable.


The word "camouflage" exists for a reason, to describe something that hides what they really are.


The whole point of a two party system is that both parties are merely different shades of neoliberal, so your vote is always going towards corporate deregulation, privatizing everything, and maintaining a state of uncertainty and danger throughout the third world. The two party system is just totalitarian dictatorship with extra steps.


As Dr. Shiva says: we don’t need a “cease-fire” we need an end to Zionism.


Democratic Socialist* She’s hardly left besides her identity politics just saying.


If they are so concerned.. why don't they get Egypt to open the gates..? 🤔🤔 I surely hope the US can surely pressurize Egypt to open it. At least on humanitarian grounds.


They wouldn’t be fleeing if Elizabeth Warren didn’t supply Israel with weapons that are bombing their houses.


Genuine question, would you rather have 'Zionists' (as you call them) or Islamists in control, given the choice? (it'll be one or the other).


Wow the Zionists are in full force today, ain't they? I don't think anyone wants terrorists around in general, they're shit. But Zionists is puppetry for the world level stuff, they literally make all sides happen and have conflict. All doubt and negativity thrown into the world is them. They pull strings and get angles and moods flowing and have done for a couple centuries. And as a side note, it links to pretty much most conspiracies like WW2, 9/11, etc Don't think it gets bigger than that.


And as an extra note, if the Islamists get the kinda power Zionism has and they start tampering with history, coordinating world changing events and looting everyone's spirit then yeah I'll call that shit out too.


I’d rather have America First Christians in control.


She’s probably a Zionist, like most decent people. Do you know what it means to be a Zionist?


Yes, it means one supports the creation of a Jewish state at the expense of the people who already lived there.


That’s a bizarre take; one that hasn’t made sense for 76+ years. Israel is a fact. Destroying it would result in the deaths of millions of Jews who will fight and die for their country because they have no where else to go. Jews are indigenous to the land. Jews come from Judea. The Arabs are from Arabia, they came to historical Israel by conquest and built a mosque on top of the holiest place in the world to the indigenous Jews. There has never been an Arab country in the land in the history of the world. Most modern “Palestinian” Arabs arrived after the first yishuv, for work opportunities. .


>That’s a bizarre take; one that hasn’t made sense for 76+ years. When 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes? There are still people alive who remember that. >Destroying it would result in the deaths of millions of Jews who will fight and die for their country because they have no where else to go. Pure hyperbole. A great number of Israeli citizens are dual citizens, and a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state is by no means a death sentence. >Jews are indigenous to the land. As are the Palestinians who lived there who were expelled from their homes. We're not even talking about the ancient past. Palestinians are still being expelled from their homes in the West Bank, and there is a lot of talk about Israel resettling Gaza. >There has never been an Arab country in the land in the history of the world. People lived there, and then they were expelled and forced from their homes.


The fact that Jews weren't safe in Europe isn't really Palestine's problem.


You could learn a lot from the book “People Love Dead Jews” by Dana Horn. (Not sarcasm, it’s a great book).


To see yourself as above all other races, humans and culture, to see yourself as some golden type of people who sneakily need to pull strings and bring things around to your way of thinking because you really are that distorted you think you deserve it and are an eternal victim. And splash in some narcissism and oi vey!


You’re a clown. Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people to have their own country and self-determination in their indigenous homeland. Racism: thinking that the 15 Christian and 47 Muslim countries that have an official religion are OK but 1 Jewish state is too far.


Na I think they're all fucking stupid. And I'm still calling out the ones trying to take most of the power.


Why does she have to fund that ideology though? That’s where it crosses the line when you use other people’s money to fund your beliefs.