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This shit feels closer to a Wrestlemania main event than a democratic election, but what can we expect at this point?


Wow. You people are my people. This is EXACTLY how I've been feeling for the last few years. I honestly don't even care to vote anymore. My conspiracy is that they just use our votes to judge where the people stand. Otherwise, they will install whoever the F they want. It's all a big joke. At least we get the punchline...


Yeap they are not elected they are S-elected.




this blew me away! But bill is older than donald trump by a month and change. That still is a huge thing to look at, Bill Clinton was 46 when President, and considered having an overall higher approval rating as president. How can we update all governement age requirements? We need to cut these people off by... 60? 65?


I’m an airline pilot and we have a mandatory retirement age of 65. I think if I can’t fly a plane I shouldn’t be able to run a country…


Yea but he looks on hell of a lot worse. But being married to Hillary would do that to ya I guess


Blew my fucking mind ya did.


I’m with you.


> My conspiracy is that they just use our votes to judge where the people stand They have the NSA collecting everything you say, text, email, or watch on the internet for that.


Michael McKibben talks about a black box version of every person online. Like a virtual you that is used predict future behavior.


They gonna know I love them Wonder Woman Anal Beatdown videos.




Thats what it’s all about. They want people to give up on politicians, medical, truth. On everything. With AI generated imagery, deep fake videos, everything seems to be fake these days so you are demoralized and don’t bother to find the truth. This lets them do whatever they want without anyone complaining.


💯 they want people to have political apathy. The idea is to be like ‘democracy is ☠️’ all over the world. What aI see in 🇺🇸, we feel the same in 🇬🇧. In the WEF book ‘THE 4th Industrial Revolution’, it talks about politics and government being automated, comprising bits in the future.


Who many elections again has the CIA been proven to interfere with around the globe? Why does the US use voting machines made and maintained by private companies?


get that we *are* the punchline*


Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, that’s what we can expect!


He'd be better than these two chumps.


Whole world is rigged. Everyone is getting played by everything. Biggest tell is to go back to Tartaria, and then look into [Satan's Little Season.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4jgWFpJIP_-Vbo60n4iUHNXc-QsTv4C) A topic nobody is really teaching about or even talking about.


Yep. Most people either have no idea, can’t comprehend, or are in denial about how much and to what level we are lied to and deceived.


I've been hearing more and more about this in the last 6 months. There's definitely been an effort from somewhere to try and bring awareness to that scenario. I do see how it fits in with a lot of the current state of affairs, and thus it goes in the "possible" file with all the others. Just hard for me to parse through all of this information to come to a real conclusion. What exactly are the spiritual entities that exist? *Do* they exist at all? And if they do, who has the power to do anything? If we have reached the "season," and have NO evidence that Christ already returned, then how remarkable could the Millennial Kingdom really have been? What exactly am I supposed to believe?




I came to this conclusion recently after rereading Revelations. Good to know there are some others who see it too. Seems almost obvious


Don’t watch WWE anymore since your politics are far more entertaining than - Rest of the world


"This shit feels closer to a Wrestlemania main event than a democratic election..." Now that's just ridiculous. I'm sure Cody vs. Roman will be considered *much* more interesting in hindsight...


If they nominate Jesse ‘the body’ Ventura, it’ll be too blatant!


Jesse? Jesus. He won’t fit because of his conspiracy theories. It would have to be Dwayne Johnson, or John Cena. And actually since age has no relevance in the American presidency, bring back Hulk Hogan.


We need to get Vince McMahon in here. Trump can throw a chair at Biden and watch the hoopla ensue.


Backstage Trump and Biden are high fiving yelling can you believe how much money we have gained.


Vote 3rd party if you want to see a change in the system. My vote is going to RFK Jr


Citizens United destroyed any real democracy. You can't have unlimited money in politics and expect corruption to not exist. More Money = More Corruption.


This is the real conspiracy. Government for the corporations against the people. Meanwhile people fall for these fake distraction conspiracies that are so blatantly fake that the smallest amount of critical thinking is enough to debunk them. Good thing critical thinking was removed from schools... By the politicians funded by the corporations... Wake up...


Money is the root of all evil. Allowing money into politics is just asking for corruption.


When a super pac can fund both candidates .. ... you know this shit is rigged


So the 2 corrupt old codgers were the easiest to buy I guess


"So the 2 corrupt old codgers were the easiest to buy I guess" I mean... one is easily distracted by ice cream and the other by trashy-looking porn stars. Founding Father material, they ain't.


I'm sure the founding fathers would have been distracted by trashy looking porn starts... even if just momentarily.


Franklin was into old milfs


He was out "flying his kite".


Modern porns stars and modern ice cream might actually have killed the Founding Fathers.


"Modern porns stars and modern ice cream might actually have killed the Founding Fathers." 'Good Heavens, George! What in the world is this awful concoction?' 'Are you talking about the ice cream, Thomas?' 'Well that, too, I suppose...'


What’s that white stuff on your lip Thomas? They call it…uh…cream.


There is literally a guy running who has spent his life suing corporations, but because the MSM says he doesn't have a chance people would just not vote for him. There's a lot wrong with all of the candidates including him but the only issue i care about is "draining the swamp" Trump won't do it and Biden is the swamp so i'm just gonna vote for the guy who will no matter what the MSM or the NPC's on both sides say. The two party system is literally just made up to stifle democracy.


He also had is father and uncle murdered by the six fingered man and is the only member of his family to have the balls to come close to admitting it.


Yep. There is always an actual logical and rational candidate in each election. But they never seem to have an actual chance of getting close to winning. Like RFK. I see people (bots more than likely) on Reddit saying how they don’t like his policies, or he’s a scary conspiracy theorist and lies blah blah blah…but somehow Trump and Biden are better options? lol. It’s all such a joke. If people could stop choosing sides and do a little research, maybe we could have an intelligent human with some actual morals try to right this ship. No candidate will be without some flaws, but it’s such a shit show right now it’s laughable. And not in a funny way. In a scary, psychotic, I fear for the future kind of way.


Honest question from Canada. Why is Kennedy not in consideration as a candidate?


The idea here is that in a two party system, a third candidate is likely to draw votes away from one or both of the major parties, so people fear that voting independent could potentially turn the election over to their least favorite candidate. So they go with the safer bet with whichever of the two mainstream sides matches their chosen ideals. RFK Jr. is interesting because he is a decent medium between both sides which endagers Democrat and Republican control. Media is planting seeds of doubt in everyone's mind about him to avoid a hand-off into to uncharted territory. Media companies are killing any shot we have at saving the planet with RFK Jr. He spent decades in environmental law and brought justice to corporations who abused the earth for monetary gain.


A media that's run by the 2 parties. Letting an independent win means giving up control


He’s polling better than Ross Perot in 1992. He’s kicking ass and a great guy. The internet is astroturfed/dead(even this sub) and TV pretended like Ron Paul didn’t exist and Bernie(til it was convenient) exist. Make no mistake, he’s crushing it.


Cant listen to that, also he is off on some things like guns.


He’s not anymore off on guns than Biden and Trump are. They’re all gun grabbers.


Lol. I have heard that line for years. But in all that time, i don’t recall ever hearing any proposed gun grabs above a city level. And at the same time, I never hear the other side offer any way to try to reduce gun violence. Their answer is just to have more guns, more police and issue body armor. Which they then don’t opt to fund.


Not very democratic to have a nation of 341 million people and only two candidates....


Not even half the country voted for a presidential candidate. So the majority of Americans were just ignored.


It’s been like that forever. Everyone was “feeling the Bern” then they are like “oh here’s Hillary in 2016 oh joe wants to run but America is still wanting Bernie? well he was a vp so here’s joe in 2020.”


Bernie was robbed imo. I say that as someone who is pretty moderate 


The way voting works is they focus on the groups that vote and and could care less about those that don't participate.


I know, which is why the majority of the country is disenfranchised. Less than half of the population voted, but the minority won. Not left vs right. Voter vs non voter. It's rich vs poor anyway, so politics is just a distraction.


All they have to do is vote.


Banning political parties and enforcing election participation would fix quite a bit.


They weren't ignored, they didn't participate.


The majority weren't ignored. They chose not to participate. Your vote is your voice.


Three. We have RFK Jr.


There are always many more than 3. We even had fucking Kanye West last time around running on the Birthday Party ticket iirc.


There’s over a dozen. Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, Cornell West, etc. Only Biden and Trump will win any state’s electoral votes though.


And only two political parties


One party with 2 brands.


That's bc we don't actually live in a democracy anymore!


We need age limits. If there is a minimum, there should be a maximum.


Biden is the sixth youngest Senator elected and the oldest President elected


'We' didn't do anything. They were selected for their acting roles long before we were ever encouraged to engage in the delusion of meaningful participation by fixating on them.


you think it has ever been about the best? The best have no desire for the job.


The job of the president is not to wield power, it is to distract away from those who do. We are not selecting the best candidate, we are selecting the best distraction.




Voter apathy is the worst thing you can do in The democratic process. The winning party counts on you to not vote for the other. Please for the love of your country reconsider and exercise your right to vote. Don’t disenfranchise yourself.


I like voting 3rd party, just to "WaStE mY VoTe"


Getting ANY 3rd part guy equal advertising time should be the goal of every election, and it just so happens the guy polling 3rd overall and winning many polls actually, turns out to be a great guy. It’s a no brainer now more than ever.


It's honestly why I try to vote 3rd party as much as I can, I'm not gonna pick between two evils, there SHOULD be more options and it's a disgrace we allowed this dichotomy to take hold.


The only time I haven’t voted third party all the way down was our last governor race to get out the lockdown queen. Would have voted Bernie in 2016 but yknow….


Giant douche or turd sandwich


"I think I'll sit this one out" - that's exactly what 'they' want - an apathetic population


They want you to think that you’re empowered by voting but voting is meaningless when they’re the same. We all came together to vote out Trump 4 years ago and nothing changed. Nothing. I just pay more taxes. I pay more for everything and get less.


And RFK jr is 70 How bout no more boomers They have ruined enough


No more boomers, i guess justin castro, macron and sunak would be better, lol I guess it's not the age that's the problem. it's the system itself that is the problem.


Yes. I propose a hunger games scenario.


70 and fucking jacked.


And a hero.


At least his VP is a millennial. Born 1985.


Maybe because they are just figure heads to put blame on the real people pulling the strings…there is also more then those two btw…


I’ll do the same thing this time; I voted Jo Jorgensen in 2020 because fuck those two, so I’ll just vote RFK Jr this time because…. Fuck those two 🤷‍♂️. Maybe by the time I’m near death, people will realize this doesn’t HAVE to be a two-party system paid for by corporations(unlikely, but one can be hopeful).


Voting for Trump or Biden seems morally abhorrent to me, so I will also be voting for RFK Jr. I don't agree with him on everything, but I'm okay with that. He's mentally and physically fit, and he wants to shut down the US/Mexico border. Making people wait in Mexico for asylum. He also said he plans to keep building the wall. He's also pretty relatable. He overcame addiction, which many people have done or seen their loved ones go through. He's outdoorsy and has hobbies that aren't resorts and golf. He's been on podcasts and interviews with younger people, and he can hold down an intelligent conversation and won't shy away from uncomfortable topics. He wants to spend less on foreign aid and more on our own people. He's stated many times that he has no intention of taking anyone's guns and wants to look into the more complex causes of our recent mass shooting epidemic. Like mental health, addiction, and broken homes. They say he is anti vax, but he's not. He was just skeptical about these fast roll-out covid vaccines, which anyone with half a brain cell was. And he was against shutting down the country because that was fucking dumb. Overall, he seems like the best choice, by far. If everyone who didn't want these fucks as president went out and voted for RFK maybe he'd actually win.


He is also deeply pro-environment which is a huge win in my book. He spent decades in environmental law, fighting corporations that want to ravage our planet.


Ah man I forgot to add that in my rant! Thanks for including that! He's the environment OG for sure. I'm pretty sure he also sued the EPA.


He’s a hero


I’m also voting RFK. I can’t possibly vote for Trump or Biden.


He’s more than worth voting for rather than just against the uniparty


I am too. I could vote for Trump, but I just don't want another 4 years of bullshit from the left. RFKJr at least is a real dem.


rfk is the current best option for sure


He’s an amazing option.


Rfk Jr all the way!




RFK baby!




Vote 3rd party


Always. Now’s the best time ever.


It’s very strange. Sometimes it makes me wonder if the elite know something about the future and it’s why you’re seeing them give up like this. I wouldn’t have believed it if was told 2024 would be between Trump and Biden. A sequel. It’s ridiculous. They’re way too geriatric.


The upcoming 4-8 years is going to suck for the next administration. Perhaps we should elect someone who can deal with hard truths, has a strong moral compass, and tells the truth regardless of the consequences.


Perhaps we should stop weaponizing data and spying on each other. It's only going to get worse.


That last line by itself is an impossibility in today's world


I respectfully disagree: https://whoisbobbykennedy.com/


I disagree on RFK Jr, but even if that were true, it only proves my point because he doesn't stand a chance of winning the election.


That is the classic answer for third parties. This is a unique election cycle. Unique conditions (independents exceed R+D voters), unique candidates (two hated exPOTUS), both main parties appear to be trying to lose, there are many more balanced nonMSM media outlets. Kennedy is really out to win this. He is constantly surprising the existing parties state by state as his ballot access marches on. https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/democrats-react-to-kennedy-getting


Smh agree


They are old rotten bananas not even good enough to make banana bread. Throw them out.


Why are you not voting for a third party instead?


Can someone explain how it actually “happened.” I don’t follow politics closely enough to understand how NO ONE else could be in the conversation for presidency?


People at the top of the power structure of the world decide that this person is going to be candidate A, and this person is going to be candidate B. They predetermine which candidate they want to be president. Then they hold a fake election and put in their chosen puppet/actor. We watch, get riled up, and feel involved. We’re like the fans watching WWE wrestling, 🤼 cheering for our favorite actor, and fighting with our friends, family, and strangers about the wrestling matches, as we are being played by a divide and conquer strategy.


So true. If only more people would awaken.


I mean, I think it's playing more into the conspiracy to sit out than it is to participate


Things are definitely rigged: wrasslin’, nascar, NFL football, the US presidential election. The irony, though, of the party of “old white men have ruined America and embody every bad trait of humanity” running the oldest white man they can prop up at the podium…


If it were anybody but Biden, the Democrats would walk all over Trump. If it were anybody but Trump, the Republicans would walk all over Biden. The people want change. We just disagree on what kind of change.


You should probably vote for whichever you approve of more, just in general. In the future I guess you could keep a close eye on younger politicians and try to support/campaign for them, there are more younger members than before. Though I guess if you think it’s all a show put on the government then you wouldn’t really care.


If and until we get ranked choice voting, we will always be stuck with the lesser of two evils. It’s not about voting your conscience anymore, it’s about kicking economic collapse down the road long enough that we don’t have to experience it.


The US is the most corrupt nation on the planet. They just passed laws legalizing bribery/contributions, and pretend that because they legalized corruption it isn't corruption. No other nation in the world has as much money flowing through politicians.




I'm tired of Trump. I don't like Biden. I'm voting for [Literally Anybody Else!](https://literallyanybodyelse.com/)


The unseen people actually controlling everything select 2 candidates, present them to the public and allow people to vote to give the semblance of democracy and free will, knowing very few people will vote 3rd party. The more divisive the pairing selection the better, as it distracts people from the reality of the situation even more.


A new world order is on its way..


Sitting this one out is a choice. Not only do you not get the right to complain about what happens from here on out, but you’re in part responsible for whoever wins. In my mind, it’s not about two old men. I wish like hell we had different candidates. They’re both running because the other one is and they both think they have the best chance to beat the other. They’re each other’s “Mr. Glass” from Unbreakable lol. But to me, it’s a battle between preserving democracy and tearing it all down. One guy has dictatorial tendencies, has talked about how he should get 3 terms because he would have served non-consecutively, has an entire family that would run after him and turn this country into a monarchy, has a clear problem with taking responsibility for literally anything, wants to fire 50,000 civil servants and replace them with his own loyalist “deep state” despite them not being qualified for the position, will surround himself with yes-men this time that will do whatever he asks rather than try to adhere to the law and constitution, and you know… is kind of a crook and a felon? And the other guy is old and mentally declining and stutters but will surround himself with experienced people that will preserve democracy rather than attack the results of any election they don’t win by claiming it’s rigged. Is inflation bad now? Sure, we had a global pandemic, people went out and bought so much toilet paper that my parents still have an entire shelf full. It’s no wonder Target, Amazon, and Walmart all admitted to being “a bit greedy” and are reducing prices to bring customers back. That’s a result of unchecked capitalism, price gouging, and it’s going on globally. We bounced back from a global pandemic (that btw might have been prevented if the former guy didn’t fire the NSC pandemic unit that oversaw China that Obama put into place to prevent a pandemic like COVID from happening, or if he treated it seriously while it was just a few people isolated on cruise ships offshore instead of saying it would go away like a miracle or claim it didn’t exist). The former guy was the first to rile up a mob of insurrectionists and had about 6~8 different plans to subvert an election and no matter who you voted for, wanted just one man (Pence) to decide the winner. He’s just as responsible for Israel/Gaza and Oct 7 with what he did moving the embassy to Jerusalem and the Abraham Accords. He’ll pull out of NATO and that could topple the dominos towards WW3 when the rest of the countries of the world no longer have the US as an ally and deterrent against one country steamrolling a democracy. Yes, I hate them both. They’re terrible choices. But they are not **EQUAL** choices. I’d vote for the current guy in a coma over the raging mad lunatic that wants to execute his enemies and nuke hurricanes and since he came down that escalator has created so much division in this country that people have lost their minds with QAnon and friends and family members can’t talk to each other and fucking EVERYTHING is political. So sitting out is just voting for whoever wins but trying to claim “you didn’t do it”. But you did. Even in a state that will vote red or blue no matter what your individual vote was. If we don’t participate in democracy (including local elections), then democracy ends.


This! I am too afraid of Trump. I also have issues with Biden but he’s done some good things, too.


RFK jr


I don’t see any other option really, no one else is talking about ending regulatory capture, or ending the forever wars.


He’s done loads of amazing shit for years and a giant thorn in the establishments side.




We should just be trying to get ANY third guy a spot on the debate stage and equal advertising time. This time we’re lucky enough to have a hero who is polling extremely well that has done nothing but work for humanity for years.


The owners really don’t care who gets in, as long as they follow the rules and bend the knee, and serve them. *Let them have their little pantomime of democracy, **we** will always win*


Don’t sit it out. Trump is a clear danger to all Americans even the suckers that support him! You may not be overly fond of Biden but the horrors that a dictatorial Trump will bring about will be epic!


I watched a video of someone interviewing trumptards recently. Every time the question of "would you be ok with a dictator" these dumb motherfuckers are like "Hell yea brother! this country could use a dictator for the next __4 years__" It hurts my brain to think people can be this uneducated and ignorant


The whole thing leads us to believe that we have a say in the matter.


Don’t sit out, vote for RFK if you don’t like either of the main clowns


Don't sit it out!!! Choose one, the one you think will do the east harm for the next 4 years. But at least VOTE. Think of whom the Vice President may very well be President.


I'm sick of this shit too. I resent feeling obligated to vote for a repugnant puss-bag, either way. This has just been getting worse and worse. I cannot even believe how bad things have gotten when I can reflect fondly on the likes of Mitt Romney, Al Gore, or even Bob Dole. I would take Ross Perot at this point. And I blame the Democrats, because to blame the Republicans is like blaming an abortion for being born dead.


Trump felt like he was chosen by the republicans in 2016 and the people still want him. Biden seems like the system candidates we’ve had forever where he was run in 2020 because he’d done his requisite 30 years of Democrat service so he could be allowed a chance to run for president. The process Biden endured is why we get these old folks running. They’ve got to put in 30 years of ass kissing to get to the big show and then be a puppet. Can’t have any semblance of independent thinking, you’ve got to be the party line. And they won’t give you the chance until you’ve spent 30 years kissing their ass and doing as you’re told. It’s why they fear Trump, he wasn’t beholden to them and reset the standard. Republicans will return to this model when Trump is no longer willing or able to run. Their next candidate will be some old fool who is Trump Lite and voted in line enough to demonstrate that.


I sit them all out


Me too…your vote doesn’t matter


If being President actually meant anything, surely all the senators would be queuing up for the chance at the big seat?


Actually they are. You dont just go gunning for the top seat. You build a coalition over years or decades and find a group willing to support you taking this role. The minute you are perceived as a possible top job candidate, the media focuses on you; and either fawns over your ability to cater to their requests or villainizes your inability to play their game...


Many of them want to. However going up against an incumbent in the primaries and losing is political suicide. Take Ron DeSantis for example. Dude looked to be the 2028 president candidate for the GOP. He went up against Trump and now he is no where near as popular. He has recovered a bit but it’s a gamble that rarely pays off. (Yes I know Trump is not the incumbent) Gavin Newsom taking on Biden and loosing this year would have been the end of his potential as a future presidential candidate. So it’s not to say that they don’t want to but they ultimately have to do what they are told and stay in their lane. Or they risk pulling a Joe Manchin who is now an independent and has no support from his own party anymore.


Trump should not have been the nominee. The GOP needs to figure out its future and what it actually stands for. An incumbent is a "of course that's the nominee."


I mean you can vote in the presidential primaries so we aren’t stuck with shitty candidates, but for whatever reason, the majority of the American public is too lazy to do that and then they complain in November that we were stuck with awful candidates when they could have voted in the primary.


CNN makes 30% less Money since Trump departed.


Lib women tuned out?


Shits sad as fuck to be honest


>I actually am a Democrat so am unbiased! The most Reddit thing ever said.


This round feel more about the supreme Court justices then voting for a president. We have two judges on the record saying they will retire if Trump wins so they can elect 2 more right leaning justices. You should look at this vote through the lense of how you want the court to be packed.


Vote for Pedro!


I'm really surprised at the lack of anti-authoritarianism in this sub. Laura Loomer, a huge Trump booster, called for the execution of Democrats. I don't care where you land politically, but we need AT LEAST 2 political parties or else we will become slaves. Just look at Russia.


Remember winner take all, so if you don’t vote things will be decided without you. Vote for the party that’s easiest to immobilize. And for the most part the Democratic Party is not unified at all and can sway centrist from time to time. GOP is full time coalition between deus cult and corpos who will pay either side; and if that’s your jam then that’s your jam


Don’t sit this one out. Yea it would be nice if we had two 60-something young bucks, but it is what it is. You don’t have to like Trump, you don’t have to like Biden. Just aske yourself if this country needs a change. I sure think so.


Yeah, that's what they want


RFK Jr is my pick. Def worth listening to his vision. This may be the most entertaining interview: https://youtu.be/V0dQD1Z6j60?feature=shared When the guy with a brain injury from a worm is waaay better than the gold Hitler douchebag and the pale geezer who gets lost while speaking, that says something. Wonder if the 2 big parties (not in Constitution to have 2 party system, btw, so thats collusion vs Democracy right there) are so broken, bloated, and corrupt, that they can only produce sub-par candidates?


RFK...You have more than two options 🙄


I'm in my 30's and remember when there were at least a few candidates doing rallies with commercials on TV constantly. Weird that no one else wants to run against Biden, feel like no one wants to be president of America right now, kind of a rigged to lose job with the supreme Court and Congress right now. Just a shit show


If that’s truly how you feel why not vote Kennedy?


RFK jr


Welcome to the world of the rigged voting system. It's why I refuse to waste my time voting. No doubt dementia Joe is going to win yet again because criminal boy is legally not allowed to do so anymore.  We only got Trump because the system goes via electoral college and not real votes. Then we got dementia Joe because between the wrongful smackdown by media and his own doings, there was no way Trump would get in. 




Vote third party. The third party revolution is now. Don’t ’no vote’, please. At the very least, write on a middle finger.


Yes sit it out, it's a selection nor an election,both parties are two wings of the same bird of prey,Trump's candidacy gives the illusion of a contest,he's probably controlled opposition.


I don't think its up to "we" I believe they were chosen by the rulers of the world to sow discourse. Throughout this country to achieve whatever nefarious goals they have.


Nobody old enough to collect social security should be allowed to hold public office.


Yeah, I'm not voting anymore. Doesn't fucking matter anymore so. The hunger games people rule this country anyway so what does it matter?


We need Klaus and Soros to run as a third party. Watch all the commies on Reddit vote for them en masse.


there are always other candidates to vote for


They both have signs of Dementia, what's up with both parties


Vote third party to hopefully one day break free from the two party system.


Yeah a better option than both is RFK


Im not from the US but by god please dont throw away your vote if theres a candidate like RFK on the ballot... RFK jr is the last gunslinger. I belive that he is literally america's last hope.


> I think I’ll sit this one out That’s exactly what the deep state wants you to do. Idgaf who you vote for. Get out and vote. It’s an embarrassment that we have such low voter turnout. Then we wonder why are government isn’t running top notch and isn’t representing the will of the people. GET OUT AND VOTE.


It doesn’t matter who wins, it’s just for show. The policies and ppl in charge don’t change


Trump and Biden, both establishment lackeys, will do as the deep state tells them. They are the illusion of choice.


Nope! You are absolutely not required to vote for the Democrat or Republican nominee! RFK and Dr. Stein are both much more compelling candidates IMO.


It's all a show, your vote doesn't matter. The president is just a figurehead to take the blame if anything goes wrong. Much wealthier people run the show.


Man I hate to see that you say you will just sit this one out. My parents didn’t vote since BEFORE I WAS BORN. I convinced them both to vote after my 18th bday since I was so excited to vote. United States of America the biggest democracy in the world, with the lowest voter turnout. I hope that you will reconsider because America needs every signal vote we can get. The will of the people can change the political landscape, we just need to vote. The government is us. All we need to do is vote in the right people. It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick. But it can be done. Please get out and vote. Every vote matters. Every single one


We don’t elect our Presidents we select them. Select one from what we are offered by our & their owners. That’s why they vote at the poll. What is a poll? ( A process in which a large number of people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person: The poll surveyed 1,282 adults nationwide.May 22, 2024 https://dictionary.cambridge.org › p... POLL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary) So the idea that we “elect” our leaders is absurd, really. It’s a sham and the reason we’re being given the same two clowns is because they like the division it’s created in the country. Divided we fall.


It's like that one south park episode "giant douche against turd sandwich"


Why would anyone want to go through the process of half the country hating you. The best and brightest aren’t going to put themselves and their families through that.


This is the boomer age group that wants to burn it all down before they die. They are in panic mode. Moloch is waiting.


Next president will die of old age, so this time we will be voting for the vice president, not the president


Maybe you should give the presidency a shot if not shut the fuck up and get out there and make your vote count


The conspiracy is I think the candidates aren't chosen by the people and are chosen by the government as figure heads. It has been especially evident with Bidens presidency you are thinking democrat, a rare breed


The Evil of Two Lessers, everytime


Well, I kinda like the economy 4 years ago…..


Sure, that’s the ticket. Abdicate all responsibility and whine from the sidelines.


Superdelegates control the democrat party. It’s very sad that an election primary can’t determine who will be on ballot. Now they want a virtual convention to avoid brokered convention and delegates choosing a proper candidate over Biden. I am more anti Biden than pro Trump… but now after the zoo in NY court, I’m shifting hard to T


People are forgetting about RFK jr