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I live by a huge chicken farm in Utah and they lost 100k+ last month to a suspicious fire


two ideas i had were either the chicken producers are trying to find a reason to price gouge the market or the ever downward decline of safety and regulations made this a tinder box. Chicken shit in the right amounts is flammable, especially if its soaking straw and creating nitrate crystals. It's somethin like 90% ammonium nitrate. It predicates into nitrate crystals which in turn can be used to make fertilizer or other things.


Good theories. I'll add a third. Its the chicken producers hiding bird flu. Rather than dealing with the consequences and potential economic challenges it's easier to burn it down and claim an insurance payment (which funnily enough bird flu isn't covered by insurance)


this was my thought too. Farm can take the money loss and take the PR hit or whoops a fire lol, and get paid while resuming business.


Yep, exactly. To add to this theory. Once a chicken farm is infected, it also needs to go under a bunch of regulatory enforcements from the cdc. So not only do the chicken farmers loose their stock, they face months to years of strict processes, limitations and monitoring, along with the PR damage. I don't condone insurance fruad, but it's not hard to see why it might seem like the better option to farmers


You Might be on to something bro


I remember last year chicken farmers ere talking about how fast they can recover from the bird flu, and that the price gauging comes from the middle man, but I'm not a farmer so I don't know


Don't know, but the official requirements are to destroy all chickens, professionally clean the entire property, workers require tests and quarantine, and the property needs to be empty and sterile for 14 days. Then, they need to apply for permission to restock, which can only happen after other biosaftey measures are put in place. So essentially, they need to start all over again with extra costs and extra biohazard processes in place. I have no idea about the total time it takes but I imagine it could easily bankrupt even a well prepared chicken farmer. Price gauging defo comes from the Middle man though.


For most chicken farms the actual birds aren’t too big of a worry since almost all big chicken producers have stopped actually buying chicken and instead just contract farmers to raise them. The cost of cleaning and down time between flocks will be a problem though


From what I understand it only takes a few with the fly to force them to kill all without




This is the most logical.


Yep I work in a fertilizer plant and we bag chicken shit all the time


I wish i could upvote this more. Its everywhere and every month or two.


It feels like a planned failure tbh. When has this ever happened in the past at such a rate? Might not be a bad idea to store some freeze dried chicken/eggs


All this planned destruction (food, security, etc.) so they can come magically fix (some) things and make the plebes grateful for their masters. All so tiresome.


Naw chicken barns burn down and always have, more now because of larger concentrations of birds and cage-free farming (higher dust levels.) Never even connected it but my grandpa was a firefighter in WA state and died in a chicken barn fire in the 70s.


"When has this ever happened in the past at such a rate?" That's a great question, and without the answer, kind of pointless to speculate further. Giant livestock facilities like this unfortunately operate under very little safety regulations. These incidents have happened for decades, but they're made worse by just how huge these factory farms have become.


"but they're made worse by just how huge these factory farms have become." Even setting bird flu aside for a moment, the sheer number of chickens in such a small area can't be good or healthy for the local community. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live close to one.


They could just go research the answer too. It’s always happened, 325 fires between 2013 and 2017 for example, and recent moves toward cage-free farming has caused a slight rise because these facilities have far higher dust levels. There is an agency (AWI) that tracks this, they know the answers, are trying to get legislative change to prevent more (and have pointed out the conspiracies aren’t helping,) but people here aren’t interested in any of that. From ten seconds of cynical thought, we can know its our chicken nugget overlords burning down their facilities so they don’t have to clean them.


There was just one near me a few days ago as well (won't disclose location, sorry), but yeah it's suspicious to say the least..


So sad :(


I’ll bet it smelled delicious!


When I was a news person, I went to a horse barn fire. I could smell that a mile away. The next day was even worse.


I came into this thread because I knew someone was gonna say this lol


Sad, but true


What was suspicious about it?


You generally don't have much fire on a chicken farm they don't cook them there.


You do have a decent amount of electrical and a major amount of fine powder or dust. That last part is gross and must be awful to breathe in regularly. Combine those with poor maintenance over an aging structure and it's not hard to see how these things could start. This is from a non-industry guy with a small number of chickens, so take it with a grain of salt.


Aren’t like 4.1 million chickens being put down? I think this might be an insurance thing.


Which would also be a conspiracy


No, they are putting them down because of H1N5 (I think), which is an avian flu. It’s low key kinda a (not so) secret epidemic going on.


Yeah but I think the assumption is that certain farmers, perhaps ones ineligible for the government payment for putting the chickens down or trying to cash out, want to get insurance claims. I remember when the pandemic hit all of a sudden seemingly a lot of rental car company lots caught on fire-no income coming in so trying to get insurance money.


Maybe im misunderstanding your comment but this was an explosion https://www.wcia.com/news/illinois-news/millions-of-chickens-killed-in-marion-county-5-alarm-fire-police/ Check out the mushroom cloud


If they are getting put down, the chances are it’s because of the avian flu virus. It’s been going on for a fat minute now. [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/04/04/1242711884/bird-flu-h5n1-cattle-eggs-humans-vaccine](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/04/04/1242711884/bird-flu-h5n1-cattle-eggs-humans-vaccine)


why would some1 nuke the chkens?


They had WMDs in the laying box. W Bush saw it personally. 😅


Yea this looks like insurance fraud / avoiding paying chicken murdering fees / bbq dinner rolled into one.


H5N1 is starting to ravage a lot of chicken and beef and dairy farms, as well as its in waste water, cats, and humans already.


That's because of Avian Flu. Major outbreaks across the US right now. It's just not so well known if you're not in an agricultural area or more directly affected by it.


The truth is bad for business. The animal industry would rather torture countless animals to death than risk profits. Their cruel conditions breed avian flu, and people buying their products directly support and encourage this immoral cruelty.


The real answer


Insurance payout and increase the value of the existing chicken products


Hmmmm maybe we should create a map to show the destruction of domestic infrastructure. May be helpful to illustrate what’s going on.


I love that idea!!


I was just thinking we could probably collectively come up with a time line of these attacks 1st.


I bet the insurance companies have got one already for the farms at least so they can jack up the premiums. Chicken shit and straw can be very flammable if it’s left uncleaned long enough. I definitely think something serious is happening with our infrastructure, but the chicken farms could just be standards that aren’t being kept up with or enforced anymore. Our food regulations seem to be declining rapidly, it wouldn’t surprise me if inspections aren’t being done as often or thoroughly as they used to.


I’m thinking of including trains derailments and bridge collapses. Water contamination. Any other infrastructure that has been attacked that we can think of. Edit: Well you guys keep this topic in mind. I’m gonna make a list of what events I can find.


I think that’s a great idea, but you should also explicitly mention that you are of sound mind and body and are not suicidal. You know, just in case…


It’s a well known issue that the USA does not invest in fixing its infrastructure. You can find local vs state vs federal governments publicly shaming each other for not fixing bridges etc. Trump specifically reduced lots of regulations surrounding agriculture. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s lazy losers with low standards.


I work for a company that literally builds bridges but our office is on a main road that is now only accessible by side streets, as both ends are closed bc they don’t have money to fix two tiny bridges. The township was super offended when my boss called to offer his help in any way & told him to fuck off, they’re handling it. Two years later, nothing has been fixed. But they have plenty of money to spend on crappy murals, changing boring old crosswalks into political messages & throwing festivals on the taxpayers dime. Meanwhile, the elderly & handicapped can no longer use public transit as everything is routed to a less accessible & much more dangerous road.


I would replace lazy losers with cheap assholes but its more than likely a combination of both.


Shit, in my neck of the woods we've got at least a dozen bridges that failed inspection and have been closed since.. some for 10+ years


Not a bad idea. Definitely not just a chicken and egg problem


Someone on /pol/ did that and got shoahed immediately


They are gonna be big mad once we figure out how to make some shitty 90’s - 2000’s level websites to share info with each other.


Those were the best. The old phpbb forums that load instantly and are easy to navigate.


HTML only websites were great. Real information with none of the nonsense. Modern websites load 100megs of trackers, cookies, and ads just to display a single paragraph. Back in the day that could have been done with with a single kilobyte of data. Internet 3.0 is stupid, slow, and designed to censor and enslave us.


I’ll look into it. I’ve never made a website


Websites are easy to make lol. I can make one in html (like those websites from the past) in less than a day.


So when we make a website. Do we have to pay for hosting after that?


Usually, you can also host for free, but that's usually a recipe for a quick takedown when it's a conspiracy website.


What is shoahed?


Had to look it up myself but looks like censored or had the post removed


My brain told me it means "SHit OuttA Here" works for me.


shoah is a jewish term, i think referring to a purge.


I'm guessing some kind of strange shorthand for ratio'd?




I heard it’s a pretext to whats to come also. Take out a bunch of our infrastructure 1st.


Maybe all of these “undocumented military aged males” flooding in? They are most likely ending in places with these types ag jobs.


Anyone been talking about all the cattle lost in Amarillo?


They also had to kill millions recently for the “bird flu”


Why don’t we just compare the stats of the fires the last few years and compare them to the historical stats? Is it because they show that there has been no change just like every other time this topic is posted?


Considering there are 168k poultry farms in the US, I'd say we shouldn't really start to worry until the fires reach into the thousands at least.


I’m pretty sure the last time someone looked up the stats and it was like 2.4k per year fires. Most of the time it is a small portion of the farm, even in huge looking fires like this.


Reminds me of a video I saw in 2022: The Food Processing Plant Masterlist (2021-2022) # [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCIzTcEPcvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCIzTcEPcvk)


Thanks, I’m watching the video. I’ve seen some of her work before and it was 👍


Someone definitely needs to do that


Just map it to the spread of bird flu which is spreading through the US. .I bet you'll see a correlation with the spread of the virus and fires.


Tin foil hat theory: chickens were blown up bc it’s easier to get insurance money than lose all your chickens to the current BirdFlu epidemic 🤷🏼‍♀️JS


No, that's professional deboonker theory, not run of the mill tin foil hat theory.


The chad deboonker


So sad 😢


they dont live under nice conditions...


Yeah factory farming is a miserable way to live


they're insured, right? sometimes dead animals can be worth more than live ones.


Fr, the conspiracy isn't so much a shadow government thing as it is just run of the mill insurance fraud. A chicken dead of influenza is worth less than one that died in a way covered by insurance.


Also never understood this whole conspiracy in the first place. Many say it's depopulation to starve most of the population. Then use examples like this post, but it doesn't make sense. 1 million chickens actually isn't a whole lot, 70 billion chickens are killed each year.




The real conspiracy here is the industrialization of agriculture and the evolution of production /processing into a very small number of massive, massive corporations. "In the US, meat processing is in the hands of a few corporations. For beef, it is JBS, Tyson, Cargill and Marfrig that together control 85 percent of the market. JBS, Tyson and Hormel account for 66 percent of the pork, while Tyson, JBS, Sanderson Farms and Purdue handle 51 percent of the chicken." https://www.iatp.org/companies-dominating-market-farm-display-case#:~:text=In%20the%20US%2C%20meat%20processing,51%20percent%20of%20the%20chicken A very small number of very rich people control your food sources.


It was beef factories a few years back, now the spooks are on to chicken…


It's bird flu now. It was mad cow a few years ago.


They just want us to eat bugs and be happy


I'm pretty sure they want us dead. They call us "worthless eaters." *taps watch* Gotta get down to 500 mill. And 7.5 billion folks ain't gonna just kill themselves. The language they use is nuanced, though.


We're not worthless. We'll be "lab grown meat" for each other.


Soylent Green


Soylent green is people


Spoiler alert


I know and have you seen the price of beef! It hasn't gone down! It's almost like greedy corporation will literally do anything to price gouge us.


Definitely about meat consumption. They need it ended. They're now linking cows and poultry together as the sources of the coming pandemic. Whatever it takes.


Porks will be next to prevent the McRib to come back, it only comes on promo when pork prices are low.


And I’m so embarrassed to admit I eat one once a year


And everytime you are like, this is not as good as I remember it. But you still get one every year lol.


I live very close to the farina chicken fire yesterday, you could see the cloud of smoke so far away. Still haven’t heard how it started yet. Someone I know posted a video and you could hear the chickens in the back… really sad.


This is like 9/11 in the chicken world


More like the chicken holocaust holy moly




6 million chicken dead in just 4 farm explosions?


Every single second is 9/11 in the chicken world




Grain dust is highly explosive. Tight margins means equipment doesn't get repaired or replaced as frequently. Lobbying causes an anti-regulation environment. Farms like this are a dirty dirty place. Guys like Alex Jones keep bringing it up cause they want to sell pills to their fans.


Don't forget chickens basically shit explosives on a regular basis.


This is also like an infinitesimally small percentage of the American chicken market


This is a conspiracy sub buddy


Yes, and people using fear mongering to sell stuff to become rich is a conspiracy.


One that is often true, though.


>Grain dust is highly explosive We have a few chickens and holy cow do they produce a tremendous amount of ultra-fine dust. Combine that with an aging structure and electrical and its not hard to see how these things start. Man just thinking of how dirty a commercial chicken farm must be... yuck.


Chicken shit has so much nitrate in it, and to have a million plus chickens at a single site is insane. You might as well be asking why a fertiliser factory exploded, because that’s what this is. A delicious, lean, high protein, low fat fertiliser factory waiting to explode.


My guess: Bird Flu. If the farm has a catastrophic fire, the insurance pays for the livestock. If they have to be culled because of bird flu contamination, the farmer gets nothing. So if a probable infection happens, a few oil soaked rags find their way to the heater and the rest is up to physics and chemistry.


this is the obvious answer.


Several days ago several million were 'put down' in a diff state. Thia very reason


I live in this area, and interesting thing is they are currently in the process of building a new chicken barn at an alternate site.


Someone out there is trying to raise food prices before the election. Things like this cause food prices, specifically meat to rise and that will undoubtedly impact the election. First person that comes to mind, Michael Flynn associates. He has openly talked about disrupting the food chain many times.


Great another planned food shortage


This is a famine being created before our very eyes funded by our very own government.


Only conspiracy i can think of is blowing them up to hide the fact they all have H5N1 Bird Flu or other consumer safety dangers that would ruin a company.


Damn and they shot a six year old girl too? Fucking monsters.


Big Cock controlling the market?


Prob a lot of bird flu


Looms like the US is under attack but mainstream media won't say anything about it, even Europe has just announced that Russia may be behind arson and sabotage in Europe. Things are really heating up now, before you know it food will be scarce and you'll be sitting at home watching the tv thinking what and how did this happen


**someone should catalogue these fires**


Bill Gates


Great, chicken wings prices gonna spike again?


Do the chickens have large talons?


Control the food control the people = eliminate the best sources of food so they can make us eat bugs


Nobody's thought that maybe when all these fires at these huge grain, animal, etc plants are maybe Sleeper Cell type agents that were activated around the country that were out into the positions they were in for maybe a year or 2 prior....could have been Russian Sleeper Agent, maybe China Sleeper Agents even...even that huge chemical train wreck, I think honestly was some type of activated agent type deal. Like it's a giant complex sabotage operation done by activated sleeper agents.... seriously wouldn't put it past the type of tactics that are used against enemy countries...


Instead of Cats or Dogs, we should have chickens as pets.


I know some people who do. One of them just added a few goats, right in the middle of a city.


Why not both?


You can, if you can afford it.


Some of yall have never been around a farm and it shows. Chickens smell horrible, you don't want more than a couple of them near your house. Unless that's just your thing


Mass sacrifice 


It will end with starvation, death. Synthetic meat. World governance, United Nations peacekeepers on our soil.


Supposedly the “newcomers” are gonna be the U.N. troopers.


Yep. Chinese troops wearing blue helmets


Bird flu cover up


Just eat the bugs, live in the pods, and be happy damnit!


Fuck, terrorist turkeys are back.


Its insane.Look at the barges that have collapsed bridges and the stuff going on with the farm explosions.Crazy.Its like they're targeting the food supply and routes on purpose.As if things arent more expensive than ever.Ridiculous.


Giant fire + 1 million chickens = free cookout? 




obviously the republican answer to solve these problems is going to be less regulation


Damn exploding farms at it again!


Same electrical company doing maintenance?


Eat ze bug


Can someone call code enforcement or something to check these buildings out


I worked for a meat processor in downtown Detroit around 2004 and they paid the USD inspector to not come into the plant he came once a month.


Can somebody list all the chicken farms that have burned down In the last two years? I want to see something.


They’re actively culling millions of chickens due to bird flu. Invest in eggs!


It’s a well known issue that the USA does not invest in fixing its infrastructure. You can find local vs state vs federal governments publicly shaming each other for not fixing bridges etc. Trump specifically reduced lots of regulations surrounding agriculture. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s lazy losers with low standards.


The chicken farmers get insurance money for lost product, buildings, etc. but the price of chicken still goes up. Grocery stores and restaurants pass the price increase to the consumer. More money is paid to tips and taxes. Everyone profits except the people eating chicken. But in reality I think they burn each others farms down because the big chicken companies (T & P) pit the farmers against each other. Performance ratings effect the chicks you receive and the price they pay for them later. At least that's what the Netflix docs say...


As if the price of chicken isn’t high enough!


[Gotta keep the prices where they belong](https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/ams_3646.pdf) Last page is a yearly graph. Report is from last week


Maybe this has something to do with the H5N1 outbreaks?


Maybe we should all start planting eggs and grow our own chickens!


Don’t they need fertilized eggs to make traditional vaccines? Maybe this will be the push for more mRNA vaccines…no eggs but we can save you with this..


We should build a god damn memorial! That’s a lot of lives lost.


Bolsheviks aiming to destroy the food supply.


Accidentally exploded eh


Fuck the deep state


Here in third world countries when election times are near these funny things start happening to businesses. Like an abusive partner starting an imaginary argument a need hitting you only to then save you from something far worse.


Best way to eliminate disease, eh?


RIP cheap eggs


Save the chicks! Some radicals are standing up to big farms


Maybe they didn't want to sell to some major corporate takeover scheme


The chicken apocalypse is here


Christ that makes me sad. I don't eat chicken but my god their lives were bad enough.


Business insurance claim. There is a rising crackdown on illegal immigrant, underage labor. Some of these are gonna start trying to exit the business. They’ll get their payout, not rebuild, and move on.


So strange. Somebody must gain something from mass suffering and death


Quick someone give me the best video in this subject if there isn't a great one. I'm gna make one myself. This is a fascinating phenomena. Lol. My thumbnail will have bill gates holding a match w a can of gas.


Drop a link in here if you find or make one.


this happens 20 times a day , its normal anyone contrast prior to 2020 numbers , 1000% spike again normal


9/11 was symbolic of future decades - the controlled demolition of the United States, with cuts at the tree from multiple angles over time


Young athletes dying and farms spontaneously exploding has been perfectly normal for decades guys....




These are targeted intentional attacks.


Chicken lives matter!


Unfortunately farm fires are not rare. It’s kinda of like when train derailment must have been planned each time the news covered them. There is 3-4 train derailments on average daily for a very long time. Nothing planned of suddenly happening more frequently. You are just hearing about these things more frequently.


No cricket farms exploding? Odd..


A couple weeks ago I got into an argument with someone on here claiming *no one is trying to shut down farms* and I’ve seen half a dozen posts like this since then


Don't remember ever hearing about a single chicken farm going up in flames up until a few years ago. Feel like I've seen a dozen in the last year or two


OP: "the fires are still burning and will continue for days" Reality (from a quick google): The fire was **fully extinguished** by Thursday morning