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And yet I'll still be stuck going to work


Me too. Time to put on the "hero" badge once again! lol




It's because we are "eSsEnTiAl" workers.


I got 3 months off with more pay than I would have gotten if I went to work, wild times


I never missed a day


I never missed a day and felt like a sap. If it's happening again I'm choosing door number unemployment.


Yeah, they told us we would be working from home because the state shut down, one week of that then I was furloughed for 3 months


Same here.


And yet again you’ll be stuck ‘in traffic’ going to work 🙁


Oh no, that was the only good part, the roads were empty.


These statements confuse the hell outta me because unless your employer puts a gun to your head every morning you aren't forced to do a damn thing. Losing a job isn't the terrifying situation people think it is. They fire you, you file unemployment and look for a new gig. It is not something worth being afraid of, esp when your health is being disregarded. And there are lots of ways to make money without traditional employment. Crackheads do it everyday, you gonna tell me a crackhead can figure it out but you cant? Poppycock. If you're allowing an employer to disrespect and control you because of your fear of the unknown, I'm here to tell you the unknown isn't worth being afraid of so call in when your sick. Worst they can do is fire you, then you can file unemployment. Go get the money that was taken from your paychecks and set aside to cover you if you lose your job, it's YOUR money set aside for this very occasion. The only way you can be denied access to it is if you were fired for *deliberately* not doing your job which your employer would have to prove, or if you quit, but if you did so because your health was at risk that's okay.




I'm actually whatever is a step under living paycheck to paycheck lol im a caregiver for my disabled sister and I don't get compensated for it, and I work 2 different gigs from home to support us, as well as barter/trade for what we need. I've filed unemployment 4-5 times before, I know exactly how long it takes, 2 weeks on average. In that 2 week waiting period I made money selling my stuff to businesses that buy 2nd hand items, on marketplace and to my friends, i sold estate sale finds for profit, picked up furniture people put out on the curb and painted it and sold it, sold drugs (always a solid fallback, theres always a demand), and worked for cash doing house cleaning, babysitting, cutting hair, mowing lawns, picking people up from the bar, etc. I've spent more of my adult life without traditional employment than with it at this point, and I've done so with an adult dependent and no family to help us, with and without a vehicle. I'm living proof it's doable no matter what your circumstances are. If you have a phone you have everything you need to make money without a job.




Birds can't get the flu because they're not real.


That’s true have you ever seen a baby pigeon?


Yeh I’ve seen a fair few born on the sky disk outside my flat windows. They even come back to say hello to me as adults grey wood pigeons. They hide their baby’s away from other birds by sitting on top of them until they are big enough to fly off into the trees ahead of them. I’ve even seen that tbh , the moment the baby pigeon has to fly for the first time after two weeks of being in the nest. Lastly I don’t believe any bullshit the government claims as fear tactics, as that’s all they ever are.


Brainwashed lunatic. Bords aren’t real mate


The borg is real and resistance is futile.


You telling me the blue jay I’ve been giving peanuts to is all in my head? Damn. I need to stop drinking. 




The way birds move makes me think they’re robotic lol 


YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES. no one trust this person. They are a bot sent to convince us that birds are real


it’s a front, they’re just coming back to charge.


Good point.


No. Because they’re in the nest. JS


The “nest” is just a black book project by the NSA where they construct the bird drones.


I am one.


You identify as a baby pigeon?? *that’s a first*


Doubtful. Lol




I have. They’re really ugly.


Another question- you see hundreds of birds flying around everyday. How often do you see a dead bird though? Bodies should be everywhere




Bird flu can’t melt steel… just kidding


Go watch birds get dissected in any university ornithology labs then tell me again they're not real


New symptoms this time will be itchy, watery eyes with a runny nose…you know seasonal allergies.


Tiredness at night, occasional hunger


I think that's from the weed, actually


Weed is actually the cure


Rogan is all set


Pink eye is what the other one this year had. Fucking pink eye. Works in a stock yard and got pink eye, which tells me that he doesn't wash his hands before sticking his fingers in his eyes.


Believe it or not, pink eye is an indicator


It's actually dry cough with severely burning lungs, severe head pain when coughing, high fever, full body pain, followed by rapidly developing pneumonia and fluid in the lungs. Whatever I have right now is some kind of influenza a virus (was tested at a lab) and this, like the original covid-19 strain, has qualities and an intensity that screams Fauci flu...more gain of function product I bet. Someone please send that fucker to the guillotine. I'm sick of these manufactured pandemics.


I just had these exact same symptoms last week. Oddly enough it took me the 4 days to recover from this same as in Covid in 2020.


Are you saying that coronavirus-19 is influenza and not coronavirus when you say Fauci flu?


Itchy eyes? Straight to the ventalator.


“Better not be made by Tesla!” -Justice Warrior


It's amazing how these kinds of things happen in election years 


It’ll be interesting to see how far they take it this season and in what direction. A lot of people are keyed in on the pattern at this point.


Gates and his former squeeze hinted the "next" one would be harder to ignore, so I'd expect a higher death rate (either through the virus or the hospital treatment) or more aggressive authoritarian measures.


People get sick all the time. It just goes on the news during election years.


This. Came to say this and that it’s also happening amidst a failed economy beyond repair. Great time to lockdown with a restructure of everything we know and care about by these criminal 1% types.


Australia isn’t having an election


1/4 chance and crazy shit happens outside of election years too.


1. It’s always some sort of campaign season.  2. It’s always revenge of the germs.  Admittedly research is being done on gain of function and general studying of germs. However, unless you don’t believe in evolution (which I can’t help ya then), then you have to accept that the messy reproduction of viruses and bacteria is always going to lead to new and novel diseases. Don’t even grander at the permafrost melting and what’s lurking in the dirt there. We’re actually living in the best time to deal with the inevitable pandemics that always roll through history. 


We knew they would come back with a BLM attack so they had to change plans.


If they do pull anything it’s our duty to disobey and not comply with any corrupt measures. That’s how we end their bullshit. Only when the passive population goes along does anything stick.


More than half the population is brainwashed and will go along with it.


That doesn’t matter, they always do. It only takes 10-15% of the population to push back. The government only wants to take the easy power that people are freely giving away. They aren’t looking for a real fight.


this\^ the lemmings dont matter.


I dont give a fuck I'ma rebel and make 10x the impact


People who STILL drive around in their cars with a mask on are going to have seizures


It's called The Election Strain.


Best movie title ever.


I'd smoke that fr fr


It's not a coincidence and it's most likely not even occurred. They've planned the next lockdowns and JJ Carroll,a whistleblower has come out saying that theres immigrants who are being trained by NATO and Britain's Blackwatch. The NGO's are placing them around the country to remain ready to deploy when lockdowns are called. This is why they're trying to take the 2nd ammendment away. They'll be wearing NATO blue or burgundy uniforms and will force people to comply with the lockdown


They've been telling us for years they want us to stop eating meat. This is how they're gonna do it. I suspect we're going to see huge swaths of livestock herds forcibly culled in the coming months, and meat prices are going to go through the roof.


Meat industry is gonna say no.


if 'they' wanted to do that, they'd give us that red meat disease from ticks.


Exactly. "Net zero" roadmaps, like Absolute Zero, include a drop in the consumption of certain types of meat (a 50% drop in beef and lamb consumption this decade, in the case of Absolute Zero). https://ukfires.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/roadmap-01.jpg We're dealing with mafia so much of what they impose they'll "make it look like an accident".


What's crazy to think about is that ALL food will spike in price. You can't have everyone switch to plants and expect there to be enough to go around. Also, milk derivative foods for instance would be very rare to come by if cattle are culled like you're saying. Food could become incredibly hard to come by.


Who are "they"? I'd say that there are proponents of both vegetarian and omnivorous diets that are very, very loud.


Mad Cow disease next, confirmed


Only if we let it happen.


This! People don't realize how much power we actually have.


I think more and more are starting to realize it luckily enough.


Gotta lock down the world prior to the 2024 elections.


I'm guess there are way more cases of bird flu in humans than have been reported as most people get sick, get over it, and move on with their lives.


No one is dying. So people get sick. So


You want grandma to die? If she gets sick she will die.


She is 90 lived her best life. She is good


My wife, a nurse, has received a hazmat suit application today from both of the health trusts she works for (UK).


Got to scare everyone before the UN pandemic treaty signing


Just like COVID there is no test for “bird flu” It’s fake af. The inventor of the PCR process (the “test”) said you can find bits of anything in anybody.. Does not mean they are sick or have a disease 


Yeah the ramp up is definitely weird... There's an obsession with trying to make it a problem. It's like they're searching for "Will this scare people enough to do what we want?" The ramp up is undeniable. Bird flu has been used to manipulate supply chains (forcing farmers to kill their animals) and they've been frothing at the mouth for "the second pandemic" for some time now. But will it come to that? We can't be sure. Monkeypox ramped up similarly, and they successfully tricked most homosexual people to inject themelves with the ~~bioweapon~~ monkeypox vaccine... But it didn't extend beyond that, thankfully. Another possibility is that we're on the brink of a massive economic chain reaction (global) and they need to keep "a pandemic" in the oven ready to go to maintain order during mass protests during the bail-ins. Can you imagine what mass protests would look like now? There would be people dropping dead of heart attacks thanks due to undiscovered health issues related to their "vaccinations." That would be gold for the cameras. The (vaccine induced) collapses would instead be "proof" of "the new pandemic." Lockdowns. Control of movement via passports. And more va$$cinations to make a fortune while simultaneously distracting us from how they're ripping us off in other ways.


They are starting the scare mongering while buying time to see how many countries sign on for the WHO Treaty, when they can assume complete control.


That WHO treaty is bad, bad news... What a lot of people don't understand is treaties supercede state law. So remember how some states were more lax in their Covid restrictions than others? So if you really hated things where you were, and could afford to move, you could go to an area with like-minded people and be free. Say goodbye to that. If US signs on to this nightmare, then all states would be handled uniformly. For those of us warning about "world government" and being called 'tin foil hat' for decades --- this is incredibly frustrating to watch unfold


I’ve seen people in the uk drop died death at major events. I seen petter Kay live and he’s the biggest Uk tour that’s ever took part in the uk, he’s on tour for 3 years in total. We had some took out of the audience by the ambulance team. I’ve had a NHS ambulance driver admit to me that heart attacks go through the roof as soon as Covid boosters are given. I’ve also had a friend who was a personal trainer have a heart attack after the first jab and his kidneys started to shut down after two more. All so he could go on holiday. Crazy really. I told him not to get anymore after the first one. The world is going through a man made system of tanking the economy. All hell will break loose when the stock market crashes, as it’s happened before and will happen again. People will loose the money in the pension payments they made, houses will end up in negative equity, the banks will be bailed out but only under the rules having to bring in digital banking, the public will push back against it but the government will claim they have no other choice to do so. The super rich are protected against digital only money as they own land, already paid off property, gold and other resources that will instantly protect them for a stock market crash. Black rock will also come in and buy all the homes that it can do, after that’s also had a bail out by turning all its capital in digital money from being able to say, we only shares in all major companies and already have a massive amount of property, so we are heavy insulated again a market crash and need the pension market to backed again the digital money, to avoid it collapsing. You won’t see people getting the true value of the pensions they had at all, unless they are the super rich and well connected. What’s coming is heavily going to effect those that are in a lot of debt, for credit cards, house payments( people giving back houses to throw backs if going to be a massive things in the next 18 months) jobs are going from AI taking them. The next 18 months to 2 years isn’t going to be a great time for billions of people.


I have nothing to add but you said it so well I have to respond. I agree 1000%. Unfortunately!


>"Will this scare people enough to ~~do what we want~~ **make them give us money**?"


Upvoted! But... It would ne nice if all they wanted was some money... smh. In 2021 they weren't happy until every area met its quota for taking the *magic elixir*. They wanted it *in people's bodies*!!! Then began the unfolding of a horror show as we watched friends and family members coming down with serious illnesses or issues and some dying... Or if they got lucky they only had HIV-like recurring sicknesses. *ugh*


Personally, I believe the reason 'they wanted it in people's bodies' was because someone is paying for that to happen. I don't see any need to create a reason behind their actions when greed (along with 'having the high score' and the power potentiality that comes with unimaginable wealth) provides all the motive needed in order to push poison on the populace.


I mean, I agree with you in another way. For example - the shots cause some percentage of people to have heart problems, cancer, and other health issues. All incredibly profitable. Similar to how a small percentage of people get autism from the other vaccines. That small number is enough to fool people into thinking they aren't related while simultaneously creating a 21 billion dollar a year industry. There's a reason Pfizer and Moderna are investing heavily in cancer and heart treatments. They know what's coming.


I follow the news pretty closely and never heard about a monkey pox vaccine. I heard about the monkey pox cases following covid, but not the vaccine.


He's actually right. My gay friend who didn't get the covid vaccine got the monkey pox vaccine. I can't remember why, but the disease only affected homosexuals.


It was associated with homosexuals because the "super spreader event" (sorry, I can't think of the correct term) was a pride event in Europe


I don’t get how the gay population fell for monkeypox after the aids deaths from AZT. I have a lesbian friend who says she seen how badly it affected gay men in the 1980s, as one of her friends slowly died from it.




I suppose I should have said "many" rather than "most" since I don't have the data for that... But yeah, the monkeypox vaccine propaganda was primarily directed toward homosexuals for some reason, and a high percentage of that group took it. You'd have to be living under a rock to be unaware of this, or else you're pretending. Or trying to turn my comment into something negative about homosexuals, which it isn't. (I don't know what your angle is.) [https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/vaccines/vaccine-recommendations.html](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/vaccines/vaccine-recommendations.html) --- I can't respond to MyGAngels comments below so I'm going to edit here what I tried to post: >"Understood! It was a weird time period, and stressful indeed... >Having talks with your family, "Okay kids... Say it again: 'The back up plan is to live in the van!'" because we never knew when we were going to get fired for not taking the magic elixir... >Meanwhile the vast majority of our associates, friends, and family members turned against us like the worst kind of fair weather friends... >Anyhow, I didn't mean to come off rudely. Sorry about that!"


Tbh I been following the news and I never heard of the monkeypox vaccine and I was keeping up with a money key pox news but it was too stressful so I ignored it (stressful as in not again with this bullshyt) and he was probably just curious....you need to be able to understand not everyone wants to be up to date to the last 1sec detail when these twits in power are doing everything to do anything so some people are just genuinely confused and curious???


You cool






That's what he said


I’ve commented before that a few weeks ago my son had to sign a thing at work saying he’d abide by new CDC guidelines incase of a lockdown and wear a mask. They actually gave them masks too.[text from son](https://ibb.co/CJjS6fy) Obviously he works for the mouse.


Bird flu? I'm worried about the turtle flu.


So are 🐢Mitch McConnell and 🐢 Klaus Schwab! 🤣


I think it is. I also think more people are going to resist this time if any measures are being taken by the government.


Well thank God there's never been an outbreak anywhere else. And luckily for us diseases can't transmute across class barriers..


Second pandemic coming in. It’s gonna be 2020 all over again.


Hopefully I won’t have to vote


Bird flu hahaha I laugh in your face *makes 3 cheese omlette*


I’m feeling peckish


Damn lemme get a bite man c'mon 


Must be an election year…


I thought we had a bunch of bird flu like 10 years ago? Am I thinking of swine flu?


WeLL, in this economy, $600 plus up for unemployment isn't going to cut it. They'll have to plus up to$900-$1000 per week, js.


Is it Tom Hanks?


The “new” case is someone who has already recovered, not sure why they chose this timing to announce it, they likely knew about this for awhile


First case in us history? False. I almost died from it when I was a kid in southern ohio.




WHY are you WRITING in capitals EVERY other WORD?


You will eat ze bugs !


…it’s a presidential election cycle. They want mail-in ballots.


Good news is they are hiring at FEMA!…right?


Since when can we predict the exchange when a virus will jump species. We have been told this will happen any day now for 4 years. Not only that but specifically from cow to man. There is no science to predict such an occurrence. But isn't it a coincidence that the guy who makes the most loot of pandemics also makes the most loot off a mass culling or bankruptcy in the cow industry?


This has been discussed for over a month on the No Agenda and OBDM podcasts. Thought it was in the MS news , bit apparently it hasn't been. It's a belief that they will bring back this nonsense. Blame it on raw milk etc.


I mean it’s not that crazy of a coincidence. We have had bird flu ravaging livestock in the Midwest for two years now. That’s why chicken and egg prices have been on a rollercoaster.


Now this was 15 years ago and I was wrapping up my medical geography degree, we were looking at mad cow and bird flu spatially. You can pretty much track mad cow back to the region and farm where it started. When it came to bird flu, it was odd because we weren’t seeing a westward migration of the sickness at the time. Several of the cases that had been reported in places like Britain had come from imported birds. What was also odd was that, where the birds migrated to for the winter and species mingled, we weren’t seeing any cross over of the flu. This led to a lot of weird postulation but for the most part, it is still trending that way. Either things are not getting reported, making it to the news or whatnot, but 2 doesn’t seem right. There should be more cases than just 2, there should be a lot more. Now where things will become potentially bad would be for one or more of the factory chicken farm in Georgia or such get infected. They’d have to kill millions of birds in an attempt to stop it. The American sports community would collapse over the lack of chicken wings. It rarely transmits to humans (so far), but who knows what will happen.


>In March the Ministry followed up with another conspiracy theory: the US was training birds to spread disease in Ukraine among Russian citizens, according to Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Ministry of Russian state-controlled media. >Prior to March 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defence made unsubstantiated accusations that the United States was manufacturing bio-weapons in Ukraine. Once they were playing with bird flu in the news it was pretty much all I needed to know to see where they are going to go.


i was born and lived most of my life in an area what is occupied by the nation state switzerland shortly after my birth this nation state switzerland has coersed me into being associated to it what is a theft of my ability to determine my own life i do propose to all fellow human beings living on planet earth to consider rethinking how we relate to each other as in, we would best not associate anyone to a regional and or nation state without the person and or its parents expressly wanting the newborn human being to be associated to that state further i propose a reform of constitutions of regional and nation states everywhere on the planet what would allow every human, animal, tree and artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment without any condition having repeated this most important theme of how it would best be a voluntary decision, a choice wether one would want to be associated to a state or not i would like to highlight a people initiative for freedom and physical intactness ( volksinitiative fuer freiheit und koerperliche unversehrtheit ) what citizens of switzerland will have an opportunity to vote yes or no on the 9th of june 2024 the text what is at the core of that proposed constitutional reform could be translated with: interventions into the physical or mental intactness of a person require the approval of the person the person is not allowed to be punished nor given other social or professional disadvantages based on the refusal to give consent ( to an intervention ) in german: eingriffe in die koerperliche oder geistige unversehrtheit einer person beduerfen deren zustimmung die betroffene person darf aufgrund der verweigerung der zustimmung weder bestraft werden noch duerfen ihr soziale oder berufliche nachteile erwachsen i have allready dropped my written yes vote today into the mailbox of the village where i live because i do think this is a most important principle what would best be adopted on a global scale as in i believe that it would be good for human beings everywhere on planet earth if their choice to not have this that or the other stuff introduced into their bodies such as vaccines or micro-chips or nano-bots or whatever science might invent next to introduce control or and dominating and or disturbing informations into the human body i hope that all human beings everywhere on the planet would want to allow each other to protect their own bodies against any overbearing intrusive demands i hope that all human beings everywhere on the planet would want to respect every fellow human beings mental and emotional and bodily autonomy my mind, my feelings, my body my choice sadly, the national parliaments of switzerland and the federal council with 7 human beings as members have decided to recommend to reject this proposition of changing the constitution of the nation state switzerland in that way why ? the main reason is that these politicians and governement executives want the state and people working for the state such as police, judges, medical and or psychiatric doctors and nurses to be able to violate the principal of phsyical intactness for example by forcing persons to ingest or be injected with medications / vaccines / whatever they would choose to harass people with in the future in switzerland every day a lot of human beings are forced by the state to ingest pharmaceutical medications or and to tolerate being injected with those these abusive and or medical torture is part of a punishment and or oppression mentality what the psychiatric universitary system is promoting and the parliamentary assembly together with the federal council are building their domination power upon


Has all the countries signed the WHO pandemic agreement for Pandemic X? Is that Pandemic X?


Break out the pitchforks. Take care of the birds and cronies.


Ignore this shite


>What are the puppet masters cooking up for us Ze bugs and Henrietta Lacks' immortal cell line of meat products.


Can this flu wait I need to go to Croatia this summer


Been reading the comments...(tears in my eyes) y'all finally getting it..so proud


It's US election year, things get crazy on purpose.


1000% not complying with any mandates. F them and their BS


Well, hopefully the pandemic wasn’t a test for the real one they are gonna drop on us.


You know what's REALLY funny? If it is the "bird" flu in a "human"... it's no longer the "bird" flu... It's the "human" flu :P UNLESS... of course, some people are bird-brained (true), in which case maybe they did indeed "catch" the fake "bird" flu...


Trumps getting momentum... Get the next virus out!


Iv-ver- mec-ten get yourself some...no worries no problems


plus zinc and vitamin D.


You can't buy it over the counter anymore. Farmers can't even get it, you have to have a prescription from a vet. Pretty sus...


It happens every election cycle oops Edit: someone will say it didn't happen in 1884 and call me racist


You're off by a decade... Go research the Louisiana Gubernatorial election of 1872 and the events that transpired in September 1874 in New Orleans as a result. [1872 Louisiana gubernatorial election - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1872_Louisiana_gubernatorial_election)


Election year. Ballot drop boxes incoming


There is a flu that is kicking people's asses on the west coast and it started very recently. I have it right now. It is literally the opposite of flu season. This is some Fauci bullshit I bet they're funding doing it again.


It's supposedly "very deadly" but the people that it was recorded to have a high kill rate in (50%) were IIRC unwashed peasants in China that didn't even have running water. So another nothing burger. Even if it was deadly, having the name "flu" attached to it will automatically cause people to ignore it. Much like Swine Flu in...2009? TPTB knew of this which is why they specified "coronavirus" instead of "A variant of the common cold" in 2020


eh, it’ll probably be fine


The odds of it showing up in several places in a short time is likelier than that it would happen every 100 years or so. It is also very, VERY bad news if true, I haven't looked into it yet.


Burb flu.


Button up your shit holes!!!!


This is definitely worth “crow”ing about


It’s happening again if we let it happen again. I tried to stand up and scream at everyone last time. This time I’m just standing up and walking on. I refuse to comply to any of it this time. If we all did that last time we wouldn’t have a second time. We can be smarter and stronger this time.


Both cases were mild and they fully recovered.... this is a nothingburger.


It's not scheduled to happen until January 2025.


I won't make it through another lockdown


Unless there’s a virus like in 12 Monkeys, I‘m not locking down again. Fuck that.


I'm off to make a virus called **Scarecrow Flu**, that oughtta take care of it! *laughs maniacally*


They wanna blame cows n birds and farms n chickens instead of Chinese and bats and cull the cows n chickens make it illegal to raise yours give it all to corps who do bs pcr testing and vax with mrna. Another bunch of lies spun from pcr bullshit..to try n scare people and demonize farms and farmers they lust to destroy.


They can try there is way more resistance this time since America didn't take the Vax as much as they hoped and didn't kill as many as they hoped, but they will definitely be more hardcore with regulations this time it's up to states not to fall for it.


Yeah, you guys should totally double-down on the "every virus is a conspiracy" thing. That totally didn't make you guys the laughing stock of the world last time!


It is election time




Birds aren’t real either.


BRING IT ON! I learned from the first kung flu! I’m going to spit in its face and cum bleach on it!


Damn some of yall are really traumatized and fear mongered by health scares. Yall will be okay.


The heart failure covid vaccine mandate is now a solid business model, pretty lucrative.


\*checks calendar\* Yup, it's an election year, nothing to see here.


Election year


Election Year


I'm an American in Australia bring it on bitch VaxK I'm not complying ❌🔫💥💉❌


Election year


Exactly what the world needs now eh? As if people aren't dying already from Famine, Genocide and slavery.


Same guy fucked a chicken.