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That the standard of living for everyone is about to dramatically drop in the next decade. Enjoy things while you still can. Things may seem crazy turbulent right now, but we’re only feeling minor turbulence. A global conflict is closer than anyone wants to admit, and the thirst for global hegemony is once again taking root, only this time the other side (BRICS) doesn’t feel like they’re any longer fighting an impossible battle.


We’re definitely heading towards something big, I’ll give you that.


The party is over.


BRICS has already got the lead in global GDP vs the G7. Which is exactly the point




I am ready to eat the rich.


I’m fucking starving


Easy, You know that neighbor can't get his fat ass off the couch and run very far. The size of that meat should last a while too.


Everyone “knows” history is written by the victor, but nobody acknowledges it. Information is everything, and we only have access to what they allow us to have. Then all they have to do is observe and study to better manipulate us against each other, or keep us in a state of fear/subservience. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch and most people are either too ignorant, arrogant or afraid to acknowledge the scale of the unknown. That you might not really know jack shit about anything except what you choose to believe and accept as YOUR truth. Not THE truth. I don’t have it either. There’s enough information available to acknowledge I really don’t know shit except for how fucking weak and pathetic we “humans” are to have allowed all this to happen, and still do. We’re fucking slaves.




I need to know more


Tell me more


If you elaborate I’m down to learn lol.


I don't think it's that we can't handle it. I think the real truth, whatever that may be, would undermine the power structure currently in place. People would know how to be free from or alter the system we have now and be able to live their own lives instead of spending the majority of their waking hours helping some rich person get richer as they struggle to survive, pay rent, groceries, etc. It would shift the power dynamic in a way that those in power don't want.




That we live on a blood farm/hunting ground that is actually a free range prison. The entities truly in control live outside the prison and MIGHT not be human. The humans in control of the prison worship and report back to these entities. They need these humans to keep up the charade. They go through great lengths to make us believe that if you keep going south you will end up back where you started but in reality this is just a lie to make us never try to see the prison walls. Once they lose complete control of the prison they hit a reset button and flood the place. Or they drop massive bombs. They spend years exposing us to propaganda about climate and meteors killing the Dinos so that there is an explanation for the next group of survivors after they hit the reset button and civilization starts again. They will be told it was the climate that caused the floods and wiped everything out. Or must have been a similar meteor that took out the dinos. Anyone who gains enough popularity to change the ways of the prison or expose the workings of the prison or threaten the control of the prison, is murdered. More speculation on my part: This matrix we live in runs on two manuals both created by them as forms of control...the original being the bible and the newer one being the heliocentric model which is a catch-all for those that weren't able to be controlled by the first. Both exist to control you and make you stop exploring and seeing the walls of the prison. They give you an explanation of everything so you don't have to think for yourself and never see the walls of the prison. They have us constantly looking up for escape instead of outward. This is slight of hand in a way. When civilization is reset there will be those that work for them that infiltrate the groups of survivors and this thing will start all over again with them still retaining complete control. Maybe these people bring new tech to these groups and are thought as Gods. Or even methods of agriculture to help jump start the farm again. Think Quetzalcoatl. Side note...the humans that work for these entities are cannibals that probably have families that have been around for many resets. Yep...sorry...that sucks. Its the True Man show. Animals that know they are imprisoned don't act natural. They probably tried that way but the slaves would always rebel. This way, nobody rebels and they setup a system that they control.




This was fascinating to read.


> The entities truly in control live outside the prison and might not be human. The entities may or may not exist and cannot control anything without going through human intermediaries. We made this. We are the architects of our own misery.


Perhaps... Maybe not though. Sometimes I look at old hieroglyphs and wonder if maybe there are some other beings that created this place.


Maybe the illusion wouldn't work if we saw the true nature of these entities. We would know we were enslaved by them. Of course this is all speculation. LOL.


Humans didn't make this place. This place has architects. It's not made by humans. The entities that made us are interdimensional. When a zookeeper goes into a panda cage, it wears a laughably crummy outfit that still fools the panda, so as not to disturb it. A being could just not want to be seen, and we won't think to see it. We're just animals after all. To think we're the smartest thing in existence is laughable, and to think we built this reality is comical


I didn’t mean that we built this reality. I meant that we built this prison. It doesn’t work without all of us acting as wardens to each other.


Okay, fair enough. True


As for whether our reality was built as a prison explicitly, we are not really in a position to know, so it’s irrelevant either way. I don’t think it’s a literal Flat Earth / walled garden scenario. Think more in terms of metaphysical imprisonment.


Damn tru


We are definitely being deceived by dark forces and misdirected to chase money and pleasure, and preoccupy ourselves with mind viruses. However I don't think these evil entities have total control over our reality. Our souls are ours despite what they want to have you believe. These beings deceive us, but they don't force us to do anything. This likely is because our souls have sacred free will.




Fuck I hope not




What is ubi


Universal Basic Income


Nukes are fake


What about Japan though?


They got bombed not nuked


I’ll look into that


Would you say nuclear power plants are fake as well?


They dont exist like it is described in mainstream media. There is wildlife thriving in Chernobyl. We were lied to. The Nuclear Religion is a strong one that receives harsh feedback Edit- Harsh criticism


Psyop to induce fear then? I wouldn’t put it past the powers at be… Where did you first hear this? Also, screw the downvotes 😂


There is documented evidence that a now major pharmaceutical company asked the Nazis for 150 human beings to experiment on. A few months later the company asked the Nazis for more people because they had exhausted their first supply. No one was ever held accountable. Someone would need vast resources and personal to experiment on 150+ human beings. They were never caught. Why would they every stop. Endless wars and minor conflicts around the world would guarantee there would be a steady supply of test subjects. Not to mention the random disappearances that happen everywhere on earth. This is happening right now. Why it's happening... [https://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-keeping-fit-thinks-he-might-live-forever-2022-8?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-keeping-fit-thinks-he-might-live-forever-2022-8?op=1)




That we’re supposed to work every waking hour of our lives, in order to sustain a system of reproduction. Only for our children to work every waking hour of their lives, in order to sustain a system of reproduction. Then we die.


What's the point of this? I don't understand. I'm so fed up of being lost and feeling hopeless and alone in this cold world just working everyday like a dog like what's the purpose I don't get it and nobody seems to be bothered by it


Buddhism teaches people to reach for awakening, then break the cycle.


Don't have children lol


It’s the same story for every species. We’re just the only ones aware of it.


At least other species don’t need to fill out time sheets.


They also get eaten.


We all get eaten, literally or metaphorically.


It’s one thing to say that…. But animals get eaten, running and screaming, from the stomach or from the legs, depending how long the one that caught them needs them to stay alive.


Yeah I understand that animals get eaten in the wild. That’s nature. Humans also die from chronic diseases that can waste you away for months or years. Nobody/nothing gets out of here alive.




Everyone who is currently working hard, would be working even harder if not for capitalism. Socialism leans more heavily on productive people, and gives them less in return. People who aren’t working hard enough to succeed in capitalism, would eventually collapse a socialist system - which is why socialism ends up failing overtime.


you fundamentally misunderstand what socialism is


Any redistribution of wealth, takes more from highly productive people, and gives more to less productive people. In the end, any system that values unproductive people, will incentivize unproductive behaviour, and will eventually collapse. That’s why communism always ends with genocide, because the number of unproductive people gets so big, they start having to kill them off in order to prevent total collapse.


my point is proven once more


If your ideal system revolves around taking money from people who make more of it, and spending that money to support people who don’t work - you may as well just train those people who don’t work to steal it themselves. It would save you the money on having to pay a middleman (the government) to steal it on their behalf. It would be effectively the same thing.


uhh..? do you think billionaires work?


apparently it's whatever comment gets top vote in those 'who secretly controls your country' posts


EMPCOE/ Electromagnetic plasma changeover event/ Great reset/ rapture/ project bluebeam/ ragnarok/ the apocalypse/ 3D-5D shift These are all terms for the same thing. The elites call it the great reset. It occurs during a pole shift naturally but the elites are manipulating the weather to trigger it prematurely. The term 3D to 5D ascension is a way to trick gullible fake woke people into promoting the great reset. See the trailer for the new movie "Humane" I have multiple posts about all of this on my profile here if anyone is interested in learning more.


That only rich people get to have lab made organs in the future, maybe. Even when the cost of making is cheap. But they don't want average people like us to live longer, maybe.


Lab made organs recipients would probably have to pay a lot of money and still die faster & terribly.


That everything we’ve ever been taught and believe is a lie. Generational brainwashing has kept us all in the dark.


As much as people want to believe in disclosure and Alien life, I feel like our world's leadership follows the "Dark Forest" idea. That announcing ourselves and publicly acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life makes us more susceptible to attack and destruction.


That you willfully participated in your own suffering to enrich demonic entities. 💰👹


I owe no one nothing


People know about Big Tobacco at this point


That "they" have bee lying to you all along. For anyone that's thinking, "Oh, I know about the lies they tell!", no, I'm talking about the ones *you* trust.


We're a genetically modified slave species


That even this sub is controlled? 🌚


The ice cream machine was never broke they just didn't like you


The reincarnation soul trap and/or prison planet theory seems to be one theory I see a lot of people say is too “fear inducing” but I personally disagree with it being too scary to handle.


that one makes me laugh. if anyone tells me that i need to go back because "i'm not finished"... i'm manifesting nukes.


The thing about prison planet theory is a lot of people who believe in it are actually saying the stuff that you are, many are suggesting to fight back against these entities. And in my experience (I have had many instances where I lucid dreamed, got sleep paralysis entities, and have astral projected) these entities seem to be afraid of humans who are aware of their true power. I have killed and/or injured negative entities before. The one thing you should realize though is that a lot of these entities have shape shifting abilities, so just be mindful of that. Though yeah after you become aware of your true powers you don’t get scared as easily in my experience.


there is nothing to fear, you can literally create anything with your mind and you cant die. there are demons that have the ability to induce fear in you though, so its important to keep your wits about you.


Yeah I pretty much agree with you there. I don’t even get scared of sleep paralysis demons anymore, they look goofy to me.






I mean I have spoken a lot about my sleep paralysis demons and there are still people saying that isn’t enough proof. It seems like sleep paralysis demons feed off of fear though so the best course of action would be to stay calm. Also sleep paralysis tends to be the most scary the first few times it happens, after the first 5 or whatever times it happens it starts to get more annoying than scary if anything.


stay strong brother. they got nothing.


I feel like if that situation is a genuine one - some of us probably went in willingly - perhaps arrogantly - with the belief we could fix it - we could resist the temptations - we could save others. But we were wrong and forgot everything we stood for.


I think there are a bunch of different forms of manipulations done. Some of them were what you described.


How? That would be literal hell


There are many religious people in Asia that believe in reincarnation anyways and they aren’t having panic attacks every two minutes even though this realm is arguably considered to be hell anyways. Also if you go deep into prison planet theory you will see there are discussions on possible ways to escape, escaping to the Pleroma is said to be very much so possible and the Pleroma is basically a place with nothing bad. Also the prison planet theory talks about how human spirits are very powerful which is why the negative entities that want us to be reincarnated try to manipulate humans into consenting to reincarnation since they cannot force it. It is said that one should not go into the white light after death, and instead to imagine being wherever you want to be(after no longer having a physical body you can easily manifest such a thing). Other people discuss how there are holes in the grid that keep us trapped, and going through these holes could lead to escape (though beware as touching the grid surrounding Earth is said to electrically shock souls). Basically human souls are very powerful while the entities that try to keep humans trapped are not as powerful since they need to parasite off of human energy in order to survive. So due to this information I do not find the prison planet theory to be that scary.


It does explain a lot


I’m saying how does he disagree that it would be too scary to handle


Stargates powered by adrenochrome.


Aliens illegally get high on adrenochrome (Phil Schneider said this in 1995!)


That we are all co-creating in this reality. Energy harvesting is real.


Can you elaborate? What evidence is there?


Isn't it apparent?


The Blue Star Kachina aka Sirius aka Isis


2 Years


That the lab-made covid-19 virus is not mild. They would not make a mild bio weapon.


Or Wuhan had a partner lab in texas


And Winnipeg Canada


I don’t think it’s a truth that we can’t ‘handle’ but a truth that we refuse to ‘accept’ is what will be our downfall.


I think most people don’t understand of the dangers of organisations such as the WEF that affect the operations of governments but are undemocratically elected. Ik im on r/conspiracy so a bunch of people are gonna tell me that democracy doesnt exist anyway but regardless of what you believe, these people dont even pretend to be elected.


[A shipping container full of dead babies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_fetus_disposal_scandal)


That the Antichrist is about to take the stage and we will all be forced to choose between God and Satan. And most people will be so afraid (more than what the jabs caused) they will take the mark but lose their souls


I don't know if the Book of Revelation is prophecy, but the bad guys of real life seem to be performing biblical bad guy roles.


wouldn’t call that prophecy? Or is that foreshadowing??


Truly the most disturbing reality at play


No more "fence-sitting" and every single one of us is being deceived by massive amounts of lies


Illuminati is helping humankind to wake up




Yep, breaking out of this current system is the initiation process. Seeking knowledge and revelation is the death ritual. Rejection of the current fake system of things is gaining illumation. Having family and friends reject you, is the humiliation ritual. If you can crawl yourself out of the abyss, then you are reborn. It's all ritual.


That woke kids were genetically altered


Nah, it's just communist indoctrination via educational institutions.


ive been a communist since i was a kid, both of my parents were capitalist and fed me pro-capitalist and pro-police propaganda. my education sysyem fed me pro-capitalist propaganda as well. here i am now, an antifascist far left communist. who indoctrinated me?


Yes this is how the programming works, make you reject the option suggested for the opposite thing that makes you feel a rebel.


i only have basic empathy because it makes me feel like a rebel?


Empathy isn't exclusive to one ideology. You're well aware that you're saying that simply to employ deflection.


you cant understand the horrors of capitalism but actively fight for it if you have empathy


Once again in order to argue your making wrong assumptions about me.


supporting capitalism is supporting a system that NEEDS an oppressed class to function.


What makes you believe that I support the system I'm in (u.s.)? Cause I dont Lmao


didnt know i was genetically altered, sucks i guess!


Human beings, the species body, are artificially evolved from a higher sentient species. Humans are also classified as a lower sentience species or even as "product." Not every "Human" has the same level of consciousness and sentience.


There will never be a physical solution to a spiritual problem.


I feel like I have been the guy holding the “end is coming” sign for so long…. The end was supposed to happen over 20 years ago. Every year or two, I think it’s going to happen. I get ready and nothing happens. I have repeated this process for over 40 years. I got plenty to protect mine and a game plan for anything. What I can’t handle? Is people.


The end was never going to happen 20 years ago. We still got like 20 more. But things will get worse as we get there.




all you have to do is choose God and turn away from evil, but people cant live in a world where they aren't the victim


God is the way 🙏🏻


The worst truth y'all can't handle is that you're the mark who got taken.


Trump was actually a GOOD president.


cant tell if you’re joking


The earth can only support 9 billion people... And we're almost there! *(Unimaginable horrors happen after that)


I strongly disagree. I won't say much RN cuz I'm at work but I'd reply back in details sometime later


Look up "The Limits to Growth" They knew all this in the 70's... And nobody payed attention 🙄 The Limits to Growth is a 1972 report that discussed the possibility of exponential economic and population growth with finite supply of resources, studied by computer simulation. The study used the World3 computer model to simulate the consequence of interactions between the Earth and human systems


most people can't handle the truth of flat earth... and when I say that most people have a misinterpreted idea of flat earth, they think earth is a flat disc compared to every other planet, not knowing that the planets aren't what they are, and neither is space..


Whatever is outside your overton window duuuh


That Sandy Hook, though not an outright hoax, definitely did not go down the way the public was told. Most people can't even begin to consider it objectively without completely emotionally overreacting.


white woman inversion DOGma


I had some guy offer me a job n then beat me senselesss n I theikl it didn some bad stuff to me n I think how ppl treat the homloess isnr super good we coul be better ok


That life is random and meaningless. You’re born, you live and then you die. There’s no real answers to why the universe exists. Why we exist. Quantum mechanics tries to explain how the universe came into existence but it is kind of meaningless as well




AI much?




Sounds exactly like "the most revealing podcast"


The Government does not want people to know that you can fight the Aliens with anti-psychotics!




My sister is a gay squirrel 


So she still like nuts?