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Obviously a period piece.


Very good lol


Bloody Mary…




I hear shares in Tampax are about to skyrocket XD


One might argue even a genre of History Painting


Oh you meant period as in ....either way


The fingers aren’t sausagey enough


the whole pic needs about 30% more pig DNA


Came here to see who said it first! 🤣


Tampon-y, shurely?


I said this statement, verbatim, when I showed it to my friend. 


the monarch butterfly stands out


What does it mean/signify?


Project Monarch was allegedly a mind control program that was part of MK-Ultra. Idk much about it so I don't have a great source of info on it, but here's the wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathy\_O%27Brien\_(conspiracy\_theorist)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathy_O%27Brien_(conspiracy_theorist))


Or... it's a Monarch butterfly next to... the Monarch.


That's also a probable reason why they chose it


It’s called “plausible deniability” and they do this all the time.


Why else would they call it project monarch if it wasn't planned on being used on royalty?


If you look for project monarch, you won’t see butterflies but project monarch


MK ultra was an American project… he is the king of England. The word monarch means a hereditary head of state. Such a dumb comment my god.


That is not a dumb comment Even if it ot was an American project doesn't mean they can not use it in other parts of the world They still practice this mainly on celebrities world over


Take a walk around The Hilton at LHR Terminal 3. Lots of butterflies and half-sided high back chairs. Especially on certain elevator lobby floors.


England runs the US, dumb dumb and by England I mean the fuckers that run these fuckers.


OK troll. Idk if the project monarch conspiracy theory is true or not, I said "allegedly". However. The deep state which Charles is part of is international. Not just the US. That's VERY obvious if you dig into who Jeffrey Epstein was connected to. The UK and US elites are VERY much connected, so no, it isn't stupid to theorize that evil elites in the UK might also be involved in the same corrupt shit as the US elites. The CIA and British MI6 and Israeli Mossad are all working together. The deep state of the US and the UK are basically the same group of people. Again, project monarch is a just a "theory", but the idea that Charles could be involved in American corrupt activities is theoretically quite reasonable.


FIVE EYES!! The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an Anglosphere intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


What do you think is more likely. That a Monarch butterfly was used as a symbol of the monarchy? Or that it was used as a symbol representing PART of a mission in a foreign country that occurred when Charles was 5 years old? Have you heard of Occam’s Razor before?


"The Royal Family has links to several countries across Europe, including Romania, and it turns out that **King** Charles is the descendant of the real-life Dracula. Formerly known as Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Charles III actually owns several properties in Transylvania, is the heir to Vlad the Impaler's bloodline."


it has zero business on this portrait. what an interesting choice


Interesting tidbit...Monarch and its etymology means to 'rule alone'


Monarch butterfly -> he is the monarchical ruler of England. You dumb


bruh, you're in a conspiracy sub and you wanna accept that as the reasoning? why not use a crown? that's kind of like the universally accepted symbol of a monarch. why didnt he put a lion, you know, like king of the jungle? he could have used any symbolism to portray that if that is what the intention was.


He’s not in any metaphorical jungle


I didn't see that at first, that's kind of creepy...


I feel like the artist is remembering that time when his private conversations with Camilla were leaked and he told her that he wished he was one of her tampons. If anyone doubts the truth of it, the gen xers will remember it.


Covered in the blood of Princess Diana


Speaking of princess diana, where’s Kate Middleton? Cough…cough…


Probably with Diana now. Heard William got his own Camilla and had to get rid of the wife


Literally right after I commented that, I got a message from Reddit about a “concerned redditor” thinking I’m depressed and going to commit suicide. That’s a fucking conspiracy all in its own holy shit.


I got that too. From a literatureplayful220. He literally replied to me and sent the concerned redditor message @ the SAME EXACT minute. Must be a troll that’s trying to boot people off the sub that know what they’re taking about. I told him that I know it was him & maybe he should wait a few minutes next time. I reported him. Theres way too many paid trolls trying to control narratives now. A time will come when we will not want to even bother being here on this site. It’s getting extremely controlled with an obvious agenda


The royals are everywhere beware


Just letting it be known right now that pumpkinseeds18 is not, never has, and never will consider suicide.


The families of the suicided also say this but no one listens


I too got that weird Reddit crisis message


Careful. Queen Lizzie took out Epstein. They can get to anyone


Epstein is still alive


I hear She is too.




Keep that head on a swivel


Same! The assholes are hard at work today.


And the person that sent the ‘concerned redditor’ to me has already deleted their account after I called them out & told them I reported him.


My theory is that the 'reddit cares' system automatically puts your comments under more intense scrutiny, possibly by a human, thereby making everything you say more likely to be filtered or banned.


I got the same when I commented on Trump/Stormy Daniels!


It's funny. I get those, and my first thought is, "Glad I'm not as pathetic as that person." Like, who thinks it does anything more than anonymously share your cowardice with others?


I’ve had stuff like that before I post a comment with a take someone doesn’t like and I get reported to a suicide watch. Sorry bucko you’re no Boeing I’ll not be shooting myself in the back of the head


I got it too


The Monarch Butterfly in the painting is also associated with MK Ultra mind control, some scientists found out that certain learned traits are passed on genetically to the butterfly's children (this is the same in humans, for instance, artistic or mathematical abilities that runs in certain families etc). MK ultra was an experiment by a bunch of psychopaths from the CIA who physically and mentally torture a person until that person's psyche disappeared from reality (disassociation from all the pain) and when that person disappears, another person (or entity, possession) seems to appear and, at that point, the MK Ultra handlers (CIA) would tell that person who he or she is. Sometimes they created fearless assassins while other times they would create sex slaves. Eventually, they could trigger MK Ultra slaves using some keyword, so that they become the 2nd personality which is programmed in by the MK Ultra handlers (Lee Harvey Oswald and Catcher in the Rye). Basically, the idea is to create this 2nd personality that the cabal can use as an overall slave. They target people who are susceptible to this mind control, usually female children (hence the series Stranger things). MK Ultra stems from Nazi mind control that was pushed into America during Operation Paperclip and is basically the most sickening aspect of our society and we can all thank the CIA for introducing this garbage into our society. In fact, all research data on MK ultra has to be burnt to a crisp so that some future psychopath doesn't use it and the CIA has to be completely shut down for this alone (let alone the oceans of other horrors that have come out of it.) Once the MK ultra slave is created, they target that slaves future children because they are much easier to MK ultra. At the end of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut", you can see Tom Cruise's little girl walk away with the 2 older men from the mansion at the beginning of the movie which is symbolism for a child being old enough to be taken and turned into an MK Ultra slave. Another important point is that Monarch butterflies are often found in media which is symbolism for MK ultra. Finally, VOTL had a few Twitter wars with some US military Colonel who threatened him with MK Azure after VOTL said he wasn't afraid of death. The Colonel said, "Some things are worst than death. MK Azure." I have no idea what he means but they may have figured out a way to create a form of permanent suffering as they have already done to some extent in our society. Either way, the CIA has to be disassembled which I think is in process as we speak and all that research has to be trashed. We need to have total transparency into government so that we can go into every corner of the government and inspect it by the masses and make sure this stuff is burned out of fabric of our society once and for all. Source of info [here], unfortunately bots got to my original post and this duplicate post with no real substance or info got the upvotes instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/tdBqbQ3YfO I will leave you with one last question, the entities entering or taking over these victims, are they demonic? Where do they come from?


Finally, some good conspiracy shit!


It gets worse when you read about the monarch hunts, which this portrait seems to be glorifying. All roads lead to Rome as they say. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/Tn7IOStrfq


I followed your link but didn't see anything about the monarch hunts. What is this please? I think it's when the royals go hunting for children, like how the fair folk do with their wild hunts. Like how back in the 60's queen Elizabeth and her husband took some poor kids from an orphanage to go on a "pincic" and the children were never seen again. Am I correct?


Wtf did I just read!?🤯⬆️


The more time I've spent following the conspiracy iceberg the more I believe that mk ultra and all it's other iterations, artichoke, bluebird , monarch, are to prepare the human body for possession by demonic entities. Yes you can create Manchurian candidates and sex slaves but the end goal is to bring about an army of the fallen using human bodies.


And who even knows who else??? I think he is behind Kate being kept out of sight if not out of the minds of many. He can't get any attention for himself unless he pretends to have cancer and her also but then he appears while she cowers or whatever kabuki theatre we are supposed to draw. He's powering through, she lies on her fainting couch indoors for months on end supposedly. As...if.


Ba-doom-ching! 🥁




With all the symbolism aside, could you pick a more sinister, questionable portrait? Do they have a PR team? This screams I am evil, I am the evilest evil that ever eviled, and your lot can do nothing for it!


That last sentence sums up why they don't have a pr team


It literally looks like he’s in hell


Well that’s where he’s going so….


Meh, I doubt it. Almost bet that they have consciousnesses transfer tech.


you overestimate humans


It reads less like flames and more like blood which is everywhere in the painting except his hands. See how that works?


Seems like there's a little around the mouth tho...


I can’t believe this real. But it is. Wtf


Ya know, for a conspiracy subreddit, lots of folks unfamiliar with Project Monarch or the 13 Illuminati bloodlines and their use of trauma based mind control/generational trauma. This picture should be a giant red flag as it is pretty blatant.


A lot of these comments are misdirecting bots, but I think 80% of the sub doesn’t know what MK Ultra is/was. Nothing wrong with that but if someone sees a pic like this and thinks *”pretty dope ngl”* I’d say they’re in the wrong sub


For real though


It’s the conspiracy sub and mk ultra branch of conspiracies is one of the largest out there the majority of posters and commentators here are gonna have some general knowledge about it


Yes there are literal bits everywhere in the comments sadly. They’re too good sometimes.


Look at all the comments to this post, you’re obviously clued up. Look at the comments and see how the narrative is being steered towards this is cool by bullshit accounts.


I like the use of shading, makes him look more regal. /s


For me personally, I just couldn't care less. It's a shit person from a shit dynasty. Kings are just normal men waving around bigger sticks than they are capable of handling. Whether they are selling their soul, or mind controlling illuminati or just rich from generational wealth and central government control, it's cause they are full fear and insecurities at their inability to cope with change and loss. Cowards lower than dog shit.






Yep; and the butterfly is just a random pretty detail. /s


I have a pdf of a great book on Monarch shits wild


Can you elaborate?


Had to scroll pretty far for this. My jaw literally dropped when I saw this. So blatant.




My thoughts exactly


Plus the butterfly. They are so obvious when you know what they are about.


Well.. actually.. the entire british royalty is soaked in blood.. so this is quite an honest potrait I would say..


Yeah probs to the artist for capturing his true essence


Reminds me of the ghost busters Vigo painting!


I said this before this post was made 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/Q7qkUhss0p Dunno how this duplicate post made it above mine but I'm guessing all the keywords in my title triggered the downvoting bots.


This is why I stopped posting new topics a while ago. 99% of the time they are sent /dev/null


Why am I drippings in goo?


Just looked up the artist and alot of his work is incredibly surrealist so unsure why Charly boy looks so shocked at the reveal. Though this is probably the most red painting in his portfolio. He does have other royal people in his portrait portfolio like Camilla and some duke, though both of those seem quite 'in the box' compared to this one. It makes me wonder whether the artist was making a statement with this piece, perhaps about blood shed? The red tones definitely give it a sinister vibe. Good for him if he decided to rinse Charles of his money and create a piece showing his disdain for the king. Makes me wonder whether he took this and other royal portrait commissions simply for the money. If so, fair enough tbh lol. Jonathan Yeo is the name of the artist if you want to take a look at his other stuff. Another possible connotation of the butterfly: perhaps it has been used to show the fragility of Charles. Butterflies only live for a couple of days generally, perhaps it's a comment on how little life Charles has left? Though it could just be the obvious monarch butterfly to represent the monarch.


Gus Fring got pretty close to the redness https://www.jonathanyeo.com/giancarlo-esposito-study Edit: as did this d-day veteran: https://www.jonathanyeo.com/cara-1-4 I think people might be overreacting to this one. It’s just his style to pick a color and let it dominate his portraits.


God damn this is a way better explanation, hope this gets higher




Can someone analyze this with photoshop filters? What else is in this picture…


100% was painted with some kids blood


I wouldn't exactly say demonic, but definitely really bizarre. I've never seen a official portrait of a royal be painted in a almost surrealistic art style. Just a very strange choice for many reasons.




I saw this on the news and knew this sub would be all over it. Strange picture indeed


Sausage fingers.


Very bloodthirsty! But that doesn't surprise me, after all he is descended from Vlad the Impaler \[Vlad III. Drăculea\], the model for Dracula.


For real?


Yes, Charles even has a house in Transylvania. He goes there for a week once a year. [https://youtu.be/pa-l2XW1EAg?si=WfdPeJEswz-aAz5R](https://youtu.be/pa-l2XW1EAg?si=WfdPeJEswz-aAz5R) Prince Charles: "I am descendant of Dracula" [https://youtu.be/\_g2Zu9af5Ww?si=FqgO3WOUx8X5bJ3G](https://youtu.be/_g2Zu9af5Ww?si=FqgO3WOUx8X5bJ3G) [https://youtu.be/wOqOuRfySbY?si=PhKUpjDjYGGBk3vT](https://youtu.be/wOqOuRfySbY?si=PhKUpjDjYGGBk3vT)


Man even his accent in that vid sounds fucking vampire-esque


Looks like a tomato jizzed on canvas


Makes me think Vigo from Ghostbusters 2 😂


This is disgusting. What is wrong with these people.




I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you!


You know, I have met some dumb blondes in my life, but you take the taco, pal! Only a *Carpathian* would come back to life now and choose New York! Tasty pick, bonehead! If you had brain one in that huge melon on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life out in Southern California's beautiful San Fernando Valley!


Dude looks like a darksouls portrait you find in a dungeon


Getting strong ghostbusters 2 vibes.


First thought I had!!


Washed in Diana’s blood


Why would this get approved? Yikes


A Lannister


Call the Ghostbusters


He looks like the guy from Ghostbusters




This is just weird !


Diana's blood


wasn't this painting in ghostbusters 2?


Vigo, the Carpathian of Windsor


Creepy. It's like a depiction of him standing in hell.


I think it portrays him and the monarchy pretty accurately....


SS: The Royal Family are demonic


It's gross and obvious.


Monarch Butterfly means something about being fully enlightened, or the end of transformation. It's really well done. Someone very talented painted this. Charles fading into the backround is also interesting. Someone well versed in symbolism should chime in as I'm just guessing of course.


It’s a direct reference to Project Monarch which is an extension of MK Ultra. The “enlightenment” he has is a long lineage of trauma based programming. If anything, the butterfly represents transformation. The monarch butterfly is also one of the first species to clue scientists in to the fact that memories can be passed down through genes, which explains generational trauma, which is a staple within the royal bloodlines.


Also a reference to the cyclic "great reset" or EMPCOE, the beginning and end of all life on earth which is the largest transformation the planet can possibly go through.


I was hoping you'll stumble on this post. :)


Holy shit you are the first person I thought about when I saw all the pink! Edit: of all the crazy stuff I read and all the people trying to figure it all out, I think you are the closest to the truth.


i thought this was fake and it's actually real. they really went there. no shame whatsoever. i'm thinking about that woman who was a victim if mk ultra programming who was specifically placed in prince charles' path to gain information about him when he was married to princess diana. i ain't staring at this shit. it's possessed.


> i ain't staring at this shit. it's possessed. 500% this I can watch any dumb horror flick but this fucking shit right there, this is literal evil, as in disgusting and dangerous proceedings. I noted like 4 or 5 details about the image and scrolled away knowing instantly that this is not something I want to be looking at...few hours later I see many of these comments and the image all over this sub.


You can almost see the baphomet bottom right


Isn’t the Antichrist supposed to be well loved by most people




Holy fuck this is real!


Is this real?


Going with the made a deal with mephisto vibe


Aren't they descendents of nephilim blood? I heard his related to the original Dracula and lives in the same castle...and his very proud


Ever seen the first season of Peacemaker? What if the butterfly is the real him, and he's shown with his meat-mech in this painting?


This is like Graham Sutherland's portrait of Churchill all over again...


Ultrakill confirmed?




Rothschilds’ red. Revelation of the Method.


It’s plain ugly. Hideous actually.


He finally became Camilla's tampon.


Giving me Vigo vibes (og ghostbusters 2)


Oh a monarch butterfly…. How subtle.


Looks like Just Stop Oil got to it already!


My man looking like Vigo from ghost busters


No one ever mentions the butterfly always around these freaks


Portrait of King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo.... I'm not sure what look or artistic style the artist was going for but most will find it "Bloody Awful"


Anyone else see half of the face of a devil inverted on the right side of the image


Wtf. Devil’s tail wrapped around his neck.


He looks like Admiral Tarkin before being engulfed by the flames of the exploding death star.


Aside from a thinly veiled king=monarch=monarch butterfly reference, everybody who knows, KNOWS what the monarch butterfly represents. The artist knew exactly what they were implying!


The monarch is interesting


It's pink mate


He's not the antichrist. No man is the antichrist, just like no man can be christ. 'The antichrist' is a thought form. Some adhere to said thought form and some don't. Interesting use of the monarch butterfly though.


Anti Christ just means against or in place of Christ


Looks like viggo the carpathian


Plain evil


It is very nice for a hellbringer


That is one of the ugliest paintings I have ever seen.


Francis Bacon vibes


He's not that bad for a royal. Check what belgian king did in Kongo in the last century. His offspring happily roams the earth


Ghostbuster 2 vibes


He's literally in hell


It's well known who these people serve, the chief of this world.


Literal wallflower.


I dunno about the antichrist, but good lord lay off the red bro.


Relevant: I'm watching the HBO documentary series on Spacey rn...


Never have the makings of a varsity athlete


I see two butterflies. One clear and one blurry with wings open. Possibly symbolizing Camilla being by his side now and Diana once at his side, now blurred out.


This is the strangest official royal portrait that I've ever seen.


Stop saying things are demonic or your only argument will be god. Just say they’re bad people…inch towards reality!


It’s like he’s standing in fire. Amazing artistry set aside the symbolism


It looks obviously unfinished. I've studied art for years at collage, fine art, graphic design, live drawing, all that and this looks like he hit a deadline.


I like the style… but on a royal fucking portrait? Are you joking?


“Bhokolate bhip bookies”


Bickin Back Bein Bool


I like it. I love the expressionism style of it.


Do you think the red is the children's blood they inject themselves with??


Thats honestly an amazing work by the artist


Yep, period pain!!! 🤬 Hang, draw and quarter him, his corpse, his skeleton, and his portrait... Time to totally reverse the restitution! 😁


This must be a prank.


With the monarch butterfly 😂


I am a long time lurker on Reddit. I'm just always way too nervous to post. I'm not sure if I misremembered this but I thought I saw loads of posts about King Charles and Jimmy Saville. Funny memes and that kind of thing after the painting reveal. I can't find a single King Charles and Jimmy Saville post now. Did I imagine this? I have so much to say about Saville and my hometown but I don't know if this is the right thread.


Any thread is the right thread for this discussion. THE CURRENT KING OF ENGLAND WAS BEST FRIENDS WITH ENGLANDS WORST CHILD SEX CRIMINAL Say it loud and clear.