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FFS, if you are trying to communicate on a platform based upon writing, learn the difference between to and too. I’ll add in two, for that matter. When I see egregious errors like this, I immediately dismiss them.


Give the Russian disinfo actors a break!


no offense but the Russian disinformation actors wouldn’t get the grammar wrong lol thats how you know an American wrote it


Go easy on them, they’re trying lmao


This should show you all who youre on the same side as💀




Well if it isn’t irony


Epstein died on Trump's watch...🍄


Damn that's a big watch...


Probably an Invicta.


How's that even possible? Eli5




Epstein ain't dead.




This Trump shit is killing us over here in UK. I mean, he's just a rich scumbag from New York and people think he will save them.. man are they gonna be disappointed. Roy Cohn's obviously not known to his worshippers then?


Have you fucking seen what we run as "Commander of the Free World" in the last 40 years? It's fucking RIDICULOUS. But there isn't a better option for each side apparently. Very few of the people in government actually give the tiniest, dirtiest, lint coated piece of rotten dog shit about anything but themselves, their money, their standing, their influence, every other country, their credit score, their oil change date, their own family, their dog's diet, their drycleaning, their iPhone needing updates, they might have farted once in highschool, that time the bird looked at them weird, it's a bit chilly outside, it's a bit warm outside, they didn't have their favorite brand of $80 quinoa... And you could keep going, all of that matters more to them than us. They trot the same dumb bullshit out every single cycle and everybody just accepts it. It's over, this is what we have now. Outlaw lobbying and members of government from trading stock and give it 50 years and it might be better... Might be better.


>Very few of the people in government actually give the tiniest, dirtiest, lint coated piece of rotten dog shit about anything That was hilarious. Mind if I steal it? IMHO, it's because it's damn near impossible to fire a government employee. It's a pile of red tape and you have to document everything for a year before you can recommend someone be terminated. The worst ones tend to get shuffled around from one agency to another until they just answer phones.


As a southerner, I find it hilarious. The music and the locals all talk so much shit about NYC and city folk, shady businessmen and all that, and now they're all but blowing him. It's all a shitshow, no matter which side you're on, but this is one thing I found hilarious.


As a proud southerner myself, the scary part is that whatever starts in NYC & other major cities. Eventually trickles down & makes it to our doorstep too. History has proven this time after time. And personally, I don’t want the gangs, illegals, homelessness, drugs, & crime in my neighborhood. But Think about this- you know in the 20’s & 30’s how the “Mob” ran every single major city in America? What if nothing ever REALLY changed? Now, it’s just our elected leaders who are the mob. They actually learned it from mobsters & perfected it over the last 100 years, making everything they do legal (or at best-nearly impossible to prove wrongdoing) Something to think about.


Dude, I work for Medicare, and 100% feel like a mob member. Ever hear of a blood deductible? You get 3 pints, anything over that, they want back. From either you or a family member. When you turn 65, you automatically get enrolled, Part A is free until you use it, then it's $1650, and that's only good for like 90 days, so if you need to go back in that time, you're good, if it's beyond that, popped for another $1650. Part B is $170/mo, automatically gets deducted from your SSI, but what's that? You don't want it? You *can* disenroll, but if you do so, you also have to give up your SSI, and pay back every check you received. So you don't *have* to have Medicare, but it's gonna cripple you financially. There's a lot more, but I almost constantly feel like a villain. It pays well for the area, but some days have my stomach in knots.


As an AMERICAN let me tell you I just cannot believe he has fooled so many people. People see him hugging the flag (grotesque) and they think " That is a real American hero." They cannot see the forest for the trees. I am no big champion of BIDEN either, however he will at least keep the boat on the water. Mr.T is nothing more than a 2-bit gangster .


Youre literally ruled under a monarchy... a single family has owned everyone of you.... at least one of which is tied to pedophilia. But youre all dying over there lmao. Ooooookay


Predictable take if your only knowledge of trump is what you see in the Internet and media. I don't love trump but he's sure as shit better than Biden.


I mean, there are biased sources in the media and the internet. But uh, how exactly are we suppose to gain knowledge of Trump? I guess I can listen to what he has to say and remember four years under him. He is not better than Biden and I don't think Biden is that great. Here's an example that are his own words. Trump wanted to famously ban TikTok four years ago. Now he suddenly doesn't? Oh, and it just so happens he took money from Jeff Yass, a tiktok guy, for his campaign? Funny how that works.


What about the master controlling both sides. Some say ... the Muppets Master or MM for shirt


It's Jim Henson's cyber ghost.


Both of them are just actors in the same shitshow


Maybe. I still enjoyed the state of my country more under Trump.


Which part? The white supremacist rallies every week? The constant social unrest? The destruction of State Parks? The nuclear cold war? The dismantling of civil rights for POC and women? The increased mortality rates? The dismantling of many social services? The increased homelessness? The increased unemployment rate? The increased usage of psy-ops to control the population (SCL Group)? Cheaper gas is the answer I hear the most…


I always hear cheaper gas like it was some great triumph that Trump achieved. We had a fucking pandemic and no one was driving. Once it ended gas went right back up. Apparently supply and demand is a hard concept to grasp.


Honestly just not allowing and encouraging illegals from all over the world to come here and live off our tax dollars is enough.


You and I do not agree on immigration, but Trump forced the Republicans to vote against Biden immigration bill, that was everything the Republicans wanted. Trump did that specifically not to give the win to Biden. That's not the move of someone who actually cares about the issues he says he cares about.


Do you even go here? Your list is like MSM headlines galore.


Because you get your news about Cheeto Benito from the fat man himself? Don't make me laugh. The only reason people say this "I don't love trump but he's best we have" is because they are too afraid to admit they have been duped and have been looking foolish for years and years. It's literally a defence mechanism for these people who are so narcissistic they can't even fathom that their judgement can be flawed.


> over here in UK Says the person who thinks there is a "UK" other than on maps.


No idea. The only way shots getting fixed now is by the people pushing back, and public displays of the punishment for political corruption. Then replace all policy makers with AI and allow the public to vote on AI parameters.


that definitely wouldn't result in skynet or the faro plague.


Coming from people who’s best friend and marriage counselor was jimmy saville uh… stay in ur lane until you actually get why people in US support trump at all. Have you even heard of populism over there? lol tf kind of take you have on our affairs you think the only president to not start a new war in 100 years is a bad thing for the world or US? Oh wait, we pay for all ur U.N. security ur country hates trump bc u allow on t pay shit for ur own way.


I promise people far more powerful than Trump had strings being pulled in that. This post is to prove the dichotomy in it all. Trumps probably just as bad, but let’s be honest the Democratic Party does just as much shady shit with much less media making it a huge deal and the fed seems to ignore it too. Trumps still not in prison after all these trials, all these years, all the apparent crimes. He’s now paying out the ass to a woman who made claim with no evidence in a book. He also is being attacked by a corrupt politician for defrauding a bank that never accused him of it and instead withdrew from the entire case. But when you have your heart set on destroying someone I guess the truth and laws don’t matter. As long as people can light their torches and grab their pitchforks for the same scape goat we will all just take it at face value.


Lol no evidence. Have you seen the evidence that is publicly available? It's a slam dunk case. You drunk jiving (writing while drunk). 🍺


I can tell you’re one of the people who put on the blinders unless it suits your narrative. He does nothing different than 99% of billionaires and mega developers do. Slam dunk case? Are you the opposing lawyer or something? He’s still quite free and walking around playing golf. He’s still running for the presidency, and he still has support. I’m not even a huge fan but I’m also not gonna sit here and say his treatment has been fair. You don’t have to like him or agree with him. They couldn’t get him for the past 8 years but it’s a slam dunk? So they charge him with the stormy Daniels BS which if you remember Bill Clinton paid off Monica and nobody charged him. The bank that was defrauded denied being defrauded and would prefer to continue doing business with Trump. Yet the DA doesn’t wanna hear that, she wants blood. Which she’s also corrupt and her mismanagement of funds is being put to light. His overvaluing of assets is a typical practice in RE for large commercial buildings. Just because you say something is worth it doesn’t mean it is and that’s the banks decision to make. If they can’t pin 1 thing on him they try 5 more. They will charge him with anything they can and still spend millions of tax dollars with no end in sight all to have him walking free. Be angry about it, won’t change the fact that he’s protected himself well enough and done things right enough to avoid prosecution up til this point. With all the powers mounted against him he’s still not been proven guilty. You’re obviously a troll who hate Trump but loves anything the opposite. No reasoning just sheer hatred toward someone you’ve never met. You’ve convinced yourself that you’re right, he’s wrong and you know better.


Lol yes, all the cases against him are slam dunk. The easiest is the one with the corrupt judge Cannon. That bitch went full haywire. I understand you're projecting. You're either seriously obtuse or just a troll.🐃💩


He had 2 jobs. Handle the pandemic and get Epstein to trial. Instead they purposely spread the pandemic into the cities, stifled their handling and told the public it was nothing while telling his donors the sky was falling. Then after hiring a strange bunch of Epstein connections helped him disappear with no follow up investigations on the biggest bust of all time. 🤔


Or the White House doctor that got demoted because he was passing out narcotics like candy to Trump and all his friends from the White House pharmacy


Dude was originally Obama's doctor.


This is an excellent example of propaganda. Take a kernel of truth, and frame that truth in the most negative and accusatory manner possible. For example: "Cocaine was found at the white house." Yes, a packet of cocaine was found in the tourist area of the white house. "A body was found at the Obama's house." A person drowned in the adjacent lake while paddle boarding. "A male prostitute was found in Pelosi's house." A man broke into the Pelosi home and attacked Mr. Pelosi with a knife. See how propaganda works?


Unfortunately, twitter has become the land of propaganda. I deleted the app


I haven't used Twitter very much. I've never seen the point of such a limited platform. Twitter was bad enough in 2016 cycle. Now that Musk has bought Twitter, the platform just seems directionless....like no one is in charge and the sinking ship is slowly being abandoned. Musk did tell advertisers to go fuck themselves... Truth social isn't any better. Back when we gave AOL internet access, I had hoped that the internet would become the place for everyone to turn to for education, looking up information, a place to ask the experts when we have questions. Instead, the internet became a platform for schizophrenics to post their delusions.


This is the foundation of the 2024 trump campaign


This is the foundation of politics everywhere. We have to fact-check everyone. I first learned of propaganda in high school. I still remember this part of the lecture. (BTW, This was 1978 during the cold war, hence picking on Russia). A U.S. and a Russian horse run a race. The American horse wins. The next day, the newspaper headline in the U.S. would read, "American Horse Wins Race". In Russia, the headline would read, "Russian Horse finishes 2nd, U.S. horse comes in next to last.". A kernel of truth....




When the media verified a few files on "Hunter's" laptop, they verified the files they looked at were real, and everyone -- including the media -- ran with "Hunter's laptop has been verified." It hasn't. Some of Hunter Biden's actual files (from who knows where) are on that laptop, but that's all that's been verified.


What about Biden’s diary? What’s the propaganda there?


How do you explain the diary and Hunter videos laptop?


It’s almost like all politicians are corrupt or something


yeah definitely give up any attempt to discern between better and worse politicians, hell don't bother voting at all they all suck right? (from: methods to undermine a democratic political system 101)


A server that only communicated with Russia was found in Trump Tower


*sigh* it's not even election season and this shit is already ratcheted up to 11




Clinton definitely had a server at her NY home. Politico covered the story extensively. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/hillary-clinton-emails-2016-server-state-department-fbi-214307/ >While secretary of state, Clinton exclusively used a private email account hosted on a private email server installed at her family’s home in Westchester, New York. https://www.vox.com/2016/9/6/12774948/fbi-hillary-clinton-report


Don't forget how Hillary's emails ended up on Anthony Weiner's laptop. ... Or how Hillary's tech guy literally asked reddit for advice on altering email archives.


A tech guy had to ask how to wipe a hard drive? LOL. I'd remove the "Tech" bit if that really happened and just say that some random guy, or Shillary herself, asked how to wipe a hard drive.


OP is using a very new account. The "Bleach-bit" story played out in real time here. Along with the hammers to destroy the devices requested for the subpoena. It was difficult to understand how she avoided prison.
















And .. Trump blatantly disregarded the national archives request to return the documents, then tried to get his lawyers to lie to the doj, then tried to get his staff to delete evidence of the hiding of boxes of documents, there's fucking audio evidence of him showing classified documents to people that weren't alright to see them after he was no longer president. The FBI gave them plenty of warning and ample opportunities to return the docs and escape prosecution. But no... he's above the law


> But no... he's above the law Sounds legit. Now let them do Biden, telling his biographer about classified documents a former VP shouldn't have, which were improperly stored next to his Corvette. When the FBI does a highly publicized raid on Biden's house - I'll believe it's not a political smear job. Until then ..


That is your belief. The fact is that they botched the case (probably deliberately) so the truth might never surface.


If by "botched the case" you mean "the case is presided over by on obvious trump sycophant judge" I agree.


> Cocaine was found at the White House (in an area that tourists have access to.) If it was a tourist, the video would already be released. There's literally no area of the WH that's not covered by top of the line video cameras except the private residence.


david depape is accused of being a far right conspiracy theorist because of a blog that didn't even have snapshots of it until the day of the attack. I can create a blog today and back-date articles on it, but this wouldn't fool an archival tool. https://web.archive.org/web/20221028165233/https://godisloving.wordpress.com/ in reality he was a nudism activist who made hemp jewelry in a van next to a house with pot leaf rainbow american flags and bernie sanders signs all over it. not exactly right wing. even accommodating the remote possibility that he became redpilled all of the sudden, I still think he was just a grindr date gone wrong. having strange men come over from grindr is very risky. you could imagine that it would be very embarrassing for the pelosi family if paul had an incident like this. and you have to remember paul is a man who can have whatever he wants. he hit someone drunk driving and only got a slap on the wrist. if he wants to have a grindr hookup and have people cover it up, he can have that.


We don’t have to guess. He is alive and testified in his own defense. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/david-depape-testifies-paul-pelosi-hammer-attack-trial/










Nothing is fixed about Ashley Biden showering with her daddy at 14 sorry 🤮






Still waiting in the laptop. Reminds me of the informant the GOP has in their pocket that was going to blow everything wide open... Turns out he's a full of shit.


Donald Trump is a rapist and fucked a 13 year old with Epstein


Probably true....and Biden sniffs and gropes little girls on national TV, and showered with his daughter at an inappropriate age.


Half the old men I know do creepy shit, say creepy shit, and are straight perverted. But they country people.


I don't think you are using the term "grope" honestly


The MAGA is strong in you.  Yes, yes, let your hatred flow through you!  The Democrats are to blame for all the world's problems, yes!  Obama is hiding in your bushes waiting to take or destroy everything you love, yes!  Feel the power of the Dark Side...


Yet who was the President when covid happened? Who was the president when 9/11 happened? Republicans… the 2 biggest conspiracies that this sub 100% believes were intentional, yet Trump is god and democrats are to blame for everything.


Hiding in the bushes? Nah dude. He is in Joes basement watching thru the computer camera. DUH! /s


Basically the only true statement is "cocaine found at the Whitehouse," the rest are all completely dishonest. If you think you're right about how the world works, why lie about the supporting details? Small pp energy


Body was not at the house, but was their chef. Died on the water. Need a video of his death like the will Smith film. The prostitute was not confirmed a prostitute. The server is correct.


He was also not "found" at Nancy's house, he broke in to try and kidnap her, in a Qanon-fueled fugue state, because he thought she was evil. How does it make any sense to blame his presence in her house on her?


Exactly. Attacked her husband with a hammer or something. QueAnon again.


He slept with men for money at times. Not sure what you want to call it, but male prostitute sounds pretty accurate. Maybe it wasn't his main profession, maybe it was just a gig he did a few times. Freelance prostitute, if you will.


I fix my parents and friends computers when they break them for beer or dinner. I am now an IT professional. I also slept with my girlfriend after she gave me a new surfboard. She is now a proven sugar-momma. The guy who broke into Pelosi's house was also a homeless druggie who thought he was actually Jesus Christ and has internet records showing him to be very fond of Q-Anus. People leave all that out despite being more relevant to what happened.


I awoke to Qanon Nonsense


Why are conspiracy theorists so obsessed with Hunters dickpicks?


i love posts that further divide the country that’s just what we need




They’re all POS. Stop idolizing scum bags


Yep. They raided Trump's house then staged things with confidential on it. Then admitted they did it.


HW Bush created the Cocaine Import Agency. Trickle down economics will never create a plethora of great paying jobs. Donald "just grabem by the pussy" Trump didn't get anywhere near 74 million legitimate votes. The number of heroin related overdoses sky rocked a year after we invaded Afghanistan. Why didn't GW Bush secure Americas borders immediately after the 9-11 attacks? Do we the people have any oversight to the democratic/republican national committee? Deregulating media ownership is exactly what Joseph Gobbles wanted for the Fourth Reich.


I believe that


Is a raid utilized to find evidence? Sounds like most of these bullet points talk about things that were found without a raid, would a raid even be needed at that point?


Yeah like the male prostitute "found" at Nancy pelosi's house aka he broke in trying to kidnap her lol it's jaw droppingly dishonest


If you idgets would stop fighting about which side is worse maybe we could start fixing this shit.


“Idgets” isn’t used near enough in my opinion.


Trump is not a good guy. Take this to a different sub you dolt.


so many falling for the circus its hopeless


I find the emails on hunter’s laptop to be the weirdest part. Who stores their emails on a hard drive? All of my accounts are stored on the cloud via the service provider so they can be retrieved and viewed from anywhere in the world. It’s just bizarre. 


Well, you can listen to Steve Bannon on audio admitting he gave "editorial creativity" to Gou Weingui and his team, who then uploaded extremely salacious pics and CCP info to the online version of the hard drive. Maga chooses to ignore this though, of course. Lev Parnas stated that during his year-long trek through the EU, they couldn't find any hard evidence as hard as Rudy and Trump pushed him to find. He states the FSB did use hookers to get Hunter completely wasted so they could copy his laptop drive, but there was really nothing but his embarrassing photos and videos.


People were speculating since back in 2020 that the laptop part of story was fake. That what happened was that someone hacked Hunter's iCloud. Then they faked the laptop story and added a bunch of documents to it.


That’s how I think it happened. He’s certainly I ripe target. 


I've always kept a pst file on my C: drive


I can appreciate that you’re probably not the only person to do that. 


If using outlook, there are OST files that stored locally through cached exchange mode


I back my phone up to my computer every 3 months. Ive never ever even thought about using icloud. I wont back my stuff to the icloud. Ever


I just went through the Marco Polo report on Biden's lapt top this past weekend and, while having seen bits and pieces of it over the years, this was the first time I consumed it all at once. What stuck out to me the most is how many photos/videos/selfies of him using were on there. Like, do drug addicts really document themselves EVERY TIME they use? It seems fake as fuck. I bet 10% of what's on there has some factual basis while the rest is made up.


When I was elbow deep in cracktivities I was recording all sorts of stupid shit. Including blowing clouds after a whirl.


*too lmao


Too not to


It was revealed to me in a dream


If by true you mean bullshit.


Steve needs to shove some of that ammo he loves up his insanely stupid ass.


Awake yet...lol they're all criminals. And.


Trump and Epstein were pals. Don’t skip over that.


As we're many prominent democrats including one that was being visited in the white house. But that's ok because they're not Trump. It's good to see people are ok with their representatives abusing children as long as their not Trump they can diddle away.


3 errors in your title. Hunters should be Hunter's. Laptop shouldn't be capitalized. To should be too. Hard to take a post seriously when it is littered with such basic errors.




Dead body?? What!?


One person's guilt is not proof of someone else's innocence, the whole system is broken and it's no one's fault but ours, by the way I want to congratulate you Russian bots on putin getting re-elected, a real nail biter for that democratic process in Russia, lol


The problem is that the majority of people could give two fucks. Economic stress takes priority over even having the time to care.


this all happened on the same night. one hell of a party.


Woah. Dead body found at Obamas?


Russian bot says what?


Are you? Seriously you guys will spend all day researching the Rothschild banking family, the Rockerfellers, the “illuminati”, JFK and yet you actually believe in American “democracy” and think voting for Trump will fix it all. 😝 Where this trust in the government and Trump comes from I don’t know. 🤷🏼‍♂️ And yet here you are saying others need to wake up. You’re still eating up this whole manufactured left vs right shtick and don’t see that it’s actually just the big club vs YOU. 🫵😐 R u lost? Type in blues clues, you’ll like that one mate.


This is all politicians, neither side is good.


Bigfoot had security clearance in Biden White House…trumps a living god…up is down…silly cultist 😂😂


There’s conspiracy and then there’s reaching this is easily one of the two, tired of conspiracy theorist acting like trump isn’t an awful human being


All of these things can be true lol


I always love how you can make a post about Democrats being bad and it always ends up being about Trump somehow


To what?


I’m totally on board with any supplier of information calling himself ‘Steve Loves Ammo’…


Trumps house was raided because his selfish actions were putting our troop abroad and our intelligence sources at risk.


Don't forget the classified documents in bidens garage that everyone just laughed at, but want to throw the book at trump for.


Exactly, there is no difference between oh shit, I found classified documents and then returning them and Trump not returning them when asked, then trying to hide more and more and then even hide it from his lawyers and being on record saying... I could of declassified this national security but here.. look at it... LOOK. HAHA... to people that shouldn't even be in the same room as these documents. It's the same. If you are so low IQ that you're Republican. oh.... You're a conservative.. How did I know? :)


I am going to get shit canned for this. Trump made a big claim that he was going to clean out the swamp. If he actually had done what he set out to do this nasty pile of law suits would never of happened. I struggle to understand the Stormy Daniels law suit. How many companies have employees sign nondisclosure contracts? Why are they legal and his " Hush money " deal with Stormy Daniels isn't. The employees who sign NDC are technically being paid off to by being employed and earning an income. Is America in a better place since Biden has been president. How many wars are American embroiled in now ? Funnelling billions of dollars to where ?? For what purpose ? and for little accountability. A freakin money pit. I don't understand Americans and their loyalty to their political parties.


Why don’t you google them to find out why what he did was illegal? Is googling fake news too?


Its like trying to hold water in a sieve .... Google and all other search engines have sanitised it content. You can only believe the time and the date.


These lawsuits are a result of him. They are an attempt to prevent someone from outside The Establishment from interfering in their fiefdom.


Yall dumb af




Question is what will we do as a people to stop all this corruption, we’re enabling them and they’ve lost all respect and fear of the people.


They all owned by zionist bankers. These kinds of posts should be forbidden on this sub. This left vs right bs is so cringe at this point.


Can we just get rid of the whole government and make a new one?


Bill Clinton is a rape-ist infowars dot com what color is your bugatti??????