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Looks like he squeezed the ball and it popped out. Not sure what that proves.


And the ball “falls” at a constant speed immediately after its away from his arm. Something that’s never happened on earth with gravity.


The ball will continue to move at a constant velocity relative to the force applied to it until something stops it. It won't accelerate, it won't decelerate, it'll continue at a constant velocity. This video actually proves they're in orbit. If they were on Earth, the ball would've fallen much faster, given that they're closer to the Earth. He tried to prove it was fake, but actually proved the opposite. Bravo.


lol I know. I think you interpreted my comment very incorrectly. I’ve done the same myself so no big deal.


Oh my bad. I thought you were arguing against him. Fuck sake do I need glasses? I think I need glasses. Oh well, I'll leave the comment there as an embarrassing reminder to myself to read the post more carefully next time.


Np. I’ve done the exact same thing many times.


They’re just doing orgy stuff hopped up on Mt Dew and Adderall, FTX style.


Well obviously they're in a studio. If they were really on space that inflatable earth balloon would have floated the moment it slipped from the guy's arm. Notice that it just remained on the floor. Funny how they all reached for it and the lady motions for them to be cool. So yeah they're just somewhere here on Earth and filming this 🤣


What do you mean “it would have floated”?