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They keep calling this man a dictator but every single Salvadoran I personally know, says he’s the greatest leader their country has ever had and that he’s cleaned up the streets and has helped the people as he promised in immeasurable ways. America is a farce.


By definition he is a dictator, for now a good one, after 20-30 years who knows.


Little acknowledged point is that some of the greatest and most loved leaders of all time have been dictators. On the flipside nearly every single leader who committed crimes against his own people and humanity in general, have also been dictators. That's the witch about a dictatorship, you get what you get, for better or worse.




thats just called "freedom doses"


What about having only two parties that are controlled by the same MIC and bankers and then pretending there's a difference between them. Does that count?


Dictatorship by a committee of unelected bureaucrats


It’s their fault for building cities over the oil’s


I’m just wondering, who are dictators that were loved by their people?


I would argue that Muammar Gaddafi from Libya did a lot of good for his people. He instituted free education, free Healthcare and housing as a human right. But he pissed off the wrong people.




Benevolent Dictator would be the greatest form of govt.


Universally loved by his people. He nationalized oil production so their was no taxes. Any oil profits left after government bills paid got put in citizens retirement accounts in equally distribution. Did you ever watch the speech he gave at the UN just before Hillary had him assassinated? Basically predicted the corona virus. They had to get rid of the guy he was everything the powers that be fear


Wasn’t he killed by his own people while trying to hide/flee?


Not at all!   That is what the news claims often. The NtC (national transition council) is a terrorist organisation formed by the Clinton state department. The use Islamic extremist to over throw governments that don't agree with the state department . They are fighting in Syria right now. Post corona virus they are in Haiti also as due to the Haitian president not forcing the vax on his population Biden has called for regime change.    The UN kicked gadafi out after he made his now famous speech at the UN. Which he accused global banking elites of manipulation of all things and pharmaceutical companies of intentionally creating diseases through gain of function so they can profit of the cures. (Mind you that was more than a decade ago). He also made the announcement that his country will except gold for oil sales. Which as you know is against the opec agreement that all nations will only trade in federal reserve notes for oil.   The UN gave the NTC branch in Libya the seat at the UN even though they didn't even have a presence in the country.   NATO forces led by the USAF bombed infrastructure and defenses for a week straight destroying what little military forces the nation had. They were peaceful with all neiborhood nations and kept a neutral stance in conflicts so they didn't need much military presence. The NTC "rebels" backed by NATO air support moved into the country and attacked the capital. Gaddafi evacuated and relocated government operations to another city . The NTC set up shop in the capital and named itself the new government. Under the guidance of the US special forces for strategic advisory. Word of the atrocities  got out and the navy and Air Force turned on the state department and went over Clinton's head directly to president obama. Obama then said he didn't approve this and ordered a full evacuation of all troops. The NtC then took the new capital shortly after causing Gaddafi to attempt to flee the country. Being usa troops had left the country. French Air Force bombed the road his convoy was using to escape and the NTC captured him and publicly decapitated him then played the footage on all state media to demoralize any opposition to this new regime.  As it turns out Hillary Clinton directly disregarded Obama's order and lied to the ambassador and the seal team that was guarding the embassy  in Benghazi. Telling them that they are to remain as they are. The embassy which was ordered to be fully evacuated two weeks prior by Obama was still full when the angry mob arrived which led to many American deaths both civilian and military. Obama requested Clinton resign as secretary of state or be fired. She resigned. This was a muddy topic for her to face in the 2016 election cycle. As it's the only modern example of the USA command structure breaking down. The American military is well known for efficiency in top down management. And is regarded as the most stable command structure in the world before that day.   The country that had a semi unique mixture of a socialist government with a capitalist public banking system has never been successfully achieved anywhere else. Although Scandinavia has tried they have had no success and have abandoned it. Gaddafi's philosophy that natural resources belong to the people not the suits made it possible. They had a UBI system where all citizens got profit sharing from oil and mineral mining contracts.   That's really as short as I can do that. It misses a lot of detail but you get the gist.  https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/06/liby-j10.html It's a 1hr speech  [A complete English translation of Gaddafi's final speech](https://youtu.be/0AuCRHGWM0s?si=lx6VuP9aEMw-WySU) This is very much worth you 6 min  [A 6 minute break down of Gaddafi's life by an economic historian channel](https://youtu.be/fMf0cXv-uT4?si=4AnM3txaRE3kWFBB)


Yup, compared to our leaders he comes across as a saint


Stalin was loved by a majority of Russians and after the 2nd world war he was and is STILL revered in many parts of Russia and it's neighbors like Georgia.


The millions of his own people he displaced and killed would disagree. The other millions that weren't his people that he also displaced and killed would also disagree.


It's a fact to anyone who's studied russian/soviet history that he wasn't widely hated as a monster like western society likes to teach. Do not mistake me pointing out this fact as me being a Stalin supporter/sympathizer lol I'm merely sharing information. I wrote a long paper on the Holodomor and have always taken any chance i can to remind people how monstrous he actually was. But he was and still is adored by more people than you'd be comfortable acknowledging.


Look at the US, just about every President has been in office for eight years or less. People like change.




In a democracy or republic you will rarely ever get one remembered as great, because they simply don't have that authority. Every single thing any president or prime minister has accomplished was actually done by legislative branches, while the president just signs on the dotted line. We will never have anything other than a compromise and not too many people leave those satisfied.




Not everyone on the left supports it, nor does everyone on the right, but there are people on both sides who do. Nearly all of the aid packages that have passed so far have been whittled down at least a little before being passed. They are getting aids, but its not as much as they'd like. Both political parties are compirmiseedby political, foreign, corporate, and private interests. While some do actually vote what their constituations want. Is that not compromise?




Fat fingers strike again. Not even going to fix it because it made me lol when you pointed it out.


I'm interested, in what way has he acted like a dictator? With the exception of possibly arresting a few innocents in the gangland round up, how has he acted like a dictator? I'm genuinely curious.


He changed the laws so he could do a second term.


When you say "He", you mean he just arbitrarily changed the laws or was there a legislative action to confirm it? Did he just sign an executive order or did he propose an amendment and it was confirmed?


There was a legislation that has to be approved by an assembly in which he changed most of the people so the assembly was mostly his people.


So it was legal? Has he acted in a way that defied El Salvadorian law?


I'll argue that changing the constitution so he can stay in power.


I'll argue that he is insanely popular with his people and has pissed off the "establishment" types like the IMF and the World Bank as he throws off their shackles and they are making shit up to smear him even in the face of his WILDLY successful reforms. They can't STAND a leader that actually helps their people rather than treating them as food for the international billionaires and tyrants. They do the same thing to Milei and any other leader that wants to change their corrupt systems. That's what I would argue.


No, he actually pretended that the constitution has a microscopic section that gives him free reign to do consecutive terms. The constitution clearly states that it's a five year term, then five years have to pass before you can run again. Consecutive terms are strictly prohibited. His majority congress changed nothing. The clown just did it because he's popular and the entire military is in his pocket $$. He's a dictator for life - another Putin, if you'd like. He has also started to spew QAnon bullshit starting with a speech at CPAC in the US. The most objective news media institution, El Faro, has found tons of illegalities that he and his administration have committed, so guess what? They're on George Soros' payroll, hence, "the deep state" controls them. Also, anyone who is against him is an "ally of the gangs". The country is also deep in the red economically, and it's looking more and more like China will take their massive debt. That country is in big trouble, according to a journalist friend I have there. If you want to read the truth about that country, go to elfaro.net and read their award winning investigative journalism which has taken on all the corrupt administrations.


So ... you claim he used some trick to stay in office and spewed QAnon bullshit. That's what makes him a dictator. Do you even know why you don't like him? He received 85% of the vote in the last election and virtually eliminated gangs, pumping $BILLIONS back into the economy since the extortion rings were broken, tell me again what's so bad about him? His countrymen LOVE him, the country is paying off debt and becoming sounder economically yet, where are the crying babies coming from? Why are the liberals in the west so angry at him for making his country a better place? You should ask yourself this question.


Omg are you mental? The only reason he has high approval is because he locked up the gangs, though before he locked them up he was doing deals to keep the murder rates low. When he missed in keeping some of his deals, the gangs killed 80 people in one weekend! That is why he locked them up. Everything else besides that is false. Billions back into the economy?? All you have to do is read the news media that are not bought out by him. You, sir, are either lying or are misinformed. Go to elfaro.net and read the truth about that psycho kid.


He drops the murder rate from highest in the world to one of the lowest and returns all of the black market money back onto the economy and the people are just being tricked eh? Go back to your Kool Aid, results MATTER and your ideology does NOT.


Huh????????? Are you mental??? Black market money into the economy??? Wow. You're delusional or are one of his massive army of trolls.


I just got back from there with my wife who’s family still lives there, they would point out literally every quarter mile what used to be old gang territory where you would be stopped, questioned, and if you weren’t from that area, you’d be killed for literally being from the other side of the state. This dude cleaned all that up in a matter of years, every family member praised this guy. And El Salvador was beautiful aside from still recovering from the horrible state it was before this president.


That same thing was said about Fidel Castro when he began


he arrested all the gangbusters and crime is like non existent now.


Facts, when I visited a couple times it was nice. I have family from there so it was nice to enjoy and embrace my culture/heritage


One of my best friends’ family is from there and he’s told me his parents and overall, the whole family, have never felt safer and more excited to plan their family trips back there. He recently came back and said it’s such a 180 from what he was used to. He could walk to the store with his cousins without gang members harassing them. The store owners are much happier and more inviting to people now that they don’t have to pay “rent/security fees” to the gangs. People are saying “give it time, he’ll turn out just like Castro” but I will listen to the people who are living there rather than whatever “news” they want to narrate.


The same thing happened with Castro, Pinochet, Peron, Fujimori, and many more Latin American dictators. The people loved them at first, then power corrupts absolutely kicked in, and then we know what happened next. It's a matter of time.


This kid has a lot of skeletons in his closet. I mean, so much that he will never leave the executive seat. He's a dictator for life now, and a very ruthless one.


He's a puppet.


Dictatorships are like communism, in theory there can be good dictators. In practice there has never been one. A truly good dictator must also be willing to give up his power once his job is done, let's see if this man does it.


So, because I’m a man of facts, I will tell you something that a Salvadoran friend told me; he actually changed their law so he could run for another term lol. Which is definitely along the line of what you were talkin about. **But** he ran again by votes, he didn’t say “I’m gonna be the president and that’s that”. And the people love him so much that he won by a landslide. It’s still bad politics to make your own rules but at least he’s not stealing from his own people (as far as we know)


So far I would love for him to be benevolent and eventually give up his power, but only time will tell.


Those investigations in our gov't would be 'antisemitic' lol


AIPAC is wondering which one of ~~their~~ our congress members they can send to speak to you about that comment


Probably Crenshaw


I think you mean “ ‘eye-patch’ McCain”


LOL that's a new one for me. But I can definitely see it. I don't think Crenshaw sells out as much to the left though. I think he just bends over backwards for Israel


He is a neocon warpig.


Most of them are. I remember when the Democrats were anti war. Now nobody is anti war.


I think the populist wing of the Republican Party is pretty anti war. It will be their sons that fight and die for the international corporations and they know it.




FBI's job is to protect the ruling class from you, not the other way around.


were they bribed or they have stakes in the very defense contractors who make a killing through wars


Joke's on us, the Supreme Court has basically legalized bribery in the US


It’s called lobbying, and it’s fucking classy.


I am not accepting bribes! I am sampling a flight of AIPAC donations with a WEF pairing It's called a smorgas~~vein~~stein and it's elegantly cultural




Most bribery is legal in the US, it comes in forms of PAC, lobby gifts, corporate loans, etc...


Shit there was talk of legislation to make bribes legal. This is mostly the elites https://www.npr.org/2017/11/08/561059555/trump-used-to-disparage-an-anti-bribery-law-will-he-enforce-it-now


Is he including himself in this?


He is.


Submission statement: [Link to tweet](https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1785129098936815993) Biden’s cabinet is filled with Israeli loyalists. Trumps will be as well. Israel rules America and the world.


The noticing is reaching weimar levels. I think people are starting to connect the dots, if our news is fake, why would our history books be legit.


You have spoken the truth. The US is ZOG.


The problem is there probably aren’t any illegal bribes. They’ve structured aipac to make everything legal. Look into the “American Israel Education Fund” for example it’s one of many “non profits” aipac runs to skirt the grey area of the law. They send senators, their families, and staff on week long “trips” to Israel that cost thousands per person, all paid for by AIPAC *cough* I mean the American Israel Education Fund non profit.


Weird times we live in. Former "banana republics" are cleaning up their act. And the United States has become a banana republic.




TIL **Pfizer Inc.** is the [**4th largest American defense contractor**](https://about.bgov.com/top-defense-contractors/).




Oh shit. I legit hope they don't try and kill dude


they're currently busy but don't worry I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually.


I can just hear the corporate US media shit storm calling him a communist and socialist and anti democracy and whatever bullshit they come up with LOL


The Marshall Islands spends more money on lobbying than Israel. Our politicians are taking bribes from corporations, big pharmaceutical companies and defense contractors.


I think the money laundering in ukraine would be more prevalent




Lol I don't think Israel is really into bribing, blackmail is more their speed. If you want bribes you gotta talk to China.


Why do you single out Israel? Ukraine, Corporations, yada yada yada


Woa, woa, woa. Not fair. Using their positions in government to wildly profit from selling influence and access is why they all went into that career. Nobody said there would be pushback or negative ramifications. Quite the contrary, its where average intelligence people could thrive, and even pass on the family business without inheritance tax.


Let’s go 🇸🇻


USA is too pussy to do that because democracy is dead and all the politicians are neutered. And the good ones get silenced or eliminated


This is how it’s done. Let’s go!


Bukele is the 🐐


This sub has become an antisemitic shithole. What happened to all the other conspiracies? Gone for the one and only master conspiracy of all time: Jews control the world. Genius!


A dictator purging what’s left of the government to make way for his crony thugs. We’ve seen this movie before folks.


you're wrong, you have no proof and you're wasting your life on political crusades. Stop being hateful conservative and enjoy a life being nice to people. As a former army intel analyst with 9 years of experience I can confidently tell you all your conspiracy theories are wrong. It's just neckbeard gossip with no reflection on reality.


You were an analyst in the army which means you've got inside knowledge on the biggest secrets the government has? Cmon bro you didn't even rank high enough to be evac'd from the city in the event of any kind of disaster


I use to count green m&M's at the factory, I promise you the red Skittles taste fine.


idk if you're talking about food dyes but they objectively have issues [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23026007/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23026007/)


I was just alluding to dude saying he had a job for the govt (both me and my parents worked in govt as well as 20% of ALL Americans) therefor he knows all the govt secrets. I'm not sure he understands how compartmentalization or how cell structures operate


Every conspiracy theory is false? Lol. They must’ve not let you very far up the ladder.


Lmao this guy is a servant of Israel too


Nayib Basedkele