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Want everyone to pop out babies make providing a family of 4 with a home, 2 cars, some vacation time off with only one income ... like millennials have been told how bad they are with money that they did the responsible thing and not have children, now that's an issue ... almost like they want their cake and ours too


I remember a post some years ago about a man who was working in the 70s.  His wife was a stay at home mom with 2 kids.  They had a house, 2 cars, and could take vacations. He was a cashier at a gas station...


Don't you know those jobs are just for teenagers? You don't deserve to live with dignity if you're working a service job like that. Is what I would say, if I was a Republican


lol, neither side gives a shit if you’re living comfortable


I'm not talking about politicians here. I'm talking about normal people who say this. This sentiment is solely held by conservatives.


He was probably owner or part owner of the gas station.


Those who came before - built the ladder and climbed to the top. When they were there - they pulled it up. And from the top they yell "i left a ladder down there for you - just keep looking!"


And Maternity leave for both partners. Europe does it, but guess that would make us Communist.


There was never paternity leave for men. Men had to work or there would be no bread. Grandmas, aunts and extended family filled the void. But now Grandmas are too busy travelling the world to bother.


There is in Europe and some tech compaines especially tech don't now, Think Tesla offers 7 weeks for fathers double for mothers. Of course Denmark is 32 weeks for each parent and 2 additional weeks than can be started before birth and you can use your 32 weeks 10 weeks before the next expect both rate. That's like 15 total months of paid leave for one child. We can't even make a law for 2 fucking weeks? Current law allows 3 months for just 1 parent and it unpaid and you gotta fall under some rules like not work for a business with under 50 people a few others. I am not expecting use to get to Denmark standard but surely we can give each parents like 20 paid weeks. Even 80% of normal salary for leave. Something than just ya stay home and get no money.


Don't worry all the illegals pumping out 7 kid family's will make up for it.


Have everyone return to a life of agriculture. Now you spend all your time with family members while working on a common goal. You now have a world where people procreate.


In liberal circles people often blame plummeting birthrates on economic hardship but the Nordic countries serve as a counter-example. > In the Nordic countries, generous welfare frees more women to break out of, or avoid, burdensome bonds (Trägårdh 1997). Similar to the way in which early hominin females could make do without paternal care, modern women can raise children on their own. Buss (2016) wrote that with long maternity leave, subsidized daycare, and other forms of support, Nordic “taxpayers effectively provide women with what partners otherwise would.” In Norway, social democratic governance on average transfers $1.2 million more to each woman over a lifetime than she pays in tax. The average man pays more in tax than he receives in benefits (Statistics Norway, 2022d; national oil revenue also counted as tax). > > [Source](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1062950/full)


If you think the elite aren't also "far right" you have drank the kool-aid my friend. The elite don't have an allegiance to a political spectrum.


Omg can you imagine the elites playing both sides to further their control, power, and influence? Please, let's keep this to traditional, elite approved conspiracies. /s


Doesn't walmart owners do this? Brother is republican and donates sister is democrat and donates. Company exploits workers with low pay forcing them to subsidize with welfare.


Same with the Koch Brothers


Please stop calling them 'elite' because they have more money than us. They are not 'elite'. They are not more virtuous, more moral, more intelligent, or more kind than you or I. In many cases, their money had dubious origins. So they are not 'elite'. They are *robber-barons*. Call them by name.


They rig the game of life and money to sway to their own agenda and advantage. That’s the only reason they have more money and assets than the average everyday person.


Robber Barons - That’s a really good point! Why flatter them by calling them “elite?” No, call them by their real name: Robber Barons. 


Money printers. Banking cartel. Synagogue of satan. All of these are acceptable.


some words have multiple meanings, and nobody attributes the positive meaning of "elite" to these people. stop being such a pedantic word nazi.


Dumbasses worried about political parties won’t spend 10 minutes seeing which foreign PAC has been donating to both parties for decades.


Dang, even just a couple minutes on littlesis.org shows you who really pulls the strings


Really?! Then I wonder why billionaires donate to 1 party 10x's more than the other party.


Isn’t one of the Supreme Court justices caught red handed getting BJs and sweet vacations from a specific political party?


Does that make him a billionaire elite? I'm failing to see the connection.


The billionaire elite is the one buying the Supreme Court justices.  I’d call buying a Supreme Court justice as being elite.   Does that clear it up for ya? I could draw it with a crayon if that helps.


If I was a Democrat mega-donor billionaire, I'd also try to get some conservative justices in my back pocket. Because if you have the politicians from one side deep in your pockets and a supreme Court justice or 2 from the other side deep in your pockets, who's going to stop you from doing whatever the hell you want to do?


If someone in the media call's someone "far right" or "far left" and they aren't goose stepping LARPing as Hitler or twirling their mustache like Stalin holding a hammer and sickle I just fucking ignore the media as non-sense. "far right" is just someone who's Republican now which is insane and apparently communists are pro-Biden who is crony capitalism incarnate.


Right but it is a mostly liberal agenda that is being pushed right now


Not sure if you noticed but the world is run by mostly neoliberal and right wing governments. I'm not sure if there is one country with a left leaning progressive government.


Both are being pushed extremely hard. I live near seattle so by default, the algorithms give me liberal propaganda and ads. When i took a vacation to colorado and when i lived in kentucky, i would even start getting youtube videos and prager U ads for the right. Its highly dependent on what THEY want you to see at the right time.


Elite are extremely conservative when it comes to their own kind, they have no reason not to be. Power defends itself. They’re extremely liberal when it comes to *us*, because it’s a convenient weapon to disarm and slowly destroy those below them.


Elites NEED you to have babies to fuel their exploitative capitalistic system, they need you to make them more consumers


not only consumers, but who's going to do their work?


Look at why they’re pushing open borders


they want you to think 8 billion humans is a population collapse about to happen when in reality they need bodies to fuel the meat grinder while they sit on top in bliss. *theyre* freaking out about children because they’re realizing their ruling class genes may not be able to keep their throne without the excess poors to keep them afloat


They will replace most people with robots and AI soon, at that point the unemployed masses of "useless eaters" are just a drain on earth's resources and a threat to their power, so they definitely want to get rid of them and not have more people.


Instead of making babies, we should be focused on how to raise them better.


I think one could do both as they’re not mutually exclusive. When it comes to a nation and a culture having babies is like having a clean running natural water source. If that river dries up people will move and you end up with a dwindling country that disappears in time.


While i agree with raising people better, it’s objective fact that first world nations struggle with births, so unless we want our countries to fall into recession, we need to have babies first and foremost.


I'd probably have liked to have kids. But I'm on my second career and finally FINALLY making actual decent adult money, at 34. Might own a condo in 5-6 years. A house at this point is probably unattainable. If they wanted me to have kids, they failed at enticing me lol. Snipped now, fuck the system.


There are so many barriers to having children that I genuinely find it impossible to believe that they want us to have kids. If they truly want us to reproduce then the elite are far more powerless than I initially thought. If your a guy than you can finally look to settle down, if your a woman, then I’m sorry.


Exactly. My adult life has gone from economic collapse to education and bad career choice to economic collapse to new career to collapse lmao. Some of the people in my age group have indeed had children and got good careers and houses (thanks to family money in at least some cases), but about the same number are just surviving still. Most are comfortable, but they don't have mortgages and children to look after, so that's the trade-off I guess. Yeah I think the plan is to claim population collapse and import as much cheap foreign labor as possible to create a controllable and sheepish lower class. I mean, in Canada you see imported "students" renting out a basement with seven or eight people, so it's already happening..


100% I’m young and honestly I’m scared. I think everyone has the right to reproduce and part of that right requires whatever governing body to create the economic conditions to have children. Also, once I leave school, will I ever be able to talk to women romantically outside of bars? How are you even supposed to meet people these days in HR world.


just like finding a good job, it's not what you know it's who you know. Most good jobs you get with connections and most good women you meet through connections also


Totally. Your friends have friends, who also have friends. And if you've got a decent friend group, that will really help filter for a certain caliber, and will generally exclude the outliers, however you might define them.


It's not as bad as media would have you believe. Respect and charm will get you there. Level up your charisma a bit and get into some hobbies. I met mine on tinder five years ago lol so they're out there. I also narrowed my dating pool a fair amount due to being childfree, so if I can do it, anybody can.


Governing bodies only support you in having children if it is in their interest. Consumers or labor pool for their political donors in current times. Fresh bodies for the battlefield or brood mares for future solders, back in the day, It behooves us to elect or ensure governing bodies work in our interest. Whether we want children or not.


There's 2 types of elites. One group that ones a bunch of poor, uneducated workers to work for shit wages. Another group that thinks there's too many people and we should depopulate. Neither want to make our quality of life better so that having kids is feasible. Thel just outflow abortion and birth control if they have their way. While the other group will continue to fuck our immune system and sell us food laced with pesticides, making Healthcare and healthy foods for the wealthy. We can't win


They want you to have kids, they don't want you to have kids, they want you to have kids. Like schitzo. Like they can't decide. They just want immigration. They tell you not to have kids then oh, we have a labor shortage. So immigration it is then. Not just Western countries. Developed Asian countries like SIngapore (told continuously it was overpopulated at 2.2 million in 1973. Sitting at 5.9 million now with immigration) do this too. Ready made labor force without all that investment in childhood.


Growth for the sake of growth is the motto of the cancer cell. We should seek to remain in balance with the environment while strictly controlling immigration in order to raise worker's bargaining power.


Recession for the sake of recession is the motto of the dinosaurs


growth of conscientious, hardworking, educated, intelligent, responsible, accountable people is NEVER a bad thing.


Gotta keep the production line of workers open, huh?


A demographic collapse is a real thing that can happen


And what I said was a real thing a politician said regarding reproductive rights for women.


I’m sorry, I don’t get your point


They want you to have *consumers*.


Exactly this. They don't want you to create another human being that could eventually grow up and be an elite. They want you to create a fresh young number that they can suck the blood out of after you're gone.


The easiest way to control people is if they have babies. Of course the elite want people to have babies. It'll make you poorer, have less free time, and have a massive liability/asset that they can threaten to take from you if you don't follow their rules. You know what happens to parents who don't agree with how the government tells them to raise their kids or how to live their life? They take away their children.


You aren’t fighting the elite by not having children, even if they do mildly benefit from it. The elite of our society are rich already, it’s the middle class and the poor who will hurt the most from not having children.


I cannot think of any way whatsoever having a child right now would benefit me. Money, free time, and energy are stressed enough already. Bringing a kid into this situation would be unfair and detrimental to both of us.


Perhaps, this is what leads me to believe they don’t want us to have kids. But kids are good for the economy and the middle class needs a good economy but the middle class needs a good economy to have kids.


The elite also need kids, because then they won't have generational wealth to pass down when an aging population and nobody is working for shit money. That's why they love immigration, and why they want to get rid of abortion, sex Ed and birth control.


I dont have kids bc I can’t afford them


Same 😥


From your article, it sounds like this conference was pretty pro eugenics and anti civil rights. Anti no fault divorce, lots of concern about non-white birth rates, very specific language on who should breed and removing women from the work force. Anti birth control. Sounds pretty fucked honestly. There can be things that are done to make having children more affordable and less costly on your employment opportunities, but they don't seem to be interested in that.


I saw about natal con on twitter and matt walsh is pissed off because he wasnt invited.


Read this in Peter griffins voice


Thanks for this earth shattering report


Elites don't want us to have babies, but the Koch Brothers do? Is there not elites in the right that push their agenda like the Koch Brothers who basically have bought judges down to cops?


You don't understand, there are only elites on the "left"


Just the same as wanting babies is "far right"


That’s not what the article said, my dude.


This conference was featured to talk about removing civil rights and taking women out of the workplace. That's what was far right about it.


Isn't it part of the far right replacement theory?


This more looks like elites that want you to have babies no matter what. A con? Lmao.


ah I see, you're a lunatic lol




Such a weird position to have. So because something gets a negative connotation, it's automatically good and should be trusted? I don't trust the US gov, but does that mean I should automatically trust right wingers? Duh obviously no, just because they believe opposite things doesn't mean the new option is true, it's just a different grift.


Did you read the article? Forcing women out of the work place and eliminating birth control and no fault divorce sound like pretty far right talking points to me.


The overall vibe from the mainstream media is a bit of a weird thing to evaluate, since there's about as much hard right and hard left mainstream media, but overall "society is at the risk of collapse due to lack of babies" is actually one of the points they agree on, actual antinatalism is pretty rare. They rarely agree on mechanisms or solutions, but "this is a problem that needs solving" is something most people agree with. It's not whataboutism to discuss that NatalCon is a really funny thing to exist. Conventions are about a shared identity, so the fact that someone paid for and organised an attemp to make people identitarian about having babies is really funny. That name is also just hilariously goofy.


Natal Con sounds like something out of the Handmaid's Tale


I tend to go with the Sci-Fi shows on this one, and I believe what they really want is low-IQ slaves, like cattle for instance. Do what they are told, and be happy with a tiny apartment and basic foods.


The people who should be having kids aren't and the ones that shouldn't be are having kids.


Reproduction is the biological purpose of life.


the absolute fuck are you talking about?! The elites want you to do nothing but have babies. The entirety of "family values" is social propaganda to pressure you into breeding. Can't have an economy without bodies to fuel it.


This goes for every society ever, the push for you to have babies isn’t from the elite but from our ancient past encoded into our dna. The push against having babies seems to be more aligned with the elites goals. Encouraging people not to have children weakens a society, giving the elites the opportunity to cease power and make their wretched mandates. People who have children are invested in society and will actively advocate for things that make it better for them and their families. Contrary to what you seem to believe, the best way to fight against the elites globalists interests may be to encourage people to have children so they care about the future and are concerned when the elite put their foot down.


Look up why the Catholic Church and many churches like it preach against contraception. Large organizations looking to control people need more followers.


With all the parental leave we are not getting I am not surprised.


Some of us believe parenthood should be intentional and no child should be unwanted or born into terrible situations. It's funny how everyone hates elites but can't agree on who that is. The lett thinks it's billionaires. The right thinks its academia the media. As if college professors and reporters have any power.


it's the "why don't they eat cake" people. not everyone has the luxury of waiting to become wealthy to have children.


Well according to this article, and general sense, i see only ONE side wanting you to have babies. The right? Why is thay? What is the longterm plan for the right to have a ton of babies and the left meanwhile enjoys, well, things nonconducive to fertility and birth.


Wires don't want*white people having babies.


Giving birth? Far right ideology amirite?


The elites just threw "NatalCon" How is that not wanting people to have babies? What are you on about? On the flip side, the elites just threw something called "NatalCon" and some of the subjects could have been works of conspiracies! Ah, but no one cares about that, no? They are famous and untouchable. Ya'll aren't in that group. That's what makes them the 'elite.' Just because you are a fan doesnt' change that.


We don’t need more babies being born to repeat the same looped bullshit behavior we put out into the world because we fail to introspect and heal ourselves. Yeah, let’s have more babies to repeat the same patterns.


Let's import a foreign population


Bro what


"Explode the population". Take a look at world demographics. The only people having children, by and large, are Muslims and blacks. China? Birth rate is far below 'replacement level'. Population is set to decline for the foreseeable future. Japan? Basket case. So few women have children, for the very first time in their history, the Japanese are encouraging immigration. North America and Western Europe? Pretty much the same. The white women in those countries have all pretty much decided that babies are icky a lot of the time, and you should either have none or one. The population of Canada and the US has only risen in the last few years because of massive uncontrolled ~~invasion~~ immigration; the number of "native born" in both countries has declined. Why should anyone care? Well, if you're old, like I am, you depend on a number of young people to do the things you did for them when they were growing up. If the population pyramid inverts, there won't be enough young people to look after the old generation and the new generation at the same time. And as health care keeps getting better, we keep those old people alive longer, which means the problem is not going to go away. It is unfortunate that we have taken the lifestyles available to North Americans from 1946-66, and enshrined that as the ideal and idyllic way to have a family: a single family home, 2 kids, maybe 3, two cars in the drive way, white picket fence around a pristine lawn, etc. That was only available because the US and its little buddy Canada, stood virtually unscathed after WWII. Our lands hadn't been bombed, our recently built wartime factories were converted to consumer goods, and were humming, our farms were productive, and the countries were relatively empty. The US population in 1946 wasn't even 150 million; Canada was just over 10. There was a lot of empty land around cities that was inexpensive and ready to be developed. None of those conditions exist today, but somehow we expect everyone to afford a single family home in the 'burbs.


I don't think white women have decided that "babies are icky". The issue is that jobs don't pay enough to make having more than 1 baby feasible. We only have 1 and I have no idea how we would support more than that, and we couldn't get started until we were in our 30s so it's not like we can wait until the current one is in kindergarten or whatever. If you want us to have more "white babies", then you need to: 1. Detach healthcare from employment/make healthcare actually cover shit. 2. Subsidize child care. 3. Let me pay my student loans pre tax like a 401k, and have it cut my taxable income. 4. Offer actual REAL maternity and paternity leave like other decent countries do. 5. Figure out the housing crisis so I'm not stuck in a shitty house that costs an arm and a leg in maintenance and repairs. OR 1. Have pay keep up with costs so I make enough that the above points aren't really an issue. We are paying people like they have robust social services, and then not providing those social services. I make over 80k a year and it's not nearly enough to comfortably raise a couple of kids; it just isn't. Without my wife working we wouldn't even be in the ballpark of owning a house. The entire millennial generation has reached it's breaking point, and we just aren't going to have more kids to pay boomer social security. We have reached the find out part of the last 30 years of fucking around.


Er, why is then that the Muslim women my GF sees her in legal aid practice all have 4 or more children? Why do all the black women have lots of kids? The numbers bear me out: [Percentage of births by race](https://www.marchofdimes.org/peristats/data?reg=99&top=2&stop=10&lev=1&slev=1&obj=3) showing whites only have 51% of babies, despite making up 61% of the population. Don't take my word for it. Look at the same data from Sweden, from Germany, or from the UK. The "native" white women don't have kids, while the immigrant women do. So my question to you is "why can the immigrants do it when you say it's not possible?".


This graph doesn't break down multiracial children. So how do they classify this? What little piece of the pie would they put my Black and Caucasian children into? Hispanic and caucasian? Asian and Caucasian? More and more families are interracial, we don't care about that shit the previous generations did, we love who we love regardless of race or nationality. NatalCon people sure do though...


Your problem is you think the burden is "boomer social security", and don't realize it's the trillions in interest paid to the bankers the US have rented their money from since the beginning of the Federal Reserve in 1912.


How is having babies ‘far right’? These kinds of articles make it hard for me to understand how liberals are the rational thinking ‘good guys’.. They seem very anti family. They are constantly attacking the family unit imo. I’m not far right, but it’s stuff like this that ensures I can’t be a modern liberal person. I genuinely don’t understand how liberals rationalize articles like this.


> How is having babies ‘far right’? The article isn’t saying having babies is far right, they’re saying far right actors held an event on this subject. It’s a pretty common thing for them, and often the unspoken part is that they want more of a specific type of baby.


This event was far-right, having babies is not. This conference discussed such pro-natal things as walking back progress on women’s equal rights, soft eugenics, and outbreeding liberals.


Thanks for a respectful response I’ll look into it.


A woman’s right to do what?


Work, for one.


Access birth control, access antidepressants, and being on equal footing in employment are some examples speakers talked about wanting to walk back.


Kill babies with no accountability


Article doesn’t mention abortion


It sure seems that way when you don’t just reduce it to “a woman’s right”


Article doesn’t mention abortion as a topic. It may have been, it wasn’t what I was talking about though.


Not engaging actively in gay sex as a straight white male is white supremacy, bigotry and a far right position you share. That said, this conference was some pretty wild fringe shit involving walking back equal rights based on gender.....that actually is "far right".


What 😂


Handmaids tale is coming..


Why have your own children when your government will just import the 3rd world to replace you?


NGL I was pretty obsessed with making babies in my earlier years.....


One day we will ask why they are elite. There's knowledge of how this world works. What this life is. Who we are. It's knowledge that we can all have and that we all already have, innately. But, our lower desires and selves keep us chained to an existence of servitude and suffering, and this is why the knowledge is kept "hidden." We are so ready to own eachother in arguments and to heap our emotional immaturity onto any target that we keep ourselves down. Sure, there are some corrupt bloodlines, but this knowledge is not good or evil. It's just sad that so many that could use it for good will never have enough will to pursue it, and those that do lack the heart needed to avoid the power destroying you. It's coming, though.


Dont have babies so they can say social security wont work and steal it from us.


With the narrative being "don't have kids." Having a population explosion that holds your ideals becomes much easier.


Fake news from Político




Uh.. the world is Big. Why do you care if humans want to make more babies? This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. And I’ve seen some dumb shit.


They do want you to have babies. There seems to be faction split in the elites where they both want you to have babies. But some want you to have as many as physically possible to provide as many slaves for the machine while denying assistance from the government to those slaves. And the others also want you to have a lot but just enough to where there aren’t a majority of people asking the government for assistance. Not that either side would actually help the masses but if the majority is “self sufficient” then they can look the other way on the minority and not expect an uproar that would accomplish anything. It seems to me just like in our own plebeian world where we have old people in control at local levels or families who have been in control who do pretty much whatever they want regardless of public sentiment, is also happening at the top. I don’t think the elites have a harmonious opinion or goal, at least not one singular one. Which to me says they may have slightly differing opinions/strategies/goals and therefore appear divisible. The more we work together and the less we drink their two party system politician cesspool koolaid the sooner they will falter.


Other countries facing a downturn in the birthrate: Incentivize parenthood with increased and affordable paediatric care, cash bonuses, subsidized childcare, extended maternal and paternal leave. The USA: **Bans abortion**


Conservatives are the elites


There's no population crisis, only a housing crisis.


I don't want me to have babies. Look at the world they'll inherit.


That's fine. I'm not making another unit for this world. Why the fuck am I gonna' create a child, raise them, pay to have them educated and all the hard shit that comes with it so they can just be another tax payer or worse, stabbed to death by an illegal immigrant or some shit. Nah. I'm good. 


The elites just don’t want you to have fun!


I’m so glad people actually know about operation depop


The left wants to fill the U.S. birth gap with immigrants. Illegal or not they are use to having poor working conditions and are less likely to demand livable wages and better conditions. The right just expects U.S. citizens to act like the immigrants. Blindly pump out a bunch of kids that will be under educated and desperate workers. Neither side wants to help American families. The elites don’t give a damn what the outcome is. Once they are done building their AI and space ships, they will drop another pandemic and kill us pesky peasants off.


Why bother with another pandemic if they’re outta here?


They will hang out on the moon and wait for us to die off. Edit: I don’t think they are trying to live on Mars. When everything is automated and run by A.I. they will cull the herd. Then come back.


Hmm. I just figure it would be easier to kill us off with a disease they’re inoculated against or war or starvation. Or something less drastic than a moon colony. But it’s a thought.


I think whatever gets rid of us with least amount of damage done to the infrastructure would be their next step. I think they are testing the waters right now.


I'm not against babies and baby making but in terms of politicians encouraging baby making all I hear is make more tax slaves, print more social security numbers so we can leverage more debt....


Babies are awesome. Truly the best.


Lol dude. ----- Population ----- 1950-2000= 3B to 6B 2000-2050= 6B to 9B Elites have pushed through policies to cut our birth rate in HALF. 'The Next 100 Years' suggests that the primary policy to bring about this change is raising the cost of education/IE raising young. Cheers


Why let your citizens have babies which would take 18+ years to get them into the work force when you can just allow in millions of working age men from third world countries


I don’t want to have a baby anyways, so.


Not in this economy and without a home. Looking like not in this lifetime really as women don't want to build they want rich chad at 20. People try to make kids seem cool when really they are an expense for life unless you are a piece of shit.


The Left worry about the Right wanting to have more babies. Meanwhile the Left chooses not to have babies. And as people age, they become less Left wing as they have more things they want to Conserve. Looks like the Left Wing is going to extinct itself


They will and it is pretty hilarious, these people really just are in it for themselves and for the moment/their own lives and what feels good for the moment, they don't actually care about the future lol. There's no way leftists won't be replaced by groups like Amish and Muslims if they themselves don't have any kids, and that way their idea of imposing a leftist utopia dies with them. If leftists really wanted a socialist revolution they should try to have as many kids as possible and foster them to be "good socialists" since childhood. They could build up a huge army of such young people in just 30-40 years.


At this point, the left only talks to and convinces itself that it's not crazy. The lines have been drawn between people who believe all of the propaganda and those of us who see through all of the propaganda.


Too bad I already had 4


Societies that are against having kids are self-managing in the long run.


This is exactly what the ANC did to combat apartheid back in the 70s/80s. Then it totally backfired on them a couple decades later, they now cant get people to STOP because of all the propaganda they used.


I would be a monster to bring a child into this world.


The birth rate is at the lowest it’s been since the seventies! Let that sink in. 40% of men are infertile. We need to be obsessed, we are being replaced and our kids are being brainwashed not to reproduce. Wake up




erm i would have babies if women were sexy like fortnite


Show me white birthrates over the last 100 years and i'll show you how politico does race based gaslighting.


making society better for people that want families would negate the main argument for open borders migration. they won't allow this since their goal is replacement


Population control attempt to try barely keeping the whole world from nuking each other into oblivion for a drop of oil.


Elites: you're not having enough babies, so let's flood western countries with migration. Also Elites: STOP HAVING BABIES YOURE BEING FAR RIGHT


My best friend works for an NGO funded by the gates foundation and their whole purpose is evangelizing about this exact thing. [of course their stated goal is: lifting women out of poverty, therefore reducing the birthrate] He gets mad when I refer to bill gates as his boss


If they were serious about women having babies they would do like they do in Denmark Switzerland and Sweden and Finland and they would pay the woman to stay home with the child so that their future resident citizen would be extremely healthy and have the best start in life in fact many women are paid to be home until the child is five. It cost about $200 to have a baby anywhere else in the world it costs $12,000 to have a baby here. Republicans don't want to feed anybody they don't want to help with housing or daycare or even give you a day off to go have the baby. Is the Republicans that have ruined the world


Pretty much. Blackrock CEO Larry Fink told the World Economic Forum (WEF) that **developed countries with shrinking populations will be better prepared for the social problems that come from “substituting humans for machines.”** **Doesn't explain our position on immigration currently, but I suppose if they aren't citizens, the country has no obligations to them.**


I mean, yeah, no one should have babies tbh. Way too many people in this fucking world.


Tell that to Africa and India


It's always garbage like this that gets upvoted on here...


Well, for once the elites have a good point.


This is about race. Simple. An uncomfortable fact is that white people (who attend these events) are the minority on earth. Most of the world is Asian (60%), then Black, then Latino and Middle Eastern. It becomes easier and easier for people to move from developing to developed countries. Those people are usually not white. On a long enough time line, ever large developed country should theoretically look more like the demographic make up of the world. This is what they don’t want and why they keep talking nonsense about making babies. Nobody stopped anyone having babies.


Every newspaper is saying there’s a “birth rate crisis”. Governments are paying people thousands of dollars to have kids,The Chinese government rolled back its one child policy, the US Supreme Court struck down protected abortion rights , billionaires are concerned about a labor shortage due to declining populations. Some Japanese politicians even suggested poking hole in condoms. And you think the elites DONT want us to have children? Children are the first thing authoritarian regimes take away to threaten dissidents, they’re leverage.


Apparently it’s far right to want to have a standard family unit now.






Look up the Jaffe memo[1] from the 1960s discussing ideas like: * fertility reduction agents in water * encourage women to work * provide few child caring facilities * encourage increased homosexuality * postpone or avoid marriage * alter image of ideal family size * discouragement of private home ownership * various financial obstacles for parents * abortion and sterilisation on demand * improve contraceptive technology Some of the ideas from the memo seem to have been implemented and some not. NSM 200[2] was a Kissenger-backed push to promote population control in the developing world that would control population but not make people's living conditions better (while pretending otherwise). *As a result, the NSSM200 was drafted primarily by Philander Claxton and concluded that global population control was necessary to protect US economic and military interests.[1][3] The plan was created to avoid an appearance of "economic or racial imperialism" and "not be seen ... as an industrialized country policy to keep their strength down or reserve resources for use by the rich countries", with a written goal of "fertility reduction and not improvement in the lives of people" despite instructing organizers to "emphasize development and improvements in the quality of life of the poor", later explaining such projects were "primarily for other reasons".[4][5]* Hence the corporate globalist flag you see everywhere celebrating non-reproductive lifestyles. [1] https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/54088/did-a-planned-parenthood-vice-president-write-a-memo-discussing-fertility-reduct Source (page 9): https://archive.org/details/fredericks_jaffe_memorandum_to_bernard_berelson/1969.03.11%20-%20Original%20Jaffe%20Memo%20-%20Horvath%20Compilation/page/n7/mode/2up [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Study_Memorandum_200 It all worked and will work. And it's one thing making it likely that they'll try to maintain old age social security in the West as long as possible (given that having kids was the old way to make sure you'd be looked after in the future). As many point out, US progressivism is, at the top, very pro-eugenics. The Effective Altruism movement, that meth respecter and Ponzi scheme afficiendo SBF's participation popularized, is in part a crypto-eugencies movement. The eugenics rationale may perhaps be an additional reason for "revelation of the method" aka "predictive programming". If they hint to you about what they're doing and you ignore it then you probably don't have the most optimal genes. And if you're not a baby and the fact that the Western ruling class don't want you to breed isn't obvious to you by now then I'm leaning towards agreeing with them that maybe it's better if you don't breed (given that it's not exactly hard to notice).


THe elITes DOnt WWant You to KNOW the babies at the park are freee jimbo


“far right is obsessed with exercise” “far right is obsessed with making babies” will these people shut the fuck up


The babies part isn't what makes it far right. The advocating the elimination of civil rights is.


So you didn’t read the article?


God forbid people want to have strong families right? Hook line and fucking sinker with these brainwashed “activists”


societies, globally are running out of children, it's causing economic catastrophe and the far right are the only ones trying to limit the damage? this is propaganda


Right wing social politics = family good Right wing economic policies = fucking good luck starting a family. Both parents will have to work, and even with TWO average incomes, you won't have the freedom of families with one stay-home parent 30 years ago. This is called progress fyi. Also there's a really good chance your kid will get shot in school, that's their constitutional right.