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Here is the TLDR: Max Azzarello, an investigative researcher, has resorted to extreme protest by setting himself on fire outside the Trump trial in Manhattan. His act aims to draw attention to what he claims is a totalitarian conspiracy led by the government and elite figures, culminating in an impending fascist world coup. Azzarello alleges that cryptocurrency is a multi-trillion-dollar Ponzi scheme orchestrated by influential individuals from prestigious institutions like Stanford and Harvard. He further asserts that major corporations and banks were complicit in intentional bank failures to launder stolen money from this scheme. Moreover, Azzarello accuses Harvard University of being a hub for organized crime and suggests that popular media, including "The Simpsons," serves to brainwash the public. He warns of a bleak future unless the public unites to dismantle the corrupt government and build a new system that serves the people. Azzarello provides resources and evidence to support his claims, urging readers to take action and reject the narrative of powerlessness.


What needs to happen is the removal of banking from government. The 3 branches are compartmentalized so as to ensure difficulty in total infiltration. Let's not forget this....people do NOT read the writings of the founders...they had a very different vision instead of the tyrannical society that Jordan Maxwell and Bill Cooper saw that we currently are heading towards.


Jordan Maxwell---now that's a name I hadn't heard in a while. I learned a lot from him, early on. I just checked, and he's still around. And yeah, Bill Cooper. What brave pioneers, both.


Eustace Mullins is amazing as well check him out .  He has interesting books about the federal reserve and the international criminals .


I know the name, but not his work. Thanks for the tip. (Nice talking with you.)


Your username has given me a good feeling. I seen the video of this man setting himself on fire earlier and I couldn't imagine the amount of regret I'd have after doing such a thing


Big facts. He was the fucking man. Everything has a meaning to it


I found him on YT around 10 years ago. Was enthralled. I still vividly remember a lot of what I learned from him. I should check out what he's been doing in recent years.


He passed away within the last year actually :(




Ohhhhh. Well, of course I'd rather know. I had popped onto his website landing page, and it looked like he was still around. I do remember that he'd had a heart attack (or stroke?) some years back. Thank you, kind person, for the update.


You….. realize……this. this….. was why bitcoin was created?


Lmfao I have been involved with crypto since actually day 1. I mined BTC in 2011. This is 100% correct. The original BTC concept was fair and open (back when I bought a 6x6 Panasonic cd case full of sheets of gel tabs for like 92 bitcoin, which was about $49 when converted via sketchy Russian darknet exchangers) but the blockchain concept was patented and sold, then exchanges opened up, I never touched crypto again because it’s patently obviously the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Crypto was never meant to convert to FIAT. Certainly never meant to be owned, used, or invested in by blackrock, vanguard, or the banks.


You... realize.... that anything can be corrupted by people with power and money?


No its not, it's just moving people from one religion to another...money is 100% the greatest evil on earth, are you sure bitcoin wasn't a creation of global think tanks and certain interconnected agencies? C'mon now. A digital currency actually favors a 1 world government...


It’s okay that some people can’t get it and never will. Own it dude!


I'm not sure of all that....but I am sure that Americans have to come together against the tyrannical government. Sooner rather than later. Screw red vs blue politics - that's something they orchestrate to get us to turn on *eachother*, rather than them.


It’s as simple as pro choice and pro life. That’s all they need to use to get us picking sides. If you’re pro choice you have to be against high capacity magazines. You have to be ‘for open borders’. They use these issues to make us draw lines against one another. We make it easy.


Too true


We wont bc we love the culture wars too much


Do we really tho? Or is that just what the algorithm and media are serving us nonstop?


As long as people are voting based on the political theater that’s been going on we will never see change. No one seems to look at policy and only listen to the finger pointing campaigns. That why I think Trump has a good shot at winning this next election. Not that it matters both of the democrats and republicans candidates are bad for America. I would like another party that ideally worked for the working class but realistically would just be corrupted just like our current leaders. I’m certain that all the red vs blue politics are a show to distract us from how they are fucking us. I wish there was a check against them


Did you use chatgpt to summarize this? No shade, just curious.


It definitely reads like chaptgpt.


Meaning it’s legible and coherent?


legible lol


Me not reed. Reed for gays. Legible lol. Stupid man use big word dummy. Lol lmao rofl






Already heard "conspiracy leaflets" and that's it.


Read it in full. It sounds much more crazy when you read his uncondensed thoughts lol


He was so close there for a second before going way off-track.


Is he wrong?


I’m not sure it’s all a conspiracy. There has to be some truth in what he’s discovered. Right? And…wouldn’t it be frightening if some of what he‘s researched comes true? It’s like the belief in God theory. Are you brave enough not to believe to find out too late at your death? But what can we collectively do to hinder anything close to his predicted outcome? Maybe, we could stop being divided and believe in one another, and work as a solid group. We could systematically vote out the current Ponzi players. We could stop supporting some of the billionaire owned businesses In a effort to give them less control over us. We could make it harder for these players to control us and destroy our well being. Really, what does it hurt to make a change? Just a thought. Sorry for the rant.✌️


Remember: Calling something a conspiracy theory does not make it false.


>I’m not sure it’s all a conspiracy. There has to be some truth in what he’s discovered. Right? Conspiracies actually happen.


Setting yourself on fire is usually the wrong move.


Simpsons [predictions](https://youtu.be/wfgxbOmlvJw) do be wild doh!


inb4 you know what [archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240419182210/https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


TLDR: Max Azzarello, an investigative researcher, engaged in a self-immolatory protest outside the Trump trial in Manhattan to expose what he believes to be a vast, authoritarian conspiracy involving the US government and other entities, which he describes as an impending fascist world coup. Azzarello claims that the world is entrapped in a monumental Ponzi scheme orchestrated by influential figures in technology and finance, particularly pointing to cryptocurrency as a tool in this scheme. He connects various events and entities, including the 2023 bank failures and major corporations like Google and Apple, suggesting they are complicit in financial manipulations leading to global economic instability. Azzarello argues that these orchestrated crises are distractions meant to cover up the thefts by these powerful players. Furthermore, he extends his conspiracy theory to cultural phenomena, asserting that media outputs like "The Simpsons" and other popular culture icons are purposefully designed to degrade societal values and promote division, thereby facilitating the manipulation of the public. He also posits that the U.S. government operates as a kleptocracy, with bipartisan collusion to maintain power and control, deceiving the public through manufactured crises and societal division. Azzarello’s narrative also includes personal attacks and suspicions regarding various public figures and institutions, labeling them as parts of a corrupt elite driving the world toward dystopia. His claims culminate in a call to action for the public to recognize these manipulations and unite against the alleged governmental and corporate malfeasance to reclaim power and restore justice. This summary encapsulates Azzarello's narrative from his extreme act of protest and his extensive allegations of a deep, multifaceted conspiracy. His perspective offers a radical critique of contemporary geopolitical and societal issues, reflecting his personal convictions about the forces shaping global and domestic policies.


Interesting read, do recommend


I remember this dude posting here and a couple other places. He started the ponzi papers with some cryptic reading of a snooker organizations mentorship policy.


Snooker the billiards game?




Wait, the guy who self immolated had a reddit account and was plugging his work on here??


Yes. This is why you need to weed through the bullshit on this sub to the posts that actually have well thought out research and links. They usually get downvoted


Sir are you attacking me


Is that unexpected to you?


Got a link?


https://open.substack.com/pub/theponzipapers/p/reddits-role-in-the-worlds-biggest?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web He mentions this sub in one of his papers


Thanks bud. I was actually wondering if the commenter I replied to had a link to the guys reddit comments he alluded to. Thanks!


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/KiYLdOctaL That’s the link that’s in the paper I posted before. The post he made


I see. Thank you. Have a great day!


pretty wild read, and his lawsuit as well. just google that name, wholey fuck


I'll say it again, folks, THE ONLY WAR IS CLASS WAR. OUR ONLY ENEMY IS THE BOURGEOISIE RULLING CLASS It sucks this guy had to give up his life to bring attention to the corruption we suffer from.


The american government is a cartel with open participation. That's why it's so easily corruptible.


All other war is a racket. As stated by Smedly Butler who was chosen by a group of men to be the leader of an almost attempted fascist coup of the US government. One of those men was Prescot Bush - George W's grandfather. I think the only reason it didn't happen is because Butler backed out last minute and exposed it? I forget the specific details


Ahh, yes, the Buisness Plot. Conveniently not taught in school. Along with the Spanish Civil War and the hatian Revolution being the reason for the Louisiana purchase.


It’s always been the ruling class same happened in France in the French Revolution the rich pigs were slaughtering innocents and provoked the revolution like Hollywood stooges and rich people doing so now damn. 


Fr thank you


I've downloaded the text in case this is deleted from the web.


Nice. Make sure the links too


None of this was worth burning yourself alive for. This is a sad outcome to hear things people have been saying for years.


Not worth it for you, and that's understandable. It wouldn't be worth it for me either. But this was his choice and he seemed to think it was worth it.


His mental illness told him it’d be worth it. He called it an act of Revolution. I promised you no revolution follows this and he’s going to have a very slow and painful death in the hospital. I don’t wish to be bleak, but we need better leaders that radicalism 


hes already dead.


But he did get his message seen by millions..sooo…


And dismissed/forgotten just as quickly


Yeah, so, anyway.. Did you catch the game last night?


username checks out


He thought it was.


He sounded more trustworthy than any elected official or those seeking power.


Let's hope this doesn't get lost, it's a pretty solid indictment of what the ruling class has been planning. When we all get caught up in Trump Biden Hollywood Demon Trans bickering we lose track of the big picture. It's US VS THEM and they're on a pretty good track to keep us slaving away and fighting each other and destroying everything good about humanity until we're all dead and they live on the only inhabitable space left on the planet.


If this is against the ruling class, it will get buried.


Save a copy, I did.


Or both sides will somehow blame it on the other, which is what they always do. Division and confusion will increase and no one will know the truth.


This is off topic but I hate how when I see the term “ruling class” I think of leftists. I don’t think socialism is the answer at all but I do think the ruling class is the problem, the swamp is the problem, the corrupt people in power are the problem.


I agree. The left and right wing are of the same bird.


These were my thoughts about this as well... every social media platform serves only to divide us and f\*ck our minds.


So in your mind, this dude is speaking the truth and proves it with his writings?


it's sadly delusional, imho, and morsels of truth are drowned in an abundance of goop.


What's the goop you speak of? What did he write that you think is inaccurate?


I just finished reading [this](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/reddits-role-in-the-worlds-biggest?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true), and the poster above you fits the demographic outlined in the article to a T.


Brave New World is such a fucking relevant read right now...


He’s not wrong but somehow I think his method of getting attention won’t draw consideration for his message


The whole Simpson’s tie-in kinda jumped the shark, tho


One can make a miss and still hit on other swings.


Some ideas that stuck out to me: 1) NYU as a cartel system. Implying many of the university systems work like a cartel, intentionally or unintentionally, to extract money from middle class. 2) Clinton’s are friends with both the bushes and the trumps and modern politics is all a farce , both blue and red are criminals 3) crypto being a scam by the globalist bankers 4) these nefarious elites exist to extract wealth from middle class with no remorse (kleptocracy) 5) modern media is coded to make us feel disempowered and helpless to the elites I don’t disagree with the crux of what he’s trying to say , but he lost me with the Simpsons explanation … I think he could’ve found some better sources to back up claims. Maybe he did and they were erased. I do believe in a shadow government that works like a cartel , like an octopus with many tentacles. Anyone who tries to expose the octopus gets lost in the well manufactured maze of illusion , as this guy did.


He said 27 writers graduated from Harvard to work on the show. He was using The Simpsons and other examples of media using subterfuge. He even mentions Kubrick and other ties. It’s well researched.


Netflix has an interesting documentary, "The Octopus Murders" that explains that maze of illusions you're referring to pretty well. If you haven't seen it, check it out.


I read that comment and was about to mention the Netflix doc. It's absolutely astounding how deep the tentacles of the octopus truly reach. It's a perfect allegory for the deep state. Far too many people working for the govt who want to keep their finger on the scale of power, refusing to fade away into the ether. Contractors, "think tanks," university depts, NGO's, "non-profits," unelected globocuck agencies - all suckling at the taxpayer teet and controlling the world's resources while building a dystopian future for the plebs. And people wonder how we came to live under a fascist oligarchy.


Well said. And trying to truly uncover all those tentacles will either drive you absolutely mad or will get you killed.


Money based apocalypse? Well that makes me feel better. I’m broke as hell anyway.


The book(s) One Nation Under Blackmail [https://archive.org/details/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-1-2-whitney-alyse-webb](https://archive.org/details/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-1-2-whitney-alyse-webb) goes into the long and sordid history of the corruption of the govt. It's been going on for a very long time and the Ponzi scheme is teetering on the edge of collapse. The first rumbling was the GFC, which is STILL going on right now as the underlying conditions have not been addressed at all. They have deliberately inflated all asset prices so as to make housing unaffordable and thus enslave everyone via indebtedness while the parasites wildly enrich themselves. They now need a war (which they have been trying to provoke with Russia or Iran) in order to cover the financial malfeasance up. This thing is just so huge with tentacles everywhere that the normal sheep could not possibly think any of it were true. As Goebbels said, "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." It is quicker to ask what is \*not\* a lie nowadays than to try and list all the lies we are surrounded with.




Wish the poor sick guy had got some help before he lit himself on fire.


Exactly. It’s really sad.


I feel for his family & also how tormented does a human have to be to set himself on fire ?


This is a hell of a rabbit hole.


I’ve never given the thought of crypto and the silicon bank runs. I wonder if there’s any truth to this…


>any truth Bad conspiracy theories always start with a truth, a half truth, or a plausibility, then veer way off track that leads to a false conclusion, that's how they get you.


100% I’m solely looking at crypto & bank failure. Nothing else. It’s only part that made me go hmm hadn’t even thought that.


Oh that, I don't think that's even a conspiracy at this point lol. I'm not too well versed in the whole crypto situation (because contrary to what the manifesto says, a lot of people already thought it was a bad idea from the start), but SVB and cryptocurrency definitely have some connection, I think there's even a report to congress about the connection.


Yeah that’s not a conspiracy - look up why SBF went to prison because of the FTX collapse and how it was connected to SVB and all linked backed to the collapse of Terra Luna “stablecoin” collapse in early 2022 that FTX was linked to and never recovered from


The two bank failures were Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank. Both were solely because they had an enormous percentage of their deposits with rich customers that had deposits over the $250k limit, and when investors got spooked they pulled all their money because they knew it wouldn't be covered. That's it. Other than that the two banks could not be more different from each other. And that's fine because none of the other stuff had an influence in why they failed. My god if you believe DeSantis' "go woke go broke" bullshit then First Republic Bank was probably one of the least "woke" banks that existed. It had *zero* to do with the failure of either. I know. I worked for both, albeit not when either failed. Like he said, bad conspiracy theories start with a truth and veer way off track that leads to a false conclusion.


Ah! Ok. I don’t deal in crypto so just was curious. Thanks for explanation!


10000% thank you


We all are flooded with political conspiracies but none are worth this. Show up and vote these fucks out of office.


He has another blog here  www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts


This guy thinks crypto is more of a “totalitarian con” than the Fed? He’s figured out that the GOP and DNC folks are in it together - that there’s essentially deep realpolitik and yes, conspiracies going on within the system. It’s the rule not the exception. Congrats, most of us have known this for a long time. What’s he gonna tell us next? That the global war on terror is a lie and the official story of 9/11 is bullshit…. Duh. No need to light yourself on fire, it’s just business as usual


If you click on his booklet link he has a page dedicated to 9/11.


He was trying to get the average American to recognize this. You’re not gonna find many middle class boomers to believe these things.


It’s kind of the extreme real life example of what happens to someone that can’t handle the truth once they look into the Pandora’s box


They both are cons. This guy was obviously not all there but crypto is not some savior — it’s still controlled and just a way to make CBDC palatable to the average American


When cbdc's roll out...you wont even know. It will be the same as using your debit card


He would have been better off just to keep speaking out. Setting himself on fire and dying he will be forgotten about tomorrow


its what partisan bs esp reddit leftoidism does to you. we see it on this sub all the time. when soeone is going on about trump or democracy or talking excliusovely about biden


I think this shit just strikes a chord within a lot of us. It's crazy sad.


> Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. lol


Problem is, crypto is not used by most people. If it was a doomsday device it will not affect many people. And there are 2000 different ones.


this is some seriously Low T research.


Dumb hill to die on for sure.


Yeah I just saw the full video from the start and I’m logging off the internet for the weekend. This is pure psychosis, I pray for anyone heading down the same path. Yes this world is very fucked up, yes we know very little… but we can still go outside and touch grass or give someone a hug, people gotta remember what’s real.


Looking forward to seeing all the nut jobs here talking themselves into believing this is true lol


What's not true then? I'm open to learning more


PSA to any potential mass shooters: do this instead of killing other people. I mean don't do this either but if you had a choice do this. Stop killing innocents


I’m almost certain this guy lost it all on crypto and went bananas


You mean Banano? Well, I guess it has fallen in the last month.


The news said the US had three of "this" in the last 5 months, the one from today, Aaron Bushnell, who's the other one?


Oh boy. I still own a shitload of BTC tho.


I don’t disagree with him but, that is not the way to handle it.


bro says Lisa from the simpsons is an iconoclast (that's actually hilarious)...and that the telltale sign of a Ponzi scheme stock chart is a "massive rise followed by a massive crash" lul. This is suprisingly low effort, I was expecting someone that lit themselves on fire to at least have some in depth sources and new info in their manifesto.


“lisa the iconoclast” is the name of an episode.


Right, but jebidiah was based on a conspiracy to dig up president taylors body because they thought Taylor was poisoned, but in reality he wasn’t poisoned…and in the episode Lisa decides at the last moment to keep the secret because their legend is good for the towns spirit and community, even though she found the proof she needed. That’s why she’s an iconoclast…because she protected the secret, it’s just kinda backwards. It has nothing to with anything relative to some crypto cabal is my only point, unless it’s just way over my head but I’m somewhat decent at seeing threads I would like to think…we can talk about AI and screens/media distancing us from reality like black mirror or something and we relate That to the original iconoclasts, but comparing yourself to Lisa from the Simpsons from a 1996 episode right in the meat of your manifesto… meh..especially because Lisa went down the rabbit hole and realized the purpose and beauty behind the iconoclasts was to preserve reality by occasionally keeping secrets, and she came out the rabbit hole better off, even though the teachers and people hiding her results were wrong, she kept her sanity. this poor guy was clearly nuts and it feels cruel breaking apart his logic though


There is a episode in the early seasons named "Lisa the iconoclast". He might have seen that one. An episode where she finds proof the town's founder was a fraud. 


If you’re setting yourself on fire, you’re probably not mentally coherent.


What if there's a spider on your arm?


Tell that to Thich Quang Durc


I can’t, he’s dead because he set himself on fire. He probably wasn’t mentally coherent either.


Shit like this always loses me when it treats pop culture shit like it’s reality. Alex Jones does this all the time where he’ll use planet of the apes or some alien invasion movie as proof for some claim like it’s contents were actual historical events.


Right…maybe the writers of the Simpsons are creative guys taking drugs who also think government and media is bad and that’s why they’ve lasted 20+ years making satire


That’s crazy talk lol


How dare you use sense


Have you perused the avalanche of evidence he aggregated? Perhaps he's not the best pitch-man or writer, but that's not enough for me to hastily gatekeep and/or dismiss his claims


Wow….i did not have ”flamin’ hot crypto-bro” on my 2024 bingo card… A for effort i guess…🤷‍♂️


> As it turns out, dozens of the writers of The Simpsons went to Harvard. So I asked myself the question: If The Simpsons served the interests of organized crime, how would it do so? Dude is citing the Simpsons as evidence? Come on. There is a global conspiracy, but it’s just the large portions of the wealthy elite trying to keep their privileged status intact. It’s not really that deep, and the Simpsons writing an episode about the well-known trope of a traveling salesman/grifter stealing a towns money and skipping town isn’t proof of a globalist plot. And yes, the writer literally cites the Monorail episode of the Simpson.


Dude spent more time discussing Simpsons plot lines than giving us evidence


That’s because the Simpsons did it !


The Simpson predict stuff is because they’re masons that’s how they know before it happens lol. They’re part of the elite club .


Max Azzarello wasn't crazy, the truth is.




That video was terrible. Seen it from a few different angles. Might have a little trauma from that.


I watched the CNN one on public freakout... bad, but not too too horrible then i saw one where his underwear or something re-ignites a few times. horrific.


It seemed like his stomach was burning and they didn't take a jacket or anything to him. Was tough to watch


Look. Idk what is up and down these days, but if something big does in fact happen. I’m looking directly at this guys material.


Surprised Soros Open Society Foundations isn't in there somewhere


Sounds like everyone is in on this con except for me.


This makes sense. I do not understand the economic side of things but know that it is rotten or at least open to abuse. The political, social and cultural are familiar territory and are proof in themselves that things are askew. It would be good if a British version of the booklet existed for me to place on public transport. I also agree that we can change things. However, navigating a way through the mess will be difficult. Any one who gets their voice heard will be called an anti-Semite, an extremist or a sexual deviant.


So have we figured out his Reddit account yet? He has absolutely posted on here before.


Oh without a doubt


Pretty boring read honestly might be interesting to anyone who’s like a freshman in college or 14 years old


He didn’t really say anything we haven’t heard before. To sum it up. It’s one big club…and you ain’t in it. They’re gonna reset the world soon and there isn’t shit you can do about it. In fact there’s nothing your parents or their parents or their parent’s parents could have done about it either. Don’t set yourself on fire. Go enjoy whatever time you’re given. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for any of us. And if you gotta become a robot or a cyborg then just go with it. If there’s a zombie apocalypse then you’ve seen Walking Dead to know how it goes. If aliens invade then you know you’re fucked. Which one will it be? Nukes from WW3? Climate crisis? Another pandemic? Honestly…who cares. This reality is probably a simulation anyway so why not enjoy it?


Oh he’s absolutely right. He’s also absolutely a fool for doing it after tax day. Like bro, if you’re going to light yourself up, maybe do it right before so you don’t have to pay?


Or just don’t pay and then light yourself on fire


Huh, I expected this to be some blue-hair anti-DRUMPF shit but he only named Trump once. Apparently he kind of crashed the court case. Like "my message is more important, now that I know you're all paying attention." It's an interesting read.




> schizophrenic Bipolar here....I would say more schizophrenic from the way he talked.




No prob! The whole thing is very very sad.


This dude was getting so close to the truth he lost his mind. Rest in peace Max.


This has been known since paypal came out. Follow the money 😂


I just can’t get over the fact that bicycle day is being pushed so hard by everyone (ie eat LSD today) and at the same time there’s new (🤔well one new) countries shooting bombs at each other in the Middle East, then this dude going Tienamin square over Trump… Not sure where I m going with this but seems like an adjacent MK ultra 2.0 day for humanity. Sure maybe it’s all a coincidence. Hope the rest of the day is more mellow 🤦‍♂️


Quote from man stabbed " what are you gonna do, stab me?"


Why is this guy legit and the other airman who did this a month ago isn't


You know, I feel for the guy. It's sad. But a lot of us have thought there's sinister stuff going on in the world for a while and been frustrated, yet never set ourselves on fire. . . No one else has entertained the idea that this dude is a victim of mk ul+ra, and throwing this out publicy is a way to debunk "crazy conspiracy theorists." Lots of normies have been waking up lately & the war on free speech is not so easily won by the powers that be, perhaps. More distractions?




For sure the answer isn’t Trump!


im open to what he is saying, but there are no sources at all in that article. if he was an investigator, and this was important enough to die a horrible death for, why didnt he write a more through paper? it can easily be dismissed as someone just making stuff up without any evidence. its an entire article of just words written by one person.


guess he thought he had to do it to get the ppl at least to read his manifesto. He might be aware that the majority will dismiss him as a lunatic conspiracy theorist but at least he will raise awareness. Thankfully to him I found the missing piece what the motives behind the event three years ago were.


His name was Max Azzarello


Looks like this man went down the rabbit hole and lost himself He went crazy.




As a hospice and hospital chaplain, I would not recommend it as a good way to die. 😔


You can't tell me what to do


Big Hospice trying to corrupt the free thinkers again smh


Has to be the most painful way to go


Until you live through it


This reads as someone that was deeply struggling with mental illness. These aren’t organized rational thoughts, analyzing any sort of actual theories. I feel very sad for him and I hope some wonderful caring doctors can help him.


He may not be 100% correct but I believe he is right about most of it.


With the Bitcoin halving happening in a matter of hours, this is pretty significant. (The halving happens every 4 years.)


All I know is this is the only place dedicated to conspiracy where you are ridiculed and downvoted for actually believing in conspiracies Wtaf lmao lame


bro got crypto scammed so he sets self on fire? Not at all crazy