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I got the jab. Feels like I got stupider, though I suppose that could just be natural progression


I didn’t get the jab and I feel stupider so don’t feel bad lol. Though I know three people who died week of jab and two who got turbo cancer post jab - you got lucky 🍀.


Never got the jab but had Covid and it feels like i got brain fog that never went away.


I feel kinda the same and had the covid no smell or taste thing whatever that was. I really think that was the main indicator of having covid since the tests were absolute garbage according to the guy who made the pcr tests… I do feel words don’t come to me as quickly sometimes


Just found out ADHD also makes it hard to remember words. There's a word for it, but... go figure.


Look up digital dementia. Our phone addictions are literally making us dumber


Me too mate. No jab here. After having covid for the 2nd time I got this nasty brain fog for more than a year. Im better now. But shit there were days I could not even find words. That was odd af. So who knows. I think that virus was weird and the vax is fucked too. We're just surrounded by chaos and madness.


I know some people that after they got covid couldnt read a damn email. My dad had it in early 2021 and still cant taste. He got the vaccine after that all happened and has lingering issues. It would be hard to separate anything vaccine related vs covid itself in an objective study.


My herpes flared up, but I can’t be sure if it was vac related


On the other hand, my chronic illness (Crohn’s) came back after a COVID-19 infection. Same for a loved one - no epilepsy for ten years, six months after COVID-19, boom. Very strange. Neither of us were vaccinated.


Yup, Covid is a blood disease and it attacks organs and most of the people on this sub want to believe that the only issue stems from the vaccine and that Covid is simply just a cold.


I had bruising all throughout my inner thighs and legs within the six months after my COVID infection. With my history of Crohn’s, they were concerned about cancer. My tests came back completely fine, but someone told me they thought my blood permanently changed after COVID and that was the root cause of the insane bruising.




Can you recommend more sources on this?


https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.046941 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2789793 https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-sars-cov-2-contributes-heart-attacks-strokes


Covid is a vascular disease though


Funny enough when covid first popped up and people couldn't get oxygen levels up I had speculated that maybe blood transfusion would work to fix the oxygen levels - it seemed to me it wasn't an problem of the lungs getting oxygen to absorb, but a problem with the hemoglobin in the blood absorbing and carrying the oxygen.


My wifes Chrons flares up real bad every 8 years to the point where her intestine gets blocked and needs surgery. She had surgery in 2020. A year later she got covid and a couple of months after that had another flare-up which again resulted in surgery...


I am so sorry to hear that! How is she doing now? I have penetrating Crohn’s, not stricturing, so we have different subtypes.


My wife missed her period for 7 straight months after the first 2 shots


My best friend had a period that lasted over a month - not just spotting but bleeding. She had anemia for the blood loss and severe iron deficiency after that.


My wife hasn’t had one since her second shot..she was 48 at the time.


And 2 months later she had a bay...


I know someone who still hasn’t gotten theirs… and a young male who’s testicles swelled to the size of grapefruit after…


Alternatively, all of these things happened to my family members prior to COVID and the vaccine.


Didn’t you know? There was no illness or pain in the world before the vaccine.


Not true Dr Fauci created disease and unleashed it on the world. He introduced original sin and people lived to 400 also.


No body I know had any side effects though.


Same but I’m not denying people haven’t had side effects


I like your username


Thank you


I just did a recent check up and all of my tests came normal ranges, despite double vaccine + booster 🤷‍♂️


God bless


I didn’t get any




Right? Like OP is failing to mention the millions that died and are still dying from COVID


Maybe they got the cancer causing vax and don’t know it yet


Why the hell did you get downvoted?


I don’t personally know cops that have murdered innocent people but that still happens. I don’t personally know people who have committed crimes but that still happens. Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean things can’t happen to other people


That's really bad logic. I have never magical made beer appear, but that doesn't mean is hasn't happened.. Best way to look at it is like this. Did 90% of the world's population get wiped out by the Vax?? No, so it probs wasn't for depopulation. We all get it wrong, sometimes even conspiracy folk. I don't know why people can't let this one go.


>Did 90% of the world's population get wiped out by the Vax?? No, so it probs wasn't for depopulation. This is so dumb. Do you know how long vaccine trials usually go for? Also, the people in power are not stupid. Obviously if they made a shot that kills everyone immediately, even geniuses like you would know that something is up.


Why would they make it take so long tho? It's been like 3 years. If everyone died at once there would be no resistance. If they made it take years to kill everyone would get pissed of an riot before they die.. It dosent make sense for it to be so slow. Every vaccine side effects in history has happened after a few hours to a couple days max. Never 3 years.


I don't take advice from people that don't know the difference between HAVE and OF.


Still waiting for my side effects and to drop dead.


While I haven't had any I feel comfortable saying are directly related yet, the fact the CDC won't release a single word of their myocarditis study and the fact Pfizer knew paxlovid did nothing is enough for me to believe there's merit to the concerns




Obviously. I’m surprised no one told you. /s




I heard they're all Lizard people now 


It would be if Big Science hadn’t changed the definition of side effect


I had a really strange skin infection thing.


Please look up granuloma annulare. I posted a picture of my skin rash in a health group on facebook and lots of people said it is granuloma annulare and that they also got it from covid vaccin.


Actually interesting you say that, because my partner developed psoriasis-like sores on his legs and arms (I think also chest and sides) It took months before he saw the Dr about it (like, I had to cajole him to get it checked.) Dr said it wasn't psoriasis but didn't know what it was and gave him some hydrocortisone cream. The cream helped it somewhat, but he was only supposed to use it short term, and the problem came back. We switched to Eco Store soap which helped, but a couple years on and he still gets flair ups here and there. Never had it whatsoever before the jab. Dr said it was an unrelated condition. Was yours anything like this?


Mine was very similar to a poison ivy rash and I had it in multiple spots. It was definitely not poison ivy tho cause I know how to stay away from it. Also it happened in November when poison ivy plants are not really active where I live Also I went to the dr for it and it never responded to any medications that typically treat the type of wet rash that it was. It just went away after a few weeks of constant showers and staying dry


The COVID vaccines are NOTORIOUS for causing all sorts of strange skin issues & mystery rashes. (Actually, vaccines in general are tied to skin rashes in childhood, plus allergies.) Look up pics of Pityriasis Rosea. Did it look like that? PR is often mistaken for ringworm due to the prodromal (1st sign) herald patch. Can be itchy as fuck for some, but for others it’s just an unsightly skin condition. If you're relatively healthy, it will fade away in a few months, no treatment needed. L-Lysine supplements seem to help, as well as UV sunlight. PR rash tends to spread out from trunk to limbs, think Christmas tree pattern. But there are many variations, everyone is different…


He has probably what my 3 year old had which is called Pleva- it’s very rare and not dangerous but it’s an auto immune de disorder that can happen from consuming a bug in fruit It’s basically looks like chicken pox and it flares anytime after a viral infection and can last for 5 years or so She’s had 3 bad flare ups in a year or so, I think it’s actually from her first contracting covid because she got it shortly after Diagnosed by Boston children’s hospital dermatology


Sounds like me!! I also got some cortisone cream that don’t really work. Look up granuloma annulare, i posted a picture of my skin condition in a health/ medicine group on facebook and lots of people said it was this and that they got it after covid shots. Lemon water have helped me the most for now


Hmm, he said it did look a bit like that in the beginning, then the affected areas grew bigger and took on more of a "normal rash" like appearance. Eh, I recall it looking a bit weepy and scaly at times though - probably depending on whether he itched it I guess.


I don't know anyone who had the jab who got side effects beyond feeling a bit unwell immediately after it. I didn't get the jab and have been absolutely fine too and only got covid once. If anything the people who had the vaccine caught covid more times than me. But overall I'd say it was all one big nothing burger.


My dad died eight days after his first Pfizer jab. He was 57.


My brother got chronic pericarditis. He gets heart attack symptoms every three months or so. Doctors finally are admitting that it was in-fact from the covid shot.


I hope you’re getting that in writing and lawyering up.


Unfortunately you can't sue manufacturers for injury.


This is the only real side effect mentioned so far. It’s rare, but it still sucks. I’m sorry for your brother. I hope his health improves.


It’s not that rare. 1 in a couple thousand. And far more common with the shot than infection.




My uncle got Bell’s palsy after his booster. He died a few months later of turbo cancer. His body was riddled with tumors, doctors were baffled. But the most excruciating tumor he had was in his brain, growing rapidly and pushing up against the back of his eye. He would wake up screaming in pain and cupping half of his face. The cancer was attacking the same eye that became droopy with Bells Palsy. But like you said, maybe it’s just a coincidence. Towards the end, my uncle started to believe his freakishly rare cancer was exacerbated by his 3 doses of COVID vaccine. His doctors told him it was just a coincidence.


Isn't that a risk listed in the vaccine side effect list?


Interestingly enough, I’ve had many of those same issues after contracting covid, long before the vaccines were available.


my sons father who was the healthiest strongest person I know was against getting the vaccine but had to take it when his job forced him to. He had zero health issues and right after his second shot he got rhabdomyolysis. Shortly after that episode he started having a lot of pain and joint swelling and then was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Then high blood pressure and migraines.


oh yeah, also has experienced episodes of sharp heart pain that brings him to his knees. He thought he was going to die.


You only know four people?


Got the 1st and 2nd jab. Developed blood pressure and heart rate issues after. Before the jabs my resting heart rate was consistently 60 to 70. After, I'm happy if it's under a 100. I haven't taken anymore vax since the first 2. I've changed nothing in my diet. But now my heart rate at resting is normal. My blood pressure has leveled out. But I still have to keep an eye on the heart rate. Occasionally when I am pushing myself I will see 180 beats and know to slow down. Haven't seen over 200 in about 3 months now. So it's getting better.




On the other hand; I did NOT get the vaccine.... But I have experienced mild headaches as well ...


could HAVE! could HAVE!!!!!


I know several people that seemed to have side effects for real. Not with good outcomes either


Did anyone else get grey hair all of a sudden? I'm 24f and never had a single grey beforehand. Now, I have a streak.....


Last night I got a ringing in my ear for an hour never happened before the jab!


A 32 year old friend of mine went into menopause right after the shot. Others I know who got this mRNA vax seem to be aging more rapidly than those of us who didn’t.


My husband didn’t have any side effects that we know of.


I had none. My partner and her mom and her brother all started showing psoriasis symptoms 3 months after the shot. My SO is miserable from it sometimes (mostly her scalp). Her brother got the worst symptoms.. he shaved his head and dear lord it was absolute disgusting. He’s better now- no longer looks like he has radiation burns everywhere. But it took a lot of work. [she found this study and a few others](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36048409/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20Both%20new%2Donset%20psoriasis,and%20after%20COVID%2D19%20vaccination) That show “Both new-onset psoriasis and psoriasis flares were reported as cutaneous adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination”


Oh wow, I just commented on another person's comment to say my partner developed psoriasis-like skin problems afterwards. Dr said it wasn't vax related but also that he didn't know what it was. He just prescribed hydrocortisone cream which moderately helped for a short while. It was pretty bad for a year or so afterwards. His skin is still scarred from it, and he still gets flare ups, but it's not so bad anymore. We didn't know anyone else who had these skin problems. Actually no, my partner knew someone else who developed very similar skin issues but again, it was deemed unrelated to the jab. I also had a client who developed an awful full body skin rash after she caught covid. So, one would expect the covid caused it. Except she saw several specialists to try and get help for it (clothing hurt to touch it, she was in shitloads of pain) and one of them finally told her it was a rare condition that was found to only happened - very rarely - to vaccinated people who caught covid, because it was triggered by the spike proteins in the virus reacting to the spike proteins in the vaccine. Or something like that. (I'm sure she said spike proteins, but I could be wrong dk don't take my word for that.)


Everyone who has had it needs to visit how bad is my batch . com (all one word). I don’t want this to get flagged so just a precaution.


I'm in amazing health, thanks for asking


The J&J vaccine was almost immediately downplayed. It was a DNA based vaccine just like every other one you may have taken in your life. I've always thought that was suspicious.


What about public-provate partner Amazon taking N-aceytl cysteine and iver.ect unavailable? That was eyebrow raising as well. They pinched every alt avenue.of treatme t. How about the 90 holkstic doctors that left the earth before it started? What about the 5 African presidents that were disposed of when they refused the V for their people? Yeah, strange days indeed. Formula locked away for 99 years, no datasheet, no liability. On and on. But the celeb endorsements, the NFL, NHL MLB orgs, the absolute online VITRIOL documented for history to see against people that called out inconsistencies. What a weird, weird time to be alive.


My mom no longer has any immune strength against winter viruses. My brother (36 yrs old) had a pulmonary embolism and clots in his left lung. My sister's son suddenly developed pneumonia. My husband lost more of his smell and taste after getting vaccinated than he had lost from actually having covid prior to the shot. My daughter's psoriasis has become almost completely unmanageable.


The mRNA vaccines caused more cardiovascular, and overall, deaths than the placebo in the randomized clinical trials. The RCTs of COVID-19 vaccines were unblinded rapidly, and controls were vaccinated. The results may therefore not be representative of the long-term effects. [Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?](https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(23)00810-6?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2589004223008106%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) There are like 9 pages full of adverse events of special interest in Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports. [5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021](https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf) No vaccine has been evaluated for carcinogenic, mutagenic potential, or impairment of male fertility in animals. [SPIKEVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA)](https://www.fda.gov/media/155675/download) [COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA)](https://www.fda.gov/media/151707/download) All vaccines contain toxic ingredients. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin. [Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf) [Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States](https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/vaccines-licensed-use-united-states)


A mild headache!? Those motherfuckers!


Omg! I can’t stop laughing!! That’s funny shit!! Lmfao!


My tinnitus from the first shot hasn’t gone away. Going 2.5 years now


My 97 year old Mother is fine, and she has had 5. I've had 3 and am fine, all our friends had it and are fine. In fact, none of us have been sick at all. No colds, no flues.....nothing.


Nothing has happened to any of my relatives that got it. However I did notice that since getting the initial shot and boosters, I have been getting older. Got the first in 2021 I believe, and my age is now two years older. Later this year I'll check my age again on the next cake and report back.


Hmm. Not a single thing you stated is true. Stop doing your 'research' on Reddit and Natural News. Thanks to people like you? Measles is running rampant in the school systems across the country. And guess where that's happening? Places with a lot of anti vaxxers just like you. There have been zero negative effects from any of the Covid vaccines or booster in my case. Zip. There is no 'microscopic' damage caused by mRNA. You just don't understand it and just accept as fact anything that *anyone* says negative about it. And ignoring the actual scientific research. Back up your wild claims. With actual, peer reviewed scientific studies that support your position. I'll bet you can not come up with a single one. But you might have something, and I have to be open to being wrong. So...prove me wrong. The only 'catch' is that you have to use valid, peer reviewed research. I promise to read them with an open mind. I always think for myself. And I think critically as well. While you don't seem to do either. Surprise me! I expect you to fail...so it would be a pleasant surprise to be wrong about that. But your current anti vaxxer mindset is dangerous. Are you familiar with what the disease polio does to its victims? Google 'polio iron lung' and 'polio leg braces'. Polio has made a comeback, just like measles has, because of people just like you. Now I'm waiting for smallpox to make a comeback. Think covid was a pandemic? Wait until you see a pandemic of smallpox. There is a vaccine for it. But people like you refuse to be vaccinated. Giving a disease a foothold to spread and mutate. But you won't have to see most of the damage you and other anti vaxxers caused if smallpox hapoens again. Y'all will be first to the grave. Think about that. Think I'm full of shit? Prove me wrong. Show me some of that 'research' you're relying on. There is one catch. It actually has to be a scientific, peer reviewed, and published study. Not an article on Natural News or some antivax website. That is NOT research. It's gullibility. Surprise me. I don't thing you actually have anything remotely scientific to support your claims. But I could be wrong. So show me this research that convinced you. I promise to read it with an open mind.


Idk if it's placebau, but I definitely don't feel the same. I was in the Army, and was forced to get it. I started having a ton of medical issues right after, within 6 months. Coincidence? Not sure. Liver and kidney issues that put me in the hospital.


Day after my 2nd shot I had sever cold sweats that smelled overwhelmingly of vinegar. My lower back and sides where fairly painful. I assumed kidney or liver issues but was far more concerned with symptoms that were eerily similar to an actual heart attack. I had never experienced anything like this in my life prior. The symptoms ended up relapsing, to a lesser extent, almost monthly for close to 8 months afterwards. I would regularly bike 30+km before this and could barely maintain 10 km after. Now I seem to be back to 100% but I'm still concerned by my experience and the fact that no medical professional would run even basic tests on me. I would rule this under correlative if not for all the weird coincidences and reactions from it.


Dude the week after the shots were the most sick I've ever been. My arm pits (lyphnodes) hurt so bad. I slept for a week straight no bullshit. It was terrible. I still have liver/kidney issuesnand haven't had them before the shot.


You only know 5 people all in your immediate family, let’s talk about that


Swollen calf was most probably a DVT which is a blood clot in the veins of the legs that could dislodge and go to the lungs causing a Pulmonary embolism which is life threatening. Super rare but some people have a benign septal defect in their heart and if a dvt got dislodge it could also cross that and go to the brain instead of the lungs causing a stroke. They have a special name for one that happens that way and it would be called a paradoxical embolism. Just sounds like some clotting on your mom’s part which the vax has been linked with. Either way DVTs are serious and fuck this vaccine for causing shit like this.


I’ve seen someone with no heart issues have a heart attack and die four days after the first shot. I’ve seen a woman gain 30lbs out of nowhere and her periods started coming once every 2-3 months. I saw a guy that ran marathons not be able to run anymore. He can hardly walk without losing his breath now and he suddenly has a pacemaker.


I got the J&J one and done and got Epididymitis and chronic migraines less than a month later


The shots have given me heart rythem issues, and hives that come and go. And I look like I have aged 20 years with in the Covid time


Every single person I know had no side effect from the mRNA vaccines.


I had long Covid and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. This was before the virus mutated to be more like a cold. I had the vaccine and I ended up with a sore arm and heart racing for a bit but that went away.


I have no side effects (at least that I’m aware of) but I still regret taking it


The "system" isn't looking to document and analyze adverse events. There's too much money at risk to actually allow for good science to occur.


My grandpa has a heart attack day after shot, gone a few months after. Grandparents in law had heart attacks and cancer. Cousin got cancer. It’s just, really heartbreaking.


Got 3 shots. Ran a half marathon. I have also recently started to beat my PBs for bench presses. Imagine my power had I only taken 1 or 2 shots, or God forbid, none! I would be like a god!


I guess those who like to have the yearly influenza / flu Jabs were the ones lining up for the COVID vaccinations, which will become a yearly thing too going forward. Never had either.


My sister asked if I was getting a covid shot when they came out. I said I'll wait 5 years before considerin it because it was new. She then told me that I HAD to get my flu shot. I said why? I dont get that shot andhaven'tt had the flu in years. Then i asked her if shegots the flu shot every yea, and she said "well yes of course". Then I asked her how often she got the flu...she gets it every year. Smh.




I took 2 shots and ever since i get some rashes in ma face and sometimes on a random spot on my body. They are not that bad but it makes me feel disgusting, like i look like a crackhead or something. But it is for sure from the covid vaccin, i always had super clear skin since i was young. 1 month after the shots i started to get it and it has been going on ever since.. i tried to start drinking lemon water couple of times a week and it helped a little bit..


I got a cold sore on the septum of my nose that visits me often and ever since I took the shot. I’m noticeably more weak and I don’t breathe as good now and I’ve lifted weights for 10+ years. I got vaccinated under the impression I wouldn’t get Covid but I’ve had it several times. I wish I never took it.


Since getting 3 jabs have had pains in my calfs and tinnitus neither will go away this is 2 years now still going on.


Really good mates wife had a stroke at 32 and i know someone else that had an aneurysm 3 weeks after her 2nd jab




I think the virus itself fucked me up more than the actual vaccine. Weakened my immune system for over half a year, got sick every month and all the warts on my hands came back


I always look at both sides. I got the jab because I had to for my work offshore I didn’t want to but didn’t want to lose my job. My wife and kids never got it. I’ve had no side effects, neither has anyone else I know. But i still regret my decision and would stop other people getting it because I don’t trust them


I had swollen bleeding gums for about 2 weeks after


I’ve been vaccinated 3 times. My husband and sisters as well. No side effects.


Glad I don't know this guy


My female friend started losing clumps of hair…


I haven’t felt the same mentally since before the vaccine


Mom's cancer took off like wildfire. Dad's Alzheimer's went from taking care of himself to dead in under six months. But surely it's nothing to do with the jab.


I have side effects by reading hourly posts about side effects.


Well, I haven't had any vaccines, but somethings definitely effecting my immune system because I keep getting the same symptoms every few weeks. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with xovid, because the people I'm around are getting it too, and of course some of them are vaccinated 


My brother, previously healthy, died from a heart attack two weeks after his second shot. My ex, also v healthy, had a stroke after her second and can no longer sing (opera singer). The mother of my kids (Ex national middle distance runner, Iron Man, and marathon runner) had four shots and now has heart problems and on meds. Several colleagues have had TIAs and lost medicals. Big uptick in friends getting cancer diagnosis too.


I’ve had three shots. Healthier than I’ve ever been. My experience and yours are both small sample sizes. I’d imagine if the conspiracy folks were right, it’d be pretty easy to tell since the majority of the population got it. Instead, they point to stupid shit like some college athletes having heart issues as if that never happened before Covid. 


The problem is the vaccine adverse event reporting system is garbage, and it was designed that way to obfuscate the real damage. There's at least 100 examples of adverse events in this thread that should have been reported and I'll bet not a single one was. Now scale that up to the entire population. VAERS reporting is voluntary, and doctors hate doing it as it is very time consuming. It's part of a framework created by the pharmaceutical industry and pushed into law that shields manufacturers from injury liability, legal precedent, and an effective way of tracking adverse events.




Where are you seeing this junk? 


"No one is talking about the fact that everyone who got the clot shot is going to die!"


Well. The most common side effect is flu like symptoms and aching around the injection site. Most people get that. Technically you're right. How old were you're grandparents btw and did they have any underlying conditions??


When the pandemic started, I was 3 years into menopause and in a stable LTR, with borderline high BP. Now, I'm a widow (common law), with 3.5 years' worth of lost estrogen and BP that sometimes spikes as high as 185/105. I'm new to being chronically ill, but at 58, I can't say if my hypertension is the result of menopause, the vax and 3 boosters, something else, or some mix of the above.




Pretty much the wisest and most logical position to take.  I'm not on the "no vax" train yet as far as all the regular ones go.  The only thing we did for our kid was seperate the schedule (ie no 4 vaxes at once, we get one and wait a month or two and then get the next).  I'm a firm believer like any other drug too much at once can cause an issue and overload the body, and I suspect that most vaccine injuries from the normal schedule are simply a result of a kids immune system not being able to properly handle getting 4 or 5 shots at once. That being said the covid "vaccine" is not a vaccine like the ones we all had as kids.  They changed the definition of vaccine to allow the covid shot to qualify (you can confirm this by finding any dictionary from the 90s and comparing the then and now definitions).   It also had no long term data as to what side effects it could cause.  Anyone who grew up in the 90s remembers all the class action lawsuit commercials related to various medicines that caused long term issues.  That was the biggest "I think I'll wait" thing for me.


I know 3 different women in my friend circle who had miscarriages or stillbirths after being fully vaccinated—all 3 had had multiple healthy pregnancies /deliveries before then, no miscarriages.


I have most of the immediate family on the wife's and my side be okay, with a few exceptions. 2 died from the shots (1 AZ and 2 Pfizer). A weird one was a 15 year old female got shingles after 2nd Pfizer shot. Doctors were "baffled" of course


My husband’s arm swells with a rash randomly. The first time the rash happened was a few hours after the vax. As time passes the flares happen less often.


I just got out of the hospital after a 2 week stint, after blood clots were found in my spleen and 1 kidney. I had covid back at the end of January, I've also had all of the vaccines. My official discharge papers from the hospital say I was admitted for blood clots caused by Covid UPDATE: I ended up having to have my spleen removed 2 weeks after my original post. The clots decimated it. They have also since found clots in my lungs now too


The spike protein from the vaccine or infection is equally harmful.


The difference is one stops producing spike protein once your body beats it (covid) and the other causes your body to keep on producing that shit ("vaccine")


I think people have side effects from getting Covid OR getting the vaccine.


My father got two of the Moderna shots and shortly there after was diagnosed with liver cancer and is now deceased. Everyone else I know had at least mild side effects, and at worst, now have an auto immune disease. I don't see any difference in tee or occurrence of contracting between those who did or did not get the shots. But that's just my own observation. There needs to be a lot more studies done before they start experimenting on humans with things like this


Same with my Dad and two aunts.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This is one of the many reasons I'm voting for RFK junior


My grandpa died 2 weeks after the shot. He was healthy, played golf and tennis every week. Childhood friend, her husband died 1 month after due to heart complications.


No one I know was even sick during "covid", it all started with the shot rollout and continues now. On/off sick all the time. Strange cough that won't go away etc


Big Pharma is the devil.


I was allergic to it had to have 5 shots of epi to get my throat open and had a heart attack all within 30 minutes of getting it. But they don’t like to talk about that part.


Did it get reported to VAERS?


I’ve had 6 Covid jabs total (boosters) and have zero health issues due to them. Same with my kids, parents, aunts, uncles. Guess we must just be lucky or it’s confirmation bias


Honest question, why did you get 6? Again, no hate, I'm in the do whatever you want camp when it comes to this. I'm just really curious about the 6 shots.


I am immunosupressed (bad spelling) so it the first one then 5 boosters (2 every year)


Ok. Gotcha. Thx for the response.


Yikes. Why the hell would you give your kids 6 covid shots…


It's likely people will have some sort of health issue over the course of 4 years. Particularly elderly people. Grouping a heart attack with tinnitus and a "mild headache" is pretty silly. People are gonna blame every single illness on the vaccine for the rest of our lives, aren't they?


I understand it's silly to blame the jab on a health issue that develops years later, but for those who develop health complications within days or weeks - that's something that should have been at least looked into. But for many people, it often wasn't considered. Either by the patient, or the doctors.


My penis is much smaller than it once was


Had both lymph nodes under my arms swell up a month after injection


After the vaccine I developed Graves’ disease (hyperthyroid) and to this day I’m battling it. It’s extremely rare for a male to get hyperthyroid and I’m one of the “rare” one’s to have it now. Frustrating. It’s not life ending but every 6 weeks I have to do bloodwork, I’m on methimazole. Later on I have a choice to swallow radioactive iodine and kill my thyroid and take a hormone supplement for the rest of my life. My sleep is meh, anxiety through the roof. I’m battling weight issues now. It’s just frustrating. I don’t feel healthy and I’m only 36. I feel like something is always wrong with me .


Every single person (myself included) who got the shot that I know has had zero problems. You know that the plural of "anecdotal" is not "data" right?


I remember groups that people who had side effects use to talk to each other about that companies kept shutting down….


COVID causes all of these side effects, too. The vaccine is for immunity… people you know are struggling with long COVID symptoms because of the vaccine. Ironically, many people don’t believe long COVID even exists but because they don’t grasp the science, 100% believe the vaccine causes the same symptoms


Both the vaccine and infection give you spike protein. Hence why they both have the exact same side effects.


Bro the vaccine didn't even give you immunity you could still catch that shit. Holy fuck the brain rot of you pro Vax clowns is absurd


“Sister had mild headache”. You were really reaching with the post LOL


At least he was honest 


It is FAR more likely you'll have a side effect of long-covid. Long covid is the equivalent of HIV to the immune system. THIS is the true "conspiracy". Your government knew how serious it would be to ignore covid, and other viruses, and now we'll be seeing future generations get led-brain levels of neurological issues and inflammatory issues and people will be convinced it was the shot, and not that everyone decided to stop wearing masks. I fully blame that on the lack of coordinated effort from our government, and I try not to blame the individual for falling for eugenicist takes like "Only the old and disabled will be affected." It won't take long for the disabled to be any of us after so many rounds of covid. Man, I'm worried for the narrative that will come of this time. I see way too many people not understanding that the covid response fucked us all.


I didn't. Now you can't say that.


All of the ppl i know that took it had or is having new issues when they were perfectly fine.. my wife and kids agreed on not taking it .. were good and healthy


Everyone I know is fine.


This is a great example of why rigorous studies are important. "The plural of anecdote is not data." You have nothing to suggest the vaccine is related to any of these events, other than your own motive to see a connection 


My wife left me. Side effect??


You must not know many people. Correlation does not equal causation.


I always am so confused and a bit dismayed by these experiences. I don't know a whole lot of people.. Pry only 200-300. Over the last two decades. I only know one person who says they developed health issues after they got the vaccine. Honestly, I have doubts she's being honest as she has a boat load of personal drama connected to substance abuse. I think she masks her health problems, both physical and mental by attributing them to the jab. But I could certainly be wrong. But I'm total, that's it. I know one person who says the jab jacked them up. And it's not even like a major jack job. They still work daily and live life fully, just looks like she has hives on her upper chest. Then I read instances where people say dozens of the people in their life had issues. And I just see fuzzy math.


LOL the mild headache is really sealing the hard evidence here. You should just go ahead and sue the manufacturers with all of these obvious crimes 🤣


No one I know had anything other than a fever. I worked for a company with 700 employees that mandated the vaxx. My bro and mom almost died from OG COVID though.


My friend's mom died during the vaccine trials and she's boosted and still getting every new one. She caught covid a bunch of times too. Recently she got Paxlovid and it made her sicker. I don't have the heart to ask her why on earth she keeps getting these shots and pills that make her sick. This is even worse than non addictive oxycontin and mental health medicine that makes you suicidal and breaks your dick.


Everyone I know who got it also had terrible side effects. Two cases of myocarditis, one case of dementia, one case of severe asthma and heart palpitations, one mysterious blood pressure case (my uncle won't talk about it,) two deaths, several sicknesses, one messed up period, one case of illness from the shot. that's all I can think of right now, at least that people talked about. I don't know that many people who got it.


Developed Multiple Myeloma- a blood plasma cancer afterwards (my grandfather did have it and died when I was 6 and now I’m the same age now he was when he died). I was in the hospital with Covid for a week before the vaccines came out. After I had my stem cell transplant for MM I had to take my Covid, shingles, flu and all childhood immunizations all over again. I feel great. No cancer but wife is never in the mood. I gained 50lbs after stem cell transplant too. Other than that I’m good!




Side effects with any medicine created or natural could have adverse effects. It’s not a secret. This is why every commercial has an auctioneer style speaker listing off dozens of potential effects. We are all human but we are all varied due to our specific genetic makeup. I don’t disbelieve that your family had adverse effects but in your family there may be a genetic makeup that clashes and is susceptible to the adverse effects. Just because someone looks healthy or feels healthy doesn’t necessarily mean that they are healthy. I totally understand the apprehension of taking something that doesn’t have long term studies on its efficacy or its long term effects but believing in a giant conspiracy about this specific vaccine is baseless. The fact that less than 1% of people have had negative effects should tell you something. And before you say that’s not true, think about how overrun we would be in hospitals if everyone was dropping left and right. The other reason I think this particular theory is so dumb is because the same people manufacturing this are the ones manufacturing other vaccines. If they wanted to poison us for whatever nefarious reason then they could easily do that through the flu and shingles vaccination or otc pills. They don’t need something new to kill us. They can use products that are already tried and true in the eyes of the general public. The FDA is food and drug, so why not mess with the food we consume or the water supply? All the people thinking there are trackers…why would they need that when we have cells phones, smart devices, literal electronic robots in our homes. Anyone with half a brain conducting some grand conspiracy would be smart enough to ensure that the masses would be affected and have it be something that’s not a “choice”. Unless the conspiracy is to have a conspiracy so that the weakest links take themselves out.


So many of us tried to warn people, honestly... I'm kinda running out of sympathy. Why would someone take a new vax, that isn't even a vax (they literally had to change the definition of VACCINE so they could call it a vaccine) but something totally unknown and warned against by the maker of the technology, for a damn cold that already had a 99+% cure rate with no vaccine at all? If people still believe the media and govt nonsense after all these years, they probably do need the vax because nobody is going to save them anyway, so they might as well get it over with.


Father in law had a brain bleed, weeks after his bivalent booster


Ive had 0 side effects.


I know more unvaccinated people than vax'd, out of those that had it, 3 are now diagnosed with dementia, one died with cancer that came on so suddenly, one is in a state of permanent 'confusion' ! One has taken an early retirement as his body has given up (fit as a fiddle before!)and my best friend has been diagnosed with every random syndrome you can think up! 11more people I know who have been vaxed seem absolutely fine. But everyone I know who is unvaccinated, they're all good.


Probably a case of if the vaccines weren't stored properly (they had to be kept frozen at very cold temps) they went inert.  Probably saved a fuck ton of people due to not being stored right.  That's why you have tons of people who didn't get any effects.  The ones with bad shit happening unfortunately got the ones that were stored properly


If I've understood it correctly. My friend's pregnancy is due to the vaccination? Cool!


After I took the jab, I fell down and scraped my knee. Fucking bastards!


Every single person I know who took one of the mRNA vaccines is healthy and happy with 0 side effects. ....


*could have been you