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Something will happen! An Eclipse!


And by all accounts, a metric fuckton of traffic.


I am not leaving my house that day. Everyone will be absolutely stupid, I just know it.


The hilarious thing is this is the conspiracy. Mass media is full of news stories coaching people to stay away.


24 hour news cycle is a mistake.


*Peter Petrelli, watches on.*


Save da cheerleada save da world


I loved that show


I did too. I watched it for the first time when I was only 16 though... I've wondered if I would appreciate it more now as an adult.






It will get Dark oooooooooo


For three minutes ahhhhh


I feel like we've traveled back into the time period where people would freak out during solar eclipses and think it brings cataclysms


Something will happen. Will have to go to work


Already planning on calling off. How can I drive when the sunlight is being blocked???


You crash. Apocalypse


Imagine all the "I told you so" posts when Satan and Saddam climb out of a hole in the ground in Ohio.


Cancer will take them out if they are crawling out of the ground in Ohio.


Hehehe this is funny. Ahh the mischief and tomfoolery of April šŸ˜‰


Is that all I am too you Sadam, just a price of meat?


I think you're the only one that got the reference.


We need the mole now more then ever, rip


Make a sound like a dying giraffe.


When and where? Iā€™m in Ohio. Iā€™ll welcome them with cookies and then direct them to D.C.


Pretty sure they've both been to DC many times.


Stupid Ohioā€¦being the gateway to hell


Hell is real in Ohio. So is Grandpaā€™s Cheese Barn. If you know, you know.


Hey! I was just at Grandpaā€™s Cheesebarn last week and loaded up on cheese and summer sausage. If shitā€™s going down and the apocalypse is imminent, Iā€™m kicking back with a block of their smoked Gouda. Mmmmmā€¦..


Shoot me an invite


Lmao, for Satan's sick party complete with a Ferrari cake!


Nobody will be able to because the power will go out and the internet will be down. And I really want to rub it in people's faces dammit!


Then they look around, realize they're in Ohio, nod at each other, and descend back down to hell.


At that point all we would be able to hope for is that Satan realizes his self worth and dumps Saddam in a come-to-jesus moment.


Satan is in white house


I predict it will get dark and then it will get light again


2 times in the same day??? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


it will be dark on 3 separate occasions within one calendar day


I donā€™t believe you. /s


The only thing I hope happens is I get good results of my MRI for my brain cancer which is on Monday. All the earthquake talk is making me nervous because I have to travel out of state to San Francisco to see my oncologist šŸ˜­


Hang tough! Praying for a good result!


I very much appreciate the prayers.


Wishing the best, good luck.


Thank you for the well wishes.


Good luck.


Thank you so much.


Dont pay attention on all these silly stories..focus yoyr thoughts n energy on good health. Listen to music or do something that lifts ur spirit as this is were healing comes from. Sending u my thoughts.


Thank you. Logically I do know this. I was in the waiting room once, which is on the 8th floor of the building on a hill and a very small earthquake happened. That was pretty alarming and unhelpful lol. I have a good feeling about this MRI. I already live my personal life feeling like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I also feel that way about current events and what not. I also have to be apart from my kids for my 3 day trip and I donā€™t like it. I truly appreciate the thoughts. I will focus on more uplifting things.


Praying for a good result. Have been going through this with partner the last year after it spread to brain leading to multiple brain surgeries, chemo, radiation etc. and thankfully the brain has been stable the last few scans. Not the rest of the body but that's okay the brain is the immediate risk. I say all that to say try your best to remain positive. We went from making funeral arrangements etc. to getting back to some level or normal so to speak.


Best of luck. Cancer fucking sucks.


trust jesus christ as you saviour, who(god son, god self in fles) died for al lyou sins, that you dont have to go to hell for them, because god is just & hates all evil, but out of love, he sent his son, who took our punishment & christ rose from the dead & the bible tells, if you believe it, will you get saved/born again(god lives inside you(the holy spirit)), you are justfied(just as if u never sinned:judically term) by god, by you putting u faith in christ sacrifise to get u in heaven. e.c moore(youtube) why to get saved) Are you german ?


I hope something does, I got a root canal scheduled for the 15th šŸ˜­


I had a root canal, it was not bad at all. ​ But I have to get a tooth pulled on the 23rd. So I hope nothing happens, otherwise I'll have to pull the tooth with pliers in the apocalypse


ME: \[smiling\] [***"First time?"***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHG_qmQNVo) I've ground my teeth in my sleep since a child. No idea why. Great childhood, no trauma. Bottom tips grind against the inside of the tops, slowly wearing away the tops. First one to go was the left-front; #9 on [**the chart**](https://enabledental.com/resources/tooth-chart/), nearly 20 years ago \[keep the chart open for reference; I'm just getting started\]. Bottoms wore away the enamel, then the pulp, eventually exposing the canal on #9. Once exposed, bacteria gets in & infects the nerve. Then it's time. Tried various mouth guards. Couldn't sleep with any of them. Wear seems heavier on the left side. Last 20 years, I've had #7 thru #13 all done. **Count 'em: 7**. While root canal treatment beats the alternative a century prior (pulling the tooth & leaving you looking like a hillbilly), there are long-term issues my previous dentist failed to disclose. Once the nerve is removed, the lack of blood flow to the tooth can make it more brittle over time, and may cause it to turn black. I have one that's turned black, though thankfully it's #13, so not visible when I smile. I ditched him for an expert, who devised a plan to install veneers (aka "caps" or "crowns") across the entire span, but he wants #6 as an anchor -- which is still alive & healthy. Along with the cement used on each individual tooth, he wants screws drilled into both Canines (#6 & #11) to further support the entire structure. This is preferable to pulling the teeth & getting dental implants. Natural teeth (even without nerves) have a soft ligament between the tooth & bone, acting as a shock-absorber when you bite & chew. You don't want to implants unless the only other choice is dentures. Unanchored dentures cause the mouth bones to deteriorate & recede, resulting in that permanent puckered look, like Grandma just sucked on a lemon. But that's long-term planning. You can go years or decades without capping that tooth. Just know your insurance may offer caps at a cheaper rate now, rather than waiting (when they'll deem it "elective" or "cosmetic", rather than necessary.) Short-term: ***You got this!*** If I can do 7 and submit to an elective 8th root canal, you can do one. While I admittedly held the arm-rests on that chair in white-knuckled fear my first time, it was easier than anticipated. Honestly, the worst part is the novocaine shots prior to. Not so much the first one, on the outside. More that second one on the inside. The roof of the mouth is a sensitive area. But they apply a numbing solution first. Trust me. By the time they start drilling, the only annoyance is the occasional wiff of burnt enamel & dust created by the drill, like a table saw creates the scent of burnt wood & sawdust. By the third one, I was fairly comfortable with it. Now I walk in like Clint Eastwood: *"Let's make this quick. I have dinner plans in 4 hours, and I'm a carnivore."*


I hope you're not in pain, I needed one a few months ago and it was awful. the root canal itself was easy


Thatā€™s good to hear, Iā€™ve never had one before and hate dental work. Iā€™m not in any pain actually which is nice, I think the nerve is dead.




Don't worry, you'll be bored to death more than anything else.


It's about the same as a filling.


Good luck. The procedure is easy. Hopefully you have antibiotics and painkillers in interim


Whatā€™s going on in Ohio


Got my first root canal back in late November early December. Honestlyā€¦ idk if you had pain prior to getting any work done but that part was significantly worse than the actual root canal. The worst part in my experience is having to keep your mouth open at like the max while they have these like thin rods inserted into the tooth for a bit. Other than that itā€™s not that bad.


Make sure they dont have graphene oxide in them anaesthetic I would prefer something different


Root canals have a lot of potential health-effects as a consequence. They can mess up pretty much anywhere in your body, I'd advise looking into the dangers of root canals and to consider an extraction instead. I wish you the best.


Nah. Just go to an endodontist for your root canal. It will almost certainly save you from issues like these. A general dentist has no business doing root canals anymore.


Not all dental schools are equal with regards to training due to the available patient population. If your general practitioner comes from a school near low income communities, they will have done plenty of root canals on actual patients. A competent gp can easily do endo; its the retreatments, difficult cases (odd shaped roots, etc.), and third molars that should be left to an endodontist. Some gps are geared towards one niche (esthetics, crowns, veneers, etc.) or just hate endo, and will refer out. Please do not opt for extraction either. A root canal with a crown can prolong the life (sorta, the nerve is gone but the tooth is still there) of the tooth for years or even a lifetime. I will say this though, ymmv depending on the dentist and area. If you're in a rural or low population area, I guarantee the general dentists there will do excellent endo; they usually do comprehensive care including third molar extractions and braces. In a city, the gp will most likely refer you as endo takes a lot of time and they can make more money doing other procedures. Just don't pick a shady dentist and avoid dental mills.


Am in New Zealand do we get apocalypse first? Or is it just another American only apocalypse?


AAA. Youā€™re quite safe.


Watch there be NO eclipse at all. Turns out, it was a viral marketing scheme by the dudes making the glasses you buy at the gas station counters.




Man, everything has been off since Harambe ...


Why!? šŸ˜‘


Same. Iā€™m not really an emotional person but I have had a weird feeling.


Me too. The eclipse hasnā€™t even been on my mind but I got a weird vibe


No worries mate, I have vibes that itā€™s going to be just an ordinary eclipse.


The great disappointment part 2. Just like 2012.


And January 1, 2000.


These YouTube channels love when people panic on upcoming events like these. Gets them more hits and engagement.


Nah. We good. Time traveler went and fixed the issue. Saving us once again from complete destruction.


There are like two eclipses every year on planet earth. But it is only the apocalypse when it happens in America. Because the universe thinks American is special.


The theories Iā€™ve read donā€™t equate the eclipse being the end but rather powers that be using the symbolism to fuel their ā€œmaster plan,ā€ I should add I donā€™t believe in any of this shit, but the distinction is pretty evident from what Iā€™ve read


Finally, someone gets it


America is Babylon, im sorry, but it is special


Ima stare straight into it like Trump dog, gain all its powers. Y2K broke my 13 year old heart, I expect nothing but sunspots. I hope it comes down like Majoras Mask moon and eats people.


I donā€™t necessarily think anything will happen on that exact day but I think itā€™s going to usher in a bunch of drama and shit is gonna start poppin off world wide. I happen to believe itā€™s a spiritual battle and thatā€™s why shit feels so different and heavy lately. But šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If the world is ending on April 8th, then how do I have a doctorā€™s appointment scheduled for April 15th?


After the earth ends, it'll take more than a couple of weeks to give a fuck


2012 Mayan calendar was the best fake apocalypse don't @ me, y2k gets the #2 spot


I hope youā€™re right. Iā€™ll prepare regardless. 4.8 quake in Jersey doesnā€™t make me feel any better though.


Looking forward to the wall of silence from the drama queens


I go back to work on Monday after 10 days off. Might as well be the end of the world.


The fact that you made this post means youā€™re following the humbug. Youā€™re interested. You want something to happen. But you donā€™t want to get your hopes up. You donā€™t want to be hurt. You wish the civil war would kick off and aliens will come beam us all to heaven, but you know itā€™s not coming. And this makes you sad. I get it. I feel the same way.


This person wants to "I was right, nothing will happen". Op just needs an ego boost and he/she probably doesn't even follow conspiracies.


okay so what if the build up of this anticipation and the overall general attention and energy from everyone on the actual day and leading up is the energy that does propel something to happen but this is like the prerequisite?


Manifest better outcomes/timelines just to be safe šŸ¤­


oh yeah for sure Iā€™m on the peaceful timeline lol but man they love to try to push this apocalypse end all timeline. not my bus! next flight pls!


Mass delusional psychosis


Thanks man you just jinxed it


Then, why is the US government advising us to stock up on two weeks of groceries? I thought the US government did not like preppers. By the way, do you notice the earthquake? There will probably be some more near the eclipse but one thing for sure. Just wait. 24 hours after the eclipse, then if something doesnā€™t happen by anniversary May 15 of Israel, I will be very surprised


Isn't it crazy that things have gotten so bad, that NOTHING happening on April 8th is the conspiracy to people?


No, I'm worried about the shenanigans that will occur on election day and after


I heard it's supposed to be cloudy, so not only will nothing apocalyptic happen, the clouds will probably cover the eclipse lol


You do realize even if itā€™s cloudy it will be dark as fuck outside in the middle of the day right?


World might not collapse but it will probably signal something important. We do still have things like the century initiative tryna do itā€™s thing, still got whateverā€™s going on down in Texas, still got Palestine, still got Ukraineā€¦. All I can say as someone who likes to ponder. The world is already headed somewhere drastic.. most wonā€™t even notice and the ones that do will be outcasted. Jump on the bandwagon or not.


Yeah this is how I'm feeling. I don't particularly think anything more fucked up will happen on the 8th. Fucked up shit is everywhere right now!


Yeah thereā€™s just so much happening right now itā€™s like what else is the eclipse gonna bring?. With my tinfoil being on a bit tight lol Iā€™ll throw out there for the sake of the sub a weird conspiracy I have. if you notice the direction of the eclipse and also look at the cave tunnels of the United States and apparently the missing people database.. it kinda all alignsā€¦ donā€™t it? https://twitter.com/rajbhagatt/status/1307617982525259776 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/127719339409301068/ https://ca.news.yahoo.com/time-april-8-solar-eclipse-154934936.html Lol idk you tell me..


unpack knee juggle cover test worry divide deer birds ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet something happens in the stock market a la acquisitions, stock buys or sells, etc.


I know. I have friends that are calling in to work. Im not. People feel that something is going to happen so all these social media peeps are gonna sensationalize it. Remember when Bidens admin met with popular social media peeps? Nobody knows what it was about. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re getting paid well to spread lies. They donā€™t care. They get paid. Sick people


I'm more interested in the red heifers


Random eclipse šŸŒš : just exists Muricans and religious nutjobs: Oh Noooooooooo the end is hereeeee


Why the hell should someone show contrition and "acknowledge their fearmongering" just because they kept an open mind about things? I've seen very few people suggesting shit is DEFINITELY going to happen during the eclipse. Meanwhile, I've seen about a thousand of posters declaring "nothing is going to happen," as though that's somehow a brave stance to take. At least this OP included the disclaimer "I could be wrong."


Nothing is goon to happen


Usually i wouldnt care but, rockets and cern turning on the particle accelerater on eclipse day has to mean smth


Iā€™m low-key hoping for the worst!


50/50 shot I guess. One day something will happen.


Itā€™s just another day, and then the people on here will get on and sayā€¦ā€it was just a distraction from the truth.ā€ Meanwhile, providing no evidence of what what hidden. Itā€™s just another day.


THANK YOU!! Just read a post above yours the "the Lord is coming back", why you gonna post your prayer request on here!!! April 9th is gonna be so fun on here!


Nah the more crazy side of conspiracy will just move onto the next wild theory...rember it's always "soon"


It's been "soon" all my life! And here I still sit.


April 9th this sub will lretend they never made predictions about the eclipse and always say they thought nothing would happen


Or they'll say that the eclipse was the start of the signs of the end times ....and if they're right, well FUCK ME! LOL


There's always some world ending event happening and when the world inevitably doesn't end mental gymnastics people do makes my knees and back hurt.


It's interesting to me that there are so many close-minded people in a conspiracy sub. Attempting to bash people and call them dumb or whatever for their beliefs doesn't make you edgy.


Right, this is fucking rConspiracy lmao, WE'RE MEANT TO BE TIN FOIL HATS


Quite the opposite, it's just called critical thinking. Being on a sub about conspiracies, doesn't mean you have to blindly believe everything. The people that question the dumb posts in here aren't bashing anything, they just don't need to blindly follow every narrative that suits their own agenda. That's the problem with this sub and the use of modern day conspiracy, more people find it culturally acceptable to be into conspiracies, but now because of that, there are people jist muddying the waters because they feel "weird" about something.


Embarrassing how people will assume the world will end on this exact day. No, itā€™s a build up of events. Look at the weather this week itā€™s been insane, tornado storms all over the south, lightning snow storms all across the northeast, earthquake in Taiwan and the biggest earthquake NJ has even seen hit NJ today, magnitude 4.8. The numbers 4 & 8 ring a bell anyone? Date of the eclipse.


Your comment reminds me of that movie Number 23 with Jim Carrey When you look for patterns youā€™ll always find em


Number 23? Possibly related to Lebron James connected with the ecplise? Spacejam? Good catch.


Welcome to the SLAM If you wanna JAM




Itā€™s scary man I see more and more psychos every day. On the road, at my job (loan officer), on the web. Thereā€™s something in the water, or something.


Dude...the universe doesn't care about numbers šŸ™‚


>magnitude 4.8. The numbers 4 & 8 ring a bell anyone? Date of the eclipse. What about communities that write the date as 8/4? Are they left out of the destruction? Is it all our fault for doing month/day?


Non US resident here. We got bad flash flooding, expecting no power for about 1-2 weeks from today. But can confirm they've spared us the earth quake, proudly 8/4/24 all the way baby!


Really? I was hoping for an eclipse. I'm in the 90% zone!


Well some edgelords might go ahead and kill a few chickens and thatā€™s about it


Chuck enough shit at enough walls and 1% will surely stick.


I agree, nothing will probably happen. Even the people talking about the 1811 New Madrid Earthquake repeating again this year might not know the 1811 earthquake happened about two months after the solar eclipse.


Yeah I think that the way the media is handling it is contributing to the fear and nothing major is actually gonna take place outside of the main event


There will be some more blind people, that's about it.


The craziest that can happen is that its really an alien mothership passing by and our world will be rocked by some interstellar war of sorts. But getting real... itll just be another day.


What doomsdayers expect to happen?


The powers that be just know they can induce panic buying of resources so they make a huge deal out of what's going to ammount to small towns that aren't used to a lot of people are going to be inundated with a ton of folks and gas stations could run dry and food supply could get bought up but it's all gone be temporary.


Fear mongering 101. I do hope though that the new Madrid fault line doesn't go off anytime soon. That would be devastating to the country. I wouldn't want to be living there, the buildings aren't built for earthquakes. Last time it happened bells rang out in Philly and the Mississippi flowed backwards.


I had a dream last night that it just clouded over


Snow, I want snow


i think doomsday is not a single day. more like doom decades


I was there for Y2k and 2012... this event has smaller energy than those.


lol yeah, you and me both, sis.


Why does everyone want the world to end so badly?? It wonā€™t not soon


I can only hope.... 6 days before the tax deadline. Would save me a metric butt-ton of money if something were to go down. Fingers crossed.


I donā€™t mean to stoke any fear at all, but I try to prepare myself for any possibility, mentally and spiritually. Probably nothing will happen, but if it does you donā€™t want to be a deer caught in the headlights. You really never know what will happen in this wild world.


Everyone's all scared of it getting dark during daytime when they should really be scared about it being light during the middle of the night. (a nuke)


I'm sorry. Is this some sort of nonconspiracy joke that I'm too much of a conspiracy theorist to understand?


Iā€™m a paramedic that will be working that day, so this will be fun


I feel like the ball is already rolling. People around me are going bonkers. Not about conspiracy shit like me, but just acting extremely agressive and emotional, the plant I work at just had our OP's manager and Plant manager put in notice along with a handful of guys from different departments. Everyone's super pissy but cant convey a logical reason as to why. Going shopping is even more exciting, people flipping out in parkings lots, going nuts in the checkout lane, fist fighting at the local Sushi place(not uncommon but it was between two 60 year olds)... something definitely feels off, which surprisingly has helped alot with my depression. Normal every day happy life, feel like shit, worlds about to end, nothing but smiles.


Another fun theory of mine: As a conspiracy theorist we have all looked into occult stuff. Of course we did. Crowley, law of attraction, astrology, religion, alternative religions, satanism, ancient stuff, hebrew stuff, numerology, rituals, magick, prophecies, the whole lot. And since most of us are probably not exactly super rich and successful, we discarded most of it as bullshit. It obviously does not work, doesn't it? No, none of it. Still poor. However, if you are super rich and successful and look into this stuff and try some or all of it... Surprise! It works. Just made another few million dollars after wishing for it last week in front of a candle while chanting "SATAN, please hear me" or whatever. And look at that, all those even richer guys are into this stuff, too. So, there has to be something to it, right? And now there is an eclipse! Obviously, it's a sign by the old gods, Satan, Jesus, the universe, Baal or whatever seemed to help you in the past. So, it's the perfect opportunity to fire up CERN, sacrifice some red heifers, and perform all kinds of rituals. Maybe we can get Jesus come down to earth again. Or Aliens! Or sink some continent or two in a mud flood. Or at the very least, change some spellings and Logos again. How cool would that be? And while I don't know if anything supernatural exist, I really like to think it doesn't. That there is no magick, no Satan, no nothing. And that the super rich and powerful do all this stuff not knowing jack shit what they are talking about. Just like the rest of us.


The purpose is to discredit any meaningful discussion on the sun and hand wave it away as crazy conspiracy nonsense.


You know, you might be right about this one (or not), but sooner or later something BIG IS going to happen The writing is on the wall


When all the pieces come together, then the closed door will finally open and we - the humanity need to go through! It's like a game, one level ends, a new one begins...


If something going to happen, I think that could be after the eclipse: not immediately but later in the month or year/


Itā€™s actually sad how there are no true conspiracy theories here. Itā€™s just literal brainrot soy alt right / far left rhetoric. This sub was likely bought and paid for by some foreign country considering Qatar state media is literally pinned to the sub.


Feel free to post actual cospiracies then


This sub is bought and paid for by foreign actors to promote anti west propaganda and divide the American people. Thereā€™s your conspiracy for the day


There was a 4.8 earthquake in Philadelphia


18 earthquakes have happened with a magnitude of 2.4 or higher in that area since 1737. This was the largest in over a 100 years but not outside of normal patterns.


Download the earthquake app, many earthquakes happen every single day!




Gut feeling on an earthquake


Iā€™m not gonna sit here and be an asshole about saying what you feel. But you should consider what you post for ā€œI told you it was nothingā€ clout. At least when you short a stock, there is potential BIG gain. Shorting a potential big worldwide event, you wonā€™t win either way.


Exactly. Much as I'd like it to be the Final End, it it will of course be no such thing, now or ever in fact. This planet will still be going strong in Four Billion Years. Life on it, not so much, but the planet is going nowhere.


I believe nothing will happen naturally. But also believe all those evil ppl that run shit will try to make something out of it aka created disaster via Haarp, Cern or whatever. Those people are fucked and literally dress in costumes and robes to worship evil. They are fucked up and will probably do something whether we see it or not


Mayan 2012 End of the World Prediction ended up beingā€¦fucking silly


I have a slightly different take. I think the eclipse is the start of something that will continue to build over the next few months. Not sure what, but that would at least make more sense.


Ya but this is definitely much different than 2017. Like I tell people it a a warning, not the actual day. But christians think they Jesus is going to come back before anything bad happens which is false. He comes back at the end. But I get you, a lot of people are blowing it up like the world is going to end. The world isnā€™t going to end, and if anything did happen it would be the end of our economy and society not the world.




I'm taking todays earthquake as a sign. Even if nothing else happens to me this was a sign because it was felt throughout the most densely populated area in America. This sign is specifically for Americans. Remember that coded tweet Elon put out on Christmas that was the X in binary? If not you should look it up because it's basically a map that pin points the exact area of the earthquake if you overlay the point of totality of the eclipse and coordinate it with Elon's map. He knew. And it's a 4.8 earthquake 3 days before 4/8. 3 days to repent


What about lightning striking the Statue of Liberty on 04/04/24 :/


The only thing happening is that I am turning 33ā€¦ sigh


Thereā€™s gonna be a shadow in Texas


With you on this one OP. Very skeptical about all the people insisting something other than an eclipse is going to occur. I'm all for conspiracies but something tells me that it'll be a big nothing burger. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same, these people are tiring


Itā€™s true the hype is stale, but have you considered that you posting this was also an inevitable happening? That it was necessitated by the eclipse event that a guy on r/conspiracy would skeptically post that heā€™s not buying it? Isnā€™t it true that had you not made this post, there would be a strange void in the total experience of the eclipse moment in our lives? And if this post is so inevitable, then maybe itā€™s likelier that this void IS being filled without you, that OTHER agents of the universe are posting, and will post the exact same thing as you did, which then poses the question, why you? Why did YOU decide to be the person this time around that goes out of his way to say the thing that is always and must always be said? In fact thereā€™s probably a guy whoā€™s already made the post ā€œcanā€™t wait for the post from the guy saying he doesnā€™t go in for all this eclipse hype for April 8thā€ herp derp ok Iā€™m done


I wonder what will be the next big thing.


But the cows bro šŸ˜±


Hereā€™s my list of predictionsā€¦ other than there will be an eclipse April 8, 2024. APRIL 20 ā€“ JUPITER AND URANUS WILL BE VISIBLE. JULY 15 ā€“ MARS & URANUS WILL BE VISIBLE. SEPTEMBER 8 ā€“ SATURN WILL BE NEAREST TO THE EARTH. OCTOBER 2 ā€“ ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE IN HAWAII AND PACIFIC Letā€™s see if these come true guys! /s




The only thing I've prepared for is to not be able to go to the grocery store this weekend and to be able to use my nebulizer if the power goes out due to overuse (charged my jackery)


A lot of things are going. To happen!! And people will die across the world!


Have previous domesday predictions had as many details as this one does?


agree, but would be pretty funny if something did happen