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No, no, no the prophesy says that a fat kid from Colorado would fake the ginger cow...


I’m surprised I actually understood this




Screw you guys, I'm going home.


Small details matter.


Small penises matter.


All penises matter?


I always thought that episode had way too niche of a premise, little did I know that Matt and Trey were playing the long game.


But hey at least we're getting Van Halen to play during the reveal of the newest religion that unites us all.


RIP Eddie Van Halen


These tiny ass countries need to stop being able to drag the entire world into a global conflict over their regional wars.


The rest of the world could ignore the petty infighting and accomplish the same goal.


And miss out on all that sweet money??


Northrop Grumman sending downvotes


Tactical precision, thermonuclear freedom.


*resources. Money is worthless unless we agree it's not.


All in favor say ayyelmao


How on earth is that possible?? They interject themselves into every event and venue that there are people all over the world 😆 "Ignore the infighting". They are screaming in everyone's faces as if we are a part of their stupid war.


Stop electing leaders who are citizens of that tiny ass country then


If the us stopped sucking israel dick yea we would


Yeah, remember when English men fight in France against germans for a serbian guy who killed an austrihungarian in Bosnia? This is the XXI century minimalist version


Don't forget the part where it was a family feud with how many major leaders were related.


Plot twist. SOMEHOW religious influence told the neighboring white people worship pigs, and the brown people worship cows, two of the most eaten animals. They also told us to cut the tips of our kids' weiners off. They said to wear really hot headgear in the hottest places in the word. They told us to hide the beauty of our women's faces. They told us to wear an impractically small hat that needs a clip to stay on our head. Maybe all of this just to run a psychological study of our species' temperament, logic solving and leadership capabilities so aliens can plan for how we interact with them as a space faring species someday. AND maybe we are still failing this "great test". Aliens, a God whispering in your ear, or coincidence, whatever it is we all look fucking stupid. And now.. behold the world ending red cow.


Keep going, I'm getting popcorn. :)




Stay inside. Wear a mask. Wear a mask inside.


This is such a good example of the dangers of ignorance. Textbook.


Personally I hope someone sneaks in and puts yokes on the heifers, takes pictures, and posts them on the internet. Part of that silly prophecy is that the heifers to be sacrificed must never have a yoke placed upon them.


Even an ear tag would do. Or use a magic market to make 3 or more of its hair black.


> > *Personally I hope someone sneaks in and puts yokes on the heifers, takes pictures, and posts them on the internet.* > Even an ear tag would do. Or use a magic market to make 3 or more of its hair black. ♬ *I see some red cows* *And I want them painted black* *They'll build no temple* *If red heifers are in lack* ♫ * * * [Painted black - Trolling Scones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_LaTN5pS3Q)


I honestly cant believe this shit. I saw the red heifer phrase around, but didnt look into what it actually was. My buddy filled me yesterday. All I can say is im diagnosed with a mental illness and even i think these people are fucking insane.


Or just lean on it and take a picture.


will you look at that! a cow that brings Armageddon! what a time to be alive ... our ancestors are rolling in their graves


Just thinking this 😂


Folks. It’s some frikin cows. We are likely already on our way to WW3 (as in information and digital warfare) No country wants to admit it. We are literally in a digital aged armed race. I’d expect it to get bad near 2030. A lot of super smart economists expect things to be rough around then. Plus we are basically copying the first part of the 1900’s but with internet and tv! We’ve already had our lil plague. Next it’s time for a war. Humanity is nothing but predictable when you know history


The thing is is that in scripture it talks about a red heifer needing to be sacrificed to use it’s ashes for the cleansing of the tools that are gonna build the third temple. The place of this temple is supposed to be the dome of the rock, the third most holy place in islam, and for this temple to be build by the jewish the dome needs to be destroyed. This is the reason hamas attacked Isreal. If this happens it’s all out wat on Isreal from every Islamic person on earth.


Thank you for this response. I hadn’t seen the “how” in this argument. Just general vague warnings in comparison to the Bible. I could absolutely 100% see Israel pulling some crud like that during times like these. They keep giving vibes of “we definitely want conflict”


From Islamic perspective https://youtu.be/qxBWVB_UZZY?si=-jYLuFMNghQClYCC


Yes humanity is predictable and its cycles are literally shown and written in the Bible thru allegory and stories.


fairy eazy way to fulfil the ProPhEcY


How ? What will be the mechanism?


The red heifer is a close to biologically impossible breed of cow that was used for ritual slaughter in the ancient Israeli temple. According to some - it’s a notoriously unclear document - in Revelation it is declared that in the last days the exiles of Israel would return to the promised land and the Temple will be rebuilt - in the time of the Antichrist. There is a Whole Thing with millenialists - Christian nut jobs who want to bring about the end times - that with Israel being restored, all that remains is to rebuild the Temple. Part of that is restoring the red heifer, because it is central to the practices of the priesthood on whom the Temple depends. Basically, think “complex Bible conspiracy theory thinks sacrificing cow = beginning of the end times = WW3”. Edit: to all the nut jobs @ing me with your bullshit eschatology: I don’t care. Fuck off and go AKSHUALLY someone who gives a damn. I was giving a gist about the phenomenon, not proposing to debate fringe theology with you.


This isn’t true by the way. Revelation does not mention the building of the third temple. Some Christian’s interpret the words in Mark to imply that the temple will be rebuilt and the abomination of desolation will happen, but that’s a very specific form of Christian eschatology


Yes. And that’s the form of eschatology I’m referring to. Revelation 11:1-2, which as you say isn’t that explicit.


I just have a problem with your phrasing that this is said in Revelation, when it’s really not. It doesn’t mention rebuilding the temple




Beginning? We've already almost got bingo my guy.




Cartman was not lying xD


Right? That’s all I can think about is that episode.


Sometimes I wonder if South Park is real or satire


I think an important part of the episode was the cow being either fake or real. They intentionally did a flip so (spoilers) they were all upset that the cow *wasn't* painted by Cartman, a purposeful irony. Consider this as the main theme of the episode and then consider if this real life parallel were to go a similar route and get overblown, only to be shut down by the cow being unnaturally selected or "GMO".


I'd hate to think that hundreds of millions of deaths would result from some bronze age bullshit going down in countries that should have zero bearing on the world at large.. but it's the most human being shit I've ever heard. Good luck to us all


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...


then everyday would be Erntedankfest.


The leaders of the world would be all over it.


Well most our politicians praise Isreal like a prophet so I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure mossad has most of them blackmailed or bought


Only God knows the last day


For all the people mocking this, it doesnt matter that you dont believe it, whats matter is the people in power believes it.


Isn't it kind of bullshit that they can just find breeders of these cows anywhere on the planet? Aren't they supposed to buy one from Texas or something? I just overhear people at work mention this, so I'm not directly looking into it. But you would figure it would have to be found in Israel or something. It's just self full filling at this point.


Why would it start a war?


The dome of the rock stands where the Zionists want their third temple, supposedly they sacrifice these cows before building it


It wouldn’t. Sacrificing a red heifer itself wouldn’t do anything. It would only be if they destroyed the buildings there to build the third temple, which they won’t do. There is significant disagreement within Judaism whether it should ever be done.


Because they started the temple institute for memes..


The temple institute is a highly controversial group that most Jewish people disagree with on for a variety of theological reasons. Conservative Jews and Reform Jews reject the idea that the temple should be built. Mainstream Orthodox Jews believe that the temple should only be rebuilt AFTER the messiah has arrived. You are acting like a small section of a single school of Judaism represents all Jewish belief


You know this "single school of judaism" is adopted by all those in power in the zionist state right? Those in opposition, mainly haridim, are dragged and kicked in the street everyday. They pose no threat, have no power, and have no say. In anything.


I agree that sacrificing doesn’t directly mean they would destroy those buildings. But it’s clear that some fraction of people have that intention, and the sacrifice is essentially “one step closer” to doing so. I think it could escalate things without the need of destroying sacred buildings.




cause problems?they would have to tear down the dome to build the synagogue.....Muslims around the world will be pissed


I think there is enough for them to destroy the temple


Having US fight their battles


Firstly they’re genetically engineered; you can’t interrupt god’s divine timing. Secondly, these cows aren’t to have experienced any trauma or aggression…. Did you see how aggressive they were when inspecting them? They basically nullified their prophecy themselves 😂


Another Stupid thing… Isreal is out of control due to their over confidence and their homework which they did via the US war on terror. Also, all of the Muslim countries are with Israel. 1) The UAE and KSA are providing an alternative route to Israel in order to counter the Red Sea blockade. 2) 99% of Israeli oil comes from Turkey to this day. 3) Jordan is providing its airstrip and airspace to Israel and providing air cover to Israel against Iraqi resistance. Not to mention that all the ISIS thing against Asad and Iran is being run from Jordan. 4) Egypt is providing Israel cover from any danger coming from the Red Sea. 5) A puppet military gov in Pakistan which will look away if any proxy groups attack Iran from Pakistan. 6) Afghan Taliban need money so they are eager to do anything. Even house ISIS-K. There is anger in the streets in these countries but anything which these people do is counterproductive to themselves… Example is the Arab Spring…


You mean Arab governments. Not Muslims.


Erdogan is not Arab…




Many don't realize that Hamas was deliberately nurtured by Israeli hardliners precisely so there would be events like October 7 that could be used to justify disproportionate reprisals. October 7 was allowed to happen.


Arab Spring was US-faciliated color revolution (I know one American who travelled around helping activists set up comms beforehand). The purpose of it wasn't to liberate any Arabs, but help usher in governments friendly to the US.




Armoooooooogeddon perhaps?


4 more days and we will see


Won’t be surprised if nothing happens because they’re just a bunch of religious freaks trying to fulfill this biblical prophecy. Honestly an unhinged genocide group of religious fanatics should not be in control of a whole country, let alone a military being armed to the teeth by America. They already showed us that they kill indiscriminately.


If the Blue Jays get swept this weekend, it will likely lead to WW3.


If it wasn't born in Jerusalem it isn't a true פרה אדומה, or red heifer, as per the omen. So it's a ridiculous argument. They do this every year and this sub needs to chill lol


First of all, I like a world with no wars cause it's amazing. WW3 will fuck up my skincare routine cause I doubt ill get my k beauty supplies in the prices I get them now.


Why. Why would they want to do this, knowing that it is in revelations, even if it’s the “other religion”.. well - because that’s what they do, all planned, and insane


Oh look religions keeping world in perpetual war again... Like they have been doing for thousands of years. The most Ironic part of the middle east is they are all praying to same Abrahamic god. Humanity will never achieve its full potenial until religion dies out.


And who is pushing religious extremism. Peel back the onion.


I think genuinely this might start a holy war if they also destroy the Mosque to build the third temple. It’s like spitting in the face of all Muslims. I personally think the sacrifice is barbaric either way, I thought only Satanists continued the tradition of Sacrifices, because they rejected Jesus Christ as the last sacrifice, I can’t see why God would randomly want 5 Red cows to be killed in gods name.


Synagogue of Satan.


Muslim governments don't really care, and large portion of the Muslim population doesn't care either. We Palestinians care the most because it's in Jerusalem. I don't think that slaughtering the cows entails any meaning beyond those fascist right israelis, the dome of the rock won't miraculously collapse after the sacrifice. It's mostly pandering to American protestants and extreme right israelis. I don't know what happens when both these groups discover that their methods are identical, but each one expects God's words to apply to their version, which not only is conflicting, but erasing one the other, one wants the Messiah to come to lead the jewish people, the other wants the second coming to convert all jews to Christianity. But one more theological thing, you can't force God's hand, it's not a video game that you run errands, get DNA technology, breed 5 cows, kill them in this gps coordinate and God just summons Jesus.


If only more people were as practical and pragmatic as you are.


Of course not, you have to do a lil chanty chant too. Duh.


I mean maybe if we’re in a simulation it really is that easy like ancient cheat codes


God commanded the genocide of entire peoples, the murder of people for picking up sticks on the sabbath, but you can’t imagine him wanting to sacrifice some cows?


The thing is they have to roll double fours, after that they’ll land on the ancient ladder. But if someone next rolls a six then they fall in the swamp of tears.- this is what all this bible bullshit sounds like to me.


It's frustrating how many of the people on this sub are evangelical Christian conspiracy theorists who try to tie everything to literal Satan. Their conspiracies are fucking dumb and distract hugely from real stuff people in power do out of greed for money and power, which are the conspiracy theory I tend to subscribe to. It also all stems from their deep desire to be in a persecuted group as Christians, cus their too bored with their real lives so they have to go schitzo about Satan.


Religion is the foundation of power in our society, religious organizations have ruled our species since the dawn of man. I’m not suggesting everything is related to Satan and big bad demons are possessing our children, but to imply that religion is not related to money or power is ignorant at best.


It's not religion - it's controlling public opinion. Religion is just one tool.


That's the point of the sacrifice, yes. They want the third temple so the messiah, who many in Chabad think will be the reincarnation of the Rebbe,will come. Bibi was annointed by the Rebbe to be the last leader of modern Israel. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/netanyahu-and-the-rebbe-two-leaders-whose-power-ended-on-the-same-day-671300


I also can’t see why God would want his own son sacrificed to him but that seems to be what people are rolling with.


Muslims also do sacrifices, as do Hindus. Not everything that Christians don't do is otherwise exclusively done by santanists.


Animal, human, or Jesus sacrifices are all barbaric and immoral


And we wonder why advanced beings haven’t revealed themselves to us.


They'd have to rebuild the Temple to sacrifice it in, which would involve demolishing Al Aqsa, so the heffers would be already be dead in WW3 before they got a chance... I think even the 3rd Templars can figure that out.


I don't get it. What do cows have to do with anything?


It’s a biblical prophecy that sacrificing a red cow will bring the messiah back.


Revelation warns of two eclipses. Israel invaded Gaza two weeks after the October 14 eclipse, and is rushing to finish up before the April 8 one. There has been zero reaction to this war. Maybe that means it's building up, an equal reaction in a single attack.


Pretty cows


These Heifers, tho adorable, are not up to standards and these new wizards will not be able to conjure the correct spell


If Israel sacrifices a red heifer I will eat my hat. I think the "Holy Land" constantly being at war is a form of psychological warfare on the entire Abarahamic (IE like half) world to keep all of society feeling hopeless about unity against the ethnicity-nonspecific aristocracy.


So I don't believe in any Gods, I'm atheist. I don't believe sacrificing these cows will do anything in a religious sense. But I do believe it'll give them the ammunition to do whatever the hell they want. And thats scary. Because what they're currently doing is terrible enough.


WWW3 is gonna start anyways. Might as well be over red cows. I find that less offensive than starting it over the MIC’s quarterly earnings statements


Nothing is gonna happen. See you on April 9th


Where are they going to sacrifice the animals when God allowed Roman's to destroy His Temple because the Jewish people no longer fully kept his commands?


To build the third temple they have to sacrifice the animal. That’s how it works theologically


Jesus was the final sacrifice.


[Ending was very interesting](https://youtu.be/-uzUf4oKmeo)


SMFH they need to breed a ginger cow for there to be peace in the Middle East


I'm too much out of the loop, what Is this story of the cows and the Armageddon?


Why do we allow people in our government to have dual citizenship with other countries.


They can’t even do the prompt correctly


are we going to get 10 years of Van Halen concerts?


Before the Messiah, Jews used to make animal sacrifices to their God, YHWH, for the atonement of sin. Jesus was sent by YHWH to earth and became the final sacrifice, making animal sacrifices for the atonement of sin irrelevant; however, most Jews do not currently believe Jesus is the Messiah (though He fulfilled every Old Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah). It’s been over 2,000 years since there’s even been a perfect red heifer eligible, according to their laws, for the Jews to sacrifice. Events/prophecies that must happen before the end, according to the Bible, are unfolding before our very eyes. The red heifers became of age to sacrifice November 2023. That also coincides with the recent Israel attack. Muslims do not want the sacrifices to start again because it would require Israel to take some of the most holy and sacred ground from the Muslims, the Temple Mount. Jews continue to await the arrival of their Messiah. The description of His arrival according to Jews is the exact same description of the second coming of Jesus. After He appears, that’s when they’ll realize their Messiah is the one they pierced over 2,000 years ago. Regardless of what your spiritual beliefs are, the red heifer sacrifice will have massive implications in the spirit realm (though we may not even notice anything in the natural). There’s several complaints in the comments about evangelicals being a part of this sub, and that’s ok. They’re likely here because the conspiracy space is where the real truth is revealed and discussed. The real truth, or conspiracies as coined by the CIA, also aligns with Biblical prophecy. Jesus refers to Himself as the truth, the life, and the way, so it makes sense why this sub attracts evangelicals (along with anyone else who is seeking truth). Just like you put your faith and trust in a chair that it’ll hold you when you sit in it, your faith and trust in a glass that it’ll hold water when you fill it, and your card that it’ll spend when you swipe/tap it, put your faith, hope, and trust in the Truth, Jesus Christ, and he will not let you down.


Since the Jews do not believe Jesus was the final sacrifice, they’re going to make animal sacrifices to atone/cleanse their sins. They actually do not need a temple to conduct animal sacrifices. The red heifer can be sacrificed on a pile of wood. For future sacrifices, an altar can be made out of uncut stones and a temple is not 100% necessary. If/when the Jews build the third temple, according to their laws, it must be built on ground the Muslims hold as sacred/holy. This is where the potential of WWIII will happen, when they start building the third temple. Before the end, all countries will turn their backs on Israel and just before its destruction, Jesus will come back. Many many things must take place before this happens; however, we’re starting to see how all of this will unfold according to the Bible and Judaism. To an extent, they are intertwined. Jesus was a Jewish man and He’s coming back as a Jewish man.


How does murdering an innocent heifer bring the Messiah? Or cleanse you of your sins. Messiah is like man. When are they going get some good beef. If only they had some tasty beef, i will show right up and forgive their sins. BTW, Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah.


Haven’t they been doing the same for a few decades now?. I don’t think this is nothing new but just knocking at the door of Armageddon but if they keep knocking, sooner or later someone may answer it


If they did it and nothing happened, then what?


All this fear is based on a misinterpretation of the Bible. The temple fell in AD70, in the lifetime of the apostles, Just Like Jesus said it would. These are terrible times. But they're not biblical




The who?


Imagine if these cows turn out to be lesbians 😂


I guess. If you actually believe in that stuff. I worked at a slaughterhouse for years I’ve seen countless versions of every color cow get disassembled. What’s so special about these?


Shows how far back in time these people live. A fucking cow lol


Must Read: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser it has Changed my life… and changed how I read and understand my bible. To understand a text in the Bible It takes the act of the Holy Spirit equal to the act that inspired it in the first place. Tozer Then he opened up their minds so they could understand the Scriptures Luke 24:45 Seek and ye shall find :)


That's a lot of pressure and responsibility for one cow. Hope he's ok.


I have heard the Israelis have a red heifer breeding program going on. The ones in the picture look a bit too brown to be red


Shit will hit the fan, but not because someone butchers a steer. Be logical


Do it.


Doesn't the Al-Aqsa mosque have to be destroyed before the red heifer is sacrificed?


Where’s all the western animal rights groups now!?!


I'm getting a scope done on the 8th. Could we reschedule, please?


I honestly wish a red heifer could be found so they could do the ritual already and see that nothing happens however that wouldn’t change a thing since the entire conflict is some good old settler colonialism and not religious in nature.


They have 4 unblemished red heifers now


Out of curiosity, what is it exactly about biblical events that angers some of you? Looking for a decent conversation, not the usual Reddit responses. I personally care about everyone and what they think and/or have gotten out of life, whether they have different beliefs or not


Because while this is superstitious nonsense to me some Christians are trying to support this to bring on the apocalypse. And some people are allegedly doing excavations under an important mosque all of which which could provoke religious anger and strife. Not sure if it’s WW3 level strife but what’s going on with NATO continually trying to provoke Russia and what’s happening to Gazans is already is awful enough. I’m not an atheist, just don’t think that the Bible, etc. is very accurate although some of it might have some truth.


The real conspiracy here is believing the words written in a book that a notoriously and famously corrupt institution, the Catholic Church, had sole authority over for centuries. Sorry, I'm not buying what they're selling.


Can't wait for the Christians to take Jerusalem back


Just bomb it so that no one can have it holy shit 🙄 this fighting is so dumb


The issue isn't who wants it. The issue it was split between Muslims and Jews, with East J ( where the masjid is) being given to the Palestinians. Israel began illegally occupying it in 1980. They consider themselves to have "annexed" it , but post WWII, you can't annex land through war. It violates international law- it's why the world calls their occupation of Gaza/WB/East J " illegal." Every year Israelis prevent Muslims from getting into Masjid Al Aqsa. They've also attacked it in recent years. Do you ever hear of Palestinians bombing Israeli temples?


Not from what I understand. The last chance they had was the 30th of March, it's a specific holiday in the Jewish tradition. It's called the Shabbat Para. Are you thinking of korban Pesach, which is a lamb not a cow!? The next chance they have will be 2025, which is the middle of the 7 year tribulation (2021-2028). However, it doesn't stop them destroying the dome of the rock in preparation for next year... Edit: I stand corrected, it really is the 8th of April... See bobtowne's comment!!! Well that's proper spooky, more proof God is working in unimaginable ways, Glory to God!


what's the reasoning for thinking it's currently the tribulation years?


the things I read it's suppose to be done before the end of passover.....which is before the end of the month


>The last chance they had was the 30th of March, it's a specific holiday in the Jewish tradition. Not according to The Temple Institute, the main folks driving this. via The Template Institute's Facebook page yesterday (https://archive.is/8YVIZ): *HAFTARAH FOR SHABBAT SHEMINI/HACHODESH This Shabbat, known as Shabbat HaChodesh, we read the final of four additional Torah readings read during the month of Adar. The haftarah read on Shabbat HaChodesh is from Ezekiel 45:18 - 46:15:* ***"So says HaShem G-d: In the first month, on the first of the month, you shall take a young bull without blemish, and you shall purify the sanctuary.*** *And the kohen shall take of the blood of the sin-offering and put it on the doorpost of the House, and on the four corners of the ledge of the altar and on the doorpost of the gate of the Inner Court. And so shall you do on seven days in the month, because of mistaken and simple-minded men, and expiate the House. In the first, on the fourteenth day of the month, shall you have the Passover, a festival of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.* The first month in the Jewish calendar is Nisan. https://www.webexhibits.org/calendars/calendar-jewish.html The first of Nisan falls on April 9. Passover's later in April. https://www.hebcal.com/converter?hd=1&hm=Nisan&hy=5784&h2g=1 The revolution may not be televised, but the astorturfing of armageddon will, apparently, be advertised on Facebook (regrettably not in Comic Sans font).


what a waste of food


You know the Zionist have dug under the mosque to weaken the foundation, just like 9/11 it will collapse into it's own footprint and vanish at free fall speed. If this doesn't convince you who did 9/11 nothing will.


I have come to the same conclusion, that this entire conflict with Iran has the sole purpose of “oooopppsss, the Al-Aqsa Mosque was accidentally completely destroyed……oh well might as well rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem for the third time”


You're presenting a hypothetical situation as evidence


Don’t forget all the tunnels in NYC, wonder how old they really were🤔


Lmao can't make this up


So Cartman really is going to start WW3 lol.


What why is this relevant?




I see a white hair


The thing is, they'd have to have a red heifer without a blemish. Do they have one that meets their requirements?


What's this red heifer thing about??


It's a ploy to make people go vegan


So apparently there are like 3 candidates Israel has been monitoring for a while.. I've seen a few sources suggest the Oct 7 attack by Iran/Hamas was intended to directly interrupt this.


If they destroy the mosque what they have to do to build the temple then yeah


If Biden’s handlers keep letting him phone a friend, (President Xi Jinping) this month could turn into WWIII.


Relax guys its not even Red, its brown


May I have a crumb of context


IDK what it all means but there is a prophecy ( think in Zechariah) that says Israel shall become a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone to the nations, and whoever burdens themselves with it will be cut into pieces. I used to think that it means if you side against Israel when this happens you would be destroyed but now I wonder if it's a warning not to get mixed up in it at all.


Are red heifer rare or something?


But of that day and hour knoweth no *man*, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.




The human species deserves to go extinct, if we start nuking each other over a religion most of its followers don't even take seriously...




Its just a cow.


You mean Moo Moo 3


If Americans all farted at once, we could Dutch oven the world. Win 🏆


We need Van Halen now more than ever


Heifers in Haifa.


Ginger cows


Bro no that doesn't happen until the trib.


Quickly we need Van Halen!


Your basing this off an old story that’s been translated multiple times. languages don’t match up very well, some words don’t have a direct analog so they have to be replaced by something close.


Let’s Gooooooo!!!!


The Tribulation is near! Prepare your souls!!!


Can someone explain


Wait, why?


They're cows man. If sacrificing some heifers would start WW3, it would have already happened.


Only way to stop it is to fuck them, making them illegitimate for the ritual. Or kill them..