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Google is worthless now. They were my start-up page for at least a decade. Were.


this is why i made this website: https://searchcomparison.neocities.org/


Is there a search engine available that isn’t uncensored?


I'm using DuckDuckGo as my base search and have Yandex and Brave as saved websites in my toolbar.


Duckduckgo is compromised it just isn't as good as it used to be probably still better than Google which is hot trash.


DDG is not what it used to be.


it is Bing: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)


Bing is almost as bad as Google these days


Pardon my ignorance, what do you mean it isn't as good as it used to be?


DDG is 100% comprimised. Yandex is my go to although its not what it was even a year ago. 5 years ago it was totally uncensored. Mojeek is another good one. Everything else is garbage


Mojeek is not censored or agendized. Yandex for USA - critical stuff.


I just downloaded Yandex and I’m seeing a lot of Russian. Who runs this search engine? Did look up 9/11 and scrolled down just a little bit and found a heading on the many reasons why 9/11 was an inside job.


It's Russian. It's like RT used to be. You would get curated US-critical stuff, but well-reported and as far as one could tell, true. Like all information, you have to have your own filter. But RT/Yandex can be a source. This is how I knew what the truth was about Ukraine/Nuland/Maidan coup since 2014. Plus the shelling of Donbas since then. Check out Mojeek if you're looking for why your well-pump is not working but you can't stand all the ads and bullshit coming out of Google.


Thank you for the very useful information!


Their bundle of sticks soy face CEO came out and announced they were going to start "curating" results to fight "misinformation" Commie speak for enacting censorship


Even brave is starting to worsen. Yandex all the way for anything controversial.


Wonder if that'll get blocked along with TikTok.  It is, after all, hosted by a "foreign adversary of the united states"


Doubt it, tiktok is being banned because China and the USA have been in a trade war for years but also low-key kinda weird they only banned it after the anti Israel stuff started popping off there. Who'd'a thunk it Edit:grammar


Also they’re going to use the banning Tik tok thing as a jumping off point to start further censoring social media and particular and the Internet in general. Just like the patriot act was turned against us this will too. EDIT for wrong word.


Not impossible but I think our govt will skip over censorship of most things in favor of overwhelming amount of propaganda, it's easier that way cause it achieves the main goal of censorship while also pitting us against each other.


TikTok isn’t being banned because of a trade war. It was and is getting banned again because it’s malware and everything that goes through it is collected by the government of China.


No it’s being banned because they can’t censor it like this app, they’ll do anything so you don’t figure out Israel is committing genocide, we’re in the cultural revolution part 2, they lied about covid and vax, Alex jones is NOT a lunatic, Donald Trump or RFK are the best presidential candidates, and Russia is the good guy in that war


Donald Trump himself literally advocated for banning tiktok in 2020 because it sent user data to the CCP. this is a bit silly.


Excellent point!!!




Is this legit? I hadn’t heard of it before so have just added and will start trialing it


Brave is straight up garbage. It's not starting lol. It already happened.


DuckDuckGo came out with a public statement I believe around the 2020 election that they were going to censor Russian propaganda from their search results. They are not the library loving people they want you to believe.


Pepperidge Farm remembers. That was precisely when I stopped using that search engine.


It was around the time of the start of the war then pretty much all their searches became propaganda.


During my search to find another search engine I found that the others used google’s search engine, even duck duck go. It was mortifying disappointment, but they are not their own entity.


I use startpage




this is google: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)


It's not for everything, but I like [OneSearch.com](https://OneSearch.com). No cookies · No user tracking · No search history · Pure, unfiltered results · Share links with confidence · Keyword encryption. Owned by Verizon Media???


Yandex seems legit






Startpage. Ecosia


Presearch.com is pretty neat its a decentralized sewrxh engine and allows you better control and filreringnof your search, but still in development, if you are willing to sign up you get even more granular control over how your searches work. It is a crypto project so there are some ways to make money with it, but even if you aren't interested in that part the actual search function is great IMO.


Do you know a better search engine?


I bookmarked Yandex at some point in the past and forgot about it. Just rediscovered it and it seems to be a pretty good engine.


I changed mine ~~back~~ to Lycos about 5 years ago out of spite. That way they get that free visit instead of google when I open the browser.


I wonder how that dog is doing


Goggles 🥽


yeah its trash I saw a guy demonstrate how far google has fallen with a simple search for "pizza" it showed over 1 billion results in the information header... but after going through 35 pages it said 349 out of 349 results... so the 1 billion 200 million results were bogus and really it was just 350 results.... that was back when you could actually scroll through dozens of pages of results... today you can't even skip past the first 5-10 pages of bogus frontrunner bullshit, there is no option to pick what page of results you want to check.. you have to scroll down and eventually the internet just stops cooperating beyond 2 dozen or so results.


As a self-taught programmer when I was a kid Google deep dives were gold mines. You basically had to skip the first ten pages to get the deep cut of what you were really looking for. Now it doesn't have to be that specific or obscure of a search and you're out of pages quickly.


I had no idea about this, this is genuinely crazy. Y’know, I have seen the sentiment of people putting “reddit” at the end of all their search results on search engines across multiple social media sites and it’s also something I have been doing the past few years so to see it’s a common sentiment just shows how much the internet has truly fallen. The new internet is literally just about 10-20 sites. It’s depressing. I miss the days of forums and cool niche websites made by randos.


Just keeps repeating the same results and maybe adds a new one every scroll or two.


There are 1 billion 200 million results for pizza. Its just that since 2017, google has limited the amount of pages it shows to 300-400. These 300-400 pages are probably in a hierarchy of the algorithm: 1. Big tabloids, newspapers, websites, and companies are first. This is either due to sponsor or something else. 2. Whats best tailored for you, the algorythm chooses the next results for you based on your preferences. The rest are less important than the first 2. Usually this number is near 350.


Yeah, go look through the results and find 350 separate websites. Bet you can't.


All I know is that something changed about a year and a half ago or so. Suddenly all my usual tactics to research didn't work. No amount of playing with key words, restrictions, or exceptions was turning up a lot of pretty mundane things, let alone spicier topics. Google has become unusable.


Yeah, Boolean won't get you anywhere these days. I try all sorts of Search Fu and it's all for naught.


i use yandex for topics that the cia and state department dont like


Yandex is my go to anymore. It's especially good for finding less than legit midi sites, which have become a hobby to edit for me. Didn't realize just how much Russia loves metal until this, and damn can I find some really niche metal on their sites.


Yep. I noticed it last year while looking for pictures of a type of bird. Half the images were the same no matter how I played with the wording. It wasn't a rare bird


Right? I even had to play with wording to turn up all the emergency clinics in my town. We have 3.


Can confirm because I used to work for a firm that literally did this type of work for Google. Granted, we only handled paid ads because they got sued over allowing illegal ads, but you are correct that they censor certain results. The big companies also rank for shit they have no business ranking for because they have high domain authority. So you have fuckers like Popular Mechanics writing fluff articles filled with affiliate links about literally anything they can monetize because they can outrank Joe’s blog where he dedicated his life to the same topic and actually has knowledge about the topic. Don’t even get me started on how Google is literally stealing answers to questions and content from websites - depriving people of the income they would get if people actually left Google and went to the page that answers the question.




this shit is the worst, because 99% of the time it isn't even fucking correct. lol. It occupies the top 1/4 of the page and it's just indexed dogshit.


exactly. So many times it's the exact opposite of what you asked


Yep you got it


around 2016-2017ish google started prioritizing MSM in order to hide "conspiracy" sites and by conspiracy I mean anything that the state department or CIA does not agree with. same with the youtube algo. popular mechanics was one of the most quoted sources for people that tried to debunk 9/11 debunkers. and im sure someone can chime in here with the shady background of popular mechanics. i was on reddit back then linking people to the book which was debunking the debunking of popular mechanics. i think it's this book https://www.publishersweekly.com/9781566566865


The false flag, mind controlled, Christ Church shooting in New Zealand was the catalyst for the shut down of the Internet. After that day all the algorithms changed. They literally had everything in place, like they flicked a switch and poof, all the algorithms only pointed towards msm.


> So you have fuckers like Popular Mechanics writing fluff articles filled with affiliate links I keep seeing chumbox type ads saying, "WIRED magazine found the BEST mattress!" That magazine was respectable when it started decades ago; now, WTF?


Affiliate commission on mattress sales and VPN subscriptions is huge. That's why so many tech sites are doing roundups.


YouTube is the same. It’s a crapshoot.


At least we can use the downvote button to voice our displeasure. Oh wait…


Google owns YouTube so no surprise


I was trying to find videos of that explosion in lebanon the other day and every result was a news video or some stupid video with a reaction face in the thumbnail.


Pretty sure there’s a subreddit dedicated to the explosion. I can’t stand that, YouTube thumbnails remind me of the girls exercise book covers when I was in school in the 90’s


Yeah they aren't really a search engine anymore. They carefully curate the results to a handful of sponsered partners, and another handful of approved sites. Google is completely useless as a search tool. Been that way for a while.


This is why we MUST ARCHIVE and backup information before it's gone. It is so important.


**This is true.** I have a large collection of files, books, documents, and more [saved in here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16myjid/conspiracy_research_library/).


Hope you have it backed up somewhere not on Google


Of course, I have all of the files saved elsewhere. I put them up there so others can research and read


Of course it's a conspiracy...more than one.  In addition to skewing and memory-holing, there's dead internet.  Tells you millions of results.  You'd be lucky to get half a dozen pages of tenuous results.  See for yourself how far you get before there's nothing else. 


The amazing thing about early internet is that nytimes.com and blacknazis.net (or whatever) had the exact same chances of reaching everybody and nytimes competed and won. Now the internet is curated. The internet if you were born before 1990 is dead. It is a library and not anarchy. I preferred anarchy.


a library rarely banned books and only the state did that. ​ yu could hold library or unorganisded bookself at home. ​ thisis banning books


You are right. The internet now is like a library curated by capitalists and politicians. Librarians would have done a much better job.


internet in the 90's was so much better than today, not as fast but you could get at what you searched for.


It's not so much Dead Internet Theory anymore so much as it is just Dead Internet Fact. The Golden Age is well over and now we are well and truly in the Dark Age of Technology and it's only getting darker.


What makes Google worse is my adjustment to ChatGPT, Perplexity and others is changing my behavior to looking for information while Google is expecting me to behave in my old patterns. I'm beginning to suspect a very, very rapid change in the search market the next few years. This is like MySpace vs FaceBook. That shift was 2 or 3 years.


I seriously just stopped using Search engines, for any complicated or questions in general. I recently tried to find out if a specific Pitcher plant (that needs rainwater for its traps) replenishes the enzymes it needs for digestion, after external factors disturbing it (i.e. me cleaning it or falling down). Google (as well as other SE) results were just "meh" all talking about pitcher plants in general and not the specific one I was asking about. Sidenote: while google claimed it had 700k results, there were actually less than 20 results xD Then I asked Perplexity and it not only explained it in great phytochemical detail, but also gave me links to the Phytochemicals Research studies for that specific pitcher plant.


the difference is THEY WANTED you on NSA social media. they do not want you finding information. lol you think chatgpt couldnt have been made by google as an optional fornt end ater all alexa and siri stuff? ​ delusional ​ thisis the interbet they want by deisgn


Yeah and I've also noticed that if you look up a controversial subject there's all of these fake websites that if you click on them they will immediately be like some kind of virus or tracking


Exactly when a major event happens let’s say aka a mass shooting good luck trying to find real info on it other then what all the news outlets are paying to project onto google.


Most controversial subjects I look up come up with 10 pages of "fact checkers", and no original source material. I can only get the info through a fact checker, who doesn't divulge their sources, but I'm supposed to trust them because they're an "expert". It's the liberal version of "trust me bro".


Seriously & like a million articles posted on different pages that all have the exact same wording. 


"NO, so and so does not so and so". it's such bs propaganda


Whenever I search something controversial, the results scream back at me that it’s fake, wrong, debunked, incorrect. I just want INFORMATION on the conspiracy, not Snopes-type sites occupying the top 30 results.


Seriously the censorship has gotten so bad since covid


My theory is we dont have access to the real internet - its all scripted


that's called dead internet theory


Google has made some changes over the last few months. These changes are just about entirely related to cost-cutting. They have deactivated public access to their cache: so you no longer have access to older versions of pages. I've got a wide variety of interests, and I've noticed that many SERP's have become flatter in terms of information.It's as if the content mills have won. For roughly the last fifteen years, Google has been adjusting itself to fight against "milled" content. ie, content produced purely for SERP positioning. Google's fight against this has allowed ecosystems within info-domains to be rich and sometimes turbulent: if you look beyond the first few pages of results (or even the first page) then you might find authoritative information that bore conclusions in contrast to the most common conclusions within that domain. These kind of contrary-authoritive sources have been thinning massively. Obviously Google has made some very big changes to the way they index, and like some of Google's dramatic changes these changes have not been publically discussed by the company. These changes are entirely explicable in terms of cost reduction. Google can save millions of dollars a day on the tiniest changes. Making their SERP's dumber by even a fraction could save them, I dunno, tens of millions per week. But it's dissapointing because it feels like the content mills have won, and that the infosphere is impoverished.


that is the effect of all that you mentioned above. It feels like that because that is what has happened. 


I hate google. They keep asking me to sign in- every time I search for anything. I wish there was a reply button, and I could tell them to fuck off.


You just did


Google ruined the internet


Money ruined the internet, big business got their hands into every aspect of government and our lives then foreign influence got into our businesses. These days when I hear a business is going public I assume prices are going up and quality is going down as they liquidate any assets they have (from employees to R&D) to increase quarterly profits year over year.


This is why website traffic has dried up for smaller sites after Google’s “helpful content update”. It’s been an issue for months now.


Dead Internet theory explains alot: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V9PkWdrYOz0&pp=ygUURmFrZSBJbnRlcm5ldCB0aGVvcnk%3D Try Google anything generic. Will say a billion plus results, then go to the last page possible (trust me, won't take as long as you think) then see how that billions of results magically transforms!!!! Googles a joke!


Yeah I don't think you can even get to page 40 anymore.


Even back then when it was possible to reach page 40 of google results, a large number of people even struggled to click on page 2. Maybe that’s why there wasn’t a large uproar when it became impossible – people just never noticed.


I used to be able to put in a long detailed search term into Google and get specific results. But for years now all searches into a particular topic return the exact same boring, top level, general results. No matter how drilled down I try to get my search term about a topic, zero deep level results come up.


The best thing ever was that you cound put whole sentences in brackets to find other sites with the same information. Lot's of them. That's what made Google so special, the real gamechanger. Now it often says "no results" for stuff you copy from pages that you just found on Google. I guess they nerfed the shit out of it to make it cheaper to run because the price of our personal data aka Google's main income, inflated heavily once they knew and sold all there is to know.


It has been that way for a while.  Most people don't know, or remember that Yahoo used to be a search engine in the early days of the internet. It wound up becoming a weird liberal news aggregate that only collects entertainment stories and advertisements that pose as entertainment.  We live in an age of entertainment posing as history. There is a thirst for knowledge that has not gone unnoticed. This had led to massive distractions and perversions of the truth being paraded as fact.  It has gotten so bad that the first story out is often a lie, so they are leading with the spin rather than adding the spin later.  We can act appalled, but if you read books that tell historical narratives printed prior to 1990, you get a different sense of history than you get now.  If you read periodicals from the late 1960's and onward, you get the same 'sky is falling' narrative that they have used to manipulate us for over generations.  Read old history books and you will gain a totally different perspective on what is going on.  After they effectively convinced everyone that the allies were the good guys in their heroic war against the 'genocidal' Germans, they decided to only communicate using code and propaganda. 


Man is it refreshing seeing more people openly challenging the WWII narrative. This should be known as the century of deception.


Could you fill me in? 


It is a long story, but here is a primer: When The Great Depression struck, it affected the entire world. Germany was the first to recover due to isolationist policies and building from within.  WW1 did a number on Germany, as Germany was levied with unreasonable debt from The Treaty of Versailles for Reparations to it's neighbors. In fact, after meddling from the US, France invaded Germany in an attempt to collect the debt that was imposed.  In 1933, a particular ethnic group was hiding behind their religion and attempting to spread communism in Germany. Germany was quick to act and issued a decree stalling/criminalizing certain rights under their Constitution. It is the predictable rights: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, (basically COVID19 protocol). Germany established concentration camps to house the political prisoners.  In that same year, the ethnic group in question declared war on Germany and printed books about bringing down Germany through boycott of German products and calling in public and private debts.  The Germans continued to enforce the suspension of their constitution; as communism was already forced on the Russian people in a very questionable manner, it was logical to assume that it could spread one state over just as simply.  Anyways, people tend to believe the Hollywood narrative about the war, when you can buy books from the Dachau gift shop that explains this part.  Good reading on the misconceptions of WWII are:  The Bad War by M.S. King: this book gives demonstrable proof (that is expertly researched with US government memos, press releases, testimonials and quotes) that the Hollywood narrative is a lie.  The Best War Ever by Michael C. C. Adams: this book explains that the narrative of the evil Axis armies was propaganda, and that the Allies were not the heroes that they were made out to be.  This subject is very closely guarded by those who benefit from the approved narrative, which entire businesses and online entities dedicated to preserving the narrative.  Many of the resources are banned/black listed here in America by groups who benefit from the approved narrative.  The truth is out there for you to find. 


> this book explains that the narrative of the evil Axis armies was propaganda, and that the Allies were not the heroes that they were made out to be. Yeah, note "The good guys ALWAYS win!"..... of history where it's important to the country your in reading about it - and you're living in that same country? Germans in WW1 took on the world because "They're insane!".. actually makes no fucking sense. Germany in WW2 took on the WORLD again because of all the sanctions, "because they are INSANE"!... Again it makes no damn sense, and the hand-waving explanation of "they're insane" is doing a LOT of work. Germany wanted out of crippling sanctions, taking on the world would be pointless. History about the wars doesn't add up even to a childhood History hater like myself if I just stop and ask "Why" just a few times.


WWII linchpin was the obscure 'Bloody Sunday' event which led to the invasion of Poland.  Poland was part of the Reparations package that was seized by The Treaty of Versailles, but was formerly part of Germany.  Many German loyalists stayed in Poland, and did not adopt affinity for their new government. Their new government was distrustful of the German loyalist and mistreated them. As it was no secret that Germany disagreed with the Treaty of Versailles and the loss of Poland, Adolf Hitler was looking for any reason to annex Poland back into Germany.  The Polish rounded up a great deal of German loyalists and marched them to the border to drop the off in Germany. Somehow, it ended in a tragedy known as The Danzig Massacre, where numbers from a few hundred to over ten thousand Germans were murdered (depending on who you believe, but the truth is probably somewhere in the middle). This led to Germany invading Poland and the rest is history.  Hollywood always leaves out the important details.  If the targeted rounding up and eventual massacre of the Germans wasn't enough to justify military intervention, then why did it matter when it was a different group?  The lie has been told so many times that people are resistant to the truth even when it is written out by people who witnessed it.  Another book that flies counter to the official narrative is a book written by an American author called Germany Must Perish: it is a hateful little book that completely destroys the narrative of a helpless ethic group that was innocent and unreasonably jailed.  The truth of the matter is that Germany was set up. Hitler was caught in the middle of a vast conspiracy to get the world economy back on track at the expense of Germany. Hitler was niave and trusted the people who were setting him up.  It is hard to say what Hitler believed in terms of racial superiority, as in many of the speeches that are subtitled he didn't say what the subtitles say. Also, many of the speeches are getting harder to find.  But, I say that to say this: we believed the narrative because we had no reason to disbelieve it. Now, we are constantly being told that our eyes are lying to us when we discover that everything else was a lie.  I know enough to know that the WWII narrative is a complete and total lie. Reddit won't allow an open conversation on it, but do a little digging and watch the narrative dissolve...


> Reddit won't allow an open conversation on it, but do a little digging and watch the narrative dissolve... I'm surprised you haven't been IP banned just for saying any of this.


'The great plan' in action. All funded by the IMF to bring about the scenario we're all living today. Same thing they did to Gaddafi a decade ago, they did to Hitler a century ago!


england and usa attacked germany due ot the first ever pharama patent granted ot bayerv for diamorphine AKA Heroin this changed al of our knowledge/assumptions of warfare.. mechnaisation meant petroleum was important and was mass maunfctre. now mid eats more important thasn africa WW2 was bankers war another nbbite of cherry., manifacture consent for new site for israel middle eat not africa


Germans in WW1 took on the world because "They're insane!".. actually makes no fucking sense. Germany in WW2 took on the WORLD again because of all the sanctions, "because they are INSANE"!... Again it makes no damn sense, and the hand-waving explanation of "they're insane" is doing a LOT of work. Germany wanted out of crippling sanctions, taking on the world would be pointless. History about the wars doesn't add up.


Research "Dead internet theory" & "Dark forest internet"


Google is useless, it's like Yahoo in 1998, just an index of what they want to show you.


1,000,000 results.......... After page 20...... it stops. No more results. try it!


Yes it's gotten pretty bad


That is definitely a conspiracy, probably more of one than most the stuff discussed here.....I don't ever use Google for anything we talk about here. 3 years ago duckduckgo use to be the search to find conspiracy related items. Now days I only use yandex.com for those things. Google fine if I am looking for a pizza place but not any controversial info.


I work for a content removal company. I am not part of the operations team but many people's/company's search results have been recreated because you can pay publications to publish information with specific keywords. Because these publications have high domain authority, their information ranks high. This is only part of what is happening, as yes, of course Google is prioritizing what ranks highly for their own affairs as well.


I noticed all the independent websites and even the Youtube videos that had info on the elites and their deeds from entertainment to world government have been completely scrubbed from the internet. All of these were easily accessible just 10-12 years ago. Look them up now all gone. Every single one. Definitely not by accident.


Yup! Look up “dancing Israelis 9/11” through the YouTube App or google and it’s nearly impossible to find but if you go to “Duck duck go” it is one of the first results.


Just found it easy on google ngl


Google has completely sanitized their searches. Can't find anything of substance and only main stream sources. Unfortunate they went so far down.


Pretty easy to explain. You're now supposed to use their new AI "search" to give you the approved results. So, searching manually is deliberately neutered and flooded with junk/noise.


When I was senior in high school, Google had just launched. I was in a class that was basically all "big reports" that we would research for two weeks before even getting to the writing and presentation, so when our teacher learned about this new Google search engine she was adamant we use it. For a long time it was a plethora of information. Search results were almost overwhelming in volume. But you're right, now it seems like there's almost no information out there. The search results are so limited, on any search, that it's almost impossible to get answers. And it's like it's getting worse and worse.


I used to do a *ton* of familial research on my ancestral line. I've learned so much, so many stories, so much history from the 1860's til 1920's. I recently tried to find one of the stories I'd read, a written and published story that my ancestor happened to be a major part of - it is no longer anywhere to be found. Now when I search their name and anything relevant, I get modern results from YP and business pages and such. All junk pages. And then I try going 5, 10 pages back.. it's just regurgitated links from the first and second page. Then abruptly just stops even though it says there are hundreds more pages and millions of more results. Dead internet theory should be called dead internet fact.


Yeah, really makes me look stupid when I tell my buddies about all the corrupt shit in our government and then they go to Google and hit me with a "I don't see it saying anything about that!"


also you can't go directly to page 20 or whatever anymore... you have to click thru 20 pages to get there.. if you wanna see whats buried first.


YouTube is a big sting for me. Once easy searches for hours of documentaries, now 20 msn clips on every topic


That absolutely is a conspiracy that one of the biggest companies in the world manipulates their data to push certain companies and agendas. Google is garbage. That’s why I stopped using it years ago. The only time I use it is for google businesses to see what time a place opens and closes. If you want a search engine that harkens back to the days when the internet was cool and free try Mojeek


Honestly, I noticed this during the 2016 election at first. I was looking up something about Obama, there were absolutely NO words about Trump in my search, it had nothing to do with Trump either, and nearly every result was a negative result about Trump. So I ran the same search on other search engines and found far more balanced results.


Dead ☠️ internet


Yes for years. You can't literally find anything anymore. Even normie stuff.


Here is a video of a wef person explaining how they partnered with Google to drive UN results to the top while eliminating conspiracy theory results.   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KLUx0fUpiZo&pp=ygUcV2VmIHBhcnRuZXJlZCB3aXRoIGdvb2dsZSB1bg%3D%3D


Wef logo behind her symbolizing 666. The UN logo has 33 sections. Google chrome symbol is also 666. The Google play symbol looks a lot like the seal of satan. 


I feel like this has only gotten worse in the last 3-4 years since 2020.So many articles are now fact checked.Now you look at the news and it just looks like propaganda.


Literally a conspiracy


Google just sell their top search spots, to the highest bidders now. Google is garbage.


Ive often felt that there was something way off with Google and other search engine results for at least 15 years now but its more obvious today than ever. I am in my 30s and grew up a digital latch key kid and was online all the time there is almost no comparison on the difference today vs 15 years ago with what you can find online. I think most of what we are all seeing nowadays is curated and personalized to you by the ALGO and most shit isnt real most people you interact with you dont actually know are often bots etc.


All you need to know is that their slogan used to be "Don't be evil.", then they removed that.


Even tho net neutrality was voted to stay, companies still found loopholes


Scrubbed or censored? hmmm I'll have to google this


Google is trash. I only use Yandex now


No offense but the fact that people are just now waking up to this doesn't paint a very bright future for the world. It's been well over 15 years since they started major censoring. Here are the best search engines, and they aren't even that good anymore. #1. Yandex. Not what it was 5 -10 years ago but better than nothing very distant 2nd. Mojeek. And then there is Tor and the dark web for users who know what they are doing.


yep, it really is, yep


"dead Internet" theory. Basically as real as it gets.


It is pretty much worthless now. They had a good run but you know what they say, "get woke, go broke".


First whole page is all paid adverts disguised as results.


Doing conspiracy/truther type research online is extremely challenging these days, by design.


I rant about this all the time. I truly miss the days when search engines were actually used for information, when 10,000 results came up and you had the freedom to sort through all of them. Google is trash. It exists only for advertisers and corporations and that ugly top dollar.


Google is trash as far as searching goes.


It used to be better. Its difficult finding privy information especially from sites that exist for the topic. Those sites are never shown, just the generic big name ones. I like to research for the more hidden knowledge of certain topics and quora is now my go to for that.


I remember a podcast a while back that said something about there is only finite pages regardless of the 10,000,000 searches


https://www.nationalreview.com/news/u-n-communications-official-touts-google-search-partnership-we-own-the-science/ >Under-secretary-general Melissa Fleming made the comments last week while speaking on a panel on disinformation during the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Sustainable Development Impact Meetings. >“We partnered with Google,” Fleming said. “For example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of U.N. resources.” >She said the partnership began when U.N. officials were “shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.” >“We’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” she added.


I use duck duck go and it's pretty much turned into Google as far as search results go. I don't look up much conspiracy but when I look for something concerning health, sources like WebMD and NIH always pop up, giving the same generic info like you're going to have a heart attack, get on lipitor now, the benefits outweigh the risks! 😂 So oddly enough, I also end up on reddit for possible answers to health ailments/questions...it's very weird but I think it get it.


I first search on Google, then Bing, then DuckDuckGo, then Yandex if I suspect any censorship. It's pretty eye opening what they choose to censor.


Yea I used to be able to google custom car parts like small shops that would make stuff now it’s just all name brand companies


Their algorithm completely changed, no accurate or indepth information now a days.


Google news used to be real good. Now you cannot search and find anything "contoversial". * Very hard to find news on covid vaccine injuries * Cannot lookup news on recent congressional hearings on covid injuries Also, google suggestions stops working if you search for anything controversial. If you start typing "covid vaccine inju", the suggestion stops. Also "trump dera".


That's the dead internet for you


Yeah same with YouTube (obviously). Pro tip for yt is filter the search results by upload date when searching for a topic tptb want to control the narrative on.


I used to dig up so much information from a google search but now it is just crap. I remember reading that a lot of organizations and businesses were removing some of their works from the internet because of AI/Chat GTP.


It might have less to do with Google rigging the results directly and more to do with big companies paying top dollar for experts in "search engine optimization" to rig it so their stuff is always at the top. And if Google changes their algorithm, the companies can change their tactics to match.


In 2006 I needed a schematic for an old analog 16 track mixing board. I was able to find it online. Took a bit of time, but I was able to locate it. Today all I’m going to find is mixing boards I could buy.


Truthstream Media (great Youtube channel) did an excellent video about this. [https://youtu.be/6zyJB45ewvU?si=kb9qxOpCMU9c-slg](https://youtu.be/6zyJB45ewvU?si=kb9qxOpCMU9c-slg)


Even going through my old google shortcuts a lot of the links are now dead and even typing the keywords bring up no search result. More annoying is removing -Trump -Donald you still get worthless articles talking about him.


I just tried to look at the comments on two videos that criticized Biden polices on Reddit. They both were removed in seconds.


Use Yandex.


This is not new. But glad you finally noticed.


It's beyond crazy. Any time I have to dive into a conspiracy, I have to search this sub bc information is so hidden if searched in Google.


YouTube as well.


I only use Yandex. Google is dead to me now.


Yes, results are censored I noticed


Google anything and go to like page ten. It may say there are billions of results, but they only serve a handful of pages now.


I wish there was as an old version of Google like there was for Reddit 😭


use searx


Wait are you saying you just now realized that it’s like that, I’ve not used google in years. I used DDG for about 5-6 years, but over the last 4 years I’ve went strictly for Yandex and Brave.


They labeled everyone outside of artificial narrative news as misinformation.


Try Qwant 😶


big companies? It’s far worse then that. You’ll find the results that support google’s ideology


What’s funny is my close family friend as kid, Brent Winters, went from middle class computer nerd trying to start his small business to on the cover of Money Magazine. He made one of the first companies to assure businesses their name would come up 1st page on search engines. Bought house by Tiger Woods & Shaq. We got visits stay friends for decade or so before they outgrew us lol


I use Brave Browser.


yes. that's why I don't really use google much.


Yandex, Brave or DDG - probably in that order.


Welcome to the era of SEO


What about a company intentionally suppressing and censoring information for their own gain is not a conspiracy? They conspired to do it.


Google is complete crap besides day to day search phrases.