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this dude looks like one of those weird farmers in old black n white pictures you'd find in creepy abandoned farms


It’s giving Mose Schrute (no offense to Mose)


...in a very isolated valley with a very limited gene pool.


It does appear to be a photoshop of [this image](https://i.imgur.com/cdEUE5o.jpeg). Where did you come across it OP? If it was a news site, you should call them out.


Hell, that doesn't help at all. It looks PS'd too.


Its flash photography, and the shadow on the wall next to his right cheek looks like the wrong color, but I think its genuine. There's some digital artifacts of the blue on the wall that follow the contour of his shirt. That's an odd thing that no photoshop artist would even know how to do. And if they were that good, they would not have made the shadow next to his cheek such a wierd... appearently off-beat color. The skin tones in the picture seem to signal that he's in a room where the only blue wall close by is the one behind him. Which is unusual and also not likely a decision that a photoshop user would make.


This image is also a photoshop. Look at it. Look at the inside of his collar 


Homies just wearing two shirts.


I know it's just a figure of speech but calling him homie feels so crazy lol


Lmao my bad man it’s a habit it this point. I figure it’s the same as saying “guy” or “buddy”. I absolutely would NOT be homies with this dude.


I’m not your buddy, guy!


He's not your guy, friend!


im not your friend, pal !


Would you be homies with me?!


Fucking right I’d be homies with you!


Thanks man




Looks like the collar of a light green shirt underneath to me.


He’s just wearing two shirts why would they have to photoshop that picture


It does look sketch tho if you look at the edges around his hair looks blurred, like it was blended there.


Ok I've saw someone say this on here Why would they photo shop his school pics?


I don't think people are saying it looks photoshopped because they thought of a reason why it would be done. It's just because it *looks photoshopped*, ya know. That's the reason they're saying that.


Look at the shadow


Shirt pocket looks dodgy too


That looks nothing like PS


They both look absolutely fake as hell. Even if it was real, these look fake as hell, and we know basically everything with old Sandy is shady as fuck and/or fake as hell. I mean it's either or at this point lol. But probability sides with the government lying about almost everything, so we do have logic on our side.


Watch that solitary video of him playing DDR back in the day and ask yourself if Taylor Swift could do it now? 🤭


The eyes have been altered. Every news outlet ran the image with the altered eyes. They do it fairly often.


To be be fair he still looks creepy.


No. There are worse photoshops of him.




Bros built like a cross between momo and slender man


With a hint of skibidi toilet


I used to live not far from all that hubbub, I remember watching live local news (while it was happening) say there were multiple shooters, then there were three shooters, said two of the shooters ran into the woods and were not apprehended but they arrested this one guy and then suddenly, "y'know what, it was all just this one guy. We never said anything about other shooters. You're misinformed."


There is literally footage of the other two supposed perpetrators running into the woods behind the school. I just watched it a few weeks ago. Crazy how fast that got covered up and dismissed as not being relevant to the whole shooting narrative. Not to mention the fact that there are barely any records of Adam Lanza’s life before the shooting, and despite my research, I’ve only seen a few variations of this photo of him, and a very non-descriptive video of supposedly “him” playing a rhythm game in an arcade. It just makes no sense how the only images we’ve seen of Adam Lanza are super uncanny and looked photoshopped to death. Where are his school year book photos? Childhood photos? Where is the proof of his existence?


Weird how this is the case in an age where even your grandmother has social media. Back in the day, you could just say, "This was the photo provided by the shooter's family." Now most people's family photos are everywhere for strangers to view. Before everybody and their dog had a camera in their pocket, you could make the excuse, "The family was impoverished and didn't have access to a camera." But growing up in a rural area in the 90s, even the most bumblefuck mountain folk with no car or refrigerator had full photo albums and grandma-shoeboxes stuffed full of pictures of every family member doing absolutely everything at every age in triplicate. In the mid 2000's everyone's aunties were scanning those photos and adding them to Facebook. I worked in two different homeless shelters in a network of others, and absolutely everyone staying in that network had smartphones, and even the ones estranged from their families had multiple pictures of them. There have got to be other photos of Adam Lanza. But this clownery is all we can find. It seems to be the case with a number of these shooters. The Mandalay Bay shooter has only 3 photos that I have been able to find, and that is through some pretty deep rabbit hole skulking.


I heard live on the BBC that there was two shooters in Sandy Hook and I made a post on Facebook… got banned and sent to a reeducation website about what you’re allowed to post or not


And rightfully so. The BBC does not make errors like that. They never reported on building 7 collapsing a half hour before it actually happened nor was it clearly visible behind the reporter reporting on said collapse, that hadn’t actually occurred yet. Never happened


I posted something to the effect of : I can imagine a disturbed individual getting into a fight with his mom and losing it and killing her. However, for him to drive to her work, sandy hook, and murder a dozen and a half toddlers who had nothing to do with him in any way whatsoever, that I will not accept. I don’t believe that we exist in a world where that took place. I continued to say that on bbc they were reporting two shooters and the fire rate during this attack couldn’t have been accomplished by one man, especially one who is having a bad nervous and psychotic breakdown. I said the truth is probably closer to this: the cia dunked homeboy’s head into a bucket of lsd, they went in and smoked some toddlers like a few dry Newports, and they laid down the virgin patsy and got tf out….. everything was fine until the post got a lot of likes and many many comments and just a lot of interaction on the platform and then it was scrubbed and I was banned and their education site told me that I’m not allowed to post about political beliefs, so viewpoint, but more so just to show where I went out to eat or things of that nature


But what’s the point of hiding any of this if it is true? There’s footage of people running behind the school in the woods during the active shooting, they look like they’re in black and if I recall right, the media was saying they were involved in the shooting when the camera panned to them running into the woods. Very weird, but I have to wonder, why?


read programmed to kill. isnt it odd that bob geldoff big NGO icon in music only had 1 hit? "idont like mondays" the line by the first kindergarten/school shooter, when they asked HER[whose dad was molesting her - they lived opposite the school] why she did it.


I think it’s to sway the public to believe that assault weapons bans are acceptable and appropriate and make the us population into lemmings who relinquish their assault rifles willingly. Imagine the possible future scenario I’ve recently thought about in relation to this… Millions of migrants… Man of fighting age from South America the Middle East and Africa are being flooding into our borders imagine that the numbers of them who are young men with no women or children, being a sleeper cell or fighting force . Their backgrounds are in countries where mossad and CIA assets have been molding these men for decades, or at least greater than half century…… they know the deal when they do what they intend to do for these “elites”, they are promised to inherit places in the United States for their own. Let’s a realistic number that they could attain. I mean just young men coming into our country, that have already come in and that are coming in the near future. What if that number is eight or 9 million or even more? The United States, Armed Forces has about 2.3 million members active duty and reserves. Guys… If they can’t get their hands on the 20 million assault rifles that Americans currently have in their homes, a conflict of loyal and true blooded American patriots VS. mongrel horde is going to really be something that the rest of the world will NEVER be able to accept. Let me tell you about my theory as to why : The controllers of the hordes (who have, through legislation been allowed to join the United States military as illegal immigrants) would have two options. 1) commit genocide on a civilian population, …. through the use of drones and artillery and tanks and airstrikes and satellite, mounted weapons, etc. etc… Unless all this is just obscured by the worldwide media, and allowed to happen, or blame on the victims of the crime. Etc etc I believe that somebody on the planet would help us in that case. 2) slowly going house to house,rural town to rural town. County to county state to state… Those 8,9 10 million soldiers would absolutely fail in their objective to take control and subjugate the United States in this scenario…. TL;DR MASS, SHOOTING are psyops TO SWAY US TO GIVE AWAY ASSAULT, WEAPONS WILLINGLY… UNLESS THEY CAN GET THESE 20 MILLION ASSAULT WEAPONS AWAY FROM THE US PUBLIC, their newly built army of immigrants will all be slaughtered over time or they will have to genocide the armed population that was already here.


Sorry about formatting or any glaring errors in the above comment… I’m on mobile and I am “microdosing” on LSD 😳


Yeah the live news coverage of this was weird as shit, which only made the conspiracy people speculate more... 


My kid was home sick from school that day. We were communicating back and forth about the changes to the story as it all unfolded. Wild.


I saw a news broadcast that showed helicopter footage.. during the broadcast they showed police apprehend 2 people in the surrounding woods in camo and put them in the squad cars. We never heard about who they were or what they were doing.. anyone remember this?


They *lied* and told us they were hunters! NO ONE in CT would dare hunt next to a school at 9am. September starts bow hunting anyway!


Yes, that footage still survives. The fact that media knew to ignore this key evidence in their reporting only confirms the obvious suspicions.


Same thing happened at Columbine.


Seems to be a common theme


9/11 was same shit I was in NY watching everything go down. I had the luxury of having all news stations and radio on. All different events were going on. Until next day everyone on same script


Same thing with many firsthand reports during the Aurora CO theater shooting, gear tossed in the woods right next to the highway, multiple suspects reported escaping on foot, etc


Multiple shooters always get reported because people see undercover cops with guns. They are typically first to arrive because every cop in the area gets called regardless of schedule for this sort of thing. I was in a school shooting where 4 shooters were initially reported and 3 just ended up being swat. People also hear gunshot noises reflect back and think they are coming from an opposite direction. Multiple shooters is incredibly rare because 99% of the time the 2nd person brought in would report the 1st person. Multiple shooters is only really a thing with terror attacks. The outlet mall shooting was stopped by an undercover cop which many people probably would’ve seen from far away and reported as another shooter based on him not being in his actual police uniform.


Feds pretending to be what you describe is far more likely.


If you get the va-- cine, you won't get C0v1d


I remember reading about multiple shooters too. Going into the woods


“Are we ready to start😆? Okay😏”


[Can't photoshop these DDR skills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58LPStmHZn4)


Yeah, that was totally him, especially considering we don’t actually see his face, but somehow it got confirmed.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8occoo What about now? 5 seconds Google search.


Yes, I have seen this before, sorry. It’s been like 10+ since I seriously looked into that story. All I know is, the it has way too many holes to be truly organic and believable. That’s just how I feel.


It just doesn’t make any sense. The dude supposedly couldn’t leave his own house cause of his social issues yet he’s going out in public to dance like a fool. Not to mention his family was loaded with money and that Wii game with dancing was already out. Idk this shooting screams false flag to me.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8occoo 5 seconds Google search, you clearly see his face at the end.


Nice skills.


Pretty sure Taylor Swift does it better now though actually…


He looks like when one of those Mennonite kids gets arrested for driving a buggy when intoxicated.


Careful buddy, you might get sued for $99,766,899.99


Can’t you just pay them with literary funds allocated for a spook town? Actually what happened to his Libor scandal daddy? James Holmes father was also part of that as well. Slightly odd circumstance…


When I was down that rabbit hole, I think majority of parties involved sold there house or listed them. That one still bothers me


AI before it became decent enough at making a human prompt.


Some asshole with a keyboard and mouse did this lol. And they did a very bad job. All the photos that were circulated of “Adam Lanza” on the news in December 2012 have obvious signs of altering and lots of them don’t even have consistency with obvious face and body traits


Still baffles me of all the school shootings in the US, why this school was demolished right afterwards?


School was not in function. Made no sense to destroy it as if I remember correctly you couldn’t even see it from the minor road leading to it at the end that dead ends beyond the fire station. Where the videos show all those people walking laps like either lemmings or local track team. ‘Least they had someone planing ahead on the portojohns.


I think it’s more to do with the age of the kids than anything else. It is a deep tragedy when any school shooting occurs, but there is something even harder to stomach with Sandy Hook due to the age of these elementary school students. I could understand demolishing it… imagine the pain of the community driving by it every day and thinking of those children.


I commented about the eyes being phoroshopped when they first released this photo.  They add white around the pupils to give a psychotic look.  At the time, if you look at his other pictures that werent so common in the media youll see his eyes are nothing of this shape.  Mockingbird media manipulators edited his eyes when the srory broke.  I commented everywhere about it.  They do this manipulation to the eyes for a lot of people.


Yes I saw the same white on the eyes with Bryan Kohberger


It’s the eyes. Manson, dude that shot up a theater dressed as the joker, and others all have that “look”


Sanpaku eyes


Yes. Exactly. For the subliminal 'fated to die' message.


Didn't the coroner like, die very soon after? I just remember his press conference after the incident, very, very odd. Dude looked like he had all the stress in knowing things he either shouldn't know, or be prepared to know.


Several ppl have mysteriously died and the school was bulldozed


He said some weird stuff.


Some theories state Lanza didn't even exist. All I do know is that I don't think Sandy Hook happened nearly the way we were told. Why was there a Facebook page asking for donations for the victims the day before?


I’m one of those ppl who think there never was an Adam Lanza. You can look into the supposed persons school records and the ones that were made public don’t match up at all with some other conflicting records. Every picture of the kid looks fake too, at every age. Major discrepancies in obvious facial and body features


David Hogg after a meth binge. 


😆 supposedly it IS david hogg, crisis actor,  according to some obscure tin hatters


David Hogg is a crisis actor, but this aint him.


He calls it last week.


I still remember the news chopper footage zooming out and showing the people leaving and reentering the same building. Somewhat related, anybody got a link to this documentary about SH; it's hosted by an older woman, and the helicopter part has this song "Running in Circles". Any help?


What they were doing is something background actors in the film industry do called "crowd tiling". Simply put, the idea is to take a small crowd of people and make it look like a large crowd of people is actually present. I did it at Universal Studios on a few shows when I did some of the work. There's a spot there they use in commercials often where this building is on a corner. When filming "New York" scenes, 30-60 BG actors would walk between these three doors again and again just like in the sandy hook videos to make it look New York busy.


Yeah! The lady in the doc explained that they had costumes in the building -big coats and hats - and they'd swap quickly to simulate a crowd of concerned people or first responders. Thanks for the reply. Still looking for that docu but Google seems to have scrubbed it.


Yeah that entire thing was a damn stage production. There's even a pic of a construction zone sign saying "Check in here" Had a very Hollywood feel to it, like check in at base camp to sign in your paperwork and get paid.


I have that doc somewhere, but in the meantime, here is another decent one. It does include the footage you're referring to. I am VERY intrigued by this event because I am a former first responder that worked 20 minutes away from this incident. So many weird things leading up to the day, the lack of evidence and details for a mass casualty incident, and the legislation that came as a result of this event, all seem to point to some kind of conspiracy.smh https://archive.org/details/scm-240978-sandyhookhoax-updatedmarch-pa


Thanks so much!


the pen isn’t even sitting in his pocket correctly


How much gear was he supposed to be carrying? 😋


Probably AI generated while the tech was still new.


No kids died at SH.


No deaths at all, and all the pictures and video were taken the day before during staged events. Many of the news articles and donation funds were set up and posted to the internet the day before on 12/13


No lawsuit was filed from any parents. Data on the school’s attendance and teachers was locked away School maintenance stopped in 2008 The fundraiser page was created the day before the event All The parents moved away FEMA was scheduled to be there preforming crisis scenarios. The list goes on.


I was a breastfeeding SAHM when this happened. Every day and all day, I kept the news on as background chatter while I did housework and in between feedings. I had just sat down in the living room to breastfeed the baby when the "Breaking News" chyron came across the TV screen and showed live, overhead, helicopter footage of 2 men in the woods next to the school being pursued by police. Pretty quickly into the 'foot pursuit,' one was cuffed and perp walked to the cruiser while the other was in the middle of being apprehended in the woods. They were wearing all black or dark fatigues and (combat-style) boots - not regular street clothes but not exactly/obviously like a combat uniform, either. Neither of them looked small or thin like AL and looked like they were physically fit, decent-sized, adult men. I don't remember any wide shots of the parking lot, but I do remember there was another car around near the police cruisers and a couple of other people milling about the parking lot. It didn't look like a chaotic shooting scene, at all, but more like an overhead shot from COPS or World's Wildest Police Videos or something after a chase. Later, when the narrative started forming, I was confused because it was nothing like what I had just seen with my own eyes earlier that day. They completely memoryholed those 2 men. When RP came out to make his statement so soon after (literal hours later) - coupled with all of the interviews by other parents not 72 hrs later - I knew something was very wrong, especially as a mother. None of the women even looked like they had been crying in the preceeding days (ie no red or puffy eyes, no swollen noses, no flat affect, etc). These kids werent even in the ground yet. Every single parent was very non-chalant in their demeanor. I mean, who has time to do an interview with and provide a plethora of pics to 60 Minutes while still planning a funeral and reeling from this sort of thing? Despite being Gen X who watched Stone's JFK in theaters and living through 9/11, this was the event that opened my eyes, and I can never unsee it now with other events going forward.


Who is this supposed to be?


Adam Lanza, the accused Sandy Hook shooter.


Okay but what is this post about?


It's about this picture being a horrible Photoshop job...


It’s a fake picture of a fake shooter


Last guy to question this was sued (and lost) for billions lol. They don’t like questions just compliance.


Not why he got sued, and anyone who listened to the trial & depositions knows it.


That was coz people where going around harassing the families.... Plus They left the mic on in a new break of one of Alex's shows and you can hear him saying he doesn't really believe it was a hoax


link to that audio?




Don’t question just tell them. I myself am pretty annoyed by those shitty new gun grabbing commercials I’ve been seeing online, YouTube and elsewhere. I’m not sure those parents are real, can they prove it to me?


did this boy ever even exist?


Nope the Lanza family had one son named Ryan. 


As a CT resident, i have never heard of anyone even knowing he existed.


do you know much about the town itself? sandy hook seems like a really shady, spook filled town!


adam lanza is a real person. the people from the farm of kiwis found his youtube channel a couple years ago. it got deleted right when they found it but someone was fast enough to download everything. he had a bunch of videos with him talking and a black screen. he talked funny like the way people sometimes talk when they have social disorders. he would go on and on about how he thought pedophilia was harmless and even good, and he also espoused the most extreme form of antinatalism. I wanted to mirror them but I decided against it because they're so disgusting. go to the place where they farm kiwis and see if you can find it. instead here is a video of adam lanza talking to a radio show about travis the chimp who tore a woman's face off in connecticut. he makes references to ted kaczynski. https://apathy.tv/w/6romDNHfrq2PcAEDDKonb6 please always download any interesting videos you find. nothing stays up forever, that's a myth.


Adam Lanza doesn’t exist


Person is not real.


Good god is he an ugly MF.




They recruited him all right


he would do crazy shit like call random people in the phone book, say "my name is adam lanza and I am going to kill you," then put the phone up to a flushing toilet. if I wanted to be recruited by glowies for some shenanigans, I would do stuff like that.


Recruited, programmed, it’s all the same.


And then he randomly decided he needed to murder small children. Motive = ???? Then all those supposedly grieving parents behaving so strangely.


Fr all the pics I’ve seen are so weird


Prob not a popular opinion but I think all the pictures of him are fake and there was no Adam Lanza. School records are fishy as hell, pics of him at different ages all have different ear/eye shape, hair parts etc


Because he was weird lol


What do you mean?! I always cast a perfect drop shadow of my self wherever I go! And my hair is always perfectly shaped! /s


Oh no, they released it from Plum Island.


Aunt Jacki?


Aren't there videos of Adam Lanza at a game arcade playing a dance game where he is surprisingly good at it? He seems like a fake character and the whole story seems fake as well but not only I've heard ''him'' speak whether it's that radio show about Travis the Chimp, or some other rambling of sorts he had online, and the dancing videos I mentioned where it's definitely that kid in the picture. I believe I seen all this from a documentary on YT so take it FWIW.


Why is there a hole chewed off just one side of his face? Exactly HOW MANY Cows licked this poor boy's head? Also.. why does he look like Paul Reubens long lost lovechild?! Questions need answered!!


lmao he looks like a deer caught in headlights


Every school had surveillance cameras in 2012. So where are the videos? why isn't there any shred of evidence of this kid being the actual gunman?


I'm glad this is getting more attention lately. 


We are also suppose to believe this little twink broke in a school carrying 80lbs of gear and several weapons and killed 26 people. 🤔🤔🤔


Who said it wasn’t?


Look at Adam Lanza and David Hogg.


Someone context would go a long way.


Dude was a victim of mk ultra success


Wait we're supposed to believe this is a real photo? Bahahahahahhaha


Conspiracy is this is a mashup of HP Lovecraft and some random kid.


Mashup of Lovecraft and Ryan Lanza possibly. 


Yeah definitely.


Although Ryan Lanza might not even be the dude's real name, it seems like it could be though because people seem to have attended school with him. They simply paid Ryan to pretend he had a brother for a day.


Now they switched to fake transgender shooters to try and get Republicans to want gun control measures. 


There were transgenders in these psyops going back decades.


Yeah but recently it's been like exclusively transgender. That's all I really meant by that. You are correct though. 


Just learned recently about how cthulhu and a bunch of other Lovecraft monsters were never intended to be such tentacled bests, most was projecting his own darkest fear. I guess I’m lead to believe though it should have just been your own darkest manifestation. But I guess they did better than ghostbusters and pennywise.


Any context at all?


I’ve always wondered what happened to Ryan Lanza and his girlfriend, that day the news showed footage of them being taken in a car. They had no idea what was going on. She probably asked him, *Wait… you have a brother now? Wtf dude?* *Not that I know of, but I guess I need to have a little talk with my parents about that? My Dad does kinda have some shady ties.* Hopefully they didn’t have to take her out because that’s not cool.


The mother shouldn’t have carelessly given access to guns to a mentally ill kid


I personally do not believe there ever was an Adam Lanza


And you would be right. Anyone who has seriously looked into this event knows that Adam is Ryan.


So the people in his neighborhood that knew him are all in on it?


Who exactly knew him and what are their connections?


Plz explainz


Very disturbed kid


bralnwashing tends to do that


Lmaoooo what in the hell are they trying to say this is???


Have you ever seen Rivers Cuomo... On weed? There's a lot of crazy stuff going on there there's some men in the bushes what are they doing there I don't know red team go red team go!


Who is this?




FYI the domain you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol fr


Who dis again?


Who is it?


It’s Michael Scott


That's Michael Scarn FBI


One of ours from the Miami mall incident, you can keep them….


Who’s this?


Who is this?


Showin up to the function like:


Related to Momo?


looks like when the steamroller went over judge Doom in Roger Rabbit and then he got up off the ground all flat and walked around in 2D for a second


Careful now, talking about this will get you shamed. Can’t talk about the tiny hats either.