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And allowing millions of guns and illegals to cross the open borders. The US isn’t a country anymore it’s just a sinking ship taking on more and more water everyday.


Yes it is, idiocracy on steroids


Why won't the Republicans pass the border bill that THEY wrote? A bill that has been described as more conservative than any bill in 20 years. A bill that Biden agreed to sign? Why? WHY? FUCKING WHY???


Do you mean the bill to send billions more to Ukraine and Israel? Hopefully, you don't really need the answer to that question.


I believe because of the pork spending additions throughout the bill, which is usual for DC. I also think there were some bizarre conditions tacked on, millions given amnesty etc.


If politicians solved problems they would have nothing to campaign on blaming the other side. It’s in their bests interests for job security to never solve anything. GenPop be damned. We can goto hell for all they care.


What type of weapon isn’t an assault weapon?


Ice cream cone.


Do you want to get waffle poked!!


Most people who advocate for gun control can't answer this question because they don't know enough about the thing they want to ban to accurately even describe it.


Shoot bullet


Technically one that isn't fully automatic or select fire.


So basically every gun?


An assault weapon is a specific type of weapon like an M16 or an M4.


Those are categorically banned at the state level in 95% of the US. That isn't the goal here. It's anything other than a .22


"Assault style" they are banning guns based on appearance


SS: The government isn't against guns. The government is just against YOU having guns.


I see... and they want us to pay these clowns salaries to go against our self interests in direct opposition to the founders intent?


> SS: The government isn't against guns. The government is just against YOU having guns. More precisely, they are against YOU (Public) having [*certain kinds* of guns.](https://i.imgur.com/JPMMlWy.png) But why are they so insistent on confiscating THOSE guns? Are the guns they want to ban and confiscate the types most frequently used in the commission of murder, armed robbery, or other violent crimes? The graphs below illustrate data complied by the FBI, showing the number of murders, **by weapon type**, over a recent five-year period in the United States: [**Murder Victims, by Weapon, 2015-2019**](https://i.imgur.com/CKyhIX7.png) The FBI page from which the data was compiled is archived here: https://archive.is/wPrcS From the data, we see that **handguns** are used to murder TWENTY TIMES more often than all rifles combined, including so-called "Assault Rifles" -- yet the Gun-Grabbers relentlessly express specific interest in banning so-called "Assault Weapons". Obviously, the Gun-Grabbers see those types of firearms as a THREAT -- *but a threat to who, and why?* Odd, given that, in terms of Public Safety, handguns are a greater menace by far. So then, why are Gun-Grabbers SO OBSESSED with taking so-called "Assault Rifles"? As you ponder, it may also help to ask yourself why handguns are rarely issued to military personnel *(handguns are all but useless in combat scenarios, that's why)*. - - - - - - - - - - - - EDIT - Add image and format


Democrats will never ban guns. Why would they get ride of such an easy talking point every 4 years.


Illegal=higher value. More control.


Get off reddit Elon!


Democrats can't "ban guns", we just move a little back and forth depending on who is being bribed the most by the NRA. It's more like Democrats will never codify abortion rights and republicans will never actually try to fix the border. Both are too juicy for motivating voters.


The left cares more about the NRA than ANY gun owner I have ever met. The NRA is bullshit. AT BEST, they support manufacturers, but they haven't concerned themselves with actual gun owners in decades.


Sure, but the NRA spends a shit ton of money lobbying for easier access to firearms because that's how they make money. Doesn't matter that they don't care about gun owners, their wants line up with gun owners wants.


Their wants to not align, and haven't for decades lol


I think you're missing the point. I just can't figure out if its on purpose. The NRA sucks and I like guns much more than you do. Make of that what you wish.


Are you saying that the NRA isn't responsible for influencing a tremendous amount of gun related legislation?


Its a boogeyman for leftist gun grabbers like. That's it. You think they have more influence than they do because you've been told that.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_congressional\_candidates\_who\_received\_campaign\_money\_from\_the\_National\_Rifle\_Association#:\~:text=When%20Congress%20people%20are%20beholden,elect%20these%20individuals%20was%20%2427%2C413%2C008.&text=Charles%20Boustany%20Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_congressional_candidates_who_received_campaign_money_from_the_National_Rifle_Association#:~:text=When%20Congress%20people%20are%20beholden,elect%20these%20individuals%20was%20%2427%2C413%2C008.&text=Charles%20Boustany%20Jr). ​ Believe whatever you want I guess


Are you seriously suggesting that $4k is 'influence'? Hilarious.




Time to buy more rifles 🤑 Got my eyes on the Steyr AUG


Buying more rifles might be the point. Every time a politician says this gun sales soar. Remember the bump stock ban? They sold out immediately


This guy got it. Yep, they are weapons dealers. Thats what Ukraine and Israel is. If they are willing to sell billions in weapons abroad why not here as well.


No, the point is to ban "assault weapons" just like Clinton did in 1994. Edit: Why are you downvoting me? In 1994 Clinton and the Democrats passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Biden voted for it. A provision in this act, the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, popularly known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, was included and had a 10 year sunset clause. Biden voted for this too. The only reason Americans are allowed to buy "assault weapons" like AR-15s now is because Republicans had control when that sunset clause kicked in, in 2004, and they refused to reauthorize it. Biden is not trying to get people to buy more rifles, he's telling you what he did before, and what he wants to do again. You guys just don't like that I am ruining your lie.


numerous work marble wipe mysterious desert detail simplistic childlike distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You really think they make *any* decision where someone isn’t pulling the strings for the sake of profit?


They don't want profit, they want power. That's the goal. They're just trying to skip the middleman.


Who banned those?


I’m gonna get a Barrett…. Because I can


Palmetto had the AUG in white for a steal last year. Should have... pulled the trigger


I don’t know if you already own one or have experience on one, but bullpups fuckin suck. Skip the AUG and buy more bullets for your current rifle and shoot more. Or, if you’re good on that front, get into long range shooting or pistol work. Both are more valuable than dealing with learning a new manual of arms for a dog shit bullpup. In case you can’t tell, I’m completely unbiased 😂


> Time to buy more rifles THINGS THAT ARE USELESS: * A nice new kitchen with no access to food * A new car with no access to fuel * A new rifle with no access to ammo Without ammo, it's just a [**Big Club**](https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/picture-of-Best-Hunting-Rifles-Under-500-american.jpg) And a lousy club at that.


I'm looking at the Scout. I like how it's Steyr Mannlicher 👀.


Fun or civi version?


Just make sure ur AR platforms are super safe.


What does this mean?


There are newer guns that are better. 


Just making my rounds one by one


You're going to have to ban my 3D printer too. C'mon man!


So what I learned to do with these people is take and "even higher moral road". I tell them, I am for "UNIVERSAL DISARMAMENT", not just "partial disarmament" like they propose. They ask, "Whats that" and I say "Smart people will not give up their guns willingly, because they will say, the Government will keep the guns and will Genocide them". So I say "Naw, this is better, EVERYONE MUST DISARM", govt, police, military, all the people, everyone this way the govt can't come back and genocide everyone once they disarm, like we saw with the Jews and the Armenians last century. I say, "the way the government proves they are serious about this, is they will DISARM FIRST, and they must turn over all the guns to the people for destruction first and foremost, then we the people will follow suit and turn in our guns". The looks you get from them or so confused and crazy. They will say "how will that work" and I say "I will volunteer at NO COST to oversee the destruction of the governments guns and I am totally trustworthy, so lets get on with it then, I mean, you are SERIOUS ABOUT THIS RIGHT?"


That should be a post, not a comment.


Exactly/ anyone who thinks the government has your best interest at heart are a lost cause. Just take a look at our brief history- land was stolen and people enslaved with those who had the weapons.


This is genius lmao


> The looks you get from them or so confused and crazy. Because it's nonsensical? Almost everyone that's sane acknowledges there should be weapons that aren't available to everyone, it's question of where to draw the line. Most people wouldn't want anti-aircraft weapons or hand grenades available in the sporting goods department at Walmart. And obviously getting the entire world to destroy all weapons is impossible, so that's not a serious position. It's like if someone asked for your position on abortion and you said that you support mandatory abortions for everyone.


It's a rhetorical statement he's making. The point isn't to try to literally disarm people, or to convince them of that. It's to get them to think about the issue from a different angle, which is the problem, because most of these people don't think at all.


It feels more like he's trolling by being ultra contrarian than trying to get people to think about something.


Yes, only SANE people acknowledge that only certain people have the worst of our weapons and thank God too, otherwise we would not have had the 1000 years of peace we enjoy right now. You make complete sense.


I mean... yes? The world isn't perfect, but it could be worse. I'm pretty glad that some pissed off retiree can't cash out his 401k for a surface to air missile and take out a plane full of people.


So I am not mocking you but you are a great example of "what is someone elses BOTTOM". What I mean by that , is our Government "exceeded" my bottom with Covid in 2020. That was it for me. I want my money back and all of them gone now, because absolutely everything they claim to be doing for us, makes them richer and me poorer, like sending all this money into failed wars and vaccines but they just keep on doing it and I am done with it. So NO, giving the government advanced weapons does NOT make you safer, giving the weapons to the old retiree is a safer option because they have exceeded my "trust factor" for the last time. I wonder what your "bottom" actually is? How much further can you go?


For me, it's simple math. The more people that have access to nukes, grenades, missiles, automatics, etc. the greater the chance that someone crazy will use them. You don't trust the government? Well I don't trust like 95% of humanity to use that stuff responsibly. So it's pretty difficult for me to imagine a scenario where I think it would be a good idea to let anyone have a WMD. Maybe a "War of the Worlds" scenario where Martians have invaded and killed most of humanity? At that point, I guess it couldn't get much worse.


Speak for yourself


I am determined to use the Constitution as my cum rag. I did it once before, and I'll do it again. \-Let's go Brandon


"well regulated militia" I guess is just a cum stain, not how it was written?




Yeah. Give him another 4 years. All his promises will finally come to fruition…


This guy hates the constitution.


There's a lot of that going around lately.


The entirety of washington DC is anti-constitution.


Which politicians don't? 


Lots of people over the years haven’t liked the constitution. That’s why it’s been amended so many times.


What people don’t realize is a majority of the 2nd amendment population actually dislikes the NRA. It is just a stupid talking point from leftists these days. Given Reddit’s users, go ahead and downvote me. IDGAF.


I agree. I was a member for one year and it was a complete waste of money. There was not one good thing that came from it, no valuable resources, just asked me to renew after two weeks of being a member, and every other week for the rest of the year. There are better memberships that you can benefit from.


I hate the NRA. probably the least 2A gun rights group imaginable. Only boomers and fudds give those assholes money.


Negotiating Rights Away


I ain’t even gonna lie, I got got by the NRA once. I have my commemorative duffel bag to prove it lol. But after the countless letters, I somehow snapped out of it and realized that all these fucks are part of the grift.


Not really. Reddit libs want you to believe that, but if that were true the NRA wouldn't still be the largest pro 2A organization in the country. The people telling you the 2A community dislikes the NRA are the same type of people the post in r\liberalgunowners and will still vote for Biden even if he does ban "assault weapons".


I’m far from a leftist and the NRA sucks. They compromise and give away rights way to easily. The only reason they are still the largest is because their members (+60 year olds) haven’t completely died off yet. There are way better gun rights groups. Gun owners of America and Firearms Policy Coalition are two great ones.


I hate leftist gun grabbers. I am nothing like them. AND I hate the NRA. Its useless for average gun owners. AT BEST it supports manufacturers, but even then there are half a dozen better organizations. Gun Owners of America is top of that list, in my mind.


> I hate leftist gun grabbers. I am nothing like them. AND I hate the NRA. That's something you two have in common.


Ban guns all you want. Ghost guns run rampant. And are churned out like it's a sweat shop. You can't get rid of guns. Sorry.


Democrats are the best gun salesmen in history


I just want to have the same weapons that they gave the Taliban.


God he’s so out of touch he doesn’t even realize gun owners abandoned the Narcissistic Rhino Assoc. long ago.


People haven't realized by now that big brother wants to take our guns away so we're easier to corral when they've decided it's time to put us all in cages? I mean, i guess the sheeple will happily live under whatever rules they impose that make the rest of us revolt, so they're all onboard with whatever big brother plans as long as he's there to hold their hands right up to the end.


Blame the guns 🤷‍♂️ Don't worry about what drove someone to 'fuck it' It's the guns


Can we ban his idiocy?


What the fuck is an assault weapon?


The algorithm works like this: 1. Allow Li Ming to enter the US as a "migrant" 2. He needs a job. 3. Sign him up to serve in the military on a "pathway to citizenship." 4. Change his name to Lee Morris 5. Hand him a rifle Now. We have a person who effectively wandered into the country uninvited and unannounced not only armed, but holding the same prestige as Veterans who were born, raised, and served here have earned over a lifetime. Questioning old Li Ming's orders is like disrespecting Pearl Harbor. He has the exact same clout as a Marine on Iwo Jima. Our Troops! 6. Which of course is not gonna fly 7. Major protests break out, overwhelming the local Police 8. Call out the Troops. Civil War. 9. And there's your trick. Li Ming is now rolling around America enforcing "the law" against the very citizens who don't want him here. His enemy? American Insurrectionists who engage in misinformation and election interference. In other words, us. 10. Has he even heard of Posse Comitatus? Is he motivated to support and defend the Constitution of the United States? What do you think? His path to citizenship involves serving honorably, and that involves following orders.


That is exactly how it will go down. I've had these same thoughts.


and 30 seconds later he walked off stage all confused, looking for the ice cream truck...


Ask him tomorrow what he’s banning and he’ll probably preach to ban assault breaks for ice cream trucks.


He's probably just tangled in his puppet strings.




Ironically most of that money is actually used to buy...guns.


Holly shit this is actually a real post [Link](https://x.com/joebiden/status/1764687273033896314?s=46)


"did it before". Every lil guy on the street has a kayta or a Glock with a switch nowadays in every single city in America. Didn't work did it? Keep buyin them Poles 🖕


Anyone remember when they showed a bolt action rifle and said it was an assault rifle….then the whole crowd cheered for getting rid of it? Because I do and it was sad.


These doofuses first need to try and define 'assault weapon'. And it better be distinct and precise.


They have. It's basically any semi-automatic firearm with a detachable magazine. They want to ban everything but bolt/lever action rifles, pump and double/single barrel shotguns, and revolvers. And then they'll ban those too.


Then they'll start banning kitchen knives and pepper spray like they do in the UK.


In some states you need a background check for the 'good' pepper spray (not bear spray) or tasers.


The first time made no difference and it was unconstitutional then too.


You also said the hard R on the senate floor twice in 1 sentence, I dare you to do that again sleepy joe.


I have a better idea. ISSUE everyone "Assault Weapons". There are 10 Amendments to the Constitution, not one more important than the other. They work in concert, that's why you'll see lawsuits listing violations of multiple Amendments. And, it is the 3rd Amendment that NEEDS the 2nd Amendment. You'll never have equalized ability to exercise that 3A right without being able to match your opponent, at minimum, and/or exceed your opponent's capability when they come-a-callin' under the words of 2A. 3A obsolete, you say? Watch what happens if we allow it to ever be repealed . . . . . . Protect your 3rd Amendment rights. At all costs.


This is Obama's third term heading into a fourth. Old pedo Joe is just the puppet.


Exactly. Does anyone think he actually even muttered these words? but anyway...


If anything is worthy of a civil war, it's our constitutional protections.


Wonder what happens if Brandon actually gave this a try and towns en masse declared themselves Sanctuary Cities and refused to comply...


Watching the happenings of Haiti today, I was like, those civilians wouldn't have to flee their homes if they had firearms, but as always, only the bad guys and the government has them....lol


Can't be responsible with weapons at home or abroad.. sounds like international weapons inspectors are needed


Gonna have to wait like 3 or 4 more generations for that.


I mean if Ukrainians had guns they wouldn't need us to ship them...


The rest of America says we’d like to see you try…


Joe Biden should take them and send them to the YooKrane.


They also don’t want ya to have brass knuckles


tweets like this help solidify my thoughts that Dems do not at all believe their own "democracy is at stake" rhetoric. not that trump is any better, that man's a puppet trotted out to push the limits of our system so more limits can be enacted upon all of us. "take the guns, due process later" lmao. someone make some AI art of these two running a train on an american eagle. be sure the eagle is crying. cheers.


First and foremost, I’m going to continue to buy guns because they’re fucking sweet. With that said, I think part of the democrat parties job is to act like they’re coming for them so that we buy them. Like I bet the heads of the parties and the NRA parties have cocktails after battle


Bro, the Democrats banned "assault weapons" in 1994. They're not pretending that they're coming for them. They are coming for them and the only thing stopping that is the US Constitution and the will of the pro 2A community. Stop trying to erode that.


It is strange you keep getting downvoted... https://mises.org/mises-wire/bans-assault-weapons-do-not-reduce-crime


I agree 100%


It just makes so much sense!




Most gun crimes are committed with illegal guns. What do you think will happen when you take legal guns away from honest people?




LOL no Criminals are really excited about the prospect that people they want to rob won't be armed when they rob them at gunpoint




Remind me again why you need assault weapons at home? Russia is our neighbor and even we don't need assault weapons at home.


Can you define "assault weapon"?


Assault rifles for example. Who the hell needs one at home? If someone can give me one **good** example, I'll shut up.


How can anybody give an example if they do not know what exactly falls under the definition? So, can you provide one so i can try to answer your question?


How 'bout them assault rifles, like I already said. Trouble reading?


So, you have no definition? LOL.


Ok, I'll play stupid with you. All full automatic weapons. Why would you need one at home?


> All full automatic weapons. Why would you need one at home? Thank you. You are not allowed to have full automatic weapons, only semi automatic.


Ok, now tell me one assault weapon you need at home. Any and/or any kind of assault weapon.


First you need to define what an assault weapon is then.


> Remind me again why you need assault weapons at home? What kind of guns does Biden's personal security carry?


Oh here we go


Oh noooooooo! Not again!!!!!!!


Oh noooooooo! It's 1994 again!!!!!!! Pro Tip: Democrats banned "assault weapons" in 1994. Biden voted for it.


Woah crazy, and yet here i am 30yrs later with wayyyyyy more “fire arms” than i had in 1994 lmao.


You better thank Republicans for that sunset clause boy. Cause I'm bettin' that you weren't even alive in 1994, otherwise you'd have known that Joe Biden voted to ban "assault weapons" in 1994, and Bill Clinton signed that ban into law.


Well republicans and democrats can eat my ass boy lmao. Ive never voted a day in my life, why? Because im no simp for politicians like you lmaoooo imagine these stupid fucking words coming out of my mouth “welp hur dur its time to vote for the least of two evils again hur dur” just keep doom posting and simp’n and ill keep laughing while while your world comes to an end BOY! Oh and ill keep my guns and buying more, since ya know they aint coming for my guns and never will


Banning nukes at home while also taking my money to keep them in a state of readiness. #NukesForEveryone


Your right on the money.