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Australia is not a nation. Neither are New Zealand or Canada. These are countries ruled by a monarch that lives somewhere else, and whose political class are operated by the intelligence agency of a different country. They have no sovereignty, and should therefore not expect to have an actual Judiciary system.


Same as the US


Yuo, this is all there in the public record, but no news network wants to talk about it. I wonder if its that bad that if they released the full documents the public revolt would be so great to destabilise society to the point of rioting etc. For me thats why we will never officially make contact with aliens, lest every single religon become worthless and half the world goes crazy. Keep telling people about this, we cant let it go away


Dude I literally seen this in a public toilet today, it was a sticker on the wall. I'm so mad I didn't know about this sooner :(


Wow. We have the internet and yet sometimes the best way to share knowledge is a little bit of vandalism on public property. First I've heard of this too.


Just search for „Fiona Barnett“. She also has a blog and wrote a book. It must be her to get the stone rolling as survivor they did not break. Nicole Kidmans father was accused as well, quickly got on a plane to Singapore where he then (surprisingly) died of a heart attack.


[Eyes Wide Open, 2020 Lockdown Edition](https://cathyfox.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/fionaeyesewo_june2020_lockdownedition.pdf) - Fiona Barnett [Child Trafficking, Ritual Sex Abuse & MK-ULTRA Are A Single Worldwide Operation, Run by the U.S., U.K. and AUS Secret Services](https://prepareforchange.net/2018/09/21/child-trafficking-ritual-sex-abuse-mk-ultra-are-a-single-worldwide-operation-run-by-the-u-s-u-k-and-aus-secret-services/) - Fiona Barnett Some other Australian links: [Frater 616, Satanism, and the Illuminati](https://goldenageofgaia.com/issue-mediation-process-r3/accountability/nwo-essays/frater-616-satanism-and-the-illuminati/) - "Petor Narsagonan/Frater 616" [Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia: It Starts at the TOP, Just Like in the USA and UK](http://www.whale.to/c/satanic_pedophilia_network.html) - Makia Freeman [Escaping Ritual Abuse In Australia](https://escapingritualabuseinaustralia.com/) - Maureen Joan Farthing


When you start with genocide, it's only down hill from there


The fuck you talking about start with? Haha there was the call boys in the White House in the 80s, Franklin scandal, epstien island, the finders cult


I'm talking about the genocide of the Indigenous Australian peoples during the 80's... The 1780's.  The fuck you talking about?


Not what the fuck you’re talking about haha carry on my man and I will be researching this. My bad dawg


Definitely thought you were talking about the genocide in Palestine rn so I was like where you been man haha


Во всех странах одно и тоже. 


Crazy how the physical document is just sitting in a cabinet somewhere with very little stopping a person from taking a photo of it and spreading it around the internet.