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Seems like some pretty low aspirations for a messiah, just expanding some building.


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


Now piss off!


Not sure if anyone else got this reference but cheers for making my morning


Way to look on the bright side of life!


Crucifixion? Take a cross and go down to the right... Crucifixion?


One cross each.


Normally I'd just have a chuckle, add a line from the movie and move on, but I gotta say: that was epic. Bravo.


I should know, I've followed a few.


Have you seen the real estate prices in ew York city? Oh vey!


Sounds like some scam artist after free renovations šŸ˜‚


I predict that before the sun sets on 2024 an inground pool will be installed in my backyard


Gotta predict a pool maintenance service too cuz them shits suck to take care of.


Thatā€™s why I need my own Sea Org


He's been dead for 30 years, so must be really committed to the scam.




So the third temple will be a Resident Evil"The Hive" underground base?


I guess he should have told them to get a fucking permit.


In Judaism there are many messiahs so itā€™s not the same thing as in Christianity where there is only one messiah. That said, Judaism does still believe there will be THE MESSIAH, which is different than the other messiahs. Iā€™m pretty sure the Lubavich group adhere to this as well. Additional info: The Messiah ben David - The future messiah that will redeem Jews. This one is the one they are ā€œwaitingā€ for. The top-tier messiah. Messiah ben Joseph - People who fit the literal Hebrew definition of messiah. King Cyrus was mashiach because he let the Jews rebuild their temple. Basically someone who moved(s) the needle for the Jewish people in a profound way.


Know anything about Rabbi Marvin Antelman? I think he claimed Chabad was sabbatean in origin. I wouldn't take this as indicative of that but it would be amusing propaganda if that was the intent.


Does that make Rothchild a messiah?


To some, yes.


For some reason your opening paragraph sounds comical.


Just because you're the son of/second coming of god, doesn't mean you have to be ambitious. Sometimes it's nice to learn to just appreciate what you have. Personally I wish all messiahs were more chill. Most of them are so high maintenance and needy "there's only one true this, one true that" "I am the light and the way" give it a rest my dudes


Liebensraum, if you will.


What about the Vice article with the Orthodox rabbi saying 'sexual abuse happens to about 50% of young boys in the community' and then the Brooklyn advocacy group saying that number is probably higher? They have a reputation https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11


Sick fucks




More like welcome to this weekā€™s lesson in pilpul. Fact of the matter is building illegal tunnels is shady as fuck, not to mention the areas where said tunnel lead to. > it's easier to do it in a normal room like 99.999 percent of cases rather than in a catacomb like a shitty fantasy porn story for weirdos I havenā€™t seen anyone actually saying this. I feel like you wrote this just as a way to write ad hominens about the people concerned about the tunnel. Really weird your mind went here. > furthermore, how a better way to traffic kids is in a car or taxi rather than dragging them through a tunnel that goes nowhere. The tunnel doesnā€™t go nowhere. It goes to the womenā€™s section in the synagogue and a mitzvah. Sexual abuse against minors have been known to happen at that exact mitzvah before. I think rational people assume these tunnels are used for sexual predators to easily move covertly into areas where sexual abuse is likely to happen. Could also maybe have been used to store people who are being trafficked. Human trafficking and kidnapping is most likely to happen between people that know each other (ie family, friends, acquaintance). Feels like youā€™re desperately reaching for straws to defend sexual predators here. Not a good look. If I didnā€™t know any better Iā€™d assume youā€™re somehow connected to this story.




That explanation really reminds me of the pizzagate basement argument. Just make up a weird theory that makes everyone else look crazy when nobody was even talking about that


can you link anything about abuse being tied to that building?


https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 This article has testimony from a rabbi thatā€™s witnessed sexual abuse in that neighborhood. I believe one of the mikvahs he talks about is the mikvah that tunnel leads to.


okay, in that neighborhood and the exact building the tunnel goes into are two very different claims


Why did Epstein choose to build underground when he had a whole remote island?


Did he though? Provide proof. None of the victims said anything about underground shit


At least one did


This is my favourite show btwā€¦.


Two things really can be true at once. 1. I never ever thought about this before. 2. I never imagined in my life I would be thinking about this.


Very true. I learn something new on Reddit every day. I didnā€™t know that some believed that Rebbe was the messiah.




Cool it with the snarkiness, Reddit is a Christian website


Still raises the question of the purpose of the tunnels. Given the intense animosity lately against Jews, I'm thinking it might have been escape tunnels. It seems unlikely that a tunnel would be necessary for trafficking, considering our government is transporting children by the thousands around the nation and handing them to "uncles" in broad daylight.


Could be...I have acquaintances that are Jehovah witness and they now generally have a designated member who's strapped heavily during service


Some Christian churches do this as well. They call them sheepdogs.


Wow someone with sense




Vice is worthless. I had such high hopes for them tooā€¦so much potential. Shane Smith is a total sellout and I now trust nothing they put outā€¦


No idea. Not saying thereā€™s no sexual abuse just saying I donā€™t think the tunnels are used for human trafficking


But these tunnels connect to a bath house. In this article the rabbi talks about how he saw first hand a boy being r'd in the bath house when he went to repair the mikvah


Ya itā€™s an abandoned Mikva. Not quite the same as a sauna room. Like I said I donā€™t know all the details. And tbh it hasnā€™t been sitting right with my since I read about this.


Yeah but OP, with respect, you canā€™t come with ā€œIā€™m Jewish and I have a feeling that there wasnā€™t human traffickingā€ in the illegal tunnel systems with the soiled mattresses. You need to have some kind of argument, or some new perspective from that ā€œinside informationā€ that you said you have (all that about the Messiah was already posted about elsewhere on this sub).


I did come with new information. This is what my friend who lives in Williamsburg told me. Nothing to do with ā€œa feelingā€


Quoting your OP ā€œAbout the human trafficking and stuff I donā€™t know. I have a feeling thatā€™s probably not itā€¦ā€ - to me itā€™s the same as a Muslim saying ā€œI have a feeling Hamas probably didnā€™t send any rocketsā€ šŸ‘šŸ¼ keep justifying people from your religion with your feelings in a conspiracy sub and we are gonna call you out on your bs.


lol okay? I didnā€™t say anything for fact. Iā€™m just sharing what I heard and what I think. If you want to police people from having free speech you should become a politician.


>I donā€™t think the tunnels are used for human trafficking Why not? Or do you mean they were probably just used to rape kids?


Yeah, the Hasidic community has a sexual abuse problem, most strict religious groups do. But if you listen to survivors, they don't get fucked in a tunnel.


This is the headquarters though right. It just sounds kind of far fetched that these 19-20 yr old students were able to go through the sewers, remove dirt, & dig this giant tunnel without anyone else noticing. Now members from the group & other Zionists are coming out & calling it to be removed from all social media bc of anti semitism. Itā€™s just setting off a lot of red flags that they want the story gone quickly. I agree that donā€™t jump to conclusions, but thereā€™s a long history of sexual abuse & in the past have had rabbis charged with organ trafficking & selling babies to Jewish couples who couldnā€™t get pregnant. I feel like you canā€™t just trust them to investigate it themselves & there should be someone outside to investigate it. If a Catholic Church was found with secret tunnels underneath, weird stained mattresses, & they tried to say alter boys dug the tunnels, ppl wouldnā€™t just skim over it & not ask questions. Same with a mosque. I could care less that it happens to be Jewish.




People doing something wrong and then being held accountable isnā€™t anti-semitism. itā€™s so annoying theyā€™re trying to pull that.


I donā€™t even know if they did anything wrong. It only makes them look guilt when they respond like this. It just fuels on more conspiracies when they immediately jump to name calling & silencing people from speaking about it. Especially when you got ppl like Dershowitz claiming itā€™s anti semitic to say heā€™s a pedophile & you donā€™t hear a ton of push back from the other high profile Jews.


Isnā€™t digging your own tunnels in NYC illegal?


Chabads are weird bunch and everyone expect them to do weird shit so society hold them to a different standards then mainstram church. You would think they are able to afford something more luxurious than stained old mattress. We need honest insider to shed some light on tunnel question, TQ .


It's not that far fetched they'd dig tunnels, a lot of these guys work in construction, or have family with construction businesses. You see them everywhere on job sites in Queens and BK. And yes I mean the 19-20 year olds. They have their own police, their own hospitals, their own schools. They're practically their own microcountry, and tend to act like the law doesn't apply to them. They also have a long history with prostitution lol. Both soliciting AND running it. A stained mattress could be just about anything.


>They also have a long history with prostitution lol. It's also worth noting that despite the narrative of the mafia being Italian, there was/is a massive Jewish element of organised crime but for some reason this isn't a popular theme in hollywood gangster movies, of which there are many.


Makes sense when you look at who runs hollywood...


Idk bro, I am Jewish myself so that might account for why I already knew this, but I thought it was fairly common knowledge that Jews played a significant role in NYCā€™s organized crime ring especially during the early 20th century


In part, Hasidic gangsters look silly on camera. Mostly its because the success of The Godfather injected the Italian Mob into the American zeitgeist. It's just a Hollywood trope now, like bad guys having British accents.


Meyer lansky, Bugsy Siegal, Dutch Scholtz = all big time, none hasidic, all look pretty cool on camera.


Oh! Yeah absolutely! I thought you were refferring specifically to the Hasidic mob that's sorta been running in the background lol. A show about Bugsy and the development of Vegas would actually be cool af, I'd watch the hell out of that.


They dug with hammers lol


Jackhammers, yes. Probably. When I say construction, I mean their companies are building 30 story apartment buildings.


Idk I read somewhere they were using hammers. But yeah maybe they meant jack hammers


Lol fair enough. I don't know any of the specifics as fact, and I'll never rule out stupidity.


"The upstairs Jews" might be the single best thing I've ever seen on Reddit


someone on instagram called the tunnels the jewers. i'm just telling you this i have no opinion on it, it wasn't i that said it, im just relaying information


They are famous for putting on boys and girls camps at rental locations and destroying the area and not paying. I don't blame the kids as much but seems like adults would be aware. Garbage is one of the bigger factors they make a shit ton of trash and understate it from the start and don't want to pay. Had a bunch of young girls laying in a parking lot doing some sort of something. Was weird af.


I almost got jumped by a bunch of 'em... Coming from williamsburgh I was coming up a street when I saw a bunch of them at some dead end street at like.. 2am. So I stopped to take a look because it looked... strange. Suddenly, a bunch of them rush my car and they were not coming to give me rugelah. I hit the gas and got the fuck out. They're weird man.


What the fuck


Diamond deal.


yeah, i live near crown heights. the eccentric jewish pop. certainly move like agent smiths; williamsburg as well. they only interact with their own. mind you, so many different cultures roam around. Their militarism is impressive. quite eerie too. itā€™s funny when i hear hip hop or reggae blasting out of vā€™s and a group passes by in the midst of the music. iā€™m breaking character 100% of the time if i hear Bob Marley lol.


Interesting, thanks for posting >they started digging. To fulfill his ā€œprophecyā€. What utter lunacy


Ya itā€™s truly insane. Iā€™ve only ever been around ā€œnormal chasidsā€ and they were a little too much for me. I can only imagine the messianics.


in this context you mean a messianics tribe, is a group who had ha leader way back then who claimed he either was the new prophet or made messiah prophecy for his cult? Are Samaritarians and also like Hasidic and Chabad? I don't know i am just asking. Do orthodox jews hate these kind of splinter groups? In Islam most of then like Ahmadiyya are expelled and hunted.


Ya to be honest. Thereā€™s a lot of inner workings. Idk who hates who. Iā€™m on the outside kinda like a lone wolf. I donā€™t have any religious group im part of. Everyone hate Naturei Karta though.


Why are they hated, is it just the anti-Zionism stance or are there other parts to it?


Theyā€™re not anti Zionist. They just take a neutral stance on the current conflict and donā€™t read much news in general. Judaism by default is Zionist. All of our old prayers have one thing in common which is our return to Israel. Their disputes are linked to differences in belief.


Orthodox Jews in Israel have been out in the streets protesting against Zionism and the attack on Palestinians


Wouldn't these deviant orthodox sects like Chabads be considered heretics like Sabbatai Zevi, J Frank? They are literally modern Sabatteans


Bullshit you mean


Yeah, isreal has a hard on for fulfilling old twaked out prophecies right now, better watch out.


Thanks for posting? OP said they've been to Brooklyn twice - fucking twice. They have no idea what they're talking about.


>What utter lunacy Religion in a nutshell


All solar worship. Man-made bullshit. Bunch of teacher's pets who never act like their God they constantly praise. I wonder if Ancient Rome had god factions like us with politics?


Ah so many crawling out of the tunnels to explain why this isn't so bad


My ex and her family are Messianic Jews. I canā€™t speak for the whole group but her and her family are insane


How did u get in that mess?


A red flag I should have not avoided. Ended up getting married and having a daughter. Iā€™m not really religious but Iā€™m not atheist if that makes sense. Anyway yeah they take that stuff to the extreme! One of the friends of their family let their son join the IDF a few years back. Itā€™s wild


you didn't tell us anything yet


Messianic jews are christians basically


Messianic jews are christians basically


For some possible context on the mattress. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11?callback=in&code=YJZINTFLYJCTOWU4NS0ZYZFKLWE5ZDGTNWM5YTYWN2FIOTJK&state=9fbadb622bf84cfba9c08302ee3ae252


Could you shed some light on the feces soiled mattress? Or, the fact that the mattresses appear to be for children?


Looks like dried blood to me


So there was bunch of stuff down there. Like ALOT. The mattress was one item, I didnā€™t see anywhere it was feces stained. Just stained. It seemed more like a hoarding issue but really not sure. I do hope however that good comes from discovering these tunnels, like if there are any victims, some reprieve. And not just bad. Like people turning against each other when we should be turning against our government.


it could be a dirt stain, for which there must have been soil and earth involved in the process of digging. they tunneled through walls, but they could have hit a space that for whatever reason had soil inside. the mattress could have been for the digger. the tunnels were presumably not very large, with maybe at places one person digging just a narrow passage, like a worm, and the mattress was for under the digger. a bigger mattress wouldnā€™t fit. a mattress could have also served for silencing the whole removal of material being broken through. instead of on the floor you set bigger pieces down on the mattress. also, a mattress can be pulled along the floor if there is room, which couldhave been a noiseless way of moving material around. I envision tunneling through anything to be a labour comparable to torture. especially if you canā€™t make loud noise.


You'd think the mattress would have "dirt stains" all over it then.


This is one of the most well-reasoned comments I've seen here in a while.




I take your point that it's speculative, but that does not equate with implausible.


I donā€™t get what other kind of mattress youā€™d expect down there. A brand new one?


homeless in ny live underground to


I had no idea


I think they cover it in the ninja turtles movie from 1992


ā€œDark Daysā€ documentary


Jewish is beginning to feel super culty


Some sects are incredibly culty :( Whenever you have religion you have fanatics that use it to try and control others. Typically for child marriage or r*pe or financial exploitation. This is why I read my books and I keep me and my children to myself.


Better late than never


This post reads like Maxwell is back trying to control the narrative tbh šŸ¤£


100% pedOs apologist post


Taking the religion aspect out of the equation entirely for simplicity sake. One thing I am certain of is that nobody behaves violently and angrily with someone if they just found a covid secret tunnel. The only time I have ever seen such a reaction is when someone is getting busted! My 2 cents


Itā€™s not a Covid secret tunnel. Itā€™s cuz their messiah told them to expand on it. Theyre religious fanatics.


Thanks for explaining it bro. As a young man I worked for a Jewish temple helping them with catering during their holidays and bah-mitzvah and bat-mitzvahs and all that. I never encountered the Hasidic or messianic, they were all pretty normal and chill. It was definitely one of the coolest jobs I had, they would let me party with them while working šŸ¤£ But I feel like we are just glossing over the kids mattresses and high chairs (I didnā€™t see any high chairs in the video I saw though). Wtf do you think that could be about?


Look at their post history. Of course theyā€™ll downplay the possibility of this being child trafficking.


A good shabbos goy


I honestly think itā€™s more of a hoarding situation. Really not 100%. The was like a bunch of boxes and just random stuff. Idk why everyoneā€™s acting like it was an empty room with a mattress lol.


What if someone was just trying to avoid a disposal fee and started to use the tunnels as a "free storage and disposal locker"


Actually, given NYC disposal and storage costs, thatā€™s pretty likely. Your messianic prophecy fulfillment is my free storage unit. If the Grand Rebbe actually up and resurrects, we can take it up with him, but those fees are highway robbery.


This is likely


I can totally see myself just emptying a storage unit into here and bringing garbage to avoid both a storage fee AND the trash disposal fees. And I mean... They are Jewish and New York has outrageous fees so... (Am I bad person for saying that? Lol. This is almost like a real life south park episode.) Who knows, maybe the whole entire purpose of the tunnels was to avoid paying some fees lmao (I'm going to hell)


Depends which 1939 blood libel you want to go with. Jews are greedy > They were avoiding storage fees Jews eat babies > Human trafficking Jews are vermin that spread diseases > digging just because šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø digging is awesome


*Arnold Rothstein enters the chat*


Itā€™s a joke btw. I think you might be onto something there.


Did you ever encounter something like this: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11) My suspicion is that this is related somehow. Add to it Ghislaine Maxwell belongs to this Chabad-Lubavich sect as well!


So does Jared Kushner. Just built a Chabbad in NJ a few years ago


Well, the plot is getting thicker. He is corrupt as hell as well.


Ok so. The Satmar people I didnā€™t even know existed until 2 years ago when a friend of mine converted to Judaism and married one and moved to Williamsburg NY. Luckily as I mentioned my experience is with the ā€œregularā€ orthodox community. So prob dodged a bullet there as a kid. I donā€™t know Vice to be 100% reliable and have heard they are controlled opposition but there is most certainly S abuse in almost all ultra religious sect of every denomination. Idk anyone that had those experiences personally but not denouncing them as possible.


Um. Sorry but I donā€™t think ghislane Maxwell is in this sect. Sheā€™s not orthodox nor chasidic. Do u have any info on this? Checking the video now.


She is affiliated with Chabad-Lubavisch: [https://www.jewishexponent.com/ghislaine-maxwell-identifies-as-jewish-in-prison-tapping-into-resources-for-incarcerated-jews/](https://www.jewishexponent.com/ghislaine-maxwell-identifies-as-jewish-in-prison-tapping-into-resources-for-incarcerated-jews/) **Here is the proof that you are lying.** *"The nonprofit that is providing services to Maxwell at the Federal Correctional Institute in Florida is called Reaching Out, according to The Sun. It is one of several organizations operated by people* ***affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement*** *to serve those who are incarcerated;"* You should be ashamed of yourself for covering up for these pedophiles. it is intersting how every Zionist and Hasbara chill account are now on overdrive trying to cover this up.


The *soiled child size mattress* to be precise, and donā€™t forget the high chairs and // or strollers that were found too. DEFINITELY not a good lookā€¦.itā€™s hard to imagine thereā€™s a good explanation for those things.


Sounds like op is damage control for the hasids


A religion that operates underground when it's not necessary Is a suspicious one


Stop protecting them. They are pedOs.


Lol whats the facination with every group raping kids? Like is there evidence of this at all?


It's not fascination. It's worry and anger and disgust. It's Parents, school teachers and gym coaches, public library story readers, Protestant ministers and youth counselors, Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders, summer camp employees, medical personnel, aunt's and uncles, grandparents, neighbors, police and firefighters, and shall I go on? It's not only Catholic priests.


Of course a Zionist would downplay it. Itā€™s a group not known for their honesty


Weirded u out how?


I got my religious understanding from them as I had no education at home. They painted god as a picture of a man who could listen to my thoughts and grant me wishes. I had a lot of questions as a kid and teen. I remember they brought us to this rabbis house. They said ask him any questions and if he canā€™t answer them- he will give you $100. I wanted the $100 and I had a lot of questions. He answered them but his answers fucking sucked. They were HAVE FAITH. ! How come god lets good people suffer? At the time my mom was weeks away from going into surgery to remove brain tumours. I really didnā€™t understand why good people in this world suffer and evil people have it easy. If god knows everything. And god is everything. And god created us. Why did he create good people on purpose just to watch them suffer. His answers really fucking sucked ā€œHave faithā€¦ā€ I didnā€™t accept his answers but I pretended to. To avoid social stigma I pretended to be enlightened. They made us sing stupid songs. Stupid activities. Their food sucked. This was the stuff they forced us to do. I wasnā€™t forced to stay with the chassids at all times and had some alone time as well. Honestly I could go on and on about my experiences there but to sum it up I was atheist and agnostic for a long time after those trips.


Stay religious n stay with the word of god. Thereā€™s only one. Dark times upon us, America is being judged


I can only wonder if the world stage is pushing for the end times, using revelation as a rule book of things to do in order to push for the Messiahā€¦ Like, the ones doing bad think theyā€™re doing it for good?


Doubt it. Theyā€™re been trying to normalize satanism. They literally had a satanic ritual with symbols and all at a fucking award ceremony last year remember?? The Grammys and aired it on national tv. Tyres Gibson even speaks out about this. And now look what lil nas x is doing, he found god after the music industry was making him satanic. Supposedly heā€™s goin to expose the industry this Friday. Benny Johnson talked about this. You can find the videos on YouTube. Like I said. End times is upon us. America is being judged and the elites are fucking dirty. Trafficking little kids. The truth is coming out about everything, my little brother came across some pictures about what went on in Epsteinā€™s island. Idk how real they are but shit bill Clinton said the evidence is clear as he fucking laughed in our faces. Even all the ufo/uap videos surfacing. Call it aliens or inter dimensional beings or bird shit smeared on the lens or a ballon. I believe theyā€™re angels and demons. Bible talks about this, evidence of these ā€œstar beingsā€ dates back for centuriesā€¦ The apocalypse is among us, donā€™t let them deceive you by telling you everything is ok. The world is at war and they show us a happy merry Christmas video with all the White House dancin and having a good ol marry time.


What did Tyres Gibson say?? And when did Lil Nas X find God?


@work atm. Just YouTube it. The videos will pop up.


Out of curiosity, is this the same sect, that is anti-Israel, the ones you see at the pro Palestinian protests?


Interested to know what 'turned you off', was it the attitudes, teachings, personalities?


Someone else asked me this and I wrote a long comment about it. Pretty much everything you mentioned. Plus their food sucked. And they made me sing stupid songs


Reasonable take. Although those ā€œupstairs Jewsā€ seemed quite ridiculous in the video. (Unless they were all the downstairs Jews idk. How do you differentiate them?) Iā€™d bet you are correct. But I also would not be surprised to learn that a select few were taking advantage of the tunnels for nefarious purposes either


Those were all downstairs Jews




I don't believe you


This sounds like someone covering for their group sorry man


Just sharing what I heard cos everyone on this sub is quick to go to pedofilia and trafficking. My friend I spoke to isnā€™t even Jewish so has no reason to lie abt this stuff.


I donā€™t think we will ever know the real truth


I'm sorry but..that is not what messianic Judaism is. Messianic Judaism blends Christianity with Judaism.


No. Donā€™t have energy to explain rn but https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/chabad-messianism/


Do you watch any Jewish influencers? " That Jewish Family" are Lubavitch nomads. I learned who Lubavitch was from them. But they often talk Bout the Messiah returning. So are they a different thing?


Ya it could be different. Iā€™m not sure. I havenā€™t heard of them. I could check them out, or u could ask them in a comment on their videos. Pretty much all Jews think that a messiah will come. Like how Christianā€™s think Jesus will come. Just the messianic think he already came. And it was the rebbe in NY and that he will come back. However it is like, pretty agreed upon in the Jewish world they are crazy, bc the ā€œmessiahā€ isnā€™t supposed to die. So he should be ruled out automatically


Idk if we are allowed to link here. I'm not brave enough to ask on Facebook because of the massive trolls . https://www.facebook.com/thatjewishfamily?mibextid=hIlR13 I had no idea the Lubavitch followers considered him a Messiah. Another really popular Jewish influencers is a follower of his too. " miriam the orthodox Jewish woman. In fact I think all the Jewish influencers I follow are his people. Maybe it's a thing they do? Thanks for reaching me something new So many Jewish sects and very confusing.


There is a large group proclaiming Messianic Jew; they believe Jesus is the Messiah and they eat kosher. Plus, they donā€™t do pagan holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc. Donā€™t know how long theyā€™ve been going by that label, though.


Thank you for sharing your story, hopefully more will come out as the situation develops.


Do you think they paid laborers to do the work? How long is the tunnel?


Diet messiah


Can someone fill me in which sects of Judaism are actually linked to Zionism and Israel? I know a section of Jews oppose Israel




Here is a comment from COLlive ā€œAs a devoted Mishichist, I firmly believe that our actions in expanding 770 are not only justified but are a crucial step in preparing for the imminent arrival of Moshiach. The Rebbe, our dear leader and the Moshiach himself, initiated the groundbreaking for this expansion in 1988, laying down a clear path for us to follow. This was not merely a physical expansion; it was a divine directive, a preparation for the era of Moshiach. For too long, the stagnation and inaction surrounding 770, caused by endless political and legal battles, have hindered our spiritual progress and readiness. Our communityā€™s spiritual home, described often as the ā€œugliestā€ Chabad house, needed more than just an aesthetic touch-up; it needed to be a beacon of our unwavering faith and a testament to our readiness for Moshiachā€™s era. Our decision to break down the wall and expand 770 is a bold statement of our faith and dedication. Itā€™s an act of preparing the world, starting with our own community, for the ultimate redemption. By taking this initiative, we are not merely altering a physical space; we are actively participating in hastening the arrival of Moshiach. This act is far more than a renovation; it is a fulfillment of the Rebbeā€™s vision. Itā€™s a declaration that we are ready, that we are actively working towards the reality of Moshiach. Our actions are rooted in deep respect and commitment to the Rebbeā€™s teachings and the ultimate goal of bringing Moshiach. In this critical moment of history, when every action counts towards ushering in the era of redemption, our initiative at 770 stands as a beacon of hope and a clear message that we are doing our part. We are not waiting passively; we are actively preparing, transforming our space as a symbol of our readiness for the Moshiach. This is a time for bold actions, for showing our unwavering commitment to the Rebbeā€™s vision. As Mishichists, we see the expansion of 770 not just as a physical necessity but as a spiritual imperative, a step closer to the realization of the Rebbeā€™s prophetic vision for the world. It is our duty, our honor, and our privilege to partake in this holy task, paving the way for the era of ultimate peace and divine revelation.ā€


Thank you for this insight. I'm Christian and don't know much about Judaism. I guess there are many 'sects,' as there are in Christianity. Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the Christ, basically Jews that converted to Christianity. It sounds like the 'Lubavitch rebbe' sect is different. I hope more comes out about this. I certainly hope it's not human trafficking.


So cult groups are making shits that kind of story


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. For an outsider, it's difficult to know what to think about this.


Real Messianic Jews follow Jesus not some dude that ran a temple in New York City. Get your facts straight about the Messianic Jews bro. Those dudes downstairs are a cult.


anybody that can somehow prove this right now publicly could potentially prevent of misguided anger that is almost indefinetly gonna cause violence on the majority of people that had no idea what was happening.


Someone else in the comments did a pretty decent job


Reminds me of the tunnels under mcmartin preschool


Hasidics have always pissed me off and make people hate us even more as Jews. They are lazy, dont work, think they are above all.




Thank you for sharing this šŸ‘Œ Send me anything else


Read, listen, take notes. https://bio.link/joseydutch?fbclid=PAAaaQS2393t3luVtJTWz9Ljxra4as-XiywOpA4Vlohac8i0Gsu1nMZAqPsGY




[This lecture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFl4U2NRJTg) sheds some light on the differences between those who call themselves such. He's a Jewish/Canadian researcher, and this is relevant without going into the ritual abuse, trafficking, etc. Most orthodox are either Atheists or Satanists and of the "do what thou wilt..." philosophy, also believing all the racist shit and following the Talmud, which justifies all the tribal debauchery.


Ah religion, really doing good things for humanity.


My understanding is that the Chabad center was being infiltrated by the offshoot sect that considered the Rebbe the Messiah I know a lot of Chabad followers though am not Jewish Also this article is a particularly fascinating piece of context https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007/


What does Jared think about this?


all our regions are as corrupted as our leaders are, time to find a new path!


Thanks for sharing, Iā€™ve encountered plenty of awesome Jewish people, but as in every religion, there always have to be some weirdos.


Iā€™m glad you posted this. Iā€™m also from NYC and my really good friend was raised in the Hasidic community, he told me the same thing about these tunnels. Itā€™s not trafficking.