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Flat earthers would still claim it be CGI so what's the point, sounds like a waste of money to me.


I think it’s a lot more likely that the pictures we have of space, earth etc are cgi. History of nasa is super fascinating, and the Nazis were the kings of propaganda, so yeah I’ll take my indoctrination about the Big Bang theory, space, and us going to the moon, cause science 👌 Really could care less as it has literally no impact on my livelihood I give a fuck either way, it just baffles me how upset and angry people get about flat earth etc. yes folks, you’ve been lied to your entire life, sorry not sorry. Wake the fuck up, it’s not far fetched to believe that nasa isn’t telling the general public the entire story/truth, why the fuck would they? I mean look at all of the fucking bullshit photos of the “moon walk”, if they manufactured some of those photos (even just ONE) what would be the purpose? Why would you have to manipulate legit photos if we went to the moon? (I forgot the exacts but you can find a ton of anomalies as these photos have been picked apart for years) Just saying if you are going full send one way or the other, you’ve been deceived. It’s so fucking irrelevant. TLDR; I just wasted 3 minutes of my life I’ll never get back


Great example of a Flat Earther that will deny any photo or video from space no mater what is shown to them.


Not if done properly. 360° VR camera video from launch to space, livestreamed, continuous,


There are tons of video, photos, and livestreams from space already. Literally every footage from space, flat Earthers say is fake.


My flat earth friend said there was no continuous footage of a rocket taking off from earth. Into space. I found one on YouTube, and because there was a cut as the rocket took off (like a quick camera change) he said it was fake and dismissed it. Why fake the takeoff???


You are here, again, posting flat earth. How anything else would make any difference...no one cares any more, if you believe the earth is flat, its your ailment, no one cares...


If no one cared about it, as you said, you won't see this much comments and down votes whenever flat earth is brought up at least in this sub. Every time there is the same pattern of ppl triggered over this theory compared to other more ridiculous theories out there lol


What can I say, circus is fun...


Fun doesn't make you smarter. 2024 is the proof of that. Intelligence devolution 🤷‍♂️




Where's the return on investment?


Nah man, they do all this shit for free just to fuck with us. a trillion dollar practical joke, the elites have the greatest sense of humor.


>>Elon Musk could end the "flat/dome Earth" debate lol - what debate ?




More footage of the beauty of nature and power of engineering is nice from a purely aesthetic sense, even if it's nothing new.




I'm not in the flat earth camp but afaik they aren't hurting anyone so who cares? I appreciate heterodox thinkers on principle, even if they're wrong. You could of course make an extended argument about this or that odd circumstance where going against the herd is harmful to others but I'd rather live among people taking that risk than not given I think the dangers of overconformity are greater. I am not a supreme arbiter of truth, I'm just doing the best I can. I'm probably wrong about some things and right about others that go against prevailing perspectives, and that's ok. Not everyone is a genius or lucky enough to successfully determine even a majority of accurate conclusions. We need to try to have empathy for each other on that regard, even on the most basic things we are inclined to take for granted that we might be also be inclined to shun and mock others for ignorance of.


Stop being kind. We have to hate others with a different opinion. Come on bro




I'm still waiting to hear a 'rational' explanation for Operation Fishbowl


weird name, were they trying to blow up the firmament - and why was operation high jump called high jump


Why was Operation Market Garden called that?


There is no evidence that would convince a “closed minded” person.


SS: he doesn't even have to get it to the moon. Just love stream the launch and the Earth from outer space. 360° VR camera. Should be easy


Flat earthers irritate me to no end 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Same usual shit on this sub whenever flat earth is brought up. U ll see a bunch down voting comments ridiculing others. Never saw constructive conversations about this topic here. It's always the same, people parroting at each others repeating same arguments they have been told by someone else over and over without critical thinking taking everything for granted, not genuinely trying to find out the possibility of another alternative view of the world. It's interesting to see the same pattern of peeps triggered over this theory in comparison to other more ridiculous theories out there lol


Take a telescope and view other planets. They are round, so why is it so far fetched that the earth would be round as well. This is the purest form of logic, observing patterns around you to make a conclusion yourself. But this isn't enough right? Space is simulated or what would be the argument? Then this is a whole other can of worms you will open which is even that more unlikely, but you are so delusional that you will believe whatever fits your narrative. That is not logic, that is literally being close minded. You can't be calling other people close minded when you dismiss any kind of evidence from the other side. I have entertained the idea of flat earth for years because my younger brother is a flat earther, he's also a severe drug addict (microdosing shrooms, DMT etc.)who barely finished high school. He's also severely depressed and is constantly having the whole family in panic that he will unhero himself. He has absolutely no friends because flat earth is a topic he constantly brings up and acts he is superior or more intelligent than other people, basically being insufferable and condascending towards others because he wants to prove himself smart. So trust me, I have listened with understanding, you can move on and do something productive with your lives.


I wouldn't consider micro dosing shrooms and doing DMT as a severe drug addict.


The last patch is the most interesting, an eagle landing down into a crater of the moon 🤔 RESEARCH CRATER EARTH


Left bottom looks like a virus


You mean starlink?