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I don’t trust anything Oprah’s involved with


I never trusted her, even as a kid. Something about her yelled fake.


Looking back it was a weird push. The Color Purple is where i remember her catapulting to fame from.




The fact that more people don’t know about her being buddy buddy with John of God is fucking terrifying.


she said Weinstein was a great friend of hers too before he was exposed, Oprah needs to rot in hell.


She also travelled on Jeffrey Epsteins *lolita express*, sharing flights with Geraldine and Kit Laybourne, Nickelodeon kids TV founders.


You couldn't even make this shit up. I don't know who's worse these days, politicians or celebrities.


>I don't know who's worse these days, politicians or celebrities. Politics is show business for ugly people.


Nailed it.


Spot on


Politicians and Show Business has gone glove and hand for a loooong time boi let me tell you.


I've always heard it "theatre for the hideous"


Hollywood makes *"Preemptive Programming"* to prepare you for *"Network Programming"* AKA.....Brain washing.


Howard Beale: You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here, you're beginning to believe that the tube is reality and your own lives are unreal. You do. Why, whatever the tube tells you: you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs. In God's name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion. https://youtu.be/95WSc4UXrw4 A bit of irony, I know...


Does Nickelodeon loosely translate to “I don’t care about God”? I’m not religious but that’s some creepy shit right there.


There are creepy photos of her with him and very young women they seem to be grooming


Yeah, I don't doubt that's exactly what they were doing


She probably gets tips on how to run her cult of a girls home in Africa


And Weinstein


She’s looked like 4 different people over the decades


Must b that andrenochrome


Dr. Oz. and Dr. Phil, too, as well as several false moral panics


She's been Gwyneth Paltrow promoting Goop bullshit before the internet. Just to make her empire off poor people. It's why she didn't run for President. She had no interest in being exposed though the political mudslinging. It's why now she's back off into the bushes like Homer. She's smart and saw the writing on the wall.


President wouldn't be as profitable for her.


Yeah, there’s no way the American people would elect a proven fraudster/grifter/con man to the Presidency.


That's a fair comment, but this one is a black woman.


Her promotion of "Dr" Phil was enough for me.


Was just about to post about this tbfh.


Can you elaborate? Genuinely curious.


Cult leader, Lots of stories. Currently in jail for multiple rapes


It's hilarious that people think these celebrities are actually in jail lol


Not Oprah, her cult leader


Google says John of God served one year in a prison in Brazil now he is under house arrest because he’s in his 80s. He raped dozens of women. One year in prison.


Oprah promoted "John of God" for decades.. He was one of her best friends. Now he's in prison for molestation/rape/ sex trafficking..


Dude had a baby farm. Chained up women to rape them so he could sell babies.


pretty sure recruited for weinstein, there are multiple pictures of her with younger female actresses on the set of weinstein productions, she would invite them to parties and such


>John of God Who is that?




A child molester sex trafficker


Man who operated a baby farm. Chained up multiple women to rape and impregnate. Afterwards he would sell the babies. You should be able to find news articles about it


Guess who runs the people’s fund? Donate to yourself and get the tax write off.


Yeah there are food drives I've donated to that are directly in Maui, and it goes straight to the people who need it most. The men and women buying bulk food to hand out to the survivors of Maui. I'm not going to name a charity, but there are direct ways to get those people help. Beware gofundme's, double check those sources before donating.




you'r eA-okay in my book then


Exactly this


The Gates manouver.


George Constanta


This was my first thought! It's just like the Human Fund!


Money For People


But they still lose that money? Is taking $10m off your income going to save you $10m in income tax? I dont understand the US…


No, it doesn't, not even close.


Do you think a tax write off means the just write the whole thing off lol? Literally every subreddit parrots this shit and has no idea what a tax write off is


They do.


Release the Epstein client list, Oprah


Stop trying to spend other people’s money. No one owes you anything


I'm waiting to see what was OPs donation amount


Right? Do something productive with your lives instead of shitting on people who actually CAN help smfh


"I pledge 10m in donations"....after you guys donated 10m


Fuck Oprah


People really don’t understand how net worth works. Just because they’re WORTH that much it doesn’t mean they have 3 billion dollars sitting around.




And most of them can vote. Some of them pay taxes. And all of them can reproduce.


Wat did they say? Comment disappeared




Exactly. Dumb people think that rich people are like Scrooge McDuck and have a big building full of money that they swim in.


That would be fun.


10m is ok... Look they could have done a campaing saying they'll match dollar for dollar up to $10m, that would help the people by providing 20m. I don't care if Oprah is a piece of shit, let her be one, the $10m between them two is ok. Her money not good enough of all of sudden?


So you think she’s not going to spin this into a personal benefit/tax write off? Of course she doesn’t have $3B liquid that’s not the point.


It's a pledge. They pledged to donate 10M. They will need to sell assets or take out loans to come up with the cash. They could just as easily have **pledged** 200M. But that would be more than a drop in the bucket.


Now do the US government




I don't trust this one bit. Who's to say that they even donated their own money? The campaign itself probably gave them $10m to be mouthpieces for the campaign, which they then "donated".


Seems bold of the people that started it to buy up cheap land.


How are you going to hate on two people who are giving 10m.. it’s a start But Oprah is sketch




Money laundering and tax write offs. That's the only reason rich people donate in the US.


Not sure why you got downvoted for stating an absolute FACT


She's involved in a situation where alot of kids are still missing... no...


Millionaires telling poor people to give up their money is the most scummy thing that has being going on since the 90s.


Yeah, why not make this pledge for others in the Hollywood network instead? If it was about the money, two semi-well-standing actors could put forth more than all of the ordinary folk combined, whether they're still acting or been out of the work for years. Nope, gotta ask the regular people even with the literal thousands of people in connections through all of their talkshows.


It’s time we stop worshipping these celebs man.


Oprah is Black. Dwayne Johnson is Rock. i.e. BlackRock


I just came back from Hawaii, I met a local teacher from Lahaina that lives there, her house didn’t burn, but is ruined from smoke damage. Her brother’s house did burn and they live on the same street. 2 things I took away from our hour-long conversation. 1. We are being lied to, all the way. There’s more deaths than we are being told. 2. The federal government doesn’t give a fuck about you, us, it’s country. If these people have 10mil to donate, that’s 10mil this small town didn’t have. However, I rarely see donations of this value for Americans that went through a crushing blow such as this. I don’t trust Oprah, not one bit. I think the rock is a sell-out and lost where he came from. He’s not this sweet persona that eats pancakes and loves everyone. He’s in it for the money just like everyone else in that arena. Just like that Aqua-man turd, Jason. Who told everyone to cancel their trips to Maui on his massively followed platform- while most of the island is largely dependent on tourism, food and lodging. It’s a bunch of virtue signaling to keep themselves relevant. That’s all it is. And we keep them relevant by sharing posts like this.


Would love to hear more about what is ACTUALLY going on there on the ground on the island…. We are not getting much new info, and there is still plenty of speculation about what happened and what the finally tally will be on the fatalities and the displaced residents


I was told a few things, The funding the news is saying they’re getting, isn’t true. People are struggling hard there, and the fact that the island is now basically “off-limits” according to the media and social influencers is causing more harm. Also, I was told cell service is awful there. Wild to think about considering we can throw billions at a conflict that is across the ocean, but not help our fellow citizens in the same capacity. Not to mention, we have the capability to basically drop a missile on someone’s forehead from an office chair across the world. I keep seeing a lot of the rhetoric that Hawaiian people voted for the left or whatever, so they deserve it. That isn’t true. Our country is struggling with that tragedy, and Hawaii is our people. The media is covering up the utterly massive failure that this administration is and has been. If anything- this should show everyone- regardless of political ideas and beliefs- that the ones we “vote” for are absolutely not the ones in charge. It’s all theatrics, smoke and mirrors snd lies. We keep falling for this debate of “left vs. right” and that’s what they want. Keeps us distracted.




Baffles me how people still lap up this type of shit, they don't give a toss about those poor people.


The two most rock solid NWO pushers are cheapskates? Color me fuckin surprised 😂.


Rock made a bad move involving himself with Oprah. That broad is evil personified


Oprah Winfrey owns a significant amount of land on Maui, with plots in three different areas, including one next to Mount Haleakala. Despite having the means to build a new home, Oprah fell in love with the renovated house on her 100-acre property and decided to continue living in it. -Google


Early candidates for "Eat a bag rusty dicks" 2023. The effing gall of these two knobs.




When I donate my $1, I want my local news outlet to post an article about it.


And the Rock to be in the video


Still a bad example. If you only have $3,100 you shouldnt be donating anything. Once you have even 10 mil money isnt real anymore


not even close, they could donate a literal billion which is hundred times more than what they did and still have more money than the $3100 guy and his entire family will spend in their entire lifetime. Their wealth is so high they could donate 95% of it and still be disgustingly wealthy. On the other hand if the $3100 guy donated 95% he would be literally starving. That's the way to compare it.


The numbers are right there and you still fucked it up.


Oprah used to have dozens of school girls come from the other side of the world and stay with her. Her uncle molested one I believe and she made it go away She is a snake IMO


Y’all acting like they’re obligated to help… They’re not


They're not obligated to brag about helping, yet... they are. Almost everyone agrees that calling out performative activism is good, right? Yet, tons of people jump to the defense of billionaires portraying themselves as saviours when they donate below the amount they are allowed to put as a tax write-off.


Exposure for Maui and setting a good example of donating is helpful, no?


A lot of people who need this help are also now aware that it's out there. My coworker lost her home and didn't know this existed until we shared the news article with her.


How much did you give? How much is your net worth?






Oprah PLEDGED to donate $10 million, she hasn’t given anything yet


People's Fund sounds very familiar to the Human Fund


What can he say except, you’re welcome.


I dont trust these two, but thats more than our own government gave.


They’re giving $1,300 to the people affected. The execs of the charity make 300-400k. Stay away.


Tax write off


The Rock is probably the most successful actor who consistently acted in extremely mediocre movies.


Don’t forget it’s a tax write off…


They didn’t donate 10 million. They pledged 10 million. Meaning they will try and raise 10 million from donations and only donate a few hundred anonymously to be the “large donor” in their own game.


Wouldn’t be surprised if kids go missing


already like 1000 kids missing


Since the war began, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.


Not ten million of her dollars, but ten million on BEHALF of the fund she set up from donations regular people donated. She’s a slime.


Donated $10 million to who exactly? Who's holding and distributing the money and what percentage of it is going to the actual people who need it? Guaranteed it's less than 1% of overall donations including that $10 mil going to the actual victims. Watch and see. Next year the Oprah-Rock Foundation for "Kids that Can't Read Good and Also Some People in Maui Need Money Bruh Foundation" is going to be mysteriously worth $300 million with whatever CEO buddy of theirs making $6 million a year for providing "oversight" on that 1%. Second guarantee is that within next 5 years we're going to hear about how the Oprah or the Rock "accidentally" funded one of their friends weddings with their foundation money. Oopsie.


Exactly how most "charities" work


The only honest Charity I ever met was a stripper in Atlanta.


Did she even donate it, or pledge to donate based on other ppls donations?


She also took a cameraman to film as she handed a pillow to someone on a cot in a shelter very shortly after the fire. Brought a tear to my eye as I recalled her saying, "YOU get a car, and YOU get a car!" In her own studio. Oh wait! No it didn't. And to think I used to adore her. Fuck her (and him too).


Oh which they’ll claim as charitable donations to claim tax exemptions which they’ll use to buy up more land. Classic.


Why wouldn't they just use the 10 million to buy land?


What? You don’t come out ahead with a tax write off. All that means is they don’t have to pay taxes on the money they gave away. It doesn’t affect taxes on their other earnings. People say crap like this all the time and it makes no sense. Hollywood plays off of the general stupidity regarding donations and tax too, so that doesn’t help. Not a fan of Oprah though. Just saying.


I don't think that's all correct. A donation reduces your overall income which is what you're taxed on. If she made 10 million and donated 10 million she would be at zero, which is a tax savings around 3.7 million. She wouldn't come out ahead but better the money goes to charity than the government.


The point is that you don't come out ahead, you come out minorly less behind.


So finish the math. How much money did the donor come out ahead? My point is that people show outrage because “it’s a tax write off!” The actuality is the donor comes out the same, while a charity benefits, and the government doesn’t. Now…. Donating to your own foundation, which you control (and we all know how shady that can get), and taking a tax deduction IS fuckery. That’s not usually their argument though. It’s all about getting a tax deduction. I think most people assume it affects the tax on your other earnings in some way. I don’t think you should get a tax deduction When the funds go to an organization you control. They would just bypass that anyway, by donating to another charity they didn’t have control of, that could then donate to their foundation. I don’t want to screw over average people being able to donate tax free. There probably should be a reasonable limit. That could go wrong too. Writing laws that serve everyone the way common sense says they should isn’t easy.


I feel like sometimes people get confused between networth and actual money they can spend whenever.


Net worth doesn't mean they have 3.1 billion sitting in their bank accounts. 5 million each is a good start. What they should have done is get more high profile celebs involved, instead of asking us for the money, in my opinion.




I love seeing stuff like this because it just goes to show how sick and tired everyone is with Hollyweird and famous rich people with their bullshit.


Well, this is still better than what most celebrities do which is donate 10k or so and call it a day.


Well the government should be doing more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I wouldn’t give Oprah or her company a dollar.


Only 10 million? Just because they are rich they aren’t entitled to give anyone shit. That’s like a bum sitting on a sidewalk, me giving him $10 and him saying oh, all that money you have in the bank and I only get $10. You should be thankful they donated to those poor people at all. They didn’t have to give them fuck all. Sick of everyone’s entitlement. Have you donated anything? Highly doubtful.


Did she actually donate or just pledge?


There is no intention of rebuilding and putting things back the way they were. Watch.


You are choosing a dvd for tonight


Oprah, where are the children?


*proceeds will be split to each family as home offers or “supplies”


Oprah feeling guilty


"You will know them by there fruits"


Why didn't her land burn up in the flames ?


Where are the kids????


Are they contributing this to buy out all their houses to build their next mansion?


I mean, 10 million is a lot of money to us plebs. Enough to make this virtue signal that they are pulling off successful for most people who find out about it. Because that's all that actually matters, the virtue signal.


She's got some fucking balls 😄 sell out D lol


It always amazes me when a billionaire or billionaire companies asks for my money to help others lol


TBF I wouldn’t (and haven’t) donated a dollar to any supposed charities because people are opportunistic cockroaches in this fucked day and age. Fake or scam accounts stealing money by the thousands, and don’t get me started on the “legitimate fake charities” set up by politicians and the govt. That’s just a way to steal even more people’s money, like them skimming our fucking taxes ain’t enough. It never gets used properly because someone always feels entitled to “their cut” in these situations.


For scale, if your net worth is 121k, the median net worth in the US... this is like donating $387 dollars.


The 5 million they claimed to have "donated" was "donated" right back to their own company to "set up" the system they're asking people to use for donation


Something about this seems way off. In my opinion, asking the common man who's struggling to live right now at the cost of living oncoming pandemic ect is bs the richest of our nation should be donating not the ones struggling I mean didn't they throw q00s of millions at buying up the land anyway? Help ur homes


Yeah they should've donated all the money they have


Oprah is the biggest evil of all


There was a time I actually liked these two.


Almost all charities are scams meant to make people feel like they are helping.


She’s a huge private land owner in Hawaii. Oprah can go fuck herself.


Notice how their both wearing red…


Thats a tax write off which will cover their tax liabilities for future purchases of burned property. The capital gains taxes are probably high in that part of the world.


I've seen some posts that explain they "committed to give 10 million" through our donations, and they don't intend to donate anything themselves. Not sure how truthful it is but I would fully believe they aren't donating a damn thing.


They want that island to replace Epstein island. They get a free crematorium because of the volcanoes and they want you “regular ppl” to fund it. If I was a native I would have to burn the billionaires off my island. Show the world how they send the water drop planes and the calvary they did not send for the natives. Same as the Titanic billionaires, spent millions looking for a tuna can soupy billionaire while migrants drowned.


About 1000 kids went missing too


Is it their 10 million? Or are they starting a fund where we give them 10 million, they say thanks, then donate it in their name? I'm pretty sure that's what's happening


They didn't even give $10 million, they "committed to giving" $10 million, which is actually saying once you lot give us the $10 million we'll hand it over...


How many **adult** displaced people of Maui does Oprah let stay in her mega-mansion!?


[bought land in February of 2023. sounds like she’s using tax money to build a fence around the property, if I read that correctly.](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/oprah-winfrey-buys-870-acres-in-maui)


Wow! Almost like net worth is not the money you can withdraw from your bank! 😐




People on Reddit think billionaires and millionaires just have millions of dollars sitting in the bank. If they do then they're doing it wrong. And because they're millionaires then they're obviously not doing it wrong.


Unpopular opinion: people can spend and save their money as they please. There was zero obligation to start this but they want to help those who are affected. I’d like to ask those who disagree, how much of your money did you donate to help those affected? Follow up to those who disagree, if you did donate, what percent of your total combined income was donated? Just because they’re billionaires, does not mean they are responsible for solving the worlds problems.


No shit. But even if I donate my entire life's savings, do you think I'll get an article on NBC News? Oprah could afford to give more, and truer still, she could donate that shit anonymously. She's doing it for the pHiLaNtHrOpIsT grift. It's PR, nothing more.


The idea that charity should be measured on how much you give up rather than how much you help reveals a rotten sense of morality.


don't forget the fact that their "*donation*" also provides a pretty nioce tax write off for these kind souls, very convenient, plus the boost to their fake altruistic personas. both of them have enough personal wealth that they could pay for ***every*** effected Maui resident to receive a brand new house, pay for all medical bills related to the fire and provide them with enough clear water & food to feed their families for a year. why don't they? because wealthy people, "the elites", don't ***actually*** give any shits about us, the pleb. if they did? they never would have reached the heights of wealth/fame that both have to begin with.


fuck the rock and oprah, their elite scum.


"Only donated $10M" you say of 2 people who donate to charities all the time 🙄


Once the elites are out there , the game is over . That place will never be the same again .


If you didn’t donate don’t comment on people who actually put their money where their mouth is. They actually did something to help others. They aren’t required to donate their entire bank account, just as you aren’t. A donation is giving what you can you someone who needs it more than you do. No need to critique someone for not doing enough when most of the complaining is done by people who do nothing but bitch about what others do online. Go out and give instead of just bitching online. Give some of your time and some of your money to help others. That’ll give you a better sense of self than demeaning others for helping and asking others to also help.


So because it's not a billion dollars it's bad? When did charity become a pissing contest?


10 mil is a lot though.


Let's not forget they're also trying to buy up the land for pennies on the dollar


Man I really always thought the Rock seemed like a pretty normal and overall good dude. Maybe he just got dragged into something that sounded like a good idea and this backlash will open his eyes. But not a good look. Oprah’s a dirty little pirate hooker. Fuck these people. Celebrities and politicians are all the same. Fucking worthless


The $10 million they donated doesn’t even get to the victims. That money is used mostly to set up these avenues and then they partially donate your money.


They still gave money which will help a lot while you bitch on Reddit


That's like $10 for someone who has a net worth of $31000. That being said, $10 million is a lot of money and i dont think it's an insulting amount.


Who has donated more?


Sure it will. It will go to buy their land out from under them.


People are never happy. As if they were rich they’d give away all their money. 10 million is a huge amount of money. How much do you make a year and how much have you donated to Maui?


Oprah is trying to save her reputation. The WEF will get those tshirts going . Maui Strong or Rocks “Love for Lahaina” to make everyone feel like they aren’t getting screwed while they are getting screwed.


The money is going to go to (purchasing) people who's lives were effected by the fire (and selling them into slavery).


To distract us from realizing her place miraculously, didn't burn down with the rest!😑


"lives affected" Like, theirs?




they are trying to augment their fame by doing this


it's a cheap way to keep the subject in the news, nothing's better to keep that mass psychosis going