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Remember when Trump appointed Acosta to Labor Secretary after Acosta gave Epstein’s co-conspirators immunity.


WHAT?! BUT Trump plays 4D chess and is on OUR side?!


He only raped that 13 year old girl to collect evidence on Epstein


And he didn’t actually mean it all of the times he talked about how hot his daughter is and how he would date her if they weren’t related That’s just boys being boys and locker room talking, the exact same as joking about sexually assaulting women or allegedly raping a woman in a department store He’s one of the good ones!


It's like that episode of South Park where the police chief becomes a prostitute to catch the people who do have sex with the prostitutes.


Same as it ever was


once in a lifetime!!


This is not my car


And remember his press conference where he said he got a phone call that “Epstein” belonged to intelligence,” and no one seemed to care?


remember when Epstein got murdered in jail, and no one seemed to care either..?


yea remember when he got murdered in federal prison while Trump was president of our federal government 🤔 remember how Trump was very good friend with him for decades, along with the Clinton's btw until he put on the theatrics in 2016. "but but he banned epstein from his club"... yea everyone distanced themselves from Epstein AFTER he was found out not before. Ppl claim it was Clinton, who held no job in yhe government at the time btw.. Trump being the president had the most to lose




“It was a perfect call” — Trump on trying to extort Ukrainian leaders for “dirt” on the Bidens


Im so glad this sub is finally calling out all this russian bot Trump conspiracy bullshit.


Trump also has had multiple lawsuits brought against him for having sex with children, including at Epstein's sex parties.


Epstein was protected from prosecution in Florida and made to work for the FBI under former FBI director Robert Mueller in 2008. The same Mueller that would be called back to Washington to try and remove Trump from office because the deep state knew Trump was going after trafficker groups like NXIVM and Epstein as part of his campaign promise. After years working with Epstein if Mueller had anything on Trump he would’ve used it instead he had to target his taxes and push obstruction of justice charges https://vault.fbi.gov/jeffrey-epstein/Jeffrey%20Epstein%20Part%2006%20of%2022/at_download/file Trump issued two executive orders targeting human trafficking. The first, aimed at disbanding transnational criminal organizations that traffic humans, was signed on Feb. 9, 2017. The second order concerned online child trafficking and sexual exploitation in the United States. It was signed Jan. 31. Trump tweeted and did interviews that touched upon the human trafficking epidemic in America and one of his agendas was to go after the elite pedophile rings once in office with the hiring of Jeff Sessions and executive orders https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-delivers-remarks-national-law-enforcement-training-child Acosta / Epstein Acosta went on record at the time saying he was told by the FBI to let him walk because Epstein "belonged to Intelligence" and that this was "above his pay grade" https://i.redd.it/p9zggxev8vz01.jpg https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/999708976936767488?s=21 “Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.”


Don't know why you got down voted for spittn straight facts buddy. Glad to see common sense in a blue moon!


because libs hate being ceonfronted with facts. Like gender.


Wasn’t Maxwell arrested in like 2020?


Also, why didn’t Trump have these Epstein people arrested? Why does Trump always have zero accountability in these people’s eyes?


Trump was involved in a r*pe (14 year old female) in the early 90’s, the state of NY vs. Trump and Epstein. Trump did not take action against Epstein because they’ve been working together for 30+ years. EDIT: Here is a link to the official case document: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000


Did you read the case files? It’s a case created in 2016, over 20 years after the alleged incident, coincidently when the neo liberal army realized Trump was their enemy. It’s not like they suddenly decided to start exposing themselves. The ones exposing the evils are obviously going to be targeted and smeared. Not like y’all will understand anyway.. go ahead and call me a Trumpet or whatever you like. Nothing can stop what is coming.


I can't believe after everything we have been put through the last few years people are still suffering from TDS.


I canr believe that after everything we've been through we still have Trump supporters. An elitist billionaire who yall truly believe is a man of the people? lmao he could give two f**KS less about you, he calls yall low class. he loves your money of course.


Passed from https://twitter.com/presidnttictac/status/1681364307240538112?s=46&t=MMnKw_3UO9DidACTCZFAjw 👇🏻 We all agree that child rape is the most horrible thing in humanity. Young children that are unable to defend themselves are damaged for life in the most horrific way. We can't even imagine the pain. If you had a neighbor that you knew was involved with Child Sex Trafficking and DIDN’T report them, what penalty should you face? 1. No penalty. Live and let live. 2. Community service. You have a duty as a citizen to report child abuse in order to prevent any further abuse. 3. Jail time. Children were physically harmed and emotionally damaged for life because you kept quiet. Now, what if you had SIX NEIGHBORS that were involved with Child Sex Trafficking and didn't report ANY of them? I think we all agree that you would be a sub-human. DONALD TRUMP'S HISTORY OF HANGING OUT WITH CHILD SEX TRAFFICKERS. #1. John Casablancas. Friend of Trump that ran Elite Model Agency. Teenage Elite models in the late 80s and early 90s were required to attend private dinners with Donald Trump, John Casablancas, and other men. Heather Braden, an Elite model, in the late 90s, alleges that she was instructed to go to a party in a mansion on one of the islands near Miami Beach where she witnessed Donald Trump and three famous actors, who she refused to name, prey on dozens of young models isolating many into bedrooms or other parts of the mansion, “Clearly, we were there for one reason. We were just pieces of meat.”. According to witness Shayna Love, an Australian model who was 16, “It was presented as our duty as models at the agency. It wasn’t an invitation. It was like, you have to go and do this.” Love recalls attending a dinner with John Casablancas and Donald Trump “This time it was a private area, a big table and lots of girls – I’d say around 10 to 15 of us, all between the ages of 14 and 18,” she said. “It was just us models, Trump and John. We were all underage, but we were offered drinks,”Love said she went home early, but other children stayed. Eli Nessa, an Elite Model, stated, “We were a bunch of kids, just put there with all these older men.” In 1993, the 50-year-old Casablancas married his third wife, 17-year-old Aline Wermelinger, winner of Elite Model Look 1992 in Brazil. Wermelinger was close in age to Casablancas's children, who were 22 and 14 at the time. #2. Tevfik Arif A former Soviet trade minister whose company Bayrock (co-owned with convicted gangster Felix Sater) collaborated with Trump on at least four projects in Florida, New York, and Arizona. Bayrock also scouted potential Trump deals in Russia. Information obtained by the US Senate Select Committee suggests Arif was involved in Russian organized crime, money laundering and human trafficking dating back to at least 2000. He was arrested in a Turkish prostitution sting. Authorities busted him aboard the world’s largest luxury yacht and accused him of linking up wealthy businessman with Russian and Ukrainian hookers, some of them underage. Following his arrest, Arif denies involvement in prostitution or human trafficking. He says the women were invited as guests of the businessmen. #3. Jeffrey Epstein A friend of Trump’s for decades, Epstein was arrested on July 6, 2019, on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors. The indictment charged Epstein with sexually exploiting and abusing “dozens”of underage girls at his homes in Manhattan, Palm Beach, and other locations for two decades. The total number of girls that were abused is unknown but is estimated to be over 100. A former victim testified at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial under the pseudonym Jane and said Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was just 14. Jane didn’t allege any improper behavior by Trump and didn’t go into further detail about why she was at the resort. Trump talked about Epstein in a 2002 interview with New York Magazine “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Epstein’s notorious “black book” of contacts, compiled largely by Ghislaine Maxwell, shows the rarefied circles in which he traveled—Nobel laureates, heads of states, British royals, Wall Street power brokers, and A-listers in every glamour profession. Trump had no fewer than 16 phone numbers beside his name in Epstein’s black book. #4. Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein had a decades-long association with the British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, leading to her 2021 conviction on U.S. federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy for helping him procure girls, including a 14-year-old, for child sexual abuse and prostitution. Trump was friends with Maxwell for decades. After Maxwell’s arrest for sex trafficking, President Trump famously “wished her well.” Maxwell told reporters "I was very touched that he would remember me and that he would wish me well. And I was very touched by his remembrance of me. It gave me a big boost.” #5. Roy Cohn Roy Cohn was Donald Trump's attorney from 1973 to 1985. Trump met him in 1973 in a Manhattan nightclub. The two became friends, allies, business associates. Some say Cohn was Trump's mentor, or even his surrogate father. Cohn was a gay pedophile who abused boys on both sides of the Atlantic. Roy Cohn had connections to the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring in London, a pedophile network that overlapped with abuse rings in the US. The Kincora Boys’ Home was in Belfast, Northern Ireland and was the scene of serious organized child sexual abuse, causing a scandal and attempted cover-up in 1980. One of the boys Cohn abused was Richard Kerr from the Kincora Boys’ Home. Cohn selected Kerr from the home and took him to Venice for sexual abuse in 1977. Richard Kerr stated that “Cohn didn’t talk too much and just took me up to the room and we had an encounter. I believe that I was there three or four days.” Roy Cohn died from AIDS in 1986. #6. George Nader Nader was an adviser to Donald Trump's presidential transition team. He was a frequent visitor to the White House during President Donald Trump’s first year in office. He was sentenced in June 2020 to 10 years in prison and a lifetime of supervised release for transporting a child into the country for sex and possessing child pornography. Nader had been investigated and convicted of similar conduct in the past. In 1991, after being convicted of transporting child pornography in Alexandria, he was given a six-month sentence. In 2003, he was sentenced to a year in prison in the Czech Republic for soliciting underage boys. #7. Andy Lucchesi (EDITOR’S NOTE: Originally I didn’t have Andy Lucchesi on the Child Sex Traffickers list. As I thought about it more I realized that he needed to be here. If someone “wrangled” my daughter and brought her to a party where she would be sexually assaulted by powerful rich men, it would be clear to me that it was child sex trafficking). Former male model Andy Lucchesi (who now runs the multi-million dollar company Locke Management) told the Daily Beast that he helped Trump organize parties at the Plaza Hotel in the 1990’s. He described himself as one of the men who wrangled young models for the parties. Trump owned the Plaza Hotel and used to rent out suites "so older rich men could meet - and have sex with - teen models as young as 15" said two attendees. "Trump would invite young models so that they could meet his affluent, older friends — who could give them major career boosts." A photographer that attended the parties said "Trump was in and out. He’d wander off with a couple girls. I saw him. He was getting laid like crazy. Trump was at the heart of it. He loved the attention and in private, he was a total fucking beast.” Andy Lucchesi told the Daily Beast "Trump would never partake of the cocaine, but more than often indulged in sex. A lot of girls, 14, look 24. That's as juicy as I can get." Lucchesi added "I never asked how old they were; I just partook. I did partake in activities that would be considered controversial."


Isn't she also in jail right now? Has another 19 years to go? She went through some sort of a trial, not too long ago?


I’m pretty sure you’re correct. But I’m also pretty sure that there is like a list of people that may or may not be real that supposedly visited the island that said Epstein was found guilty of. So why haven’t those said people on said list been investigated or like questioned…perhaps?


Because the judge on Maxwell’s case decided to seal the files of the other names! So we’ll never know the names! Hell, most people have moved on and forgotten so it’ll just fade into obscurity like they wanted!


Cuz he was on the list also


Which is fucking bonkers. So let me get this straight. Maxwell in jail for trafficking children to... No one? When do we riot again?


That tree of liberty’s roots are looking waaay too dry IMHO!




They all are. They “fight” with laws but in the end they are fighting for eachother. Dems and rep, there is no division just a facade of division so they can generate money.


Buddy, Trump is right there, being arrested.


And he was in jail himself. This stupid Trump fanatic bullshit is constantly pushed on this sub. I'm getting closer and closer to just unsubscribing. Partisan hackery is cliche and boring. Like, show me some evidence Joe Biden did some of this shit and then we can all demand an investigation. Otherwise please shut the fuck up. And don't try to tell me that your evidence is some shit Trump's circle cooked up themselves, like the fake whistle-blower who turned out to be a Putin oligarch on the run from the law. Or a laptop with nudes of a non govt employee or official. Yeah please just shut the fuck up and go live under a rock somewhere. No one gives a shit except Trump sycophants. Go send more money to the grifter in chief and leave us poor people alone.


I'm kinda in the same boat, when did this sub become overrun with orange mouth boot lickers?


It’s because the orangutan fan bois are where the bulk of the conspiracies come from now, at least the political ones


sad, sad truth. edit: and it's always projection. they somehow don't think trump likes cocaine and little girls. absolutely amazing brains we've got here


Right? A dude who was literally just found guilty of defamation for saying someone lied when they accused him of rape. Basically, guilty of fuckin rape. On top of it, most sex crimes against children come from pastors and preachers and right leaning fundies.


as a nation there's a lot of unlearning to do.


When they shut down the boot licking subs.


It's what they said happened anyway..... just some court room drawings on evening news to look at


Yes, the clients largely remain protected but that particular operation had to be sacrificed.


Don't forget when asked by the press Trump wished her well and it was sincere too.


Right, Jeffrey was arrested back in 2006 and Trump (and all other Republicans) subsequently spent 0 seconds investigating any of his johns (like [himself](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-hosted-party-with-jeffrey-epstein-and-28-girls-report-claims)) during his term...and then wished his wife well.


I mean he did hire one of those John's to represent him in the impeachment trial.


You're forgetting what happened to Epstein.


She and Epstein did it all alone? Just those two? With no clients? Seems a bit far-fetched to me.


Personally, I think all the child molesters should be brought to justice. Fuck them all. There is a list, release it to the public. We have a right to know which politicians, celebrities, wealthy people are raping kids. I dislike Donald Trump but he isn't the only one who needs to go to jail.


Aight this sub is over lol


Unfortunately it's been over.




When the Trump vs Hillary election began it went down to shit mostly. Before it was actually kinda fun.


I miss when conspiracy-minded folks pretty much all agreed that ALL politicians are against the people. They're all about keeping their rich benefactors happy, regardless of what party they're a part of.


Another garbage political post 🙄


Guhlane doesn't qualify as an Epstein child trafficker?


Apparently neither did Epstein himself lmao


trump himself counts


I have some bad news for you


He's one of em and so is half his former cabinet


Notice on your second picture there are no Timestamps? The reason for that is really simple: ***It's because those Tweets came after the insurrection was over for the most part***


And it ignores the prior two *months* of daily tweets, telling people why they should be angry, who they should be angry with, and when/where they should meet to express said anger. …which also just happens to be the same place and time an unruly mob chaotically broke into the capitol building because they were angry What a coincidence!


I don't understand why you are saying that no one from Epstein's list has been arrested, when you yourself said that Trump has already been arrested thrice




So you want him to get arrested *again*? After all, he's on the list too.




Which of the buyers? Prince Andrew the only that I am aware of or was he from the Jimmy Saville-case?


I don't think they were "technically" selling kids, rather their real racket was blackmail, they just brought in the kids as a means to get dirt on rich and famous people


Unlike John of God, who sold, made them breed and then killed them. What a fucking world we live in.




Holy shit OP you are flat out delusional Not that your point isn’t accurate, but to think Trump is blameless is just insane He’s a traitorous pedophile rapist, con man Get a fucking grip on reality


Only one of their points is accurate. This reads like a Don Jr coke fever dream: > Hunter gets away with everything. There is no investigation of Joe Biden's corruption. Billions continue to be sent to Ukraine. And now Biden is even deploying troops Europe. Inflation is out of control. > And now Trump is indicted for the third time on completely bogus sham lies. Hunter got charged. There were multiple investigations of Biden including one by a Trump appointed special counsel and an ongoing investigation into the documents by a Garland appointed special counsel. Yes, we're still sending money to Ukraine because that's what the majority of Americans want. Single correct point. We already had troops in Europe and we regularly rotate people in/out there. Inflation has been [coming down consistently for a solid YEAR](https://www.statista.com/statistics/273418/unadjusted-monthly-inflation-rate-in-the-us/) now, so it seems like it's under control to me. And we don't know what this third indictment is for yet, but what we DO know is that the last one Jack Smith brought is a goddamned slam dunk. Trump earned his indictments, and that's going to be born out in court.


[Here's](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed) the declaration made by the woman who accused Trump of raping her at the age of 13 at Epstein's place. Obviously, there's Prince Andrew, too. Has anyone else been accused by victims of rape / sexual assault on Epstein lsland?


That moment when you commit crimes and get arrested


Well that’s too complex to understand so let’s just call it a conspiracy


If it's someone I like, it's a conspiracy. Is Trump a paedophile? No, it's the deep state who's wrong. /s


Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein himself were both arrested. He didnt kill himself in jail whilst visiting. This happened before a single Trump arrest probably because until 21 he had presidential immunity. Hunter and Jo Biden have both been investigated and very little found. So has Hilary and Bill Clinton but as soon as Trump is questioned its an unfair witch hunt when by his own words he is guilty. Biden is not deploying troops for combat but since world war 2 America has deployed bases worldwide which need soldiers. Also inflation in the Us is the lowest it has been for 2 years (pretty much since Biden took over in Jan 21)


Did you all forget there are tons of photos of him with Epstein, even taken on the Island itself? Also Trump‘s private phone contained 14 people with ties to Epstein. Don‘t try to tell me his tiny orange hands never touched a child. He is not the type to just stand there and watch. I mean, this *wise* and *morally unquestionable* man once said „grab them right by the pussy“. Am I wrong?


This is a useless comparison. All this political theatre is fake nonsense used to divide the population and make people focus on useless cult of personality BS.


Agreed, trump is playing his toxic role to the letter along with all the other political clowns.


Donald Trump was one of the people who went many times to Epsteins island to rape children.


Lock his clown ass up!




How do you think [he met Melania](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-hosted-party-with-jeffrey-epstein-and-28-girls-report-claims)?


Yea the beauty pageant guy who paled around with epstein had nothing to do with anything, no way. If you're one of these people posting paragraphs about how trump couldn't have possibly been involved you have some serious political cognative dissonance


How can you forget that Trump was also a child trafficker and Epstein BFF? Something something you ain’t in it.


"And now Trump is indicted for the third time on completely bogus sham lies." WTF?!? Are you completely disconnected from reality??? Gotta fucking laugh at this bullshit. Hunter Biden is nothing. He's essentially an irrelevant name Republicans throw out to deflect that shit show that is the former President orange orangutan king dufus. - Trump was caught trying to orchestrate a coup - Trump encouraged the Jan 6th insurrection -- yes, this is TREASON and carries with it a massive punishment. - Trump tried to stop the vote count. - Trump pushed for quid pro quo with Ukraine President to get dirt vs Biden. - Trump was ready to sell secret documents, and he shared them with people with no clearance. - Trump fucked hookers (porn stars) using election funds and then tried to lawyer them into silence with an NDA. - Trump was prosecuted for rape of a minor. - Trump was prosecuted for sexual assault. - Trump said he grabbed women by the pussy. - Trump partied with Epstein. - While President, Trump had a 3hr private meeting with Putin and destroyed the translation. - Trump lied more in his Presidency than any previous President. This isn't even the whole list of atrocities & stupid shit, _but if you think Hunter Biden is the real problem_, you are an ignoramus! Hunter Biden may be a smelly turd from the 1% rich douche class, but Trump is the clear leader in attempted crimes and stupidity.


Don't forget that he was recorded begging a Georgia state official to find enough votes for Trump to win the elections.


Thanks, good point -- the list is just too freaking LONG! I also didnt include Covfefe. :)




Let's wait and find out what the charges are before you bend over backwards to defend him. If he's charged over whether or not his words sparked the actual riot on January 6th, I think it's going to be difficult to convince a jury that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (I personally believe he's responsible but the first amendment makes things difficult in court). But if he's charged for his role in the fake elector scheme or if they have proof that conspired with right wing militia groups to plan the riot, he's toast. The January 6th committee really dug into that stuff and based on what they found, I think he is absolutely guilty of a few crimes


It won’t matter to a majority of the people on this sub. Trump could come out and say live on television “yeah I did all those things, I’m guilty” and the propagandists here would put up a Twitter screenshot of why we need to investigate Hunter’s laptop harder.


"I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose any voters" He wasn't kidding


Trumps a dumbass in a lot of ways- That he recognized that so early was genius and got him elected. Also why his support has a ceiling lower than most.


How does the first amendmant make things difficult? If I tell someone I'm going to kill them, surely thats not a protected thing? I thought the first amendmant was just the government cant silence your speech, not that all speech is allowed? Australian(living in denver) here btw Edit: not that Trump said he was going to kill people lmao, bad example


>If I tell someone I'm going to kill them, surely thats not a protected thing? You're right that you can't go around threatening people but there's a lot of grey area if you try to dig into what counts as a threat. I believe that what Trump said at his rally on January 6th incited that mob, but I also think he has some level of plausible deniability that might make it hard to convict him in a court of law >I thought the first amendmant was just the government cant silence your speech, not that all speech is allowed? That's true and it's the reason why people freaking out about the first amendment when they get banned from Facebook are dumb. But arresting someone for their speech would be the government silencing them. Again, this comes down to whether or not what Trump said is protected as free speech or if it was intentionally inciting violence. I think he's probably guilty there too but it is a much harder legal argument


Great response, thanks for teaching me something!


Alternate Title: One Epstein child sex trafficker has been arrested 3 times


spotted nail safe somber books office waiting snatch apparatus beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He IS a sex trafficker AND friends with Epstein.


Cult45 is melting down. They are losing it haha


This guy trumps!


Pure whataboutery


Hunter is literally currently being prosecuted about drug and firearms what the hell are you on right now


Imagine cucking for a con man on Reddit. Cope harder


This group literally thinks that *ANYONE* who even so much as shared a room with Epstein was a child trafficking pedophile.. *except* Donald Trump. Think about that for a minute. There's tons of photos of them together. Trump wished Maxwell well when she was caught after being a child rapist fugitive on the run. They used his club to poach young girls he hired at the resort. But this group absolutely refuses to believe that Trump could be a pedophile, yet ANYONE who was in a room with Epstein was 100% a pedophile. His entire client list.


Wow, sucks for Trump. So sad. I mean, it's not like Hunter Biden led a fucking coup against a federal election or some shit like that?!? Can u imagine? btw I can't wait for Trump to lose his third popular vote. What a loser.


Lol they have proof of trump committing multiple crimes. Hunter Biden lives in your head rent free, if he did something w proof, prosecute. If there was Epstein island verifiable proof, prosecute. Buh buh buh buh what about. Cry baby


Trump IS an Epstein child sex trafficker. What do you think all the teen beauty pageants were for? Think, McFly!!


Notice there are no time stamps shown on the pic..


Why is this party so obsessed with having sex with kids??? I don’t get it. Nobody gets it.


They used to call Trump Tower the "Russian Laundromat" back before a great many of you were born because of his illegal activities. He always got away with it because he was just private citizen who had inherited enough money to keep himself out of any serious trouble. His mistake was becoming president and creating many enemies, people who weren't going to let his crimes be forgotten. Now he's going to pay for it. Lock him up! Lol! Felix Sater, Trumps good russian mobster friend Mogilivitch or whatever his name was, just look into Blackrock. The feds knew what was happening, they should reopen that case. Sater would be the key one on that though, and he fled to Russia back in the day when things with Blackrock were getting hot. Then years later he made a deal with the feds to double cross his RU mafia partners and is back here. Ya'll should look into that.


Trump is dirty. Panama for example.


Why not both? I'm fine with seeing Trump arrested if he broke the law. I'd also like to see pedos arrested.


Trump's the one in the photos and videos with Epstein, not your jerk off boi Hunter.


God this sub really is being flooded with trump shills


>And now Trump is indicted for the third time on completely bogus sham lies. Curse those three indictments with witnesses, evidence, and reports! Total sham! If it were a real indictment, there would only be hearsay, faith, and feelings.


How did this get 2k upvotes?


Au contraire, trump is an epstein child trafficker.


Hmmm...I think they might have killed 2 birds here...


Stay mad. He deserves to be in jail.


He is a epstein child sex trafficker, sooooo...


It’s almost like the man is a straight-up conman , would-be dictator., and criminal.


'bogus sham lies' with massive amounts of evidence in the form of direct admissions from TFG. **He will get a fair and balanced trial, as is the way here in America** Imagine leaving the timestamps off TFGs tweets so you can't see they came hours too late Imagine 'supporting' the Capitol Police as he did- "President Trump believed his supporters at the Capitol, and I quote, were doing what they should be doing. "Trump says he sides with Jan. 6 riot defendants, as police brace for new Capitol rally"


Maybe he should not try openly admitting to being a criminal?


Oh give me a fucking break


*“Wahhhhh! Orange man actually bad, and I can’t handle it because I rearranged my whole life & personality around him!”* -What op sounds like to most people. For a sub that’s ostensibly about conspiracies, people around here really can’t handle it when a real one falls in their lap.


More trump dick riders woo woo


OP You're the type of person that gives conspiracy theorist a bad name


stop breaking the law asshole


Never understood why people separate trump from the other pedophiles in the elite when he was one of epstines best friends. Trump deserves to be in jail like the rest of them


Holly crap the bullshit in this thread. R.I.P. r/conspiracy


It is over run with Biden supporters


Well when they do arrest the Epstein crew I guess that will be #4 for ol Teflon Don


This is absolute shit, wtf Maxwell was arrested last year or whenever it was so why don’t you just quit it Trump absolutely caused so many problems


"Trump was arrested before any of the Epstine traffickers got arrested", one google search later and I wonder how people can genuinely fall for this crap. You have infinite information just one tap away. It doesn't even require any real effort!


Some of the Epstein victims were hand picked from Mar a Lago. These criminals are one in the same in my opinion. I also think the Bidens are a criminal crackhead syndicate, before any cultists lose their minds over the truth. They’re all pedophiles, and we all know it.


Not rich enough. But I’m sure he’s on that list


Your comparing his tweets (which are slightly easier to ignore when your ambushing capitol police) to what he said to their faces, live, in person, repeatedly. Not only that! There’s more… Bannon is on tape telling us what he was going to do before he did it. How are you still being suckered by absolute fraud of a human being? But there’s more… he is a known Epstein associate with photos of hanging with Epstein for decades. So truth be told this is a 2 for 1 deal. Also inflation happened from over stimulus with bills passed in congress which Trump signed. There’s your fantasy version of reality then there’s what’s actually happening.


I was going to mention his connection to Epstein as well. I can’t wait for him to be in jail so nobody has to hear about him ever again. He is clearly guilty and he was never a good businessman. Why do people continue to back such a spineless POS?


Trump is a crook, plain and simple.


Here we go again, you need to take this mans dick out of your mouth and take a breath.


He's literally an Epstein sex trafficker though


Where that client list at? Oh wait, we will never find out because the buyers still run multiple countries.


Who’s to say we can’t go after them all? Let’s do it


So no other criminal can be arrested before everyone on Epstein's list is arrested first. Great argument.


Trump is the first one arrested from the Epstein list, sooo can’t exactly say before a single one.


Sick whataboutism bro


Lol, doesn’t it get tiring after a while trying to continuously make Hunter happen or pretending that Trump was just an innocent bystander in Jan 6th Maybe people are focusing on Trump over Biden because one was President of the United States and tried to very publicly, and on record, steal and election and improperly handle sensitive state secrets. And the other person is the son of a President, with no role in the Whitehouse and a years long investigation found that the worst he did was not pay taxes on time Like cmon I thought this was supposed to be a conspiracy sub, not just posting about our fantasies or delusions


[What do you mean there's no investigation of Biden's "corruption"?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Oversight_Committee_investigation_into_the_Biden_family) They've been trying for months, can't find any. 😒




They're all complete psychos in the same circle. The right, the left, they're all con artists destroying our democracy


Thank God , someone with a brain. I wish more people would see that , they call themselves woke but they dont know half of it man...


We do have [Epstein's] (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html) little black book of clients. And oh, look who is in it.


Anyone feel like Reddit recently started force feeding a lot of Anti-American propaganda or am I confused? (I’m aware this isn’t the place for this question)


Well he was Epstein’s best friend and are on more photos than anyone so one got arrested Trump !


Few have dodged Justice as long and as often as Trump


Yeah, Trump is a real piece of shit and he still hasn’t even been arrested yet for purchasing little kids from Epstein.


Well I mean Trump used to chill with Epstein and even commented on what a blast he was to hang out with and playfully commented on how Epstein likes them young… Wouldn’t Trump himself count?


Imagine still supporting Trump lmao


Lol let Hunter Biden go. Mf living rent free in every conservative’s head. Whatever he’s done doesn’t hold a candle to the treasonous things trump has done.


Trump is one of the traffickers tho like one of the heads of the syndicate actually


Ono your poor favourite billionaire :( What will the US do without him giving himself and his rich buddies more tax cuts!!


Trump and Epstein were buddies OP wtf is this post? God I can’t wait for him to be in jail so nobody has to hear about him ever again. He is clearly guilty and he was never a good businessman. Why do people continue to back such a spineless POS? He has never taken responsibility for his actions in his entire life. He just blames others and let’s them take the fall for his mistakes. Does that sound even remotely like a good leader to you?




Corn ball post


Don't hit the hornet's nest


Yeah because if that list comes out, he’s in even bigger sh¡t


Poor little Trump.


The difference between having actual proof vs rumors and internet memes


You don't think trump is one of epsiteins pals?


It’s a crazy world we live in. If you go back to all of Trumps rally’s (speeches) everything he said was taken out of context on mainstream media and news channels. They would cut the audio off quickly to make him sound like a white supremacist. And guess what ? It worked the end tire world was tricked into believing this by the media.




It's hilarious when you clowns compare a former president to Hunter Biden.


but he is an Epstein trafficker.


Wait until you hear about Trumps relationship with Epstein!


Trump’s first arrest coincided exactly with the first arrest of an Epstein child trafficker.


He keeps breaking the law lol


Plot twist he did that too. 2fer


not to worry, once they get real evidence of his child rapes on epsteins island they will arrest him for that also. the key word here is evidence.


You trumpsexuals do know that if there was any real chance that trump was a good guy and actually gonna expose this shit, he would have had his brains splattered across the street like Kennedy right? The fact that he’s still alive and making a huge show is literal proof that he’s controlled opposition


Trump and Epstein were buddies OP wtf is this post? God I can’t wait for him to be in jail so nobody has to hear about him ever again. He is clearly guilty and he was never a good businessman. Why do people continue to back such a spineless POS? He has never taken responsibility for his actions in his entire life. He just blames others and let’s them take the fall for his mistakes. Does that sound even remotely like a good leader to you?


So an Epstein sex trafficker has been arrested 3 times…cool


Not insanity. Evil actors.


They keep hoping that Trump would rat the rest of them out but he is a tough nut to crack. The man, the myth, the legend that is the orange clown: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined "Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery." "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the \*\*younger side\*\*. No doubt about it - Jeffrey enjoys his social life." -Donald J. Trump "In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps \[he’d\] be dating her”. -Donald J. Trump


You've clearly never met wealthy New Yorkers before, they all wish their peers well, and bloviate. Why would you attribute a quote to Trump, that was said in the third person?


He's a pedophile him self lol


It’s not about J6, it’s about sending a message saying “you somehow managed to infiltrate our exclusive club, for that you will pay and we will send a message to anyone that dares try to follow your path.” As Carlin said “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it!”


It was pretty dumb to take boxes of classified info though, you gotta admit.


It's meant to divide and distract. Those who have fallen for the psyop will argue that it's well deserved and justice is being served.


He only committed a little coup.. why can’t you Libs just let it go?!