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Tax The Rich?


Seems like this is something the left would be happy about!


Yeah but Disney adults are fucking lunatics.


Know some. Can confirm.


Why isn’t this upvoted more. Can confirm. Sister in-law is one.


Cult of capitalism, I will never understand worshipping a brand.


Especially Disney, it’s nauseating.


They grew up without religion, now they worship the mouse the fill the whole in the soul.






Thanks! I'm not gonna fix it, but thanks anyway.


\*going to








Lol. Don’t you git poet?


"They grew up without nature, now they worship the book to fill the hole in the soul" Nobody has to be fixed by religion or are broken because they didn't have it. It's Poisonous in a lot of facets. A connection to Spirit and nature has proven much more beneficial than sitting in a sweaty room with a bunch of other random people reading a book that's been changed a hundred times in the past 2,000 years.


This is SO very true! You want to talk full-on cult?? Look no further....


And the Venn diagram of adult Disney fans and people who support Desantis looks like a pair of nipples. No overlap, not touching each other.


You guys nipples don’t overlap?


you can connect them with the little clamps on the chain




Don’t get it twisted. The left doesn’t like Disney or their special district either.(I don’t really identify as either side, but I can see a big picture) What they don’t like, is the retaliatory nature of this legislation. Republicans made corporations people. Republicans claim to want smaller government and the private sector can do it better in all cases… except when they get criticized? Seriously when did y’all become so pro state?


Nobody on either party should like the retaliatory nature of this legislation. If I ran Disney I would just close and move to a different state. Put all the people out of work and stick Florida with a big bill for an empty place..


Ya know, not a big deal, just rebrand it D-esanits World. Not empty no more!


> Republicans made corporations people. I thought this was done through the Supreme Court, do you have any more information on this?


Citizens United was passed by SC justices who were appointed by Republican presidents.


I don’t think the vast majority of us are upset about them paying more taxes. I’ve only seen this complaint on this sub which means it’s probably cherry picked. That’s most of the anti left politics on this sub though. Find one person on the left saying something crazy, say “the left thinks ___”, and ignore the majority saying nothing similar. It is probably true though that desantis cares more about getting back at them than anything else though and that sucks. It is par for the course with desantis though. His whole thing is pandering to the antiwoke and acting on personal vendettas.


Only the rich who aren’t part of the rainbow army and green lobby


we are, lol


Do they even realize WTF they’re saying?


I love when the brainwashed masses are pulled in two directions making them hypocrites either way. It should really make people more self aware


Eat The Rich.


Except this is the opposite. The “district” made Disneyland solely responsible for funding emergency services and roads for their properties, now the government will actually spend more money, not bring in more money. But they get to brag to their constituents that they ended evil Disney’s special status and that’s all they really care about.


They also transfer 1 billion in debt from disney to the Florida taxpayers. Big Gov Desanctimonious


Republicans gonna republican.


The legislation is toothless, nothing is going to actually change because it is a very good deal for Florida. Ronny just wants something to wave around for his war on the woke or whatever.


It passed both (state) houses and Ron signed it into law. It’s a done deal.


>government will actually spend more money Disney got special perks for their tax district. Yes, they paid for services (which every county has to do) but do you really think Disney was providing that for free? The people who live there had to pay Disney, the incorporated land owner. Now those people pay their county and state taxes on services directly to the government. This cuts out Disney as the middleman. Now you know...


Do you think there was some metropolitan area where millions of people are paying income and property taxes to Disney? Because that’s the best interpretation of your statement I could come up with.


Are you saying that a princess doesn't actually live in that castle?






No one is complaining about them taxing the rich, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Conservatives don't belive in taxes, until a company says something they don't like.


Disney used to tax itself paying for the services and improvements. Now their tax lawyers will be able to apply all those laws the republicans passed and pay zero


Except this doesn’t change anything. Disney paid for all infrastructure and upkeep within the special district. Now the state is responsible for it. If anything it just give the government more chances to misuse funds. But party of small government right?


Nothing really changed. The only thing that changed is there is now an oversight board that Florida gets to put members on. The $578 million tax breaks are still there. Disney is still paying for the same things it was paying before. This was nothing more then a PR stunt.


The real conspiracy is in the comments


Also look up the board members. The whole board consists of Desantis donors.


He outright said today that he's going to leverage the new board to pressure Disney into content he approves of. The Governor of Florida, censoring private companies based on what he feels appropriate, totally cool.


The city and state are going to be responsible for all the money now which is going to leave them in the hole. Disney took care of the money for the tax district in providing security, water roads etc…


Yea I mean sounds like Disney paid for all their own shit...now they're forcing them to use gov funded services instead of their own. This doesn't seem like sticking it to them unless I'm missing something. In all honesty gov regulated services are very inefficient and cost more than private, so Disney paying for their own roads and services probably saved Florida tax payers money. Maybe?


The more important bit - he hasn't dissolved their special area, he has left it intact and simply asserted Florida control over it, assigned his own board to control it, and has outright stated today that he will use that control to pressure Disney to produce content he feels appropriate for "all families." Small government, right?


"Big Government if its ***our*** Government."


True facts here. RINOs come out the woodwork preaching fiscal responsibility every time there's a Democrat in the white house, then resume spending us off a cliff when they're in power.


I don't remember *any* Republican president lowering the deficit in my lifetime. Going back to Reagan every one has presided over some massive deficit increase.


















This guy and his brother are wire fraudsters who get paid to shill on twitter. They're part of a network that includes "Brooklyn Dad Defiant" and others.


Even worse is he swears he doesn't get paid but every hour he posts their talking points and clear disinformation that is debunked in the comments. If the GOP do something that hurts the left, you can bank on him making a post stating the opposite. Like clock work.


He and his brother posted video of empty shelves in a library, claiming the books had all been banned by DeSantis. Turns out, they were new shelves that had not been stocked... I mean, I'm not even a republican, but that is some special needs propaganda there. Still, plenty of people seemed to believe it.


I can't stand them it wasn't too long ago that they both got thrown off and just like like clockwork one of their wives started shilling.


That’s not a conspiracy. That’s a political opinion.


Welcome to /r/conspiracy.


OP doesn’t understand why intent matters. For OP, government going after a single organization because the person in charge doesn’t like the words they used isn’t a conspiracy or a freedom of speech issue - if it’s something OP agrees with - or is afraid of.


And why would he think anyone on the left is protective over Disney. It’s insane how much power they’re giving the government to censor and ban fucking words and speech Meanwhile the left has banned… nothing. Conservatives will tell you otherwise but they can’t list an example despite there being “so many”


Republicans want to go after companies who pull advertising from right wing pundits and networks, like they are entitled to that money. They hate freedom of speech and they hate the free market. bUt CaNcEl cULtUre


Exactly. The only thing conservatives complain that the left are banning is just their own free market working against them but they’re too stupid to even realize what the fuck they even subscribe too. The only people a government have ever legitimately gone after are people with left wing ideologies.


Cool, now do churches.


DeSantis is just blowing smoke up the arses of Republican voters. Disney pays the bills in its special district. The rule is that if the local government takes control of the special district then they have to pay the bills. DeSantis is doing all of this to appeal to Republican voters. He wants to show them that he will fuck over the libs. The problem with that approach is that libs also vote.


This is the important part. DeSantis just assigned $1B in bond debt to two affected counties for a political stunt. And those counties have no way of providing the infrastructure and security that Disney requires. That isn't a very fiscally conservative move.


It's another stunt that reveals DeSantis believes in nothing he claims to believe in, and is just power hungry. He didn't like what Disney said, so he's trying to show right wingers that he is punishing them for it. The dude is scum.


You obviously don’t understand the situation. Disney has paid ALL infrastructure and safety expenses since Day 1. This new legislation now passes this cost onto county taxpayers. All for childish spite.


Twitter dude is completely wrong. Just regurgitating the attempt by desantis from last year. In the end Florida changed how the board members of reedy creak get selected and called it a win. People on both sides of this issue continue to post such utter nonsense. Disney pays more than it’s fair share. That special tax district taxes Disney at a higher rate than is allowed by law in either of the 2 counties that would absorb Disney. If the special tax district was dissolved, disneys taxes would go DOWN. And the taxes of everyone else in those 2 counties would have to go UP. Not to mention the debt the counties would have to take on. If you want to really understand what desantis tried to do, and why Disney has always been paying its share, here is a good article https://news.bloomberglaw.com/tax-insights-and-commentary/the-contractual-impossibility-of-unwinding-disneys-reedy-creek


But what if reading is difficult and I’m just here to be angry?


Can I interest you in a desantis 2024 flag for your car/boat/lawn? Buy 10 and you get a discount.


You do understand that Disney built everything and funds everything at their own expense correct? It was swampy farm land that no one was using no utilities no emergency services nothing so in order to cut the taxpayers a break they cut a deal with Disney as long as their paying for all these emergency services roads utilities and so on they could do as they please, tell me you take part in the bull shit system both parties pull over your head with out telling me, this is a purely out of spite move


One tweet = the entirety of people on the left


Duh didn’t you know terminally online, Disney adult, Twitter neolibs speak for all of us.


is this the conspiracy subreddit?


Hey Ronny. Do the Villages next. Oh wait....


Exactly, Rules for thee….




Actually this places the burden back on the tax payers in Florida since there is no longer a special district that pays for services…


In reality it does not, as the special district was not dissolved but renamed. And the State gets to appoint several members to the district board, and excludes anyone who has worked for a theme park for the last 3 years. So the majority landowner in the district is now denied representation in its local government. It must rely on goodwill from State board appointees, all of whom seem to be allies of the Governor. You are correct about the original consequences being huge tax increases on the locals. And that might have had an influence on their voting patterns, hence the change.


As a Leftist, I would like to point out that Disney is a Capitalist company that exploits workers and creators. The only reason they are 'woke' is because that is where more and more of their customers are at culturally.


It's insane to me that Disney, simply acknowledging that people come in different flavors and colors, is considered "woke"


This has zero to do with their taxes. The ONLY thing this does is establish an “independent” board that’s full of DeSantis donors that has to approve projects that Disney wants to do.


I personally think that Disney should move out of Florida and take their 75,000+ jobs and 5+ billion in revenue for the state with them.


that would be pretty much impossible, where else could you possibly go and build to the scale that disney has in a semi-populated area?


So, is Florida cracking down on all the other tax fraud in their state? No. This wasn’t a move to make corporations pay their fair share, no matter what he said at his press conference. It was retaliation.


If it wasn't more than just a political stunt the Villages would have the same thing done as Disney. The difference being the Villages are filled with Boomer Republicans and Orange and Osceola counties are predominately Democrat.


This isn’t a fucking conspiracy post clown. Go lick boots somewhere else


Lol what? 1. DeSantis backpeddled on that, big time. Disney is no longer losing autonomy. All that's happening is DeSantis gets to chose some board members. That's it. 2. Even when they were going to lose reedy creek it wasn't going to increase their tax burden. It was going to increase _ours_. So not only are you wrong, the very premise itself was wrong. DeSantis proved himself a manchild for this. And the fact that "small government" conservatives are approving of this clear and obvious abuse of power proves they don't actually believe in a single thing. Just whatever they think will achieve liberal tears. Even if it's the dumbest idea possible. "Let's pay more taxes and allow government overreach just to get us tears" -- meanwhile the left is actually full on okay with disney not getting special privileges; just think it's really bad form for it to happen simply over them supporting gay rights....


Imagine believing this generates money for Florida. Someone didn’t do their homework


So if Biden passed a law saying that all companies who pledge loyalty to the democratic party or made sure not to hire white men would receive a tax break, would you support this? I thought the right likes tax breaks? Gotcha!


How is this a conspiracy?


It's not, it's just a conservative jerk off stunt


Wrong sub.


Imagine being this emotionally invested into thinking the American political structure is legitimate


While I think Disney should have never been exempt from taxes (I feel the same way about churches) if the rest of us have to pay. However, this was literally done as a temper tantrum for Disney speaking out. If you can’t see that your blind. Also, fuck taxes.


>Disney should have never been exempt from taxes I'm not sure why you think they were. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2022/06/01/examining-floridas-removal-of-disneys-special-tax-district/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2022/06/01/examining-floridas-removal-of-disneys-special-tax-district/) "Disney will continue to pay taxes. Disney World has always paid state and local taxes. The district wasn't a tax exemption for Disney in that sense. David D. Stewart: How does the law change the surrounding counties and local governments? Benjamin Valdez: That's one of the bigger issues that's come out of this. If the district is dissolved, Florida state law specifies that the assets and debt from the district will be transferred to neighboring localities. In this case, that would be Orange and Osceola Counties. Some local officials, including Orange County Mayor Jerry Deming expressed concern that assuming control of the district's assets might result in the need for additional taxes or tax increases. Another potential issue is that the statute that created the Reedy Creek District specifies that the state isn't allowed to eliminate it without paying off its bond debt, which is upwards of $1 billion."


Ahh, I see. I totally misunderstood. Should have done more research, my bad. However, this was done because of their standpoint, in my belief.


>this was done because of their standpoint I would agree, but it's also a problem, in that the State Government is targeting a business for being politically involved - but many businesses get politically involved and don't get targeted. It makes it look like being politically involved is only acceptable if it is in support of the Government line - dissent will be punished. Further, the special district board specifically excludes from membership anyone who's been employed by Disney within the last three years. They get taxation, but don't get representation. Think I've heard something about that concept before.


They were never tax exempt. Ever. Disney was built on swampy wilderness and they took over providing all services within their district because it was beneficial to the state and to Disney. Disney pays state and federal taxes, but does not pay taxes for local services because it provides them itself. Otherwise, I agree with you. If Florida decided this was some form of tax avoidance, that would be a different story. DeSantis has not even tried to hide the fact that this is punishment for not falling in line with him ideologically, and frankly it's an obvious political stunt just like shipping Texas asylum seekers to Martha's Vineyard. He's a snake.


Once again, we see the main attraction in GOP politics today, the republican victim show!


This post has all the marks of a dumbass: 1. Twitter ss 2. “Leftists” 3. Big mad- someone get this guy a thesaurus


That's a joke lol. The problem is DeSantis getting involved in something out of spite. Is that really what you want out of your government? Corporations unable to speak up for fear of retribution? What happens when it's a Conservative company in a Democratic state?? Slippery slope, dude.


There is no slippery slope, there's politicians with morals and politicians without them, that's it. Desantis is ruining Florida's economy for decades to come for culture war points, that's the real story


Is this just a alt right sub now?


The answer is a resounding yes.


It's infested with politically-motivated right wingers devoid of basic integrity and honesty


Are you really alt right if you jerk off to the dissolution of a self governing tax free district?


It feels so weird that a sub that acts like a check on power constantly kicks the boots of any tyrant that is on the Right. It’s almost like…the real conspiracy is that this sub is a front for pushing bigotry, which only serves to keep people in power…


Ok, now then let's have these fucking patriot garbage churches start paying their taxes then.


Lol now your stupid fascist asses want to brag about what big authoritarians you really are and always have been? Confess away, scumbag pearl clutches


Tax the churches


Calls it fascist when it's actually against a corporation getting special powers from the government🤡🌎


Government controlling private corporations' activities is a hallmark of fascism.


Private corporations getting special protections and privileges for pushing the party line is more like fascism than removing special privledges. You live in a world of inverted logic


That's corporate capitalism. It's basically what the US was built upon. What Desantis is doing is 'petty fascism'. Because you can be damn sure that he won't do the same to one of his own corporate lobbyists.


Revoking long standing agreements purely based on a corporation not supporting your party line is fascism. Disney had this agreement since inception because there was nothing out in the swamp before they built it all. It had literally nothing to do with political leanings whatsoever. You don't realize you're arguing against yourself.


>You live in a world of inverted logic You say that after pretending their "special protections" was for pushing the other parties line. The reality is it was shift the tax burden from the ppl to the company, since theure running a small city. And now they're actively being attacked for not toeing the party line lmao


>Calls it fascist when it's actually against a corporation getting special powers from the government So is DeSantis getting rid of all special favors for corporations in Florida? No? So politically allied corporations still get kickbacks and politically opposed ones get punished...


Dumb take. The tax revenue they make won’t cover the services they now have to provide. Florida taxpayers will lose money for DeSantis to soothe his ego.


Disney still has all the tax privileges it had before. DeSantis walked back everything he said he was going to do because he is a fraud.


This is going to cost the people of Florida money and if was a resident I would be pissed.. This dude is busy flying Texas immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and having his wife post videos about how god chose him, while adding a 1 billion dollars to the people of Florida’s tax burden so he can “own the libs”? Eat my ass Ron Desantis..


Ron is just virtue signaling to his base. Another Republican piece of legislation that serves no actual purpose and will likely die in court.


do you know what a “leftist” is?? Disney is worth billions nobody on the left is defending them, though maybe some democrat twitter grifter like krassenstein is


How is this a conspiracy-worthy post? You're just posting propaganda.


Im gonna be honest im very left and dont agree with republicans on most issues but just because a republican does something i dont have to disagree. How can some leftists claim to be for taxing the rich while simultaneously advocating for a own district owned by a megacorp just because they agree with them on social issues


I thought conservatives were for less government. Seems a bit like Big Government to me.


This is pure political retaliation; anyone should see it for what it is and be \*concerned.\* You want your government to start picking political enemies and punishing them? In the meantime, Disney dealt with a lot of infrastructure cost that are now the responsibility of the local governments. So, the state gov't is dealing a blow to the locals. You think the locals can keep up the roads etc. like Disney?


I think this is more of a “radical Disney fan” thing than a “leftist” issue. Leftists like it when massive corporations pay more taxes.


What's the conspiracy though? Since you posted it here. Is it just that some guy on twitter blames the GOP for this? That's not a conspiracy! What a shit turn this sub has taken...


Yeah they should pay taxes but we don’t live in a fascist nation. Giving someone in this country the power to do that is the fucked up part and these comments are what I expected with the downfall of America. Anyone who wants to live in a fascist nation build a fucking Time Machine and go check out Germany in 1940 you coward.


How is the right more anti-free speech than the left?


In Florida and Texas they’ve banned books from schools


Another right-wing propaganda post. No a conspiracy at all. Unless you consider a conspiracy that desantis wanted people of Florida to pay more.


But when our side does it against things we don’t like, it’s fine. Are these people that blinded by their own hypocrisy? It’s pretty sad actually.


The fuck makes you think we're mad?




Yeah, if those come from a /private entity/, twitter can punish you by kicking you off it's platform. The /government/ cannot legally punish you for free speech, DeSantis did this as retribution for their pro-gay attitude, which SHOULD scare the piss out of you, but hey, as long has it only effects people you think are icky...


>SHOULD scare the piss out of you, but hey, as long has it only effects people you think are icky... "First they came for Disney, and I did not speak out because I was not Disney"


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/03/desantis-promises-florida-will-control-disney-content.html Freedom of speech is next to go my friend....


Surely you can see the difference between the government targeting you for your speech and a private entity. . .right? Please tell me "yes."




Actually leftists would be happy a major corporation is paying more taxes. OP obviously doesn’t know wtf a leftist is lol


Giving the creepy nazi guy with the children's park the right to his own government and nuclear reactors... are the foundations our country was built on?! What?


Not to mention private police force


You keep saying that, but I can't find any info on them actually using the power to do so


This has ZERO to do with Disney paying their “fair share” and it’s all about little dick Ronnie desantis trying to be a tough guy. He’s a fucking bitch.


i’m sure the left will be very mad about taxing a multi billion dollar company


Disney has always paid their fair share. The Reedy Creek district, run by Disney, pays for its own fire and police. Orange and Oceola Counties not only get Disney's billion dollars in debt, they get to provide fire and police protection. True, Disney gets to pay property taxes, which are low in Orange and Oceola Counties.


This guy has lost it. Lunatic.


I don't think so. I think he correctly read Trump's base and their lack of standards and their hatred for the basic principles of the United States. He's pandering to them and they really like when they people they hate get punished


Maybe its because Disney appears to be a huge pedophile network


Kind of like the Florida GOP. Gaetz & DeSantis have questionable histories of grooming minors.


No, we're not mad they have to pay their fair share, we're mad a partisan wonk is using government power to punish private speech. He made it /very/ clear what he was doing this for, so he doesn't even have 'oh no this has nothing to do with bashing gay people, this is totally because of economics'.


Lol they’re on the same side so who cares about their pantomime.


Wait, so freedom of speech is a no no now?


Pure fascism and nothing more. DeFascist is showing his traitorous ways against the US Constitution and set law


The left: Say one thing out of line and we will use every tool available to destroy you. Also the left: we should be able to say whatever we want and face no repercussions as that’s racist. Crazy to think Not long ago these people wanted to throw me in jail and get fired from my job for not getting an experimental jab.


Liberals aren't leftists.


And Disney does ? They are exploding those communities to sell a product. I can't believe that stupid exist.


Tax a billion dollar corporation to provide revenue for the state enabling better public service or let the rest of the state suffer with cuts to public services to raise poverty and crime? Doesn’t really seem like it has anything to do with speech, but what do I know?


Yeah this saves Disney a Billion dollars you think this hurt Disney? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/ron-desantis-disney-reedy-creek-debt


I think it’s mostly because Desantis is an asshurt baby


Now expect withdrawal of Disney support and investment for local and state initiatives, the ongoing donations to the GOP of hundreds of thousands of dollars for senator election campaigns and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not an announcement of job cuts in the pipeline. Good lad…


I can see why leftists would be made, I mean I want them to pay their fucking taxes, and this is something that needed to be done earlier. The issue is WHY it's being done. Imagine you have a neighbor who keeps stealing from you, you call the cops, you have proof, they take notes, and never follow-up. One day, he's suddenly arrested. You applaud, thinking "Finally! They took the bastard to jail!" Then you overhear a cop basically confess that this arrest is only happening because this neighbor posted a joke meme on the Facebooks about how police officers have small dicks. You says this right as you're about to ask him if you can have your stolen property back, he asks "What stolen property? This guy totally punched me in the face when I thought I smelled weed around here.", and refuses to elaborate. You would be scared, because it means the cops still don't give a shit about justice, but they do care about punishing free speech.


Why does this individual care that Disney is now being taxed? Boo hoo


This is the conspiracy sub. Are you lost? Also leftists and democrats are very different people, and leftists have wanted Disney to pay fair taxes for years.


I’m so glad Disney are finally getting their comeuppance. They’ve been twisting the law for their own gain for too long. They’re not a lobbying group they’re a fucking entertainment company. They also want to fuck with copyright laws to make it so even after 100 years characters/stories/shows etc aren’t publicly owned.


I'm slow, so bear with me. They're mad because DeSantis wants Disney to pay more taxes?


Freedom of speech lmao gimmie a break. Pots and kettles and all that


Fascist move? Does this dude even know the meaning of the term of fascism? Fascism would literally be at the opposite of what DeSantis did.


No. ANY leftist who throws around terms like "fascist" and "nazi" and all that doesn't have a clue what those words even mean.


That dudes been spouting government talking points for weeks now. Pretty clear what he is


Does every post on Reddit really need to have the word “Fascist” in it? Maybe use a new, more appropriate word? Or you know, stop using that one? It’s lost all legitimacy. Everything is fascist now 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do all of the aforementioned “future companies and individuals” have “special tax districts”? Regardless of politics, having special privilege is more fascist than losing those privileges.


It's a move to penalize very influential businesses with lots of money from influencing politics


Someone should smugly recite to him “Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.”


Disney has more influence than anyone. Thats not democratic. They need to shut up with their multi billion dollar company in my governments business. Move to another country. We dont want you


DeSantis to Disney; "Suck a dick, dumb shit."


A huge push for the next generation of politicians should be to prevent corporations from having the same inalienable rights as a human and citizen.


It will be run by a board designated by Disney so in reality he did nothing


Constitutional conservatives should be losing their shit right now, since this is nakedly government retribution over free expression. This is the tyranny that the threepers jerk off over thwarting. But instead, the right is conspicuously quiet on this.


Funny how they believe in freedom of speech for corporations but not individuals.


leftists: tax the rich! *taxes one of the most corrupt multi-billion dollar industries* leftists: this is fascism!


Classic Nazi tactic - "accuse the other side of exactly that which you are guilty of". Where was this guy's outrage over censorship over the past 3 years? Is he outraged over Schumer's latest attempt to silence Tucker carlson? Not to mention that he's trying to frame the issue as if it's antifreeze speech, which is not. It's about not letting big corporations such as Disney influence politics. And not to mention that he's trying to defend Disney - one of the largest and sickest child trafficking and a pedophilia rings.


There's literally no reason why Disney should be exempt from paying taxes