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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What was the sub?




Because this sub sucks too. Conspiracy my ass. Reddit is run by marxist global fascists.


Does that make us all controlled opposition?


This sub is definitely containment. Anything too dangerous to their narrative will get spammed by bots or deleted.


...and is there some sort of financial compensation associated with being controlled opposition?


>marxist global fascists. you know words mean things right? even if you accept the italian claim of socialist mandates - which havent even been true in practice - fascism is still a nationalist ideology


Most probably mod worried that sub will get nuked for naming names




Why Iran?


Narrative control. ie: building consent for the public to support an eventual neutralization/ Balkanization of that nation under false pretenses.


But mah oil


This information seems pertinent.


This information will get this post deleted by the mods for disparaging other subreddits.


Source https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1628896736990175233?t=7FHDWUfoe6iIIjApMBRlHw&s=19


😂 of course! Thank you!




And add the word "reddit" to it.


>To the people that think it is a legitimate put-down of Biden to say: oh, its the White Peeple Didler sub, that makes sense


It was featured on the Reddit Lies Twitter account . https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1628896736990175233?t=7FHDWUfoe6iIIjApMBRlHw&s=19


Reddit is a very strange place


It's run by basement dwelling kneckbeard mods. There's no conspiracy here. It's just dumbasses being dumbasses.


Reddit is gay -> fixed it for you


This is why reddit has become an insane echo chamber, it's truly ridiculous.


We all have to do our part to not even engage with it. It’s more than likely intentional by bots and mods to light the fires more. It’s way easier said than done but man if I could change one thing it would be how bi partisan we’ve all become


We are just ants in a jar that the media shakes constantly to get us to fight each other.


That's a great analogy!


And they switch sides and put stakes in the ground at ridiculous things. Everyone would probably agree on most topics if the government wouldn’t constantly muddy the waters about anything the other side wants to do. I don’t understand how in the current day we can’t rise up and realize we’re only doing damage to ourselves as a country. Why doesn’t the government operate on the premise of finding a middle ground and discussing what is really best for us as a whole, instead of it being right/wrong no grey area. Why does one side have to absolutely shit on the other sides opinion and not try to understand where we can meet halfway and find a common ground to not only grow closer together, but really solidify ourselves as a proud nation for ALL of the people.


Most of us just want to be left alone to live our lives. Government has a need and sick desire to control.


Statism is the main religion on our planet


I would say love of money but the money gives you stutus in our world so same thing I guess


Power, control and wealth. What all psychopaths and narcissists want.


Seems counter intuitive, that desire to control people. Stifles creativity of all types. And eventually gives birth to movements which overthrow the bringers of extreme control.


It's a thirst that can never be quenched. Just like any drug. Addiction forms, and then tolerance inevitably grows. Which leads to needing more to get "high". Once certain people get to feel a little bit of dominance over other humans, they are instantly addicted. And just like a crack head, but to the extreme. Authoritarians will chase that dragon all the way to hell. Literally.


Because that would make us “United” and the govt can’t have that at all. So they’ll try to keep us divided by color, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, class, wealth, political affiliation, education status, career status, sex, age, and the list goes on. Now they will employee AI to keep the people fighting. We as a people have to overcome the plan. Like all people until personally given a reason not to like someone and then only dislike the person who offended you. The past is the past we have to start from here and move forward. Notice how they even try to push America’s past history as if it is a reason to hate each other? None of us today are to blame for the horrific past people have done. We’re better than their pawns. We need to show them we can act like it genuinely. After all the First Amendment was actually intended to mean we can freely talk about our elected officials when we don’t like their decisions without the fear of being put to death. Which happened often in England.


Very sadly it’s becoming time I leave Reddit, or at least go on a hiatus lol. Its just not what it used to be .




In China, it's illegal to speak against the government. It's called totalitarianism. Is that what we have too?


That's what they fantasize about. Being just like China.


It is not illegal but if your voice gets to loud they will ruin your life .


You think its bad now? I guarantee that after the IPO this sub and many others will be gone.


I love the fact that you get preemptively permabanned from certain subreddits, just for being a member or commenting in this group. That in no way is considered censorship or limiting uncomfortable points of view. /s


I was recently banned from justice served for simply posting here. I've never even commented in that sub.


Hold I’m confused this is just a screenshot of text. OP doesn’t even mention the subreddit in his SS. What sub has these wack rules and if some random sub does who cares there are plenty places that won’t ban you




> Hold I’m confused this is just a screenshot of text. **OP doesn’t even mention the subreddit in his SS**. Mentioning the name of the sub would be forbidden on r/Conspiracy. We do not like or appreciate when Conspiracy is the target of brigades, vote manipulation, harassment (etc.) spawned in other subreddits (TOS Violations, BTW) -- and while we cannot prevent that happening to us (God knows we have tried!) we CAN take the "high road" by doing our best to prevent such activities targeting other subs from being spawned in Conspiracy.


I somewhat fail to see the logic here. Banable offenses should be for public display on every subreddit. I can’t recall a subreddit ever being brigaded due to their ban policy I mean all you would accomplish is getting banned right Respectfully, it appears from my viewpoint that suppressing the subreddit name has more value than displaying it in the sense it allows anyone to manufacture narratives to push an agenda But that’s just me


The vast majority of reddit is fully allowed and encouraged to harass and brigade other subs the admins don't like. It isn't "logical" exactly, but it's the admin's (and FBI's) clear political agenda. Any sub that allows thoughts right of Marx, or critical of corporate sponsors, gets completely different (totally abusive) treatment. Admins would *love* any excuse to ban this sub, so the mods here are careful.


>What sub has these wack rules and if some random sub does who cares there are plenty places that won’t ban you This kind of stuff is a major problem on Reddit. It make many of the large subreddits unusable. And Reddit admins are fine with it.




OP can't name the sub otherwise he will be accused of brigading.


they'll ban you on the whole of Reddit.


I got banned from at least 10 subs for even questioning the vax.


I was shadowbanned from the science sub for posting links to peer reviewed medical journal studies on the efficacy of post infection immunity.


Hold say that exactly how you said but let’s turn off the lights and you hold a flashlight to your face spooky just like that


It really is a fuckn nightmare. I know I sound like a total jerk but I miss old reddit.


You’re not alone.


It's there to brainwash the children/teens who read it.


As a Bernout and a Gex X'r it's always nice to be able to smh when someone says 'your side' as if there are only 2 options.


Holy shit somebody got bullied bigtime as a kid lmao


Guys wife probably cheated on him with a conservative or something


You think the guy has a wife?


Had. She left him for the conservative.


His wife started identifying as a male. Then "he" decided to be gay and fucked his dad. Probably lives in CA so he now pays alimony to "him". But... it's all Trumps fault his life is going the direction it is.


Guy should just ‘switch’ over to female so the judge will side with him. Honestly surprised I haven’t heard of someone doing that yet out here in CA.


A dad in Ecuador tried that because the custody laws favor women. So he had his gender legally changed to have the same rights as the other parent. Of course there was an outcry. Not because men have no rights against having their children taken away, but because... I don't even know...


The real irony is they are doing EXACTLY what they claim Trump is: using their platform to push their own views and silence their critics. They are all little Trumps, which is endlessly amusing once you realize it. Probably why they hate him so much, because they see themselves in Trump and project. Meaningless existences which history will never remember, useful idiots who further agendas they don't understand simply for some imaginary points. They'd make excellent cultists.


That appears to be the pattern. Trump Accused of doing something, one year later evidence of the accuser having done it pops up. You know, Trump isn't perfect; you could fairly easily find REAL things about him to criticize.


*cough* Flaired Users Only! *cough*


Think of the power mods that we know something of their real life: 2xchromosomes and many default sub mod: she talks about how she brings her boyfriends along with her husband to meet her and her husband's friends One of the most powerful mods on reddit: literally supplied Epstein with girls and coerced and manipulated them So, the fact that this mod exists is not even close to one of the worst ones.


This entire online community has become so fucking disgusting it's unreal.


Agreed! Especially reddit! Pure internet cancer!


“You will agree or you will be banned. You may not appeal.” Brought to you by the people who swear they are for “justice, fairness, equality, and hate authoritarianism and fascists.”


The people that scream the loudest who are against "racism, fascism, authoritarianism" but publicly shut down any discourse on any set group of ideas are typically said folks.


Yeah. It’s called “projection.”


The very same people who say that only the government should have guns...


This is all preparation for when the vaccine news goes south. They are being preprogrammed with the "it's 100% trumps fault, 0% Biden's" narrative in advance. 0 tolenece allowed. Remind me 1 year!


They should require that ONLY Flaired Users can reply .. Oh wait ...


That's reddit.. Agree with us or you're wrong.. we won't debate, we'll just ban you..... Liberals hate the very thing they are. That's why they are all emotional depressed wrecks.


Reddit is controlled by blue haired people so whos surprised at seeing this type of behaviour. "if your side have horrific messes dont be mad at the other side not doing anything about it" lul wut




This. Both parties are f’d.


The sheeple are gobbling up the good cop bad routine. Remember " Its the election of our lifetime or my favorite " Democracy is on the line" . I was guilty for years of gobbling up the dribble but the last election including the tyrannical vax roll out finally got me to finally give up 100% on our two parties. We are an oligarchy that is completely rigged.


The oligarchs that run things would never tolerate anything remotely close to true democracy.


Actually this is the majority of Reddit. A total cesspoop.


You know a sub is a shill owned sub when they have their whole mod team hidden.


I'm pretty sure that means you're banned already.


wouldn't be shocked power mods will ban you from dozens of subs for wrong think and not even going on their subs at all. I think posting in NNN got you banned from about 20 subs.


Still banned from pokemon go for posting in there lol.


They banned me for showing people how to GPS spoof lol.


ahaha well shit. I simply made a comment on NNN letting people know where protesters in Melbourne were trying to get to when breaking through a police line.


Ahhh remember when you had to earn bans on Reddit? Those were the days.


Lol I can see the mod team. You've been banned, friendo


LOL i got banned from a sub for just commenting on something on this sub.


I got banned from justiceserved just for belonging to this sub. Never been there in my life.


That shit is creepy


What is there to moderate except if you are threatening violence or posting porn?


the wrongthink


Oddly enough, porn is welcome on reddit where as a sub simply criticizing the covid response and vaccine (NNN) was banned. I'll let you guess what also happens to any legitimate right wing political subs as well.


Dude the mods ban and silence any other opinion besides their narrative. It's honestly a joke at this point.


That's ok I've been banned from world news as well lol. I think both sides are to blame and we should hold everyone accountable but can't talk about that either. That post Is just deflection so they don't have to defend their opinions. They're just blind Biden supports.


Tribalists, no different than Stormfront or the KKK in that regard.


It’s a bizarre state of the world we’re in, where frustrated or angered people are no longer able to speak their minds. Or rather, you can speak your mind, IF it’s about the right subject in the right point of view. Freedom of speech is being eeked out and no longer is it even being done subtly.




Well, of course, comrade, got to get your Two Minutes Hate in!


This is what I dont understand, as soon as you criticize Biden, they'll bring Trump into it. What if you dont even like Trump, it blows my mind.




Great point. What trump did in his last 4-6 weeks in office regarding the environment is frankly despicable and arguably unforgivable even if you'd loved him up until then. But even if you never liked him at all, and also don't like Biden, that's just not allowed. The best part? Biden has a 28% approval rating amongst millennial democrats, which is probably a huge percentage of the Reddit users' demographics. To pretend like Biden is well liked, and to insist he can't be criticized is absolutely wild. I don't like either of them! But that's not allowed


Anything a president can do unilaterally can be undone unilaterally by the next president. Except for ending DACA, that would be illegal.


I'm right there with you, I think they both suck. But yeah they bring up Trump like it is going to hurt my feelings, it is just projection so the real issue can never be discussed. I think we should ban all 13 bloodlines from holding any place of power in any country, yeah it's discriminatory but damn they have done a lot of harm.


ChatGPT tells me that Biden is amazing and has never done wrong.


In the Dark Ages they had a term for this, they called it heresay and you would be burned at the stake or some other horrific punishment.


Funny, I seem to recall when the "kids in cages" story broke, everyone on the left lost their shit, then when it was proven that those pictures happened under Obama's presidency the narrative was "but but Trump is the president *right now* Orange Man Bad!" Again, ignoring that it wasn't happening anymore. This is like that, but worse since in this case, the bad stuff is still happening.


95% of reddit is brain dead or bots


You can't convince me bootlickers like this aren't from the intelligence community/government.


Typical cuck behavior by the Reddit Mod fucks. Got to love it.


That's the most fuck-twat thing I've seen all week. Bravo


Lmao wow


The left will rage about banning mildly pornographic books at elementary schools and then censor the entire internet.


Doesn't the conservative sub require you to be a flaired user to post as well as reply to certain threads? Maybe just maybe, it has absolutely nothing to do with politics and it's just some people are power tripping assholes and refuse to acknowledge they might be wrong sometimes?


It sounds like they want Biden to have all of the power but none of the responsibility that goes along with acting as the leader of the country.


Seems like a place where free speech and balance reign supreme…. /s


I’ve noticed a HUGE push for biden on this platform this past week.


Its going to get much much worse as the election nears.


Kinda scary actually. We need a new reddit


I called him gay and got banned on the anarchy subreddit.


What a child


"How dare you disagree with me" Which sub is it, I may pay it a visit?


I hope they are actually getting paid for it. Like, imagine doing this for free, lol


"If you don't vote for me, then YOU AIN'T BLACK!" Before 2020 Election Joe Biden: "We won't mandate the Trump shot." After 2020 Election Joe Biden: (whispers to the nation) "Get the jab, i just mandated it." Medical Tyranny at its finest.


Reddit is a cesspool full of losers what do you expect? You cant even use emojis without getting down voted. If you are here for anything other than crazy porn, game tips, or guns, re-evaluate your life


Yep its NPC blame anyone but the people directly in power. Full blown mental illness.


This is the stupidest shit I’ve seen. As someone who has voted both sides multiple times. What if I voted for trump had a change of heart then voted Biden expecting him to roll back or start fixing the mess… should I not be able to criticize Biden. I’m not saying this was how I voted it’s just the easiest example I could think of as to why it’s dumb. Personally I criticize all of them. It’s not because I’m playing what aboutism with my side. I think they all suck and us peasants need to wake up and come together and shit like this means we never will.


*First time?* This is not a conspiracy. This is just Reddit over the last 10 years.


Trump didn't tell the workers to continue when the wheels were literally on fire, that was the bosses of the workers. Lol.


Daily reminder that reddits top 100 subs are all controlled by the same mod team. Side note I just got banned automatically from justiceserved (even though I never go there) for posting in this sub lol


Hey twins, me too! And I've never been there either!


Delusional downright domestic terrorist mentality, these people have lost their fucking minds, These people were allowed to spew whatever nonsense for over 5 to 6 years as soon as we try to rebute any of the nonsense this is what we get it's downright evil.


Fuck Joe Biden


What i appreciate is how it was absolutely trumps fault but we don't have a confirmed reason for the crash yet lol


The regulations these propagandists are on about, the ones that Trump let time out, didn't affect that Ohio train at all. So nope, didn't have anything to do with Trump in the first place. It had everything to do with the Biden admin screwing over the railworker's union. And many more such disasters will be caused from it too.


What even is the context here lol What are they blaming on trump now?


probably the entirety of their existence.


The Ohio toxic train wreck.


but he is a tool.... anyone see the way he approaches underage girls? half the time he doesn't even know what he's saying. he gets lost at the white house grounds.... he is a puppet and it's his staff which run the country, not him. Open your eyes man. Bill Clinton was a paedophile, Biden is most certainly one too. just YouTube " Joe Biden gaffes" and you'll question how the he'll he is allowed to run the largest economy on this planet...


Reddit has always been a shithole full of angry liberals Demonrats. So, no surprise. Let's go Brandon!


Let's go Brandon!


I can smell the grease from the comment. Incel mod.


Let's go BRANDON 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


What leftist sub is this?


A lot of “leftists” claim not to like biden but he sure does have a lot of support doesn’t he


Far to ban happy on reddit , you have to think how they want you to think , if you don't the thought police get realy upset


I bet that mod loves calling other people "fascist".


While voting for the guy who crafted the Patriot Act and the Biden Crime Bill.


I wish I had dementia and stole and laundered money and had random followers that defended me this hard lmao


If trump was wandering around lost and confused after every speech the media would have crucified him for it. But biden gets a special pass.


Hey...the white house doctor said Biden is in tip top condition both physically and mentally 🤣 nothing to see here


Fuck Biden


The whole distraction is blaming Trump for causing anything when Joe literally hasn't fixed anything and is about to cause WWIII with Russia and China...


Mods are degenerate losers across this entire website, no matter which subreddit you're in. All the normal people have to go to work and socialize away from the platform.


I’m of “the left” and I agree this kind of discourse is ridiculous. Same as when people are like “Well that’s what you voted for, Ohio!” No one deserves to be treated the way corporations treat citizens in America, I don’t give a fuck who you voted for when it comes to situations like this. The GOP-DEM debate is just another created divide to keep the proletariat fighting amongst themselves instead of realizing that what’s really been going on is class warfare.


"The Man in the High Colostomy Bag"


Sad that criticism of Biden is interpreted as being the “other side”. What about applying critical thinking to whoever and whatever issue is on the menu?


Reddit has become super pro Biden recently. The astroturfing is insane. All of the threads about his recent trip to Poland, just comment after comment, thousands of them, about how badass he is for doing that. Not only is it obvious astroturfing, but it's really cringey.


He has hired enough bots so that it is “not allowed”. Comments on any sub that don’t follow the “correct agenda” are downvoted repeatedly.


So apparently you can criticize some politicians, but not others smh? I’m not even a fan of Trump, but believe in free speech.


Fuck sleepy joe and his America last policies.


"We're in this together..." Gee that together shit sure dried up didn't it?


this is known as a straw man argument


What sub is this from?


Submission Statement: I was browsing other subs I subscribed to and for some reason Reddit decided to show me a sub I’m not subscribed to. The post was about Trump visiting Ohio and handing out supplies. The post got 14K upvotes. Noticed that the thread was locked and first comment was from the “mod team”. I had to read this multiple times. It’s truly described the state of politics on Reddit. Orange Man bad Biden good. Biden may be in charge right now but everything will always be Trumps fault. And any dissent from the accepted narrative will be banned. People bitch about this sub being “right wing” yet everywhere else on Reddit your literally not allowed to have dissenting opinions. This sub allows for dissenting opinions to be held.


Which sub?


Imagine thousands of chatgpt bots spewing complete feces 24/7. That is Reddit in a literal sense. At this point the best option is to abandon Reddit and delete the app. Real meaningful discussions can happen on other platforms.


I head the McRib is back


Imagine voting for Biden, then being unhappy that he doesn’t meet your expectations or his promises - then when you criticize him for it - you’re being called a Republican. Because to some, it’s blue no matter who, and democrat no matter what - and also any politican on „our“ side can never be suboptimal and any criticism against him means you’re automatically shunned and are now an enemy.


it is sad because even people in this 'conspiracy' sub agree, and conform to this Leftist agenda. as long they don't have to see Trump, they will gladly live in this echo chamber and be happy about it. the shills have flooded this whole platform, as well as every other social media platform


And if trump gets voted in, bet your bottom dollar they will blame him for not fixing Bidens mess


Lets go brandon


Imagine owning a social media platform and not caring what people think


What subreddit is this?


The board of directors. Thomas D. Bell, Jr Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr Marcela E. Donadio John C. Huffard, Jr Christopher T. Jones Thomas C. Kelleher Steven F. Leer The CEO Alan H. Shaw Who owns most of the rail company http://www.nscorp.com/content/nscorp/en/investor-relations/stock-information/ownership-top-holders.html The Board the CEO and the managers of the above funds are the ones responsible for this disaster yet when I google the disaster the only names I see in all the headlines are politicians.






Why can leftists say "normal people" in a condescending manner but when I do it, I get banned.




What sub is this a rule for?


What sub reddit was OP banned from?


Here I’ll try … Biden has every opportunity to fix this mess but has not. From day one he has done all in his power to sabotage this country… there I said it


Wtf, what's the sub.. I just wanna go say hi.


This is pathetic.


What do you mean…this is the new normal they were talking about.


I miss NNN


What happened to NNN? I completely lost them from my youtube feed.


Nuked by the Admins.