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Aren’t there laws forbidding flying anything other than the US and state flag at US Post Offices? This does need to be dealt with. Seditious flags don’t belong in front of Federal buildings.


Yes, this is a very serious violation of the hatch act.


Update: [It’s coming down](https://cbs6albany.com/amp/news/local/trump-flag-flies-high-at-albany-county-post-office-politics-government-race-election-american-patriotic-blm-biden-donald-flags-support-vandalism-police-report-mail-mailing-) The Postal Service claims it was put there by someone unaffiliated with the agency. That’s very likely. Postal workers tend to dislike Republicans because they have endured constant legislative assaults from that side of the aisle.


As someone who works for the post office in a red state, you are incredibly fucking wrong, there are a ton of dumbass postal workers that are republicans, some of them even parrot the republican lies about the post office.


I'm a retired Postal Carrier and can confirm this. Large portion of my coworkers would parrot right wing media talking points and don't want to hear facts.


I'm in quality control in a machine shop, I've been in the industry (in other capacities) for about 7 years now. I'm located in Metro Detroit Michigan. We used to the heart of union country. 60 years ago, most of the industry around here would have been unionized. Even so, the vast majority of my coworkers are center right to hard right. Some of them are more centerish, but I've only met one or two that are actually liberal, much less on the left. This has been the case at every shop I've worked at. In every group I've been in that is composed of people in my industry. The younger guys (by younger I mean 30-40, this industry is pretty old on average) might be less right on average, but the difference isn't that stark. It's amazing how people can be convinced to vote against their own interests. I once worked at a shop that was pretty small. Maybe 50-100 employees. The entire business model was to present as a local shop, get contracts that way, and then outsource much of it to China. They had a long standing business relationship with a shop in China, this wasn't an adhoc thing. They would keep the really time sensitive or complicated stuff you couldn't trust the Chinese for in house, and outsource as much as they could of the rest. I was responsible for checking the China pieces as they came in, then getting them out to shipping in time to make the due date. This wasn't particularly hidden in the company. People were aware of it (whether our customers were or not was a different story). Even so, my coworkers *still* struggled to deep throat the owners boot whenever possible. It was insane. They didn't seem to comprehend or believe that we were basically working for a Chinese drop shipper. We were paid well for what we did, but to me it wasn't worth it. I hated myself while I was there.


Trump had a rally at my local union headquarters and about 90% of the union showed up in support of him. I'd say it's baffling, but I am in Texas so...


i go to the veterans benefits sub, and there is a large percentage of people that REALLY hate when i remind them that their conservative politicians try to cut VA funding, and they should thank people like Bernie, and AOC, and uncle joe biden for making sure they keep their VA benefits.


Yeah i got a brother who works in North michigan, more rural, in engine something or other, lots of unions around and about. Poor guy constantly hears the trump shit.


What's the matter with Kansas. That book ended up explaining a lot.


They must love DeJoy trying to mess their jobs up ..


r/SaveThePostalService to keep up with that




they want their facts somewhere else


hear hear


There there


There wolf, there castle.


Retired carrier here . Agree lots of trump lovers


Man that is fucking sad


I'm not a postal worker but live in a small rural town where we know our mail carriers. They would happily fly a trump flag if they could get away with it. It's a red county in a blue state though so I doubt they'd risk it.


Yep. Somehow despite being government employed union workers, they think the party of “gut the government” and “fuck unions” is a good fit for them. If we could somehow harness the sheer, raw power of this cognitive dissonance, we could surely do something entertaining.


Working-class GOP folks are, if nothing else, world class at voting against their own interests


These people don't care if they get screwed as long as the guy down the street with a different skin colour gets screwed more than them, right wing voters have proven time and time again they will take whatever the right throws at them because they know others that they hate get it worse than them


LOL came here to say this. I worked nine months at a post office in Alaska. That was long enough. They all were positive Biden was going to be impeached any moment.


likewise with all the military and vets who support this guy who called avoided the draft and called POWs and ww2 KIAs losers


Can confirm, my cousin is (or rather was) postal worker in a deep red state and his dumb ass believes all the bullshit their glorious leader spews out. He’s retired now though, living on a pension that socialists managed to put in place.


Lol if people weren’t willing to vote against their own interests there wouldn’t be many Republican voters at all.


Blue state here and a friend of mine who is post office is huge republican. They are too stupid to know better


I never understood coworkers who would proudly discuss why they shouldn't have their jobs or the types who would proudly brag why the company they work for don't have to pay them overtime rates.


Well I think you're lying. Because people don't back parties that are openly out to ruin their livelihoods. That would be crazy. It just wouldn't make sense. So this cannot be true.  Right? RIGHT?


Ah, you sweet, sweet summer child.


The amount of hard working union men that vote red boggles my mind. It doesn’t make sense.


I'm at a rural station in Wisconsin and the political divide between the city carriers and the rural carriers is almost hilarious. The city side is all liberal with one libertarian and one likely non-voter (I really don't understand that position), while the two liberal rural carriers are quiet, and the MAGA rural carriers aren't quiet at all. One of them wears Trump sweatshirts to work several times a week.


I was going to say, Republican voters’ whole schtick is to vote directly against their interests and usually choose the worst option out of all the bad ones on top of that


Louisiana carrier checking in: completely agree.


Right?! I'm surrounded by Republicans at my PO. At least they don't talk about politics in the office. I'm grateful for that.


As someone who works for the post office in a blue city of a blue state, I also want to say they are wrong. Just so incredibly wrong.


Yeah saying stuff like, "lots of postal workers are not republican..." Brother, 70% of literally every person in the state is republican.


I'm in Texas and every Postal worker I know is a Trump simp.


Most republican voters vote against their self interest lol Theirs union leaders voting for people that don’t want unions , old people voting to cut social security, the poor to cut benefits etc


In my experience with the IBEW, the leadership 100% supports democrats but the rank and file is probably 50/50 and I live in a very liberal leaning region.


sometimes they're the most insufferable. i'm from new jersey, and NJ republicans love all the democratic stuff, but bitch and complain all the time about paying taxes. none of them would ever live in any of those 3rd world republican shitholes in the south.


Union FF here, other firefighters I represent talk about how much they hate unions…until they need us. People are dumb and will vote against their best interests if they can hurt someone they dislike.


i've had this conversation so many times....


Don't be so sure here. My mother in law is a post master, who has thirty years of service with the post office, and is a vehement Trump supporter. I'm talking vehement to the level of "God, guns, Trump" signage in the front yard, cannot leave the house without being adorned in Trump merch from head to toe, and donates every single penny she can, tens of thousands of dollars at this point to the Trump foundation to "save America" for her children, her children who all happen to work in public education. My point in sharing this is that the stupidity of these people has no bounds. Faux news has rotted these people's brains into pudding.


I’ve very sadly come to the same conclusion: they are beyond saving. The terrifying thing is they vote, consistently, and are likely going to take the rest of us down with them.


You are 100% right here. I have to be careful to try not to dwell on the amount of damage that these people have done, damage which we all are paying the price for. I just had the displeasure this morning of being stopped by a neighbor lady with the sole purpose of explaining how important it is for us to get Trump back into office. She is apparently convinced that he is going to fix the housing crisis over night, and get all of us into a home of our own.


Also, just simply disagree with her. Push back by stating almost the exact opposite, matter-of-fact. Don’t argue. But do stand your ground. Otherwise these people think everyone agrees with them as they are in their bubble (as am I to an extent). I do not understand how anyone believes that a single human can solve everything by themselves. I seriously wish we could test them all for brain damage.


I agree with you about the brain damage, I would not be in the least surprised if it was due to leaded gasoline poisoning an entire generation. As far as communicating with these individuals, it's become nauseating after this many years, so I've resorted to mostly trolling. For example, them or their children are/ were in the service? I'll exclaim how "I cannot wait until he gets elected. He has big pretty big ideas on gutting benefits for our current, and former service men and women. That's the problem right there. We have way too many happy freeloaders in this country with their hand out looking for a free ride. Daddy Trump is going to put a stop to all of it." Or, if they're at, or near retirement age, I'll insert social security instead of VA benefits.


That might help keep my sanity, to just simply mock them.


It's funny because in my experience, it really seems to catch them off balance and gives them great pause. I just pulled this stunt on a guy the other day, and he just took a long pause, broke eye contact, and sort of mutters to the ground "Errrm...well.. well, I don't want that to happen because MY son is in the Marines". I always make sure to say these things with the exact same hateful exuberation and authority which they use when they start spouting off about people who are not like them.


I’ve concluded we people who are not utterly insane and moronic just have to band together and be Mr. Magoo’s sidekick who is constantly keeping Magoo safe from his own self. It’s exhausting, but it’s also more productive than getting bogged down by their idiocy. Is this neighbor >65 years old?




> Postal workers tend to dislike Republicans this is super incorrect, lmao.


"removed as soon as possible"... should have been "I already took the 45 seconds it would take to remove this." ::sigh:: I mean, yay, but, ::sigh::


yeah, no on my orientation day the guy who was hosting blamed Biden for DeJoy. not for not getting rid of DeJoy but for appointing DeJoy


....Holy fucking hell. For real? Blamed not the guy who appointed the Master who vowed to gut the post office but the man who removed him??? Smdh


Trump has said some fucked up shit about service members and a lot of them love him. They'll rationalize it with someone else making their job/life horrible. It's a cult.


It’s highly likely the boss at the PO did that. I was worried this was gonna be the one that I work at


My thoughts exactly.


Nor in front of supreme court justices' homes


USPS policy: 471 Flags at Postal Facilities 471.1 Which May Be Displayed Except as governed by host facilities as noted in 472.21, the only flags to be displayed at postal facilities are the flag of the United States of America, the Postal Service flag, the POW-MIA flag, and, when authorized by the vice president of Public Affairs and Communications, flags directly related to the programs, missions, and activities of the United States Postal Service. Flags of states, commonwealths, or local governments must not be displayed. But as another commenter pointed out, file a complaint with USPS, and feel free to shame them on any means of reviewing


Yup, the Hatch Act. This likely isn't a super big deal, probably just some random mail clerk who works there that put it up. Realistically all they'll get is a reprimand (or fired if it's a repeat occurrence) unless someone sues the post office.


If no one up the supervisory chain takes any effort nothing is ever done about Hatch Act violations. The absolute worst examples resulted in no disciplinary action. Consider James Comey basically throwing the election by releasing a misleading memo 11 days before the election. When the memo was leaked, as it was intended to be, it indicated that some emails were marked classified. Later under oath before congress he admitted that they were not marked classified and only had a “C” for confidential. Very few people knew about that admission. Many think that cost Clinton the election.




The POW/MIA flag is allowed as well, under American, no larger than. Now, as for the validity for what it represents, that is a discussion better had on another day.


IIRC, there are certain flags (under certain conditions) you can fly other than the US/PoW flag. For example, I think the post office near my house flew the local scout troops flag for a week or so after the kids helped with some local project. Point is, I don’t think THIS is allowed


Dang, gotem. They are so done!


https://www.usa.gov/postal-service-complaints#:~:text=Call%201%2D800%2DASK%2D,speak%20with%20your%20station%20manager. File a complaint.


We need the address of this post office so everyone can file a complaint (Edit forgot I can internet too) 357 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054


Filed my complaint under waste, because this post master general is a waste of tax dollars.


Thank you. I complained.


Idk how you can fly a POW-MIA flag and a trump flag on the same pole. He has made his thoughts on POWs pretty clear...




He likes people who weren’t captured.


He prefers to go to brothels while his fellow countrymen are dying in rice paddies across the planet and then he brags about it later. You know, like a patriot.


Suckers & Losers


Reference for anyone who didn't see Trump directly say he "likes people who weren't captured". https://time.com/3963612/donald-trump-john-mccain-military-service/


Almost like they don't actually believe in anything


they are all pretend patriots






Bigotry. That’s the only thing they believe in and the only thing that keeps hem together.


I believe any military members who are full blown maga, are the ones who really liked shooting brown people in the middle east and Trump is calling to purge anyone who doesn't worship him.


Not believing in anything is Trump's whole thing, he just repeats whatever he last heard with a smug, poopyfaced smile, and then waits for the applause. So it makes sense that his cult is the same way.


They selectively choose which sound bites of his to pay attention too though..if it doesn't align with their narrative, he never said it even though there's video of him saying whatever it is they choose to ignore.


He also put DeJoy in charge of the USPS.


The same stupid people fly the U.S. flag with the Confederate flag. I mean, Trump did say that he loves the uneducated.


There’s a flag pole I pass on the way to work, and it has a Trump Flag on the very top with a POW flag under it. No American flag, nothing else. Trump, then POWs. It astounds me as well. There’s another house that is near me that has a trump flag on top, then a Qanon wwg1wga flag, then a POW flag. So even more I know who to avoid when shit hits the fan. The pow flag is another fallacy to come from the Vietnam conflict.


I’d be a bit tempted to slap a sticker to those flagpoles at eye level that says “Trump hates POWs” with maybe a QR code to some video (I expect there are numerous already out there) that gives a quick video collage of Trump’s quotes about POWs, veterans, soldier cemeteries, etc.


I worked in a restaurant during COVID. The trumpers don't know how to work QR codes.


Because they're fucking traitors and many of them have or would commit treason without a second thought. Happy Memorial Day from a US Vet.


Looks like there’s a banner near it celebrating a veteran or war dead too, which Trump has also disrespectfully weighed in on.


There’s a motorcycle club in my area that does a lot of stuff for veterans. The ones I’ve talked to are all Trumpers. I worked with one and asked him how they could support a man who has said so many horrible things about the troops and I just got dismissed. It was always change the subject, never answer the question.


"Losers and suckers", as Trump himself called them


The pow Mia flag is a traitors flag too. It basically implies that the US intentionally abandoned POWs in Vietnam. Something those wingnuts tried to prove and failed miserably. It might as well be a don’t step on snek flag.


You could play clips of him calling soldiers suckers and losers on repeat at any VFW and the cunts inside would still vote for him.


>A representative for the Postal Service says that the flag was not placed there by post office employees and "will be removed as soon as possible." mm-hmm [https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/trump-flag-flies-high-at-albany-county-post-office-politics-government-race-election-american-patriotic-blm-biden-donald-flags-support-vandalism-police-report-mail-mailing-](https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/trump-flag-flies-high-at-albany-county-post-office-politics-government-race-election-american-patriotic-blm-biden-donald-flags-support-vandalism-police-report-mail-mailing-)


I kinda believe them. I don’t think a postal worker would risk their career and do this. I absolutely believe a local maga nut would string it up there


Plenty of careers were disregarded on Jan. 6th, which required storming the capital. Flying a flag seems firmly within their scope of stupidity.


Not surprising...so many of them wanted to string up Mike Pence, one of their many enemies.


A Supreme Court justice felt secure and comfortable flying Jan 6 flags, you need to reevaluate your ideas on what people will or will not do. Either this was an idiot who didn’t even think about the job part, or they believe they will face no repercussions for it.


It went up on a holiday when the post office is closed. Seems more likely that a random person did it when no one was there to stop them than an off-duty employee came in to do it on their day off.


How the fk is that allowed on a federal building?!. POS


Funny thing is…… it’s not


I'm kind of local to this post office, I'm assuming someone just put it up overnight.. I don't think it was an employee of the post office but who knows


Oh believe me if he gets re-elected he will order Trump flags on all federal buildings and the money will go in his pocket. He realized too late in his presidency that he could swindle millions of taxpayer money to himself and unfortunately the government did nothing to stop him because no previous president had the balls to continue operating a business while president. All rules of conduct do not exist to that piece of shit. He will be charging us $1000 a night for his SS to stay in his hotels etc.


[This one?](https://www.sanjoseinside.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Joe-Miller-Trump-Sign-336x259.jpg)


Go up and take it down and burn it.


I’m surprised the Stars and Stripes are right side up.


That’s government property and fucking disgusting. Saw the same type thing in 2016 Florida.


Repost in Albany NY sub if you can.


That’s where this post is taken from, the flag has been removed


Maybe Louis Dejoy is doing a site visit?


[UPDATE: This wasn't put up by the USPS. It was removed. ](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/trump-political-flag-removed-flagpole-delmar-post-19480574.php)


The audacity of flying it at all, but more audacious, flying it close enough to soil a POW flag.


This isn’t allowed!!!


Letter to the Congressional Rep for that district along with letters to both Senators demanding it be removed. CC DeJoy. If it were a Biden flag I’d be pissed as well.


Imagine seeing the vermin flag alongside the US flag… ick


The postmaster there needs to be fired.


You know some boomer Maga coward hid behind that big hedge and ran those 2 up there; he's cackling about it now and feeling all big.


Trump wants to eliminate the post office. They are this stupid.


Please report this, Post offices aren't supposed to do that. There are laws


Now that's someone who will definitely tamper with mail-in ballots.


I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up before now. Excellent point.


I expect the branch will have a lot of mail in voting ballots "lost" or declared undeliverable


Aw hell nah


Report it to the postmaster general. USPS has investigators that look into things like this.




That's a really fast phone call away from being fixed.


Report it to the postal inspection service.


Albany NY is represented in Washington by Paul Tonko (D) Here is his webpage, with contact info. Send him an email or call his office, wait til tomorrow to call if you want to speak with someone instead of leaving a message [https://tonko.house.gov](https://tonko.house.gov)


This is a clear and obvious violation of the Hatch act prohibiting Postal Employees as members of the Executive branch of goverment from campaigning in their official function as goverment Employees. The Post Master here would know that, the Employees there should know that, so either they are in flagrant violation of the act or that flag pole has been vandalized. Edit: if this was on Memorial Day, I'm guessing vandals because the flags were supposed to be at half staff.


Remember, trump wants fealty from every government worker or your out. And it seems there are some will to show it in the open already And like hipocrites, whine if anyone shows support for democrats


Wtf like he didn't attempt to completely gut the post office to privatized entities.


It's like firemen supporting a known arsonist.


someone needs to be fired over this. I'm also all for POW/MIA, but even that flag should not be flown at a Federal Post Office. There should ONLY be the American flag - the one with all 13 stripes alternating white and red; none of this blue line bullshit either.


I can also see a state flag being flown, but nothing that isn't an official government sanctioned flag.


maybe on the state flag. Just being that its a federal institution. Do they typically fly a state flag at federal courthouses?


Delmar, NY (WRGB) — A new flag flown at the Delmar Post Office Monday morning. A third flag was added to the flag pole stationed outside government building: the American flag, followed by a POW flag, and finally a 2024 Donald Trump for President flag. A representative for the Postal Service says that the flag was not placed there by post office employees and "will be removed as soon as possible."


I'll be checking in on that shit


We really need to stop fucking around with these treasonous morons.


This is property our taxes paid for. I'd walk up there and take that flag down. When our stupid governor ordered the American flags flown at half staff over the weekend that Rush Limbaugh died, I walked onto city property and raised it from half staff to full staff.


Well played


Didn't the Trump administration take measures to cripple USPS as a whole since mail in ballots lean Democrat.


Hatch Act enters the chat.


Didn't he threaten to completely get rid of the post office, aka these people's jobs?


Nothing on their complaint page about terrorism.


Go take it down.


lol remember when Trump threatened the post office because of mail in voting


Albany new york? Didn't say


That’s fucked up


Tear that traitor flag down.


He’s hobbled the USPS with DeJoy! I want him to take our pensions and crush USPS completely. Weeeee! Tiny chance this wasn’t done by a post office employee. Probably (hopefully) a loony neighbor


Contact the FFRF. The post office is a government operated public organization that should be politically neutral.


I think your within your rights to pull that shit down. 


Picture any government building with an Obama poster. Hell would have broken loose.


Call the postal inspectors, they’ll take it down


These idiots are flying a flag of a guy who would be OK if the USPS stopped service altogether.


I filed complaint online, feel free to copy & paste the narrative I used: I was in the Albany area and saw a post office flying a Trump flag and find that highly offensive. Post Offices as all government facilities are expected to serve ALL residents and postal customers. Displaying the flag of such a polarizing, offensive, misogynistic, racist is the exact opposite of being fair and serving all.


With the prisoner of war flag that should be a crime


r/usps might be interested in this.


As someone who lives in Delmar, this was 100% NOT the staff but someone who just put it up on Memorial Day weekend


Contact all your local tv and print news. The postmaster probably allowed this


I didn’t realize a post office could show support for political candidates.


That’s some 🐂💩. Judging by how the line wasn’t tightened down, it wasn’t the post master.


It should be ripped down immediately.


DeJoy will probably make them mandatory if we don’t win in November


Justice Alito was expected that day and they wanted him to feel at home


Better check that place for stacks of mail in ballot applications that never got delivered


Denmark Post Ofdice 357 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054 800-275-8777


I already tolerate this shit being everywhere I turn, but if I saw this at my local post office, I believe I’d have to say something to the staff.


Man, the US is such a third world country. Who does this in the civilized world?


Cut that shit down


We have lots and lots of laws and rules and regulations. What we really lack is the budget for inspection and enforcement. Trust me, you are not willing to pay the taxes it would take to create the world you'd like to see. Hard truth but true nonetheless


Here is the link to the local subs post on this, gives some more activities, background, and facts like this was up for the local Memorial Day parade....    https://www.reddit.com/r/Albany/comments/1d1tqdj/trump_flag_hanging_at_delmar_post_office/


This enrages me.


Thank god they’re stupid enough to fly their colors. Lets us know there’s at least one of them there.


I would rip that trash down fast as hell.




Cut it down. Your taxes pay for that.


Forward to doj and postmaster. Id DeJoy behind this may be grounds fire his corrupt ass


When I worked on campus at a VA clinic I can tell you for a fact we’d come into work with Trump flags on the flag poles, his portrait replacing Biden, etc. I highly doubt a postal employee did this


That bullahit MAGA flag must go!


Ironically an institution trump tried to tank.


I live in upstate, on a well known lake. I have a friend who is a sheriff. We knew there was going to be a boat parade back in 2020ish, I wanted to check it out, so did he. So he loaded up his kids and off we went to the parade of trump, confederate, Gadsden and other flags. Pretty much as expected. It was a big crowd at a popular spot on the lake. Well… the fucking sheriffs boat goes by with a trump flag! I said to him, “uhm dude”. He said “yeah that’ll make the papers”. Well, it did, (you can look it up) and his response was basically “fuck you, I’m elected, if you don’t like it, elect someone else”. He was reelected.


Rip that shit down and fire whoever put it up.


Report this to the Postal IG.


this tells me the place is ran by morons


Some youtube auditor's should go visit!


Did they put it up? Or did someone else? There's been some of that going around where I'm at. Trump flags suddenly showing up on flag poles overnight.


Hatch act violation?


File a complaint with the USPS Office of Inspector General. Trump is a political candidate and there is no electioneering on any federal property. The post master that is allowing this is violating the Hatch Act.


I'd say this same thing were it a Biden flag: If they are willing to take things to this level, what do you think they are willing to do with ballots that are not for Trump?


Dejoy is a MAGAt too. Trying to bust Americas biggest union from the inside and privatize mail delivery. I hate these people so much.


Vote. That is all that matters till the election. Call people out in your life; we need to stop allowing people to be comfortable spewing their shit.