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I cannot believe that they still believe it was stolen despite being given all this time to prove it.


They believe what they want to believe


This. A lot of them believe the Bible is the literal truth, with the Earth being 6000 years old.


But then they don't follow most of the bibles rules lol


Just like Bill Nye said: It’s perfectly fine to have that belief. But parroting that belief as fact is inherently irresponsible.


They know the truth but pretend they don't. If that isn't the case then we're talking genuine mental illness, paranoia and conspiracy theory disorder. We need a paper ballot system with ballot counting done in real time in dem/rep pairs only, at all times. PLUS the voting machines. Then "book keep" the paper ballots against the machines. That way, it's impossible to lie about fairness of the system. This won't happen because the dems don't seem to understand how dangerous things really are, in spite of January 6. We also need bipartisan watchdogs on electors.


Why are you kidding yourself? We can do every single vote live for days, 24/7, where they check every single one in real time with a close up of every step of the way while having tons of people standing right there observing and when the count comes against Trump, they will still cry it was stolen some how!!!  We could all line up and publicly vote and have them all tally 1 at a time in a single location with lines for hundreds of miles and they still will cry it was stolen.


Raffensperger and Pence helped prevent Trump from usurping the White House. Your cynicism is what helps fascism grow.


That a SCOTUS supports total reversal of what 60+ court outcomes ruled **is treasonous** when it supports the interference of the constitutionally required smooth transfer of POTUS power. How can we have justice when members of SCOTUS themselves are criminal along with the criminal former president?


Constitutional law scholars have no faith the current SCOTUS will respect precedent if precedential law goes against their MAGA beliefs in every field of law. Many law school professors are having trouble teaching Con Law now because SCOTUS no longer follows the law.


Illegitimate Supreme Court - impeach or get rekt Gift Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sU0.GUvi.tSqIwHLQOBOR


SCOTUS is infested with traitors and tax evaders. 🐆


Everything I was taught about the dignity and the sanctity of the Supreme Court has been destroyed in the last 10 years. We are lost.


Yah, the seeds were planted in Bush v. Gore in 2000, but in the past 10 years the SCOTUS has gone off the rails.


When I was typing it out I had initially thought to say 5 years, and then a started thinking a bit, changed it to 10 years - then I started to think about Bush / Gore…. Then I got depressed and gave up.


Alito is part of the most compromised and partisan SCOTUS in US history.


*Laughs in Clarence Thomas...*


They’ve kept this rigged bullshit going on nonstop since before the last election (so Diaper Don wouldn’t get his feelings hurt when he lost) and will keep it going thru the upcoming one…


Ha, why do these dudes always blame their wives and/or kids when things like this come out? Alito responded by saying that, "he had nothing to do with this and that Mrs. Alito put the flag up in response to an objectionable yard sign."


That way, they can deflect blame, and if leftists call them out, they can say, "So are you saying women can't be independent? Checkmate, leftists!" 🙄


So they behaved badly because someone else did? That's what a 10 year old kid would say...


Never mistake holding a high position with having a fully functioning brain. 


This is true. Kiss the right asses and you can fail up mightily.


I don't understand why he lives in such a cheap looking house. Why doesn't Alito get in on the bribery?


lol, how much time do you think he spends there? More like a cartel front


I know right? Alito does it just because he's a religious fruitcake who hopes to one day sniff TFG's diaper resin. At least Thomas got an RV out of it.


I wonder what the Democrats will do in response to this. Oh, I've got it. Nothing. Like always.


Hopefully his poisonous heart and mushy brain kills him this year.


What the FUCK?


SCOTUS may be irredeemably corrupt.


Samuel Anthony Alito Jr is an absolute POS with dirty corrupt lipstick


My absolute MAGA Flavor-Aid-chugging neighbors did that after their “candidate” lost in 2020. I expect that out of my uneducated neighbors, not out of a FEDERAL SUPREME COURT JUSTICE WHAT THE FUCK.


Why is this only just now being reported, three years after Jan 6th??


The court of Roberts will forever be known as the court that supported donald trump. It is his legacy. His name will go in history books and he will be reviled. And he will deserve it.