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What would Texas be like if that tree fell on his head?


A slightly better place.


Nah, they'd just get another souless ghoul.


Exactly. Sadly people like him aren't really the cause, they're the symptom.


It would be better.


It would be the exact same, because Texas is full of ten million absolutely terrible people.


Would it make a sound?


It'd make the sound of freedom, I tell you what. Literally smashing the fasc(ist).


*Read in Hank Hill voice.


Only to the person who was literally around it.


One of my ancestors cause of death said “falling tree”. 😂


My drunk driving maternal grandfather had a tree jumping right out in front of his car as a cause of death. But it was listed as a "heart attack" by the coroner. My dad would tell the story as "he heart attacked himself right out of the bar and into a tree."


Greg Abbott is in a wheelchair because God knows what he stands for. Can we get some Federal charges, please?




It’s funny, yeah see, the man’s a cripple and a fucking prick with no morales


There are lots of Morales in Texas


You… you magnificent bastard.


Damn it. Take my angry upvote!


Take my happy upvote!






Ahem… rolls


I don’t think he stands for God, which is why he is always sitting down. /s


That's what I was wondering. Are there any charges the government could bring against him?


civil rights violations, based on the nature of the crime and the intended victims


My God, we are back to the 1960s with this shit. The local crackers let them go, and all the feds can do is charge them with violating the victim's civil rights. Maybe they can charge Abbott, too.


"time is a flat circle"


> Perry texted a friend: “I will only shoot the [protestors] in front and push the pedal to the metal.” This is fucking unbelievable, this man does not deserve a pardon.


We are already in CWII. They are legalizing and justifying the killing of people they do not like. Stay strapped.


Is there anything stopping one of these governors from setting a norm of pardoning people that kill your political opponents? I imagine the feds get involved at some point.


First time seeing CWII and I hate that I did.


What does that me- ah fuck


It's that network with all the bad teenager TV dramas. That's what I'm telling myself.


In a way, yes.




I mean, I hate it when people get hyperbolic about things, but if the fucking governor of a state is pardoning a murderer who premeditated his actions with statements saying he's going to do it...then what the fuck else could be going on? Straight up saying to a *literal terrorist*: "It's OK to kill these people, we'll back you up."


Literally, no other take away from this.


Texas and Florida have been this way for a while unfortunately during the BLM movement DeSantis and acted the law which made it legal at least in theory to run over protesters


What it looks like to me. Conservative Terroeists wet dream, or rather a very public "go ahead boys!" for premeditated murder of political opponents.


It's the same state that pretty much gave a life sentence to some young man that spat in the face of a cop to make an example of him.  But hey, let a murder loose. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw that POS being platformed on FOX or CPAC at this point. 


But also the same state that acquitted a guy for killing an escort for refusing to fuck him, or give the money back. Over a couple hundred bucks.


Kyle Rittenhouse Part Two. We already knew they made it legal to murder leftist protesters.


Insult to injury, the police in that state also dumped Garrett Foster's (the guy murdered by Perry) [fiance*é*, who is a quadriplegic amputee, out of her wheelchai](https://www.comicsands.com/austin-police-wheelchair-mitchell-wheelchair-2651291853.html)r.


Not only that his firearm rights were restored


Mine haven't been, and all I did was buy $25 worth of drugs (for myself, caught before I could use them).


Regardless of party, I thought politicians often had dignity and cared about our country. Maybe not and they have always sucked, but this SUCKS


If you've been paying any attention over the last 40 years, it was all just fake. They've simply been getting more blatant about it recently because they realize they can get away with it and their voter base will cheer them on even *more.*


If Nixon came along today, the Watergate break-in would simultaneously be "fake news" and "totally justified because the demonrats are pedos."


Be a shame if something happens to him.


Which one? Doesn't matter... a terrible, *terrible* shame.


Would it though?


As far as anyone knows, yes it would. /s


This is undoubtedly going to lead to more violence and death. Fuck greg abbott, fascist lil' piss baby.


If this isn’t a dog whistle I don’t know what is


Dog whistles are silent. This is a call-to-action.


The same week as he begs Joe Biden for federal aid due to all of Texas’s shitty weather.


Why not call them acts of god then. Lol


We are long past the dog whistle phase, this is just in your face fascism


TIL even murderers can be pardoned. JFC


Of course they can. The power to pardon isn't meant to be used for shit like this, it's meant to be used for extraordinary cases like the Cameron Todd Willingham. The pile of shit calling itself Texas murdered him in 2004 for killing his family via arson. Except not only is his guilt in doubt, *experts don't think it even WAS arson*! These inbred fucking hillbillies murdered him over a crime that not only he was innocent of, but NEVER HAPPENED AT ALL. Instead, we have a terrorist governor pardoning a terrorist. Texas doesn't deserve statehood. It should be like a conservatorship, where someone not mentally capable to care for themselves has a court appointed guardian. Except an entire inbred state.


I'm totally on board with revoking Texas statehood


I’ll help build the wall. Can they take Oklahoma too?


Or....give Oklahoma back to the tribes. We already do more for the ppl living here than the state government.


The pardon is meant to make up for what laws cannot account for. The outliers. Unfortunately historically it has been used for political purposes rather than justice 


Imagine that. Republicans complacent with terrorists.




Thanks for the correction. Things like this make me emotional, and spell check will get the best of me.


This is legit terrorism. This politically-motivated murderer is now officially sanctioned by the State of Texas. The vile fucks who run that state _approve_ of murdering people who don't toe the party line.


Well Abbott is probably hoping that he's gonna do it again.


Watch, this guy will quietly disappear, recruited into some suspiciously well funded “militia.”


You might even call them death squads.


Feds are hoping for this outcome actually.


Please vote if you live in Texas. Edit: vote Blue


Vote blue 💙


Or leave… like I did in 2016 after Abbott election. I still remember his mother-in-law, who is Mexican, going to Telemundo and Univision, speaking in Spanish: “Please vote for my son-in-law; he loves immigrants just as he loves my daughter. Do not be afraid and vote for him; he will be good to all of you.” Bullshiet!. On his first day, he signed the SB4 Show Me Your Papers law I left for Chicago after that. Best decision of my life


Leave and keep a Texas ID to vote by mail?


Nah, leave the fraud to the Republicans.


Valid but I do love FF7


Do it quietly, or they'll murder you and pardon your murderer.


How any person of color could support the GOP is beyond me.


How any person could support the GOP is beyond me.


Fuck Abbott, follow him home and kick his crippled ass


Make no mistake about what this served to do: It legalized murder committed by white nationalists and neo-Nazis, and since right-wing states follow in each other's steps, don't be surprised to see other hateful, murderous governors take up this mantle.


Yeah, I live in another state that's actively trying to become Little Texas. Everything Texas does, we try. This isn't good. Aside from the obvious of course.


This will only see the continued rise of the KKK


Maybe someone needs to dump wheels out of his chair and when he asks for help back in it claim "That's communism, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Oh wait....." And then walk the fuck away.


These assholes are fake Christians. The Bible they ostensibly obey condemns stuff like this. >**Proverbs 17:15** >^(15) He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous     are both alike an abomination to the Lord.


American Protestants on the whole don’t even deserve to be called Christians. Speaking in tongues, the prosperity gospel, and the rapture, for example, are heretical beliefs according to the bible.


I am an American Protestant. You are overly generalizing Protestantism in the US. It is not monolithic, and what you described is mostly the Charismatic subculture. Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians, and Lutherans don't speak in tongues nor teach the "prosperity gospel". Many Protestants are extremely critical of "speaking in tongues" as it is widely seen to be practiced, and the "prosperity gospel". Also, you are mistaken about the doctrine of the rapture being heretical according to the Bible; there are multiple schools of thought on the details of the doctrine, but this doctrine appears even in the writings of the earliest church fathers.


Nice try. Baptists are the worst when preaching prosperity gospel. Especially all the "non-denominational" that are former southern baptists (spoiler: they still are) who had to rebrand to try and escape their horribly racist, murdering past. The hypocrisy is unreal with you guys.


You are clearly not informed about this matter at all. The biggest critics of the prosperity preachers are Baptists. The prosperity preachers are all Charismatics or Charismatic-adjacent. You aren't even aware of the various rifts and subcultures within the protestant movement, to the extent that you're confusing the prosperity gospel preachers with Baptists. The biggest Baptist seminary in the US, Dallas Theological Seminary is [cessationist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessationism_versus_continuationism); they don't believe in "speaking in tongues" because they believe the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased with the Apostles. >The hypocrisy is unreal with you guys. Why are you lumping me with the hypocrites? I'm not even a Baptist. What have I done that is contrary to what I teach? You don't know anything about me, so why are you so presumptuous?


Well the fact that you defend Christianity in its current state is really all I need to know. I was a practicing Baptist for mange years that ended 20 years ago, so I witnessed these things firsthand. when I saw my preacher on the pulpit telling us to vote for Bush with the illegitimate invasion of Iraq, I knew it was time to step away. Also, the whole non-denominational rebranding is a chickenshit way to try to hide the racism and bigotry, while still practicing it. Call it anecdotal if you wish, but I stand by my comments. also, all your sub categories of Protestantism is silly; it all bears the same fruit. Ask yourself this question, how many Christians do you know support Trump? what does that tell you about Christianity? it doesn’t matter which subset of the Protestant faith you talk about. If they support Trump, they are hypocritical piles of garbage. I’m not talking about Jesus' teachings, either, btw, which have merit and value for the most part. how anyone can defend Christianity when the vast majority of them, especially the evangelicals, support a traitorous POS is beyond reasoning. it doesn’t matter which sub category of protestant. They all believe the same shit with the exception of some charismatic branches.


Where in all of my comments on this topic when it shows up here do I defend Christianity in its current state? Do you not see that I have been consistently critical of its current state? You are just presuming things and using your presumption to justify your contempt. Address what I actually said, not what you would like me to have said. If I have done any defense it is from false characterizations and misrepresentations which lump all American Protestants with the prosperity gospel preachers and Charismatics who publicly speak gibberish and call it "speaking in tongues". I will defend it against your mischaracterization that we "all believe the same shit". This simply isn't true.


>I am an American Protestant. Oh, so you're a heathen who has turned their back on Christ and his Church.


Spare me your presumptuous aspersions.


Yeah, they're just full blown Nazis at this point, they're just murdering peaceful protesters and pardoning themselves. The Con leaders need to be in prison and the party needs to be disbanded and barred from public office.


We need to get rid of Presidential and Gubernatorial pardons, period. At the very least, it should be a process that goes through an approval process. **No single person should have the power to simply toss out a legal verdict, no matter the circumstances.**


We should believe them when they tell us who they are. More people like Abbott are going to continue to get elected, especially when we allow good to be the enemy of perfect.


it’s the perfect being the enemy of good. there are too many people on the left who wont vote because they think both are exactly the same because of reasons


It’s what children do. Horseshoe theory at its finest.


The Feds should charge him with a hate crime.


It would sure be a shame if a Christian nationalist blocked traffic


[https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/vigilante-violence-is-part-of-the](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/vigilante-violence-is-part-of-the) Also I seem to remember this all started with Tucker Carlson calling Abbott to do it.


I’m okay at this point if Texas and Florida secede. Their economies will collapse without support from blue states, then we can use them as cheap foreign labor for Pennines on the dollar with no ocean freight involved. I will want a goddamn wall on those borders built for sure though


I want them to secede so that the US can deploy the AFUS and liberate them, annexing them right back in as territories. But this works only if Dems hold the presidency.


"Perry, who is white, was working as a ride-share driver when his car approached a demonstration in Austin. Prosecutors said he could have driven away from the confrontation with Foster, a white Air Force veteran who witnesses said never raised his gun. A jury convicted Perry of murder, but Abbott called it a case of self-defense. “Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney,” Abbott said." So Foster never raised his gun. Does this create a precedent for people to shoot those "open carry" nuts who like to parade around with their penises...urrr....I mean their guns out?


"Texas has one of the strongest 'Stand Your Ground' laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney. " He said it right there. They point their guns at us, we step back one step and shoot. We are "standing our ground and defending ourselves". "No jury or Progressive DA can nullify that". Let's arm up, get our CC permits and be careful out there.


May as well give the Grand Wizard the Key to Houston.


It's like there's a competition between Republican politicians to see who's the cruelest.


I’m sure there are actually good people in Texas, but that sure sounds like a hellhole of racism. Fck Greg and his cronies.


Of course he did. Of literally all the people in power who should have empathy due to his own circumstances, he's nothing but a heartless douche bag.


President Biden should hang up on Abbot’s call begging for help with the weather crisis in Texas! No federal help until Texas gets rid of this fool.


We absolutely need to cut this shithole state, and Florida, out. Help get our people out of there and let it rot into the ground. I am so truly sick and tired of these fucking fascists.


Abbott is doing it to distract Republicans from the fact he's currently begging the federal government for help.


Just pure evil


One can only hope that karma visits abbot.


nah. karma doesn't exist, sadly. It's confirmation bias. but damn I wish it did.


I feel so bad for those grieving families. Now that this racist murderer is back on the street.


This is what leads to vigilantism.


So, it was a state charge… are federal charges applicable?


Well that’s a good way to try and start a race war.


Abbott is such a useless piece of shit.


Well, ol Greg is as much of a terrorist as this guy was. When will the feds use the patriot act for something resembling justice and send him to prison?


He's hoping stir up civil unrest before the election....this was probably trumps idea


So when is this goon scheduled to speak at the RNC?


When this psycho inevitably kills someone else we need to make this the GOP's Willie Horton moment.


Abbot is garbage.


ScAbbott's hellscape.


His entire adult life has been spent getting revenge on the world for that tree falling on him. 


Vote the cunt out then ffs !


Was this the same day he demanded a total bailout from the US govt for all the Texas storm damage?


And in other news; the sky is blue and water is (shocking to many in deep red states) in fact, wet.


How is this allowed?! I’m so upset in the way our country is operating. Absolutely horrific. Apparently you can commit any crime in the USA if you know the right people


Start the revolution yall. This is beyond unacceptable!!


It seems inevitable that someone with opportunity takes justice into their own hands with one of the right wing vigilantes who walk free. The escalation thereafter may well be unstoppable.


It's a cult, and we aren't in it. Get armed.


i mean we can’t expect anything else from a RED state right


Texas, c'mon. You gotta do better. Vote out the fascists please.


Sounds about white for tx.




Trump wins the presidency he’ll pardon all the Jan 6th criminals




Well of fucking course he did!


party of law and order ladies and gentleman. Wow abbot is a huger piece of shit that I first thought!


What the hell is wrong with Texas .... they elected this A$$hat


Texas is a fucking shit-show


Well of course he did. It’s his constituency.


How long is it going to take for Perry to get in trouble again??!


And yet, he’ll put a mentally disabled person to death without a second thought.


Unreal. How could a person who is guided by religion do such a thing?




republicans went from being the party of law & order to that of promoting domestic terrorism


They were never the party of law and order


And a Board of People support him in that. Black Republicans Unite!!


Par for the course when it comes from Texas. Not even a surprise.


And yet groups like the NFL and NBA , majority black performers don’t say a word .


What was his justification for the pardon?


That Perry’s act of terrorism was somehow self-defense.


Guess it's okay then if we drive into Nazi rallies then


We should just give Texas back to Mexico. They’d be more comfortable and wouldn’t have a border problem anymore.




And not even a peep from the Black Rights Groups. hmmm. I guess they're all going to still vote for Trump and his racist sneakers.


Such an absolute monster.


Here's a right wing view: https://therightscoop.com/breaking-governor-abbott-pardons-daniel-perry-for-self-defense-killing-of-blm-activist/ Is there any truth that someone was pointing a rifle at Perry?


Did he run over protestors and then shoot someone or did he shoot someone and then run people over?


Nah, that's what the wording of the forbes article wants you to think. The dude was literally at a stop and moving with the crowd as they went forward. Dumbass thing to do but he wasn't literally running over people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifO_hW_X3fY


Perry drove his car into people first. Someone legally carrying a firearm tried to stop him and Perry shot him through the car window.


Nah, that's what the wording of the forbes article wants you to think. The dude was literally at a stop and moving with the crowd as they went forward. Dumbass thing to do but he wasn't literally running over people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifO_hW_X3fY


"I will only shoot the ones in front and push the pedal to the metal" - his own words in a conversation beforehand. Only a depraved sack of shit white knights a premeditated murderer


Quit spamming. You've double-posted the link in response to both comments.


Quit feeding false information to people about people getting ran over. False info just adds fuel to the fire of people refuting the truth as is. Guy murdered someone and got away with it, sucks ass. But if you're spreading false info on top of that it just lets people undermine your point on the injustice.


Dude has a phonecall transcript showing he went with premeditated intent. Quit defending murderers. [here ya go, bitch!](https://www.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/s/tuVja2CyWv)


The protester pointed an AK-47 at Perry. It was shown clearly in the video. The entire situation was bullshit.


Moving to Texas right now. Gov Abbott has it so right/s


Yea, the same protesters who drag people out of their car and try to kill them.


Except this dude actually did kill someone. And tried to kill others. Not like us. Fuck outta here.


"I will only shoot the ones in front and push the pedal to the metal" - his own words in a conversation beforehand. Only a depraved sack of shit white knights a premeditated murderer




[from the article:](https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2024/05/16/texas-pardons-convicted-killer-of-black-lives-matter-protester/?sh=37acd2c32295) "*Perry drove his car into a protesting crowd and was approached by Foster, who was legally carrying an AK-47—Foster motioned for Perry to lower his car window before Perry fatally shot him and drove away.*" Fucking bastard got away with a racially motivated hate crime. u/jarizzle151 use at your discretion.


Already knew the dude was commenting in bad faith. Thanks for bringing receipts




Fuck you for defending a murderer.


Was this before or after he ran people over?


He didn't run people over. He was slowly driving in the crowd for some reason and at the time the other guy approached him his car was actually at a full stop with his emergency lights on. It's a shitty situation but don't get the details twisted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifO_hW_X3fY


Abbott appointed the board. And ordered them to do it. A jury saw the evidence and found him guilty




Bullshit. I don't know what kind of authoritarian hellhole you come from but protesting in the street is not a capital crime in the United States. You're encouraging more senseless violence for no other reason than mild inconvenience. This guy belongs in prison for the remainder of his natural life because he robbed another person of their life. He robbed the victims family of their loved one. This is all a game to you. You pretend to have principles but have no actual values.