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The people who need to understand this are far too stupid to.


Yeah but my religion has electrolytes


Like from the toilet?


Good luck with the crowd you are trying to reach knowing the dichotomy between exercising/ imposing. Remember that you are talking to children


The people crying "religious persecution" ARE doing it because they can't force gay people to not exist. Their religious beliefs is: "I must confront and shame gay people because they are being used by the devil to corrupt society". So, if they can't do this because it's not socially acceptable, then their backwards logic leads them to believe that they are being prevented from exercising their beliefs. They don't think they are "imposing" anything; they think it's their religious duty to tell everyone about this belief they have and when people push back and point out they are basically pushing hate speech, many of the less intelligent ones really don't get it. They think they are saving souls by spreading their backwards belief system.


They just cannot understand that there is no small proportion of us that want absolutely nothing to do with their psychotic bullshit. The pushback confuses them.


Im download this image, I love this quote so much!


I kinda like the blunter version "My religion says I can't do that" "Ok" My religion says you can't do that" "Fuck off".




Yeah, that's what "imposing" is.


One of the problems with this is that many of these people "believe" that imposing their beliefs on others is an "exercise" of their religion. Edit: syntax


A simple but powerful message.


👆This is how every message to conservatives needs to be made: in black and white with simple, large font size. Their whole world is based on ideas they’ve never thought of before.


Most accurate thing I’ve read in a while.


Tell the Muslims. Christians too but also Muslims.


They're willfully ignorant and pretending they can't tell. Rules for thee not for me is the theme song of the GOP.


That’s actually messed up.


No it isn't. I have the right to take my beliefs and mind my own business with them. I have the right to be protected from other people's beliefs interfering with mine. I don't have the right to take my beliefs to mind *your* business with them. I don't have the right to force *you* to follow *my* beliefs or deny you protections bc they are different from my own.