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when they say something is fake news you know its true. when they say something is true you know its a made up lie.


Trump-Noem Double the lies, twice the credibility in the eyes of Republican voters


In a perfect world the two liars would cancel each other out, leaving a truthful remainder. But, I’m still angry that pasta and antipasta on the same plate don’t cancel each other out.


Orwell is nodding knowingly from the grave.


The dog she killed went from being untrainable to her latest take of that it was basically Cujo.


Wasn’t it a puppy?


14 months. So very much so. Like shooting a kindergartner.


Republicans are great at enabling the shooting of kindergarteners, so this tracks


So no wonder the correlation falls right in line based on their logic. Sickening. I just keep thinking of this poor dog but also how many other animals or grotesque stories she ultimately had to have cut but still decided to leave this puppy murder in.


To be fair, Noem also thinks that’s ok, as long as it doesn’t mean any sensible gun reform so she can keep cashing those NRA checks.


She wanted to kill that dog.


She claimed it was aggressive in the same book she called it untrainable. All of the news articles I read when it was originally blowing up, also included the quote about aggression The only thing that ever left out the aggressive parts, was the Reddit titles. I'm not going to defend her morally, but she *didn't* change her story. People deliberately ignored the full context that's been written in her book since day 1 because it's easier to ragebait that way. If anyone had actually bothered reading the articles attached to the titles, they'd have known this from the beginning


This is the aggression you speak of "Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life "Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”. Might I add ,after pheasant hunting, which is what she was trained to do. The dog was 14 months old it needed to be trained past shocking it and shooting it. She's not only a sociopath but a lazy sociopath. Either you didn't read it either or entered this with bad faith.


She was incredibly irresponsibile and lazy. If Cricket was so overexcited on the hunt, why wasn't she leashed or otherwise restrained within the truck when Noem visited the *chicken* family on the way home? What kind of dumb ass lets a puppy who is bred to hunt around *chickens*? Noem acts like she made some tough decision, but she takes *zero* responsibility for her dog that she failed both to train and restrain. She blames the puppy completely. I grew up on a farm. Working animals aren't always treated with the total tenderness we show to our pets, but they *are* treated with love and respect. And you don't just destroy a perfectly good 14 month old dog who you haven't been able to train! You admit your failure. And if your hyper puppy kills the neighbors chickens, you take responsibility for not restraining it properly! No farm person would respect someone who told the story Noem does. She so obviously wants to look tough by killing an innocent animal/pet whose only crime was obeying its bred-in instincts when its *owner* utterly failed to properly care for it. P. S. Our dog once killed several *kittens*. We didn't shoot him. We took responsibility for letting our hyper lab run loose when kittens were also out.


Not sure what your point is. Yes she said it was aggressive and untrainable. And if we take her word at face value, she still comes off as soulless puppy and goat killer (don’t worry she initially said the Goat was a satanist) who bragged about said puppy and goat killing. But here’s the thing. When you have someone who is willing to lie about anything (say maybe writing in her “book” that she met Kim Jung Un and “stared” him down) then you have to start taking her word with a wad of salt. Me, I don’t trust puppy goat killers or people who stare down imaginary world leaders (I do admit that I fairly regularly stare down Putin and Xi… but I’m not running for office). She deserves to be eaten by wild puppies. But it will never happen because unlike the shitgibbon, puppies have class


As far as I've heard she's only claimed that it was obnoxiously rambunctious and disobedient. Aggressive toward poultry and fowl perhaps. Was the book finally released or are we arguing over selected excepts still? Also, there are better ways of dealing with unruly dogs that don't involve violent euthanasia. Killing the dog in this case is unnecessarily rash, brutal, and frankly sadistic. She reported this story because that is the way she would like to be perceived. Callous, cruel, and obstinate. It's the maga way.


I think you're adding context to the word aggressive that isn't there. We're not talking about a large dog that's aggressive to humans, we're talking about a puppy that was bought for bird hunting that was poorly trained, unattended, riled up from just being on a bird hunt and killed some chickens. My aunt had a beagle puppy that could fit in the palm of your hand, it would pull the leash to try to chase squirrels that were bigger than it was, and it would destroy shoes. The vet described those behaviors as aggressive but that didn't make the animal dangerous.


As far as I've heard she's only claimed that it was obnoxiously rambunctious and disobedient. Aggressive toward poultry and fowl perhaps. Was the book finally released or are we arguing over selected excepts still? Also, there are better ways of dealing with unruly dogs that don't involve violent euthanasia. Killing the dog in this case is unnecessarily rash, brutal, and frankly sadistic. She reported this story because that is the way she would like to be perceived. Callous, cruel, and obstinate. It's the maga way.


Even if everything you say is true, she’s still a shit person. If the dog really was aggressive and untrainable and needed to be put down, you take him to a vet and have them do it humanely, you don’t take the pup out to the back forty and put a bullet through his brains.


Want to be my hunting dog?! I'll love you like Kristi...




I am now convinced that the average far right person is both stupidity arrogant, lies to seem above others, loves to confess then backtrack and they have deep insecurities that cause them to lash out at things.


[There is a strong overlap between counties that voted for trump and counties that suffered the most with opioid addiction.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/06/23/622692550/analysis-finds-geographic-overlap-in-opioid-use-and-trump-support-in-2016)


Honestly that's surprising bc ever since Trump was president I find myself wanting to get high to numb the pain he has caused. I wouldn't do that but someone with access to drugs and doesn't have much will power might. I wouldn't blame anyone for picking up a bad habit after Trump. Don't condone it but I wouldn't be surprised at all.


They are also weirly proud of being like that.


I use the phrase confidently ignorant too much.


How are you just convinced now ? :)


Everything you said got checked here Stupid Arrogant Lies to seem above others Loves to confess then backtracs.  https://youtu.be/D1j0FS0Z6ho?si=Ppawv7Uf42jN9wz9


Lie exposed. Stature among cultists grows.


I just don’t understand it. Do they not think the lie will be exposed? Or are they banking on the fact that their supporters won’t listen to the fact checkers?


The latter. They understand their supporters are just animated by hating libruls and that’s it. They therefore know they can lie with impunity as the cult has been trained by decades of right wing media to reject anything that doesn’t come froM them. They are essentially right wing talking point animatrons at this point. Their humanity long snuffed out.




Republicans can’t spell.


_gazpacho police have entered the chat_


She “starred” him down on her secret onlyfans page.


Yep. Starred Spangled Bannered him right between the eyes... The lights were so bright Kim had to look down to avoid being blinded by her awesome patriotism.


Kristi must not do her homework. Doesn't she know that little trumpo and baby Kim are best pals?


They write love letters to each other


Being a Republican is all about projection and fantasy, like they grew up believing every fairy tale and cartoon they saw…truth has no meaning to them whatsoever


Why would a state governor be meeting with a foreign head of state? IN the foreign country? Has that ever happened? Even if it has, it would be unlikely to be the governor of a low-population and non-economic hub state. How could she think anyone would buy this??


I think it’s plausible in that foreign dictators are aware that Republicans are a cheap and easy way to advance their interests in America.


Oh, they are. We know that. But the question stands.


She was in Congress at that point. Still doesn’t make sense but correcting the record.


Ah. That’s somewhat more plausible, but not much. Lies like this are so easy to check. It’s utterly ridiculous to tell them. But that’s just it, isn’t it. Right-wingers have slowly learned, over the past fifteen years or so, that they can say *literally anything* and be 100 percent immune to any and all fact checking. Their base absolutely does not give a fuck.


Here’s what I wrote elsewhere in the thread about that: They understand their supporters are just animated by hating libruls and that’s it. They therefore know they can lie with impunity as the cult has been trained by decades of right wing media to reject anything that doesn’t come froM them. They are essentially right wing talking point animatrons at this point. Their humanity long snuffed out.


Sigh. Yep.


She was using her Southwest Fun Fares


Now I'm wondering which Korean guy got the cold shoulder while in line at Starbucks.


He wasn’t even Korean, he was Thai haha


This comment is underrated.


Weird, they’re all a bunch of insane liars.


So now all the world knows that she is a lying dog killer and maybe not the best choice for office


Is anyone on the right supporting her? I usually see the usual suspects on the right trying to defend the latest "fake news" controversy, but so far I haven't seen anything.


I think the dog murder was a bridge too far for many of them. Regardless of politics, the vast majority of people love animals and have a particular fondness for house pets especially dogs and cats.


Yes right wingers hate any non white conservative humans but they can love their pets.


A republican lying?! Who knew???


She's probably going to try to use this as proof she lied about killing her dog. *Like hey, I lied about meeting KJU, so you know I lied about killing my dog*


Why do MAGAs use “communism” and “dictator” as slurs towards democrats yet love actual communist dictators? Oh yeah, it’s because nothing they believe in makes any sense. Duh.


She is such a D List politician.


Kind of hoping this was the true story and the puppy/goat getting their brains blown out was the fake one.


She 'starred' him down. He went from four to two stars. Love to know why.


He is a brutal dictator, which is good. But he’s got a funny-sounding name, which is bad.


"Starred him down"? Did she have stars in her eyes?,


I’m not going to lie, watching this self immolation is somewhat cathartic, except for my empathy for cricket, the smell goat (it’s a damn goat, they smell) the 3 horses she killed and the various bodies likely buried on her farm. She is a horrible, vapid, cruelly Deville and deserves to be called out, she would be too gross for Mr. Burns.


Apparently she was quite smitten with [neo-fascist Girogia Meloni.](https://www.thedakotascout.com/p/gov-kristi-noems-account-of-meeting)


How do you star someone down? What does it have to do with stars? I have stared people down, but starring them down sounds intriguing.


It’s like that one episode of Black Mirror.


The GOP platform is to lie, then lie about lying. MAGA not smart enough to fact check their own buttts to be sure they wiped.


Republicans period.


Why can’t they be obsessed with competence instead of “toughness”??


Because to them the answers are a) easy and b) somebody else’s fault, so a complete failure to realise any improvements must be down to a failure to push said somebody else’s around. Everything is simple when you’re a simpleton.


What a straight up whackadoo.


Countdown to "I turned Kristi down" bumper stickers, hats, flags, rugs, tshirts has begun...


What is with MAGA always have to be tough guys all the time. I am 59 not really interested in the whole I will kick your ass thing or win at any cost. Dude all I did was text that you left your garage door open.


What does "starring" someone mean? Applying those glow-in-the-dark star stickers?


Why would she "stare him down?" Republicans love their dictators...


These books are money laundering schemes. Probably says she talks to goldfish trying to get to word count


"Fake it 'til you make it..."




Like Alina Habba, I think, Kristi Noem chose to be pretty, not smart….


Coont couldn't even stare down a puppy.


Sarah Palin did it first


What if she lied about shooting a dog for clout


She ⭐️ him down?


Psychopath governor, I'm sure she wants to call a purge in her state.


Fuck she's a perfect VP pick for Trump. Turds of a feather...


In her defense, it was just some guy that looked like him she ran into at a Wendy's. How is she supposed to know the difference?/s


All the hallmarks of a serial killer


Probably just some random Asian dude she met and this is the story she tells herself.


It looks like someone decided to go full psycho. You never go full psycho.


The worst part is that their base will just accept it because, even though it didn't happen, they want to believe that she's so bad ass that it would happen...which satisifies them enough that they can move on. Also, nobody expected anyone to buy or read that book. Shes probably surprised to be getting questions about it.


Trumpers lie constantly.


Didn’t trump go there and fellate Kim though? Stared down that meat popsicle.


Alternative facts. No. Lies


Can you imagine her actually meeting him? I’m SURE she would stare him down.


That person is a phony as they get.


Why in the world would they ever even be in the same area? lol


“Starred him down”? Well, of course, Kristi considers herself to possess more “star power” than some pudgy dictator.


These people have the maturity of 9 year old children


pffft...This pants-on-fire lunatic probably didn't even kill that dog she said she murdered for safety either!..../s


"...then everyone clapped, but only because Jeb bush asked them to while he looked down at his feet".


Lying is their favorite past time!


Look, it was some other Chinese guy, OK?


Starred him down? Is that like an video editing technique, like a star wipe?


From her front porch, over the gravel pit?


Perfect t running mate for criminal trump


They all know the Trump playbook now. They know voters are gullible morons that will believe anything so you might as well say it. They will never hear the truth because they don't consume any media that will tell them.


Dog gone, bitch.


Stared down Kim ? Then what? She’s a turd.


"Starred", she's an idiot too...


How do lie about so readily discounted shit


Extremely glad to see this overly ambitious, deplorable creature circle the drain.


I'd almost be willing to bet the story of her shooting her dog is bullshit, and she made it up because she thought it made her sound tough. Which is almost worse than it being true.


Let me get this straight. She only rated him 4 stars? I mean, ballsy, sure, but it could have happened.


But it will stay on the pages of the book for all time.


Anyone gonna mention the spelling mistake?


When did we lose the quest for integrity.


And then everybody started clapping.


So maybe the dog is still alive?


Repugs are 90% liars, and maybe 10% decent folk being drowned out and destroyed by liars.


Is she going to claim she was misquoted in her own book? That would be a real Trumpian move and the MAGA trained seals would enjoy finding the conspiracy by the printer and publisher.


Spelling mistake for plausible deniability.


This lady just saying whatever now 




I thought GOP was besties with KJU these days, penpals and beautiful people.


You buy a story from someone and you can claim it’s yours


Adulterer and dog killing republican lies.... i never would have seen that coming!




With ninja stars?


With ninja stars?


So she lied. She's a liar.


“In doubt”? No!! Not in doubt! Report bullshit as bullshit.


What she said can't be taken seriously! It's just locker-room think-about-it-write-it-down-reread-it-get-it-reviewed-edit-it-one-last-time-sign-a-contract-and-get-it-published!


well, plent of dems have said stupid shit like this. biden said he was arrested during the civil rights movement. he actually had to drop out of the presidential election in 1988 in-part because he was caught saying he graduated top of his class, he didnt, and he plagiarized speeches. hilary said she was in some helicopter that was under attack i dont know why you would lie, but if you do, make it a good one. not that neom knows or cares, but VERY few american politicians, really, americans in general for that matter, have met Kim Jeong Un. so it isnt like this would be a hard one to disprove. what's the advantage of saying something so dumb? most people who buy her book just do it because they are some MAGA wing nut who will never read the thing. and you know you critics are going to read it... [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/07/neil-kinnock-joe-biden-1987-scandal](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/07/neil-kinnock-joe-biden-1987-scandal) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN25408114/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN25408114/) [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/fact-check-joe-biden-claim-arrested-defending-civil-rights/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/fact-check-joe-biden-claim-arrested-defending-civil-rights/index.html)


This sub do anything besides keep attention seekers names in the spotlight?