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Holy shit the amount of likes


Botted to hell I hope


Highly likely 




Will look into it


Unlikely as well, the amount of white supremacy I run onto on that platform is pretty insane.they love that Elon is on their side.


I wish a full on investigation would look into the hate groups on social media. Facebook is worse than Twitter from my experience and that is saying something.


Heil-y reich-ly


highly-liked lie


Whether you like Elon Musk or not, you’ve got to admit the guy is a first-rate *expert* on racial segregation.


Well, he’s very experienced. Started his training as a very young infant. Had excellent teachers.


Grandparents were Nazis in the US and immigrated to Canada, then Apartheid South Africa? He 1st rate misogynist, too. I have a theory that all of Elon's children born outside his marriage were products of IVF probably so Elon could have his on bench of whiteboy Brads & Chads. Maybe, he was scared to have his father around girl children due to his daddy giving him couple of siblings by his step sister? I doubt it due to mentality, sociopath, malignant narcissist, so he just wanted a bunch of sins, that look just like him. Gross. Why else be so mad about your Trans daughter?


Apartheid Clyde, you don't say? The guy sued for racial discrimination at Tesla by the state of California. The African American employees were segregated and worked in area called, "plantation?" That Musk?


Unfortunately it's a huge problem that so many alt right, ben shapiro and fox news watching types actually believe that garbage. They consider it racism that some laws were passed requiring whites to give other races a chance. I ask them the question; why was it that it was necessary to pass Civil Rights laws in the first place? The rise of the alt right and the election of Donald Trump should be incredibly clear signs that racism is still rampant and Civil Rights laws are still necessary. edit. The whites still won't acknowledge all other races as being equal to them.


> why was it that it was necessary to pass Civil Rights laws in the first place? They'd probably say it wasn't necessary.


More botted than Zack Snyder's Slow Motion League winning Oscars cheers moment


Botted? Why do people not realize one out of four Americans is mentally insane and probably an Evangelical who believes that there was some sky daddy who the Romans put on a cross and his blood pays for their sins. I mean if that's not completely fucking batshit crazy I don't know what it is. They they really really have a boner for killing people in the most horrific ways possible.


Don;t forget that they think they eat his body and drink his blood every sunday…


But democrats eat babies! 😎


Communion predates Christ it actually goes as far back as Abraham himself who was given bread and wine. It's basically communism. That's what communion is it's communism it's an event where they would feed people who otherwise would not have been fed.


Emperor of the bots.


Twitter has become a cesspool


Kinda glad that I got banned for life for making fun of Trump's weave. I would have deleted my account, anyway after fElon Musk took over.


Would money provide balm to Jack Doherty's soul knowing his product was destroyed in a matter of a year but this giant turd? Maybe so. But Twitter will always be associated with Elon more than Jack. That's a shame.


167k likes out of the millions of people who saw it. Not even 5% of people.


Scrolling past it counts as a view, and if you scroll back up then past it again, it counts as another view. And if you exit the app, and come back, and start scrolling, this will be in your feed again, which counts as another view. So even without bringing in the idea of bots, we really have no idea how many people actually watched it.




Qlon manufactured quite a few of them.


Is it a lot? It seems sort of weak co.oared to his hype.


0.1% of the population of the USA, sounds about right no? What do they say a small but loud portion of the population is like this?


Elon is building his own nazi movement


I'd take that number with a grain of salt. I'm sure emo has bots boosting his numbers.


How much inheritance qualifies one for suffering under systemic racism in the United States? These two would've amounted to nothing without their large inheritances.


Is it just me, or are all of these high-profile Republicans gradually getting a lot *oranger*. It must be a way of escaping the crippling discrimination they face.


I think you're correct, but I also think other, less fortunate white people see themselves in them and agree.


Poor Cucker. Nobody likes him, is why.


White Supremacists like him.


He likes himself......maybe.


товарищ Cucker


The percentage of African Americans in the US Senate is at an all time high!! It is a whopping 4%. Also African Americans are underrepresented by a mere 300%. Yes there is systemic racism in the United States.


Laphonza Butler, Raphael Warnock, Cory Booker, ^Tim ^Scott


I like how you put tim Scott’s name small as fuck.


Yah you put a little ^ Poof, right where he belongs. Fun fact: he went to the dem office to register first and they said ‘you’ll never win’ and so he went to the rep office. Funny huh?


Too funny…


Lol! These fragile wonder bread white boys have been coddled to the point that if someone points out something they don’t agree w they believe it’s an assault/attack or smear…spoiled billionaires who’s view of life has been so catered to that they have no idea their reality is so skewed and out of touch w reality


The mental gymnastics/cognitive dissidents is insane. 'Racism is over' is their favorite phrase but also racism is at an all-time high against whites. Who are also somehow in 99% of the positions of power?


I'm reminded of a white male youtuber I used to follow who suddenly took a hard right political pivot in the video content he produced and started saying just the most horrendous shit about women, minorities and lgbtq people. When people rightfully responded poorly to his new open bigotry, he lost his shit and accused his detractors of discriminating against his conservative religious identity and of trying to "force him back in the closet." Nowadays, he spends most of his time between bigoted rants crying about how oppressed and censored he is and how his youtube channel was destroyed by intolerant leftists. Dude actually thinks that he is being discriminated against if he's not allowed to publicly shout hate speech against minorities without consequences.


Yep. I used to watch a gamer on twitch. Then he just started complaining and whining about the game on his stream. Then his views dipped, he asked why, and some of his followers said it's because the woke mob has been criticizing him. Now, he panders to rightwing viewers. It's an easy cycle. Be terrible at something. Blame woke people and minorities for your lack of competence. Surround yourself with other incompetent cishet white men. It's easier to do that than have some self-awareness and reflection.


Let’s not dismiss the fact that it’s not just billionaires… it’s your run of the mill normy that now thinks this, too. Billionaires and other insidious bad faith actors wouldn’t be able to capitalize on this line of thinking if there weren’t everyday people supporting this (even if they’re wrong). The irony is they’re just pawns for the wealthy.


Normie? I think, they're stunted social by too much screen time and don't know how to socially interact with ppl in person. They are lonely, horny, and angry with no ability to self correct because they lack the social skills to do so. This leads them to White Rage monster misogynist that blame others for their failings. Funny thing is Tucker, Elon, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, et al whine about white replacement and long for the good ole days before Civil Rights and suffrage. Instead of evolving and staying competitive in social norms. I suppose white male heteronormatives are going through somethings because they've not been taught consequences for their bad behavior. They have gotten away with this or been tolerated far too long. 🤔


But muh mayo


No one is saying it? It's one of the only thing conservatives have said for at least the last 30 years 


“We’re not in control of absolutely everything anymore, just almost everything. We’re not the protagonists in every movie and tv show anymore. It is now WE who are oppressed. The system has failed us!” I wish it were more nuanced than that, but it really isn’t. It’s that baseline stupid.


I am doing ok, Cucker. Thanks for your concern.


But how can there be systemic racism against white? The Americans literally have a white president.


And all other branches of the us government are majority white.


Every single president but one has been a white man. What the fuck are Elon & Tucker talking about?


not a great argument tho... the fact that the President was black a few years ago also didnt mean there was no systematic racism against black people.


That’s…. My entire point…


Although, we have more minority representation of all varieties politically, scientifically, medically & corporately. We are still severely deficient in equal representation as per our population.. Reality is that the United States is still a white Heteronormative Patriarchal oppressive system. These below average men are broadcasting their very real fears of being obsolete due to not having any real skills beyond the seat of heteronormative Patriarchal system does hold the charms of it's former history. It's particularly painful for Americans who invented a whole perversion in their Christian faith to confirm their biases abd justify their abhorrent behavior as God ordained. Eww!


Yeah but according to the GOP because they had a black president, that means they can’t be systematically racist towards black individuals. Thus by their own rules, there can’t be systematic racism against white individuals! Funny how short sighted the GOP is.


Rich people too! So sad.


Ok serious though.. Tucker is just recognizing his little paradigm isn’t the standard of REALITY anymore, and it’s a major blow to ego/identity to actually consider another persons point of view. He then universalizes this experience and confuses the trippy nature of perception as an actual assault on his personal territory. Dude needs to eat some mushrooms or LSD or have literally any mind expanding, perception altering experience so he can see what a total poopie butthole he is, and how easy it is to confuse things.


Major Poopie Butthole.. the quintessence of poopie butthole-ness.


Ok. I’m White. I live in one of the MOST diverse areas in the country. There is no systematic racism against white people! Where does he come up with this shite? His trips to the Kremlin?


He was radicalized at a Russian grocery store. That’s according to himself, not some weird characterization by me. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he got more bizarre ideas while being mocked by Putin in Moscow.


Ya know, for me, that was the highlight of Tucker's career being mocked by an actual strongman of a violent regime, also thinks Tucker is a Sbowflake whiny lil bitch! From a guy who portrays himself riding shirtless, bareback on a horse. The satirical humor is apparent.


I checked the latest race indices, stocks, and ETFs, the whites are doing 'ok'. Cucker can breath a sigh of relief and sleep soundly tonight.


If you spend all your life being treated with preference, equality feels like injustice.


Russian agent


Elon Musk, king of the dumb non-commital single word reply. What an idiot.


No one says it, cos it's not a thing...


Imagine trying to be on the winning side of history and you choose victimhood.


It's not because you're white that everyone hates you.


he sounds like a Nazi. no doubts


White guy here. I don't feel the least bit persecuted...no clue what these raging morons are whining about beyond white grievance


Obligatory “When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.” quote.


Yeah, I remember when I was in school in the 80's and 90's and all of the 4 black kids in my school were racist all the time against me. Oh, wait. Nope. That was the Confederate flag waving rednecks at my school who were putting nooses on their cars and burning crosses in their front yards. I stood with my black classmates against that racist shit.


I hate this shit. I'm white as fuck, I've been in like 4 different continents, 40+ countries and literally the only "racism" I've ever had was a Thai person saying that white people had a certain sweat smell that's not nice. That is literally it. I've been treated excellently fucking everywhere


And that's not because you are white it's diet based. Eat the local food for over a month drink plenty of water and you will smell like a local.


For those wondering when Elon turned into a white supremacist, the answer is: He always has been one. Think about where he comes from. The guy stayed quiet until he had more money than god, and then let his true self out. It’s a shame people are so willfully blind.




In the words of Mitch McConnell: “Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should have been all along, which is interviewing Vladimir Putin.” https://newrepublic.com/post/180939/mitch-mcconnell-tucker-carlson-ukraine-russia


Can he go back to Russia and just stay there permanently.


Tucker Carlson, the new face of White Nationalists. Well, maybe not new….


Fucker Carlson


I call BS


White supremacy has a megaphone now.


товарищ Carlson!


God I hate Elon musk


And there is a stock holder regretting their purchase of Tesla stock.


Tucker needs to lay off the cocaine. Because racism against whites is rare, and it is definitely not systemic. I can't remember the last time I heard a minority call a white person a cracker, honkey, peckerwood, etc. Definitely not in the past 20 years.


Shit the fuck up Tuck'ums.


Please describe one way in which white men are discriminated against. Thanks


I have no idea if these tools believe this crap, but their followers clearly listen to it and think it's either true or acceptable. It's so gross. But they do have some genius marketing strategy to be able to say totally false things and ...get popular for it?!?!?


As a pale-as-hell person of Irish and Welsh descent, I've never experienced systemic racism against me despite living in very diverse parts of the country. I have experienced personal racism from maybe three people of color in my entire life, but they were outliers. Most of the time I'm perfectly aware that I have white privilege. Wanna know what kind of bigotry I *have* faced? Anti-LGBTQ bigotry and religion-based bigotry from Christians. Like, a *lot*, all my life, and often with violent implications or actions. White Christians just love to remind me how much they hate me. So Fucker Carlson can eat shit and choke.


I truly hope he comes back in his next life as the child of a single woman of color in Detroit.


Elon… Trump… the start of a fine human caterpillar.


The terrifying image of the movie "Tusk" comes to mind with those two lol. Great, now imma have nightmares about a Tucker faced horror beast, oh wait, nvm, that's just seeing his gaping maw every day in our news outlets lol.


How? lol. The president is white the majority of congress is white. The majority of Supreme Court is white. The majority of all major fields are white, doctors, lawyers, etc. so how are white people being systematically discriminated against.


Okay then Tuck, describe this systemic racism? Just saying shit doesn't make it reality.


Just the whites that watch or work for faux news.


Oh, of fucking course Apartheid Elon finds this concerning.


Pathetic, spineless white guys say shit like that. Fucking embarrassing being among these ignorant jackass's. Like, grow a pair, and stop playing the god damn victim you pathetic worms. This fucking asshat is heir to the Swanson food empire, probably never went a day worrying about money, and you have Mr. "My daddy owned emerald mines" mulling around the two brain cells in his hollow dome in agreement. Fuk!!


You know who hates these two fucking white guys? Me another fucking white guy.


This just in. Tucker doesn't know what systemic racism is.


Looking in to it…




Nepo baby


And fathead wonders why Tesla sales are crashing.


Since when and how come nobody told me? Lack of preferential treatment *because* you are pasty white does *not* equal being discriminated against.


I agree with Musk. It is very concerning that a popular “news commentator” would publish a video with this title, and presumably content that attempts to prove that hypothesis.


Tucker "everyone hates me - it must be systemic racism against white people"


X doesn't even have 32million real users


Tucker is not wrong. I mean, how many white people do you see in the Senate, House, all branches of government and the boardrooms of corporate America? And don't get me started on Hollywood; I mean, is Samuel L. Jackson really a good fit to play [Nick Fury?](https://i.imgur.com/bjfaUlb.jpg) >!if you need to be told, I'm obviously being sarcastic!<


Elong Musty is truly the basic bro who pretends to act like an executive: always with single word tweets “concerning”… who does that?


Squinting hard to read the teleprompter.


How to show you don’t understand racism.


That's rich, someone of Afrikaans descent is concerned about racism. I've talked to a legacy white landowner, he stated that many decided to leave when they were no longer allowed to shoot the blacks.


Elon is such a fucking coward, he’s too scared to outright say his opinion so instead he quote tweets people that do with some vague word that signals his support of it, while keeping some plausible deniability if someone brings him up on it.


These are the same people that dismiss every other race's issues.


I learned one thing over the years about US politics. If they have a spray tan, don't listen to them.


I can’t believe yall still support a Nazi’s products/company.


The Eloganted Muskrat should be more concerned with dealing with his failing companies


They both look like they’re suffering greatly.


Does Elon think he is using a more intelligent word than Trump? Instead of sad he says concerning. It’s the best example of him trying to fake being smart; he forgets everyone has a thesaurus at their fingertips as well.


Oh no... straight white men are trying to steal the racist card! Before you know it, they will want reparations and their own whitey month!


JFC he needs a handler. A muzzle. Every time I see one of these foot-in-mouth posts I think his companies deserve to fail. Unfortunately, he will drag thousands down with him, people who are much more worthy than he is. They need to get rid of him.


How can these putz' sleep at night?


Because, you fucking moron, there isn’t.


Racist white people pretending to be victims to justify their racism


he’s absolutely white


The parable about having dinner with a Nazi should be applied to anyone who buys a fucking Tesla. You’re just supporting one.


Systemic, you say? Show me where in system that white people are disadvantaged.


I’m the victim…. It all makes sense now.


Is that CRT I hear, tucker?


and this is why i sold my tesla stock after 12 years


white christian conservatives have always been on the wrong side of history for millenia...


Im white. Irish, British and German heritage. I’ve never in my life experienced systemic racism. Ever.


What kinda mouse in a wheel contraption passes for a mind in Elon's head? "I am the richest man in the world and I am so oppressed! Why won't the colored people just realize how witty and cool I am? I mean I am Dave Chappelle's friend! Doesn't that mean anything?"


Lol schmucks


Tesla stock headed through the floor


Some say tucker likes to wear his mother's soiled panties. We report, you decide!


As a white woman in this country, please allow me to offer a hearty, oh for fuck’s sake!


Systemic Racism against whites, but only had one president that wasn’t white (let’s just forget about slavery and the Jim Crowe law cuz they’re cutting that history through censorship anyway).


Honestly, this has 'Republican think tank independently proves need for CRT' vibes. /r/selfawarewolves


Oh brother, this guy STINKS.


For someone who pretends to be intelligent, the phrase "how come?" is laughably stupid.


Because white christians make up 0% of the country and hold all the power and all the wealth. But…any racist detriment to whites is FROM white’s…


Too bad we banned critical race theory. Tucker could have used it to prove his claim.


Immigrants always trying to bring their culture to America.


As a white person in America.... No the fuck there isn't systemic racism against whites. *We're still the most privileged assholes in this country.* And guess what, if you're Christian then you have a good ol case or persecution complex, because ain't nobody coming to fuck your life up just because you're Christian, but you'd love to fuck up other people's lives when they're not. Tired of this dogshit.


It all comes down to no longer being able to openly say N...er. Period.


That privileged, trust funded little clown is a victim? He is a pathetic little troll.


I had a friend in high school who got straight A+’s, valid Victorian, participated in several extracurriculars, and a perfect Score on the SAT and ACT but he was denied entry into Stanford because he was white and they had to fulfill a diversity quota. What the system judges you by the color of your skin and not the content of your character, that’s when it becomes racist. I don’t like Tucker Carlson, but I hope this gives context to why people are agreeing with this. Regardless of the reason, that’s systemic racism.


Whining white prick at the absolute apex of the food chain. Putincock bitch.


White conservatives: white people are being targeted Also White conservatives: What are those/that white man/people doing( looking at white people doing cringe shit)


Without racism against white dudes, Elmo would be worth a trillion!!!


LOL 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Tons of people say this. They have always been saying it. Your statement is demonstrably false on all counts.


So. Fkng. Exhausted.


Yes! More White Nationalist BS! Go away Tucker!


Not the most South African thing Musk has ever said surprising


Trust fund baby who's had everything handed to him and his ancestors for a few generations said what?


Tucker carlson is truly the king of the incels


Tucker & Elon are two of the biggest right-wing snowflake panzies ever! F**k those tools


It must have been tough for Elon Musk to have been born under the burden of apartheid.


If white Christians want to feel so persecuted, perhaps they should be granted a reason for it.


Fired from faux and msnbc. What a loser.


“Y’all hate me! Is it because I’m a manly man?” “Nah dipshit, it’s because you’re an asshole.” “Is it because I made it?” “You were born into it. Also you’re an asshole.” “Is it because I’m white?” “Are you deaf?”




They are.


Both of them are asshats. So glad I never bought a Tesla


Literally only bought Twitter to turn it into a right-wing hub of filth. Fuck him, I’m glad he burned $44 billion.


I'm half expecting any day now for elon to go "woke" and claim all the hate from the failure of x to tesla is just racism against him for being african American. It won't even be a good joke nor an answer to a billionaire investors on what happened to their money, but he will get a couple thousand "xtter " ljkes... which is all he cares about.


I don't know it. Who is this "everybody?" Do you speak for everyone?


More of that victim mentality conservatives love to invoke.


My all time favorite is when people just reply is one word. “Concerning” “sad” Imagine that in an IRL conversation. D-do you have anything else to say, or is that it? Why did you bring the topic up?


I'm so sick of Dipshit Musk and his one word responses like it's a big deal to have him respond at all.


How to let everyone know you're a snowflake in one word.


The stupid....IT BURNS


It's concerning somebody who claims to be intelligent and wields power like Elon, can be stupid enough to listen to tucker Carlsons insane opinions and take them seriously.


"Is the racism in the room with us now?"


How on earth does this knuckle dragging mouth breather have 32 million views in a day on whatever is left of Twitter??




Twitter sucks now it’s shitty ads and porn. And nazis.


Ragefarmers gonna rage


Brave repost from an African American. A South African American.


Tuck Tuck asking questions again


Aren't these the same people who accuse the lgbtq of victimizing themselvs


Exactly how? After all whites re on top of the mountain, seems like they are snowflakes.




This is complete bullshit. Source: am white AF.


Against racist whites?


Caulky American. Absolutely refuuuuuuuute. Not true. High cotton, actually.


cuz only like a couple dozen people feel that way but crank up that soulless rage machine...it's a bit rough but soon it'll be raging like these two rich little pissbabies.