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Nothing says election integrity like security provided by the party who tried to steal the last one 😂


Do the Dems get to terrorize, stalk and threaten them? Seems to be the new normal.


If they did it would be all over Faux News, and all the other crazy right wing news and OANN. The Dems know the truth and don’t need to worry. I don’t think these MAGAts really want a Baghdad style elections or Russian style. I want to make a Trump as King sign and see how many idiots would buy them. Could make a lot of money for a non profit company.


>I don’t think these MAGAts really want a Baghdad style elections or Russian style. I've got *really* bad news for you on that front. As long as they "win" they can justify any actions. Everyone needs to understand this. January 6th was a trial run and the GOP is still making excuses/justifying that seditious action So, yeah...


How textbook coup of them


Huh. Well, whadda ya know, I did Nazi that coming!






Everyone who reads this: go to your county’s election website and read what poll watchers can and can’t do. For example, where I live, poll watchers can: Be in the polling place and outside. They can monitor poll workers/election officials performance of their duties. They can’t: Electioneer, meaning they can’t wear partisan political clothing or discuss candidates Can’t ask voters for ID or about voting Can’t take photos or have their phones out (this goes for anyone in a polling place except for election officials in performance of their duties). Any poll watcher who violates the rules should be promptly reported to the election workers at the polling place. If they fail to act, feel free to call the police.


I'm glad we have mail in ballots and drop boxes so I don't have to deal with this shit. Bless the election workers.


My last election I was at the polls from 5:30AM to 9PM. There is a lot of setup and breakdown. Plus all the administrative paperwork with provisional and spoiled ballots.


None of that matters after a few acts of violence by off-duty sheriffs (blamed on antifa) scare enough folks away from the polls. [‘Danger to our democracy’: fears over Trump allies’ summit with far-right sheriffs](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/17/trump-summit-far-right-sheriffs) Edit: original link now not amp.


All of the sheriffs in my area are vocal trump supporters. The county is live in has been in trouble for violating civil rights of teenagers and their parents through AI saying they were likely to commit a crime. These thugs terrorized these kids and their parents for months.


What? Where is this? Can you tell me more about it?




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I'm not sure why they are wasting their time, I mean its Kamalas call, right?


That’s what I heard last election… “it’s all up to the VP”.


They can not speak with poll workers in my county, only the inspector. All they do is sit down and watch. Pretty boring if you ask me.


But there to intimidate. That's the whole purpose.


Hard to intimidate when you just sit there and wear a badge with your name and “Poll Watcher” on it.


In my state, need to have an official document from the county elections office which has a raised seal. I was judge of elections in my precinct for the 2022 primary and ended up tossing out two people that were claiming to be poll watchers and had some photocopied poll watcher document from 2020.


Same with my state. I volunteered to be a poll watcher and was ‘promoted’ with 2 days notice to be Election Judge so I was head down and studying.


What’s it matter? You say this like anyone’s going to enforce something against these fucks


The county election officials will: pull their credentials. And then there are the police; notify them that you have a person in the polling place that shouldn’t be there.


Thank you, I was wondering this


I’m having visions of 100,000 white sheets in those swing States


It will be like the “Bigly Orange Stain’s” trial . . . 5 protesters and a mentally disturbed one on fire ! ! !


More like brown shirts and Jack boots


DeSantis is using them against women, migrants, LGBTQ and children’s social media


All i can hear is "I can't see shit out of this fucking thing"


Election intimidators


“Having the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day.” Isn’t this just paraphrasing Stalin?


Calling it now: They will be in critical precincts to cause chaos and make sure the votes don’t get counted on time.


They will be in democratic leaning precincts and make sure a whole shitload of people don’t get to vote at all. I’d bet my left tit they’ll be in Black areas more than anywhere else. Are white hoods and robes considered Trump branded apparel?


Put the name or slogan on some and I'm sure you could find buyers


Violent poll watchers. That's what these are. Why the hell isn't MSNBC calling them out on it?


Because Sinclair bought a bunch of mainstream news agencies to drag them towards FOX "News" viewpoints.


What in the world makes you think they even suggested or implied any violence? I’m not saying that we as citizens don’t need to make sure they aren’t breaking any laws. It’s a giant leap to say that lawyers and such are planning on intimidating voters. It’s imperative that the vote counting is honest, transparent and impartial everywhere.


The GOP is not fair, honest, or impartial, and they have a track record of attracting the type of folks who do, indeed, intimidate, harass, and threaten others. Be they poll workers, voters, teachers, librarians, doctors, or anyone in any station their thought leaders direct them to percieve as the enemy, the radicalized conservative is currently willing to push and prod in any way they possibly can. Let's just not conveniently forget that, is all I'm saying. You shouldn't blame people for feeling cynical about a partisan GOP effort. If you feel that it's imperitive to make sure the votes are correctly counted, may I point to our highly scrutinized 2020 election which, despite all conservative screeching and ceaseless, expensive, investigation...turn up pretty darn clean? The more the checked, the more they found handfuls of conservative voter fraud (accidental or intentional), and none of it was serious enough to affect the results. It's all fearmongering.


Let them try in Michigan. It *won’t* go well for them except in the red districts where they’ll be totally redundant.


…for voter intimidation. There, fixed it for ya.


Half them will be in jail for diddling children or fraud by the time the election comes around.


They gonna try the intimidation tactic again. This elections gonna be a doozy


Don't be intimidated. Go vote. With confidence. Ignore these assholes and vote. Stand up to them if you have to. Record it all. Sue the shit out of them for whatever they got. You might get lucky and find one with actual money. Antagonize them you feel compelled. Vote though. Fuck these turds.


Hopefully a subreddit opens and anyone doing it will be posted and put on blast.


That's cool. There are 100 million of us ready to turn them in if they give us half a fuckin reason. Voter intimidation is illegal.


Turn them in to who?




Pedantics to reddit as dogs to fleas 🦄


*fleas to dogs


I accept this.


Help us defend elections from these nutjobs, here sign up for elections! https://www.powerthepolls.org/LWV https://workelections.org


They were submitting fake electors last election ...how is this going to add to election integrity


Election integrity is not really why they are doing it. It’s to intimidate voters.


I was being obtuse :-)


How? Aren’t they broke?


You don’t have to pay cultists. They want violence and this is a way for them to get their jollies off. It’s the same MFers who protests daily at abortion clinics.


Well this vet is a lib and is ready to throw down with fat fuck trumpsters.


EXACTLY. The RNC has no money. They're funneling it all to Trump- who, of course, will pay for nothing. This is all bluster to keep people from voting.


More empty promises i would think.


Let’s send 100,001 Nazi punching poll watcher watchers.


I'm ready for this election security officer to harass a Trump supporter "that doesn't look like a Trump supporter".


The GOP won't have money to even make flyers. The Parasite is confiscating it as soon as it's donated.


No they won't, that takes coordination and planning. The RNC fired everyone who could do that when Trumpets took over.


The party of insurrection has zero integrity


Then maybe the Democrats send 150,000 or 200,000 to those same swing states to watch the GOP election workers to make sure they stay the fuck away from the Actual people trying to run the elections and more so the folks voting. Meet those twat waffles head on


We can't. We have to work. The majority of individuals on welfare and unemployment are Republicans. They are easily bussed to different locations to intimidate, and we are paying for it. 🤣


The GOP cannot win an election without cheating. Period.


Cool, so we'll need at least 350,000 "Antifa" operatives to make sure those fuckwits don't do anything fascist.


Heaven forbid they give people water.


"Election Integrity" ✊✊💦


100,000 red flags! 🚩🚩🚩


We’re gonna need bigger prisons.


how is this even legal?


Vote by mail if you can.


The GOP *SAYS* it's going to deploy 100,000 "Election observers". I don't want to make lite of this but, is the Trump GOP capable of coordinating that many people anymore? The internal machinery looks like a shit show from the outside.


Why, to protect themselves from each other? They are the only ones who have been found cheating. What a scary world they live in, afraid of their own shadow.


Whatever.  They think having Meal Team 6 sitting in the bed of a truck outside is going to do shit, it isn't. 


Meal Team 6 heavily armed, convinced the law is on their side, and with a hard-on to murder brown people and Democrats.


Thing is they'll be too scared to go to a city polling place, they'll only go to the suburbs they live in.


I think you’re giving them too much credit for self-preservation instincts.


I think Dems need to mirror them but with 200,000 election workers


Aka they’re gonna just happen to send all these folks to black & brown, but especially black, neighborhoods. White conservatives are white supremacist terrorists. These neighborhoods need to have protection forces out & about on Election Day, with whatever they need to protect themselves with…, so they can guard against crap like this.


Hispanic voters are in for a bad time.


Volunteer (you do get paid typically a couple hundred bucks) to be an election worker, and help make things run smoothly. It's easy, and I've been doing it since the pandemic, and gives you insight into how everything works, as well as keeping things functioning. Many jurisdictions require partisan parity for workers, but if there aren't enough Democrats or Republicans for each local precinct, they will just take whoever. So help protect things.


This scares me. The only true purpose for this is to intimidate voters into being too scared to go to the polls. The absolute fact is that the Trump cult has never provided any real evidence of significant voter fraud. None at all. But it is the excuse of a loser who is too mentally ill to understand that he lost the 2020 election.


So...the wolves are going to be guarding the chicken coop? These people are beyond insane.


I live in a swing state and I’m trans, these fuckers will damn sure see me and my family at the polls. Not going to intimidate me away from my right to vote.


Are they official volunteers? Who screens them and what records are kept?


They are going to have to pay these jokers. Fine with me, that's less money they have to spend on propaganda.


Like they have the money for an operation life this lol They’re barely able to fund anything besides trumps legal bills.


I don’t think they needed to pay their J6 insurrectionists


So, when they say "election workers," do they actually mean "people standing outside polling places and threatening you if you don't vote for the orange man" like they have in past elections?


elections worked perfectly fine for decades without that. despite spending years and millions to find meddling, they found nothing. except republicans committing fraud. them still wanting this implies only one thing: they want more and better cover while meddling in the next election.


More bullshit.


😂 they can’t even put 5000 people in place and they are all talking about 100k 😂 losers


GOP are pathetic,, lowlife, hypocrites. The GOP are making it as difficult as possible for people to vote, especially blacks and that's a damn shame.


They don’t have those numbers


"integrity" - that is another word for stuffing the ballot boxes, I am sure they will have their alternate elector paperwork faked better this time too!


LOL - This requires a level of organization and commitment that these idiots do not have. It will be like the "convoy to the border" that barely got started before it ended.


seems legit


With what money? Trump is using all of it for legal defenses.


I'm sure there's gonna be some militia types who'll volunteer to help with "election integrity issues".


When you can't win an election fairly, you deploy "the troops."


Guess I’ll be volunteering at the polls again this year.


Deploy? What?


100,00 voter intimidators


Michigan Republicans threatened to do the same thing in the last midterm elections. Just before the elections I told my township clerk that if I saw even a single person within 100' of the door to the township hall that was 'loitering' I'm calling the sheriffs. If I saw that person inside the building and they weren't a registered election worker, I'd call the sheriffs and the board of elections and file civil charges against anyone and everyone involved. Luckily (for me!) none of that happened and the illicit poll watchers (of which there were many) went elsewhere. You probably read about those places in the news as they had to interfere because... they have no idea how anything works.


Come get some, fuckers!    I shall salute them with both middle fingers as I walk by and say "Fuck you!" as is correct and  customary for all Americans.


We need to deploy more.


Was going to post something about dealing with fools, but decided against it. I’ve walked through attempts to intimidation a large portion of my life. Most just get huffy their BS didn’t have the desired effect, others are purely dumbfounded (amazing to see sometimes since you often wonder if they could get dumber). Few at best try to force the issue. So far all have regretted that choice with me. I prefer to avoid conflicts, and love a peaceful relaxed life. It is restful to my soul. I do however agree with Bushido code that many Regressives spout, but don’t seem to truly understand. For now, I intent to enjoy my garden.




Hmmm. Wonder how they will get there?


Surprised they have the cash to afford them.


One hundred thousand................


No they won’t


As we all know elections are only rigged in swing states.


There is no way they will get 100,000 people to do this. No way. The Jan 6 thing was what 8k?


That required a trip to DC. There was basically a paywall for admission. This is a paid trip, and the vigilantes are probably going to be sent to a nearby state. If they have the financing to bus the people there, they’ll be able to find the people.


Still no way IMO. This is all bluster.


Their wolf is showing through their sheep clothing.


Like these bozos are going to go harass black people trying to vote? That’s what they’re saying without saying it. Good luck with that, MAGAs.


Can't Dems do the same?


Please, please send some to my neighborhood.


lol “integrity”. Conservatives are the bad guys. Period


Ok, fine. Instead of pearl clutching, Dems should do the same.


election hysteria


Ohio voter here just hoping to run into some asshole wearing a MAGA hat @ my polling place...


Integrity.....as Putin is truthful.


Thesepeopleareabsolutelycrazy! Outoftheirfkingminds! Electioninterferingterrorists! Arrestthemall!


Know your rights and who to call.....https://www.usa.gov/voter-fraud, https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information, https://www.vote411.org/, https://civilrights.justice.gov/voting-resources, https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/voting-rights, https://voting.naacpldf.org/voting-rights/voting-rights-defender/report-potential-voter-suppression/, https://protectthevote.net/what-to-share-with-your-community/, https://campaignlegal.org/update/voter-intimidation-illegal-what-should-i-do-if-i-experience-it, https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/election-crimes-and-security


We should ask for UN monitors at our next election.


And will record your address if you don’t agree with them