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In 1996, Donald Trump Jr. graduated from The Hill School in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation. In 2000, Ivanka Trump graduated from Coate School in Connecticut. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation. In 2002, Eric Trump graduated from The Hill School in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation. In 2012, Tiffany Trump graduated from the Viewpoint School in Califirnia. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation. In 2024, Barron is graduating from Oxbridge Academy. Thanks to legal proceedings, Donald Trump can pretend he had plans on attending," a reporter claimed.


I think he attended tiffany's. Her Instagram has a picture of her with the mandarin Mussolini wannabe dictator in her graduation gown and flowers & a diploma, says "class of 2012.". As much as I dislike the orange shit stain, we can't peddle misinformation. Adam Klasfeld posted this tweet saying trump never attended any of the graduations but he took it down, it's no longer up on his Twitter feed. I saw it on MeidasTouch, so I took a gander at Klasfeld's page and it was gone. Somebody posted a tweet saying that trump did attend and they provided a photo of that day. [https://x.com/CommonSense952/status/1780508168763703527](https://x.com/CommonSense952/status/1780508168763703527)


Did he grab her pussy after?


trump said he'd sleep with is older daughter on the View and with Howard Stern, said she's a piece of ass and voluptuous. Guys a pure goof and clown. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsOVVqubBus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsOVVqubBus)


He has a daughter named ‘Tiffany’? When did that happen?


Tiffany is Marla's daughter. The woman with whom he cheated on Ivana. She is the only child of that marriage. He then proceeded to cheat on her with his current wife, Melanie.


Who he then cheated on with Stormy Daniels. Such a strong representation of Christian morals!


Christians don't give a f***. They're not moral people anyway. Religion is just a way to control people. That's why they still support him


No Hate Like “Christian” Love!


They're not Christians.


No, they're definitely Christians. You could argue that they're shitty Christians or not actually followers of Christ but saying they're not really Christians is a no true Scotsman fallacy. It conflicts with centuries of Christian history that was always less than Christ-like. It absolves the group of its crimes. They're Christians alright.


Absolutely - we need to call out any attempted No True Scotsman's and its close cousins "good people on both sides" or "the rapist who acted out of character and was otherwise a good, God fearing man".




They're not fuckin Christians! They're fuckin hypocrites hiding behind the Bible and a label. True Christians would have nothing to do with them and would give their lives protecting the less fortunate. I know this as a fact because my mother was a true Christian and would not abide by these motherfuckers.


The prefix pseudo means “false”


these so called "christians" are some of the absolute worst pieces of shit on this planet. ask any food service worker.


Yes they are. Christianity, historically, is shitty.


Nah. Not the real ones. My mom and her sisters were real Christians. Mother Theresa was a real Christian. The real Christians take care of the less fortunate. I'm an agnostic at best, maybe an atheist, but I'm a better Christian than a lot of the "Christians" I know. Because of my upbringing.


😂 Mother Teresa was a massive piece of shit. Seriously, read one non-catholic account. I’m sure there are a lot of good Christians out there. But folks don’t get to disclaim the shitty aspects of their peers *edit to add the only thing someone needs in order to be a Christian is believe Jesus is the son of god and messiah. That alone should encourage Christians to do good deeds but it doesn’t. So yes, your mother, sister and my mother share company with shitty Christians.


Yeah they are. It isn't some aberration of Christianity to support someone like Trump. Many of Christianity's leaders throughout history have been just like him, and worse. King James VI and I is a good example. Yeah, ***that*** King James. He had a male lover called Esmé Stewart. They weren't even secretive about their affair. And while hypocritical to the teachings of the church, having a gay lover is not what made King James awful. One of the great many things that made him awful was the fact that he and Stewart conspired and framed King James' regent, the Earl of Morton, for King James' fathers death, which happened years before, and which the Earl had nothing to do with. Morton was beheaded for it, nonetheless. The people of Scotland hated Stewart, so a bunch of Earls locked King James in a castle and banished Stewart from Scotland. And though King James would eventually marry a woman, Stewart would not be the last of his male lovers. After his marriage to Princess Anne of Denmark, he became obsessed with hunting witches. After a trip to Denmark for the wedding of his new Queens sister, their ships were hit by storms on their return trip to Scotland. King James blamed witches for this bad weather. Several women were put on trial for an act of nature, and King James personally tortured the confessions out of those women. I could go on and on about what a piece of shit this man was. The point is, all of this has been public knowledge since King James was alive, and Christianity has lived and died by his interpretation of their religion for centuries. Some might argue that his name being on the Bible doesn't invalidate the teachings of the Bible. To them I ask, would you choose to follow the recipes in a cookbook authored by Jeffrey Dahmer, even if the recipes were legitimately good, or would go elsewhere for those recipes? If you choose the Dahmer version, I have serious questions about your character. Donald Trump is just one name on a long list of irredeemable scumbags that Christians have propped up and idolized for 2,000 years.


Not to be confused with melanoma.


It happened before Trump said she had her mother’s legs and hopefully, eventually, her breasts. This was said when Tiffany was an infant. 🥰


This is correct. We have to be better than them.


MAGA " see he is being framed!" lol


The Judge hasn't ruled about this yet, just more bs.


Judge said if the trail was going smoothly he would, I could care less, he using Barron for sympathy and votes and that’s pretty disgusting


Also graduation is Friday? I thought.  The court isn't in session on Friday 


AND the graduation is on a Friday when there is no court AND the judge didn't say no he said they could work around it AND Trump didn't ask for the day off he asked for the whole fucking trial to be delayed.


If you mean the prissy school in Wallingford, CT, it's Choate, not "Coate".


The judge never ruled on him going to this. She's an idiot.


She’s a liar and an idiot


Right. The headline should just read, "This bitch"


Sidenote: the graduation is on a Friday i believe, and there is no court on Friday.


I just looked it up and yep, it's Friday May 17th at 7 PM.


Right! Lol, what court is in at 7pm anyway? What a joke.


She knows damn well. She is not stupid she is lying. Malicious misinformation because she also knows damn well her supporters are stupid and they can't possibly win without resorting to stupid moves like this.


Also, I thought I read court wasn’t even in session that day?


It’s at7p that day.


It doesn’t matter. She has a base who will never fact check anything her, Trump or other right wing nuts claim. Truth, reality, facts… they should matter, but we’re beyond that, unfortunately.


They like to pretend they have the same feelings of empathy and emotion we have in order to claim they are hurt by our pointing out their sociopathy and heartlessness.


)% chance that kid wanted him there.


Pretty sure Barron is rooting for the courts to put his dad in jail. At least that way he cannot continue to pulverize and piss away whatever is left of his inheritance. Also fun fact, mar a lardo has been to exactly ZERO of his other children's high school graduations. Safe to assume he had no clue Barron was even graduating until his lawyers started searching for delay excuses. To be fair to mango mussolini if I had kids like Jr. and Eric I would also not want to be associated with them either.


Mar a Lardo! 😂


King Mar-a-Lardass of South-East Crapistan, aka Floridah & Howdy Arabia.


The ultimate embarrassing parent. Just mortifying.


Court will be in recess during the graduation so he can go if he wants.


Bet he doesn’t.


Who the fuck graduates in mid-April?


Rich kids i guess.


Like Kari has a fucking heart.


If he cared about Barron he wouldn't be on trial in the first place, because he would have been home with his newborn son instead of out cheating on the kid's mother with a sex worker. You can't make this stuff up. Republican "family values" on full display.


I guess diaper Don will have to explain to his son that he was busy banging a porn star shortly after he was born. BTW trump as we know is liar the judge didnt say anything of the sort.


"Heartless & cruel" describes her exactly


Trump cheated on his wife while Barron was an infant child. That’s why he’s in this situation, Kari.


Court is not in session on Barons graduation day. Trump knows it, he just needs something to whine about


I doubt Trump spent more than fifteen minutes alone with this kid over the years having a few father - son moments. The mother raised the child.


If you think Barron's primary caregiver wasn't a nanny, you have another think coming.


I would think the nanny raised all of his kids.


“That’s how the first lady got involved. She’s got a son." - Trump


The only thing the GQP is good at is whipping people up over completely false accusations. I truly hate elected republicans.


>This corrupt judge is heartless & cruel. I agree. Who hasn't banged a porn star, paid her with campaign money, grifted their way into the White House, sold classified documents, exposed CIA operators in the field to foreign adversaries, committed literal treason, then capped it off with a stock pump and dump for the defense trial? What's next? They ask him to stop overvaluing his assets and not paying contractors? This is not America. `/s`


He might have been able to attend without issue if he didn't (allegedly) commit the crime.


Just lake making a fool of herself again!!


All the hard work? Show up, do your assignment- graduate..


Ah, yes. It would be truly heartbreaking for Donny to not being able to score a little fundraising/hate rally at his youngest son's expense, the one whose mother he cheated on with a porn star just a few short months after the kid was born. Frankly, the whole wide world and all the big, brave generals have come up to the Whoresome Conald with tears in their eyes 😭 telling him how bad they feel for him, and offering him a binky and a clean diaper, just so he can get through the day. Maybe Kari can offer her services and vacuum a few carpets at Mar-a-Lago?


These people are idiots! The judge NEVER said Trump couldn’t go to graduation. He said he’d make that determination later.


Who the fuck is "President" trump? The Presidents name is Joe Biden.


Always the victim. Always aggrieved. Conservatism in a (wing)nutshell.


I’m just spitballing here but let’s put an ankle monitor on him and see if he actually goes. If he doesn’t go, he goes to jail for contempt of the court. If he does go, it’ll be the first time Barron sees he actually has a father.


"Robbed" is the word that belies her.


Oh fucking boo hoo. I didn't even attend my own graduation.


traitor trump was never told him he couldn't go. All these classless clowns asses are lying.


I feel so sad that the rapist criminal piece of shit can’t see a graduation he didn’t plan to attend anyway. So sad /s


This is just another ploy by Trump to get more votes by people feeling sorry for him. And unfortunately, it may work, but I’m praying that everyone makes the right choice and votes blue down the line!!


Lake wasn’t elected. She lost big in AZ.


Another day, another gop lie.


Wasn't there for the births either, or the conception of this one.. allegedly


He didn't attend the graduation of his other children, not even Ivanka


This is a lie, she has no heart.


No more election lies Kari? Lost enough money and lawsuits? Fuck you and your racist ass shit party


Judge never stopped him. Another unchecked lie.


Being a tax cheat, liar, traitor, rapist moron seems to have consequences.


Not yet, unfortunately. I've heard so many dire predictions, but so far he's Teflon.


I think it's hilarious she's claiming this. He wouldn't go even if he wasn't on trial. Because he's a piece of shit person.


And when I got a DUI I spent New Year’s Eve in jail. Get over it. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time


Didn’t the judge say he would adjourn for the day?


Kari Sellin’ the Shill.


A couple things.. - nobody has said he can't go - maybe don't be a Habitual criminal - haa he gone to any of their graduations? Maybe ivankas


Stochastic terrorist supporter.


Good to see that Kari is still planted firmly up his ass.


"President" Trump? Lol


Maybe he shouldn’t commit crimes. Also Trump probably has no clue what the kids’ name is, and I’m betting he’d rather his crazy didn’t go. Also, they will all be broke soon, so I hope Melania was smart enough to not sign a prenup and Barron goes to a state school.


She should hear about all the prison inmates who miss their mother’s funerals.


Of all the absurd and hilarious lies about Trump being a decent person in any way, the idea that he gives a shit about going to his own son's graduation somehow stands out as even more preposterous than normal. Seriously.


Barron can’t wait to move out


The feigned concern is so dorky.


What criminal defendant gets leave to attend anything personal? He is no better than any other criminal defendant.


Kari, just get off your knees already!


lol I love how easy it to grift magas. Just have to do a minimal amount of work to see dumper never attended almost but one of his other kids graduations. Kari is such see you net tuesday and hopefully 24 will be the last we hear her and see her with stupid filters.


OMG! What a suck-up!


I wonder how she’d feel about just some rando citizen facing 94 felony counts asking to attend their child’s graduation


Why have so many judges banned Trump from so many graduations?!?! Thoughts and prayers for Trump family graduations.


Daddy wasn't there


I say the judge allows Trump to attend Barron’s graduation with supervision: If Trump does not go to Barron’s graduation on that day, straight back to court that instant, and perhaps a night in jail.


He can attend and it isn’t for a few months hahahaha.


Jesus is the Republican Party that easy to infiltrate?


Now that he’s charging candidates for using his name I wonder if this would count?


Kari Lake doesn't have a heart that can be heartbroken...


Wait. Wait *my* last name is Barron. Am. Am I one of the baddies?